He took 12 rounds against Alexander and displayed great skill thanks to training under virgil, regardless of the challenge peterson would present stylistically Khan would destroy him i mean he almost did despite the fact that he was roided up with a ref helping him in addition to fighting a style taught by freddie which was not so effective for Khan as we have now seen.
He would struggle against him i have no doubt in my mind. Prescott was more dangerous for Khan at that point then Carson friggin Jones lmao and it came at at time were you'd think Brook would make light work off him but that's what happens when you fight bums all the time
But if tomato cans draw with fighters which are beaten by Brook we forget about that they were a tomato can right, and nah don't throw words him out about threat etc am just showing how biased you are towards brook
Lol your argument is ridiculous...
Khan lost to a tomato can lol...you're making out Breidis to be some threat...tell me who he has knocked out...lol he couldn't even knock out Mitchell who got ko'ed by Burns and katsidis...he couldn't knock out McCloskey who got stopped by a shot Chop Chop...he has ONLY knocked out Khan...lots of fighters have soft records from Colombia...soft records even have a nickname...a Colombian record

Julio Diaz is not more dangerous than Carson Jones...on what basis are you making an argument for Diaz?...you can call Carson Jones a bum if you want but you have no basis for saying he's worse than Diaz...
Lol the Khan under Freddie would have made light work of Alexander too...when we see Khan against a fighter who actually provides a stylistic challenge then you can start making these assertions...