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Buying shares?

At the moment.

rrl,xel,sou and tldh.

Looking at GBP and some of the gold miners that PIA has mentioned on this thread which I've been looking at quite closely but havent been able to invest through lack of available cash but as soon as I sort that out I will be taking an even closer look :P
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GBP is an 'under the radar' play on the offshore Namibia province where the ex-Head of M&A/New Ventures of Statoil is about to become CEO. I see it as a relatively low risk way to play the upcoming Q4 2011/Q1 2012 drilling campaigns due to be undertaken by TRP / CHAR and their Supermajor partners.

GBP Mkt Cap £30m and it has $20m cash and has 85% of a licence next door to TRP

Other UK-listed Namibia oil plays :-

TRP Mkt Cap £50m and it has free carry on first drill in it's licence with Arcadia (Arcadia 85%:Tower 15%)

CHAR Mkt Cap £200m with $100m cash and has 50% of licences with Petrobras and BP
Iluka (ASX:ILU) a $6.5bn Mkt Cap company has announced half-year results overnight. Revenue up 50%, EBITDA up 200%. Great pricing power in the current economic climate and excellent operational gearing. Bodes very well for SRX which is just a £100m Mkt Cap company but has very strategically important rutile/titanium resource. ILU Investor presentation explains why the market for rutile/titanium is going to remain in structural deficit for a good few years.



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Cramer's take


In brief gold was a measure of fear so good that it is rolling over, on stock front Home Depot up suggests consumers not doing all that bad, Bank of America went up suggesting some stabilisation in financials and Industrial cyclicals going up suggesting some more faith in economic growth.
News out from KMR as well

Statement by Michael Carvill, Managing Director:

"We are in a very positive product market environment and working hard to
increase current levels of production to enable us to take full advantage of the
increasing prices. The scheduled expiry this year of a number of lower priced
legacy ilmenite contracts will also support increased revenue generation given
the favourable pricing environment. We are also implementing the first expansion
of the Moma Mine, which will enable us to capture increased growth in the market
as well as increasing our existing market share, further enhancing Kenmare's
reputation as a major established supplier to the titanium minerals and zircon
An excellent email received from a City friend:

Why the US was downgraded...

• U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
• Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
• New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
• National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
• Recent budget cut: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

• Annual family income: $21,700
• Money the family spent: $38,200
• New debt on the credit card: $16,500
• Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
• Total budget cuts: $385
It isn't really a valid comparison of course.

National Debt is more like a mortgage than credit card debt and will be 'paid back' over generations. Also this particular household can print their own money. Finally there is the old adage if you owe the bank $100 it is your problem. However if you owe the bank $1m it is the banks problem. In this particular case the bank is china and they are just as dependent on the US as the US is dependent on them which helps to keep each other in line.

But yep the US is f'd and if they sneeze the rest of the world will catch a cold

Am sure this sort of 'down home' Tea Party propaganda plays well though to the thick redneck Americans it is designed to hoodwink.
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GCM Parliamentary committee to visit area in September a visit delayed from March
Market seems to have sold off into Bernanke.

That is the preferred set up in my opinion.

He is focussing on Fiscal policy. ie Up to Govt policy makers to pull their fingers out. Right idea to keep QE3 in reserve.
Think I will be buying next week.

St Legers Day coming.

Engineered Chinese soft landing and seasonal slowdown contributing to 'growth scare' but Copper has stayed quite strong and VIX setting lower highs so should roll over
pia - GCM, do you seriously think they are going to make any headway? Ultimately, its down to the politicians and will they have the resolve to give the go ahead. Also, the Indians have great influence over the current Govt and my guess is that the Indian mining companies (equals to Indian politicians) will not be too happy.
Sold a bit of VAL to buy more AGL.

The Parsortix circulating rumour cell cancer diagnosis thing could be massive if it works. AGL valued around 10m. Johnson & Johnson have paid as much as $200m for a competitor albeit one which seems more advanced.
I dont trust any politicians and Hasina and some others are real scum but there are some making diligent efforts in Bangladesh and having a third party like JICA which could finance coal development is a big tick in the box. ultimately Bangladesh can't afford not to utilise their own resources and even if it takes 5-10 years the potential e reward is worth it
Monetary policy must be responsive to changes in the
economy and, in particular, to the outlook for growth and
inflation. As I mentioned earlier, the recent data have
indicated that economic growth during the first half of this
year was considerably slower than the Federal Open Market
Committee had been expecting, and that temporary factors can
account for only a portion of the economic weakness that we
have observed. Consequently, although we expect a moderate
recovery to continue and indeed to strengthen over time, the
Committee has marked down its outlook for the likely pace of
growth over coming quarters. With commodity prices and other
import prices moderating and with longer-term inflation
expectations remaining stable, we expect inflation to settle,
over coming quarters, at levels at or below the rate of 2
percent, or a bit less, that most Committee participants view
as being consistent with our dual mandate.
In light of its current outlook, the Committee recently
decided to provide more specific forward guidance about its
expectations for the future path of the federal funds rate. In
particular, in the statement following our meeting earlier this
month, we indicated that economic conditions—including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for
inflation over the medium run—are likely to warrant
exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least
through mid-2013. That is, in what the Committee judges to be
the most likely scenarios for resource utilization and
inflation in the medium term, the target for the federal funds
rate would be held at its current low levels for at least two
more years.
In addition to refining our forward guidance, the Federal
Reserve has a range of tools that could be used to provide
additional monetary stimulus. We discussed the relative merits
and costs of such tools at our August meeting. We will continue
to consider those and other pertinent issues, including of
course economic and financial developments, at our meeting in
September, which has been scheduled for two days (the 20th and
the 21st) instead of one to allow a fuller discussion. The
Committee will continue to assess the economic outlook in light
of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools as
appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a
context of price stability

Less than 2% but it is in existing tailings.

$120m of in-situ value per annum should be interesting for a $160m Mkt Cap stock
Pure Wafer plc ("Pure Wafer" or "the Company"), the provider of high quality silicon wafer reclaim services for many of the world's leading semiconductor manufacturers, is pleased to provide the following update on current trading.
The growth in the semiconductor market, as previously reported, continues, with investment in new 300mm chip manufacturing facilities announced by the leading foundries and other major chip manufacturers, some of which are due to come-on-line during 2011, giving further wafer reclaim opportunities.
Pure Wafer has also seen a benefit from the effect of the tsunami which hit Japan during February. Whilst damaging for Japan itself and our Japanese competitors, this has had a positive effect on volumes in our core wafer reclaim business.
With the increased volume sales from both the tsunami effect and the newly won business, we have been able to quickly scale up our operations to meet the additional demand.
Additionally, the Group is pleased to confirm that its solar panels business, which was established in March 2010 and is approved for accreditation under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme, continues to grow with an expanding order book in the domestic, commercial and public works sectors.
During August we have been notified that we have been awarded a contract for a local community housing scheme for roof-top solar PV systems which will commence in September with a potential total value of up to £1m Together with being shortlisted on two other major solar contracts in the public sector, this order will give Pure Wafer a solid foundation and track record in this* developing market which we believe is set to become a very important and successful part of our business.
The increased volume business in wafer reclaim, together with the increased volumes due to the Japanese tsunami and the rapidly growing solar business has resulted in an increased working capital requirement. To assist in our working capital management we have agreed with our asset based debt providers a further 6 months moratorium, with capital repayments recommencing in January 2012 and being paid over a three and half year period concluding in June 2015. During the period of the extended moratorium all debt interest will be paid.
The Company further announces that it is expecting to release the Company's preliminary results for the period ended 30 June 2011, during the week commencing 31 October 2011.
Guys, tell something good related to Pak stock exchange. how much to invest and where and what wud be the outcome
PUR Mkt Cap £5m

Last results showed revenue of $25m
Debt $20m
Property/Plant/Equipment assets $38m

so assuming they increase turnover by 20%? Could EBITDA increase to $5m?

Add in the solar business which could do $5m of business from a standing start next year?

I would very tentatively suggest value wafer business at 5x EBITDA and solar business at 2x sales?

I come to £10m or 8p per share but huge sensitivity either way frankly. Will add a small amount to my small position
From Daily Mail market report tonight

Pure Wafer, a provider of ‘wafer reclaim’ services to increase semi-conductor manufacturers’ efficiencies, improved 0.25p to 3.88p after it reported that growth in the semi-conductor market has been continuing.

It has seen a benefit from the Japanese tsunami in February. It has had a positive effect on its core wafer reclaim business.
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Not something you'd want to advertise I guess winning business due to a natural disaster
Good posts on pure wafer pia thanks once again.

More information on the wafer reclaim market can be found on semi.org which forecasts reasonable growth for the overall market in the next few years.

Wouldnt place too much expecation on their solar panel plans though.

A nice RNS out this morning. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch the market today, as I have to attend a stupid speed awareness course.
Tom Bulford saying tonight he has two very small exciting plays in his next RHPS issue due over weekend.

But he ain't giving clues because people have been guessing them!
Tom Bulford saying tonight he has two very small exciting plays in his next RHPS issue due over weekend.

But he ain't giving clues because people have been guessing them!

Look out for your September issue tomorrow...

There – that’s all. I told you it was a short one. Next week and over the coming few weeks, there should be plenty of news, hopefully good news.

Remember, I don’t update on companies if there is no news. So if you are worried about any shares in particular, and there has been no news, then stay firm. We can only ever know what the companies tell us – so we need to wait for that.

Make sure you tune in tomorrow. Your September Red Hot Penny Shares will be with you early evening, as usual. I’ve got two very exciting new penny shares for you.

They are two very small companies, but very big opportunities. I daren’t say more... because there’s always some reader who thinks it’s a good idea to paste their guess in a chat room... and before you know it, the rumour mills are turning.

All I’ll say is that I think you’ll love these two. And they are offering some great upside potential too.

Look out for my email tomorrow.

Best wishes,
GCM looks like Polo want to auction it to ? Peabody, Glencore, Xstrata , China ?

Strategic value is 800-1600p so auction starting price 400p ?
Bought a chunk more GCM.

POL are now fully engaged and they have a little black book of contacts which is very exciting. They are bringing someone in alongside themselves and given they just sold a coal company to the Chinese...

Expecting GCM to start generating column inches and then people will realise the incredible value upside.

Excellent post by marben on iii BB.
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pia - perhaps he should start thinking about doing a quarterly as appose to monthly..... He has been very un-inspiring in 2011... with the exception of few tips like Summ but you had it covered here before he go onto it. Did you tell him?
No I have only mentioned PUR to him and he said he would take a look.

I don't have much value to add on bio stocks so appreciated his write up on it he does have a knack for explaining things in a compelling fashion.
man i've been investing in my company's share and then in north american and asian equities (mostly shares). North american ones not resulting in profit though. Only the ones invested in china and brazil (emerging markets) are giving me some profit. I'll read this thread and see wwhat I learn new....
man i've been investing in my company's share and then in north american and asian equities (mostly shares). North american ones not resulting in profit though. Only the ones invested in china and brazil (emerging markets) are giving me some profit. I'll read this thread and see wwhat I learn new....

Since you are in Canada, research Africa Oil......
Saw this link to Trader Edge magazine recently (it seems to be mainly an advertising vehicle but..)

Contains a decent interview with Bollinger of Bollinger Bands fame...

a snippet :-

Finally, what is one thing traders can do now to improve their trading?

Traders need to learn to trade themselves. That is a function of the idea of discipline. When you feel too good you really ought to be selling something. When you’re feeling really bad you ought to be buying something. You need to understand your psychological make-up and learn to take advantage of it and not let it take advantage of you.

If that means you have to become a systematised trader then, perhaps, that’s what it means.

As an intuitive trader, you know that when you start checking the gains in your portfolio too often it means you ought to be backing off. If you’re under the desk and unable to look at your portfolio it probably means you ought to be in there buying something.

Understanding who you are and how you react to the market in different situations and taking advantage of that knowledge is vitally important to a trader’s success.

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My mea culpa on LKI seems to have gone missing in the recent Pakpassion snafu

LKI - pretty disastrous profit warning after their rape crop seemingly got decimated by bad weather in Ukraine

Ultimately I still think the value is in the strategic landholding rather than any one years harvest so I will look to buy more here
SRX - received a bid although only at 25p having been mentioned here in June at 14-16p. I doubt the bid will go through as ultimate value on that one looks closer to 80p than 20p.
GON is looking very strong chartwise. Mentioned it here at 2p a few months back and despite recent market volatility it is now 5p. Has amazing potential with 3 businesses.

1. Super Soccer Star - in association with Chelsea FC a sort of X Factor TV show exported to Indonesia and Colombia.

2. Croco - little giveaway toys in cereal packs as merchandising or promotional tool.

3. Chinese online MMORPG gaming. Zynga IPO upcoming could give useful read across on valuation. Zynga will be valued at 40x SALES !

All that for just £8m ! Directors own about 30% so their interests should be aligned with shareholders.
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Interesting goings on in The City re Falklands.

RKH is now regarded as being a humungous find but shares are changing hands from Retail shareholders to Institutions.

FOGL and BOR seem to be on the move as the start of their drilling (Dec2011/Jan2012) approaches. I expect given the start of drilling is around New Year Tip season they will get a lot of attention around then.
Been having a look at a lot of charts over the weekend. To find one looking this strong after the market correction we have had suggests this is held by 'strong hands' and the potential upside looks interesting.



The guy who runs the website above reckons GON Chinese ops now has 350,000 active users. Apparently other Chinese online MMORPG sites achieve revenue of $4-7 per user per month. Sounds nuts but that'd be annualized revenues of potentially $16-28m on annualized basis. So about £10-17m. Some of these listed Chinese gaming companies trade on 5-10x sales so if that all holds true GON could be worth £50-100m. That'd imply a share price of 6-12x current level. Huge upside to go for, have a significant position already just waiting for company to confirm some of this speculation. If they do I would buy significantly more.
Thanks for that mate. Bought a few at 3.5p on your recommendation, so already up - and in a dead market.

What is the anticipated newsflow, and how often do they give trading updates?
Do read the blog above that guy has it under 24 hour watch!

Last September they had 3 RNSes with a (bad) Trading Update on 30th Sept

The other newsflow to watch out for is Zynga IPO which is due some point in next few months and should be $20bn valuation on $500m sales
Someone posted this article on sres iii board about how to pick gold mining companies....

With gold miners in general attractively valued relative to the gold bullion price, the question becomes: Which stocks are the most compelling and have the best leverage to robust precious metals prices?

First, an investor could begin the process through elimination. FINRA highlighted some of the key warning signs when analyzing gold stocks, such as claims of being a “buyout target,” or speculative claims about reserve growth, and grandiose predictions of exponential growth, to name a few. FINRA says investors should be wary of “free lunch” programs that claim profits in gold are “easy,” and we agree.

Research from geologist Robert Sibthorpe shows that only one in 2,000 (0.05 percent) companies would ever find 1 million ounces of gold, and that only a third of those would be able to turn that find into production. In addition, research from Barry Cooper at CIBC shows that these discoveries are becoming even more difficult. There were 51 gold/copper porphyry discoveries of +3 million ounces during the 1990s, but only 24 of such discoveries occurred during the 2000s.

In order to find the diamonds in the rough, I use what I call “The Five M’s” for mining stocks. I discussed this process thoroughly in The Goldwatcher: Demystifying Gold Investing, an investor’s guidebook to gold investing I co-authored with John Katz a couple of years ago.

The Five M’s are: Market cap, Management, Money, Minerals and Mine life cycle.

1) Market Cap

Market cap is simply the number of shares outstanding multiplied by the stock price. The gold sector is broken down into three sectors by market cap: Seniors (market caps >$10 billion), intermediates (between $2 and $10 billion) and juniors (<$2 billion).

If a gold company has 10 million shares outstanding at $1 per share, the company is valued at $10 million. The question any investor should ask is, “Is this company really worth $10 million?” If the market pays $25 per ounce of gold in the ground, the company should be valued at $25 million (1 million ounces in reserves X $25 an ounce). If the company’s market cap is only $10 million, it may look undervalued. Accordingly, if the company’s market cap is $50 million, it may appear to be overvalued.

For larger gold companies, an investor can measure a company’s market cap against its production level, reserve assets, geographic location and/or other metrics to establish relative valuation. For junior mining companies—an area of focus for our World Precious Minerals Fund (UNWPX)—we look for balance sheets with ample cash for exploration and development of prospective reserves, but we resist paying more than two times cash per share.

2) Management

Essentially, management of mining companies must have both explicit and tacit knowledge to be successful. Explicit knowledge is academic. How many PhDs or masters in geology/engineering does company management have?

Tacit knowledge is more personal in nature and much more difficult to obtain. It is acquired over time through first-hand observation, experience and practice. How many years have they worked in the industry? Has management ever successfully completed a project with similar geopolitical/environmental constraints?

Success in the mining sector, especially the juniors, relies on the ability to raise capital and communicate with investors. Often the heads of junior companies are geologists or engineers who have no relationships in the brokerage business. This lack of relationships impedes their ability to generate market support. Historically, companies with the highest number of retail shareholders have the highest price-to-book ratios and carry higher valuations than peers.

Some of the most successful company builders in the gold-mining industry are what I call the “financial engineers” – people who have the relationships and understand the capital markets and who know how to hire the best geological and engineering teams. We tend to have more confidence investing in them.

3) Money

Mining is an expensive business. Often, companies burn through substantial amounts of capital before generating their first $1 in cash flow. A gold exploration company has to deliver reserves per share to have a chance at another round of financing. It has to convince the capital markets that it is an attractive investment on a per-share basis.

We call this the “burn rate”—how long will the company’s current cash levels last before it has to return for additional financing. If a junior exploration company has $15 million in cash reserves and is spending $3 million a month, it has five months to deliver enough reserves per share to convince capital markets it is worth the risk.

This calculation can be done quickly. Exploration reserves are generally valued at one-third the reserve values of a producing mine—if producing reserves are valued at $150 an ounce, exploration reserves would be $50 per ounce.

The gold-equities market is generally efficient at judging reserves per share, so if the exploration company doesn’t come up with the results necessary to get an evaluation—find gold for less than $50 an ounce—investors quickly lose confidence. There is an old rule when it comes to exploration companies: don’t pay more than two times cash per share if there are no proven assets in the ground.

4) Minerals

Compared to the rest of the mining sector, gold companies have the highest industry valuations based on price to earnings, price to cash flow, price to enterprise value and price to reserves per share.

Companies operating mines that produce gold as well as industrial metals tend to have lower valuation multiples. For example, the current price-to-earnings ratio for Freeport-McMoRan (FCX), is 8x-times forward earnings. This is considerably lower than Yamana (20x), Goldcorp (21x) and Agnico-Eagle (36x). Investors can use the low relative valuations of copper/gold producers to increase their margin of safety in anticipation of an upward move in gold prices.

5) Mine Lifecycle

There are many delays and disappointments during the development and operation of a gold mine. Input costs can rise out of control (such as what happened in 2008 when oil hit $140 per barrel), labor workers can strike, and political/environmental policy shifts such as higher taxes or stricter environmental regulations can shrink margins.

During the exploration and development phase, the price of a gold stock often follows a course that ends up looking like a double-humped camel (see graphic). First there’s euphoria over exploration results that are better than expected. The stock price rises as investors race to buy shares. Then reality sets in – this gold discovery is still years away from being an actual producing mine. At this point, there’s a huge correction in the stock price.

Assuming the company continues down the path to development, its share price drifts sideways until around six months before the first ounce of gold is expected to be produced. At this point, the stock begins a strong new leg up when a more sophisticated set of shareholders come into the market. Eventually the price drops off and then levels as the speculative money moves on to the next hot opportunity and the company transitions from explorer to producer.

U.S. Global’s Expertise

Clearly, the task of picking which gold miners to invest in isn’t easy. We actively travel to mining projects in places such as Colombia, Panama and West Africa to “kick the tires” and ask tough questions of management. This is the value that our investment team at U.S. Global Investors provides for our shareholders and how we seek to generate alpha.

Don’t forget to sign up for A Case for Investing in Gold, a special webcast with Frank Holmes and special guest Jason Toussaint, managing director of the U.S. and Investment for the World Gold Council. Time: September 6, 2011 at 4:15pm ET. Sign up here.

U.S. Global Investors, Inc. is a boutique investment management firm specializing in gold, natural resources, emerging markets and global infrastructure opportunities around the world. The company, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, manages 13 no-load mutual funds in the U.S. Global Investors fund family, as well as funds for international clients.

Please consider carefully a fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and other important information, obtain a fund prospectus by visiting www.usfunds.com or by calling 1-800-US-FUNDS (1-800-873-8637). Read it carefully before investing. Distributed by U.S. Global Brokerage, Inc.

Gold, precious metals, and precious minerals funds may be susceptible to adverse economic, political or regulatory developments due to concentrating in a single theme. The prices of gold, precious metals, and precious minerals are subject to substantial price fluctuations over short periods of time and may be affected by unpredicted international monetary and political policies. We suggest investing no more than 5% to 10% of your portfolio in these sectors
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GBP did well today but todays rise doesn't really reflect the new information that they have a potential 7bn barrels to go at. It puts them almost in the CHAR,BPC,FOGL league. Admittedly a lot of this is just prospective and has to be proved up by further studies and analysis and finally and ultimately the only 100% answer will come from the drillbit which still looks at least a year off for GBP although they could ride on coattails of TRP and CHAR's drilling campaign in next few months.
GON some selling over last few days from a big holder got absorbed and stock went higher.

Today confirmation of previous selling and hardly any volume but stock goes down. I picked up a few more and will probably buy a few more tomorrow as well.
I went to the SXX AGM yesterday. Excellent presentation by BoD, and the CEO reckons we should be 'at 50p within months'. Ramping?... perhaps.

The two biggest barriers in place that are preventing institutionals from investing are funding and planning permission. The Chairman (Catlow - ex FMG) reckons planning wont be a problem as there are 10k local jobs at stake and senior Government officials have been in the loop since the beginning.

The CEO (Fraser) doesnt think funding for the proposed new plant in Yorkshire is an issue - he should know as he was the main finance lead for Citi Group when they funded FMG's billion dollar expansion.

There are lots test drills planned (11 before end of 2011) and results from these alone should increase the SP. They know potash is there from previous drills, but quantity will be driving factor.

Excellent and capable BoD (possibly the best in AIM IMO), diversified portfolio, known resource. All in all, very pleased with my investment here and may add to it in the next few weeks.
Having Liberum on board there is a good tick in the box. They are ex-Cazenove guys and have pukka links with some of the biggest and best Institutional Investors in London. Imagine they will be taking them on a roadshow in the near future.
Agreed pia.

The lead from Liberum was there, and did a 5 min presentation. DIdnt really say any thing incisive, but did say that many institutionals are watching the results of the drills carefully. Unfortunately, he ****ed off sharpish, and wasnt available for the mingling afterwards.
Jaspa and pia - what you guys think of XTR now after the takeover of ELKO... mcap around £19m and now owns 1/3 of the Luna drill (Danish North Sea) which could be worth around 300 MB of oil for XTR. It was meant to be in September but now delayed till December.
Isnt long-term funding still the primary issue of XTR? It was when I last looked at it a few months ago, but I admit it has slipped off my radar since then so dont know the updates...
yes XTR long term funding is an issue but it is funded for this punt on Luna and given it is a 1 in 10 Chance of Success on about 120m? bbls to them then they should be valued at probably closer to at least half (binary) chance of that 1 in 10 shot coming in ?

so assuming $10/bbl

XTR should be worth 0.5 x 120m bbls x 0.10 x $10/bbl = $60m i.e. c.£40m

That doesn't look that great odds but does suggest some upside and then presumably they'll try to raise some cash on euphoria pre the drillbit hitting the TD ?

Not a fan of XTR myself but they do also have that Chevron royalty potential and Noreco who are drilling Luna do have good drilling success rate with some suggesting they have some special sauce oil sniffing tech ?
Any dentists out there ?

3DD ? 3D Diagnostic Imaging apparently some celebrity dentist guy just invested ? Balance sheet was an issue, maybe not so much now given they got a placing away at mid price and even in this market the stock is flatlining ? looks potentially interesting tech ?

The additional capital has been raised by way of a subscription by the management team of 3D and by Stefan Kaltenbach, the head of Orange Dental and a well-known and highly respected figure in the dental industry, for an aggregate of 11,250,000 new Ordinary Shares and by way of two separate placings with existing investors for an aggregate of 59,250,000 new Ordinary Shares, in each case at a subscription price of 2 pence per share (together the "Fundraising"). The price equates to the mid-price at the close of business on 21 September 2011.

James Noble, Chairman of the Company said:

"The proceeds of this fundraising will put 3D on a solid foundation to fulfil its growth strategy. We have recently negotiated several international distribution deals for our world leading CarieScan PRO dental decay detection device and now need further funding to ensure that we have the best opportunity to roll out this product globally in conjunction with our partners.

I would also once again thank our shareholders for their continued support and welcome our new investors to the Company. This is an exciting time for 3D as we begin to commercialise our technology."
3DD came to market in November 2010 @ 6p valuing the company at £10m

Traded just north of 8p

Now 2p and valued at c.£5m after the fundraising today
Why I own this unloved property share

From Tom Bulford

“To be honest, I don’t know how we got here…” says a reflective Paul Bassi.

Bassi is Birmingham’s best known property investor. I spoke to him recently at his elegant head office in the heart of the city’s financial district.

Bassi was referring to the snowball success of his company, REAL ESTATE INVESTORS (RLE). He is modest – he says that RLE has grown by simply matching thick 11% yields on Birmingham property to 4% borrowing costs. That’s an incredible proposition.

Think about it – even if Bassi’s properties were half empty he could easily cover his interest bill. This is a far cry from the early 80’s. Back then, he had to borrow at 7%-8% to buy properties yielding 5%-6%. But even so, Bassi was able to make his fortune through a combination of rising property values and an eye for a good deal.

Bassi had plenty of competitors then. Now he has none. “ST MODWEN (SMP) goes for regeneration projects and MUCKLOW (MKLW) wants industrial sheds”, he explained. RLE is the only buyer in town and he is still doing the deals to prove it.

Provincial property makes London seem like a real rip-off

Last week Bassi snapped up a retail park in Derby, a modern office block in Leicester and a retail and office block in Birmingham. He paid £13m for an annual rent roll of £1.55m (a yield of 11.8%), and sees plenty of opportunities to improve the latter. Real Estate Investors now owns some £75m of property and has the financial firepower to boost this to £100m.

The City, though, is showing no interest. Perhaps in one respect Real Estate Investors is a victim of its own smart purchasing. With few deals taking place in the local market, valuers are struggling to find yardsticks. “So when I buy a property on 11% yields,” says Bassi, “that sets the standard. The valuer then assesses all of my other properties on the same yield basis, which trims their asset values”.

Such are the inadequacies of comparative valuation techniques, but Bassi perceives a second problem – London. “Nobody wants to invest in UK property today unless it’s in London”, he reckons. He is dismissive of big institutional property investors, such as the insurance companies. He accuses them of selling out of dirt cheap Midlands properties “which they have probably never even visited” in order to plunge their money into London properties that yield not 11% but 3.5%.

And he has little time for City financiers either. “They think that Birmingham property is nothing more than derelict factories,” he told me. “But”, he said, “we are not buying rubbish.” With that, he showed me glossy photographs of his recent property purchases and said: “You could eat your breakfast off the floor, Tom!”

Birmingham is on the rise

Bassi is buying properties with good tenants, with scope to boost rental income, and at prices below building costs. He is also buying them at prices far below those paid in the past. We took a brief stroll to look at two of Real Estate Investors’ other buildings. “We paid £4.5m for that one,” he said pointing at an elegant facade in Colmore Row, “but the guy we bought it off paid £6m for it in 2002.”

Like any good property developer, Bassi has all the numbers at his fingertips, and knows exactly what is going on in Birmingham’s property scene. But his optimism is not founded solely on a grasp of the numbers. He senses that Birmingham is on the rise. “We had our crisis long before Lehman went bust,’ he explained. ‘We have been looking after ourselves ever since the closure of the Longbridge car plant in 2005.”

And there is a second factor that Bassi, himself of Sikh Asian origin, understands well. Birmingham, he told me, will be the first UK city to see its immigrant population outnumber its “home grown.” These immigrants are hard-working, entrepreneurial and they support their families. With their impetus Birmingham’s residential market is active and, contrary to popular belief, the local banks are lending again.

I have met Paul Bassi three times and have been a shareholder in Real Estate Investors since our first meeting in 2007. I rate him as a smart operator and, although he will not admit it, he is ambitious too. Having featured in the Sunday Times Rich List, Bassi can already take his place among Britain’s most successful property tycoons.

So far my shares have not done me much good and I am certainly no great bull of UK property. But when eventually the sector hauls its way out of the trough, Birmingham and Bassi could be a winning combination.
XTR have £12m equity line agreed..... presumably to take care of things if they do strike in Luna.

Dutch North Sea project has been handed over to Chevron, if they do strike oil/gas, they will get royalties (5%?) on production sales as well as past costs on the project.

From what I can make out, their near term future hinges on Luna (01/11).

On both areas 01/11 and 02/05, the perspective oil in place from XTR Annual report:

In February 2011, an updated independent Competent Persons Report was prepared for Elko by TRACS International Ltd (“TRACS”) covering the 02/05 and 01/11 licence areas in order to quantify the hydrocarbon resource base. Upon completion of the farm in, the total net attributable prospective resources to Elko reported in the CPR for the Rotliegendes Lead A, the Luna prospect and the Chalk Channel are 2,044 billion cubic feet, under a gas scenario and 747 million barrels under an
oil scenario.

Interestingly, to get 01/11 area (~1500 square km), they had to relinquish ~3600 square km from the 02/05 license.
Just received an email that trading through the shareprice mobile app is at £1 per trade until further notice.
Any ideas on what to trade? Just hunkering down myself circling the wagons on my high conviction positions getting rid of the insignificant and losing positions.

Trying to steer clear of anything too economically sensitive e.g. iron ore, coking coal etc or without some definite upcoming catalysts.
re XTR some good observations by sloppyg on advfn re that one.

CRV being mentioned on advfn also.0.4 but recent placing at 1.25

SUMM chart looking good
My big question with my portfolio is its fine to concentrate positions on quality but if and when the turn comes the stuff that's going to really move is the crap like during the March 2009 dash for trash?
you guys seen the Alessio Rastani crash Goldman Sachs run the world rant on BBC today ?
Any ideas on what to trade? Just hunkering down myself circling the wagons on my high conviction positions getting rid of the insignificant and losing positions.

Trying to steer clear of anything too economically sensitive e.g. iron ore, coking coal etc or without some definite upcoming catalysts.

You could always trade DES :rana

I am looking to rid my portfolio of some boring shitty positions, and go with RRL this week. XEL looks interesting too, if the DECC approval milestones met in the next few weeks.
You could always trade DES :rana

I am looking to rid my portfolio of some boring shitty positions, and go with RRL this week. XEL looks interesting too, if the DECC approval milestones met in the next few weeks.

I would be shocked if RRL reached TD in Georgia this week....but I will be happy if they finally bloody well did!

News on Puntland mobilisation maybe....
I wasnt talking about results this week mate, just that I may take opportunity of the low prices this week...
Some really good investors spotted AGL

advfn BB particularly good

10m company with major cancer diagnostic tech

Confident this should now be a 5+ bagger eventually