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pia/jaspa - you guys still have positions there? Any hope of anything positive in the near future?
I sold months ago at 300, which was a 20% loss. Thank **** I did!

I lost confidence in GoB, which has made the impossible happen - they make Zardari look half competent.
Was following it for a while when it was around 200, checked recently and it has drifted down to 70 since then....... you made a good decision to get out!
Red hot penny shares tips this month

Powerhouse Energy
Sirius Minerals
Tertiarly Minerals
The mods seem to have banned pia for seemingly having an opinion. Shameful stuff.
For daring to remind the PP team (on another thread) that they too once had fairly cordial links with the Majeed brothers.
Thats ridiculous! Man was a legend shame on the mods.

Jaspa is it a temporary or permanent ban?
For daring to remind the PP team (on another thread) that they too once had fairly cordial links with the Majeed brothers.

Thats not an opinion... more of a statement of fact.

I remember one article by Azhar Majeed criticising the Pakistani captain of the time Younis Khan..... He must be referring to that.

Anyway I am sure lessons have been learnt since then and no need for PP team to be so touchy about it as it does not make them guilty by association.

I'll be sending a msg to MIG shortly.
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Red hot penny shares tips this month

Powerhouse Energy
Sirius Minerals
Tertiarly Minerals

Powerhouse energy up over 60% today..... You really have to be in them before he tips them

Mainly thanks to work of pia786........ MST could be a likely candidate in the upcoming issues based on all the hints and snippets TB was providing few months back.
He should never have been banned in the first place. This place is poorer without his knowledge.

Thanks EE, I'll pass on the message.
It is indeed poorer Jaspa. My feeling is that few clear the air emails will resolve the issue.
Don't think so mate. He's been told that ban is permanent. I'm sure admin have their reasons but I think banning someone for having a different view is not the answer.
That is poor mate if thats the case. But my conversation indicated that he can "discuss" the ban with the mods which led me to believe it was not permanent as such if things could be ironed out.
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Finally had some spare change to buy something after a long time :hamster:

Thought 62p this morning was a reasonably good price to get into FOGL.
Seriously thinking of top-slicing my SXX profits after the next test drill results (next two weeks).

pia has given me plenty of food for thought on potential investments.
Not having luck with entry points at the moment...

Was thinking of buying XTR few weeks ago.... goes up nearly 100% before I get my act together.

Just yesterday was thinking of taking a small holding in SAC oil... bang up 40% today ....

FOGL the same... languishing in the low 50s until I make a firm decision to buy... starts to rocket to 70s

AUL and EOG have news coming out in the next few weeks. Not have a position in either, going by recent history I'll watch it for it to go up 100% before I convince myself to buy :)

Thinking of buying some Marauder on TSX.... 80% puntland offshore and 38% on one of the onshore blocks and mcap currently 12m.There will be an almighty dilution or series of dilutions but not at these prices just yet or more likely they will bring in AOC/Horn as farm in partner and operator offshore.
EE are you still Invested in RMP?

Mind giving me a brief breakdown of whats going on / future plans?
DV - I went back into RMP and thought my price of 17 was great but few weeks later, it turns out not.. Do not buy until the RNS about Georgia comes out one way or the other. If you are not invested then you might get a fantastic opportunity for an entry price lot lower than now if Georgia news is bad.


Drilled up to 1500m and slowed down due to a large granite layer. They did not expect to hit this Granite layer till lot further down until they reached the target depth of 3500m. Usually these granite layers either act as a ceiling or a floor for where the oil is located. So basically, their interpretations and data was useless and they decided to carry out another seismic technique (VSP) on the open hole they drilled. This will tell them what lies beneath and based on this they will decide whether to carry on drilling or abandon the well. Because the drilling has been slow, they will need to decide whether its economic to continue or not.

If they come back and say this is the current layer of granite is the floor then they would have got the TD wrong by over 2000m, which is bordering on the incompetent and for me brings in doubt the interpretation of the entire Goergia acreage.

RMP's costs are capped but if they are over budget then Range and Strait have to stump the cash. I think there are political manouverings going on behind the scenes which is delaying the decision on the well. Range would like to move on and abandon the well because they have other producing assets but for Strait (not a listed company) and RMP there is lot riding on this well. There is talk that Strait are the big seller in Range to stump up the money to carry on with the drilling. Range actually owns 50% of Strait too and this was paid for by undertaking a 2d seismic program over the Georgia acreage and issuing Range shares to Strait. RMP are within their rights to suggest, we don't care about the cost, a deal is a deal we have to drill to TD regardless.


It is what is..... No one can say when it is going to be announced. The deadline for first well to be spuded in puntland by Horn is Tuesday 15th November.

If all goes to plan with Puntland in the next few weeks and months, RMP will most probably be the share of 2011/2012. Be mindful they still need to raise money for second Puntland drill.

My expected news stream for RRL and RMP:

1- Georgia - Abandon and move onto next target. Involves Range and RMP.

2- TT CPR upping proven reserves and flow rates. Involves Range only.

3 - Texas well spudded and major reserves upgrade. Involves Range only.

4 - Puntland spud or results announced. Some say Puntland has already been spuded and waiting to reach TD before they announce this. Range actually said in their annual report that well in puntland was spuded by Horn petroleum, only to amend the report after few days!

5 - Puntland offshore and one onshore deal announced with Marauder (Canadian). Reportedly only involves Range currently but RMP maybe allowed to come in too.

Warnings - RMP have no other worthwhile assets other than 20% Georgia and 20% Puntland. Georgia is already looking a bit iffy and Puntland is a big enigma so make sure you take into consideration the risks if you stake some money in RMP.

My own strategy is high risk and high reward. I am heavy in range and then I will switch majority money into RMP once puntland spud/results news comes out.
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Thanks a lot for the post EE. I'm quite heavy into Range (not in monetary terms but as a percentage of my overall investments) but recently have not been paying much interest in whats going on.

I agree with you that Georgia news does seem bad so will probably wait till thats announced before making a move.


By the way when your dealing with small amounts of money like I am then High Risk / High Reward is the best strategy aswell :D
Hi I know Angle Plc has been mentioned here before. What do people make of their news today on Prostate Cancer?
Hi I know Angle Plc has been mentioned here before. What do people make of their news today on Prostate Cancer?

Busted flush, so pia786 reckoned before he was so ruthelessly banned. What do you think s28?
I was joking EE. He loves AGL, and places it in his top 5 stock picks for 2012:

Angle Plc (AIM : AGL) : Several major catalysts due over coming months on various of its Investee companies. Parsortix with the potential cancer diagnostic looks the real blockbuster targeting a potential $4bn p.a. market but Geometrics and Novocellus also have huge potential.
Thanks for the replies guys on AGL.

I have had a tip off from one of my City contacts that you should look at TAN. He sent me the following e-mail.

TAN has Market Cap of c.£45m but yesterday they announced IPO of their 27% investment in Smith Electric on Nasdaq with Brokers being UBS and Merrill Lynch. It was speculated as a $500-1000m IPO last year with Goldmans but now due to market conditions probably $500m?

Anyway there is already an Electric Vehicle company which IPO'd this year called Tesla and it is listed on Nasdaq with Market Cap $3bn on Sales last year of $100m.

Smith Electric had sales last year of $35m and so on the same Sales valuation metric should be valued at maybe $1000m.

Even using $500m to be conservative TAN's stake should be worth $130m which is probably worth about £80m or 80p per share for TAN shareholders. TAN currently trades at 46p.

TAN also have a Powered Access Platform business which does turnover of £50m a year also.

So all told it looks a decent value situation with upcoming catalysts.

Been scouring the share BB's for any good posts and come across this one

For anyone new - a bit of dyor on Parsortix

There's a webcast and presentation available http://www.angletechnology.com/newsfull.php?nId=108

What we have been told is that the cassette costs circa $25 to manufacture and GM of up to 90% - but let's be prudent and say GP of £50/cassette. The cassette is a disposable item and so each test needs a new cassette.

It is looking like the test will detect most/all? circulating tumour cells and for some/most/all? cancers CTCs might be detectable before any other syptoms.

So usage - here are some guesstimates -
Research from 2012
10k/annum increasing to 100k/annum by 2015 (GP - £0.5m - £5m/annum although initially might be provided free or at cost)

Diagnosis of possible cancer cases from 2013
10k/annum increasing to 1m+/annum over 10 years (GP £0.5m - £50m/annum)

Monitoring of those in remission - routine biannual testing from 2013
10k/annum increasing to 5m+/annum over 10 years (GP £0.5m - £250m/annum)

Preventative screening of healthy population in developed world from 2015
1m/annum increasing to 1bn/annum over 20 years (£s? - A silly number!!!)

Looks crazy but the company quote a US market of $4bn/annum so perhaps not that crackers!? ( and see presentation for Angle's early forecasts)

Market cap today circa £30m

We know what news to expect but we are just not sure when.

A bit (OK very) ramptastic I know but I honestly can't see any downside from here. It's just how much of the potential upside they can capture that is the question.

I hold and have no intention of selling any until I have seen the story unfold over the next few years

One final comment on TAN

Some of you may have heard of Simon Cawkwell ? He is also known as Evil Knieval one of the most feared shorters operating in UK markets. I believe he was short TAN a few years back when it fell from 1000p to 25p so he probably knows the situation well.

He has made the following comments today

I also pass on the following comments on Tanfield Group (TAN): "Tanfield has a book value c£38m (c.£8m is cash). The market capitalisation at 48p is c. £43m and they have a 27% holding of Smith Electronic Vehicles which has just issued its prospectus to list imminently on Nasdaq with UBS and Merrill as co-bookrunners. So, effectively, Tanfield is pretty much a free option on the IPO where the mooted valuation is $500-1bln. At $500m that works out to be 96p per share and at $1bn its 177p for Tanfield. To put this in perspective, Tesla, the electric sports car manufacturer, is valued at $3.5bln and where losses are currently of the order of $220+m p.a.." On this basis Tanfield is ridiculously cheap at under 80p and, on a technical basis, it is clear that Tanfield has broken upwards. It ain't coming back.
Thats after a 25% increase on Friday too.

Many reckon it could reach £5 by end of the week if rumours of Exxon and Chevron coming to tie-in with GKP are accurate.
Need a break in impass to stay over 200 for GKP...

Baghdad will not give up easily just yet...... This could be a way for Exxon to improve their terms with Baghdad over the fields in the south... $0.95 per barrel of oil produced or something like that currently.
The potential in Kurdistan is too big for the likes of Exxon not to be interested.

But I think you are right in that Baghdad won't lie down, despite the pressures that Exxon can exert.
The oil in Kurdistan is not in doubt but the problems are political. There are equally huge oil fields in the south and Exxon has huge interest there too. There are bargaining chips for Baghdad too.

The Kurds really need to do a South Sudan and make a break for Independence. But there is not much appetite for that especially with Turkey not wanting to see a prosperous and independent country for the Kurds...
Deadline approaching for Range and RMP with regards to spud/mobilisation of puntland well. RMP been motoring since Friday but my concern is that if there is no news from puntland and Georgia is a duster then it will crash to below 10.

Funny enough jaspa, we may have similar problems as GKP once oil in puntland is proved up! Hopefully we all would have sold out and be rich by then:)
Still don't get the reason for the disparity between RRL and RMP movements! It can't be puntland or Georgia so why the difference? Confused.

Only reason I can think of is the amended PSA deadline today for puntland and PIs wanting to get on board with RMP rather than RRL.
Jaspa - what do you think about Beowulf mining? Lot of potential but they need to raise funds soon.
BEM is on my watch list, especially given its current SP.

I saw a broker report a few months back that showed potnetial £3bn revenues over the next 15 years. The downside, as ever, is that they need cash and there are strong rumours of a placing.

Its in the right sector (pia's favourite!), multiple commodities (copper and iron), and I am assuming Sinclair-Poulton is still in charge (respected).

Its more of a medium term hold, and I am tempted if/when I bank some of my SXX profits over the next couple of weeks.
I cannot believe they did not raise when they were around 70! The JORC report came up with 132 million tonnes from one area which was less than what was expected. Just beginning to look into the company and all seems very good for the mcap now even with a looming placement.

I am not sure they will go for production, but sell it off once they prove it up and maybe why the reluctance to do lot of placements as one would have expected especially at the higher price. Good for share holder value.

AUL is another interesting play at the moment. There is stake building going on by 2 directors and Tosca asset management fund.
Jaspa and DV - Recieved an email from PL and he said decision on Georgia well in next few days. I asked him about Georgia and TT.
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Thanks for that EE.

I don't have a good feeling about Georgia tbh, because any good news would have leaked - especially with the number of different parties involved. The best I hope for is that there is oil there, but perhaps they have been drilling in the wrong place.

Of course, that doesn't explain why RMP is going through the roof - especially when it doesn't have TT or Texas to fall back on!
Maybe Georgia is good news afterall ... Long shot but possible. But my gut feeling is that it will be P&A.

I just hope they come out and say... we think oil is there below the granite but it would be wise to move onto the more shallow target ~ 1000 m.
With regards to RMP rise, maybe its a pump for a placing soon? They need to raise money for second puntland drill.
With regards to RMP rise, maybe its a pump for a placing soon? They need to raise money for second puntland drill.

All well and good, but you would expect a corresponding rise in RRL then - especially considering its more balanced portfolio. Still confused.
Response from PL about puntland spud.

" Progress in puntland is very advanced - timing is spudding in december this year "
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What is peoples view on SXX or have I missed the BOAT? Could go 40P before RNS.

Also GON looking good just topped up,

Also will ATC be worth looking at as news is out soon??
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delboy - I missed out... jaspa is it worth making an entry now in SXX? My fear is getting caught at the top.
What is peoples view on SXX or have I missed the BOAT? Could go 40P before RNS.

Also GON looking good just topped up,

Also will ATC be worth looking at as news is out soon??

SXX could be in the £ by next year, it is all dependent on test drill results in North Yorkshire and the billions required for funding.

They have the best BoD on AIM IMO, they will move to FTSE when SP hits 65p, and they have multiple projects all over the world.

The real value is in Yorkshire though, as that is the one closest to monetisation. If the further test drills currently being undertaken are equally successful, then they will undertake a JORC in Q1 next year. After that, the big boys will come prowling....

But it is also a share that attracts more than its fair share of traders and resulting volatility. A bad result and they will short like ****. Also, due to the large rise there will inevitably be some profit taking by long termers.

Definitely a long term share, though I would be wary of buying on the spike at the moment (500% rise in the last 4 months).

GON is in my portfolio thanks to pia, a respected ex-poster on here. He thinks it has the potential to 100 bag from where the SP is now. DYOR.
SXX could be in the £ by next year, it is all dependent on test drill results in North Yorkshire and the billions required for funding.

They have the best BoD on AIM IMO, they will move to FTSE when SP hits 65p, and they have multiple projects all over the world.

The real value is in Yorkshire though, as that is the one closest to monetisation. If the further test drills currently being undertaken are equally successful, then they will undertake a JORC in Q1 next year. After that, the big boys will come prowling....

But it is also a share that attracts more than its fair share of traders and resulting volatility. A bad result and they will short like ****. Also, due to the large rise there will inevitably be some profit taking by long termers.

Definitely a long term share, though I would be wary of buying on the spike at the moment (500% rise in the last 4 months).

GON is in my portfolio thanks to pia, a respected ex-poster on here. He thinks it has the potential to 100 bag from where the SP is now. DYOR.

Thanks I have GON in my portfolio as a long-term.
BEM done the placement today at 15p for £6.7m........ Also a third party wants to do due diligence on iron ore project and potentially buy entire project or part of it...

"In addition, Beowulf announces that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent with a third party which has expressed an interest in conducting a comprehensive six month due diligence exercise and analysis of Beowulf's iron ore projects at Kallak and Ruoutevare with a view to potentially tabling a proposal to acquire a majority interest in, or the whole of, the Company's iron ore assets subject, inter alia, to requisite shareholder and board approvals at such time. Shareholders should note that there can be no certainty that any proposal, on terms acceptable to the Board or otherwise, will ultimately be received and a further announcement will be made if and when appropriate."

Worth getting excited about or clever way of stopping the SP fall to the placement price?
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Unfortunately yes. All dependent on the PG-10 and PG11A drills. Still no confidence in Eng though.
Aerte AER (pronounced Air-tay) formerly known as Mid-States (MST) http://www.aerte.com

I attended the GM of Mid-States couple of days back to approve their Placing.

Mid-States plc (MST) will be changing it's name and ticker to Aerte (AER)

Having completed the placing to raise £1.7m net the company will have about 380m shares in issue. At 2p/share that gives a Mkt Cap of £7.6m (the actual share price is 1.75p but it's too difficult to work out the Mkt Cap in my head)

The company have some very interesting products based on research originally carried out by British military research scientists into combating Nazi chemical weapons.

The Company's products clean and disinfect air especially in closed environments such as hospitals where airborne infections can proliferate.

The most interesting aspect is the business model because it is one that investors love namely the Razor/Razorblade model. The idea being once you've sold the (low cost/low margin) 'Razor' your customers are 'locked' into buying your 'Blades' and thus ensures repeat business (at high margins).

Aerte expect to sell their higher end AD2.0 product (Commercial/Professional use) for c.£200 and the cartridge refills (6-12) per year should be about the same value again. (Cartridge last 30-60 days).
The lower end product 'Klean' (small Commercial/Domestic use) will cost c.£100 and again the cartridge refills cost per year should be about the same value again.

In terms of aesthetics the products look much sleeker and more stylish than the previous more 'industrial' product.

Still to come is a consumer level product in association with an 'Industry leader'. No idea who that is but if it were to be a genuine household name it could have huge potential.

Distributor strategy seems to be going well with a Chinese distributor talking about initial orders of 75,000 ! and having participated in decent size in the Placing.

The 75,000 volume level should be taken with a pinch of salt because it is a back end loaded forecast for the next year. Also the group only had orders for c.4k units in the year just concluded.

So it will require a big ramp up in production let alone sales distribution channels to get products to market.

However taking leave of one senses for the moment and assuming they do achieve sales of say 50,000 units @ £100

Then they would achieve revenue of £5m. More importantly the cartridge sales would then be at a run-rate of £5m p.a.

If they achieve £5m revenue the following year then they'd have a total of £10m sales and have built a further £5m p.a. of cartridge sales backlog.

Obviously the Distributors would have to get their cut but the model if it is established would be highly lucrative. You'd imagine the combination of Growth and high margin subscription cartridge sales would see such a stock be given a premium PE rating of 30-40x ! Thus if they can demonstrate profitability a few years out this could be a five/ten-bagger.

The cost does not seem prohibitive for hospitals, health centres, care homes etc as elimination/reduction of airborne infections could easily justify the costs proposed.

From the Placing RNS :-
Current Trading and Prospects

The Company recently announced that it has agreed the principal terms of a proposed distribution agreement with a Chinese company operating in the high technology sector and a member of a group of companies with combined annual sales of over £900 million. This includes minimum annual sales targets for the new product range with volumes of 75,000 ADs in the first year, beginning from 1 February 2012.

The Company is also leveraging its existing sales and distribution network. Discussions have commenced in other territories with the aim of ensuring that the Company has the best distributors for the new products. In 2012, the Company also intends to target new markets such as North and South America.

It is likely that sales from the new products will not increase until the second half of the financial year to 30 June 2012 once the distributors have been able to launch the new products and secure sales in their territories. Nevertheless, once the new products are fully launched, the Company expects sales volumes to be significantly greater than the sales volume for the existing AD device as indicated by the proposed sales volumes in China.

The development of the miniaturised AD for use in the domestic home is progressing well and this work has been critical to the development of the new AD2.0 and Klean products being launched. The Company continues to hold discussions with an industry leader as a potential commercial partner for this miniaturised AD product.

Commercial interest in the Company's products is building significantly
and the introduction of the additional Klean product has increased the markets available and the overall size of the opportunity.

The scuttlebutt a few months back was that Tom Bulford of RHPS was going to tip this company with a share price buy in limit of 2.5p and one year target of 8p. I can certainly see why he would be so enthusiastic.

I have a small position dating back to June/July bought at c.2p and happy to sit on it. Proof of concept in terms of volume sales could come within 6 months and Proof of sales/financials may take another 12 months so a bit of a 'sleeper' for now.

Nice to see them cranking up the PR http://mtbeurope.info/news/2011/1111018.htm
They will also be at the major Medica conference in Dusseldorf in a few weeks.
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Nice post s28 ;)

Was quite confused about the rrl fall and rmp rise myself but have held onto range and kept away from rmp for the time being.

Considering putting more in GKP, seriously undervalued but the political situation is quite volatile and dunno if its worth it.

Xcite is also one that is tempting me.
Nice post s28 ;)

Was quite confused about the rrl fall and rmp rise myself but have held onto range and kept away from rmp for the time being.

Considering putting more in GKP, seriously undervalued but the political situation is quite volatile and dunno if its worth it.

Xcite is also one that is tempting me.

We'll find out tomorrow about Georgia. Once the bad news, if it is that, gets out of the way, I'll be taking a larger position in RMP.

Getting a feeling that some sort of solution is on the cards between the Kurds and Baghdad.
We'll find out tomorrow about Georgia. Once the bad news, if it is that, gets out of the way, I'll be taking a larger position in RMP.

Getting a feeling that some sort of solution is on the cards between the Kurds and Baghdad.
Yeh I was looking to buy some RMP but will wait until the end of the month (pay day :amir), similar with GKP if its in the 160's at the end of the month will scoop some up.
EE - i am no expert on BEM

i do have an aversion to iron ore stories right now seeing as there seem to be so many of them
also they are very economically sensitive so when we get macroeconomic worries whether they be US growth worries or Eurozone debt default or Chinese hard landing they are the sort of stocks investors will take out to the woodshed...

BEM i witnessed present at a recent conference (namely the CEO Mr CS-P) he almost invited derision with his OTT hyperbole in promoting his company, such promotion tends to put experienced investors off as they can't trust such characters who lay out all the good news but omit the detail or the bad stuff or otherwise overpromise but fail to deliver

As you can see from the share price chart during the good times his style worked (3p to 70p) but in more bearish markets it has been counterproductive ; also key for many of these iron ore pretenders is infrastructure not deposit size. AFF seem to have a well financed neighbour ready to build a trainline through their property, have a large deposit and seem very cheap on most resource metrics.

My favourite iron ore play right now is AFF as they presented at another conference i attended recently and the CEO seemed a little more down to earth and self-deprecating and altogether less cocksure
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500% increase in P1 reserves in TT for range!

Still no decision on Georgia. It's clear they are waiting for punt land news first.
Excellent RNS from RRL. TT has now upped its p1 reserves by 490% to 15m barrels, worth £200m. That (and Texas) supports the SP nicely.

Georgia news to follow.
Excellent RNS from RRL. TT has now upped its p1 reserves by 490% to 15m barrels, worth £200m. That (and Texas) supports the SP nicely.

Georgia news to follow.

These reserves are from just one part of TT....... This going to be RRL company maker. Increase in Flow rates will follow by the end of the year.

I am surprised they have not made a decision on Georgra. PL did say to me, Georgia decision expected in few days.
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My feeling is that Georgia news is being held back to protect RMP SP until puntland spud is announced.

We now know that RRL is now fully backed up by TT alone. Effect of Georgia is minimal here but very significant for RMP
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You are probably correct EE. But puntland has been delayed by a year already and it will be difficult to suppress Georgia news for too much longer.

As for PL, he is very good with pi's but is infamous for missing his 'promised' dates by several days
I was hoping for Georgia to be announced first... cannot help but feel bit of an own goal here...

Great RNS in most part but at the bottom telling you that Georgia is basically a P&A. Its no surprise that rise is being sold into today.
Jaspa - Now we know RMP was just a pump few days ago :)... As expected, its tanking today. Might be below 10p today