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Buying shares?

You'd be stupid NOT to take an employee share option up as itis effectively a risk-free investment.

If the shares go up you make a tax free bundle, if shares go down you have a savings account.

Plus normally, companies give you an element of free shares on maturity of your option.
Thanks i am bit blonde on this kind of thing but i am thinking of doing maybe £200 a month on a 3 year plan. Say for example the share remains at 3.06 and i bought them for 2.40 how much will i be sitting on?
Assuming you save £200 for 36 months, and your option price is 240p...

If the SP in 36 months is less than your option price (240p), you would receive your money back (plus a small amount of interest), i.e. £200 x 36 months = £7200

If the SP in 36 months is more than your option price (240p), say 306p, you would receive your money back plus profit, i.e. (£7200/240p buys 3000 shares which can then be sold on open market at 306p, yielding you a sum of £9180)
Had a family friend ask exactly the same question re her Asda Share Save Scheme this week. It is a complete no-brainer really.

In fact I think you may get friends asking you if they can give you their money to invest on their behalf into that scheme !
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I don't like it. Been following AOI for a long while since Simon Cawkwell mentioned it in his Diaries and always felt that was the best play on it. RRL has small interest and is diluted by it's other producing interests and I don't want the outright gamble of RMP. Will stay clear even if this find reduces risk of the 'fairway' it's quite a small find in the grand scheme of things just 300m barrels.
I don't like it. Been following AOI for a long while since Simon Cawkwell mentioned it in his Diaries and always felt that was the best play on it. RRL has small interest and is diluted by it's other producing interests and I don't want the outright gamble of RMP. Will stay clear even if this find reduces risk of the 'fairway' it's quite a small find in the grand scheme of things just 300m barrels.

Aoi I would concur... Just Look at the BODs past record!

There will be 3 drills this year.... Each recoverable around 300 mb...

The jewel in the crown is offshore which range will have carry through the siesmic stage.

There is a reason suddenly UK is interested in helping out Somalia.
VAL - small incremental news today but peer review journal publications are part of the process towards clinical trials that will be the real big news

ABH - holding up well after initial spike. News on Cramlington is expected. I'm playing greater fool theory here. Punters love this micro-sub-penny shares and this is low quality but that Cramlington facility is meant to increase capacity five-fold and Tom Bulford may be on the case given he tipped RENE and ABH are contract manufacturers for RENE.
New RHBA is out tonight from Tom Bulford

Talking about private company Oxford Nanopore can analyse your DNA/genes with a pin-***** of blood apparently, yeah straight over my head !

"Where are we going to invest next? Well, at the moment I have four companies on my watch list. These could be great ways to play the various themes I’ve outlined in my reports. If they stack up after my research, I’ll tell you about them in a future alert.

But today, let’s look at this broader area of gene sequencing and what Oxford Nanopore’s breakthrough means for the industry."

A brand new method for sequencing our DNA

Oxford Nanopore has set the bar at a new level, by using a new methodology. This involves sucking individual strands of DNA through nanopores – tiny holes just one hundred thousandth of the size of a human hair.

Each strand of DNA is made up of four nucleotides (a kind of molecule) called adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). As each DNA strand passes through the nanopore, it interrupts the passage of electrical current. The pattern of this interruption reveals the sequence of the base nucleotides.

Oxford Nanopore unveiled this methodology three weeks ago at the annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting in Florida. It also unveiled two new products. And these have sent a real ripple of excitement through the world of biotechnology.

The first of these products is called GridION and is about the size of a videocassette recorder. The first version contains 2,000 nanopores. By 2013 a version with over 8,000 nanopores is planned. And by stacking twenty of these and using them simultaneously, an entire human genome could be read in fifteen minutes.

But the one that really got people talking at this year’s AGBT is the smaller device, the MinION. It’s the size of a memory stick and fits into the USB slot on a computer.
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I mentioned oxford nanopore here last year during the great SAR spike.

Already quite a chunk of oxford nanopore is owned by illumina..
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ABH - looking like a breakout and consolidation, but volume perhaps not really giving full confirmation to breakout yet


VAL - Breakout on volume, consolidation and retest, and newsflow improving, Presentation due Proactive late March, looking interesting with Golden Cross as well I should buy more


PYC - not acting great, little follow through to recent 'big deal with Pharma', need some convincing on fundamentals and technicals

SLG - looking ok after breakout on volume, pullback looks orderly and retest of resistance as support will give further technical confirmation

CPX - Placing at 30p (a premium to current share price)

The Chinese auto parts manufacturer remains unnamed but has taken 1.7m shares at 30p.

Quite a vote of confidence. I expect the shares to go better from here as clearly things are starting to slot into place and Investors willing to pay premium to get on board.

Have not researched much further but apparently lots of initiatives in China to introduce regulations to cut emissions and increase fuel efficiency even possibly mandating stop-start for all vehicles potentially ? Would be huge if a Chinese State backed component company knew all this and was getting out ahead of that with this CPX partnership.
Heads up from TB

"And look out for my new recommendation later this week. I’m putting the finishing touches on that right now. It’s a remarkable company that’s involved in the huge cancer market.

I think this could be a big winner in the Biotech sector in 2012. I should be sending it to you by Thursday, latest."

Could be anything ! He has been more focused on US companies recently so could be one of thousands, if UK then could be one of tens i.e. VAL, PYC, SAR, CARE, AGL, GWP to name just a few off the top of my head
DOO - has been in the doo and requires capital raising but could be interesting ultra-high risk punt on non-edible oil seed biofuels etc in high oil price environment

about to change name and ticker to NEOS
CPX looks like it could break out above 30p today. I'd expect a quick move to 40-50p if it does break out on volume.

Love the model there. Potential to be an ARM/IMG type royalty player in two very large markets (consumer electronics and automobile components) now all for a market cap of only £25m.
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Jaspa and DV,
Still invested in RRL? Strong rumours tomorrow or momday rns.

Still in mate. Some quite exciting news lined up. Will be looking to top up next week too.

Horrendous scenes on XTR. Duster with very little drill prospects over next 6 months. I am just leaving my stake in as I hate fire sales.
Still in mate. Some quite exciting news lined up. Will be looking to top up next week too.

Horrendous scenes on XTR. Duster with very little drill prospects over next 6 months. I am just leaving my stake in as I hate fire sales.

No effin way... Did you buy into XTR? I was waiting for news before buying.... Didnt like the way XTR announced the duster 3 pm on a friday. Lot of people would not have seen the news before markets closed. Not sure I trust the BOD to ever buy.

Still upset with myself for selling RMP stake in the 20s!!

Spoke to PL, pretty big news regarding offshore coming up.
Not a massive stake in XTR but dusters always hurt, especially if they are announced late on a Friday as you say.

Don't beat yourself up about RMP. A profit is a profit and the stock seems overbought IMO.

What did PL have to say for himself? I haven't spoken to him for ages but he is a great salesman...
XTR disgraceful really trying to hide the bad news on a Friday afternoon . Chart wise it does tend to bounce around 1p as it has enough 'blue sky' (B.S in more ways than one) potential to get the trader herd interested. e.g. At high enough oil prices even their shale oil in Australia may become economically viable.
Oil patch getting interesting. Bahamas, Puntland, Namibia, Falklands all in focus right now and over coming months. Even Irish Sea generating some buzz.
Toony - Beware of the dilution and dont forget to lock your profits at some point. The unusual announcement is a way to prop up RMP sp and there is a reason why PL has done it. RMP has no experience, expertise or clout in anything other than writing a cheque to PL.

You need to understand the relationship between Range and RMP. They are all mates behind the scene under the umbrella of okap ventures. RMP operates from Range offices.


Surprise surprise PL is CEO of okap ventures! RMP will be Range's vehicle to pay everything for offshore which is quite expensive.
Yeah, I ain't too greedy will be out soon ...am not looking for alot anyway.

Might move to RRL with my money or risk some in BSP.... who have a land sale coming through by end of the month.

Chelsea Therapeutics International, Ltd. is a development stage pharmaceutical company that focuses on acquiring, developing and commercializing products for the treatment of a variety of human diseases. The Company is developing a therapeutic agent for the treatment of symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH), associated with primary autonomic failure and falls related to NOH in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), as well as other norepinephrine-related conditions and diseases, including intradialytic hypotension (IDH), fibromyalgia, adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), freezing of gait in PD and Down syndrome. In addition, the Company is developing a portfolio of metabolically inert antifolates for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and is exploring potential applications in multiple other autoimmune disorders

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Guys what do you think of Nokia? It is between $5-6 a share but I think the Lumia range will be a big hit especially in China.

Also what do you guys use to trade in the UK? I see no good online place to buy options
Nokia not sure it has much long term value as a low margin hardware reseller for Microsoft

except maybe to Microsoft ?

i used to love Nokia products from about 1999-2007 but now prefer HTC and more open OS like Android
USOP delisted from PLUS markets today! I wonder what TB has to say...

s28 - You were right about all these US focussed oilies on AIM or PLUS....
a lot of despondency about AIM stocks and people seem to be giving up

that to me is a good sign
From FT David Schwartz a market historian with a good finger on pulse trading/sentiment wise i think


On balance, I accept that a single economic event has the potential to trigger a brief stock market reaction. However, associating it with a sustained price swing is a harder pill for me to swallow. So where else should I look for the cause of the market downturn?
My own suspicion is that we are experiencing a normal correction that typically occurs in the aftermath of a steep rally. Corrections of this type tend to end after prices retrace one-third to one-half of the prior rally’s gain. If I am right, this sell-off will soon end.
As always, I try to test my theories and speculations with hard data. When doing this with the numbers behind the rally to March 2012, I think I may have discovered a new trend.
A scroll through my record books found just 29 other rallies in the last half-century that boosted shares by at least 20 per cent in a six-month period. And the good news is that shares continued to rise in the next nine months in a majority of those years.
Eagle Eye i am trying to focus away from mining/resources to some extent because it has attracted too much capital and promotional operators

some of these bio's interest me, well nto so much binary bio's but medical stuff

so Angle (AGL) with the cancer diagnostics

this micro cap CARE (CareCapital) is interesting from transformational news perspective because it'll change name to Advanced Oncotherapy and actually has treatments now which seem established so ready commercial market and could become quite a hot story if marketed right

also lots of big names in stock tipping circles like Mellon and Bulford seem to be moving into bios/medical stuff so I think they may be onto something

CARE recent RNS

Formation of Oncotherapy Resources Limited

Second Innovative Cancer Treatment to be Launched in the UK

CareCapital (AIM: CARE) announces the formation of Oncotherapy Resources Limited ("Oncotherapy Resources"), a Company registered in England, that will provide a managed service to early stage breast cancer patients in the UK NHS, Ireland and private treatment centres. The service will be based on exclusive access to the Xoft Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy System® ("the Xoft System"). CareCapital will own 75% of Oncotherapy Resources with the balance held equally by two companies, the principal European distributor of the XoftSystem, Pergentium Ltd, and Duncan Hynd Associates Ltd, a leader in the distribution of advanced radiotherapy products and a pioneer in the provision of prostate seed implants as a service. CareCapital will have the right to acquire the 25% of Oncotherapy Resources that it does not own after four years.

The Xoft System uses an electronic X-ray source instead of a radioactive isotope to deliver radiation internally. The low energy and rapid dose fall-off of the electronic source allow for treatment in rooms with reduced shielding requirements compared to conventional radiation therapy. The Xoft System can be used for both high dose rate brachytherapy and for intraoperative radiation therapy ("IORT"). IORT provides clinicians the option to perform radiotherapy in the operating room at the time of lumpectomy.

The Xoft System is lightweight and mobile and can be moved easily between treatment locations. This means that it can overcome the logistical challenges faced by many patients who may have to travel long distances to access conventional radiotherapy. The managed service to be provided by Oncotherapy Resources has the potential to benefit the NHS by enabling patients to receive therapy locally and more cost-effectively due to the reduced need for shielding (allowing clinical staff to remain with the patient during treatment) and, in the case of IORT, the ability to provide a one-off dose rather than the conventional daily radiotherapy for up to six weeks. There are around 20,000 patients annually receiving lumpectomy surgery in the UK, of which most would benefit from the Xoft System.

In the UK private sector, for-profit providers who are seeking to offer radiotherapy closer to the patient, or which wish to offer a complete range of state-of-the-art treatments in one centre, the ability to offer an electronic brachytherapy system for IORT could be an attractive proposition. Private providers could also refer patients to Oncotherapy Resources' managed service but provide it at their own centres due to the portability of the Xoft System.

The Xoft System has recently seen the first installation in Europe (in Germany) and there are 62 operational sites in the United States.

Commenting on Oncotherapy Resources, Dr Michael Sinclair, Chairman of CareCapital, said, "This ticks all the boxes for patients - accessibility, usability and cost effectiveness - while still delivering the same outcomes as conventional radiotherapy.

"From CareCapital's viewpoint, it also ticks all the boxes - a proven, state-of-the-art cancer therapy already successfully in operation and a good strategic fit alongside proton beam therapy into what I hope will become our growing portfolio of innovative cancer treatments."


Restructuring, Proposed Change of Name

Changes to Senior Management and Board Responsibilities

Care Capital announces a restructuring to reflect its strategy to reposition the Group primarily as an investor in, and provider of, advanced cancer treatments.

Current investments in medical centre development projects are to be transferred to the Group's wholly owned subsidiary - The Healthcare Property Company Limited - which will continue to progress existing schemes and expand through securing new medical centre projects in the UK. This company will also provide property related support services to the wider Group.

The Company also announces that it will be seeking shareholder authority at the earliest opportunity to change its name to Advanced Oncotherapy plc.

CARE recently issued shares at 1.5p and Directors took them up so I suspect they know they are onto a good thing so wanted to get in quick and in size.
Looks like good news for AGL today

Parsortix Update


ANGLE plc (AIM: AGL), the technology commercialisation company, is delighted to announce that it has achieved another important milestone by confirming that its Parsortix cell separation device can capture cultured ovarian cancer cells.

The ability to capture ovarian cancer cells creates the possibility of developing an effective, non-invasive screening technique to enable the early diagnosis and monitoring of ovarian cancer.

ANGLE has previously demonstrated that its Parsortix separation technology can capture cultured breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer cells added to blood (spiked blood). New experiments have shown that the Parsortix separation technology can also capture cultured ovarian cancer cells.

This is a further important step towards demonstrating that the Parsortix separation technology can capture any solid tumour cancers without the need for modification or dependence on cancer specific antibodies, unlike existing antibody affinity based technology.

Ovarian cancer usually has a poor prognosis. The mortality rate is disproportionately high because it lacks any clear early detection or screening test, meaning that most cases are not diagnosed until they have reached advanced stages. More than 60% of women presenting with this cancer have stage III or stage IV cancer, when it has already spread beyond the ovaries. The five-year survival rate for all stages of ovarian cancer is 47%. For cases where a diagnosis is made early in the disease, when the cancer is still confined to the primary site, the five-year survival rate is much higher at 93%.

Ovarian cancer at its early stages (I/II) is difficult to diagnose until it spreads and advances to later stages (III/IV). This is because most symptoms are non-specific and thus of little use in diagnosis. To definitively diagnose ovarian cancer, a surgical procedure to take a look into the abdomen is required. This can be an open procedure (laparotomy, incision through the abdominal wall) or keyhole surgery (laparoscopy). During this procedure, suspicious areas will be removed and sent for microscopic analysis. Fluid from the abdominal cavity can also be analysed for cancerous cells. If there is cancer, this procedure can also determine whether it has spread.

Screening for any type of cancer must be accurate and reliable - it needs to accurately detect the disease and it must not give false positive results in people who do not have cancer. As yet there is no technique for ovarian screening that has been shown to fulfil these criteria. The capture of ovarian cancer CTCs in a patient's blood offers the prospect of a non-invasive test to detect the cancer early and to help target its treatment.

Development of the Parsortix separation technology is proceeding to plan and we are on track with the next key milestones, which are:

· Validation of the separation device for other cancer types;

· The development of new separation device designs to allow ease of use in the laboratory addressing critical factors of increasing the volume of blood that can be screened and the speed of blood flow through the device;

· Independent third party validation of the performance of the Parsortix CTC separation device by leading cancer research centres including the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research; and

· Development and launch of the Parsortix cancer diagnostic product for research purposes, with initial sales to cancer research centres and pharmaceutical companies developing cancer drugs.

ANGLE's Founder and Chief Executive, Andrew Newland, commented:
"The successful capture and identification of cultured ovarian cancer cells added to blood is significant as it suggests that the Parsortix separation technology may work with all solid tumour cancers."

Something looks to be up certainly. Would wait until confirmation before getting too carried away though. Can be many false dawns in these sort of campaigns. I still remember Desire claiming to have found oil and then a few days later admitting it was water !
Interestingly the press appear to be reporting it as a strike and there has been no denial from the Company.
According to Alphaville guys, there was a drill crew change, as soon as they reached land, started phoning mates in city to buy as BOR had struck.
I remember something similar happening in TRP a few years back, but it was the reverse dumping shares before announcing a duster in Uganda and parties involved were punished, so this would not suprise me.

Still long on FOGL.
BPC in freefall after current PM (and favourite to win) says no oil exploration if he wins.

Future of BPC hinges on the election, May 7!
No confirmation of licence extension which expires this weekend is more worrying in the short term, PPL is BPCs best bet for the elections.
Well we all know what politicians are like at keeping their word.

Looks like a negotiating position to me.
Any option traders here? and anyone here making long term plans, like retirement funds? dollar cost averaging?
Borders & Southern (AIM: BOR) is pleased to announce a significant gas condensate discovery.

32% drop today so far..
Borders & Southern (AIM: BOR) is pleased to announce a significant gas condensate discovery.

32% drop today so far..

The reason is that its not going to be economical and high capex. The real bad news will be delivered when they come back with the Lab results or so the market thinks.

Did you sell FOGL? If you haven't, you should and protect your gains. They are both heading towards 60s.
The reason is that its not going to be economical and high capex. The real bad news will be delivered when they come back with the Lab results or so the market thinks.

Did you sell FOGL? If you haven't, you should and protect your gains. They are both heading towards 60s.
I haven't sold yet, was busy all day at work and not able to get to a computer to sell.

These shares are going to yoyo like crazy though.
I haven't sold yet, was busy all day at work and not able to get to a computer to sell.

These shares are going to yoyo like crazy though.

Oh thats a shame. Fogl was in low 90s for quite a while in the morning.

With BOR, The sentiment has turned. Though hydrocarbons were found, there was no oil and its pretty hard now justify the high mcap with only 1 try for oil left with stebbing and a placing round the corner.
I think safest time to own oilers is when they aren't drilling and after they've finished drilling. Too much binary risk during drilling.


ANGLE plc (AIM: AGL), the technology commercialisation company, is pleased to announce that it has launched a new corporate website, www.angleplc.com, as part of its increased focus on medical diagnostics.

ANGLE's Parsortix cell separation technology is progressing positively, and the launch of a Parsortix cancer diagnostic product for research purposes is on track for later this year. In addition, ANGLE's Novocellus subsidiary has advanced its EmbryoSureÒ IVF embryo viability product into human trials. As a result, ANGLE is re-positioning itself as a specialist medical diagnostics company.

The new ANGLE website provides more information about the Company's Parsortix cancer diagnostic device including a video introduction to the technology by Andrew Newland, ANGLE's Chief Executive.

The website also includes a video of Professor Caroline Dive, from the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, discussing the medical significance of circulating tumour cells, which the Parsortix device is designed to capture.

Information about the Company's other key investments, Geomerics and Novocellus, and about its Management services business is also available.

The website now includes social media channels such as Twitter and an email alert service, for which shareholders are encouraged to register.

ANGLE's Founder and Chief Executive, Andrew Newland, commented:

"We are seeking to provide improved information in this new website, which includes video and other content to give a comprehensive but accessible introduction to Parsortix and its exciting development pathway."
Jaspa - whats your take on SXX after the study has been published. I doubt they will get the finances to go it alone in current markets but they could be a TO target though once the JORC has been published at the end of May.
I have just topped up in SXX. The management team have exceeded on all fronts to date, and todays news was likewise. The JORC will be interesting as it will trigger ii buying.

The biggest barrier to success is not the finance, IMO, but the planning permission. And as the NY area is an economic blackspot and SXX have promised 5k jobs associated with the mine, that shouldnt be an issue either.

Given that much of the FMG team are behind SXX, their links to the money markets should make financing easier - especially with a project NPV of £6bn.
I have just topped up in SXX. The management team have exceeded on all fronts to date, and todays news was likewise. The JORC will be interesting as it will trigger ii buying.

The biggest barrier to success is not the finance, IMO, but the planning permission. And as the NY area is an economic blackspot and SXX have promised 5k jobs associated with the mine, that shouldnt be an issue either.

Given that much of the FMG team are behind SXX, their links to the money markets should make financing easier - especially with a project NPV of £6bn.

Thanks Jaspa. When are they hoping for decision on planning permission?
Production is anticipated by 2017, so planning permission will commence this year. It will be a long, laborious process as the main mine is in the national park itself. The JORC is key, as it will make the project officially into a viable proposition, and the cost:benefit debate of ecology:jobs can commence.