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Buying shares?

I definitely would not buy now then. It has 90% odd chance of failure at this stage.
DOW chart breaking out, Nasdaq 11 year high

Risk appetite back with a vengeance. Not sure I'd be chasing stuff. Was more comfortable when VIX was spiking.
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DOW chart breaking out, Nasdaq 11 year high

Risk appetite back with a vengeance. Not sure I'd be chasing stuff. Was more comfortable when VIX was spiking.

Been trading KAZ... what a beauty of a share!
IT going quiet is a bullish sign ! :-p

KAZ stands to reason with Xstrata/Glencore and Dr Copper going up, still hate it after missing the 300 to 1500p move in 2009 having done all the homework and working out it was on about a EV/EBITDA of 1x at 300p
IT going quiet is a bullish sign ! :-p

KAZ stands to reason with Xstrata/Glencore and Dr Copper going up, still hate it after missing the 300 to 1500p move in 2009 having done all the homework and working out it was on about a EV/EBITDA of 1x at 300p

What a bad year that was.... missed the rise of BARC and KAZ!
s28 - whats the next bit of news expected for ANGLE.... been meaning to get back in at some point.
Q1 - I was thinking Parsortix deal of some sort with some thrid paty validator of the technology either Customer or Distribution partner

H2 - Expecting Geomerics trade sale ?

just off top of my head
s28 - medical diagnostics is where all the money is to be made... remember I said sometime ago... illumina one of the big players in High throughput sequencing also had a rare cell capture program... well what do you know.. Roche has launched a $5.7b bid for Illumina primarily for the diagnostics IP.....
RRL and RMP going up on the rumour that they have hit a larger than expected oil bearing formation...... The figures banded about are pretty fanciful and enough to get you giddy if your invested already :)

Could be complete rubbish much like the rumours with the first Georgia drill.... who knows.... one to keep your eye on though.
EE - yes and Roche has been mentioned in passing re AGL

disregard my top of head timeline on AGL

this i better

YoungHarry2 - 8 Feb'12 - 11:26 - 7257 of 7267

There is a bit of news in the pipeline:
i) Collaboration research with leading cancer research centres in US and UK. Expecting the Paterson Centre in Manchester to feature.
Announcement was due end of January

ii) Next generation device: AN has said the 'volume issue is the biggest issue in front of us.'
The programme to scale up the device from 50 micro litres to 7.5 milli litres was announced as follows:
Device 2.1 end Feb
Device 2.2 mid March
Device 2.3 end March

iii) New NEDs: investors have said 'the NED issue is the biggest issue in front us.'

One of the reasons is that progress is slowed by AN controlling everything, yet another reason to bring in the new NEDs who can ensure a development programme is planned, properly resourced and executed. News on this is inevitable, just a case of timing.

iv) Sundry stuff:
a) Geomerics: announcement of progress with SDK sales, possibly to coincide with GDC in early March but note the industry is publicity averse until ready for launch
b) Geomerics: announcement of final milestone under the Nvidia deal end April
c) Novocellus: announcement of launch of trial, who knows when?
d)Off the radar: could be anything, mgt services contract win, Porton appeal on the Biomedica case, offer for Geomerics...
AER Aerte the old Mid-States (MST) had a vaguely positive RNS today.

They have sold some units. About 3 thousand odd for about £200k which comes out at about £66 each. That is probably just going to cover cost of the production. More interesting is the potential for the ongoing 'annuity' stream of 'consumables' that will go into their products which could be worth the same on an annualised basis.

Not bad for a £5m company with about £1.5m net cash and shows their Chinese partner stepping up to the plate. Now if they can do similar deals in other major territories India, US, Europe it could get really interesting.
SRB - They got funding from some rich Chilean investor and Eldorado and Kingspan (who collectively own about 50-60% of the company) to investigatere-starting production at Palito. It should be able to produce 20k oz per annum with existing resource of c. 700k oz and potential to toll other miners ore as well. They mothballed the plant in 2008 due to it being uneconomic with Gold at c. $900 but clearly now at $1700 it should be feasible. That would then give cashflow to fund continued exploration resource drilling. Worth noting Eldorado due to make decision on Feasibility of near by Toucantinzinho this year and I don't think that will stack up on it's own.

On 20k oz assuming $1200 cash cost per oz ? I could see cashflow of $10m per annum. I think brokers are talking about $5m ? Fox Davies re-iterated 49p target recently.

Mkt Cap currently about £10m.

Will probably buy more in the ISA at some point.
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I have mentioned previously that we might get a 2009 esque dash for trash but apart from my current holdings (fnarr fnarr) not really bought any trash so far. These things either go to zero or die a slow death or can have occasional spike once in a blue moon if market conditions permit. I wouldn't even have 1% of my portfolio in them they are straight punts. On that basis I bought a bit of IPS (Ipso Ventures) it takes University research and tries to make it into products. One thing they got right seems to be this Buccolam product with Therakind (an IPS portfolio company) albeit they seem to have sold majority of economic rights to Viropharma. Any of the scientists here got a view on Buccolam prospects ? My limited understanding is that kids with epilepsy if they have a fit currently have to have a suppository administered which is quite invasive but this Buccolam product is a breakthrough because it can be administered orally ?

Anyway IPS had results this week, NAV looks to be ahead of current share price and Directors whilst acknowledging cash difficulties are taking salaries in shares so showing some faith in prospects ?

Another interesting piece of trash might be worth a look is WFCA, it is an advertising agency of sorts which looks to work with 'challenger' brands. e.g. one customer appears to be Patak's

Advertising is very cyclical and this has been a disaster but if we do get economic turnaround this might do well. They did a placing last year at 1p and the stock is now 0.5p for some reason and just had results today showing some sort of turnaround and hinting at prospect of 'strategic opportunities' which I take to mean a reverse takeover of some decent business into the mix ?

Something defnitely happening behind the scenes at GKP.. perhaps rumoured takeover by the big oilies are actually progressing and this is being reflected in the share price over the last two months.
VAL - looks a decent heavyweight scientific and advisory board ?


Professor Hilary Calvert

Professor Calvert, who has recently been appointed Director of Cancer Drug Discovery and Development at the UCL Cancer Institute, is internationally known among medical oncologists for his seminal work on chemotherapy and the development of the Calvert formula, which has benefited countless patients around the world.

He has a longstanding interest in developing new drugs for cancer treatment and has been associated with several successful drugs currently used worldwide. These include carboplatin (for ovarian cancer), pemetrexed (for mesothelioma and lung cancer) and inhibitors of poly (ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) for familial breast and ovarian cancers. He has previously worked in the Royal Marsden Hospital and the University of Newcastle (as professor of Medical Oncology).

As well as his new appointment as Director of Cancer Drug Discovery and Development at the UCL Cancer Institute, Professor Calvert will also take over as Chair of the New Agents Committee at Cancer Research UK in December 2012. He is a member of the Department of Health's Gene Therapy Advisory Committee and has recently served on the Health Services and Public Health Research Board at the Medical Research Council. Internationally, he is a member of the EORTC Pharmacokinetics and Molecular Mechanisms Group.

Professor Hilary Calvert received the Lifetime Achievement Award in the 2009 Excellence in Oncology Awards from the British Oncological Association.

Dr Richard Harbottle

Dr Richard Harbottle is currently the Group Leader of Gene Therapy Research in the section of Molecular Medicine at Imperial College London. His research focuses on the development of DNA technologies for gene therapy, with a particular focus on the application of scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR) vectors. His group utilises state-of-the-art techniques in molecular and cellular biology and bio-imaging with an emphasis in gene delivery to pre-clinical model systems. A particular focus of his group is the development of genetically marked tumour models, which can be used to investigate the molecular mechanisms of tumour formation as well as simplifying the validation of therapeutic intervention.

Richard is a founding member of the British Society for Gene Therapy and served as an elected member of its executive board since the inception of the society in 2003 until 2010. He is an active member of the society and currently contributes as a co-opted member of the executive. He is also an active member and participant of the American and European gene therapy societies and the American Association of Cancer Research.

Dr Jean-Frédéric Sauniere

Dr Jean-Frédéric Sauniere is currently medical oncologist at the Institut Paoli & Calmettes ("IPC") in Marseille, France where he coordinates the translational research and early clinical research activities of the Institute. His role also involves patent filing and partnerships with academics and pharmaceutical companies. His expertise is in medical oncology and pharmacology.

Dr Jean-Frédéric Sauniere brings 25 years of experience in drug development and business development. He has led early Phase I and Phase II studies in the area of oncology and metabolic diseases at Pfizer in the US. Dr. Sauniere served as Director of Corporate Licensing & Business Development at Pfizer, New York and as Vice President of Anaderm, a subsidiary of Pfizer. He was also a senior executive in several early stage pharmaceutical companies in the US and CEO of Shogoo Pharmaceutical in Basel, Switzerland. He is also the holder of several drugs patents in oncology and metabolic disorders.

In the last five years, Dr Sauniere served as chairman of the board of directors of Deviris Pharma in Basel, Board member at Balonco, Shogoo Pharmaceuticals and the Tech Transfer Technology Group for the Provence Alps Cote d'Azur Region ("PACA").
re GBP

I don't think stocks should react to news on seismic as most people by now know that the Namibian basin is analogous to offshore Brazil so it should have been discounted

What is required to get the price moving is for a rig to get moving to the area to start drilling in the province
s28 - what you make of AEX and its strong gas show after drilling deeper?... I am not sure if its going to be a commercial discovery otherwise why would Tullow not take part ...
gas hard to monetise unless seriously substantial like COV unless the gas shows indication of oil further down, no expert so no idea
Had a bit more WFCA today. Having bought the other day at 0.50 couldn't turn down 0.29.

Still think there has to be some value here if Management subscribed last year at 1p

This from last week's statement suggests something interesting might be affected here. Maybe a RTO to utilise WFCA tax losses or something ?

"The Group remains in dialogue with a series of strategic opportunities and while the acquisition of WBR (as reported in the June 2011 Annual Report) remains the only opportunity completed to date in the current financial year, we anticipate further developments in this area during 2012."

Worth noting that chart above for WFCA. It is stuck inbetween 50 and 200 day MA's so i think that is 'technical pressure'which will hopefully lesson as short term overbought condition worked off.
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GCM Resources on iii BB there are news articles from Bangla press saying Sheikh Hasina has said in Parliament that coal will be extracted and Coal Committee due to report within the month re Feasibility etc. ( I understand some of the consultants on the Committee were involved in preparing GCM's BFS so one would expect they will simply reaffirm those documents. A Bankable Feasibility Study should be exactly that 'Bankable' in that you take it to a Bank and they say yes it stacks up here's the money. Considering it'll be supra-national development agencies/SWF's primarily funding this one would hope they can get moving quickly if they do indeed get the go ahead.
I think CPX is the new SRX completely ignored but once it does get recognised it has the potential to be a really hot concept stock like an ARM or IMG.
guardian reporting 35p bid rumours by bigger rival Zhaikmunai in Kazkahstan for MXP

Incidentally, its around the price where 179 million bonds are triggered for conversion at 32p.
Did you not top slice SOU?

I remember your tip at around 2p before it ran to close to 7p last year...
They are bound to get something right hopefully..... I did a calculation sometime ago and if you add all their gas interests and convert that to barrels of oil, I make it around 46 mb oil assuming everything comes good. Since then further spanner in works so its less now.
Problem is it is one thing converting gas to oil in potential valuation terms but quite another actually monetising gas assets into oil because they require much more expensive up front capex. COV had gas but luckily so much of it Tanzania becomes another Qatar. Small fields just won't cut the mustard.

I don't follow SOU but when I looked at it the European interests were pretty small and inconsequential but interest could emerge around the Indonesian? drilling where prospects are quite large and they have decent partners ? I have vague recollection of a recent RNS suggesting that had been delayed ?

With so much running at the moment, it is tempting for punters to bail out of things with no immediate newsflow catalysts to go for momentum stocks.
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Duster from TRP. Now abandoning Uganda and moving onto Namibia - something pi's were saying should have happened years ago...
To put some flesh on the bones of that Interim Results due out 27th February and that is by coincidence the start of World Mobile Congress so putting 2 and 2 together some are coming to 5. I'd add another 2 to say Techinvest due to send out monthly newsletter and they have been bullish on CPX and given the news mid-month it will give them the chance to reiterate that stance.
BLVN got dumped by DGO..... why did DGO bother with all this if they were not going to look at the books even.
Does seem very odd behaviour. Maybe because there early approach was leaked they felt they couldn't trust the other party ?
This guy runs $125bn so worth a read


“The world is being flooded with liquidity,” says Minerd in a live interview on CNBC’s Fast Money. “Money is coming out of central banks around the world.” And he adds that the Federal Reserve is committed to keeping rates low for an extended period of time.

With so much liquidity chasing return, Minerd thinks a wide range of assets are about to make large gains. “Over the next 2-3 years, it’s risk on,” he says. And he’s planning to position as follows:

- Long High-Beta Equities
- Long gold and silver
- Long junk bonds
- Buy art & collectibles
- Short Treasurys

In the near term, that sounds good for your equity portfolio –but if you have a longer time horizon, Minerd also makes some troubling comments.
For some time now I’ve been working on a big project. This project is dedicated to what I think is the most exciting penny share story in years – maybe even in my entire career.

About tomorrows RHPS
Sounds like more marketing bull from Bulford. I'll bet the 'project' has more to do with enriching himself or his company rather than his subscribers.

He doesn't have much credibility left in my book. His organisation were sending out almost weekly emails at the bottom warning about impending financial disaster/run for the hills type rubbish.
I have cancelled my subscription to RHPS.... As s28 said, got tired of the almost daily emails from that organisation......
I still read it because it's a decent read on stocks you haven't come across (but I don't expect to make any money on them!)

Have been considering SCSW (Small Company Share Watch) and / or Techninvest instead.
Don't want to give any credibility to Bulford wild talk because he has been so wrong on lots of stuff recently i think even his own subscribers are giving up on him but the only thing i can guess at re this 'big story'/'project' is this epigenomics/epigenetics/personalised medicine stuff he has been on about before ? These past articles seem to fit the mould. Stocks such as VAL and PYC are in that sector.

These obscure stocks could alter the face of medicine

By Tom Bulford Jul 14, 2011


The great technology story to replace the digital boom

By Tom Bulford Jan 24, 2012

Not out yet as far as i can tell. Usually comes out sometime between 5 and 7 pm.
I was right ish. Uninspiring selections in RHPS.

But he is starting a new 'specialist' Biotech quarterly for £100 a quarter and is making a big thing about Bio being the next big thing.

Suspect eventually he'll tip PYC or VAL but his first one is some sort of stem cell company. No idea what yet.

Only ones spring to mind off top of head RENE and ABH
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I think its messed up that he's starting a newsletter specifically for biotech and getting people to pay for it, meaning he will delibrately omit stuff in the current news letter for existing customers.
Totally concur. I will probably sign up for the £1 special offer for first few issues and then cancel my Direct Debit. There simply aren't that many AIM listed bios for him to pick one that is going to be genuinely new i reckon.
Totally concur. I will probably sign up for the £1 special offer for first few issues and then cancel my Direct Debit. There simply aren't that many AIM listed bios for him to pick one that is going to be genuinely new i reckon.

You have posted enough stuff on here for us to not to have to waste a quid :P
One thing I didn't appreciate until I read his email again is that there will be further issues of his 'Red Hot Biotech Alert' out over the coming days. Think I'll be buying some VAL and PYC in next few days just in case.

Anyone got any other hot bios worth looking at ?

He has previously tipped SUMM, SNG and MEDU/MEDG. AGL perhaps ?
The second RHBA is out well the second part of the three part 'primer'. Bulford is now talking about bio-markers. So that could be his next tip guess that is same area of proteinomics/epigenoimcs/epigenetics he has been on about for a few months ?
Any views on ABH ? I have always just seen it as a contract manufacturer but even such lower quality businesses (gross margins seem ok albeit variable in recent years) can be good if in a serious growth sector. It manufactures stem cells for RENE so could be a second derivative play on it ?

Just bought 250k @ 0.255p to place it on my monitor (quoted spread was (0.23/0.27)). Has had some news today re new CEO not price moving in and of itself but will allow for new impetus for business and investor relations perhaps.
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The second RHBA is out well the second part of the three part 'primer'. Bulford is now talking about bio-markers. So that could be his next tip guess that is same area of proteinomics/epigenoimcs/epigenetics he has been on about for a few months ?

hmmm.... the money is in diagnostics... AGL is the best bet out of all to be honest.
Those rumours coming out of Somalia/Puntland re RRL look as though they are from credible people/bloggers? Probably doesn't move the needle much for RRL though.
Those rumours coming out of Somalia/Puntland re RRL look as though they are from credible people/bloggers? Probably doesn't move the needle much for RRL though.

No they are just students and chancers sitting in bedrooms in London and other places making up stuff.....

Nothing is certain.

Just few days ago... Insiders sold shares in Horn who have 60% of Puntland.

RRL is stagnant because most are seeing RMP as more bang for the buck with Puntland....
Ah !

Boy GKP taking a pasting today ! Albeit still up handily in recent past. Perhaps too far too fast.
Saw the price of close price for GKp on google and nearly fell off my chair!!

57p!!!.... whats happened there!!
i work for centrica and they offering me shares at discount of 20% which is 2.40 and today it finished on 3.06. They gave me the option of puting from £5 to £250 a month tax free for a 3 year plan or 5 year plan. I dont know to much bout this but im thinking of going ahead with this and then after 3 years are up i get the option to buy them at the discounted rate or get my money back. What do you think? can you advise maybe?