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GON - apparently SoH to launch in UK in coming days according to PSM blogger citing wowan365
I use share centre and tdw for bigger trades. You get funds back immediately on a sale for reinvestment, you get a better spread and tdw also allows you to do t20 trades.

Thanks a lot jaspa you've been really helpful.
Mentioned from an Investor/trader perspective how current situation looked a bit like March 2009.

This is a telling observation from the 'real economy' suggesting similar environment.

Mattjos - 5 Jan'12 - 21:27 - 53565 of 53569

Jun thru Nov 2011 were, from our perspective as manufacturer of small electric vehicles, somoe of the most difficult trading conditons I've experienced in the last 12 years. Large corporates CAPEX budgets were simply switched off entirely.
We export 80% of what we make and the situation in Europe was quoted as the reason for lack of orders from across europe, australia, usa, russia. Pretty much across the piste.
No shortage of interest in our products but, no willingness to spend whatsoever.

Middle of December onwards though saw a complete reversal and now we cant keep up with the order flow and new enquiries.
Virtually impossible to forecast forward demand in any meaningful way & I get strong feedback from our customers and suppliers that inventories and supply chains have been cut back to virtually zero in near certaqin expectation of a European disaster by Xmas.
Now it feels a bit like 2009 again & if the very recent improving trend keeps up for more than a few weeks i suspect we'll see lead times extending and yet another scrabble for components.
It feels like we're climbing out the mire but, still very much 2 steps forward and one step back.
It will be interesting to see how industrial metals perform over the next 2-3 months .. a sharp acceleration in prices seems entirely possible if this keeps up.
Annual corporate budgets & forecasts must be having to be reviewed on an almost weekly basis in this climate
Tipping a £2m Mkt Cap foreign company is simply appalling.

He is meant to have about 10,000 subscribers ? Who each pay £100 a year which is £1m alone. If even 10% of his subscribers try to put 1k into that stock on Monday morning the stock will go nuts. The MM's will be ready and waiting to rip their faces off with the spread already having been widened. The only way he comes out of it looking 'good' is he can claim the move in the mid price to his 'track record' but none of his subscribers will get in.

And this company looks like a total load of rubbish like most of these dodgy foreign companies which list on AIM (presumably because of poor regulation?) rather than their home markets.
Hope so. Chairman David Wong was involved in this MDY which had massive news out of the blue and seemingly no leaks so I'm hoping we get similar move at GON.
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This is a great thread but for the people who are in the UK.

Anyone who trades in USA, sepecifically options traders ?
Wonderful what a bit of Chinese liquidity provision and increased risk appetite can do.
CPX check out that chart for potential breakout ?

This is getting very interesting now


The Stop-Start Auto Boom is Here

The automotive industry is poised for a monumental change. We’re calling it the Stop-Start Evolution.

Stop-start technology is really simple. It automatically shuts down a car’s engine when a car is stopped. Whether a driver is stuck in stop-and-go traffic, a red light, or for whatever reason, the car automatically shuts down. Then when the driver presses the accelerator, the engine starts and the car begins to move.

Stop-start is different from hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius. Stop-start capable vehicles are not powered by their batteries when they’re driven slowly. The engines just stops when the vehicle stops and starts when the vehicle is moving.

The most attractive feature of stop-start technology is the economics.

The chart below shows the difference in up-front costs consumers have to pay for types of fuel-efficient autos:


joeyjojo1826 - 11 Jan'12

I spoke to Hayden Eastwood, CFO of Galleon Holdings today. Below is my recollection of our telephone conversation which lasted approximately 15 minutes. I'm sure he won't mind me posting the contents of the conversation as there is no price sensitive information. However, it does clarify a few issues which some people have been debating on this board.

Galleon work very closely with the game developer, but do not own or have controlling interest in the game developer. They own the exclusive rights to distribute Saga of hero in China and a number of other countries including Malaysia and Singapore but not all countries, for example, USA. They own the UK website yipeegame.com which just launched.

Interestingly, I asked Hayden to clarify the financial benefit that Galleon derive from their relationship with the developer and their games operation. He said that gross margins were in the region of 25-30%.
For "God Quit" (bad translation - Hayden mentioned another name but can't remember), they approached the developer to make it for them and own the game completely. He mentioned that their future strategy would include games that are owned entirely by Galleon, and ones that are licensed from the developer. They have been very encouraged by the market response to all of their upcoming games. He acknowledged that at least one of them was receiving considerably more interest than Saga of Hero did. I mentioned that one game had been listed as one of the top 5 most anticipated games in China. He acknowledged that there had been considerable interest in their upcoming games.

I asked Hayden about the delays to the games. He said that the delays had been due to a number of issues, but the one that he cited in particular that they had changed the coding of the game(s) to Flash 11 to achieve a higher graphical standard, that would be unique to flash based games already in the marketplace. Overall, this sounded quite positive.

I mentioned that in the last trading update, the company had targeted significant monthly profits by the end of the year. He said that they were still analysing the numbers from the previous financial year and that he couldn't comment. I asked him if I could assume from the lack of an RNS following the end of the year, that their financial performance was in line with the info already in the market. He was quite reluctant, obviously, to talk about financial performance, but I got the impression that performance was good. Difficult to know if this means they achieved monthly profit or if this simply means that revenue had improved from the last statement.

I discussed how there was a lot of uncertainty among investors regarding the facts of the company's operations, and that shareholders were very keen on getting a trading update to clarify operations and performance. He said that this was likely, most probably as a statement within the final results, or as a trading statement separately. However, he did not confirm anything and was also guarded about this. He said that the company were reluctant to release too much financial information into the public domain as this would be available to competitors.

I discussed further in regards to the uncertainty among investors of the current performance of Galleon China. He said that he was aware that there were various websites where investors had carried out research, often from Chinese sources. He cautioned that some of these rumours were incorrect but some of what had been posted was accurate.

Hope you all find that interesting reading. Looking forward to more info from the company over the coming weeks.
Anyone care to share a brief summary on RRL as a starter? Cause of dip from 25p - Project delays? Finance?

RRL BB's are full of noise but no real talk.
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Money seems to be heading for GKP right now, hoping a £8+ offer does come in as it will bring positive sentiment all oilers especially those drilling for large resources like FOGL.

When Range was set up the only asset was in Puntland (Yes it is a real place in Somalia), but since then it has acquired assets in Georgia, Trinidad and Texas...

Texas - Producing asset and has around 25% interest, makes Range couple of million per year. What is more important that they are looking to sell their interest and if the current well comes in then Range has gone on the record saying that they will be looking to sell their interest in 2012... which will be around $15 million barrels proven reserves. Usually these reserves go for $10 - $20 netting Range anywhere between $150-$250 million, half of which will be given back as special dividend. Interesting to note that Range paid $1million for this asset.

Georgia - Three parties involved, Strait Oil and Gas (40%), Range (40%), RMP (20%). Range also owns 50% of Strait Oil and Gas. Over 2 billion barrels estimated in 67 structures... Range has focused on 6 of them and committed to drill along with its partners 2. One was drilled (150 million barrels) and about halfway, they hit a granite volcanic overthrust and they decided to abandon the drill and return later as it was taking too long to reach target depth. They will now move onto next target K2 (around 160 mb oil) in the next few weeks.

Trinidad - 100% interest for range. This is a producing asset and the real company maker. This asset came with exploration and drilling rigs and currently employes 300 people. It is producing around 600 bopd and range is drilling 21 shallow wells to up that to around 1800 bopd by the end of Q1 (Dont take that deadline strictly). This is only a tiny portion of the license. Other parts, recent CPR suggests that they can produce another 3000-4000 bopd for upto 8 years. The real crux is the deeper targets of which there are 2 types, Hereras and Upper Crustacious. There are 10-12 Hereras identified and they plan to drill 4 hereras this year with each estimated at 10-20 million barrels recoverable. Nearby Hereras are producing 1000-2000 bopd. The more deeper UC targets are on the same geological belt as Venezuela which is one of the most prolific geological block in the world after Saudi. Range do not currently have permission to drill these yet but this is a formality. Current best guess is that it will be upward of 100 million barrels.

Need to put child to bed.... puntland write up later
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Excellent summary EE.

The main attraction of RRL for me is the massive potential upside combined with a healthy net asset value. Best value on AIM, IMO.
Edit - In texas, "which will be around $15 million barrels proven reserves." should be "which will be around 15 million barrels proven reserves."

Puntland - Ok little history first, Back in the 80s and early 90s, conoco philips, one of the US majors did some drilling, they did find oil and infact it was a blowout, so they had to cap it without reaching TD. This was at the edge of the field. Then civil war happened and they all ran away never to return. 15 years later, Range come in and do a deal with puntland but being a little tiddler, they had to bring on someone very experienced as JV partner. They brought in Canmex, who are part of the Lundin group. Then ruffling about who owns these rights, Gov in Mogadishu or the local Gov so Canmex started being targeted. Canmex then decide to change name and become Africal Oil and Lucas Lundin goes into the shadows. Suffice to say they are all people with very impressive CVs. Then for political and mostly security reasons, the drilling never happened.

Moving forward to 2010/2011, everyone starts to take positions as drilling starts to become a reality again. Range CEO decided it would be good to reduce their exposure and asked one of his mates and his tiddler company Red Emperor to come and join the partnership. He also gave them 20% of Georgia to further sweeten the deal. I will explain the reason for this shortly. In the meantime Africa Oil created a new vehicle called Horn Petroleum which would have 60% of the 2 blocks. But as they had missed deadlines for drilling in June 2011, they had to relinquish area from these blocks.

As it currently stands, Horn has 60%, Range 20% and Red Emperor 20%.

The two well campaign which is rumoured to begin on Monday, the first well is targeting over a billion barrels of oil. This is the same place Conoco Philips drilled and found oil all those years ago, but they were at the edge of the field whereas this well is right in the middle of the sweet spot! Nothing is ever guaranteed in life but it is highly likely they will find oil. Current estimate is that there could > 8 billions of barrels of oil onshore. The offshore is thought to have lot lot more. Some say up to 60 billion in place.

For offshore, Range has been in talks with another tiddler Marauder Resources from canada. The deal that is talked about is that Marauder will have 80% and Range 20% but crucially Range will be free carried through the siesmic stage. Also, the relinquished area, Range will have 66% and Marauder 34%. Most likely, RMP will be invited to join the party too and maybe even HORN. This deal is most likely to be be announced once the first well is drilled. You may ask why all these tiddlers and not the biggies, well firstly because its in unstable region but more crucially, all the great and good in Puntland are given large stakes in these small companies. They themselves will not drill and will be free carried when they bring in larger partners so they will be rolling in money (if successful) without actually spending much.

Range and Red Emperor

Basically Red Emperor has been set up to provide leverage to Georgia and especially Puntland for all those who put hands in their pockets and helped Range survive some really dark days when puntland looked like it was a no go and they had no other assets. The largest shareholders in both companies are the same and Red Emperor recently moved into Range offices in Perth. If Georgia and Puntland come good then RMP will be the one that will go really bezerk overnight as the mcap and shares in issues is almost 8 times less than Range. Most people who have shares in Range, have shares in RMP too. But remember the reverse is true as well if there is a failure.

The risks

Deadlines are rarely met. Infact, it would be safe to add 50% to the timeline given by the company.

Georgia - The hype suggested commercial hit was a mere formality on a wild cat drill. Then when the first well was drilled, the reality dawned with hitting the unexpected granite layer! The siesmics may well have been wrong and could well be true for the entire Georgia block!

Trinidad - More of a case of over promising with unrealistic timeline.

Puntland - Its a wild cat drill. Also, if they find oil, the Somalis might fighting each other about who owns the oil.

The CEO keeps adding projects to the portfolio without ever bringing to fruition the ones on hand.

Important note - For me all this would not have been possible without PP and then DV starting this thread and most importantly Jaspa mentioning RRL on page 1 back in 2010 :)
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Excellent summary EE.

The main attraction of RRL for me is the massive potential upside combined with a healthy net asset value. Best value on AIM, IMO.

It is Jaspa, that why it is my largest holding. Trinidad for me is the one that makes Range so attractive, itself is not fully accounted for yet in the SP let alone Puntland and Georgia if they come off.

I have a little flutter with RMP, nothing more.
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FOGL does the fund raising at 43p... They can now drill two deep targets and be negotiate better terms in a partnership.

Target 1 - 4 billion barrels
target 2 - 1 Billion Barrels

Basically its a case of put your money on Red or Black :)
Pro_S2009 - 14 Jan'12

Post this placing this is where we stand imo :


Number of shares: 428.58m
Share Price: 70.75p
Cash: $197 million / £128.88m
Market Cap:£306.43m


Number of shares: 320m
Share Price: 45p
Cash: $223 million / £145.89m
Market cap: £144m

Loligo risked per share is now £13.13
Loligo unrisked per share is now £89 (based on P50 4.7 billion recoverable bls)

Scotia risked per share is now £2.79
Scotia unrisked per share is now £18.93 (based on P50 1 billion recoverable bls)

FOGL main prospects risked is now £44.71 per share
FOGL main prospects unrisked is now £303 per share
Excellent write up on RRL - greatly appreciated.

FOGL - two interesting benchmarks, one with BOR as mentioned above suggests FOGL should double prior to spud. Secondly, comparisons with RKH who found oil in Falklands but more importantly appear to have similar news flow on the lead up to their drilling campaign (including a £50m odd fundraising).

Extract from iii from zed2002, not verified:

"I thought i would do some research on RKH's timetable with FOGL. Strange enough FOGL are following what RKH did in 2009.


RKH did a placing. £50 million placing of 92,592,593 at 54p. 115% equity. (200m shares after placing)

FOGL done a placing. £48.5 million of 112,764,675 at 43p. 54% equity (320m shares after placing)

RKH share Price fluctuated 54 -56p.


RKH: News on Rig departed and headed for falklands

FOGL: Rig on its way and will reach its destination in 10 days

RKH Share Price at 57p


RKH: Drilling Programme update of 2 slots secured.

FOGL: Drill Programme alredy done. 2 Slots secured.

RKH Share Price 68p


RKH announces spud

FOGL not spudded yet.

RKH Share Price 70p

Now reading above and comparing RKH and FOGL, it seems that FOGL are in better place than when RKH was in 2009. We did better in Placing. We were 1 step ahead in drilling Programme and also Rig being secured.

Look at where RKH are now after their success in Sealion. Now imagine what will happen if FOGL first drill is success or even if BOR's drille was a success. "

Heres to hoping the placing overhang clears sooner rather than later.
From the Diaries of the most feared shorter in London

I am basically turning increasingly bullish. The fact is that stocks just do not go down the way they used to. And there is the possibility that Greece's insolvency is entirely factored into the market with other countries' embarrassments also allowed for. If so, this market could put on a startling gain. Certainly, I contacted a pal over the weekend who is very well placed to monitor bid intentions and he assures me that 100% premia and more are on the way. That's telling us.
Horn have just released the RNS many have waited years for...... Shabeel 1 spudded in puntland
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some may take profit as is the case..... But I think momentum is gathering and may well be at 20p in the next few days.... Expect range to announce Texas well result by the end of the week. They have few things in the locker to catch out the shorters.....
Albeit on longer term view need to prevent this Head and Shoulders from playing out

I'm not a fan of Peter Landau and Range but boy does he work hard when he is out promoting the story !
AGL - Webcast due 26th Jan. May be dry. But they have promised real blood cancer diagnosis results for end Jan and Q1 is huge for other newsflow as well.

NTA - looks ready to pick up steam again. Accumulation going on as final Lancaster Gate flats sold. 80p stock with potential for 300p EPS ? Even 200p after tax will be a good result.
Looks like the press headlines are becoming more bullish AFTER markets have had a strong move ! As I mentioned a few weeks back the best sign was the VIX spiking and rolling over from 40 and 30 levels.
SRX - demonstrates the adage 'there is always a bull market somewhere'

even in last years dire market for small cap resources stocks it performed brilliantly (and was highlighted on this thread at c.15p now almost 70p in just 6-9 months)

in the meantime you had the Pala investor group try to take it private at 30p and now they are buying shares in the market at 50-60p !

they are as they say in the City 'having it off' in the Titanium Dioxide market right now

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In terms of high conviction ideas which I think the market is missing right now CPX stands out as the chart is breaking up on no new news similar to SRX did which I think points to stealth accumulation by people who do know what is going on ? The real transformational news was last year with volume production starting with a multi-billion $ company like Murata.
Jaspa are you in TRP? I wonder if Arcadia drilling finally getting their act together.... GBP would be one to keep an eye on as well if TRP is getting close to a drilling schedule.
I have been in TRP and GBP for about a year now. Still have faith in both long-term, but financing may be an issue with GBP.
TRP, most likely lead up to spud Uganda in mid Feb, targeting 80m barrels. Suspect many will dump on spud.

Will be buying on any dips, if Uganda fails.
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GBP have about $20m cash and cashflow from US ops so should be able to farm down to fund anything else ? New CEO has been buying at c.18p so pretty sure there is no near term financing risk.
Anyone recommend any good Share apps for Android or Iphones?
Looking for price and news alerts, dont mind paying for a good app?
Does anyone have MXP in their sights as they are drilling on of their deeper targets (450 million barrels, TD around April) in Kazakhstan. They had a mix 2011... some success and some failures on the shallower targets.... They have funding for two deep targets and produce currently 3-5000 bopd to keep things ticking along. I know they had terrible 2007 when they nearly went under, so there is a debt issue that has an overhang from then. But it seems to me that they are reaching company transformation stage if these deep drills come good.

Anyone got any other info I should think about?
MXP a chap at Oilbarrel a few years back told me to be wary of MXP, huge number of warrants (he mentioned billions!) there so constant dilution no matter how much oil they find
Anyone recommend any good Share apps for Android or Iphones?
Looking for price and news alerts, dont mind paying for a good app?

I use the shareprice iphone app. Very good, and you can set up your own portfolio and get free live prices.
I told you I don't like the guy but slaphead works damn hard for his shareholders he never stops promoting.
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He is **** with deadlines, for one thing.

I agree on that.... Have you noticed today, RRL not drilling the K2 but the K6! Got in another company to re-***** siesmics and oversee things etc..... Lets hope better luck this time.
Ive always thought there was a bit of the barrow boy about PL. He will either be a billionaire next year, or sleeping in the gutter. He is all about **** or bust - a man in a hurry.
I don't like promoters they like to paint a bit of a panglossian picture. However in the right market environment they are the ones who can succeed. As J says it is '**** or bust' with those types.
I don't like promoters they like to paint a bit of a panglossian picture. However in the right market environment they are the ones who can succeed. As J says it is '**** or bust' with those types.

Possibly the first time the great word 'Panglossian' has ever been used on PP.
Buyers chased Angle 8p higher to 83p on hearing that Parsortix, its 90 per cent-owned portfolio company, has achieved a milestone by using its cell separation device to successfully capture circulating tumour cells in cancer patient blood. Cenkos is a fan and believes the device has a lot of potential. The opportunity to generate research-driven revenues is moving closer to becoming realised.

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/...ate-New-Year-Dragon-London.html#ixzz1kK7u5OE3
A lot of talk and hype on FOGL now but this is a classic albeit with a twist of humour.

Buster21 (iii)
"FOGL have the greatest risk/reward ratio since Jack and the Beanstalk".

I expect (or hope) to see a lot of BOR money coming into FOGL over the coming days/weeks.
30m+ volume on BPC, huge volume considering this has been a sleeper lately and seen a significant decline from the 20p+ days, now at 7p.
Gold - may be a short term 'headfake' down but fundamentals suggest medium term it'll be higher with Governments/Monetary authorities back inflating/reflating

BogotaTrader - 25 Jan'12

Ben Bernake on newswire comment stating that Quant Easing is on the table.....Gold moving up nicely in Us hours....US NYSE large cap gold stocks that I follow - AEM, EGO, GG, IAG and KCC are at the moment showing rises of between 7% and 10%....risk on on commodity and gold stocks.....looks like gold mining sector and particulary microcap gold miners will show some support tomorrow and worth researching microcap UK ones to go bottomfishing.....
GON results today. Historic results simply demonstrate the turnaround affected by new Management. Outlook looks good.


This financial year has been a transitional one of restructuring the Group to focus on revenue generating activities and growth opportunities, particularly in China. In doing so, we have invested heavily in our Digital Operations in China to provide a platform for growth. This is reflected in the adjusted loss before tax of GBP3.1m* for the year. As part of the restructuring we have significantly reduced our ongoing overhead in other areas and focussed on the marketing of our online portals and the quality of online games offered on these portals.

Entertainment - Digital

We grew monthly revenue from our Digital Operations to more than GBP850k during the financial year. Our digital operations provide both mobile and online distribution to consumers in a growing market. China has more than 500m internet users, more than any other country in the world, with this number expected to increase to 600m this year. The online games market in China grew 32% in 2011 with total revenue increasing to US$6.8b. Strategically, we have focussed our efforts to take advantage of this growth market.

We continued the transition of the Group's Digital operations in China away from low margin mobile activities to higher margin activities, in particular online. In December we launched our very first exclusive game 'Saga Of Heroes' on our online portal wowan365.com. We also launched a new portal, wan71.com, to widen our customer base in China. The focus during the year has been on developing our online platform for growth with a number of new games planned to launch in 2012.

Our strategy is to continue to provide players with quality games which they can initially play for free with further involvement requiring micro-transactional payments. To drive traffic to our sites we use local marketing partners as well as operate a number of non- exclusive games, which are games available on many sites. Customer loyalty is further enhanced by the operation of exclusive games which are only available on our sites initially and for which we own the rights exclusively in China, and in some cases other territories. We work closely with third party developers to ensure that the exclusive games we operate are of the highest quality and in line with consumer demand.

Our first exclusive game, Saga of Heroes, which launched in December last year has been opened up to third party sites and continues to do well. This month we officially launched a second exclusive game, 'Revenge of the Titans', a wholly owned online web game. It is our intention to launch a further three exclusive games by the end of June this year. The feedback on the games we have launched to date has been very positive and with this portfolio of games we expect to see a significant increase in revenues during the year and improving margins as the games mature in market. There has been some slippage in delivery dates of new games to date and this has impacted on profitability in the short term but we feel that our decision to focus on growing our platform and delivering quality games will leave us better placed to capitalise on the growth opportunities in the sector. Registered users on our existing portals now exceed 9m and with an increased number of exclusive games forecast to be operated this year we expect to significantly increase revenue and profits from our Digital Operations in China.

In addition to wholly owning the rights to 'Revenge of the Titans' we have licensed the rights to exploit games within our current portfolio of exclusive games in various territories outside of China. Taking advantage of our established platform and infrastructure, we will launch new portals outside China. We have launched a new portal in Europe (yipeegame.com) and intend to launch new portals in Taiwan and other territories during the year as new games are brought to market.

In line with the stated strategy, our low margin mobile service provision revenues have been reduced significantly. While the penetration of smart phones into the market remains low we are encouraged by recent data in the sector where Mobile Games revenues in China grew strongly to RMB 1.7 billion Yuan last year, an increase of 86% compared to 2010 due to the expansion of online games, smart phones, iPads and other mobile devices. We are well placed to take advantage of this growth going forward and continue to transition the business to take account of these changes in the market.

Product - Croco Worldwide

Croco's revenues for the year increased by 14% year on year. More importantly, Croco has developed relationships with new customers during the year, providing further opportunities for growth in the future. We have also recently opened an office in Shanghai to explore opportunities in the Chinese market which could be significant. Croco deliver's Innovation for some of the world's largest FMCG companies and by growing its customer base we will be well placed to grow our revenues further. This growth will require financing as the size of the orders are expected to be substantial but the opportunity is significant for the Company.

Entertainment - Other

Many of our entertainment properties are seeing opportunities continue to present themselves. The rights to Super Soccer Star were licensed to Indonesia and the series was aired in Indonesia over the summer of 2011 on MNC TV. We have also licensed the TV rights to Skunk Fu to the most popular Children's Channel in China which is a significant opportunity for the property. Whilst we have taken the view to write off our remaining Intellectual Property this year due to uncertainty of future revenues (GBP393,000), we are hopeful that further value will be realised from our formats with discussions continuing with various partners.


Galleon's strategy of changing its operational emphasis to its Digital operations in China is a focussed approach to achieving sustainable revenue growth this year and going forward. Our Digital Operations in China underpin our future growth in what are exciting times in this market sector in China. Having established a platform for growth and a pipeline of quality content, we are positive about the outlook of the Group. We believe that the growth opportunities both in the sector and from the increased number of exclusive games we intend to operate will see a significant increase in revenues and a return to profitability during the year.

David Wong

Executive Chairman

I have been previously but they just never failed to deliver disappointment. They do have this Asian investor chap involved now so maybe it'll be different but I'd like to see some substantive change in terms of drill results and monetisation of existing gas resources in Tanzania. Maybe COV / WRL deal today could spur that ?