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Buying shares?

Very very happy today. yipeeeee

Last year while moving to UK, I took a risk of putting all my liquid cash in Cement stocks in India.

Today, after a 5% jump in one day, I sold the lot pocketing 46% profit.

Now, need to think what's next.
I've been in SXX for a while too and noticed the seasonal trend. Annoyed that my cheeky little 13p bid a few months back didn't materialize..would have been a nice top up.
s28/jaspa - thanks for providing some valuable wisdom through your posts. The guidance is much appreciated.
That is probably neutral/good news for FOGL and good news for BOR ?

FOGL - it isn't oil. gas is harder to commercialise but they should have lots of it and the right partners who can help them monetise it ?

BOR - now have other gas discoveries in the area which might help to make their gas discoveries commercial ?

Will be an interesting day. Might try a day trade on BOR ? Will try and buy some at 24p at open or wait until things to settle down around 08:30 ?

Anyone ever looked at APC ?

Seems like a low margin distributor but Mkt Cap £2.9m and just announced an order to sell £1.5m LED's to a major UK retailer

Think they have debt but core business seems to be stabilising ? Maybe not...

17 Sep'12 - 08:21 - 398 of 398

Today's net debt statement is a bit of a fudge IMO, as H1 net debt was considerably down on YE, and they don't say whether it's reduced from HY.

I thought their recent statements on expectations were 'difficult to forecast', and Digitalook doesn't have any EPS forecasts as far as I could see.

HY results said:

'This downward trend is considered to be consistent with the weakness that has been apparent in the UK's electronic component distribution market which, after a significant contraction in 2011 is expected to stabilise in the first half of 2012 before returning to modest growth in the second half of the year'.

I think the main clue is continued diversification into eco, suggesting continued weakness in historic business.
SRB - on the move

ridiculously cheap potential gold miner at just £6m Mkt Cap when it has a multi-billion miner like Eldorado 'next door' and a 26% shareholder

the upside 'optionality' is huge

maybe people too worried about imminent financing but Cluff Gold recent deal with Samsung shows there are innovative non-equity mechanisms out there especially in post QE3 world
SRB volume is 119k i.e. about £8k has moved it

a lot of shares have got sold off in last few months on little volume, i.e. not real reflection of the true underlying values, a return of some animal spirits amongst investors could see a decent rally into year end as long as not too much supply meets the demand
Looks that way. Although trash with poor drilling results still getting sold off today e.g. THR and KLG so not indiscriminate?
Jaspa - Still holding SOU? If they can somehow manage to bring some positive news from Italy, I feel its due for a pump soon. What do you think?
EE - I derisked in SOU a few months (just before plummet thank God), and still holding.

Its becoming apparent that while they have many potential hotspots, they are mainly ****. Indonesia and Italy. Still no good news so you have to worry about their due diligence undertaken. Cash will also become an issue very soon.

But as ever, they only need to come off so will continue to hold for now...
Perhaps we ought to make a list of all the good trash and ride the wave before the next inevitable do or die European summit not too long in the future :)
Good idea.

What is good trash though ? Companies whose share prices got beaten up but who haven't done anything too wrong ? Companies who have got their dilutive placings out of the way for now ? Companies who have failed and are near insolvent so might have to ramp their share price to get away one final placing whilst the window is open ?

I would choose stocks in the first category but the real dross in the last category might be the real potential winners in a risk-seeking rally !

The Top 10 today :-

Solgold (SOLG) - FAILED in last phase of Gold exploration. Coming back as new company in a new Continent. I don't trust them but everyone remembers that day they went from 10p to 80p so has big PI 'fanbase'.



Brady Explor. (BRDY) - FAILED. so looking for a RTO ?



Karelian (KDR) - FAILED to find much commercial diamonds in Finland but meant to be the other side of border to big Russian fields ? Could find something eventually, guess money is tight ?



Greatland (GGP) FAILED to find decent grades in Australian exploration so far. News expected soon on recent drills. I would not hold out much hope but chart looks to have bottomed.



Motive Tv (MTV) - No idea what they do and they seem to have trouble convincing TV companies as well. Constant massive dilution. Bit of a joke now.



Totally (TLY) - May have genuine business under new management. News on NHS contract tomorrow leaked ?



Conti.coal (COOL) - Do have some operating coal mines but also a big short term debt issue to sort out. Claim to have had offer for coalmines / licences at higher than current Market Value but Debt is big issue.



Serabi (SRB) - Fundamentals great but have been all the way down. Big influential investors but they have not stopped maybe even been complicit in massive ongoing dilution but it is a genuine gold mining prospect.



Aea Tech Grp (AAT) - Dead.



Triple Pl.ju. (TPJ) - Very cheap option on exploration in highly prospective gold exploration territory in partnership with 3 of biggest gold miners in the World. Funded for a year or so. Looks a potential prime candidate at some point for a bounce.
Good idea.

What is good trash though ? Companies whose share prices got beaten up but who haven't done anything too wrong ? Companies who have got their dilutive placings out of the way for now ? Companies who have failed and are near insolvent so might have to ramp their share price to get away one final placing whilst the window is open ?

I would choose stocks in the first category but the real dross in the last category might be the real potential winners in a risk-seeking rally !

Share price of companies get beaten for a reason, most of the expert advise retail investors to stay away from such stocks. As per one estimate only 1 in some 20 such stocks would one make money. When a stock goes down its very hard to predict whats the lowest it will go. Such stocks are too volatile.
Thanks it's nice to get an opinion from an amateur perspective once in a while.
:)) @s28

anakin - most of the talk on this thread relates to illiquid small cap shares. They do not generally move on fundamentals, but on news flow and sentiment. And they are very prone to market manipulation.

I don't know where your 1 in 20 strike rate comes from, because it is impossible to quantify the general small cap market. Because they don't rely on company fundamentals, a bull market will see large increases across the board, and the opposite in a bear market.

The reason for our collective interest is the volatility of these stocks. Risk v Rewards. The biggest movement on AIM today was +57% and -24; the biggest movers on FTSE were +3% and -3%. The key, as with any volatile share, is to take your money out at the right time.
Once again today it appears 'trash is the new black'

OXS, JJB, PET, AAT, OCH amongst top risers today

My own favourite trash as mentioned previously above includes likes of


adding some TPJ as well

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The other theories must be resolution of Excalibur claim or drill news. Or just plain ramping.
TLY - Out with two items of news today. Sounds broadly positive. Still cannot get my head around what the value of this NHS contract is going forward


any potential, my long standing worry was that it was all too low risk, too low return

Sound Oil plc

("Sound Oil" or "the Company")

Investor Conference Call

Sound Oil, the upstream oil and gas company with assets in Italy and Indonesia, invites existing shareholders to attend the next bi-monthly conference call with the Executive Team on Friday 5 October 2012 at 11am (London time). This call will focus on the interim accounts (to be published by end September) and a general update.

For dial in details please contact Tom Hufton on tomh@buchanan.uk.com or 0207 466 5167.

Questions may be submitted to Tom Hufton prior to close of business on 2 October 2012.
Scientists !

Is this good news ? Statins at lower doses ?


Following a successful evaluation period, the Company has established the feasibility of the delivery system in working with these drugs and undertaken a commercial evaluation to identify the potential for a range of statin products which it is launching under its Safestat(TM) program.

Safestat(TM) aims to re-formulate the widely used molecules of atorvastatin and simvastatin into doses up to four times lower than the original dose but with the same lipid lowering efficacy as the original higher dose. Early research into the concept has been extremely well received by both clinicians and healthcare payers alike.

Nigel Theobald, Chief Executive, Oxford Pharmascience Group Plc, commented:
"Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death worldwide and statins have become widely adopted as a key drug to help combat this. Global revenue from statins in 2009 was over $27bn despite the debate which is ongoing about their benefit compared to the issues caused by side effects of statins and the lack of compliance in patients taking these medicines which often results in cholesterol reduction targets being missed.

We are developing our Safestat(TM) program to help combat these issues. By reducing the dose of the drug but maintaining its efficacy our statin products look well placed to become a leading treatment as a second line intervention for cholesterol reduction.

Early commercial conversations are very encouraging and we are looking to license our technology to major pharmaceutical companies to co-develop products using this technology. Our safestat(TM) program is a massive opportunity for us to take our delivery systems into much larger established pharmaceutical markets".


Presentation http://www.globalpetroleum.com.au/assets/release/2012/12-09-18-GBP-FESG-Conference-FINAL-2-NEW.pdf

Global Petroleum Limited

("Global" or "the Company")

Investor Presentation

Global Petroleum Limited (AIM: GBP, ASX: GBP), the oil and gas exploration company focused on Southern Africa, announces that a copy of its latest corporate presentation from the FirstEnergy / Société Générale Global Energy Conference, held in London on Tuesday 18 September 2012, is available on both the ASX website and the Company's website.

For further information please visit www.globalpetroleum.com.au or contact:

I like this sort of set up on trash. It's overlooked, funded for now, and coming to decision time with a break down or up due from this pincer movement of 50 and 200 day MA's.

Interim results due Week of Sept 26th and they are presenting at a Investor Conference for Fuel Cells in London that week. http://www.cleantechinvestor.com/events/en/fcpg.html

New website out just prior to that. Seem to be on the front foot at the moment. http://www.actagroup.it/


Presentation http://www.globalpetroleum.com.au/assets/release/2012/12-09-18-GBP-FESG-Conference-FINAL-2-NEW.pdf

Global Petroleum Limited

("Global" or "the Company")

Investor Presentation

Global Petroleum Limited (AIM: GBP, ASX: GBP), the oil and gas exploration company focused on Southern Africa, announces that a copy of its latest corporate presentation from the FirstEnergy / Société Générale Global Energy Conference, held in London on Tuesday 18 September 2012, is available on both the ASX website and the Company's website.

For further information please visit www.globalpetroleum.com.au or contact:

Such an empty presentation. Have they done anything at all in 2012?
Fair comment I think re GBP. Their radio silence has been very strange. Yet they bought shares which in itself sends a signal to investors but with no follow through again bizarre.

I know they have been selling interests in their US licences but they are minority holders so it can't have taken much of their time.

They have released precious little information on what their 2D seismic studies have shown.

I guess they may have been waiting/hoping for strike on adjacent drills but that seems like gambling rather than a strategy.
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what a shocker, IPO pulled

must say the presentation looked great but clearly there is something not right in the background. Only hope for them now is that AWP side picks up which it should do and maybe Chinese bail out the SEV side did have Wanxiang involved. Another nail in the coffin of US Manufacturing/New Green Tech industry though.
Fair comment I think re GBP. Their radio silence has been very strange. Yet they bought shares which in itself sends a signal to investors but with no follow through again bizarre.

I know they have been selling interests in their US licences but they are minority holders so it can't have taken much of their time.

They have released precious little information on what their 2D seismic studies have shown.

I guess they may have been waiting/hoping for strike on adjacent drills but that seems like gambling rather than a strategy.

I think they were hoping for CHAR to strike which would get interest going in their licensees and hence more favorable JV terms. Considering the BOD has such a high percentage of shares, they really would not want to dilute too much early on and get as best a deal as possible. But it does mean, they going to sit and wait.

Who is up next in drilling? SQZ or Tower?
Proper dash for trash on!

gut feeling about SOU came true.... LOL

RRL is due for a pump soon. Bought back in again.
Yeah I think it has probably just begun.

Many have been out of the market so just catching up.

But many of the old speculative favourites getting a move on.

Been some mad moves in Aussie markets things going up 8x in a day apparently !

tiny bit of excitement related to them being in a third-party unofficial iphone accessory
s28 - Looked at New World Oil and Gas (New)? Drilling in belize shortly, right next to a producing field. The SP is around all time high though.
Doesn't look big enough to be of interest I like small explorers potentially opening new provinces. Real hit or bust stuff.
Doesn't look big enough to be of interest I like small explorers potentially opening new provinces. Real hit or bust stuff.

90m recoverable first drill.

Its a 3 drill program targeting 300m recoverable in total. Not too bad considering the mcap is £30m so decent potential upside.
If they are at drilling stage that makes it even more unappealing to me. I like to get in early on small companies targeting a large new province but even then I'd be looking to sell as they reach the drilling stage because that is when there is the most risk. If they do strike I doubt in this market they will get full credit for the 'fairway' being opened up so might if it stacks up represent better risk-reward then.
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ACTA Half year results out not the most encouraging statement to be putting out. Oh well back to the drawing board...

"As with any new technology, the adoption rate of our products is determined by factors that are not entirely within the Company's control, including the speed of customer product integration and testing procedures. These have moved more slowly than we and our partners had previously anticipated, resulting in a slippage of the Board's revenue growth expectations for 2012 and to a lesser degree for 2013. The Company has consequently reduced its cost base, while relocating its expenditure from research and development to commercial and production activities, and the Board continues to review its working capital and funding requirements to meet the expected range and timing of commercial demand through to breakeven and profitability."
London, its easy in Manchester as councils arnt that bothered.

As for flavour, because of tax laws and stuff most people sell flavour illegally and smuggle it in to the country, i buy mine from some guy in Birmingham.

Where in London is your Shisha place?

Im in NEW world oil at the moment. Hopefully de risk mid drill.

I usually ignore those who claim to have a 'hotline' in to the Management or Board of a Company. However this guy seems to be legitimate and stays the right side of the line.

26 Sep'12 - 17:58 - 3303 of 3305

sorry rich, yes i usually speak with fraser every couple weeks or so, i also believe their to be some news being prepared on barricks ground, over the next weeks we will be hearing alot more newsflow.
Thought I'd have a look at some of the stocks mentioned on here recently and try to take my own fundamental opinion out of the equation and just look at the chart. I have said previously I expect seasonal risk-on rally driven by improving macro picture/QE3 and in such circumstances the worst trashiest stocks might be the ones to own as they have a certain recognition factor with private investors and tend to have promotional management.

Charts on SOU, NEW and RRL follow.



SOU on the lower 6 month chart clearly seems to be driven by the 50 day Moving Average. The MACD needs to get above the 0 line and stock needs to break out above at least the 50 day MA and perhaps the 200 day MA line for me to be positive on it from a chart perspective.

Note the last time SOU had a really good run it was after a period where it was initially constrained by 50 and 200 MA lines and MACD was negative so it has a lot of work to do overcoming its resistance levels.

Having said that SOU could be attractive if they have genuinely good news of a transformational nature because that chart pattern would suggest lots of stale bulls would look to exit / lots of overhead resistance so any initial strong move would be sold / 'faded'.
Not sure if they or their partners have any major drill news due ?
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From a long term perspective the chart looks good with a reasonable uptrend established although we seem to be within a short term downwave within that trend. MACD has 'rolled over' which suggests weakening momentum. Will be interesting to see where that turns i.e. still in positive territory or goes back to negative levels like during July-August period.

There should be a transformational event with drilling news due in coming months which may impact the long term trend. Otherwise it has tended to bounce consistently off the 200 day MA line.



From first glance this looks the most promising chartwise.

The longer term 3 year chart shows that the 5p area has been one of previous consolidation prior to a big move up. (5p to 20p )

The recent 6 month chart shows how the stock price has been 'ruled' by the 50 day Moving average almost as though in absence of any real news or fundamental analysis it has just been a trading chip with marketmakers and market participants keying off those levels.

Now however the chart looks as though it is 'basing' and becoming immune to any further 'shocks'. If the MACD goes into positive territory and it can break above the 50 day MA a swift move to 8-9p and the 200 day MA does look possible. The distance between the 50 and 200 day may preclude much move beyond that level in short term. Not sure what catalysts are on the horizon for RRL but they are run by a promoter in Peter Landau and I understand they do have cash generating assets so seems a decent punt at this stage even before a positive confirmation in form of break above the 50 day MA ?
As an example of the power of the 50 and 200 day MA's check out this chart of MWA

IT was constricted for a while between the 50 and 200 day MA lines but then suddenly broke out. There did seem to be clues in the basing pattern and volume increase that it was building up a base from which the share price would launch in one way or another. Having made the initial break it has now come back to retest what was resistance as support. Short term MACD is looking overbought and so might need to churn at these levels for a bit but having escaped the downward pressure of the 50 day and 200 day MA's as long as it can stay above one would expect a new uptrend to establish from here on in.

How about this for a chart !

Stock up 50x in last few weeks

Australian company Sirius Resources (ASX:SIR) made a nickel discovery in Australia I think.

A decent read.


This 50-bagger proves things are looking up for gold miners

By Dominic Frisby Sep 21, 2012

I group mining companies into three major categories.

There are the senior producers - your BHP Billitons, Xstratas and Rio Tintos. These are huge companies worth tens of billions of pounds.

There are the junior and mid-tier producers, companies with one or more producing mines, worth hundreds of millions, sometimes a few billion even.

And then there are the 'explorers and developers'. These companies might have found a bit of metal in the ground, and are drilling further to see if a mine can be built. They might even be building a mine already.

Or, in the case of the really early stage companies, they might have nothing but some staked land, a couple of geologists and some capital. Almost all explorers and developers - no matter how advanced - have no cashflow. They rely on funding.

So when markets get averse to risk, funding dries up quickly. And the sector collapses.

As many junior mining investors know only too well…

The inspirational tale of Goldquest

Between April 2011 and May 2012 the TSX Venture exchange in Canada, which is where so many of the explorers and developers are listed, and thus acts as the benchmark for the sector, fell by about 55%. The benchmark exchange-traded fund (ETF) for the gold explorers and developers (NYSE:GLDX), fell 65% from US$19 to US$6. Many of the tiny-market-cap explorers fell by much more.

It makes you wonder why anyone would ever speculate in such a market again.

Then along comes a company like Goldquest (CVE:GQC). Goldquest – which is not a company, unfortunately, I was invested in - was exploring for gold in the Dominican Republic. In February 2011, it traded as high as C$0.49.

Then, along with the rest of the sector, it began a relentless grind lower. By the end of 2011, it hit C$0.06. It rallied, but by May 2012 had sunk to C$0.04. Like so many 'tiddlers', it had fallen by 90%.

On May 16, some no doubt embittered, frustrated soul sold that stock for C$0.04. Somebody else bought it. By mid-August the stock was trading 50 times higher, at C$2.00!

Most of the excitement came from just three drill holes, whose results were released between May and July. All three showed high-grading gold (ie a lot of gold per tonne of rock) over a long strike length (implying there is a lot of this high-grade rock).

In other words, Goldquest struck gold.

But its timing was excellent too. The discovery came right at what appears to be the end of the bear market. If the discovery had come six months earlier, would the stock have risen by 50 times? I doubt it, but we'll never know.

However, it just shows why people speculate in exploration. Because for all the false hype, all the failures (over 90% of exploration properties won't produce anything) and all the shenanigans that go on, sometimes somebody gets that lucky strike and makes 50 times their money in three months. A five grand speculation can suddenly become a quarter-of-a-million pot.

Whether it's this discovery, the rising price in metals over the summer or, simply, the fact that all bear markets - even Japanese ones - come to an end eventually, I'm delighted to say some appetite has now returned to the junior exploration sector. My own trend-following system issued a buy signal back in August.
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This is what I really love about CPX. It's not a high profile stock (Market Cap is only about £10m) but is has a multi-billion dollar revenue company (Murata) an expert in the field coming to it for it's expertise, building them a $50m plant, going out marketing these products.

This recent press release shows Murata saying they will be producing 400k per month ( not great revenues to CPX at $4 ASP and CPX only getting 6% royalty but a decent start ) and the dream is that as Murata do sell into iphones at some point these CPX capacitors become small and thin enough to go into iphones. Note the marketing blurb in this press release


1. Auxiliary power source for LED flash units used in digital cameras, digital video cameras and cell phones.

Some interesting RNSes from ACTA and OXP today ?



Oxford Pharmascience announces successful scale up of taste masked ibuprofen for clinical trials

Oxford Pharmascience, the specialty pharmaceutical company that uses advanced pharmaceutic technologies to reposition medicines, today announces it has completed successful first stage commercial scale up work for its OXPzero™ taste masked ibuprofen.



Shipment of Fuel Cell Back-Up Power System with onboard Hydrogen Generation

Acta S.p.A. (AIM: ACTA), the clean energy products company, is delighted to announce the shipment of the first fully integrated fuel cell telecom back-up power system incorporating Acta's onboard hydrogen generation for automatic fuel replenishment.

some discussion on those here :-



on the chart above seems to be breaking out above 50 day MA but MACD still negative ?
SOU 50 day MA signal was good indicator, would wait for retrace and improvement in MACD now before assessing
Encouragingly there seem to be lots of AIM stocks 'poised' now similar to SOU. Often they can rise without any definitive news just needs the pressure of an overhang to be released or mere decent write-up in the press.
Fair play it worked !

any news due at RRL ? that is looking 'poised' on that chart above
Fair play it worked !

any news due at RRL ? that is looking 'poised' on that chart above

I am loading up on rrl again..... The coffers are geeting empty and they need a "value event" to either raise via debt or placement. Easy 30-40% coming up soon. Then I will short it!

The value event will be results from deeper targets in Trinidad, which will push the production over the milestone of 1200-2000 bopd before the year end.
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Texas is also very close to sale and any buy back and subsequent share consolidation should see a decent short term rise.

This is what I really love about CPX. It's not a high profile stock (Market Cap is only about £10m) but is has a multi-billion dollar revenue company (Murata) an expert in the field coming to it for it's expertise, building them a $50m plant, going out marketing these products.

This recent press release shows Murata saying they will be producing 400k per month ( not great revenues to CPX at $4 ASP and CPX only getting 6% royalty but a decent start ) and the dream is that as Murata do sell into iphones at some point these CPX capacitors become small and thin enough to go into iphones. Note the marketing blurb in this press release


1. Auxiliary power source for LED flash units used in digital cameras, digital video cameras and cell phones.


Moving a bit today. Results usually out in October. Not expecting much.
Getting that Chinese funding at 30p would be great as everyone seems to have given up on it. Or some progress on auto strategy.
CPX did actually coming out with a statement today

Some good news amongst the bad news and share price overall ended up so one can only conclude overall good news outweighs the bad or someone knows there is more good news due ?

Bad news : now looking unlikely Chinese will invest
Good news : less dilution
Good news : Cap-XX seemed to have got support from lots of bigger bodies (Australian Trade Commission etc) who tried to bend over backwards presumably so the Chinese Government would approve the investment. That suggests some influence in high places and that ultimately the investment was not kiboshed by their Chinese partner but by finnickety Government bureaucrats so the technology and commercial partnership may still be on.

Other good news :

Audited results due next week i.e. they must have been signed off with no 'Going Concern' qualification ? They had $3m (aussie) cash as of this week so should be funded for at least another year ?