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Time to buy TRP soon? When they announce rig, it should spike and generate lot of interest as it will be the next big monster prospect. Derisk before Spud.
TRP maybe MACD due a turn

RHPS out. Pretty uninspiring but one of EE's recent mentions gets tipped.

Should help it bounce off that 200day MA line
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RHPS out. Pretty uninspiring but one of EE's recent mentions gets tipped.

Should help it bounce off that 200day MA line

Yeh i saw that, NEW gets a mention in RHPS. Not invested myself yet. The mcap is still pretty low, no need to take the risk at this stage. Drilling results in mid November.
Bulfords reputation has taken a battering so not sure that many will follow him anymore.
Its highly irresponsible of him to tip it during the drill as chances of success is 1 in 5 and people getting in now will most likely lose money.

Maybe a sign of desperation on his part.
There was a lot of speculation beforehand he was going to tip NTOG maybe that leak led to last minute change to NEW and explains the odd timing? Did notice email was a bit late and formatting seemed awry?
MWA chart looking good and they have plenty of news due building on the base of their Zim gold mine which puts them on 1x cashflow

Todays news looks like an appetiser

Big issue with MWA has always been perceived political risk but big Chinese investment I think should end that worry

Has scope to be a multi bagger just from rerating of existing earnings let alone new growth drivers
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CPX - very encouraging results commentary in results statement today.

I particularly like the mentions of Automotive applications and the interest coming from the Global players whilst also mentioning where and how they lead versus their competitors. That is quite bold and not something many tech companies would say given that their competitors are likely to be reading and it could come back to haunt them.

NEW - ? Placing at 9p today after it was ramped to RHPS subscribers ! Shocking stuff.

But what is this about ?

The Company also notifies that it has been in negotiations with a potential overseas investor (the 'Potential Investor') regarding a possible strategic investment of cash (initially US$6 million) for new shares in the Company, although no agreement was reached or concluded. New World informed the Potential Investor that it was proceeding with the Placing, following which the Potential Investor alleged that the past negotiations had concluded. No agreement was concluded and therefore the Board of New World (having consulted with its legal advisers) believes that there is no basis on which the Potential Investor could make a successful claim against the Company.
SOU - don't ya just hate it when that happens

'sometimes good things happen to bad stocks'

One thing which surprised me was that there has not been any obvious public anger from Investors in the 30p placing who may have felt they were coming in 'alongside' the Chinese investor only to find out that they weren't. No mention of any progress on the ground with that Chinese entity either ?

But these excerpts sound promising, let's hope they can deliver.

The Stop-Start application is an important market opportunity, as vehicle manufacturers increasingly adopt Stop-Start systems to reduce vehicle emissions and improve fuel efficiency. The demand and interest of the automotive supercapacitor module has been greater that initially estimated and the module is currently being tested by numerous major automotive OEMs and their Tier 1 suppliers. In order to meet the demand for samples a small scale assembly machine has been ordered for the production of large prismatic supercapacitors. It is expected that this will be commissioned in the first half of the current financial year. The Company anticipates that a partner to commercialise the technology associated with the Stop-Start application will be found within the next 12 months.
ACTA looking like a volume breakout on that one, tends to have phases where it really pumps out newsflow and gains momentum amongst investors
There were some clues in their new website and discovery of twitter
The Fuel Cell sector appears to be back in vogue.

Significant looking news coming from AFC and ACTA today.

AFC have just got Roman Abramovich as a strategic investor
ACTA look to have actually sold some fuel cells/electrolysers
11 Oct'12 - 07:25 - 2258 of 2259

Gaining momentum.

euclid5 …………..The difference between Acta and ITM is in the membrane they use, Acta’s use no noble metals which make their Stacks and Electrolysers much cheaper, hence today’s news, Acta are cheap enough to be able to cross the price void of bottled gas, ITM are not at the moment.

The other big difference is in their business models……………. Acta want other manufactures to build Electrolysers utilising Acta’s AES technology thereby driving the costs down of producing Hydrogen by water electrolysis worldwide (production of scale)……………. ITM are very secretive and want to keep everything to themselves, the rights and the wrongs to this approach are being discussed on the ITM board right now.

I prefer the Acta model and the SP as a starting point with which to buy.

Today’s news

BGBL - Anybody looked at or followed this company or sector ?

They are involved in Smart Metering. The Market seems to have had a lull while the Government work out what to do next but some of these figures from their last results looked quite compelling.


· Revenue of £18.41 million (2011: £28.99 million)

· Recurring revenues increased by 29% to £9.21 million (2011: £7.14 million)

· More than 175,000 smart meters now installed

· DCDA revenues increased by 32% to £3.35 million (2011: £2.53 million)

· Gross margins up to 60% (2011: 45%)

· Adjusted EBITDA of £1.11 million1 (2011: £4.16 million2)

· Adjusted Operating profit £0.67 million3 (2011: £3.88 million4)

· Adjusted Profit before taxation of £0.62 million3 (2011: £3.81 million4)

· Adjusted Profit after taxation of £1.18 million3 (2011: £3.10 million4)

· Earnings per share 1.11p (2011: loss per share 1.51p)

· Net cash generated from operations £1.87 million (2011: £2.32 million)

That Net Cash generation stood out to me because it is only a £10m odd Market Capitalisation company.

In August they announced a possible JV with Samsung. Maybe that could be due to be released soon ?


Bglobal plc (AIM: BGBL) signed a joint venture agreement (the "JV Agreement") with Samsung C&T Corporation ("Samsung C&T") on 9 August 2012.

The JV Agreement will become binding and effective after certain conditions including the following are satisfied: receiving a firm order from a UK energy supplier for the smart energy solution and the necessary regulatory and internal approvals from Samsung C&T. Therefore, the JV Agreement will become binding and effective when the above conditions are fully satisfied.


SMS is valued at £200m and EAS is valued at £50m which makes BGBL look mispriced at first glance £10m

SMS http://www.sms-plc.com/Home
EAS http://www.energyassets.co.uk/
BGBL http://www.bglobalplc.com/

Latest results for each :-

SMS Rev £16m Gross Profit £9m EBITDA £6m

EAS Rev £13m Op Profit £6m

BGBL Rev £18m EBITDA £1m

Hard for an Industry outsider to make a call on this as the Industry dynamics are in such flux due to Government imposed hiatus on the wider rollout of Smart Meters apparently.
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This was the chart of AFC leading up to todays news and big up move. Note how it had steadily risen through the 50 day and 200 day MA lines and then backtested the 200 day line. FWIW I think the ACTA chart is setting up in a similar manner. So will look to buy a bit on it's retest.

I'm hearing from well placed sources that European debt deal will be approved which should allow continuation of risk rally in a seasonally strong last quarter with a background of QE3. Hoping for some decent trading and investing opps in coming months.
SOU - Mohammed Al-Fayed buying in ? 3% apparently.

that is one stock that needs a breather
Crazy isn't it. Up over 200% in the space of a few weeks on no real news. Some of the prospects they are drilling are so small. Looks to be just one of those stocks which chimes with collective PI consciousness.
Just goes to when the sentiment turns, it can go up in a big way.

NEW is next on the list, it could be 50p+ on drill success for a mcap of around 100-150 million.
Not too sure about NEW. Very dependent on drilling success right now. SOU has gone up on thin air. Partly I think because Investors have some 'memory' for when the price was in the 3-6p range so they seem comfortable buying it at 1p even though it is already up 100% in a week.

RRL is getting slated by likes of Simon Cawkwell right now otherwise it might fit the bill as something with PI name recognition which has a history of trading at 10-20p so making it optically 'look cheap' despite/regardless of fundamentals.

ACTA sort of fits the bill as it has history of trading 20p+ but not sure it was ever that much of a PI favourite so maybe doesn't hold the same 'name recognition' of a SOU.

LGO or SOLO might fit the bill ? LGO moreso. PI's probably remember it trading 1p+ and at 0.40p it will look cheap and give them bragging rights of owning 'millions of shares'. It is close to getting production up, maybe selling some assets in Spain. Opinion formers such as Simon Cawkwell talking it up to have valuation well in excess of current price but it is being 'held back' by recent 0.40 placing.

I'm trying to keep a close eye on the 50 and 200 day MA's for these speculative favourites because I think there will be more explosive moves coming.

Any others you are watching please add 'auto-updating' charts on here.
If China looks like it's coming back maybe some Iron Ore plays like AFF, BEM, BZM ?



Was doing some cleaning at the weekend and noticed the word 'Byotrol' on the bottle of a Tesco cleaning product. Thought I'd come across the name before it used to be a popular AIM stock. Interesting to see decent brands including their 'technology'. They signed a deal with Kimberley-Clark recently and Directors buying also.

Chart seems building nicely.



Byotrol plc (BYOT.L), quoted on AIM, is a leading anti-microbial technology hygiene company, operating globally in the Health, Food, Leisure, Consumer, Industrial and Agriculture sectors, providing a low toxicity product with a broad-based and long lasting efficacy across all microbial classes; bacteria, viruses, fungi, moulds, microbacteria and algae.

The Byotrol product can be used as a stand alone product or as a complementary biocide additive to existing products to improve their performance in personal hygiene, domestic and industrial disinfection, odour control, food production and food management.

Founded in 2005, the Company has prioritised the development of a technology that creates easier, safer and cleaner lives through partnering with providers of essential goods and services. Byotrol is the catalyst behind the aptly named global 'Hygiene Revolution'.
There are some orchestrated pumps going on in AIM.

SAC oil.... most blatant one to date.

News paper report about "huge discoveries in Congo". Read the article carefully and you realise its what they think could be there after doing a magnetic aerial survey!

CHAR had multi billions of barrels from 3d Siesmics! Drill bit proved it otherwise.
Noteable that so many of these runners are being controlled by 50 and 200 day MA's

RRL right tug of war at the 50 day MA line, look at the flatline

They tried to get it going with a 17p target price note from Old Park Lane (who?) but still nothing ? Maybe needs to complete SEDA ?




From first glance this looks the most promising chartwise.

The longer term 3 year chart shows that the 5p area has been one of previous consolidation prior to a big move up. (5p to 20p )

The recent 6 month chart shows how the stock price has been 'ruled' by the 50 day Moving average almost as though in absence of any real news or fundamental analysis it has just been a trading chip with marketmakers and market participants keying off those levels.

Now however the chart looks as though it is 'basing' and becoming immune to any further 'shocks'. If the MACD goes into positive territory and it can break above the 50 day MA a swift move to 8-9p and the 200 day MA does look possible. The distance between the 50 and 200 day may preclude much move beyond that level in short term. Not sure what catalysts are on the horizon for RRL but they are run by a promoter in Peter Landau and I understand they do have cash generating assets so seems a decent punt at this stage even before a positive confirmation in form of break above the 50 day MA ?
From today's Investor's Chronicle:


An upcoming farm-out will provide another opportunity for oil and gas majors to increase their footprints in East Africa's Ruvuma basin.

Aminex (AEX) and Solo Oil (Solo) commenced a formal process to farm out a 50% stake in their Ruvuma Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) located on Tanzania's border with Mozambique. On completion of the process, the stakes of Aminex and Solo in the PSA will fall to 37.50% and 12.50% respectively.

The Ruvuma PSA, which includes the Ntorya discovery, is estimated to contain around 5.75 trillion cu. feet of gas (tcfg) in total , although a good deal of appraisal work still needs to be carried out, including a 2D seismic study in the current quarter and a two well drilling programme planned for next year.

Assuming a realistic valuation, the companies should have little trouble attracting a suitable farm-in partner for the project. Over 100 tcf of gas has been discovered offshore in the Ruvuma basin by the likes of Cove Energy, Anadarko Petroleum and Eni spa. The PSA includes offshore areas, running from the shallows through "the transition zone" and into depth. Aminex believes the Ntorya discovery indicates that the huge gas formations found below the seabed actually extend onshore.

The commercialisation of the area took a step forward last month when it was announced that France's Total had signed a farm-in agreement with /malaysian State owned oil giant Petronas. etc etc

Article goes on to describe the companies moving into the offshore blocks incl. BG and Exxon Mobil. Anadarko has entered exploratory talks with with Italy's ENI with a view to buiding a LNG plant in Mozambique to develop their offshore discoveries. Energy consultants at McKenzie Wood estimate there is enough gas in the region to support up to 16 LNG plants.

IC view: The majors may be moving en masse, but it was nimble explorers such as Aminex who were among the first to spot the potential of the region. At 4p shares in Aminex are well adrift of their 20p risked net asset value estimate, but a successful farm- out should act as a catalyst. BUY.
SOLO - recent broker note giving target price of 1.75p

Take that with a lorry load of salt because these guys don't seem like top 'quality' brokers


Interesting thing about SOLO and AEX is that they are in a great location. Onshore and just offshore in between the massive discoveries by likes of Cove and their partners. If those projects get developed it should help SOLO and AEX monetise their assets. Having put the project effectively up in the shop window it could concentrate interest and provide catalyst for the share prices.
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ACTA - recent broker note giving target price of 20p

Again take with wheelbarrow of salt as as again these guys aren't the highest quality brokers around


I guess their simplistic comparison between ACTA and ITM might appeal to most punters.

ACTA is valued at a fraction of ITM and the recent investment by Abramovich in AFC which has seen it go up 150% in a week shows some momentum and commercial interest in these fuel cell companies.
Are you still in gcm? Its just ridiculous that bangladeshi gov is dragging its feet.

do you think they are waiting for gcm to run out of cash and finally give up the project and sell it back to the gov for peanuts?
I don't think GCM will run out of money. They can just sit on the licence at no cost or take it to arbitration if needed. OXS are taking Uzbeks to arbitration and CHL taking Indonesians to arbitration. GCM don't have any issue with not having met their side of the agreement and no issue over valid permits like those two.

POL who own 29% are too clever to not get full value for one of the last undeveloped World Class coal basins.
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ACTA looks like interest picking up, they seem to be building up PR and commercial interest

Simon Cawkwell today

Last night I went over aspects of African Consolidated Minerals (AFCR)
with its boss Andy Cranswick. Given the frustrations that he has
faced and continues to face he has an equable temperament. He has
a long career in southern and central African mining behind him
and, hopefully, in front of him. For it is inescapably true that
AfCons assets are massive - yet the entire shooting match at 2.5p
is valued at just £15 million.

Take the Marenge diamond mine in Zimbabwe. This was stolen from
Afcons by a few of Mugabe's generals and is producing annual
illicit profits, harvested with the assistance of white men from
South Africa, of many many times AfCons's capitalisation. All the
Zimbabwean courts have ruled in AfCons's favour. Restitution of
this alone would have a staggering effect on AfCons's share

Mugabe is fairly close to departing and thus, although there can
be no advance in Zimbabwe until he has gone, Andy is optimistic
since, in his opinion, the soldiers that will run the show will
see and execute sense. If so, AfCons share price will leap a long
long way - quite possibly well past 50p.

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re ACTA which is storming today there are some who are adamant that the same Abramovich investors who invested in AFC were at the Fuel Cell conference meeting both ACTA and AFC were at a few weeks back.

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s28 - If yo have time, run through greenland minerals listed on ASX.

Has proven resource of Uranium and Rare earths (largest outside china). I believe there is a mining moratorium and Greenland Gov is due to make a favorable decision soon.

Not sure they can justify the required Capex given that the uranium market is I think in long term structural decline. The other worry about the uranium market is that you can get supply coming out of thin air if there is another round of nuclear weapon decommissioning.

I think the bullish GGG reports are based on $70/lb uranium but it is currently $45/lb and falling.

May have some scope to bounce back towards 50 day MA ?

Would AIM:REM be better as they own GGG shares and some licences adjacent ?

Having said that I am holding my nose and buying crap right now. So many stocks formed bases and setting up just below/above key MA lines. ACTA case in point. Still hopeful on likes of RGM, RRR, AVO, LGO, SOLO in my crap portfolio i.e. in general stocks run by promoters and with Private Investor name recognition.
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Had a bit of AFCR as well. At 2.7p and Simon Cawkwell talking about 50p however pie in the sky that is in this sort of environment you never know if it does break out / get some press.
SOLO news sounds good today as they have ended their Equity Line facility which suggests they expect to get funded from their Canadian production or the impending Farm Out of their East African licence.

AGL - that seems a pretty good quality Scientific Advisory Board they've appointed today


Prof Ashok Venkitaraman

Prof Venkitaraman holds the Ursula Zoellner Professorship of Cancer Research at the University of Cambridge, and is Director of the Medical Research Council's Cancer Cell Unit and Joint Director of the Medical Research Council Hutchison Cancer Research Centre. Ashok was a faculty member at the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, before appointment to the Zoellner Professorship in 1998.

Ashok's research has helped to elucidate the connections between chromosome instability and the genesis of epithelial cancers. He has been instrumental in establishing the Cambridge Molecular Therapeutics Programme, an initiative that links chemists, physicists, structural biologists, cancer biologists and clinicians at the University of Cambridge, with the aim to pioneer innovative new approaches for the discovery and early clinical development of next-generation medicines.

Should help turnaround sentiment one would hope...

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Look at all those 50 day MA's been broken and 200 day MA's in some cases.

Shaping up for some Golden Crosses as well.
SOLO rapidly approaching its 200 day MA if it gets some news with current momentum can see it at 1p in short order

Lenigas is a seasoned promoter he will have recognised change in market sentiment and I reckon he will keep newsflow coming
dipped in an out of Solo today. Whats the possible news flow?

- farm in deal in Tanzania
- production from Canada
The big newsflow or indicator of improving newsflow was the ending of that SEDA / EFF.

That basically means no ongoing dilution.

Then it should follow that any further positive newsflow does not get diluted. Also demonstrates Management confidence.

In terms of fundamentals I think near term news should be that Canadian flow news which I think Solo have up to 40% of potential 500 bopd ? Doesn't really move the needle that much for a £16m company but might give a little bit of cashflow.

The really big one is selling / farming down their East African acreage. They seem to have done Tullow on that and should be able to get other decent sized players interested because of existing finds and their strategic position. That could really be a game changer. No idea how to value that strategic position but could easily be 1p+ by itself.

Nice to see the stock stair-stepping up, suggests decent accumulation going on by people who understand the potential.


Has broken through 200 day MA on volume so makes me think this is going to get a bit of a SOU type momentum move now. SOU went up on no real fundamental news. SOLO actually seems to have some real potential.
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Trying to keep an eye on the charts of lots of crap near 50 and 200 day MA's. Also ones with outrageous price targets compared with current price.

That Simon Cawkwell one on AFCR is a case in point.
Bangladesh gov committee on coal recommends open pit mining at pulbhari but environmental assessment report is the sticking point now. Resolution soon?
The Government has kicked this into the long grass using that 'Expert Committee' for years. They have finally reported and made it clear that is the only open pit option available. It will be egg on the face of the Government if they do not follow through now.

The only thing left is the supposed 'environmental'/hydrological study but the last report on that was done in the Feasibility study by experts IWM ?. The same experts the Government will appoint to look at that issue so again should not be a big obstacle.

Furthermore just this week a Chinese delegation has been in town looking to invest billions in power projects. GCM's strategic investors Polo did talk about bringing in strategic partners so that might fit the bill. Also that youtube video has been followed by a GCM interview in a major Bangladeshi newspaper. Some of the major dots have been joined and momentum returned.

There has been a seller impacting sentiment but I reckon Phulbari NPV is north of £60 per share so it looks a steal at 200x less than that right now. Only issue is time really as ultimately they have no choice to mine coal or be beggars for the rest of time and I don't mind a wait of 10-20 years for a 200x return. :-p
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I think its building upto positive newsflow from gcm...... I may take a decent position in the coming week.

Keep an eye out for shamaran petroleum corp..... From The same people that brought you Africa oil and Horn petroleum. They have 26% stake in one of kurdistan blocks thst recently tested flow rates of 42,000 bopd! They are appraising and exploring the field further and thy keep finding new discoveries! Mcap is $350 million cad with no debt and $44 million in the bank. Listed on Toronto exchange.

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SOLO - going well again, needs a couple of days close above 200 day MA and then set for 1p+ I reckon

There are people talking about 6p but just off the top of my head I think their 25% East Africa position could be worth £50m ? made up of up-front historic cost reimbursement and free carry on some future drilling commitments ? That looks to be in line with the Broker target price of 1.5 - 1.75p ? Of course that is current value. There is always the upside from any future successful drilling also.
Perfect retest of the 200 day MA going on at SOLO. Just makes me more bullish... well a successful retest and close above that 200 day MA level will.
LGO keeping an eye, right at 50 day MA. Still think too many of the 0.40 placees will be looking to get out but part of the Lenigas stable so can't rule out the newsflow soaking that up.

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Been tracking it for a few weeks. On any analysis of Mkt Cap to Revenue or Mkt Cap to Meters it looks dramatically undervalued compared to comps EAS and SMS. Chart was looking awesome anyway and now it's breaking above 200 day MA.

Government Energy Review due. Cameron burped on it last PMQ. But can't see how any 'lowest tariffs guaranteed' pledge can work without Smart Meters.

BGBL - Anybody looked at or followed this company or sector ?

They are involved in Smart Metering. The Market seems to have had a lull while the Government work out what to do next but some of these figures from their last results looked quite compelling.


· Revenue of £18.41 million (2011: £28.99 million)

· Recurring revenues increased by 29% to £9.21 million (2011: £7.14 million)

· More than 175,000 smart meters now installed

· DCDA revenues increased by 32% to £3.35 million (2011: £2.53 million)

· Gross margins up to 60% (2011: 45%)

· Adjusted EBITDA of £1.11 million1 (2011: £4.16 million2)

· Adjusted Operating profit £0.67 million3 (2011: £3.88 million4)

· Adjusted Profit before taxation of £0.62 million3 (2011: £3.81 million4)

· Adjusted Profit after taxation of £1.18 million3 (2011: £3.10 million4)

· Earnings per share 1.11p (2011: loss per share 1.51p)

· Net cash generated from operations £1.87 million (2011: £2.32 million)

That Net Cash generation stood out to me because it is only a £10m odd Market Capitalisation company.

In August they announced a possible JV with Samsung. Maybe that could be due to be released soon ?


Bglobal plc (AIM: BGBL) signed a joint venture agreement (the "JV Agreement") with Samsung C&T Corporation ("Samsung C&T") on 9 August 2012.

The JV Agreement will become binding and effective after certain conditions including the following are satisfied: receiving a firm order from a UK energy supplier for the smart energy solution and the necessary regulatory and internal approvals from Samsung C&T. Therefore, the JV Agreement will become binding and effective when the above conditions are fully satisfied.


Looking at todays movers in this sort of market worth watching out for continuation momentum plays as people latch onto stories. I'm thinking LGO could get that from overnight press ? ACTA also ?
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