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Buying shares?

I cant disagree with any of that, tbh.

I sold much of my **** last night and filled my ISA with XEL as that is desperately under-valued now.

I still have some trash in EOG (and took a decent stake in INFA yesterday), but will be looking to exit by end of November and moving more in SXX as planning permission proposal is due to be submitted by calendar year end.

This dash for trash certainly aint boring :)

So I had a look at hotcopper BB which is an Australian stock BB and I can't see much on this supposed decision by Greenland parliament. All I can see is that current sitting is due to end 15th November so could it just get kicked down the road or is there a debate and vote in the schedule?
INFA 5 year chart

From what I remember when it was 200p+ there was a great need for gas storage and their Portland hole in the ground was meant to be a great place to store gas. Not sure what went on, apart from GFC meaning they couldn't get it funded and energy prices crashed.

Now energy prices are back on the rise and a political issue again could they dust off those plans ?

No response from Mr Mackay he must be really busy thrashing out the finer points of this Farm-in with Exxon or whoever. Ha bloody ha.
I like this from our Dear Leader.

Each of the conventional boring cashflow wells they are looking to drill are he reckons worth 10p a share to us.

Add the bluesky Irish stuff and jam tomorrow Shale Gas stuff gives a real indication of the potential.

Also if it makes anyone feel better his options only kick in after the stock has been over 13p and I think some are at 25p ?


"All of these prospects could be quite transformative on average. Each one might be capable of adding somewhere in the region of 10p per share. So if one of them came in, preferably the first one we drill, it's not a company maker, but it will make a big difference."
Candidates to do a PET from todays RNSes ?


Will depend on whether they can get out promoting their stories. Although news is ok and 'promotable' the technicals don't look great for any of them at the moment as they have overhead resistance in forms of 50 or 200 day MA.
AFCR - one I have a small stake in. Interesting initial scoping study economics on one of the potential open pit operations.

$10m capex and they reckon they can produce 30k oz p.a. at cost of $350/oz so they could be looking at cashflow of $30-40m p.a.

This sort of potential should help them get funded if it stands up to scrutiny and partners can accept Zim risk. Otherwise eek...

The Board is encouraged by these figures and will continue briefing the market on an on-going basis with material updates.

The funding of the capital and operating expenditures to develop Pickstone, as envisaged above, is subject to additional finance. In addition and as announced on 30 August 2012, the Company will require additional funding in Q4 2012 in order to both continue operating as a going concern and to develop its portfolio of high impact assets. The Company is in advanced discussions with a number of parties in regards to a range of financing options, including on a project-level basis, although there can be no certainty that funds will be forthcoming.
CMCL shows these Zim plays just can't get ratings. Mkt Cap £35m. Cash $25m. Quarterly cashflow of c.$12m.
INFA - they talked about mining salt to generate cashflow. did not take much notice of it but that looks like it could be useful cashflow. think SXX have talked about mining salt in past as well (although their production would flood the market !)

Gets more and more interesting this one does.

Results out in a couple of weeks I think. Not expecting any fireworks short term. Just going to accumulate.
PET is plain nuts but they are on the RAMPage. Will be at mining maven on 20th and no doubt doing the rounds of all the tipsters.

EOG looks a free play on that and much cheaper so happy to accumulate. Nice reversal long tail hammer candle if it closes here or above today. Still might need a bit of sideways consolidation to work off overbought technicals.

CLON - same mafia as PET consolidating nicely prior to a move. PET guys will be seen as gurus by dumb journos so next time CLON come out with news expect immediate PET comparisons.

INFA - could be some news imminent but that is one I'm just looking to accumulate over time so would be happy if it went down/stayed down for now. Fact that eCorp came in to potentially invest 20m odd alongside them a few years back speaks volumes (even though subsequently ****ed off again). I looked quite closely into all these Gas storage issues about 5-6 years ago when 'we' were investors in Encore Oil. Their Gas storage project came to nothing but it is a potentially hugely valuable strategic resource which not many Institutional investors let along retail punters understand.
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The following is from advfn post. I think the poster may be on drugs by the sound of things but can't fault the research and some of the analysis.

UK Onshore Energy. The real 'dot-com'. A running blog and 'scrap-book'. - UKEN

2baffled - 10 Nov 2012 - 23:53:12 - 125 of 134

Observers may have noted the UK 'gas storage and security of supply' concerns?
Have a root around ....... 14 days buffer, says DECC.
Who has that storage?
Tis P.E. and the energy 'elephants'.

What's really happening, tho.?

Up in the header is 'Halite', for example [dyor].

Here U go then ....... [roll of drums] ......
P.E. [casually] present ....... another 'genuine pearl' that those 'genuine swine' will not in any circumstances have 'cast before them'.
[This exploit wasn't cooked up a week last Tuesday].
Was it?
Read on .........
From my 'neighbour' .......

From here;

Off we go .......
Simple stuff;-
The only remaining 'working mans' chance of participating in 'UK gas storage' are the Islandmagee and Portland enterprises.
[Islandmagee is now underwritten by B.P.btw].
Both projects are in the care of 'Infrastrata' ..... INFA..

Some may consider their onshore explo. potential may also be of value?.

Roll-Up, Roll-Up then! .......
Every 'coherant sell case' invited and welcomed..........
Where's the 'stinky bits'?
INFA is today's highest mover on AIM. The more I read about their activities, the more it seems that they may actually have a plan. But there must be some news pending, surely?
i think guys on advfn think seismic due on their onshore Northern Irish oil prospect ? in light of South Ireland hysteria (PET et al) about their oil prospects do you think the Northern neighbours will want to bull up their prospects ? much ?

I don't know mate for a £5m company they have fingers in so many pies. Huge upside optionality.

I'd rank it personally as

Portland Storage
Northern Ireland Islandmagee Storage
Brigantes holding (worth £1.5m but private so could be a zero or a whole lot more) but exposure to 6 TCF gas near Morecambe ?
Corfe holding (worth £1.5m but private so could be zero or a whole lot more) oil prospects near Portland ?

I just have not followed it closely enough so don't know the micro detail/moving parts. The upside optionality seems immense given previous 400p price and they raised a few years back at 100p.

Don't want to be out !

Seems to be little understanding of it on the BB's and I doubt Institutional Investors in UK understand it either. They will love to buy it at 100p but hate it at 10p.
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Gas storage is a sector that has been mooted as a the next big thing for some time. SXX SP was driven up on the back of it before they moved into North Yorkshire.

Lets hope their BoD are a bit more cunning than Mr Mackay and his 'its just not cricket' approach.
From June expecting results in September can't see anything on that so pretty poor to still be delayed at this stage ?

Completion of 2012 seismic survey in County Antrim

InfraStrata plc (AIM:INFA), the independent gas storage and petroleum exploration company, is pleased to announce that Tesla Exploration International Limited ("Tesla") has completed the Vibroseis seismic programme, as planned, within the Company's operated petroleum exploration licence PL1/10 in Northern Ireland.

Over the last three weeks, a total of 111 kilometres of 2D seismic data have been acquired in County Antrim along a series of 12 individual lines traversing Newtownabbey, Carrickfergus and Larne within the Larne-Lough Neagh Sedimentary Basin.

The contract for processing the seismic data has been awarded to Fugro Seismic Imaging Limited. It is anticipated that the processing of the data will be completed during September.

The survey has provided in-fill data to the 288 kilometre survey acquired by the licence partners during 2011.

Commenting on the survey, Andrew Hindle, CEO of InfraStrata plc said:

"The new survey will enable the project partners to refine their evaluation of the petroleum prospectivity of the licence area.

We are very pleased that this recent survey was completed by Tesla within the anticipated timeframe. Tesla and InfraStrata are extremely grateful to all third parties affected by the seismic programme for their support throughout the data collection period.

The Company will now review the data with project partners, and stakeholders will be fully consulted on future plans."
When they got the licence in 2011 they said this :-

"We believe that it is one of the few remaining areas in the UK with the potential for the discovery of a giant field."
From June expecting results in September can't see anything on that so pretty poor to still be delayed at this stage ?

That's my major problem with companies with multiple workstreams.

It is great to have multiple avenues, where you only need one to work for a significant re-rate but lack of funds and expert resource mean you can lose focus and never actually finish any of the workstreams.

It's what SXX discovered to their cost, before finally deciding to become just a potash explorer, and now (hopefully) miner.
I think this partly explains it. There is actually some synergy between the two aspects of the business as both the storage and oil and gas exploration sides do need to do all the seismic studies etc to understand the geology so it makes sense to some extent they keep the two parts together. Infrastrata actually was demerged from Egdon a few years ago so they understood the need for separate focus and the explo they took with them out of EDR which is a specialist explorer/producer are those licences attached to their storage interests.


It is also good to see the quality of their partners.

For the Northern Irish gas storage project BP has 50% equity interest and will fund initial drillhole and engineering study.
For the Northern Irish oil exploration they have Cairn (through their acquisition of Nautical) as a partner.
Well been doing more delving. This from the last Interim Results statement re the Dorset oil exploration potential.

The Dorset petroleum licence comprising Blocks 97/14, 97/15 and 98/11 was offered to the Company on 30 December 2011. InfraStrata is the operator of the licence with a 28% interest. Partner company Corfe Energy Limited with a 12% interest, is 50% owned by InfraStrata.

A total of seven wells have been previously drilled within the licence area, including the first UK offshore well in 1963 on Lulworth Banks in Block 97/14. Six of these wells encountered oil or gas shows and three flowed oil or gas on test.

There is an undeveloped 1984 gas discovery in Block 98/11. The well drilled in 1984 encountered a 26 metre gas column which was tested and flowed at an approximate rate of 10 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscf/day). A reservoir engineering study undertaken for InfraStrata has indicated that this interval would have been capable of flowing at a rate of greater than 40 MMscf/day from the discovery well.

So on one licence they have a Discovery well with potential to flow over 6000 boepd !
and in that Interim Results statement they also state


Unlocking the inherent value of the Company's four projects during the coming 12 months is management's primary objective."

In the Final Results statement prior to that they stated 18 months.
In next weeks or the week after Final Results statement they should say 6 months or 6-9 months at a stretch. Nice that it gives a consistent timeline to value being outed perhaps. Nice to know they have that focus in mind.

Well I'll be selling a few positions tomorrow and getting more INFA I reckon.
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It's certainly an interesting company. I'll do some digging on the BoD and see what I can find.
GGG AU - dipping below 0.30 ? on Hotcopper someone saying Greenland Parliament session extended to 28th ?
GGG AU - dipping below 0.30 ? on Hotcopper someone saying Greenland Parliament session extended to 28th ?

No idea s28. Not sure if that is a good or bad sign! Lot of things on the agenda or deadlock?
EOG got a response from their PR/IR firm. Oh well at least someone is alive there.
Seeking a joint venture partner to share seismic acquisition and (if justified) drilling

Shout it from the roof tops Mr Mackay!
INFA chart looking great

CLON bit indecisive, there is nasty whiff about it but at same time claims they have exposure to an old well which discovered about 50m bbl oil recoverable but at the time (1999) it was deemed uneconomic at $10 oil. May sell if no news forthcoming soon to justify rise.
INFA : Share Price 9.35p ; Market Capitalisation £9m

Infrastrata shares traded as high as 400p per share in 2008 when they were in the process of developing their Portland Gas Storage project during a time of high oil and gas prices. Given the difficult funding environment and lower energy prices in the intervening period the project seems to have lost some momentum and partners! However it is still in the audited accounts with an asset value of over £20m. That is probably a fraction of its true strategic value if it does come to fruition.

With the Government placing increased emphasis on Gas within their Energy strategy Infrastrata's Portland project may well come to the fore again.

Infrastrata also has a Northern Ireland gas storage project 'Islandmagee' which recently received planning permission. BP is a 50% partner on that project. BP will fund the next borehole and engineering studies prior to a full feasibility study.

Infrastrata also possesses some oil and gas exploration licences added since 2008. One licence in the same area of Islandmagee. Seismic survey results are due from that imminently. Management have previously commented the licence has potential to host a 'giant field'. "The Northern Ireland prospect is a geological extension of the Morecombe Bay gas field. It has a gross reserve potential of 2,800 BCF with a potential value in excess of £6 billion net to IS E&P." 2,800 BCF is about 400-500 mmboe. Petrel Resources (PET) recently went up about 400% in a day based on news they had a potential 1000 mmboe prospect offshore in the Irish Sea.

A further oil and gas exploration licence near the Portland Gas Storage project has previous oil and gas discoveries. One previous well flowed c.1-2k boepd. Management estimate with modern production techniques that could have the potential to flow at rates of 6k+ boepd.

INFA appears to have a lot of upside optionality which is not reflected in the share price at 9p.

Technically the stock has recently 'broken out' above 50 day and 200 Moving Averages which is usually regarded as a bullish signal especially as it demonstrates impressive Relative Strength in an otherwise depressed market for AIM stocks.

Next results statement due Monday 26th November 2012.
just come across this weird AIM company... Woburn Energy (WBN)

interesting bunch of Directors

Arif Kemal, Non-Executive Chairman (aged 67), BSc Hons MSc

Mr. Arif Kemal has over 46 years' experience in exploration, production and management of oil and gas resources. He was awarded a B.Sc. Hons in Geology and an M.Sc. (Petroleum Geology) from the University of Karachi. Mr. Kemal completed a post-graduate training course in Petroleum Engineering at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Pétrole et des Moteurs, Institut Français du Pétrole, France. Mr. Kemal commenced work as a geologist and senior oil explorer with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited of Pakistan in 1962 with whom he held a number of senior positions over the next 25 years being appointed the Executive Director Exploration and Production in 1988. In 1994 Mr. Kemal was appointed the General Manager and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan Oilfields Ltd, becoming the Chief Executive Officer in 1997, a position he held until 2002. In 2003 Mr. Kemal became a director and advisor to the board of OPII and in 2005 became President of OPII's US associate, Osprey Petroleum Company Inc (based in Houston, Texas).

Mr. Kemal has held a number of other positions including being a member of the Board of Governors of the Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (1999 to 2002), Chairman of the Pakistan Petroleum Exploration and Production Companies Association (1999 to 2002), Chairman of the Pakistan Society of Petroleum Engineers (1992 to 1993) and Chairman of the Pakistan Association of Petroleum Geoscientists (1996 to 1997 and 2001 to 2002).

Mr. Kemal is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Houston Geological Society.

Hasan Ali Hashwani, Non-Executive Director (aged 31)

Mr. Hashwani was educated in the UK and Pakistan. In 1996 Mr. Hashwani moved to the United States and attended various executive business courses at Rice University, Houston, Texas between 1997 and 1999. In 1999 he attended the Young Managers Programme at INSEAD, France. He partially completed an undergraduate programme in Business Administration at the University of Phoenix, United States between 1999 and 2003.

In January 1998 Mr. Hashwani first became involved in the oil and gas sector and since January 1998 held various management positions within OPII and its associate company, Osprey Petroleum Company Inc. which is based in Houston, Texas, United States. OPII and Osprey Petroleum Company Inc. were then both part of the Hashoo group of companies which are ultimately wholly-owned by Mr. Hashwani's father, Sadruddin Hashwani, a leading Pakistan-based businessman who has interests in a number of businesses including oil and gas assets, real estate and hospitality (including the Marriott and Pearl Continental Hotels in Pakistan).

In November 2001 Mr. Hashwani was appointed as the President of Osprey Petroleum Company Inc. with responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a number of producing oil and gas fields prior to their sale in 2004. In December 2004 Mr. Hashwani became a director and president of OPII and has been responsible since then for the development of its oil and gas interests in Pakistan. Mr. Hashwani oversees the operations of the oil and gas exploration activities of OPII and is also responsible for the conception, acquisition, and development of international hospitality and real estate projects for other Hashoo group companies.

Mr. Hashwani established Zaver Petroleum to develop a broadly based portfolio of international oil and gas exploration and production assets. In September 2008 Zaver Petroleum acquired a direct 55 per cent. interest in OPII. Mr. Hashwani is the President of Zaver Petroleum.

Rustom Bejon Kanga, Non-Executive Director (aged 54), FCA

Mr. Kanga graduated with a B.Sc. in Commerce and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He was admitted to membership of the Institute in 1982. Following qualification Mr. Kanga was engaged in public practice as a chartered accountant in London and in 1996 he relocated to Houston. Mr. Kanga has been a director of Rushlake Hotels (USA) Inc. since 1991 and is currently Vice President. Mr. Kanga has extensive experience in the oil and gas sector internationally. Since 2001 he has been a director of Osprey Petroleum Company Inc. and is currently a Senior Vice President. In addition, Mr. Kanga is on the board of a number of other private companies including OPII, Zaver Petroleum and Hashoo Group Ltd.

Kamran Ahmed, Non-Executive Director (aged 46)

Mr. Ahmed graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Finance & Management from Ithaca College, Cornell University and a Post Graduate diploma in Islamic Banking & Economics from The International Institute of Islamic Banking & Economics. In 1983 Mr. Ahmed commenced working at Dar Al Maal Al Islami, S.A, a banks and investment companies holding group based in Geneva, Switzerland operating in the field of Islamic banking and finance. In 1986 Mr. Ahmed joined Shell Pakistan (formerly Pakistan Burmah Shell) and worked in a variety of management roles in Shell's downstream oil division. In 1992 Mr. Ahmed joined Bankers Equity Limited as Vice President in the merchant banking division providing international multi-lateral institutional credit lines and financing of large industrial projects including oil terminals, refineries and drilling companies. Over the next 9 years Mr. Ahmed was involved in a number of oil and gas debt and equity financing for a large number of international oil companies. In 2002 Mr. Ahmed joined OPII as Senior Vice President Finance and Business Development. In 2005 Mr. Ahmed established OPII's London representative office and is a director of Orient Petroleum UK Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of OPII.
IC are morons. No mention of EOG or INFA for that matter. Just stuff that has already gone up!

More action offshore Ireland

Three junior oil explorers have outlined huge new targets offshore Ireland, causing shares of one company to rise more than 350 per cent in a day

The hunt for Irish oil continues, with three junior oil explorers outlining huge new targets at their prospective licences offshore Ireland.

Dublin-based minnow Petrel Resources (PET), formed in the last big Irish oil rush during the early 1980s, returned to the area in 2011 and has since carried out detailed seismic analysis of its licences in the Irish Atlantic Margin. The work culminated this week in the delineation of a target called Quad 35, which has 1bn barrel potential, comprising a number of vertically stacked reservoir targets that can be tested with one well. Shares of Petrel soared 362 per cent on the day of the announcement, from 6.4p to 30p, although they have since levelled off at 20.5p.

Meanwhile, Providence Resources (PVR), the big boy in Irish waters in terms of junior exploration companies, released a similar announcement on the same day as Petrel, although its shares added just 1 per cent. Investors are instead focused mainly on the company's exciting 2013 drill program, which kicks off in the first quarter. Nevertheless, Providence has outlined yet another huge target in the Porcupine Basin of the Irish Atlantic Margin, this time at its Drombeg licence. Based on a 2D seismic anomaly, Providence says the prospect could contain as much as 2.97bn barrels of oil in place.

Lastly, Fastnet Oil & Gas (FAST), run by high-profile ex-Cove Energy executives, announced it is optioning an 82.35 per cent interest in the Shanagarry licence east of Providence's Barryroe oil field. The company did not release estimates of potential prospect sizes but said a well drilled there by Marathon Oil in 1984 found a combined 500-foot gross oil and gas column.

We decided to book profits on our long-term successful buy tip Providence earlier this summer, but will look to re-enter the stock over the coming months. We last profiled Petrel as a stock to watch in our special on Irish oil on 19 October, and now rate both it and Fastnet as speculative buys.
Consummate promoters. Ramping without sounding like they are ramping. Looks like there could be news on CLON soon but bear in mind they also have some legal issues pending. Also nice that these guys are promoting Irish oil prospects so setting the scene for likes of EOG and INFA when they come out with news on their prospects.

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They've mentioned Petrominerales quite a bit recently. They are a $600m Canadian listed company who CLON sold some licences to before and have had a recent discovery in licences near to CLONs. Gives them some nice headlines and recent drilling results to ramp into.

"David Horgan, Managing Director commented:

"Clontarf Energy has about one million hectares of prospective acreage in Peru. There are proven oil and gas systems in both blocks, with multiple oil and gas prospects already worked up. We have completed the necessary environmental and community relations workshops throughout the two blocks without difficulty or incident.

"Peru's fast growth and reasonable fiscal terms make Block 183 a compelling gas opportunity - both for selling electricity to power-hungry regions and for downstream gas-fed opportunities. Past drilling on a neighbouring block has demonstrated that there is a working gas system in the neighbourhood. We hope to attract partners to drill out similar structures whose seismic signature indicates gas.

"Our focus in Block 188 is on the oil-prone leads and prospects, which offer an even higher price and easier market access. We are hunting for elephant-type structures and estimate recoverable resources at 500 million barrels plus. Few countries offer the compelling Peruvian mix of established hydrocarbon systems, large block size, growing local and export markets and attractive fiscal terms.

"We are in partnership discussions with several groups, some interested in Block 183, and others in Block 188. Some potential partners already operate in Peru, which has facilitated commercial discussions. Others would be new entrants into Peru and therefore need to familiarise themselves with the technical, legal, and operating environment. Most likely we will have one partner for Block 183 and another for Block 188. Block 183 has also generated immediate interest from power generation and gas distribution companies seeking development rights to downstream projects.

"We are also considering a proposal for a partner to take a minority position in our Peruvian operations, with an option to take a majority operating stake within a year. Our overriding aim is to maximise the long-term shareholder value of Clontarf Energy."
how many people active in this thread
it would be fun and interesting if we have enough peole to start a league on wallstreetsurvivor.com

Peter Landau's (RRL) responses to the above.

He has been after range for a long time (whether he is shorting the stock or has another agenda we don't know) - anyone who knows what a pv10 valuation is knows it isn't discounted for future geological and drilling risk - it looks at a p1 / p2 reserve -extrapolates the production cashflow taking into account all relevant taxes and royalties etc - that is why we have numerous broker valuations (by industry experts - see our website) on range which takes other risks into account - by analogy take the independent oil in place numbers africa oil and horn use (not from garb) for somalia (billions of barrels of prospective reserves) yet not one barrel of commercial oil produced from somalia - sound just like his nevada analogy - we will be looking at legal avenues open to us because over the last few months there has been no attempt to be balanced nor ask range management to comment on his incorrect conclusions - appreciate the email

Sorry - other point to make in his comparison with premier is you never look at just flowing barrel per day as a valuation matrix - you look at total amount of p1/2 reserves and ability to increase your daily production - range has a production plan to get to 4500 bopd on conventional over 2 years and a similar volume on waterflood - to hand pick one comparison to make his argument work just demonstrates where is mindset is regarding range - texas, gerogia , puntland and colombia all worth zero now - trinidad daily production is the only thing we can be valued at ????
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Tbh EE, I've finally lost faith in PL, though not the company. I still believe there are few companies with as well balanced a portfolio that RRL enjoys, with a decent NAV as well as wildcat potential. And I still expect that the SP will rise in multiples one day.

But I've had it with Pistol Pete. We all knew he missed deadlines, was a ramper extraordinaire, and didn't always stick the page. But he made up for this with his excellent pi PR, as well as unique ability to bring FTSE profile to a penny share.

The sp has been under attack from shorters, and Pete seems to have misplaced his mojo. Rather than focus on sp protection. Pete's silence has been seen as impotence. His one biggest strength is now missing.

On Monday AM, I am out.
Jaspa - I have been out for some time as an investor. I only trade RRL now.

Operation management is not good enough for my liking to stay invested long term.
And he is resorting to death spiral financing and he won't win if he tries to take on the shorts. Only way to beat them is underpromise and overdeliver.

Also more worrying he isn't focused on the day job he is bringing more companies to AIM
News from AEX, SXX, PVCS, OCG.

PVCS could be significant. Trading at 7p and I think for first time they have said they will look to return cash to shareholders. They have about 23p/share net cash with more cash due and the operating businesss despite poor Industry conditions being close to cash breakeven.
AEX with relevance to SOLO

Aminex currently has a 75% operating interest in the Ruvuma PSA and has announced a process to farm down its interest in the block to a targeted 37.5%. FirstEnergy has been engaged to manage this process. Marketing materials have been sent to targeted companies and a data room is scheduled to open this week to interested parties. There has been significant interest in the farm out expressed by a diverse array of international companies. Aminex expects to complete the farm out in the first half of 2013.
AEX with relevance to SOLO

Aminex currently has a 75% operating interest in the Ruvuma PSA and has announced a process to farm down its interest in the block to a targeted 37.5%. FirstEnergy has been engaged to manage this process. Marketing materials have been sent to targeted companies and a data room is scheduled to open this week to interested parties. There has been significant interest in the farm out expressed by a diverse array of international companies. Aminex expects to complete the farm out in the first half of 2013.
PVCS - potential for wedge breakout at some point in coming weeks as the 50 day and 200 day MA form a pincer movement

CLON looks set to go ballistic but I'd prefer to buy in the 2's or on definite news especially with that legal overhang
PVCS looking promising. They expect some sort of news on resolution by year end so should run up into year end.

EOG hopefully the end of the retrace there. Will have the PET crowd doing Oirish oil promoting roadshow in coming weeks so can just ride their coat-tails.
Seems like Government Energy Review/Bill has been put back was expected November now likely December.

Main sticking point at issue between Con/Lib coalition is Renewables vs Gas. Ultimately just stopping uncertainty should allow wall of money from Investors to come in.

Should be good eventually for likes of EOG / INFA / BGBL I expect.


Year To Date (YTD) high is around 13p intraday but about 11.50-11.75p on a closing basis


EOG looking to get back on the front foot. Needs to clear that 11-12p zone again which may take a bit of trading. May be more of a December stock now. Kiernan news could change that though. They expected to have in interpreted in time for the November 12th Conference so it should surely only be delayed by days/weeks not months ?

I guess it was too much expect that a quick move from 5p to 14p would not bring out sellers.

INFA looking great. Just aware that usually a Golden Cross can see a counter-trend short term move but we should get one in coming weeks.

Newsflow looks like being nailed on here.

Results due November 26th. Updates on various projects expected.

Government Energy Bill / review due late November / early December. Either way it should support renewables / Gas and INFA have potential wins in several areas.

Seismic interpretation on Northern Irish 'Giant field' overdue. With recent hysteria over PET, if they come out with an onshore gas potential of the 3 TCF alluded to that'll be about 400-500 mmboe. It could get very interesting with technical resistance already overcome.
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GGG - MD responding to a poster on hotcopper BB


You are incorrect in your assessment that most Greenlanders oppose this mine or the lifting of the moratorium, these days you can find an article to support any view you want as there are many articles saying many different things.

The facts of the matter are two poles conducted over the last 18 months by the state polling company suggest that around 85% of the population are in favour of both lifting the ban and opening the mine, this has come about from our intense public engagement, something other companies did not do or did incorrectly.

This This type of thing is not a top down approach, its a bottom up, if you don't understand that you will lose in the long term
The figures however are incidental. The discussion/decision will occur (as I understand it) on the 21st on this month. ie Wednesday next week.

I would not suggest anyone pre-empt this decision by either going short or long. Lets just wait and see.

A lot of time and effort has been invested in this process.

This will not be a chance outcome.

All the best for now....

Please note that I am the Managing Director of GGG . I am happy to answer questions on GGG providing you understand that I can only give answers that are not price sensitive and/or are available in the market. My full name is Roderick McIllree

Not sure if this is good enough to get the juices flowing.

David Horgan, Managing Director of Clontarf Energy, commented:

"Clontarf's Blocks have the right address. Our Block 188 is surrounded by recent discoveries by Petrominerales last October in Block 126, by Repsol last September in Block 57 and earlier by Petrobras in Block 58. In addition Peru's growing power consumption, high Latin American gas prices, and the Peruvian Government's continuation of investment incentives, are all making the territory extremely attractive.

"We are looking to cut industry deals that capture as much of our Blocks' potential as possible."
SOLO - Statement from Lenigas no less. Looks like taken together with AEX report there is going to be delay in finalising Ruvuma farmout and that Reef are still screwing up but they retain faith in prospect. All in all this should be in the price now. Expect this to perform better going forward.


The Board is confident that the two investments made by the Company since it changed its investment strategy in July 2009 are both encouraging and potentially very rewarding. The Ruvuma PSA represents a very significant opportunity and will be pursued vigorously through a farm-out in 2013. We look to realise this potential over future years as well as continuing to seek further investment opportunities.

The directors would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders, staff and consultants for their continued support.
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CLON I didn't really buy that RNS but looks like others are happy to. Let's see if the CLON mafia can keep the ramp momentum going on CLON like they did with PET. They are in town tonight (Mining Maven) so I am sure they will be full of it !