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T1ps.com have updated their comments after POL's news today. POL owns c.30% of GCM.

Interesting valuation comment relating to GCM


Polo Resources' last announced NAV (for end September 2012) was 3.83p per share (or a total of £89.3 million). At the current 2.51p the shares trade at a 34% discount to this figure. Considering that the company's stake in Nimini (£21.1 million) is essentially valued at cost there is significant upside to NAV from this holding alone given the progress being made in Sierra Leone.

There are also many potential opportunities for value creation in the medium and long-term from the firm's listed and unlisted investments. Canadian business Ironstone Resources looks set to go public sometime in 2013, an event which should increase Polo's NAV. And there is always the potential bonanza from GCM Resources, which owns a 572 million tonne coal resource in Bangladesh and which management believes could be worth up to £15 per share (currently 36p) if mine development is approved.

Given the management team's excellent track record of value creation and frequent delivery of special dividends to shareholders we would argue that the shares should at least trade at par to NAV. As such Polo Resources remains a "buy"."
I make the NPV over £50/share but the upside potential from 36p is of the order of 10-100x for something which is ultimately a binary decision where the appropriate jigsaw pieces are coming together. Only issue to my mind is timing.
INFA - Evil Knieval no less has mentioned INFA in his diaries today. That should bring in to the attention of a wider audience.
He is just asking whether anyone has any views on it. So it should stimulate debate. He has previously tipped the stock in December 2010 when it was mainly a Gas Storage play.

Other news relating to INFA today a Director has transfered shares into a SIPP. Should provide nice shelter for upcoming CGT.
Proper stinker of a day for INFA at 17% down. Let's hope its just a short-term retrace from profit taking.
INFA is just multiples too low right now so a bit of backing and filling here suits those looking to accumulate.

Think INFA have more up their sleeves. They haven't mentioned the 'giant field' and 3 tcf stuff in relation to their Northern Ireland licence area yet maybe awaiting full seismic results ? They only mention 20 prospects and an intial lead prospect of 6m barrels which could 'open the fairway'.

And on Dorset licence they haven't mentioned that previous stuff about a previous discovery being a potential 6k boepd flow rate. EOG is a £10m on the back of 200 bopd ! (actually quite a few really **** companies like NTOG are valued at £10m with only about 20 bopd !)

INFA has some proper proper 10-20x potential just on those let alone the Gas Storage which I originally was interested in and still reperesents optionality from long term viewpoint.
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NTOG - one i've always disliked but they actually produced some oil, could it be 'transformational' ?

oops NTOG apparently they only have 0.48% working interest in that well so it's actually only 1 boepd !

it does however show how new drilling techniques can make previous discoveries commercial / viable now

great read across for INFA

almost done working off its short term technical overbought condition

chart wise i expect potential for a move to 20p (stretch goal 40p?) especially given the amount of news due on shale / Kiernan / farm-outs / potentially Wressle/Holmwood

FOGL comments from one of the largest Institutional shareholders

The view from our fund manager, RAB Capital ltd, on today's FOGL announcement is set out below.

"Falkland Oil and Gas Limited (FOGL) today announced drilling results of Scotia, (its second well after Loligo), which showed gas traces rather than the oil that the market had been hoping for.

So what does this mean for the RAB Special Situation Master Fund? We have held FOGL since its inception in 2004 and it is still early in its drilling history, consequently we believe in the long term potential for the company. FOGL remains our largest position at circa 16% with another 35% in the next largest nine positions, many of which have the potential to generate positive performance.
GGG looked to have some positive newsflow in terms of political commitments and some politicians travelling with Company to meet Korean Government and Corporations but the stock has gone down off the back of it
Aren't these horizontal wells so '30m' pay is quite a short interval ? I know some companies have thousands of metres of pay in horizontal wells but they don't flow at great rates which is why you require fracking oftentimes to stimulate the tight rocks to crack and give up the gas ?

No idea personally. It seems a bit suspicious they call a trading halt presumably they hit gas and then tried to flow conventionally but it didn't so they will have to try more complex means which will take time ?

Well done for calling it earlier though (oops).

Ramptastic statement from the CEO going on about China and gas etc.

EOG could do with that sort of promotion from the CEO.
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I am not sure what they are, but it cannot be great news if ASX is only 17%... that is around 16p. Looking like a drop tomorrow once the mugs have bought in.

Could be worth shorting tomorrow.
NEW to deliver news on Belize drill any day now.

Another one that is dragging its heels for over a week. It would be good to see someone striking oil on AIM in 2012!! But my feeling is that its another P&A.
I think someone somewhere made the point why are so many oil and gas CPR's assuming 15% CoS when the observable evidence is that CoS is more like 5%

It does highlight the point it is not worth holding these things during drilling. You can get better risk-adjusted entry when you know the results.

Which brings me onto EOG and INFA again !

EOG have 200 bopd existing production. They aren't going to drill any major make or break wells any time soon. In the meantime they can get about telling their 'story' about huge Irish prospects and the potential of shale gas. Exxon will drill Dunquin in Q1 2013. Doesn't it make sense to have a 'campaign' and for them to drill Mullen and Kiernan as well as PET's prospects ? Or for Exxons competitors who missed out on the best licences to try to get involved thru EOG and PET ?

INFA have some existing discoveries next to Europes largest onshore oil field BP's Wytch Farm (500 million barrels). 3 of the 6 wells in the licence actually flowed ! One flowed at about 1600 boepd but they reckon with modern techniques it could have flowed at 6000 boepd.

Just re-entering that well successfully would be transformational to INFA but opening up the 'fairway' next to Europes largest onshore oil field ?

It doesn't take much story telling to get people excited about INFA and they will be out telling the story on December 11th at Oilbarrel (free to attend and they usually put on a nice buffet lunch with superb desserts).
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Whats happened to Tom Winnifrith's articles about Range resources? I take it he wasn't able to defend what he was writing.

Finally PL delivered on something and shut him up.

TYM do have a EFF with Darwin which is always a danger sign but Cheetham does have the gift of the gab when he is promoting that rubbish SRES and he seems to have an army of Brokers and PR at hand so maybe he will give it the three-line whip ?
TYM - just checked and Bulford has it as one of his 'Long Term Project' Tips

'Buy up to 15p - 12 month target 25p'

It is Thursday today so expect an update from Bulford and it is month end so expect a new tipsheet out soon as well.
TYM - Bulfords last comment in September

"TERTIARY MINERALS (TYM): Tertiary has taken an option to acquire a group of mining claims in Nevada, which have the potential to host a substantial fluorspar deposit. Previous work by Union Carbide and others have found mineralisation close to the surface, and there is a large market around the Pacific Rim and in the USA where fluorspar has been declared a 'strategic mineral'. Tertiary will now carry out three months of due diligence to see if it wants to exercise the option and proceed. BUY UP TO 15p (Current Price: 5.75p)"
I was in TYM until 18 months ago and it does have the ability to fly. Excellent PR too when they can be arsed.
TYM Looking good for a multiday run now I reckon

Volume breakout of 50 and 200 day MA
110m tonnes @ 10% fluorite. I think Fluorspar is $600/tonne ?

So thats a resource value of $6bn for a £8m company.

I don't know much about fluorspar market but can't be that expensive to dig up, extract and ship if it is as surface ?

Only question is why didn't Asarco and Union Carbide dig it ?
That broker research is before todays news.

cursory look but their main project up to now was Storuman which has $158m NPV

This US thing looks 5-10x bigger and will probably be way cheaper.

I think this has serious ingredients for a moonshoot.
will Cheetham be one of the few CEO's who can 'cheat'em' ?


July 10, 2012

Tertiary Minerals Can Now Count On A £10 Million Equity Finance Facility To Take The Storuman Fluorpar Project Towards A Development Decision

By Sally White

As calm and cheerful as ever, Patrick Cheetham had particular reason to be feeling upbeat when he spoke to Minesite not long ago - he had just closed out a deal that could bring as much as £10 million in new money into Tertiary Minerals, the fluorspar development company he chairs.

The money will come into the company via an equity financing facility (EFF) arranged through an equity-linked investment group owned by Darwin Strategic.

In Patrick’s view, this form of financing will provide Tertiary with “an attractive, flexible source of funding which can be used entirely at the company’s discretion.” It will also, he adds, help minimise dilution for shareholders in the months ahead, as Tertiary takes the Storuman fluorspar project ever closer towards a development decision.

In conjunction with the EFF, Tertiary also has entered into a warrant agreement with Darwin allowing Darwin to subscribe for up to two million ordinary Tertiary shares, exercisable at a price of 7.5p. This applies over the three year period of the facility.

The ability to minimise dilution is critical as, like so many small Aim-traded mining companies, Tertiary is already suffering from a huge gap between its share price and the valuation put on its assets by its advisers. And a major share issue would only widen the gap.

Currently trading at around 6.5p, Tertiary has traded up as high as 12.5p over the past 12 months. But even that price doesn’t begin to approach what the brokers think it’s worth. Back in January Seymour Pierce put a valuation of 31p on the company, while VSA Capital reckoned it was worth 29p.

Robust valuations are all very well, but when it comes to securing funding, it’s not what you have it’s who you know. And with 26 years of managing quoted mining companies behind him, Patrick is well known to London’s mining finance community. That includes the team at Darwin, which is backed by the Henderson Volantis Capital Team.

It’s also well known that Patrick runs a tight ship and that any money raised is unlikely to be squandered. The company is headquartered in Macclesfield, where you can bet your bottom dollar the rents are lower than the trendy Mayfair and St James’s offices that so many junior miners tend to favour these days.

Hardly surprising then, that in spite of all that is going on inside Tertiary, the interim loss at the end of March was only £190,469 and there was cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet amounting to nearly £750,000.

It’s helpful, of course, that fluorspar looks an excellent funding proposition, given that it’s one of the China-dominated minerals that governments worldwide are getting jumpy about.

China accounts for over half the world’s production, but such is its appetite that it is seeking to preserve domestic resources and is forecast to become a net importer within five years. Fluorspar is widely used, and not just in the developing economies. It’s used in the steel industry, as it lowers melting points and helps remove impurities. And it’s used in the manufacture of aluminium, refrigerant gasses, air conditioners, glass, for making Teflon, for petroleum cracking and in nuclear fuel.

All of which explains why the price has so far held up well this year, even if it is now below the 2011 historic high of US$600 per tonne. Acid grade fluorspar, the highest quality grade, is currently trading at around US$500 CIF Rotterdam, up around 45 per cent on this time last year in spite of the ongoing problems in the global economy.

The high fluorspar price is one reason why Patrick sounds relaxed as he contemplates the huge bills that must be paid if he is to bring the Storuman project in Sweden and the Lassedalen deposit in Norway into production. Another is the range of fluorspar funding deals that have lately been done. Given the tightening in world supplies, the mega customers seem only too willing to bring their cash into partnerships that will guarantee that they get enough of this essential mineral for their own manufacturing purposes.

Patrick cites the following as an example: just a year ago major French-based international chemical group Arkema announced a 50:50 joint venture with Canada Fluorspar for the development of a fluorspar mine in Newfoundland. The sum of money involved to ensure that Arkema had “long-term competitive access to strategic feedstock for its fluorochemical operation in North America” was some C$100 million. Not surprisingly Canada Fluorspar’s shares shot up once the deal was announced, and are still trading at double the pre-deal price.

And while Patrick is not quite ready for a deal like that yet, he is, he says, in “ongoing discussions with a number of consumers …”

One way or another, he’s likely to have an extremely busy time ahead of him, as both Lassendalen and Storuman could be ready to start construction in the fourth quarter of 2014 and production in the fourth quarter 2015.

Tertiary is targeting production of at least 100,000 tonnes a year at Storuman, and is in the process of completing a preliminary feasibility study there on a 28 million tonnes open-pittable fluorspar resource. “A mining operation of this scale would be a medium scale producer in world terms, and the deposit is large enough to consider expansion of the production in future”, says Patrick. Environmental permitting has already started, as have archaeological and reindeer herding studies.

Initial capex for the mine is put at US$46 million. A scoping study already completed by the company shows that on a US$500 per tonne fluorspar price and a mining at the rate of around a million tonnes a year, Storuman would deliver payback within two years and offer an internal rate of return (IRR) of 58 per cent. The pre-tax NPV rings in at US$158 million.

At Lassedalen, a technical and economic scoping study is being carried out, after which Tertiary plans a large drill programme to upgrade and increase the existing mineral resource, which currently stands at four million tonnes at 24.6% fluorspar, giving a contained fluorspar count of almost a million tonnes. A prefeasibility study is planned at Lassedalen, too.

The new facility provides ample funds to pay for the studies at Storuman and Lassedalen, with plenty left over besides. “The funds required to complete these plans (plus overheads for the period) should be less than half what this new facility provides”, comments broker VSA Capital’s analyst Jessica Pendal. All-in-all, Tertiary should now have ample funds to allow it to ride out the current storms in the equity markets, and to emerge smiling and intact, into the sunlit uplands beyond.
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This is looking like CNR in Q4 2010 (it was a ten bagger in weeks) on back of just collating some historic drill results and rapidly proving up a project.

I can see Broker targets of multiples the current share price in coming days.

Tom Bulford update expected tonight also. His previous comment was Buy up to 15p with a 12 month target of 25p. I think he could easily double that now?
from advfn

29 Nov'12 - 12:39 - 252 of 253 0 0

I'd have thought with the fracking revolution taking hold of the US they'll need loads of our fluorspar. Chemical industry alone is predicted to boom.
INFA - hmm they seem to have disappeared from the list of Oilbarrel presenters.

Corporate Action superseded events ?
TYM using the implied valuation metrics in their Presentation is the prospective value going to go from 36p / share to 360p / share ?

"For Gas, Ofgem has consulted on sharpening the incentives on gas suppliers to ensure security of supplies, is investigating the effectiveness of gas interconnector flows, and intends to work with the industry to further consider the case for proposals to improve transparency of information, and facilitate demand side response. We have also asked Ofgem to consider the case for further measures to ensure our gas security, and will be considering further whether there is a case for measures to promote gas storage.


In the light of Ofgem’s report and given the importance of gas to our energy mix
and the need to maintain security of supply, Government is considering further
whether there is a case for further measures to encourage gas storage, and will
publish our findings in Spring 2013.
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Bulford weekly update today.

Mainly concentrates on saying SELL FOGL.

even though right now it is trading at a discount to its cash and has Noble hooked !

Only brief mention on TYM but reiterates buy up to 15p advice.

December monthly newsletter due out tomorrow after market close. Would expect bigger write up in that.
Tertiary Minerals plc (ticker symbol 'TYM'), an AIM-quoted mineral exploration and development company building a significant strategic position in the fluorspar sector, announces that, following the release yesterday of the positive findings of its due diligence review of the MB Fluorspar Project in Nevada, USA, a presentation on the MB Project with audio is now available to view at:


An interview with the Chairman, Patrick Cheetham is also available at:

what has happened to the project in sweden? Is it more projects and no delivery.... but jam tomorrow.

Similar case for his sres, nothing tangible has come from any of the projects there.
TYM - re Storuman ? I think PC is doing the right thing if I have the right handle on his strategy. Basically these are strategic projects so the key thing is not to rush them into production and dilute shareholders to **** just to meet their timelines and need for 'newsflow'. The big change in the fluorspar market will be China going from net exporter to net importer which will be a sea change. That will be the right time to take the project out for financing. In other words my interpretation of what he is doing is warehousing these projects. That I guess is why Bulford has TYM in his 'long term projects' list with a 15p buy in price and 30p target since Jan 2011 and hasn't given up yet.

Agree SRES is total ****

I think Cheetham family own 20%+ of TYM ?
Not sure about SRES.
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BPC - been quiet/dull for a year or so. Drilling in Cuba has not found much. Another well only 10 miles from Bahamas to be drilled by Russians soon. Should concentrate minds.

also a Bahamas Stock Exchange listing will do wonders I think prior to a referendum

Bahamanians can buy stock, vote for and make a killing having had the power to influence the vote ! Awesome. (of course they could short and vote no...)

TYM can not understand why this is still at 6-7p makes we wonder if there is a SEDA being done in the background

Would figure and fair enough he needs to get some funds in to accelerate drilling programme and prove up this resource which should add considerable value and it'll take less time and less of a discount than a placing.
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Don't think anyone has done any analysis of the TYM statement yet. Even their Brokers have simply re-iterated their previous target prices. A cursory glance shows the project is 5-10x the size of their existing projects so how they can simply re-iterate the 30p price target is crazy unless they are wanting to keep a lid on things whilst they get their clients in ?

Expect Bulford might give it a go with actually doing some analysis but even he is a bit of a cretin when it comes to analysing anything seemingly reliant on having ideas pushed at him by brokers.
Bulford tipped a couple of Aussie stocks so you can front run his subscribers and buy the Aussie line before the UK subscribers get out of bed.

I doubt he'll have any impact though so can't be bothered personally.

He retipped OCG. Just a small update on TYM repeating facts put out by the Company.
The Independent understands that Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary, will soon end the current moratorium on shale gas production, which was put in place after fracking caused two small earthquakes near Blackpool in 2011.

His decision will pave the way for a significant increase in shale gas exploration. The Chancellor, George Osborne, is also expected to announce the creation of a new Office for Shale Gas to co-ordinate and speed up production as part of his autumn statement next week. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the use of pressurised liquid to propagate fractures in rock and release natural gas.

Evening guys (s28,Jaspa,EE)..

Like to start off by saying how commendable your thread is, I've been reading it religiously (in a manner of speaking) since I came across it by accident some weeks ago.

Your knowledge shows through your postings and I would like to say a big thanks to you all for your contributions to the thread and the forum.

S28 - I'd lime to ask your opinion on INFA; having read your posts on the stock, and the recent govt energy plans, do you think it has potential to move in the next quarter? I'm currently in EOG (still eagerly awaiting mr Mackay to do something), FAST, Leyshon and BHR.

I've come close to buying into INFA but it always seems to be in the red on my shareprice app so never really sure when to get in.

Also following your posts re GCM and hoping that LRL second drill results will be a positive one.


Welcome to the thread onetwentie... Good to have some new blood on here. Good luck with your investments.
Worthwhile for learning. Can you set up your own leagues on there?

and its based on real time and changes acc to real life
it has the NYSE, DOW , Nasdaq.
not sure about the rest
if we could get 8 people would be real fun

INFA - I have bought an initial half position because it has broken out above key technical levels and thus from now on it could potentially move with little resistance to the upside.

However one can never be sure of timing of newsflow or how the market will react to it. I had expected some news from the Government on Gas Storage as part of Osborne's speech on the 5th but the Energy Bill report out last week suggested whilst they are looking at potentially incentivising Gas storage investment the outcomes of deliberations will be reported on in Spring 2013.

Furthermore as INFA were slated to appear at Oilbarrel conference on December 11th I expected they were preparing to market the overall story in particular oil and gas exploration thus it might come to more prominence. They seem to have been deleted from the schedule so not sure what is going on now. Maybe they have bigger fish to fry or they don't think they will have newsflow ready until next year.

In terms of their plans for drilling their prospects they will need to release results of seismic and gain farm in partners to fund some of these ventures so I would expect the actual drilling may be in second half of 2013 so there may still be time to build a position so I only have a half a position as yet.

Arkema signed a JV deal with Canada Fluorspar in 2011 to invest C.$100m for a 50:50 JV to develop a Fluorspar deposit and also took 19.9% of the equity of CFI.


That project was 10m tonnes @ c.40% Fluorspar so 4m tonnes. Intention was to get to the 120-180,000 tonnes p.a. production.

Compares with the potential 100m tonnes @ c.10% that TYM think they might have.

In other recent deals AIM-listed Fluormin (AIM:FLOR) sold their 20% holding in Kenyan Fluorspar Co. for $13m. Valuing the whole project at $70m. This project should produce 100,000 tonnes of Fluorspar this year.


That gives some idea of upside potential if TYM can prove up their resource. Issue is perhaps how quickly they can prove it up. I would hope months rather than years.
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Excellent update from SXX this morning. Lower capex (and therefore lower funding requirement), lower opex (and therefore higher margins) and earlier production.

Planning proposal should be submitted in next two weeks, and JORC expected Q1. Fingers crossed but this story just gets hotter.
BGBL - sounds like a profit warning which was being flagged a week or so ago on iii ? someone mentioned rumour they had lost a client
RLD - looks interesting ?

Mkt Cap £6m

Mainly a Tanazanite miner in Tanzania but they reckon they could restart graphite production and have some Graphite in tailings ?

Graphite production capability potentially of 15,000 tonnes p.a. @ $2500/tonne = $37.5m revenue p.a.

Graphite production capability from tailings 6,000 tonnes = $15m just needing simple processing ?

It's been under a cloud because of problems with Government but this could be transformational to the story as Graphite is very hot commodity
RLD - Financial highlights from last full year results in June 2012

Financial Highlights

· EBIDTA, profit of $3.5 million

o 17% improvement from EBIDTA profit of $3.0 million in 2010

· Net profit increased by 33% to $0.8 million ($0.6 million in 2010)

· Revenues increased by 29% to $20.5 million ($15.9 million in 2010)

· Consolidated bank balance at 31 December of $1.9 million

· Trade and other receivables at 31 December of $6.5 million

· Tanzanite inventory stock at 31 December of $5.7million (of total inventory of $6.7milion)

· Total assets of $47.1 million

o Total non-current assets of $30.1 million

o Total current assets of $17 million
so has EOG to an extent

ENEG and EDR and IGAS have all mentioned what they think their shale gas reserves are.

EOG has so far not mentioned it but has access to one of the major potential shale basins the Bowland.

I hope they will give some indications after December 5th/6th.

The potential is in the Tcf's i.e. hundreds of million of oil equivalent barrels. For a Company with current 2P reserves of about 0.6m ?

Not too bothered at this stage as still want to accumulate whilst it is under the radar.
RLD had a full read of that RNS now. Looks like there is a real reserve there of potential 530,000 tonnes which has current in-situ value of about $1.3 billion.

Add the tailings dump of c.$15m ? Which should be easily treatable ?

And the stock has been on sale recently for odd reasons.

ASX:SYR has been a 50 bagger in the last year on the back of a Graphite project in the Mozambique/Tanzania area which they took off AFE for nothing. Current Mkt Cap $400m

Recent Syrah presentation

http://www.syrahresources.com.au/20121010 Syrah Resources.pdf
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RLD - problems in a nutshell from a poster on lse:

Tanzanite miner RICHLAND RESOURCES (RLD) wants the Tanzanian government to help protect its property from illegal mining. Not only have the locals simply been helping themselves to Richland’s tanzanite, but they have also been dumping this on the market and knocking the tanzanite price. “Due to the aggressive nature of the illegal miners, assistance from the ministry, as well as the police, is required,” says Richland “including the setting up of a task force to take firm action against the illegal miners who often resort to violent actions.” But support from the government may be conditional on another issue. The ministry is demanding $1.73m of additional retrospective royalties relating to the period from 2004 to 2008. The Tanzanian Minerals Audit Agency is re-auditing Richland’s financial records to assess this claim for royalties, while the Revenue Authority is auditing the company's historic tax status all the way back to 2004. Richland protests that it has already contributed $20m to the Tanzanian coffers to date, but as it has no operations outside Tanzania, the government has it over a barrel.

The Gov of Tanzania is wilfully allowing the illegal mining and RLD seem to be powerless in stopping them.
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RLD - the latest RNS on that issue suggested resolution might be close with Tanzanian Government taking 50% of Company in some shape or form. So looks like that will all be resolved. Tanzania has been awful place to do business but that should be in the price by now as the issue has been going on for about a year (includes mobs killing and thieving from Barricks goldmines in the Country).
RLD - broken downtrend and 50 day MA as well. Expect maybe quick move to 8p resistance at 200 day MA then retrace down to 6p until confirmation of some of the loose ends on Government resolution / Graphite mining ? But think the bottoming processing is going to happen around the 5-8p range. If that graphite potential holds true with 'limited capex' whatever than means I think we this looks a potential 5-10 bagger. Lots of opps around right now. Companies been trashed and then some actually have real transformational news and it gets ignored.

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RLD - have to love that they announced after market close on Monday they had a break-in on Sunday at their storage facility after putting out a 'Positive' RNS in the morning. What a bunch of clowns. Would love to see some of the cretins who run these Companies getting voted out at AGM/EGMs