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Yes. Been in AGL since Parsortix first announced. You can't be out of something that revolutionary. Key question has been when do you really load up given the long process from discovery through development and then product testing etc let alone the actual marketing. It looks to be getting close now to FDA approval ? and some of the big firms taking a serious look at it if only to take it off the market so it doesn't impact their legacy business.
For FDA approval they will need a clinical license. Its not straight forward. The technology better hold up when they test extensively.

You are better off taking profit along the way.....
The optionality is completely mispriced here. $4bn p.a. in potential revenue and even a takeout of $200m+ to save J&J's sunk cost investment in Cellsearch/Veridex. I think it's tradeable certainly but I wouldn't be reducing overall when it is valued at c.$20m compared with a potential $200m or $2000m ! I think right now it's an 'accumulate'. They seem to be back on the front foot after a period of retrenchment. I'd expect any short term hype to peak around their Proactive Investors forum which they might follow with a placing?

Isn't FDA approval ameliorated by existence of 'unmet medical need' and/or existence of some similar product in the market ?

This is non-invasive so doesn't have risk of toxicity etc ?
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s28 - there are other people working on similar product, including very large companies. They are racing against time here.
That's a valid point re other Companies and/or University departments potentially developing alternatives.
It has to be said though their solution seems simple and elegant and they are being advised by a high calibre and well connected Advisory Board and partners such as Paterson Cancer Research who do what 30,000 tests p.a. for Astra Zeneca
Here are some of the other products...... Contradicts what AGL said about no other product able to recover CTCs. Just goto first entry into that table ApoCell and you will see...

ApoStreamTM technology exploits dissimilarities of different cell types that arise from morphological and electrical properties to isolate a variety of rare cells from whole blood, independent of EpCAM expression. Data collected from more than 80 tumor cell lines has shown that CTCs exhibit distinctly different dielectric properties as compared to PBMCs, and the isolated and recovered cells maintain cell viability and can be used for downstream analysis.


Could they actually be running short of cash?
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Thanks for pointing that out. Can't comment on the technology but I'd always apply a b.s. filter to any US company's p.r.

Just on the face of it their system seems a lot more complex than AGL's which uses simple physical separation so one would assume it to be more expensive?

AGL did say no product 'in the market at present'. Apocell may have a product but it doesn't seem to be selling any in the market ? so I guess AGL are correct and justified in their statement .

I do hope AGL are running short on cash it might concentrate their minds to get out promoting the stock!
Nokia at $4.68

Thats up from around $1.65-75 in August.

Told you guys this one was going up and up!
Nokia at $4.68

Thats up from around $1.65-75 in August.

Told you guys this one was going up and up!

Well if I recall correctly you were the one who said what's the worst that could happen at 1.65, but I'll let you join me in this :wahab

Let's hope it really becomes a turnaround.
Well if I recall correctly you were the one who said what's the worst that could happen at 1.65, but I'll let you join me in this :wahab

Let's hope it really becomes a turnaround.

It was nothing to lose at 1.65.

TBH I thought it hit 2.50, but 4.65, I had no idea!!!

I convinced a friend of mine to buy options at 2, he owes me comission!
What has Nokia got in answer for the new phones being released Samsung and HTC this year

quad core, 2 gig mem, better screen etc....

I presume iphone will follow with similar specs.

Will nokia fall by the way side again?
What has Nokia got in answer for the new phones being released Samsung and HTC this year

quad core, 2 gig mem, better screen etc....

I presume iphone will follow with similar specs.

Will nokia fall by the way side again?

Well Lumia did better than expected.

Also RIMM is rising like crazy again on good news for BB 10

so bascially in the last 6 months if you bought Apple you were a fool, but if you bought Nokia or RIMM you are a genius!! Who would have thought!
Probably just short covering on RIM and Nokia but well done it all counts. WoM and DfT.
Look at the candle on EDR today after a pretty inconsequential announcement RNS re shale gas

Probably meets the criteria of being at 'venture investment' stage/valuation right now but of course EOG is the best play from that perspective



EOG and EDR both valued circa £15m
EDR have 100 bopd current production
EOG have 200 bopd

EDR are making some play out of their shale gas licences
EOG are keeping it under their hat + UCG licences

EDR have some UK onshore conventional upside
EOG have some UK onshore conventional upside + major conventional upside from Irish Atlantic Margin prospects

EOG really should be trading at a multiples of what EDR is right now

EOG we know news is due on Kiernan prospect and potential farm out
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BEM not quite a golden cross yet and be aware you can get counter-trend moves on the actual Golden Cross day/days

A lot of iron ore plays have done really well and so a bit of a counter-trend rally going on from the bears but as long as China is good and they stay above 200 day look solid enough to me

My favourites would be those in production or who have infrastructure sorted i.e. AYM through LIM or likes of AFF

I don't like BEM or BAO but it is usually the real speculative trash which moves most at times like this because their projects go from completely unviable at $100 iron ore to marginally viable at $130 iron ore and then you can apply valuations of say $1 per tonne to huge guesses at total tonnage :-p
low volume counter trend move on achieving Golden Cross could be what is eating TYM today even though they could have news by end of the month on resource estimate which could justify increase in broker target price from 30p to 60p

AGL kept hold of my position rather than flip it this morning, I think there is plenty more newsflow (someone close to Management saying research sales start within a month) due and I expect an attack on previous high of 100p and if we break out above that sky is the limit (well maybe initial target Cenkos's 200p target price)

sailing john
15 Jan'13 - 15: 42 - 10447 of 10448 1 0

From AN's Twitter Feed a link to an interview Andrew (CEO) has given presumably today with Thompson Reuters. Also includes some slides

A very positive performance - worth a look

Europe 2012 - Greece, Spain, Italy sovereign debt default worries all pretty much gone
US 2012 - worries about Republicans/Tea Party getting in and forcing austerity/contraction
China 2012 - worries soft landing would become hard landing

All those issues addressed in 2013 and so risk appetite coming back with a vengeance

Two charts to illustrate...the change in Bond and Equity markets

Spanish bond yield and Nikkei which has been in 20 year bear market

TYM sounds very good


January 16, 2013
Tertiary’s New Fluorspar Project In Nevada Could Turn Out To Be One Of The Largest In The World
By Sally White

Tertiary Minerals is positively whizzing through the work to move on its new Nevada fluorspar MB project.*
Since he has been able to put his hands on most of the results the property has generated since the 1960s, Tertiary chief Patrick Cheetham has taken just a few months to announce that due diligence has confirmed MB as having world-class potential.

Instead of celebrating, however, he is feeling frustrated. What, he is asking all the brokers and investors he is seeing, is holding back Tertiary Minerals share price? *
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Hugh has finally pulled his finger out!

PET went up 300% in a day on a less specific RNS so should see good momentum.
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EOG I'd hope for 50-100% over the next few days. I think break 12.5p the closing high or 14.25 which is the 52 week intraday high and 15-20p looks on the cards ?

3D siesmics yet to be done, so not sure people will be running to jump in just yet. I have a feeling they will wait for the Exxon drill before spending money.

Any estimated timeline for Exon drill?
It was meant to be Q1 but may have pushed into Q2 and then I guess allow 90 days so results anytime from Q2-Q3 ?

Would certainly make sense to wait it out let others play their cards. As they are doing with Shale Gas I suspect.

2bn barrels even risked at 1% is 20m barrels to EOG i.e. $200m (at $10EV/bbl) versus a Market Cap of £15m

Assuming farm down to free carry of 12.5-25.0 % still worth $25-50m and as they 'de-risk' it to say 2% CoS or 5% CoS or 10% CoS the upside is in the multiples.

Chart is looking like a big reverse head and shoulders now.

EOG has mis-timed its announcement, IMHO. When the Irish Sea prospects were in vogue in the bull market was the time to strike while iron was hot. Now, there are so many stocks on the up, the is more competition for pi funds.
If you look at Petrel's announcement, its not clear they even done 2D siesmics but yet it ran away. EOG have come back with a more comprehensive report backed with 2D and its barely registered interest.

Hugh is safe and steady, needs to up his game at the right time.
True but then PET ran away and didn't give a chance to build a decent position.
EOG is allowing one to do that and so any eventual value realisation event is bigger and better.

It's all swings and roundabouts / horses for courses.

Having said that money has time value so would not say no to EOG doing a PET today :-p
True but then PET ran away and didn't give a chance to build a decent position.
EOG is allowing one to do that and so any eventual value realisation event is bigger and better.

It's all swings and roundabouts / horses for courses.

Having said that money has time value so would not say no to EOG doing a PET today :-p

....now that would be nice :)
To be fair, some people had a position in PET but were pussies by taking early profits :-p
Same here but look on the bright side you get to buy 18-20p of assets for 11-12p

Although I think the real figure is actually multiples.

Mackays option exercisable at 10p but only if the stock has traded at over 13p for a decent stint

"All of the New Options have an exercise price of 10p and are exercisable after
12 months subject to the Ordinary Shares trading above 13p for 30 consecutive
business days."
“While we would welcome it [a Dunquin success] as it would deliver a very nice ‘halo effect’, we would caution against too much irrational exuberance."

I give up! No point in investing whilst publicity shy Mackay is incharge.
Couple of leftfield companies which might be worth keeping an eye on. Especially with risk back on.

CICR (CIC Resources) - claims to be advising 27 Chinese companies with a view to IPOs. Claims an asset value of multiples of its current share price. Has spiked in recent days from 2p to 7p so v.dangerous to chase.

This is a presentation from their website ( http://www.cicresources.com/ )


CRV Craven House Capital - claims to be named after the original home of the British East India company and proposing to follow a similar path of investing/merchant banking in new emerging economies. Has been issuing shares at 1p+ to vendors of stakes in growth companies in places like Brazil, Guinea, China etc yet the share price is trading at 0.3p

BPC after a long time in the doldrums appears to be forming a decent base and having a 'stealth' breakout above 50 day MA

AYM - looked great in December as it broke above 50 day MA with iron ore prices on the up and the Market Cap almost fully covered by its stake in producing listed Canadian operator LIM.

Looks to be getting hit now as LIM do a placing but if it stays above the 50 day and MACD turns it'll look good again I reckon.

IPS was 2p prior to suspension. There were directors buys at 2p. They have a portfolio of spin-off companies from Universities research departments.

When they came back they said they would split the Company into two parts. One part would in effect go private and manage the sales of the University spin offs and the other part would remain listed as a public entity effectively a shell.

So my thinking was that the value should be 2p+0.25p = 2.25p

But for some reason people took the 0.25p placing as being a 0.25p placing but current shareholders do retain their interest in the 2p University spin-off ?

That might explain the interest if I am right in my reading of things.

Personally I would be happy to pay less than 1p for that risk and optionality.
Looks like that is what people are waking up to

In addition to the fundraising, "following Completion of the Proposals and the waiver of the GBP5 million debt referred to above, IPSO Management will own the IPSO Investment Portfolio (which had a book value of circa GBP1.5 million as at 30(th) April 2012) and have no debt."


Dusseldorf 17 Jan'13 - 13: 29 - 1206 of 1208 0 0

Am I right in assuming anyone buying before 28th Jan is entitled to preference B shares in unlisted entity IPSO Management with £1.5m assets and will still hold equity shares in the newly named corp, which is essentially a cash shell with circa £450k cash looking for an oil and gas prospect?

Parvez 17 Jan'13 - 13: 31 - 1207 of 1208 0 0

Dusseldorf, exactly the question I was going to ask!
another way of playing this one is through PRS
IPS pretty much happened now. Maybe worth a look at PLR when it re-emerges. IPS will become shell PLR Plutus Resources. Some speculating PRS will reverse one of their investments Bison Energy into PLR. Could make that exciting. No idea why.

CRV , PLMO still look interesting to me.

This is the PLMO chart for last year. The one thing holding me/it back is the 200 day MA is so far above the 50 day MA. For a serious move 50 day has to go above 200 day. However if you look back about 160-180 trading days you can see there was a big drop from 1.00 to 0.20. That should mean at some point in the next few weeks a lot of the 1.00+ numbers drop quickly out of the 200 day MA. So the 200 day should rapidly approach the 50 day MA.

50 day MA is around 0.20 but cash is 0.4p/share

So on news it looks like it could rally quite quickly above 0.4p then potentially close the gap to 1.00? Ultimately will depend what the shell is used for though

The guys involved with PLMO are Lenigas friend Strang. His other recent shell 3DR is trading at a massive premium to cash value.

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SRB - Has completed capital raising.

At 6p Market Cap is c.£20m
Cash raised £17m (about $17m earmarked for re-opening mine)
Should still have about $10m left over?

anyway at present the EV (Market Cap - Cash) is c. £3m ?
The potential EBITDA one year out on 20k oz production p.a. is $20m

i.e. an EV/EBITDA of 0.25x

ok allowing for cash consumption

about 1x EV/EBITDA one year out

If they pay down the 'EV' quickly with cash which they should then the EV should fall rapidly making it v.v.cheap

It's been a horrendous dilution but the Fratelli family are in charge and they will probably run the Company more for shareholders here than for Management so I expect results.

Paying out cash of $20m p.a. or a dividend of 3p ? per share will be a great return all round and applying a Dividend Yield of 10% the share price should be 30p+

That is all assuming gold doesn't moonshoot which I expect it to do at some point
Thanks for that s28- Plus markets is now known as PLMO. They have around £1m in the bank, that is not going to get them far.
PLMO is a shell. Plus Markets is a separate company now owned by icap.

The cash PLMO have is incidental. What will be important is ability of Strang to inject a decent asset.

3DR has even less in the bank but is valued at multiples of its cash. That is the wonder of shells.

Biggest risk is it's dead money for a while I think.
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re IPS from the Circular


As a part of the Proposals, the Board sought to preserve the IPSO Investment Portfolio and provide
Shareholders with an opportunity to maintain their interest in the IPSO Investment Portfolio but without the
significant burden of the costs of being traded on AIM. The Demerger will allow this to happen. The
Demerger will be effected by taking the following steps:
• 38,245,412 IPSO Management Shares will be issued to the Company;
a bonus issue of IPSO B Ordinary Shares to Shareholders on a one for one basis; and
• following a reduction in IPSO’s share capital (in accordance with the Act) Shareholders who are on
the share register on the Record Date will receive:
One IPSO Management Share for each IPSO B Ordinary Share
Following the Demerger, each holder of 1 Ordinary Share will hold:
• 1 ordinary share in IPSO Management – this will own the IPSO Investment Portfolio;
• 1 Ordinary Share in IPSO Ventures plc – this will be an Investment Company managed by the
Proposed Director and Proposed Senior Management.
Yes as its shallow should only require short drills and results back quick because its a mining area?

AGM in February. Plenty of newsflow to come.

Spent a lot of time doing prep PR re this resource estimate. Deliver and the press and brokers should be primed to up their ratings.

Then at some point get a major or corporate off take partner. Some smaller Canadian resource got $100m financing.
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The high fluorspar price is one reason why Patrick sounds relaxed as he contemplates the huge bills that must be paid if he is to bring the Storuman project in Sweden and the Lassedalen deposit in Norway into production. Another is the range of fluorspar funding deals that have lately been done. Given the tightening in world supplies, the mega customers seem only too willing to bring their cash into partnerships that will guarantee that they get enough of this essential mineral for their own manufacturing purposes.

Patrick cites the following as an example: just a year ago major French-based international chemical group Arkema announced a 50:50 joint venture with Canada Fluorspar for the development of a fluorspar mine in Newfoundland. The sum of money involved to ensure that Arkema had “long-term competitive access to strategic feedstock for its fluorochemical operation in North America” was some C$100 million. Not surprisingly Canada Fluorspar’s shares shot up once the deal was announced, and are still trading at double the pre-deal price.

And while Patrick is not quite ready for a deal like that yet, he is, he says, in “ongoing discussions with a number of consumers …”
AGL got a little write-up in the weekend FT


January 19, 2013 3:30 am

Small-cap week: Angle shares double

By Bryce Elder

Angle more than doubled this week after announcing that its cancer diagnostics system could have a much wider market.

The company said it had developed a method to recover captured tumour cells from its Parsortix non-invasive blood test. The product could be used to monitor response to treatment as well as to screen and diagnose patients.

“We expect a launch of the device into the research market in the short term, which will not only generate early revenues for both Parsortix and Angle but also increase the confidence in the market from the scientific community,” said Cenkos Securities.
MrKeysersoze 20 Jan'13 - 14:21 - 10796 of 10797 0 0

CTC market size estimated by a possible Parsortix competitor as:

* CTC test price $600 ( Parsortix expected cost approx £150)

* Potentially 20-30m test per year in the US alone

* >10 million cancer patients in the US

* >one test/year/patient

-----> $10-$20 billion dollars

* Worldwide market much larger.


Also bear in mind the above technology has no ability to recover CTC's unlike Parsortix....

Mr K.
AGL will be doing quite a few analyst presentations, Private Client Broker meetings, Private Investor presentations over coming weeks. In addition to expected news on start of sales into Clinical/Research market I think AGL should continue to perform well over coming weeks. Initial sell off on spike seems to be over ?

30p to 90p then retrace to 60p


5 day intraday chart might give better idea of trading levels

not sure why it is rising. There will have to be a referendum and then oil law sorted out before they get the go ahead to drill... Its all if at the moment.
BPC some other companies drilling a few miles away in Cuban water in coming weeks.

It's an X per cent CoS on drilling and referendum on potentially billions of barrels of oil. No surprise it would move when risk appetite is coming back. Even on no specific news.
I've not followed that closely but previous wells were drilled further away testing different play types I think. Also as it is Russian/Cuban/Chinese players if they found anything are they going to announce it to all and sundry and give free info to Western players in contiguous licences ?

It was about £50-100m for a pure play on Bahamas licences compared with 5-6 companies with combined Mkt Cap of £500-2000m targeting Falklands Oil.
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PVCS got tipped again in Investors Chronicle think they originally tipped it 50p+ (Net Tangible Asset Value around 40-50p/share and it has traded as high as 200p in the past)

I do wonder with the massive Japanese stimulus whether this may help PVCS in some shape or form with yen depreciating and some specific measures to support solar projects. Think PVCS had about 25% of their business coming from Japan with customers such as Sharp Solar.


Seeing the light

Our companies editor revisits the investment case for a solar wafer maker about to return a chunk of cash to shareholders
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CICR incredible, combination of tiny free float (only 7% in public hands) and huge optionality

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Is it just me or do some of these major indices look like they are breaking out / about to break out bigtime?



CICR incredible, combination of tiny free float (only 7% in public hands) and huge optionality



PLMO, IPS, CRV could be the next ones ? I hope.
Got ultra-small positions in each just to keep an eye in case they do go vertical