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Disgusting stuff from Ansar Abbasi and Orya Maqbool Jan


First Class Star
Jan 13, 2013
Plain pathetic behavior from right wing nut jobs; Ansar Abbasi and Orya Maqbool Jan during latest live episode of On the front with Kamran Shahid. The way they were calling top physicist and most sane and rational voice in country Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy Jahil is just shameful.It further exposed these extremist sympathizers and conspiracy theory peddlers .This also raise questions on anchor of a premium current affairs show Kamran Shahid, who seems more concerned with ratings(this is a common problem with current affair shows ) and left a person of Dr Hoddbhoy's stature under onslaught of these Pseudo "experts"(Mullahs) devoid of reason and logic.


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Plain pathetic behavior from right wing nut jobs; Ansar Abbasi and Orya Maqbool Jan during latest live episode of On the front with Kamran Shahid. The way they were calling top physicist and most sane and rational voice in country Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy is just shameful.It further exposed these sympathizers and conspiracy theory peddlers .This also raise questions on anchor of a premium current affairs show,Kamran Shahid who seems to be more concerned with ratings(this is a common problem with current affair shows ) and left a person of Dr Hoddbhoy's stature under onslaught of these "Mullahs" devoid of reason and logic.


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This so called only sane voice in Pakistan instead of providing his counter arguments with facts started his conversation by calling other guests as liars and that they lack knowledge of simple English. Wow! what a sane voice and by a person who should have full knowledge of a debate and he starts his arguments by personal attacks and then he expects that others will not reply.

This is the passage that Orya Maqbool Jan has been misquoting.

I can now understand why PH was having a tantrum. It really makes your blood boil.
This so called only sane voice in Pakistan instead of providing his counter arguments with facts started his conversation by calling other guests as liars and that they lack knowledge of simple English. Wow! what a sane voice and by a person who should have full knowledge of a debate and he starts his arguments by personal attacks and then he expects that others will not reply.

The background for Hoodbhoy's stance is that Ansar Abassi and Orya Maqbool Jan were giving "strange interpretations" to certain passages in Malala's book and incident as a whole while Dr Hoodbhoy said that their interpretations are totally wrong and every impartial person will find them so after reading book. After that began one of the most shameful verbal onslaught, in Pak media's history, on top academician of country.
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If I were Hoodbhoy I wouldn't even care to engage with people like Ansar Abbasi and Orea Maqbool. Sad that both of them spent time critiquing a particular passage of a 15 year old girl's book. The thought of universal education and our society's failure in providing the most fundamental right to children is hard for people like them to digest. That's why they choose instead to resort to tackling a particular passage in a book. The notion of introspection is completely lost on them. Speaks volume when a 15 year old is trying to bring more effective change to society than journalists/columnists or whichever category you put these two apologists in.
just wondering how many patents Hoodbhoy's got. i mean he is a phycisit right? so maybe he should stick to his day job?
just wondering how many patents Hoodbhoy's got. i mean he is a phycisit right? so maybe he should stick to his day job?

Maybe you should learn to spell "phycisit" and then you can question another person's credentials...

Also, I don't think you have a clue what physicists actually do... they're not inventors...
I saw the second video,absolutely disgusting.Ansar Abbasi is a sick person,calling a renowed scientist as a Jahil,no wonder we are regressing by the day.I want to kick that guy in the face.Horrible.
We are doomed as a nation.Anyone with logical ,critical and progressive thinking is labelled as an agent of the CIA or MOSSAD but those who spew hatred are championed.People who promote female education are forced out of the country while those who promote stone age ideologies are championed.People who point out our shortcomings are labelled as anti Pakistan and anti islam.People who kill hazaras ,shias,hindus and christians are referred to as custodians and warriors of islam while those who promote science are frowned upon.Sickening.
Hoodbhoy is jahal of highest degree. He was kicked out from my university.

Makes me glad I left that dump of a university when I did. Sad to see how far it has regressed, from supplying the country with some of it's top intellectual capital to producing idiots with as much reasoning skills as your average Jamati.
We are doomed as a nation.Anyone with logical ,critical and progressive thinking is labelled as an agent of the CIA or MOSSAD but those who spew hatred are championed.People who promote female education are forced out of the country while those who promote stone age ideologies are championed.People who point out our shortcomings are labelled as anti Pakistan and anti islam.People who kill hazaras ,shias,hindus and christians are referred to as custodians and warriors of islam while those who promote science are frowned upon.Sickening.

Doomed we are indeed. And the mullah juggernaut steams on inexorably. We can only watch impotently as they drag us back to the stone age. It is, in many ways, their country now. See what they've done to it. And they're not finished yet.

I seriously fear for Hoodbhoy's life. One of these days they will get to him, just like they've got to each and every other sane voice before him. And then they will dance on his grave like the shameless subhumans they are. Yet they have the temerity to call us scum.
There is a difference between illiterate and jahil....hundreds of degrees and certificates but still can be ignorant in many areas....not surprised!
Doomed we are indeed. And the mullah juggernaut steams on inexorably. We can only watch impotently as they drag us back to the stone age. It is, in many ways, their country now. See what they've done to it. And they're not finished yet.

I seriously fear for Hoodbhoy's life. One of these days they will get to him, just like they've got to each and every other sane voice before him. And then they will dance on his grave like the shameless subhumans they are. Yet they have the temerity to call us scum.

The worst are these "educated" ultra-conservative nationalists. They sympathize with the taliban while using words like "liberal extremist", "liberal fascist - (a word that makes no sense)" and "secular extremist" that the middle class and the mummy daddy crowd laps up like loyal, mindless dogs...
The worst are these "educated" ultra-conservative nationalists. They sympathize with the taliban while using words like "liberal extremist", "liberal fascist - (a word that makes no sense)" and "secular extremist" that the middle class and the mummy daddy crowd laps up like loyal, mindless dogs...

Both the conservatives and the liberals are pretty much in the same boat and they are both extremists simply because there is no way will either of them ever follow the actual logic of the argument. Both sides stick to their ideology no matter what even if the evidence is to the contrary and most of all both sides are so God Damned Arrogant that they think that only their arguments are correct. They never leave room for Human evolution of thought, not even human error! Yeah, the "ultra-conservative nationalists" sympathize with the taliban and are loyal to them like dogs but the liberals are no less pigs either who eat up any **** the American government/CIA throws at them! Hoodbhoy and Orya are no different. Orya is nothing more than a right wing propaganda mouth piece while Hoodboy is massive hypocrite. He tells the world how "Omar" destroyed the "greatest collections of human knowledge" as pointed out to us by "Tanzeel" yet doesn't bother to check up on the sources of that story all of which were highly dubious at best and were even refuted by western historians! Orya doesn't let go of a chance to show of his misplaced patriatism and Hoodbhoy does any thing to put down actual practicing muslims. Neither of them are worthy of respect, they are both scum bags of highest order!
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Both the conservatives and the liberals are pretty much in the same boat and they are both extremists simply because there is no way will either of them ever follow the actual logic of the argument. Both sides stick to their ideology no matter what even if the evidence is to the contrary and most of all both sides are so God Damned Arrogant that they think that only their arguments are correct. They never leave room for Human evolution of thought, not even human error! Yeah, the "ultra-conservative nationalists" sympathize with the taliban and are loyal to them like dogs but the liberals are no less pigs either who eat up any **** the American government/CIA throws at them! Hoodbhoy and Orya are no different. Orya is nothing more than a right wing propaganda mouth piece while Hoodboy is massive hypocrite. He tells the world how "Omar" destroyed the "greatest collections of human knowledge" as pointed out to us by "Tanzeel" yet doesn't bother to check up on the sources of that story all of which were highly dubious at best and were even refuted by western historians! Orya doesn't let go of a chance to show of his misplaced patriatism and Hoodbhoy does any thing to put down actual practicing muslims. Neither of them are worthy of respect, they are both scum bags of highest order!

Basically a mass over generalization that. I'm a liberal and I'm totally indifferent to the CIA. You are using false equivalency here.

As far as I'm concerned social liberalism entails that one change and modify his views with experience. Social conservatism looks to maintain a set of beliefs while nationalism looks to defend a piece of real estate despite conflicting principles at time. Clearly one is better suited for this day and age than the other.
wth did i just watch? were those pathetic individuals really calling a distinguished physicist a jaahil? i guess it would take one to know one. god help pakistan
Basically a mass over generalization that.

If that is the case then so is the following statement made by you as well.

The worst are these "educated" ultra-conservative nationalists. They sympathize with the taliban while using words like "liberal extremist", "liberal fascist - (a word that makes no sense)" and "secular extremist" that the middle class and the mummy daddy crowd laps up like loyal, mindless dogs...

I'm a liberal and I'm totally indifferent to the CIA

Is that really your answer? that you are "totally indifferent"? should liberals or anyone else for that matter be totally indifferent to an Intelligence agency that is conducting massive operations in your country? shouldn't there be some cause for concern?

As far as I'm concerned social liberalism entails that one change and modify his views with experience. Social conservatism looks to maintain a set of beliefs while nationalism looks to defend a piece of real estate despite conflicting principles at time. Clearly one is better suited for this day and age than the other.

Are you kidding me? If the bold part was true then the liberals (social or any other kind) wouldn't stick to their same arguments and repeat them over and over again! Especially in case of Pakistan where Liberals and conservatives have gone to the trenches and refuse to leave their entrenched positions thinking it'll be their defeat if they do so! As I mentioned earlier neither side leaves room for evolution of thought. This is more true when it comes to the militant/extremist problem in Pakistan. One side openly supports them, has rallies with them and then claims victim hood and the other wants Ata Turk style of secularism where beards/burqas/hijabs are banned! There is absolutely no balance to either side's arguments. If as you say "liberalism entails that one change and modify his views with experience" then you wouldn't call any one that disagrees with you a "Mullah brigade" by default!
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If that is the case then so is the following statement made by you as well.

Is that really your answer? that you are "totally indifferent"? should liberals or anyone else for that matter be totally indifferent to an Intelligence agency that is conducting massive operations in your country? shouldn't there be some cause for concern?

Are you kidding me? If the bold part was true then the liberals (social or any other kind) wouldn't stick to their same arguments and repeat them over and over again! Especially in case of Pakistan where Liberals and conservatives have gone to the trenches and refuse to leave their entrenched positions thinking it'll be their defeat if they do so! As I mentioned earlier neither side leaves room for evolution of thought. This is more true when it comes to the militant/extremist problem in Pakistan. One side openly supports them, has rallies with them and then claims victim hood and the other wants Ata Turk style of secularism where beards/burqas/hijabs are banned! There is absolutely no balance to either side's arguments. If as you say "liberalism entails that one change and modify his views with experience" then you wouldn't call any one that disagrees with you a "Mullah brigade" by default!

I think indifferent was a poor word - in any way, I don't condone what they do and I really doubt that a significant portion of liberals do either. Foreign intervention really isn't something to condone.

You are dealing too heavily in generalizations - I don't think any reasonable number of Pakistanis want to ban the hijab lol. If you have specific examples of views you think "liberals" are too rigid on, please share them.

Hardly see any relevance name calling has to do with changing one's social views over time...
desiboy stop trying to act like the voice of reason here when you all you are doing is perpetuating false stereotypes yourself and thinking in black and white. Its easy to get on your high horse and claim that liberals and conservatives are as bad as each other without first offering an opinion yourself on this issue.

I for example, happen to think Hoodbhoy was rash in becoming aggressive but then these two "journalists" are such blatant demagogues and manipulate people by appealing to their religious "fervour" and honour that it makes one sick.

Just a few more things. IT is highly irrational(even within the context of being a Muslim) to believe that these suffixes form an important part of your faith. It is also irrational to think that Malala's father's response over the Satanic verses controversy was somehow anti-Islamic or something to ashamed of.
I for one think this show should be made part of our school curriculum, national library and heritage foundation. It should be preserved forever and given the designation of "national treasure". The arguments presented by both sides carried such tremendous weight and authenticity that regardless of the conclusions that can be drawn from this debate, you can't help but marvel at the intellectual prowess of our renown thinkers, philosophers and scholars, not to forget the extremely professional and refreshingly neutral job performed by the anchor of this show. May shows like these continue to come our way so we as a nation can gain tremendous knowledge and understanding on such complex issues like role of religion in our govt., terrorism, extremism, freedom of speech etc. Once again many congratulation to the producers, participants and anchor of this one in a million show.
Doomed we are indeed. And the mullah juggernaut steams on inexorably. We can only watch impotently as they drag us back to the stone age. It is, in many ways, their country now. See what they've done to it. And they're not finished yet.

I seriously fear for Hoodbhoy's life. One of these days they will get to him, just like they've got to each and every other sane voice before him. And then they will dance on his grave like the shameless subhumans they are. Yet they have the temerity to call us scum.

This guy is a big asset for Pakistan but people would find ways to degrade or discredit him.Pathetic.
just wondering how many patents Hoodbhoy's got. i mean he is a phycisit right? so maybe he should stick to his day job?

Physicists, as do other scientist, perform research. They do not run after monetary gain in the form of patents.

Perhaps you should stick to your day job ?
Even some of our academics are irrational loonies. The VC of Punjab University claims there is a high cabal of Western leaders who want to implant our brains with microchips and that the West sponsors terror attacks in Pakistan.

The VC of Quaid e Azam University is also an embarrassment. He once supervised a thesis written on Chromotherapy, a field widely regarded as bogus. This was an issue raised by Hoodbhoy once again who even consulted Nobel Laureates like Weinberg to back him up. This guy also believes 9/11 is a hoax amongst other things.

The lunatics are now running the asylum. No wonder we have stopped producing great scientists. Guys on this thread don't know what physicists do but ask them about the length of beard that Muslims should have and they would tell you the answer accurate to millimeters.
Both the conservatives and the liberals are pretty much in the same boat and they are both extremists simply because there is no way will either of them ever follow the actual logic of the argument. Both sides stick to their ideology no matter what even if the evidence is to the contrary and most of all both sides are so God Damned Arrogant that they think that only their arguments are correct. They never leave room for Human evolution of thought, not even human error! Yeah, the "ultra-conservative nationalists" sympathize with the taliban and are loyal to them like dogs but the liberals are no less pigs either who eat up any **** the American government/CIA throws at them! Hoodbhoy and Orya are no different. Orya is nothing more than a right wing propaganda mouth piece while Hoodboy is massive hypocrite. He tells the world how "Omar" destroyed the "greatest collections of human knowledge" as pointed out to us by "Tanzeel" yet doesn't bother to check up on the sources of that story all of which were highly dubious at best and were even refuted by western historians! Orya doesn't let go of a chance to show of his misplaced patriatism and Hoodbhoy does any thing to put down actual practicing muslims. Neither of them are worthy of respect, they are both scum bags of highest order!

What I don't get is that you are sitting in Canada, probably with a Canadian citizenship, without any intentions of ever returning to Pakistan, and are telling Pakistanis who have to deal with their future themselves on how to behave!

Personally, I seem to find this sort of attitude prevalent amongst all foreign born and bred South-Asians - Indians and Pakistanis. They seem to be more hardcore religious and jingoistic than those living in their own countries.
The background for Hoodbhoy's stance is that Ansar Abassi and Orya Maqbool Jan were giving "strange interpretations" to certain passages in Malala's book and incident as a whole while Dr Hoodbhoy said that their interpretations are totally wrong and every impartial person will find them so after reading book. After that began one of the most shameful verbal onslaught, in Pak media's history, on top academician of country.

What I was saying if Hoodbhoy didn't agree on their interpretations he should have given his views and justify it with reading out passage and explaining his interpretation , Who gave him right to personal assault in a debate and start calling other guests liar and that they lack knowledge of English language? After all he is a Professor and with all these years of experience in teaching he should know how to put forward his views without insulting others.
What I was saying if Hoodbhoy didn't agree on their interpretations he should have given his views and justify it with reading out passage and explaining his interpretation , Who gave him right to personal assault in a debate and start calling other guests liar and that they lack knowledge of English language? After all he is a Professor and with all these years of experience in teaching he should know how to put forward his views without insulting others.

one of the signs of a munafiq and jahil is he will resort to foul language and insults.

hoodbhoy all his degrees are on paper and just = a piece of paper,

practically speaking with his hands and actions this man is zero, even a gunsmith in darra adam khel who can't read and write has more skill and hundar than hoodbhoy.

what exactly has hoodbhoy done as a physicist , practically speaking for pakistan , both in civilian fields and military fields in terms of making something etc.


hoodbhoy with all his degrees, is a bikar aadmi because his degrees are of no use.

and this man only has bugz towards pakistan and islam.
In ka kuch nahin ho sakta.I am lost for words.These so called intellectuals do not even shy away from labelling Malala as an agent of the west.Shame on them.

How can somebody be that stupid?

I want to kick that clown in the first video on the face.
Just another example of why Pakistan is going backwards.

Too many extremist sympathisers, it's quite evident to see in this thread. Like some say it's very hard to stop a runaway train especially one going backwards.
Someone here said what he has done for Pakistan? well excuse me and excuse your ignorance.

He has taught students physicss in to two most elite universities of Pakistan. Has uploaded his lectures on YouTube. He has taken parts in political debates. Has published books named Mashal to promote science in Pakistan, Women rights, Philosophy and modern thought.

and what you criticizers have done for Pakistan? Posting BS against him on social media. is that all your achievement is.
Maybe you should learn to spell "phycisit" and then you can question another person's credentials...

Also, I don't think you have a clue what physicists actually do... they're not inventors...

ever heard of the word typo? and is he your chacha or mama that we cant criticise him? Everyone should be up for criticism and Hoodbhoy is no exception?

If Abbasi and co criticise well guess what , its their job. Its what they do. Hoodbhoy on the other hand seems to be more interested in politics than his day job.

And I have a job unlike many on this forum.
ever heard of the word typo? and is he your chacha or mama that we cant criticise him? Everyone should be up for criticism and Hoodbhoy is no exception?

If Abbasi and co criticise well guess what , its their job. Its what they do. Hoodbhoy on the other hand seems to be more interested in politics than his day job.

And I have a job unlike many on this forum.

Everyone has the right to voice out their opinion,just like you are doing on this forum.As you mention that you have a job,then why not practice what you preach,stick to your day job instead of posting here.If you can voice out your opinion,then why others cannot.
Physicists, as do other scientist, perform research. They do not run after monetary gain in the form of patents.

Perhaps you should stick to your day job ?

ahhh the holier than thou brigade returns.

alright then can some of Hoodbhoys fans and worshippers please post evidence of his research, awards and current field of interest.

also dont assume anything from a mere forum.
Everyone has the right to voice out their opinion,just like you are doing on this forum.As you mention that you have a job,then why not practice what you preach,stick to your day job instead of posting here.If you can voice out your opinion,then why others cannot.

it seems he spend smost of his time commenting on pakistnai politics and our strategic services. Thats why I commented. But ohh how dare I mention this. Hit a nerve I see.

and at least I have a job, unlike many on here.
ever heard of the word typo? and is he your chacha or mama that we cant criticise him? Everyone should be up for criticism and Hoodbhoy is no exception?

If Abbasi and co criticise well guess what , its their job. Its what they do. Hoodbhoy on the other hand seems to be more interested in politics than his day job.

And I have a job unlike many on this forum.

Your criticism was that a physicist has no patents... Which is truly laughable and not even constructive criticism... if you are allowed to make such non-sense remarks than be prepared to be laughed at...
Your criticism was that a physicist has no patents... Which is truly laughable and not even constructive criticism... if you are allowed to make such non-sense remarks than be prepared to be laughed at...

ok i admit that was a stupid remark. Made at the spur of the moment, however the underlining point remains. Shouldn't Hoodbhoy concentrate on his research and bettering the environment he teaches in, rather than wasting time on issues that deal with strategic geopolitics and military issues? (e.g. our nukes?)

in other words he would do a better job of helping the nation if he stuck to his day job.
ok i admit that was a stupid remark. Made at the spur of the moment, however the underlining point remains. Shouldn't Hoodbhoy concentrate on his research and bettering the environment he teaches in, rather than wasting time on issues that deal with strategic geopolitics and military issues? (e.g. our nukes?)

in other words he would do a better job of helping the nation if he stuck to his day job.

See post 74.
If I were Hoodbhoy I wouldn't even care to engage with people like Ansar Abbasi and Orea Maqbool. Sad that both of them spent time critiquing a particular passage of a 15 year old girl's book. The thought of universal education and our society's failure in providing the most fundamental right to children is hard for people like them to digest. That's why they choose instead to resort to tackling a particular passage in a book. The notion of introspection is completely lost on them. Speaks volume when a 15 year old is trying to bring more effective change to society than journalists/columnists or whichever category you put these two apologists in.

this. He should concentrate on what he is reknowned for and make a difference.
Everyone has the right to voice out their opinion,just like you are doing on this forum.As you mention that you have a job,then why not practice what you preach,stick to your day job instead of posting here.If you can voice out your opinion,then why others cannot.

oh acha yay vala post. Didnt say he couldnt but I dont see the use in coming on these programs and debating issues that he should simply stay clear of. And if he wishes to comment then save it for publications rather than "fish market" debate shows.

As a professional he should act professionally.
oh acha yay vala post. Didnt say he couldnt but I dont see the use in coming on these programs and debating issues that he should simply stay clear of. And if he wishes to comment then save it for publications rather than "fish market" debate shows.

As a professional he should act professionally.

That's how you should have put it.
one of the ways hoodbhoy can do something practical at a civilian level is by coming up with a solution with load shedding in pakistan

since he has done a bsc in electrical engineering and msc and phd in physics it shouldn't be beyond his realm of working at a practical level in coming with a solution for our energy needs.

he should be able to design and build a nuclear reactor for pakistan instead of pakistan begging for nuclear technology from china and usa.

u see this is job of hoodbhoy with his special piece of paper as a scientist and engineer.

this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows.
one of the ways hoodbhoy can do something practical at a civilian level is by coming up with a solution with load shedding in pakistan

since he has done a bsc in electrical engineering and msc and phd in physics it shouldn't be beyond his realm of working at a practical level in coming with a solution for our energy needs.

he should be able to design and build a nuclear reactor for pakistan instead of pakistan begging for nuclear technology from china and usa.

u see this is job of hoodbhoy with his special piece of paper as a scientist and engineer.

this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows.

Find a solution to load shedding, what the hell are you on? Solution to load shedding is to set up more power plants, a 6 year old knows that, but that requires money and money is something Pakistan does not have.

Your ignorance of what physicists learn or do is embarrassing. What exactly do you mean when you say 'solution to our energy needs'? Is it some complicated problem? No. It's a simple case of there not being enough energy generation capacity and the solution is to add more. That is not a physicist's job, it's a policy maker's job or in societies more civilized than Pakistan, the private sector would see a demand in the market for energy and fill the void, thereby reducing the deficit and providing a boost to the economy through creating more jobs.

I normally wouldn't dignify the 'nuclear reactor' rubbish you posted with a response but given the sheer level of stupidity on display here, I see it as a duty to intervene. No scientist in the world can design a nuclear reactor on his own. You need several billion dollars in research funding and a team of several thousand scientists and engineers of the highest caliber, something Pakistan does not possess. China has an $8 trillion economy, spends $197B on research and development per year(that's roughly the same as the size of the entire Pakistani economy), the universities in several individual Chinese cities produce more world class engineers and scientists in one year than all of Pakistan does in a decade and even they haven't yet been able to design a nuclear reactor rated at more than 300MW(tiny by nuke power plant standards) without outside help.

Your last point, 'this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows' is so far off the mark it's not even funny. Scientists and engineers worldwide do just about everything from financial risk analysis to designing transistors smaller than a grain of sand. People like Hoodbhoy generally develop the intellectual capital of nations by rendering their services to the nation's educational institutions, the greatest service a scientist(more so than engineers, who tend to have more hands on jobs as opposed to the more theoretical nature of a scientist's work) can render to his nation is to provide it with well trained scientists while exploring his field of expertise to add to the nation's scientific base.

A man with Hoodbhoy's credentials could easily have gone to the US or just about any of the world's most prosperous countries and taught at any number of the world's finest institutes of higher learning or earn a 7 digit salary(in USD, not our joke of a currency) heading research and develop for any one of several organizations with annual revenues greater than Pakistan's entire GDP but he chose to serve his nation by teaching at places like LUMS and Qaid e Azam University(a place that naturally provides an extremely hostile environment for an open minded person like Hoodbhoy), until he was forced out of LUMS after it's takeover by tableeghi jamaat was complete(it was already starting when I started there in '06 and the signs were obvious even then) and he still went back to QeA-U. To question his motives for indulging in social commentary are ridiculous. He is without question the most accomplished Pakistani scientist alive today and second only to Abdus Salam, a noble laureate in Physics and another victim of Pakistani religious chauvinism, in the nation's history. If anything, it's his civic duty to speak out over the state of affairs in a country where education and science are under attack from a belligerent clergy and their followers who combined number more than the populations of many medium sized countries.
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one of the ways hoodbhoy can do something practical at a civilian level is by coming up with a solution with load shedding in pakistan

since he has done a bsc in electrical engineering and msc and phd in physics it shouldn't be beyond his realm of working at a practical level in coming with a solution for our energy needs.

he should be able to design and build a nuclear reactor for pakistan instead of pakistan begging for nuclear technology from china and usa.

u see this is job of hoodbhoy with his special piece of paper as a scientist and engineer.

this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows.

Where will you get the resources?I had a class on nuclear energy today.Building nuclear reactor is very expensive.How will you handle and dispose off the radioisotopes(Nuclear waste) such as krypton-85 that has a half life of 10 years and Cesium-137 that has a half life of about 30 years?The treatment of waste is very expensive.How will you get Uranium-235 which is extremely rare and is used as the fuel in a nuclear plant.

The problem is that we do not have capital.
I don't agree with Hoodbhoy on some of his views. However, to attack his credentials, to claim he does not have patents etc is just ridiculous. He has the right to give his opinion and he can do that any way he wants to. The talk show invited him. He gave his views. Simple.

That being said, there was no sophistication from either side. I saw the videos and all 3 of them were atrociously annoying to watch. No proper discussion and basically just name calling and insults being hurled at each other.
Find a solution to load shedding, what the hell are you on? Solution to load shedding is to set up more power plants, a 6 year old knows that, but that requires money and money is something Pakistan does not have.

Your ignorance of what physicists learn or do is embarrassing. What exactly do you mean when you say 'solution to our energy needs'? Is it some complicated problem? No. It's a simple case of there not being enough energy generation capacity and the solution is to add more. That is not a physicist's job, it's a policy maker's job or in societies more civilized than Pakistan, the private sector would see a demand in the market for energy and fill the void, thereby reducing the deficit and providing a boost to the economy through creating more jobs.

I normally wouldn't dignify the 'nuclear reactor' rubbish you posted with a response but given the sheer level of stupidity on display here, I see it as a duty to intervene. No scientist in the world can design a nuclear reactor on his own. You need several billion dollars in research funding and a team of several thousand scientists and engineers of the highest caliber, something Pakistan does not possess. China has an $8 trillion economy, spends $197B on research and development per year(that's roughly the same as the size of the entire Pakistani economy), the universities in several individual Chinese cities produce more world class engineers and scientists in one year than all of Pakistan does in a decade and even they haven't yet been able to design a nuclear reactor rated at more than 300MW(tiny by nuke power plant standards) without outside help.

Your last point, 'this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows' is so far off the mark it's not even funny. Scientists and engineers worldwide do just about everything from financial risk analysis to designing transistors smaller than a grain of sand. People like Hoodbhoy generally develop the intellectual capital of nations by rendering their services to the nation's educational institutions, the greatest service a scientist(more so than engineers, who tend to have more hands on jobs as opposed to the more theoretical nature of a scientist's work) can render to his nation is to provide it with well trained scientists while exploring his field of expertise to add to the nation's scientific base.

A man with Hoodbhoy's credentials could easily have gone to the US or just about any of the world's most prosperous countries and taught at any number of the world's finest institutes of higher learning or earn a 7 digit salary(in USD, not our joke of a currency) heading research and develop for any one of several organizations with annual revenues greater than Pakistan's entire GDP but he chose to serve his nation by teaching at places like LUMS and Qaid e Azam University(a place that naturally provides an extremely hostile environment for an open minded person like Hoodbhoy), until he was forced out of LUMS after it's takeover by tableeghi jamaat was complete(it was already starting when I started there in '06 and the signs were obvious even then) and he still went back to QeA-U. To question his motives for indulging in social commentary are ridiculous. He is without question the most accomplished Pakistani scientist alive today and second only to Abdus Salam, a noble laureate in Physics and another victim of Pakistani religious chauvinism, in the nation's history. If anything, it's his civic duty to speak out over the state of affairs in a country where education and science are under attack from a belligerent clergy and their followers who combined number more than the populations of many medium sized countries.

This.I saw his interview in which the host asked him what his salary was,he said it was RS150000 If I remember correctly which is peanuts for a person of Hoodbhoy's caliber. This person is a great asset of Pakistan but no we Pakistanis have knack of idolizing terrorists while cursing anyone with a logical,critical and progressive thinking.

He declined various offers from American universities to teach there.How many of us could have declined these lucrative offers?
Find a solution to load shedding, what the hell are you on? Solution to load shedding is to set up more power plants, a 6 year old knows that, but that requires money and money is something Pakistan does not have.

Your ignorance of what physicists learn or do is embarrassing. What exactly do you mean when you say 'solution to our energy needs'? Is it some complicated problem? No. It's a simple case of there not being enough energy generation capacity and the solution is to add more. That is not a physicist's job, it's a policy maker's job or in societies more civilized than Pakistan, the private sector would see a demand in the market for energy and fill the void, thereby reducing the deficit and providing a boost to the economy through creating more jobs.

I normally wouldn't dignify the 'nuclear reactor' rubbish you posted with a response but given the sheer level of stupidity on display here, I see it as a duty to intervene. No scientist in the world can design a nuclear reactor on his own. You need several billion dollars in research funding and a team of several thousand scientists and engineers of the highest caliber, something Pakistan does not possess. China has an $8 trillion economy, spends $197B on research and development per year(that's roughly the same as the size of the entire Pakistani economy), the universities in several individual Chinese cities produce more world class engineers and scientists in one year than all of Pakistan does in a decade and even they haven't yet been able to design a nuclear reactor rated at more than 300MW(tiny by nuke power plant standards) without outside help.

Your last point, 'this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows' is so far off the mark it's not even funny. Scientists and engineers worldwide do just about everything from financial risk analysis to designing transistors smaller than a grain of sand. People like Hoodbhoy generally develop the intellectual capital of nations by rendering their services to the nation's educational institutions, the greatest service a scientist(more so than engineers, who tend to have more hands on jobs as opposed to the more theoretical nature of a scientist's work) can render to his nation is to provide it with well trained scientists while exploring his field of expertise to add to the nation's scientific base.

A man with Hoodbhoy's credentials could easily have gone to the US or just about any of the world's most prosperous countries and taught at any number of the world's finest institutes of higher learning or earn a 7 digit salary(in USD, not our joke of a currency) heading research and develop for any one of several organizations with annual revenues greater than Pakistan's entire GDP but he chose to serve his nation by teaching at places like LUMS and Qaid e Azam University(a place that naturally provides an extremely hostile environment for an open minded person like Hoodbhoy), until he was forced out of LUMS after it's takeover by tableeghi jamaat was complete(it was already starting when I started there in '06 and the signs were obvious even then) and he still went back to QeA-U. To question his motives for indulging in social commentary are ridiculous. He is without question the most accomplished Pakistani scientist alive today and second only to Abdus Salam, a noble laureate in Physics and another victim of Pakistani religious chauvinism, in the nation's history. If anything, it's his civic duty to speak out over the state of affairs in a country where education and science are under attack from a belligerent clergy and their followers who combined number more than the populations of many medium sized countries.

thomas edison never had piece of paper but invented many things

james dyson never had a piece of paper but invented the bagless vacuum

my cousin went to umist and did bsc in electrical engineering and has worked all his life for national grid as an engineer on the field, this was back in 1992.
basically my cousin can back his degree with practical experience in fixing things , its just not a piece of paper.

but either way its a degree in electrical engineering, something pervez hoodbhoy has done now.

but pervez hoodbhoy looks to me a guy who is practically zero like most of these paray likay jahils in pakistan, point being he would struggle to change a light bulb, or even know how to mop a floor properly something u don't need a piece of paper telling u can do it.

Where will you get the resources?I had a class on nuclear energy today.Building nuclear reactor is very expensive.How will you handle and dispose off the radioisotopes(Nuclear waste) such as krypton-85 that has a half life of 10 years and Cesium-137 that has a half life of about 30 years?The treatment of waste is very expensive.How will you get Uranium-235 which is extremely rare and is used as the fuel in a nuclear plant.

The problem is that we do not have capital.

pakistan already has nuclear reactors, nuclear reactors are being built by chinese in pakistan.
only difference the paray likhay jahil of china are doing something practical and doing the work

whilst our paray likhay jahils like hoodbhoy is too busy on tv, one aq khan is involved in politics, the mubarakmand endorsed the water car fiasco of another para likhiya jahil engineer.
mit graduate is in usa custody know as afia siddiqui although that was not her fault but fault of pariya likhiya commando of sandhurt compare busharraf to kgb judo black belt putin.

and another pari likhi jahil from lums hina rabbani khar did great job as foreign minister.

so whats the point i'm trying to make these degrees are all worthless piece of paper because neither of these paray likhay jahils are competent or professional like their counterparts in other countries.
these paray likhay jahils of pakistan are all hot air, practically speaking they are zero.

even bin laden has civil engineering degree he backed it up by building a cave tunnel system from fata to kabul.
and also a cave system in tora bora.
bin laden actually drove a bulldozer
thomas edison never had piece of paper but invented many things

james dyson never had a piece of paper but invented the bagless vacuum

my cousin went to umist and did bsc in electrical engineering and has worked all his life for national grid as an engineer on the field, this was back in 1992.
basically my cousin can back his degree with practical experience in fixing things , its just not a piece of paper.

but either way its a degree in electrical engineering, something pervez hoodbhoy has done now.

but pervez hoodbhoy looks to me a guy who is practically zero like most of these paray likay jahils in pakistan, point being he would struggle to change a light bulb, or even know how to mop a floor properly something u don't need a piece of paper telling u can do it.
Please go through a detailed list of Hoodbhoy's published research. I give you my word that I will convert back to Islam if you can even understand what most of the words in the titles of said papers mean. Just because you don't know what a man has achieved or don't have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what those achievements represent does not mean that he achieved nothing.

pakistan already has nuclear reactors, nuclear reactors are being built by chinese in pakistan.
only difference the paray likhay jahil of china are doing something practical and doing the work
Again, words cannot do justice to the sheer ignorance on display here. Parhay likhay jahil, you've got to be kidding me. Pakistan's reactors are fifty something years old Canadian reactors. Interesting fact for you - China too buys Canadian reactors because they still haven't been able to make anything rated at over 300MW(300MW nuke reactors are like 9mm ammunition in the ammo food chain - Japan's reactors can go as high as 8000MW).

whilst our paray likhay jahils like hoodbhoy is too busy on tv, one aq khan is involved in politics, the mubarakmand endorsed the water car fiasco of another para likhiya jahil engineer.
mit graduate is in usa custody know as afia siddiqui although that was not her fault but fault of pariya likhiya commando of sandhurt compare busharraf to kgb judo black belt putin.
I see what you did there. In no way can Hoodbhoy's name be mentioned in the same sentence as a jackass like AQ Khan without doing Dr. Hoodbhoy a serious disservice. Afia is so far the only example of a parha likha jahil that is actually correct and she does indeed deserve to be where she is. You don't divorce your husband and marry Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's nephew and go for 'jihad' and not face repercussions.

and another pari likhi jahil from lums hina rabbani khar did great job as foreign minister.

so whats the point i'm trying to make these degrees are all worthless piece of paper because neither of these paray likhay jahils are competent or professional like their counterparts in other countries.
these paray likhay jahils of pakistan are all hot air, practically speaking they are zero.

even bin laden has civil engineering degree he backed it up by building a cave tunnel system from fata to kabul.
and also a cave system in tora bora.
bin laden actually drove a bulldozer

LUMS is a cesspool, take it from someone who's been there. Tableeghi Jamaat's influence there is now comparable to Jamat e Islami's in Punjab University and NED, only worse because unlike PU/NED, the tableeghis also have a stronghold in the administrative side of things in LUMS. Having said that, I acknowledge that HRK's time in LUMS was before the TJ established its presence there so to that, all I can say is that even Yale has produced Dubya Bush. The point you're trying to make is irrelevant here because you're displaying a level of ignorance comparable to that of a 7 year old confronted with a Digital Signal Processing textbook so your point has no value since you obviously have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Anyone who knows anything about science, engineering, developmental economics or education systems will tell you that, ask around.
My wife was Dr. Hoodbhoy's student, circa 1998-2000 at QAU. Dr. Hoodbhoy and his likeminded colleague, Dr. AH Nayyar were exemplary teachers. Just because they are activists doesn't mean their research credentials aren't impeccable.

And these two are upright in their personal lives as well. She told me once how these two had to take one of the university buses into Islamabad. They stood throughout the trip, because according to them the buses were paid for by the students' fees, and the students had the right to sit, not them. A small example perhaps, but I can give you umpteen examples of Tableeghia and Jamaatia "professors" abusing the system blatantly.
thomas edison never had piece of paper but invented many things

james dyson never had a piece of paper but invented the bagless vacuum

my cousin went to umist and did bsc in electrical engineering and has worked all his life for national grid as an engineer on the field, this was back in 1992.
basically my cousin can back his degree with practical experience in fixing things , its just not a piece of paper.

but either way its a degree in electrical engineering, something pervez hoodbhoy has done now.

but pervez hoodbhoy looks to me a guy who is practically zero like most of these paray likay jahils in pakistan, point being he would struggle to change a light bulb, or even know how to mop a floor properly something u don't need a piece of paper telling u can do it.

pakistan already has nuclear reactors, nuclear reactors are being built by chinese in pakistan.
only difference the paray likhay jahil of china are doing something practical and doing the work

whilst our paray likhay jahils like hoodbhoy is too busy on tv, one aq khan is involved in politics, the mubarakmand endorsed the water car fiasco of another para likhiya jahil engineer.
mit graduate is in usa custody know as afia siddiqui although that was not her fault but fault of pariya likhiya commando of sandhurt compare busharraf to kgb judo black belt putin.

and another pari likhi jahil from lums hina rabbani khar did great job as foreign minister.

so whats the point i'm trying to make these degrees are all worthless piece of paper because neither of these paray likhay jahils are competent or professional like their counterparts in other countries.
these paray likhay jahils of pakistan are all hot air, practically speaking they are zero.

even bin laden has civil engineering degree he backed it up by building a cave tunnel system from fata to kabul.
and also a cave system in tora bora.
bin laden actually drove a bulldozer

As usual,cheap tactics from you.You ignore those posts which you cannot answer.What an ignorant person.Why did you ignore my post number 56?
My wife was Dr. Hoodbhoy's student, circa 1998-2000 at QAU. Dr. Hoodbhoy and his likeminded colleague, Dr. AH Nayyar were exemplary teachers. Just because they are activists doesn't mean their research credentials aren't impeccable.

And these two are upright in their personal lives as well. She told me once how these two had to take one of the university buses into Islamabad. They stood throughout the trip, because according to them the buses were paid for by the students' fees, and the students had the right to sit, not them. A small example perhaps, but I can give you umpteen examples of Tableeghia and Jamaatia "professors" abusing the system blatantly.

Pakistan does not deserve people like him.He is an asset.
Please go through a detailed list of Hoodbhoy's published research.

well provide the list then so i can view his published research, and what he is currently working on.

interesting fact for u chinese reactos are from french company areva. and china/france are looking to build reactors in uk as well.

china has basically bought technology of the shelf or reverse engineered it.

+ chasma in pakistan are not canadian reactors they are built by chinese.

and china already has a 1100 mw reactor acp-1000 so i don't know where u got the crap assumption that china can only make 300mw reactors.

again is it proving my point that paray likhay jahils of germany are designing bmws, paray likhay jahils of china are advancing even it means by stealing or reverse engineering.

whilst our paray likhay jahils are on tv shows blowing hot air.

there were 60 scientists on the manhattan bomb project, with fermi being practically the sole designer of the first crude nuclear reactor chicago pile 2.

so spare the thousands of scientists arguement.

japan and germany were bombed to oblivion yet rose from the ashes , their own paray likhay jahil developed the country not a kashkol and begging from abroad.
who are suzuki, mazda, nissan, jvc, toyota, bmw, mercedes, nintendo, sony, kawasaki, etc.

can our paray likhay jahil even reverse engineer the 50 yr old canadian reactors, answer is a no.

so again reinforcing my point that these degrees are practically worthless.
ok i admit that was a stupid remark. Made at the spur of the moment, however the underlining point remains. Shouldn't Hoodbhoy concentrate on his research and bettering the environment he teaches in, rather than wasting time on issues that deal with strategic geopolitics and military issues? (e.g. our nukes?)

in other words he would do a better job of helping the nation if he stuck to his day job.

Ah, I see. But shouldn't it be the duty of every Pakistani to voice their opinions? Especially if they are intellectuals?
I can only feel for the families of Orya and Ansar Abbasi..imagine what they have to go through at home after seeing the level of patience of these two intellectuals..
I bet those who are saying what Mr Hoodbhoy has done for Pakistan are probably living on social welfare somewhere away from Pakistan while this man has dedicated all his life to Pakistan.Typical keyboard warriors.
Its the first time I have heard in my life that a Phd from MIT is useless.People are dying to get into this prestigious institute.Ill remember this level of stupidity for the rest of my life.
The Tableegia infestation of universities is a fact.

LUMS was a bastion of tolerance and liberalism, before they came along to besmirch the air with their presence.
one of the ways hoodbhoy can do something practical at a civilian level is by coming up with a solution with load shedding in pakistan

since he has done a bsc in electrical engineering and msc and phd in physics it shouldn't be beyond his realm of working at a practical level in coming with a solution for our energy needs.

he should be able to design and build a nuclear reactor for pakistan instead of pakistan begging for nuclear technology from china and usa.

u see this is job of hoodbhoy with his special piece of paper as a scientist and engineer.

this is what scientists and engineers from other countries do, not become analysts and delve into politics and talk shows.

Wish I knew that one's degree as an electrical engineer enabled them to build Nuclear reactors. This is high level knowledge I was never aware of, neither are the many electrical engineers I know
Wish I knew that one's degree as an electrical engineer enabled them to build Nuclear reactors. This is high level knowledge I was never aware of, neither are the many electrical engineers I know

My auntie once asked me to fix her washing machine, seeing as how I was an electrical engineer. I failed spectacularly. It's funny what people suddenly expect of one once one has an engineering degree. Washing machines, nuclear reactors, next it will be carburetors, penile implants, and goodness knows what else.
Wish I knew that one's degree as an electrical engineer enabled them to build Nuclear reactors. This is high level knowledge I was never aware of, neither are the many electrical engineers I know

i never said electrical engineers build a nuclear reactor. but they do play a significant part in power generation industry, electrical machinery/generators.

and if u read my post u will know the jahilbhoy a masters in physics and d phil in nuclear physics hence why i said nuclear reactor.

so needn't be too clever.

My auntie once asked me to fix her washing machine, seeing as how I was an electrical engineer

my cousin who has electrical engineering degree did all the electrical wiring in my whole house.

my washing machine broke my dad replaced the brushes on the motor, i watched how he did and now i know how to do it myself.

i trained as a mechanic from a novice by a pakistani and polish mechanic in uk , not a piece of paper in sight between us.

so yeah my ustad the mechanic from pakistan who has 40 yrs experience fixing and diagnosing faults on vehicles from pakistan, saudia arabia to the uk.

lets see if hoodbhoy can even replace an alternator or just an alternator belt.

funny what people suddenly expect of one once one has an engineering degree.

put it this way einstein if u have an electrical engineering degree where u must have studied about motors and the brushes on a motor and are so incompetent that u can't fix a washing machine which someone like my dad can do , then i will tell u are no man, are practically useless for a women, and your degree is most likely just a piece of paper.
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The Tableegia infestation of universities is a fact.

LUMS was a bastion of tolerance and liberalism, before they came along to besmirch the air with their presence.

and what are they doing beheading people for believing e=mc2 , stopped students revising?

telling tutors to teach the students the earth is flat , and electromagnetism does not exist?

please enlighten us.
Anyone who can't replace the alternator in a washing machine is "no man and practically useless for women."

Remember, you heard it here first.
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I also suggest you learn what parhay likhay jahil means and the context that it's used in

a jahil is someone who does not believe in islam and his knowledge in islam is weak that person is a jahil

like abu jahl, who was a respected chieftain and warrior among the quraysh but a jahil because he did not accept islam and his takkabur pride was bought down.

jahil= means in arabic ignorance of divine guidance

sheikh hassan in uk his son is an engineer from cambridge univeristy usama his name is.

now yes when it comes to wordly knowledge i have respect for him he is an educated person a engineer , lecturer.

but this idiot was peddling the theory that evolution exists and nauzubillah that hazrat adam alayhi salam decends from apes astagfurullah.

now even though allah swt has blessed this usama with intelligence he is maroom from divine knowledge and guidance thus he is worthless and jahil.
a jahil is someone who does not believe in islam and his knowledge in islam is weak that person is a jahil

like abu jahl, who was a respected chieftain and warrior among the quraysh but a jahil because he did not accept islam and his takkabur pride was bought down.

jahil= means in arabic ignorance of divine guidance

sheikh hassan in uk his son is an engineer from cambridge univeristy usama his name is.

now yes when it comes to wordly knowledge i have respect for him he is an educated person a engineer , lecturer.

but this idiot was peddling the theory that evolution exists and nauzubillah that hazrat adam alayhi salam decends from apes astagfurullah.

now even though allah swt has blessed this usama with intelligence he is maroom from divine knowledge and guidance thus he is worthless and jahil.
You don't even know what you're talking about, do you? Jahil is an Urdu word that means ignorant or illiterate, nothing to do with being a good/knowledgable or bad/ignorant Muslim. A good example would be Pakistan itself or Saudi Arabia who are both largely Muslim but Jahil as opposed to, say, non Muslim Finland which is absolutely, categorically, in no way, jahil. This reflects in their respective global contributions to the world with 4.3 million Finns' non-oil exports dwarfed those of 300 million Arabs(ME+NA) and 200 million Pakistanis.
Anyone who can't replace the alternator in a washing machine is "no man and practically useless for women."

Remember, you heard it here first.

if a person like u has a degree in electrical engineering, then i would be very worried if u cannot change a motor on a washing machine, which usually just involves replacing the brushes on a motor that have worn out.

like i said my cousin did electrical engineering at umist he works for national grid since which involved maintenance at powerlines and substations.

now he did all of the electrical wiring in my house.

now if he said he couldn't do that how can he be an electrical engineer who has worked in the industry at national grid.

and then would i even take him seriously.
You don't even know what you're talking about, do you? Jahil is an Urdu word that means ignorant or illiterate, nothing to do with being a good/knowledgable or bad/ignorant Muslim. A good example would be Pakistan itself or Saudi Arabia who are both largely Muslim but Jahil as opposed to, say, non Muslim Finland which is absolutely, categorically, in no way, jahil. This reflects in their respective global contributions to the world with 4.3 million Finns' non-oil exports dwarfed those of 300 million Arabs(ME+NA) and 200 million Pakistanis.

jahil is a urdu word :))

jahil is an arabic word meaning ignorance of divine knowledge.

illiterate is unpar

prophet muhammad saw was illiterate u moron , but not jahil

abu jahl was a repsected chief educated yet he was jahil
You don't even know what you're talking about, do you? Jahil is an Urdu word that means ignorant or illiterate, nothing to do with being a good/knowledgable or bad/ignorant Muslim. A good example would be Pakistan itself or Saudi Arabia who are both largely Muslim but Jahil as opposed to, say, non Muslim Finland which is absolutely, categorically, in no way, jahil. This reflects in their respective global contributions to the world with 4.3 million Finns' non-oil exports dwarfed those of 300 million Arabs(ME+NA) and 200 million Pakistanis.

if muslim countries are behind its because of the rulers and colonial powers, not the people.

its the paray likhay jahil leaders slaves of the west who are responsible for the mess in muslim countries.

when an islamic government comes in algeria they destroy it, when it comes in egypt they destroy it, when it comes in afghanistan or swat they destroy it, when it comes in mali they destroy it and when it comes in somalia they destroy 2 first the islamic courts then al shahbab.

and when one of their paray likhay ones does not follow orders like saddam or gaddafi they bomb them also.
if muslim countries are behind its because of the rulers and colonial powers, not the people.

its the paray likhay jahil leaders slaves of the west who are responsible for the mess in muslim countries.

when an islamic government comes in algeria they destroy it, when it comes in egypt they destroy it, when it comes in afghanistan or swat they destroy it, when it comes in mali they destroy it and when it comes in somalia they destroy 2 first the islamic courts then al shahbab.

and when one of their paray likhay ones does not follow orders like saddam or gaddafi they bomb them also.

why are you living in the west then?
if muslim countries are behind its because of the rulers and colonial powers, not the people.

its the paray likhay jahil leaders slaves of the west who are responsible for the mess in muslim countries.

when an islamic government comes in algeria they destroy it, when it comes in egypt they destroy it, when it comes in afghanistan or swat they destroy it, when it comes in mali they destroy it and when it comes in somalia they destroy 2 first the islamic courts then al shahbab.

and when one of their paray likhay ones does not follow orders like saddam or gaddafi they bomb them also.
They destroyed them because they could. What were Muslim countries doing all this time when they were developing the steam engine, the airplane and the UAV. Their fault that they were in a position where a superior power subjugated them for personal gain but they can't complain since they did the same back in the 'golden days' when the famous 'Spain to Indonesia' empire existed. Spain didn't one day cede to the Caliphate because they liked them so much.
if a person like u has a degree in electrical engineering, then i would be very worried if u cannot change a motor on a washing machine, which usually just involves replacing the brushes on a motor that have worn out.

like i said my cousin did electrical engineering at umist he works for national grid since which involved maintenance at powerlines and substations.

now he did all of the electrical wiring in my house.

now if he said he couldn't do that how can he be an electrical engineer who has worked in the industry at national grid.

and then would i even take him seriously.

Obviously satire is lost on you.

The cousin from UMIST sounds like a decent enough lad though.