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Disgusting stuff from Ansar Abbasi and Orya Maqbool Jan

This image sums up this sorry excuse for a human being.

As the emulating-female-dogs video shows, Orya has researched the female anatomy in quite some detail.
Height of hypocrisy.

His daughter is studying in a U.S university and his wife is a university lecturer. On an almost daily basis, he lambastes Western education system for spreading immorality and secularism.

When it comes to other daughters, they are female dogs who should be kept safely, on a lease, at home.

He is the ' Munafiq-e-Azam' of Pakistan.

Heard another gem from him : there are more acid attacks against in the U.S than Pakistan.
Height of hypocrisy.

His daughter is studying in a U.S university and his wife is a university lecturer. On an almost daily basis, he lambastes Western education system for spreading immorality and secularism.

When it comes to other daughters, they are female dogs who should be kept safely, on a lease, at home.

He is the ' Munafiq-e-Azam' of Pakistan.

Heard another gem from him : there are more acid attacks against in the U.S than Pakistan.

As the Urdu saying goes, Tum karo to raqs, hum karein to mujra.

As far as acid attacks go, if he were referring to LSD, he may be right. Someone should tell him the 60's ended fifty years ago.