England (50/2) hand a crushing 8-wicket defeat to Oman (47/10) to keep their hopes alive in the ICC T20 World Cup 2024

This kinda proves England would have dogwalked the chase against Scotland irrespective of the score they mad.

Very unlucky
As i said before- eng is one of the faves along with aus and wi. The Scotland rained out game hurt them. But they still need aus not to lose to Scotland. If aus follow through on hazlewoods words and lose against them -eng is out even if they hammer Namibia. It's more.upto aus now as to how England proceeds further!!🙂
Australia vs Scotland game is going to be very interesting. If Australia loses even if they lose fair and square, people would think that they did this on purpose. I don't think Australia is going to lose though.

England will go through.
Eng will go to the next stage- unless aus decides to play dirty and tank their game against Scotland 🙂
Naw Australia won't throw the game, they are trying their bench strength in this game though. The likes of inglis, Ellis etc will get games
Adil Rashid (England player) post-match Press Conference - 13th June 2024

How pleased are the guys with the comprehensive nature of that game in both innings?

[Adil Rashid:]

Very pleased. We spoke about coming to this game. I thought we needed a win and a comprehensive one. We set the tone up front there with the ball. I thought seamers - Joff, Woody, top orders set the tone there perfectly. But no, I was very happy for us to get that win, how we did.


You've had a lot of time to think about this game and was actually over you've overturned the whole net run rate deficit now entirely. Was that something you were realistically thinking was on the cards in one game?

[Adil Rashid:]

First and foremost, we thought we have to win the game. We have to set ourselves get into a position to think about that. We didn't really set ourselves from the beginning to do that. We won the toss, we got the wickets and that really set the tone for that, to restrict them to 48 but then we went out to bat. If we were just going to be positive, we knew we'd score the goals within the four or five overs which we did.


Do you think that the scale of this win has sent a bit of a message that this England team's up for it?

[Adil Rashid:]

No, we're always up for it. You can't every game get 50 runs, 60 runs in the first six and bowl them out for 100. That's just T20 cricket. Some days you have a good day, some days not so good. But it's just about adapting to that and finding a way to win, whether it's from the last ball or maybe the 10 overs. So, like I say we just concentrate on ourselves and let things flow.


And happy to be playing again pretty soon, no waiting around now, back into it?

[Adil Rashid:]

Yeah definitely, it’s always good to sometimes play the back-to-back games. We did have a five, six-day break, but that did allow us to have some good practice as well in the nets and work on a few things. But like I said, we've got a game in two days and hopefully we can do the same thing.


Had someone done the maths at half time of how quickly you had to do that chase to get above Scotland?

[Adil Rashid:]

There was talks about that but we had to almost still be positive and play that if you're going to a position to do that, we knew we had to take it on - to get the runs within the first within five and a half overs but we also knew that we can't just go out there and just slow because to be positive and let them play the way you do and that's what happened we played the way and things just started unfolding we've got the runs within the first three four overs


And is there a feeling that you would say sums up how you feel after that? Is it relief? Is it to get underway? Is it just pride in the performance?

[Adil Rashid:]

We take each day as it comes, like I say it's another win. It's just a win, we know that we take it, we're doing a game at a time, obviously we're happy with the win and how we won today, it's what we needed today as well, is to bowl them out cheaply and knock them off very quickly. But We also know it's just a win. We've got another game in a couple of days. We've got to do the same job there as well. And then each day, each game, take it a step at a time.


What we read into the team selection today, is that the balance or the makeup of the side - do we know that might be used in the Super 8’s or is it that just the team for today?

[Adil Rashid:]

I think that's just the team for today. We never look far ahead. We can't look at Super 8s or whatever it is down the line. We try to look at what is our next game. And then obviously the captain and coaches get together and they pick the team. So, it's for the day. And for the next game it will be so on and whatever it is, so on. We never look too far ahead of this is the right bowling line up for the super 8’s or whatever. That's down the line. We concentrate. Game at a time, step at a time and make sure we put our performances in.


Obviously, you finished with really nice bowling figures. How do you rate that? Obviously, the opposition were a bit more modest than many you come up against?

[Adil Rashid:]

Yeah it's always nice, it's always nice to get wickets three - four whether it's against Oman or Australia or India it's always nice to get them wickets but I thought myself, I felt okay, I felt alright there, just get a few wickets, spin the ball, googly's, few leggies, whatever it is, mix it up- But the most pleasing thing was I think as a bowling unit, how we bowled with the seamers, each seamer, toppers, Joff, Woody, myself, we all like I say bowled in really good partnerships as well.


Before going into the match, did you ever think that Oman, being an associate nation, you could pull them out for less than 50 overs? What was going in England's mind when you went for this match with NRR obviously, a question you had under pressure to…

[Adil Rashid:]

I think first and foremost, our mind was to win the game. If [inaudible] going to a game thinking we have to ball him out for 50 and then chase it down within three and a half overs, that just happened today. We won the toss, we knew if we stick to our way, stick to our strength, seamers, spinners, be nice and positive, do your thing. Wickets came, and when wickets came, that's when we got a sniff here, let's try and go for the kill, which fortunately for ourselves worked, and then with the bat, it was again, just be positive, be brave, take it on, then he set us up again to get the runs within four overs. So, it's not planned before of, right, we need to bowl them out for 50. You have to make sure first and foremost is you get a win. And then if you find yourself in the position, then you try to take the game on.
That was a complete domination by the defending champs.

Here are some records made/broken during this one-sided affair:

England set a new record for their largest T20I victory (in terms of balls to spare), beating Oman with 101 balls remaining. Their previous record was a win with 70 balls to spare against the West Indies in the T20 World Cup 2021.

England’s victory over Oman also stands as the largest win (by balls remaining) in T20 World Cup history, surpassing a decade-old record set by Sri Lanka against the Netherlands in 2014.

The England vs Oman match marked the only occasion where the first two legitimate deliveries of a Men’s T20I innings were hit for sixes. The only other instance was during a match between Spain and the Isle of Man in February 2023.

Adil Rashid’s bowling figures (4-0-11-1) in the match are the third-best by an English bowler in T20Is. Sam Curran holds the record for the best figures (3.4-10-5) and is the only English bowler with a 5-wicket haul in T20Is. Rashid ranks second in this list.
Mark Wood (England player) pre-match Press Conference - 14th June 2024


How does it feel to get such a crushing win and affect the table as you have?

[Mark Wood:]

It feels great. Had to put a stamp on the game and push myself back into the shape of things and the table didn't look great obviously before today but it looks a lot better now. Still work to do but I'm feeling a lot better about things after this game.


Matthew was saying that the folks was make sure you get in a position to win the game first before you worry about margins how big the victory is going to be -you avoided that today and you were able to make a big difference and put yourselves...

[Mark Wood:]

Yeah, I think we were ruthless as a group as a bowling unit and I think we needed that after probably the last performance where probably didn't adapt to the conditions as well, But I feel when we went out to bat, it wasn't just a case of winning the game. We knew we're going to try and get on with this pretty quickly. So, it was all set up for in that sort of instance and I think the batters did a great job in finishing it quickly.

[Mark Wood:]

And has that made life a little bit more straightforward against Namibia because you're not having to chase some crazy equation, you can almost focus on winning the game only?


I don't know, I've not really thought about it to be honest. I think first and foremost it's just about trying to win the game and then we'll deal with whatever comes. I think that was what Jos has sort of hammered in, it's like, cannot look past the fact that we need to play better, cricket and we trained really well this week. There was good intensity in the practice I felt and then today we were right on it and right up for it. Not that we weren't up for the other games, it's just that when we're backs up against the wall there was obviously a few negatives flying around and questions being asked and I'm really pleased for the bowling unit that we came out and managed to put on a performance.


All that being said, do you feel like the nature of this result has just offered a bit of a reminder that England are the defending champions of the team to be feared?

[Mark Wood:]

I wouldn't say be feared, but I'd say, I think from an English point of view it's always like you have to get too high or too low I think we've got to try and just keep that level platform and then Namibia who's to say that they didn't turn well and all of a sudden, it’s back to down and in the dumps, and it's doom and gloom again So we've got to perform well and I think this performance certainly says that. We can do it but you don't want it to be a one off. So, we were hoping that when we played Scotland that we could have tried and knocked them off, that wasn't the be. So now we know that the equation is in front of us and hopefully we can get the win next game.


How did you feel you bowled in the first two games? I know the first one was kind of rain interrupted.

[Mark Wood:]

I think I've bowled alright. I've bowled one really bad over and the other ones have been good. So out of five overs in 2021, bad over and then four that I was pretty happy with. So, I know I've come in for a lot of flak and a lot of stick in the last few days, but I was determined to put on an odd performance. And I was probably more pleased with Australia the fact that I came back short of resilience and actually bought some cutters which isn't natural to me it's not normally I'm just trying to pull quick so actually to try and use some gale and some skill I was pleased - pleased with that but yeah, I realized that I was obviously doubts about me spotting stuff But I think from the inside I've been quietly trying to keep my focus on trying to perform for the team.


Do you ever have any doubts yourself when

[Mark Wood:]

of course, you have doubts every game you play for England you have doubts I wouldn't I wouldn't I don't think there's a cricket I who doesn't play who doesn't have a little bit of self-doubt, but the nerves before the game for me That's what helps people fast as well because you have that nervous energy that excitement. Because you have like a little bit of doubt. I mean, I could have gotten five wickets last game. I'd still have doubt this game. That's just the way it is. You want to perform your all down in front of cameras, the millions of people watching, media, opposition. It's all judgment, so you've got to just remember your focus and what you're trying to do. In 2020 it's a bit different isn't it, you can bowl really well and get whacked or you can bowl rubbish and get two or three wickets. So, I think it's the realisation that Are you doing the right things in your own mind and practicing well and things like that? I think I have been. I think the thing I got wrong against Australia was probably the clarity in that over against Warner. The wind was, it was 50-yard boundary with the wind going that way but then the plants were not giving him any width because he's strong square the wicket so I was in sort of that two minds of did I ball it wide or did I ball it straight? And yeah, he got me - but that happens and I was pleased that I managed to come back So to answer your question with a longer answer I've been pretty happy with how it's gone apart from that one really stinking rubber.


Yesterday when we came to the ground, I saw you walking around doing a couple of laps of the outfield having a chat. Was that a useful chat?

[Mark Wood:]

Psychologist stuff.


Was that some of the stuff you've just been talking about now?

[Mark Wood:]

Yeah, so that self-doubt stuff I guess it's, but that's common for players to do. , I was speaking to Young about more the things that I, focus on rather than outcome all the time. Obviously, that's the stuff that I focus on will be different to the next player. That will obviously stay private to me and I think that today I did that well without getting too high when I was getting the wickets because I certainly remember Johnny asking me what my figures were at one stage and I actually didn't know and I think that's good for me that I was actually focused on what I was doing.


Were you guys fired up by those comments from Josh Hazlewood the other day?

[Mark Wood:]

No, not really. I think that's part of being England and Australia, isn't it? , I think actually I saw it more as a respect thing if I'm honest that he was saying that England have done well against Australia in the recent past and thinks we're a big threat and a big team so I have no problem with it.


Are you confident the Aussies will be professional and do their job against Scotland on Sunday, obviously you can't take a win for granted but are you confident they'll actually turn up?

[Mark Wood:]

I think so, I'm absolutely confident they'll play the game the hardest, that's the Australian way, that they'll play hard but fair and try and get the win.
Australia vs Scotland game is going to be very interesting. If Australia loses even if they lose fair and square, people would think that they did this on purpose. I don't think Australia is going to lose though.

England will go through.
Australia are not losing to Scotland