Former emir of Jamaat-e-Islami Munawar Hasan passes away [Post #100]


Local Club Star
Mar 16, 2012
JI chief's remarks an insult to Pakistan's martyrs: ISPR

RAWALPINDI: In a strong statement, Pakistan Army’s Inter Service Public Relations (ISPR) condemned Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Chief Syed Munawar Hassan’s statement in which he called former Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Chief Hakimullah Mehsud a martyr.

The statement said that the JI chief's remarks were irresponsible and that it was only made for political point scoring.

"Munawar Hassan's statement is an insult to the thousands of Pakistani civilians and soldiers killed," the ISPR statement said.

"To declare dead terrorists as martyrs makes Munawar Hassan's remarks highly condemnable.

"Strong condemnation of his views from an overwhelming majority leaves no doubt in any one's mind that all of us are very clear on what the state of Pakistan is and who are its enemies," the statement said.

"The people of Pakistan, whose loved ones laid down their life while fighting terrorists, and families of martyrs of armed forces demand an unconditional apology from Syed Munawar Hassan for hurting their feelings. It is also expected that Jamaat-i-Islami should clearly state its party position on the subject," said the ISPR statement.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Strongly condemn misldg remarks by Munawar Hassan,declaring dead terrorists shaheed,insulting shahadat of innocent Pakistanis& AFsoldiers-1</p>— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Strong condemnation of his views from majority leaves no doubt ,all of us are clear on what state of Pakistan is &it’s enemies-2/5</p>— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>coming from Ameer of JI, a party founded by Maulana Maududi, respected and revered for his services to Islam is painful and unfortunate-3/5</p>— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Sacrifices of our shuhada & their families need no endorsement from Munawar Hassan.Such misguided statements deserve no comments-4/5</p>— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>people, whose loved ones laid down life fighting terrorist &families of shuhada of AF demand unconditional apology for hurting feelings-5/5</p>— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) <a href="">November 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Strong worded statement by Pak Army. What you guys think?
Looks like widespread condemnation which is good. One of the news channels took to the streets to ask the public their opinion and it was unanimous that they totally disagreed with the JI stance on this.

In most other countries this would be political suicide. Hopefully its political suicide in Pakistan too.
Much needed unanimous condemnation from all civil society circles as well , same aggressiveness is required toward another such pseudo intellectual +right wing politician :imran.
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Its clear who the real enemies are. Need to get rid of these saudi funded religious schools or i don't see the army defeating them. Defeat the idea and these khawarij will be defeated with it.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Good on them for condemning it. That alone won't suffice though. The JI has in the past encouraged their cadres to join the forces, and they need to be purged. Next, they should be tried for treason, because that is what Munawwar's statement was tantamount to.

I would love to see a JI Amir's corpse swinging from the gallows.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

By the way, the messiah is predictably silent on the treason committed by his ideological father.

He's a bit like Nawaz in that regard: loyalty to Abba Jee trumps all else, religion and country included.
You can't have it both ways.....on one hand supporting and nurturing such parties and groups when in power, using them to recruit jihadis for Kashmir and Soviet Afghan war, using them to make hyper-nationalistic movements like Defense council of Pakistan, using people like Hafiz Saeed to pursue their interests and on the other hand get annoyed and condemn statements made by the same groups which goes against yourself and your interests. They have created these monsters and now they are facing the music.
That was absolutely disgusting by Munawwar Hassan.Good to see condemnations.

This is really epic,

The other day,I was watching an interview of Munawwar Hassan in which the interviewer said this to him,
you hold large rallies and condemn the killing of Muslim Brotherhood supporters by the Egyptian army but you never condemned nor held rallies for the Pakistanis killed by the TTP.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

That was absolutely disgusting by Munawwar Hassan.Good to see condemnations.

This is really epic,

The other day,I was watching an interview of Munawwar Hassan in which the interviewer said this to him,
you hold large rallies and condemn the killing of Muslim Brotherhood supporters by the Egyptian army but you never condemned nor held rallies for the Pakistanis killed by the TTP.

And what did Munawwar say in reply? Let me guess, that the interviewer is anti-Islam?

I too have noted something heartening. In the past, people have had this unfortunate tendency to add the unnecessary suffix of "Sahab" to the names of all JI Amirs. So while other politicians were Bhutto and Sharif and Altaf or whatever their names were, the JI chiefs were Maududi Sahab, Tufail Sahab and Qazi Sahab. Now, however, Munawwar is plain ol' Munawwar.

"Mighty oaks out of little acorns do grow," as the saying goes.

Still, I'm disappointed that the ISPR first had to establish its credentials by praising Maududi. So they condemn the statement, but only because it does not behoove a JI chief to have said what he said? Exactly what sort of wisdom were they expecting from this party of thuggish and treasonous maulvis?
And what did Munawwar say in reply? Let me guess, that the interviewer is anti-Islam?

I too have noted something heartening. In the past, people have had this unfortunate tendency to add the unnecessary suffix of "Sahab" to the names of all JI Amirs. So while other politicians were Bhutto and Sharif and Altaf or whatever their names were, the JI chiefs were Maududi Sahab, Tufail Sahab and Qazi Sahab. Now, however, Munawwar is plain ol' Munawwar.

"Mighty oaks out of little acorns do grow," as the saying goes.

Still, I'm disappointed that the ISPR first had to establish its credentials by praising Maududi. So they condemn the statement, but only because it does not behoove a JI chief to have said what he said? Exactly what sort of wisdom were they expecting from this party of thuggish and treasonous maulvis?

He was like lost for words.He said like umm..we do condemn..

What a nation we are,just yesterday,Sufi Muhammed,the father in law of Fazullah,was aquitted in 6/7 cases.
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Another epic moment from that interview,

They were talking about the church blast in Peshawar,and suddenly Munawwar Hassan said the TTP said that they were not responsible .Then,the interviewers goes 'how do you know'?MH says they called some newspaper and told them.Then,the interviewer says,in the other show you said we should not take the calls by the TTP seriously when they claim responsibility for attacks as they could be anyone (Americans etc).

It is so weird,according to him we should take the calls seriously when they deny the attacks and when they call to claim an attack,we should not take them seriouly as it could be anyone.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Disgusting from JI , as that PTI stance as well ?
bad politics

PTI has a stance on this? I thought they were conspicuous by their absence ever since Daddy Munawwar inserted his foot in his mouth.
Just saw Mammu Munnawar's interview with Saleem Safi on Jirga. My BP almost got high enough to cause a stroke. Absolute cringe worthy stuff coming out of this despicable man. Never seen such a malignant Buddha before. He makes Qazi Hussain look like a hippie liberal.
According to Ahadith if two Muslims fight each other, both go to hell. So from religious perspective none of them are Shaheed I think. (It's just my opinion from the interpretation of the Ahadith and I am far from an expert on this matter)
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According to Ahadith if two Muslims fight each other, both go to hell. So from religious perspective none of them are Shaheed I think. (It's just my opinion from the interpretation of the Ahadith and I am far from an expert on this matter)

You can't let someone attack your home as they kill innocents and just lie down cause they're Muslim.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Just saw Mammu Munnawar's interview with Saleem Safi on Jirga. My BP almost got high enough to cause a stroke. Absolute cringe worthy stuff coming out of this despicable man. Never seen such a malignant Buddha before. He makes Qazi Hussain look like a hippie liberal.

"Malignant Buddha" would be a good name for a band. The messiah can play second fiddle on it.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

By the way, this reminds me of the old anti-IJT slogan from the student days: "Naam Islami, Kaam Harami. Harami Jamiat-e-Tulba."
Did bit of a research and seems like that Ahadith is either taken out of context or is fake. However that puts up another question, if Taaliban (as they say) are fighting for the implementation of Sharia Law are they not Shaheed from Islam's perspective? The only objection you can argue about is they kill innocent people which is forbidden in Islam under every circumstance. But then Pakistani forces kill innocent people too?

Logically I believe Pakistani army is right but it would be interesting to listen to an Islamic Scholar about it.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Or the old joke about the graffiti outside the circumcision clinics: "Khaal Jamaat-e-Islami Ko Hi Deejiyay Ga."
Never liked any Maulvi Party. Always thought these so called Muslim scholars always hindered our our progress.
Did bit of a research and seems like that Ahadith is either taken out of context or is fake. However that puts up another question, if Taaliban (as they say) are fighting for the implementation of Sharia Law are they not Shaheed from Islam's perspective? The only objection you can argue about is they kill innocent people which is forbidden in Islam under every circumstance. But then Pakistani forces kill innocent people too?

Logically I believe Pakistani army is right but it would be interesting to listen to an Islamic Scholar about it.

If tomorrow a mentally unstable 'Muslim' guy proclaims he is killing people because he wants implementation of "proper" Sharia Law, would killing that person to protect others make him a shaheed. If you keep digging without some basic understanding of right and wrong or use of logic, you are bound to find yourself deep inside the rabbit hole with no way out.

This whole "Shaheed" business has unfortunately been politicized to the extreme by our countrymen especially our clerics. Now we hear the most confusing and self serving explanations of who can be called shaheed and who not as the term shaheed has become a way to glorify one group and antagonize others. When we have lost distinction between what is wrong and what is right, when we are so confused about what constitute true Islam and what makes one a better Muslim, when we use superficial and hypocritical criteria's to judge each others Mominhood, the deep state of delirium we are seeing right now is no surprise.

It's psychologically warfare, battle of ideologies and narratives. But thanks to our brave leaders, we are so deep in oblivion about ourselves that it's equivalent to being in a state of coma.
Looks like JI's enablers and handlers in the Army have turned the screws on big mouth Munnawar.

JI says statement personal

LAHORE: A senior leader of Jamaat-i-Islami said on Sunday that Syed Munawar Hassan’s statement on the status of army soldiers killed in the war against terrorism was his personal opinion and not of the party.

Dr Farid Piracha told Dawn that the JI would definitely respond to the army’s reaction and soon release an official statement after a meeting of its Shura to be held on Monday.

“Decisions to speak on various issues of national interest are taken by the party’s supreme council (Shura). The JI will respond in detail after discussing the matter at the meeting. Till a final decision by the Shura, the party will consider Mr Hassan’s statement as his personal opinion,” the JI leader said. He said JI founder Maulana Maudoodi had always described his statements on certain matters relating to Fiqah as his personal opinion. “In this situation, the JI amir might have followed Maulana Maudoodi,” he added.

Mr Piracha said the JI had always supported the armed forces on important issues of national interest. He said the party never thought of making insulting remarks about the military, adding that the army had reacted to the JI chief’s statement in haste.
I didn't think I could dislike this clown anymore but he gives another reason.

What an idiotic and hateful statement; a testament to the idiocy which prevails within the JI.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Where art thou, the messiah's groupies and fluffers? Come and spin this.

Back in May they were justifying their alliance with JI in KP. Just like they've been justifying for over a decade the soft corner their leader has for these snakes, his reluctance to speak out even when the Jamiat thugs beat him up, the brother-in-law/political mentor who was a Jamiat nazim at QAU, the list goes on.
The Messiah is silent because

A. He fears losing KPK government if he spoke against his beloved molvis of JI.
B. He agrees with Munawar that Hakeemulah was shaheed and true soldier of islam, and the Army soldiers are bunch of coward infidels died fighting the messenger of Peace Hakimu and his angels
C. He just don't know what is happening around him.
If tomorrow a mentally unstable 'Muslim' guy proclaims he is killing people because he wants implementation of "proper" Sharia Law, would killing that person to protect others make him a shaheed. If you keep digging without some basic understanding of right and wrong or use of logic, you are bound to find yourself deep inside the rabbit hole with no way out.

This whole "Shaheed" business has unfortunately been politicized to the extreme by our countrymen especially our clerics. Now we hear the most confusing and self serving explanations of who can be called shaheed and who not as the term shaheed has become a way to glorify one group and antagonize others. When we have lost distinction between what is wrong and what is right, when we are so confused about what constitute true Islam and what makes one a better Muslim, when we use superficial and hypocritical criteria's to judge each others Mominhood, the deep state of delirium we are seeing right now is no surprise.

It's psychologically warfare, battle of ideologies and narratives. But thanks to our brave leaders, we are so deep in oblivion about ourselves that it's equivalent to being in a state of coma.

What's right and what wrong and preachings of a religion are two separate things, they're not mutually exclusive! According to Islam Pakistan can attack on India right now, can't it? All we have to do is warn them to surrender, if they don't we can attack them. Would if be right?, No! Logical, probably not? But it's allowed under Islam.

Right or wrong under the tainted glasses of a religion becomes very subjective. For example take alcohol. Wine is totally forbidden in Islam. However we do know that a glass of red wine a day is pretty healthy for humans.
According to Islam Pakistan can attack on India right now, can't it? All we have to do is warn them to surrender, if they don't we can attack them. Would if be right?, No! Logical, probably not? But it's allowed under Islam.


Not really, because Pakistan is not exactly a representative of Islam .
well done syed munawwar hussain may Allah bless you

gandi fauj is one who alligned with cross worshippers and attacked muslims and sold even old men, women, children, sold to americans by general of gandi fauj known as musharraf. afia siddiquis kids are also missing what crime did her kids do?

gandi fauj did lal masjid operation and killed many children and orphans from earthquake , gandi fauj who did the raid and caused the mayhem in front of world cameras and then hid the crimes by disposing of the bodies.

gandi fauj begged america to carry out drone strikes because when they attacked fata they got busted up in typical fashion by nek muhammad, so they wanted drones and america to save their backsides , these drones got out of control killing many civilians over the years and massacres like damadola where children some less than 5yrs old were butchered even gandi fauj itself was not spared by usa when they were attacked themselves in salala.

gandi fauj is providing full logistical and military help to usa nato in afghanistan and attacking its own people.
it attacked fata and the people there. it is providing airspace and landroute to usa and nato and is fully complicit in the murder and killing of people in pakistan and afghanistan.

also gandi fauj has commited many attrocities in malakand, fata, balochistan and has arrested and tortured people from all over pakistan many whose loved ones have gone missing.

in quetta they attacked a russian group of muslims, and put hole after hole into a pregnant women .

this is same gandi fauj who runs away from indians and usa in battle but become tarzans against their own people massacring them , good example is in bangladesh when they killed innocent musalman bengali awaam and then surrendered like a bunch of tranvestities when hindus but a danda up their backside over 90000 surrendered.

same gandi fauj who will launch operations on the very same people who helped liberate the small portion of kashmir that we have, yet same gandi fauj cannot liberate kashmir from india, leading to debacles like kargil, and where gandi fauj compatriots the paf had brown pants and were to scared to even take off incase they were shot down by indian aircraft.

gandi fauj torturing and sexually molesting young boys in waziristan

well done syed munawwar hussain may Allah bless you

gandi fauj is one who alligned with cross worshippers and attacked muslims and sold even old men, women, children, sold to americans by general of gandi fauj known as musharraf. afia siddiquis kids are also missing what crime did her kids do?

gandi fauj did lal masjid operation and killed many children and orphans from earthquake , gandi fauj who did the raid and caused the mayhem in front of world cameras and then hid the crimes by disposing of the bodies.

gandi fauj begged america to carry out drone strikes because when they attacked fata they got busted up in typical fashion by nek muhammad, so they wanted drones and america to save their backsides , these drones got out of control killing many civilians over the years and massacres like damadola where children some less than 5yrs old were butchered even gandi fauj itself was not spared by usa when they were attacked themselves in salala.

gandi fauj is providing full logistical and military help to usa nato in afghanistan and attacking its own people.
it attacked fata and the people there. it is providing airspace and landroute to usa and nato and is fully complicit in the murder and killing of people in pakistan and afghanistan.

also gandi fauj has commited many attrocities in malakand, fata, balochistan and has arrested and tortured people from all over pakistan many whose loved ones have gone missing.

in quetta they attacked a russian group of muslims, and put hole after hole into a pregnant women .

this is same gandi fauj who runs away from indians and usa in battle but become tarzans against their own people massacring them , good example is in bangladesh when they killed innocent musalman bengali awaam and then surrendered like a bunch of tranvestities when hindus but a danda up their backside over 90000 surrendered.

same gandi fauj who will launch operations on the very same people who helped liberate the small portion of kashmir that we have, yet same gandi fauj cannot liberate kashmir from india, leading to debacles like kargil, and where gandi fauj compatriots the paf had brown pants and were to scared to even take off incase they were shot down by indian aircraft.

gandi fauj torturing and sexually molesting young boys in waziristan


The army killed people with an earthquake?

What about the thousands of people the terrorists killed?
Most of our mullahs, especially the political ones are all subversive TTP mouthpieces. If it were up to me, each and every Maulvi who ever dared to support TTP or denigrate our army would hang.
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You love talking about transvestites, but you forget Abdul Aziz the Lal Masjid transvestite. :))) :)))

Also read this:

Turns out your boys aren't so holy after all. :moyo

no one cares about propoganda against taliban and the lies

as for abdul aziz he was forced to wear the burka by gandi fauj and humiliated

same way saddam was captured whilst praying and unarmed when his own relative sold him out, then he was forced into a hole and the whole capture was staged.

they tried the same with saddams sons and his grandson but they had weapons and went to allah swt fighting in a hail of bullets yes saddams 13 yr old grandson went down fighting.

the only one who was not staged was your liberal anti wahhabi gaddafi who was caught in his gold underpants in a pipe and died like a dog at the hands of the brave libyan people.
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no one cares about propoganda against taliban and the lies

as for abdul aziz he was forced to wear the burka by gandi fauj and humiliated

same way saddam was captured whilst praying and unarmed when his own relative sold him out, then he was forced into a hole and the whole capture was staged.

they tried the same with saddams sons and his grandson but they had weapons and went to allah swt fighting in a hail of bullets yes saddams 13 yr old grandson went down fighting.

the only one who was not staged was your liberal anti wahhabi gaddafi who was caught in his gold underpants in a pipe and died like a dog at the hands of the brave libyan people.

lol you are just vomiting whatever comes into your mind. WTH does Gaddafi have to do with liberals? :))) I was glad he died personally.

You should take your schizo meds because you honestly are all over the place.
Some really cringe-worthy post in here.

Anyways,MH refuses to take back his statement.
Some really cringe-worthy post in here.

Anyways,MH refuses to take back his statement.

Why would he take back the statement? as though he would be punished if he didn't.. And even if he were punished his rabid supporters would just cause mayhem on the streets and burn tires.

And regarding the posts, I think mods should really take notice of some posters. This guy carbon is openly insulting our army again and again, and making baseless and disgusting accusations. This is supposed to be a Pakistan forum not a Taliban forum. If some Taliban supporters are coming here and trolling they should be treated just like Indian trolls would be.
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Some really cringe-worthy post in here.

Anyways,MH refuses to take back his statement.

oh hello mate glad to see u again

good on mh to speak up to these thugs the ttp and baloch freedom fighters have gone one step better imo in standing up against this fauj that has killed pakistanis and robbed the nation since inception and hoodwinked the nation with anti indian rethetoric, noor jahans fauji taranay and the isi fauji a-licker armchair warrior like laal topi

since when has it been a crime to speak against the fauj

budmarsh all my accusations are facts , the video is slap for all liberal idiots like u when u accuse ttp , when pak fauj is the instigator of this war and its crimes even worse.

u do know when taliban captured pakistan troops in waziristan a few years back they recovered fauji laptops that had pictures of indian actresses, indian songs and porn.

now this fauj is meant to be anti indian centric yet the faujis are probably lusting over bollywood bonnies and bollywood jingles
and these people are gonna liberate kashmir and fend off india.

oh btw this is not an army lovers forum either

i'm a hanafi sunni and alligned to deoband , so f-off i have every right to air my political views.
either keep it civil and stop taking it to personal attacks like u do.
From Mullah Military alliance to Libido Military alliance.

Two things stay constant US and Pakistan military. Civilian supremacy Walay din aanay walay hain maybe not under this government but surely under the next government.

As for our stance. Hakeemullah was enemy of the state. I could careless about the fact that Corrupt state is representing 1% and not majority. Jaisi b hai hamari hai.
You can't have it both ways.....on one hand supporting and nurturing such parties and groups when in power, using them to recruit jihadis for Kashmir and Soviet Afghan war, using them to make hyper-nationalistic movements like Defense council of Pakistan, using people like Hafiz Saeed to pursue their interests and on the other hand get annoyed and condemn statements made by the same groups which goes against yourself and your interests. They have created these monsters and now they are facing the music.

This I agree with.
From Mullah Military alliance to Libido Military alliance.

Two things stay constant US and Pakistan military. Civilian supremacy Walay din aanay walay hain maybe not under this government but surely under the next government.

As for our stance. Hakeemullah was enemy of the state. I could careless about the fact that Corrupt state is representing 1% and not majority. Jaisi b hai hamari hai.

Good on Asad Umar.
Its all a matter of perspective. These brand of mullahs view Islam to be one where Muslim blood is cheap and the one true god is political power. If they truly believed in the teaching of Islam, where the murder of one innocent human is equated to the murder of entire humanity, they could never bestow the honour of shaheed to a proven terrorist. These mullahs are playing games with Islam, turning and twisting it to meeting their personal ambitions. But all they achieve is the displeasure of Allah and failure is the end of those who stand against Allah and the teaching of the Prophet.

The good thing is the more they speak the more apparent it becomes that they are nothing but the scum.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

It is clear that Jamaat e Islami has totally lost their senses now. It is difficult to tell if they are traitors or idiots or both ? Till the time of Qazi Hussian sahib, their policies towards Pakistan and TTP were patriotic but now under Munawwar Hasan, they seem to have join the Khawarij. This is not just sad but also alarming !!

Army has all the right to speak when some idiots calls a Kharjee a Shaheed and refuse to respect our army Shuhada ! This is NOT politics, this is Deen, Quran, Islam and Pakistan !!! When religion is being used to wage a war against Pak army and Pakistan, Pak army has all the right to respond. Jamaat should shut up for a change or they will be shut up by the patriots, InshAllah !

Army does not have right to interfere in political affairs: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE: The Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) on Monday responded to an ISPR press release regarding Munawar Hassan’s remarks, saying that the army did not have the right to directly interfere in political affairs.
It is clear that Jamaat e Islami has totally lost their senses now.

When Zaid Hamid says someone has lost their senses then you know things are getting serious.
You can't have it both ways.....on one hand supporting and nurturing such parties and groups when in power, using them to recruit jihadis for Kashmir and Soviet Afghan war, using them to make hyper-nationalistic movements like Defense council of Pakistan, using people like Hafiz Saeed to pursue their interests and on the other hand get annoyed and condemn statements made by the same groups which goes against yourself and your interests. They have created these monsters and now they are facing the music.

Eaxctly, the army has created this menace and put the clerics in power (IJI in late 1980s/early 90s), and are now fighting their own creations.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

It is clear that Jamaat e Islami has totally lost their senses now. It is difficult to tell if they are traitors or idiots or both ? Till the time of Qazi Hussian sahib, their policies towards Pakistan and TTP were patriotic but now under Munawwar Hasan, they seem to have join the Khawarij. This is not just sad but also alarming !!

Army has all the right to speak when some idiots calls a Kharjee a Shaheed and refuse to respect our army Shuhada ! This is NOT politics, this is Deen, Quran, Islam and Pakistan !!! When religion is being used to wage a war against Pak army and Pakistan, Pak army has all the right to respond. Jamaat should shut up for a change or they will be shut up by the patriots, InshAllah !

Army does not have right to interfere in political affairs: Liaqat Baloch

LAHORE: The Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) on Monday responded to an ISPR press release regarding Munawar Hassan’s remarks, saying that the army did not have the right to directly interfere in political affairs.

A few thoughts:

Laal Topi, like his paymasters, can't condemn JI without first praising their past. ISPR praised Maududi, Laal Topi praises all JI chiefs up to and including Qazi "Sahab." Why?

How exactly will the "patriots" shut the JI up? Will we see a JI Amir hang or their cadres slaughtered in encounters? Will they be taken to court or declared a "qaladam tanzeem?" Unlikely.

Very democratic of Liaqat Baloch, saying the army shouldn't interfere in politics. The same Baloch who was a part and parcel of the IJI.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Good on Asad Umar.

Good on him, yes.

One mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but one wonders if this is his party's stance or a "personal belief," the likes of which we've seen a few from the mullah parties lately. There was the messiah's "office" faux pas, and Munawwar's "martyr" outrage, both dismissed as their personal opinions by their parties.

Asad Umar, smart guy that he is, cleverly avoided any condemnation of the JI.
A few thoughts:

Laal Topi, like his paymasters, can't condemn JI without first praising their past. ISPR praised Maududi, Laal Topi praises all JI chiefs up to and including Qazi "Sahab." Why?

How exactly will the "patriots" shut the JI up? Will we see a JI Amir hang or their cadres slaughtered in encounters? Will they be taken to court or declared a "qaladam tanzeem?" Unlikely.

Very democratic of Liaqat Baloch, saying the army shouldn't interfere in politics. The same Baloch who was a part and parcel of the IJI.

JI's influence on urban(educated) middle class is far deeper than its vote bank suggest, large portion of of urban middle class regardless of sect( Brelivi/Deobandi) is influenced by ideology of Maududi and other spinoff Muslim revivalist like Dr Israr Ahmed and Al Huda aunties. Confusion/sympathy in masses regarding Taliban issue has lot to do with this.
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A few thoughts:

Laal Topi, like his paymasters, can't condemn JI without first praising their past. ISPR praised Maududi, Laal Topi praises all JI chiefs up to and including Qazi "Sahab." Why?

How exactly will the "patriots" shut the JI up? Will we see a JI Amir hang or their cadres slaughtered in encounters? Will they be taken to court or declared a "qaladam tanzeem?" Unlikely.

Very democratic of Liaqat Baloch, saying the army shouldn't interfere in politics. The same Baloch who was a part and parcel of the IJI.

Its quite a common way of getting your message across to someone. You find some common ground and then try to sway their opinion.
Also I think Carbon11 is mentally retarded.

His whole post is nonsense but I can't understand how the poor victims of earthquakes ended up terrorising Islamabad, declaring Shariat, taking over libraries and then holing up in a masjid with enough ammunition to launch a war.
Asad Umar hails from a military family I believe so I'm not surprised at all by his statement. I'm still interested in what the messiah has to say about all this.

He was on express today. Haven't seen the show yet. But PTI Facebook has this pic on their page so clearly far away from JI.

Munawar Hassan to Munawar Hassan. Express nein b Hakeemullah ko shaheed declare ker dai :facepalm:


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Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Asad Umar hails from a military family I believe so I'm not surprised at all by his statement. I'm still interested in what the messiah has to say about all this.

I'm interested in the messiah's take on this too. It is bound to be amusing if nothing else.

Still, I'm not holding my breath, lest I suffocate to death.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

JI's influence on urban(educated) middle class is far deeper than its vote bank suggest, large portion of of urban middle class regardless of sect( Brelivi/Deobandi) is influenced by ideology of Maududi and other spinoff Muslim revivalist like Dr Israr Ahmed and Al Huda aunties. Confusion/sympathy in masses regarding Taliban issue has lot to do with this.

Al Huda, where hot aunties go after they lose their looks.

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^ That picture is not funny.

You have no right to insult the niqab or the people who are wearing the niqab. Kindly remove that picture.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

This doesn't even happen, confused pakistanis. They wear the Niqab in public not all the time.

Quite obviously the reunion is outdoors, in public, and the aunties haven't seen each other since the "graduation."

Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

^ That picture is not funny.

You have no right to insult the niqab or the people who are wearing the niqab. Kindly remove that picture.

Respectfully, I do have the right.

It's an intriguing bit of phrasing though. When I posted this pic on Facebook, I was immediately told off by a Daactar Israr follower that I had no "right" to have done so.

The guy then told be I was guilty of shirk, which was news to me.
hahahha all i can do is luagh at the state of so called muslims right now, you are more confussed then even a guy who does not believe in god nauzbillah,
taliban supporters and thier god father aka manwar hasan makin exuses like he is shaheed becouse hadsati maut, fighting for shariat in reality you are lebaling him just becouse he is killed by amrika bahadar as fazluu said kutta bhi amrika mare gha to woh shaeed hai lol( according to pakistani laws you can kill him and get darjhaa of ghazi ala mumtaz qadri for provoking and making fun of islam anyway)
but hats off to jamate islami and all ihraris they have achived a lot of progress to making pakistanis into napakistanis. non religious ppl are invovled in every single ghunaa mentioned in islam , and so called religious had not left a single manafqat in confusing ppl around them and truly the worst creature on the earth as was mentioned by the holy prophet saw about the ulemaa/scholars in time of mahdi,

one question to all,
what benifit you are going to give to anyone who is shaheed since you are so concerned who is shaheed and whos not ??the only benifit i see by ppl like manawar hasan is that in that way they can confuse common man even more that kill inocent, be a traitor, zulm ki inthaa ker do, get illegal tax from ppl(which talib does) janwaroo ki tarhaa rahoo, bachabazi kero or as fazluu said in short be a dog but if you get killed (no matter you are wanted and bounty on your head)by amrikaa then your are shaheed

one more question to all who think hakeem is shaheed?? do you consider suicide bomber shaheed as well?? becouse they are also doing for "sack of islam" and on the order of thier shiekh such as hakeem etc
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Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

To eat your cake and have it too, you must be a Pakistani maulvi.

I'm thinking of becoming one. You know, as a savvy career move.
We are doomed as a nation.After 10+ years of beheadings,mutilations,executions,shootings and suicide attacks with 50000 casualties,we cannot even recognise our enemies or refuse to do so.Disgusting.

When similar terrorists occupied the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia,the SA government brutally killed them and the 70 who were captured were publicly beheaded in different parts of SA.Not a single mullah in Pakistan or elsewhere spoke in the defense of the terrorists nor called them martrys.They were also asking for proper sharia to be imposed and the SA government should cut off from the US.But,no,everybody was praising the SA government.

When they do it ,its okay but when our gov/army fights against these terrorists,they are labelled as shaheeds.
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Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

Seriously though, if you can't beat 'em (or refuse to), join 'em. Become a maulvi.

Carte Blanche in this life, heaven in the next. Lesser mortals have to make do with one or the other, usually neither.

Think about it.
If you guys think people need to disrespect burqa and other Islamic titles to condemn taliban than yeah sure we are domed as a nation.
Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

So burqa is an "Islamic title" now?
To eat your cake and have it too, you must be a Pakistani maulvi.

I'm thinking of becoming one. You know, as a savvy career move.

More like eating your halwa and having it too(and lots of it) if you're talking about Pakistani Maulvis. :inzi


A member of Difa-e-Pakistan Council (it seems defending Pakistan from obesity is definitely not on the agenda)
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If you guys think people need to disrespect burqa and other Islamic titles to condemn taliban than yeah sure we are domed as a nation

I agree but I think you will find the religious groups and parties have used and corrupted key Islamic values and tenants more so than anyone else in society.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

When idiots like JI and JUI stab the ummah in the back in times of war, this is how the families of our Shaheeds feel ! Faiz Sultan's family is highly respected and loved by entire BT team as well as Faiz was a strong follower of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan. Listen to the pain of his father which we all share profoundly.

May Allah bless all the Shuhada of Pak army who have lived and died for the sake of this Medina e Sani. InshAllah, this is our journey and destiny as well -- living and dying with dignity for Medina e Sani !

Father of martyred son expressing his grief about JI’s statement regarding Pak Army

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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

When idiots like JI and JUI stab the ummah in the back in times of war, this is how the families of our Shaheeds feel ! Faiz Sultan's family is highly respected and loved by entire BT team as well as Faiz was a strong follower of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan. Listen to the pain of his father which we all share profoundly.

May Allah bless all the Shuhada of Pak army who have lived and died for the sake of this Medina e Sani. InshAllah, this is our journey and destiny as well -- living and dying with dignity for Medina e Sani !

Father of martyred son expressing his grief about JI’s statement regarding Pak Army

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What a great video!Shame on MH.
Al Huda, where hot aunties go after they lose their looks.


LOL, this hiding your identity "title" can cause serious issues. Imagine the responses of Orya, Ansar and whole brigade, if Police somehow muster the courage to raise this issue.


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Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

LOL, this hiding your identity "title" can cause serious issues. Imagine the responses of Orya, Ansar and whole brigade, if Police somehow muster the courage to raise this issue.

That could well be the Laal Masjid maulvi under there. We know he uses kids, sorry, "masoom bachian."
Respectfully, I do have the right.

It's an intriguing bit of phrasing though. When I posted this pic on Facebook, I was immediately told off by a Daactar Israr follower that I had no "right" to have done so.

The guy then told be I was guilty of shirk, which was news to me.

I am not a Pakistani and have no clue who 'Daactar Israr' is. Women deserve to be respected regardless of what they are wearing. That was the only thing I wanted to convey.
I am not a Pakistani and have no clue who 'Daactar Israr' is. Women deserve to be respected regardless of what they are wearing. That was the only thing I wanted to convey.

I respect those ninjas, and their ninja skills. <3

Really though, I disapprove of the burqa. No disrespect to women involved, I promise. I just find that get up truly bizarre.

I remember this Iranian comedian, who was absolutely hilarious with that topic. I've forgotten her name, but she showed up on a show with a burqa like dress, quite covered up and referred to the fact that she wasn't wearing gloves as 'I thought I'd dress skimpy today'. XD

It was something along those lines anyway. I saw it a while back.
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Pakistan Army condemns and felt insulted by statement of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief

More like eating your halwa and having it too(and lots of it) if you're talking about Pakistani Maulvis. :inzi


A member of Difa-e-Pakistan Council (it seems defending Pakistan from obesity is definitely not on the agenda)

I've wondered about this phenomenon. The madrasah kids who come knocking at the door begging for food or donations look emaciated and malnourished. At what stage do they, uh, blossom into these obese maulvis? Fuzla is another one. He could work as Santa Claus once his current gig as wannabe PM runs out.

I must say though that I miss the halwa eating maulvi. There was a time that drooling over halwa was the most sinister thing he could do. Those were the days.