Government of Pakistan bans sponsorship from betting firms using surrogate company setups

Why did he only realise this now?

Maybe no one brought it up to him, maybe he didn't realise it? I noticed it myself once or twice but thought nothing of it, once Riz raised awareness i googled them and found an extremely shoddy 'sports' website with vulgar ads of naked women plastered all over.

Don't understand the argument of 'why is he only bringing it up now' there can be many reasons. But above all, him bringing it up is only a benefit and not a negative.
Why did he only realise this now?

Because it’s not a clear picture. The current sponsor Wolf777 masquerades as a ‘news’ website, but the parent company is a betting company. So, the reason why their sponsorship was approved by the PCB was because they were a ‘news’ website technically. However, if in effect you’re a front for a gambling operation, you then become a part of that gambling operation.

Players don’t all do forensic research on sponsors. When it came to light what Wolf777 actually were, he covered up the label.

You’re welcome to hate on his strike rate and lack of offside strokes, that’s fair game. But unless you’re a telepath, you have zero idea about any man’s intentions.
Because it’s not a clear picture. The current sponsor Wolf777 masquerades as a ‘news’ website, but the parent company is a betting company. So, the reason why their sponsorship was approved by the PCB was because they were a ‘news’ website technically. However, if in effect you’re a front for a gambling operation, you then become a part of that gambling operation.

Players don’t all do forensic research on sponsors. When it came to light what Wolf777 actually were, he covered up the label.

You’re welcome to hate on his strike rate and lack of offside strokes, that’s fair game. But unless you’re a telepath, you have zero idea about any man’s intentions.

I kind of do understand his intention. I understand it better than most here.

Do you think nobody brought it to Rizwan’s attention that he is indirectly being sponsored by a betting company in the past two years?
I kind of do understand his intention. I understand it better than most here.

Do you think nobody brought it to Rizwan’s attention that he is indirectly being sponsored by a betting company in the past two years?

PSL betting sponsorships weren’t a news story in the 2021 or 2022 editions.

If the common man didn’t know about it, how would the captain of a franchise be aware of it?
I kind of do understand his intention. I understand it better than most here.

Do you think nobody brought it to Rizwan’s attention that he is indirectly being sponsored by a betting company in the past two years?

Shahid Afridi did the same he covered a logo up whilst playing in legends league.
Dont understand the logic of hiding the logo. You are still getting paid by these betting, liquor companies etc so your earnings are also dubious in my opinion.
Dont understand the logic of hiding the logo. You are still getting paid by these betting, liquor companies etc so your earnings are also dubious in my opinion.

It's for public consumption. Those players playing in that legends league make enough money outside of it so if the choice of sponsor really is against their moral conscious then they can always hand back the money and refuse to participate in the league.

In the case of Rizwan, he can always switch to a different PSL franchise which isn't sponsored by a betting or some other haram company. Lets see if he does otherwise it's all virtual signalling.
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PSL betting sponsorships weren’t a news story in the 2021 or 2022 editions.

If the common man didn’t know about it, how would the captain of a franchise be aware of it?

I'm sorry but I don't buy any of this.

When you have a squad of 15-20 players with mentors/coaches, one of these guys or their agents must surely be able to identify that their is a betting sponsor on the shirt.

Even if it's ambiguous, there is something called due diligence. Are you telling me none of them knew this after all this time?
What makes you think people are so stupid to be influenced into gambling because Rizwan is wearing a shirt that says wolf777 for the past 2 years?

How dumb do you think people actually are in this world? Do you see all Muslim fans of Liverpool drinking Carlsberg when that was the official sponsor of Liverpool?

Alot of Pakistanis dont know about wolf777, and whne they see a sponsor and its ad, they will get curious. Or if people know how betting works and find out that their is another brand where you can place a bet and see Wolf777 they will go its website to check.

You know what attracts a person to gamble?
Two things.

One is the return you are getting on your bets, and second, how easy it is to withdraw your winnings.

As for Rizwan knowing and not knowing, Rizwan does not use social media. Wolf777 is sponsoring through another small company of its which is for news, but the idea is to get through the loopholes and be able to sponsor sports in Pakistan and UAE. Because when you search world777 or batx you will be directed to their betting sites.

The cricketers job isn't to scrutinize all their sponsors. A cricket kit has 9-10 sponsors. These players dont have time to search up on these companies. This is the job of the PCB, and when PCB allowed it, players dont create issue.

Also, Rizwan is just doing his part. He is not forcing other players to do this, he feels uncomfortable and he removed it.

But betting is becoming a problem in Pakistan, and betting sites are slowly entering into the Pakistani market. Betting sites are using telenor easy paisa to withdraw your winnings. I know people that install the TEENPATTI app which is a better app you download through and APK file. The app allows you to withdraw money through telenor easypaisa which is a digital payment method in Pakistan.

My personal opinion on all this issue is, you end up creating more awareness or marketing for such brands by covering them. ANd you cant nitpick on every brand that exists. ANd one day we will be seeing players having an issue with Bank sponsoring them due to interest rates. I also despise alcahol and betting. Really hate it.

So yes even i am confused with this that what stance should i support on their sponsorship
I'm surprised more players have not joined Rizwan in covering up these logos.

I know it was an issue before the tournament started and wasn't really resolved.
I'm surprised more players have not joined Rizwan in covering up these logos.

I know it was an issue before the tournament started and wasn't really resolved.

So Rizwan knew about it before the tournament didn’t he?

How surprising of him to do it a day after being ‘rested’
So Rizwan knew about it before the tournament didn’t he?

How surprising of him to do it a day after being ‘rested’

O bhai, stop scrutinizing everything. Pakistanis really have an issue with literally everything. If you don't do it, you are not a good person. If you do it, why are you doing it now? Why didn't you do earlier? It's just like telling women, why are you talking now? Didn't you know harassment was bad earlier?
It's for public consumption. Those players playing in that legends league make enough money outside of it so if the choice of sponsor really is against their moral conscious then they can always hand back the money and refuse to participate in the league.

In the case of Rizwan, he can always switch to a different PSL franchise which isn't sponsored by a betting or some other haram company. Lets see if he does otherwise it's all virtual signalling.
Afridi shouldn’t have player the ongoing legends league then? Similarly Rizwan should not play going forward? Hiding the logo makes it more obvious as people are curious to know what is hidden and it ends up getting more attention.
It's for public consumption. Those players playing in that legends league make enough money outside of it so if the choice of sponsor really is against their moral conscious then they can always hand back the money and refuse to participate in the league.

In the case of Rizwan, he can always switch to a different PSL franchise which isn't sponsored by a betting or some other haram company. Lets see if he does otherwise it's all virtual signalling.

So Hashim Amla was virtue signalling? He could've also gone the Kolpak route and played for England right who were not sponsored by alcohol/betting companies. Were Rashid Khan, Faheem Ashraf, Azhar Ali all virtue signalling when they did not wear alcoholic sponsored shirts for their teams?
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So Hashim Amla was virtue signalling? He could've also gone the Kolpak route and played for England right who were not sponsored by alcohol/betting companies. Were Rashid Khan, Faheem Ashraf, Azhar Ali all virtue signalling when they did not wear alcoholic sponsored shirts for their teams?

No lets not put words in my mouth. My argument was specific to Rizwan and to those playing in the Legends League.
No lets not put words in my mouth. My argument was specific to Rizwan and to those playing in the Legends League.

So help me understand why Rizwan is virtue signalling but others who have done the same in the past weren't?
So help me understand why Rizwan is virtue signalling but others who have done the same in the past weren't?

The simple answer is that he has jumped on the anti Rizwan bandwagon where a group of posters take delight in his misfortune, imagine and fantasise about mythical scenarios involving Rizwan, and pick apart any success that he has.
So help me understand why Rizwan is virtue signalling but others who have done the same in the past weren't?

Because it's to do with how Rizwan goes about showing off his religiosity. He takes it to a whole new level.
Because it's to do with how Rizwan goes about showing off his religiosity. He takes it to a whole new level.

Part of religiousity is public display. It’s literally one of the aims, to spread the word.

Unless you can read his mind (you can’t), you have zero idea about his intentions.

The amount of mental gymnastics being played, to pretend people on here can read Rizwan’s mind.

Heck, I didn’t even know about Wolf777 as a betting front until recently. And we then expect Rizzy, a guy who isn’t exactly an internet presence, to suddenly be all seeing.
The simple answer is that he has jumped on the anti Rizwan bandwagon where a group of posters take delight in his misfortune, imagine and fantasise about mythical scenarios involving Rizwan, and pick apart any success that he has.


I’ll fully take on criticism of his lack of off side play and his strike rate issues, but I don’t understand how vilifying him based on assumptions, is fair.
The simple answer is that he has jumped on the anti Rizwan bandwagon where a group of posters take delight in his misfortune, imagine and fantasise about mythical scenarios involving Rizwan, and pick apart any success that he has.

If I was you I'd be the last to talk on cricketing matters when your eye for talent can be reflected by your ill fated comments on Imad which backfired spectacularly.

I don't rate Rizwan's batting because of his lack of offside game which has resulted in run a ball powerplay and mediocre 50 off 40 ball type performances. It cost Pakistan in the last two editions of the WT20 and also in the Asia Cup.

I can understand why you'd rave about him (with your poor eye for talent) but why should I?
If I was you I'd be the last to talk on cricketing matters when your eye for talent can be reflected by your ill fated comments on Imad which backfired spectacularly.

I don't rate Rizwan's batting because of his lack of offside game which has resulted in run a ball powerplay and mediocre 50 off 40 ball type performances. It cost Pakistan in the last two editions of the WT20 and also in the Asia Cup.

I can understand why you'd rave about him (with your poor eye for talent) but why should I?

One can be objectively critical about a players ability without casting aspersions about that players character.
If I was you I'd be the last to talk on cricketing matters when your eye for talent can be reflected by your ill fated comments on Imad which backfired spectacularly.

I don't rate Rizwan's batting because of his lack of offside game which has resulted in run a ball powerplay and mediocre 50 off 40 ball type performances. It cost Pakistan in the last two editions of the WT20 and also in the Asia Cup.

I can understand why you'd rave about him (with your poor eye for talent) but why should I?

I haven't really criticised Imad lol its not my fault you deal in absolute binaries and can't understand nuance.

Anyway hes sitting at home while the players you rant and rave about are still in the tournament. Good thing your eye for talent is meaningless in the real world :))

You and your comrade in arms were chest thumping about playing songs when Rizwan gets out, seems more like 'an evil eye' for talent.

I’ll fully take on criticism of his lack of off side play and his strike rate issues, but I don’t understand how vilifying him based on assumptions, is fair.

Agreed - he has limitations as a player and needs to work on it.

But cut the guy some slack man. Hes just lead his side to a final of a tournament where all the paper candidates these guys put forward as superior players/captains are now sitting at home twiddling their thumbs.
I haven't really criticised Imad lol its not my fault you deal in absolute binaries and can't understand nuance.

Anyway hes sitting at home while the players you rant and rave about are still in the tournament. Good thing your eye for talent is meaningless in the real world :))

You and your comrade in arms were chest thumping about playing songs when Rizwan gets out, seems more like 'an evil eye' for talent.

I want what's best for Pakistan. I don't have an agenda or an evil eye for anyone.

You've been making snidey remarks like "anti Rizwan bandwagon where a group of posters take delight in his misfortune, imagine and fantasise about mythical scenarios involving Rizwan".

I don't know why you felt the need to say this.

If you actually knew me as a Pakistan cricket fan, you'd know who my favourite player is and how critical I've been with the way he's been captaining his franchise.

It doesn't matter if so and so is one of my favourites or not, I just say how it is. I don't treat it like a cult.

I think you're a good Timepass poster but when it comes to cricket you see everything through the lens of Misbah otherwise your cricketing posts are good.
One can be objectively critical about a players ability without casting aspersions about that players character.

The problem is if you're not performing, your extracurricular activities will not go unnoticed.

We actually did go through this a few weeks ago when he discussed how bad the Tableeghi era was for Pakistan cricket and you actually were in agreement with me at the time.
The problem is if you're not performing, your extracurricular activities will not go unnoticed.

We actually did go through this a few weeks ago when he discussed how bad the Tableeghi era was for Pakistan cricket and you actually were in agreement with me at the time.

Sorry to say but that is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.

You have literally used the word "virtue-signaling" for Rizwan. Basically saying that he has done it because he wants to show how upright of a character he is. Virtue-signaling because he decided to hide a gambling sponsor on his shirt, who by the way uses a surrogate news website to camouflage themselves and portray itself as a sports website. Even I wasn't aware of Wolf777news to be a surrogate of a gambling company. Yet you decided to smear Rizwan's character in public without even knowing his intentions and whether he knew about the company beforehand or not.

If you have a problem with his cricket, by all mean lambast and criticize him for it. When it comes to his faith, please have some respect for it.
People in Pakistan are Muslims and they know Gambling is haram and forbidden, therefore even if they see an alcohol or gambling advertisement, they will not really do it, but the sponsorship money is good. Let the players wear the shirts and let the PCB and Franchises get some much needed $7.5 million sponsorship money, no harm is being done and no one is getting hurt.
Sorry to say but that is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.

You have literally used the word "virtue-signaling" for Rizwan. Basically saying that he has done it because he wants to show how upright of a character he is. Virtue-signaling because he decided to hide a gambling sponsor on his shirt, who by the way uses a surrogate news website to camouflage themselves and portray itself as a sports website. Even I wasn't aware of Wolf777news to be a surrogate of a gambling company. Yet you decided to smear Rizwan's character in public without even knowing his intentions and whether he knew about the company beforehand or not.

If you have a problem with his cricket, by all mean lambast and criticize him for it. When it comes to his faith, please have some respect for it.

I see the hate brigade are out again

The guy can do nothing right in some people eyes who will criticise anything he does
Sorry to say but that is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.

You have literally used the word "virtue-signaling" for Rizwan. Basically saying that he has done it because he wants to show how upright of a character he is. Virtue-signaling because he decided to hide a gambling sponsor on his shirt, who by the way uses a surrogate news website to camouflage themselves and portray itself as a sports website. Even I wasn't aware of Wolf777news to be a surrogate of a gambling company. Yet you decided to smear Rizwan's character in public without even knowing his intentions and whether he knew about the company beforehand or not.

If you have a problem with his cricket, by all mean lambast and criticize him for it. When it comes to his faith, please have some respect for it.

It has nothing to do with his beliefs. What he's doing isn't what Hashim Amla, Moeen Ali, Adil Rashid and I do.

You think it's a poor argument but I disagree. A good case in point to reinforce the argument I put forward would be to look at the events prior to the 1999 World Cup Final. There was a lot of criticism for what the Pakistan players were getting up to in the lead up to that game. One of them was in a London casino until around 4am.

A more recent example is the 2019 World Cup, where some of the Pakistan players were found munching on desserts and doing Shisha at one point during the tournament.

It just goes to show if you can't perform, whatever you do outside cricket will be put under the microscope.

This is why I use the term "extracurricular activities" because it can entail anything.
It has nothing to do with his beliefs. What he's doing isn't what Hashim Amla, Moeen Ali, Adil Rashid and I do.

Again, you’re making assumptions about what his intentions are. Neither you nor I have any inkling of exactly when Rizwan fully found out about the betting connection to this company. Only Allah knows the truth to that matter.

Thus, equating his actions to virtue signaling seems quite the reach.

I take the point that one’s reputation comes under greater scrutiny when their form is bad and their outside activities are suspect.

That’s not the case here, because there isn’t s demonstrable point where Rizwan himself publicly found out about Wolf777’s gambling connection.
Again, you’re making assumptions about what his intentions are. Neither you nor I have any inkling of exactly when Rizwan fully found out about the betting connection to this company. Only Allah knows the truth to that matter.

Thus, equating his actions to virtue signaling seems quite the reach.

I take the point that one’s reputation comes under greater scrutiny when their form is bad and their outside activities are suspect.

That’s not the case here, because there isn’t s demonstrable point where Rizwan himself publicly found out about Wolf777’s gambling connection.

I genuinely regard Rizwan to be a pious believer and I admire him for that. I'm not questioning his intentions.

The problem is his mind is scrambled with things that he shouldn't get himself involved in. I'll give you a clear example of this. He asked for the printing on the back of his shirt to be changed from "Rizwan" to "Muhammad".

If I had the same name and assuming I was a professional cricketer (and a believer), I wouldn't propose for this because I couldn't bare seeing the most prominent name of the Prophet (SAW) getting dirty while I'm playing cricket outdoors. I'm mentioning this because you and shariq can't seem to understand that this has nothing to do with his faith.

Their have been other stunts that Rizwan has pulled off which have been mentioned by other posters so stop using the religious angle to malign posters just because they happen disagree with your favourite players.

Also it doesn't help when I've commented in response to a post of yours without reply but you then decide to comment when I'm addressing someone else's post because we end up going around circles - as I've already addressed your last sentence. I mentioned earlier that it's everyone's responsibility to carry out due diligence on any brands especially if it's on a shirt that you're going to be wearing for a team. If you don't have the time to do this then you should delegate it to someone else.
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Sponsorship of Pakistan Super League and Pakistan Cricket Board by surrogate corporations of international betting companies/ casinos challenged before Peshawar High Court

Syed Muhammad Tanseer Ahmad Sherazi has challenged the sponsorship of Pakistan Super League and PCB events by surrogate corporations of international betting companies/ casinos through his lawyer Saifullah Muhib Kakakhel & Nouman Muhib Kakakhel Advocates.

He stated that betting/ gambling is prohibited in Pakistan, however, through these surrogate companies young generation is attracted by PSL sponsorships, by writing their names on the franchise’s shirts, to bet in the cricket by using different mobile phone applications. In these applications available for both Android and IOS users, Pakistanis can easily put in money in their respective profiles from their bank accounts or microfinance companies like easy paisa & jazz cash and the amount is further used for betting.

To the surprise of petitioner, these betting companies have their helplines toll numbers in Pakistan as well who helps you put in money in your betting account to bet on various sports events.

Ex cricketers also condemned PSL for allowing sponors of surrogate companies whose parent company is basically running casinos and are involved in betting. When you search for the sponsor company, you get directed to betting websites.

Muhammad Rizwan, a cricketer used a tape to hide a sticker of sponor on his shirt whose surrogate parent is running a casino.

The companies show themselves to be sports news and Sports utilities manufacturer etc but their products are not available or making enough profits as are not focused, whereas, when they are searched on the internet, they are found to be surrogate companies of gambling foreign corporations, with an identical name and logo etc.

The petitioner has prayed for inquiry by the federal govt into the matter, stopping PSL from getting sponsored by casinos etc, banning mobile applications of these casinos/ betting sites, restraining banks from allowing casinos to run bank accounts and also prayed for devising an ethical code of conduct for PSL.
As per reports, none of the surrogate betting advertisers are being used as sponsors for the NZ series.

Has the PCB learnt it's lesson?


According to sources, the authorities think that surrogate sponsorship is giving a wrong impression; therefore, the marketing department and the company holding legal rights have been advised to stay away from such companies.

'DafaNews' is not included in the sponsors of the New Zealand series. In other countries, the company named 'Dafabet' sponsors cricket under the same logo as ‘DafaNews’.

The title sponsor of the upcoming series against Kiwis is a bank, and no surrogate 'news website' is included in the sponsors list till now. Currently, it is not clear whether the board's decision is only for this series or whether they would continue with this practice in future as well.
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As per reports, none of the surrogate betting advertisers are being used as sponsors for the NZ series.

Has the PCB learnt it's lesson?


According to sources, the authorities think that surrogate sponsorship is giving a wrong impression; therefore, the marketing department and the company holding legal rights have been advised to stay away from such companies.

'DafaNews' is not included in the sponsors of the New Zealand series. In other countries, the company named 'Dafabet' sponsors cricket under the same logo as ‘DafaNews’.

The title sponsor of the upcoming series against Kiwis is a bank, and no surrogate 'news website' is included in the sponsors list till now. Currently, it is not clear whether the board's decision is only for this series or whether they would continue with this practice in future as well.

Further confirmation

From a media report:

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has reversed its decision to allow a "news website" to sponsor the home series against New Zealand.

The board officials had previously rejected other companies that tried to contact them and granted permission to "Dafa News," on the insistence of the company that holds the rights.
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Seems like used them for the PSL, took their cash but now told them to go away after criticism.
Google has reportedly pulled a controversial gambling ad campaign that featured former Black Caps skipper Brendon McCullum.

The advertisement by overseas bookmaker 22Bet had raised the ire of both the TAB and the Problem Gambling Foundation.

YouTube’s parent company Google pulled the ads as they violated their policies, 1News reported.

The TAB said the advertisements used “dubious tactics to recruit punters”.

The advertisements appeared so often for New Zealand users of YouTube – through multiple advertiser accounts - they attracted complaints. This included angry posts on the Facebook page of McCullum, who is now England’s head coach.

But less than a week after Stuff’s story on the ads for the Cyprus-based website, Google told 1News the ads had been removed from YouTube.

"Google has strict policies that govern the kind of ads we allow on our platform. In this instance, we’ve found the ads that violate our policies and we have removed them," a Google spokesperson told 1News.

It said it allowed gambling ads only if they complied with its policies and the advertiser was a state-licensed entity in New Zealand.

Stuff has approached Google for comment.

The Problem Gambling Foundation complained about the advertisements to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), which regulates gambling.

Foundation spokesperson Andree Froude said the Gambling Act banned overseas companies from advertising gambling services to New Zealanders.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was asked about ads promoting sports betting on Tuesday.

“Ultimately, those are a matter for the regulatory agencies to look into,’’ he said.

“We've got some clear laws around what they can and can't do. And so, you know, ultimately the regulatory agencies will need to follow up on that.

Asked if consumers needed more protection, Hipkins wouldn't rule out more work in that area.

“We know that the world has changed and the whole issue of online gambling has changed significantly and that is something we will need to make sure our regulatory settings are moving to keep up with that.’’

A DIA spokesperson told Stuff last week the 22Bet ads were misleading as “they are not a registered New Zealand sports bookmaker, nor are they licensed or regulated in New Zealand by the DIA.”

“We are currently looking at avenues we can pursue, including contacting 22Bet advising them to change their misleading marketing and advertising which insinuates in any way that they are a New Zealand-based gambling operator,” the DIA spokesperson said.

The 22Bet advertising campaign is serving as a rallying cry for New Zealand to follow Australia and ban companies that are not based and regulated in the country from offering gambling services to its citizens.

TAB chief commercial officer Cameron Rodger​ said 22Bet’s advertising was a prime example of an overseas operator looking to exploit one of the last relatively available markets in an affluent country.

“We understand the Government is considering options around restricting overseas operators, and we are hopeful that this work will be progressed quickly,” he said.

Among the complaints posted online was Michael Nolan: “Never had such an annoying ad. I’m getting bombarded by them in every corner of the internet.”

NZ Stuff Cricket
Dafa News is definitely sponsoring this series, it’s on the official PCT social media pages

Is this a proper news site/channel? It seems its a way to hide their main business which is gambling.

Some people are not understanding the issue here.

Its not about fixing which is mainly underground.

Its not about revenue as im sure there are other sponsers available.

Gambling destroys lives, its a terrible addiction which can lead to family break ups, depression and even suicide.

This is a huge problem here in the UK.

The Premier League have JUST announced to end all shirt sponsors if they are betting companies. Sadly as the 8 teams are under contract this wont take place until 26/27 season.

Im not sure if people are able to use their betting site in Pakistan? Either way , betting shouldn't be anywhere near sports sponsorship, for the reasons I stated.
Reports suggesting that PCB will not use surrogate advertising for betting firms etc

Could be one of the clauses of the contract agreed with the players
Reports suggesting that PCB will not use surrogate advertising for betting firms etc

Could be one of the clauses of the contract agreed with the players

The PSL Franchises will not be happy with this. As it is they are struggling to get sufficient ROI from the Pakistani Market, they agreed to the surrogate advertising, betting firms from abroad because they were paying around $7-8 million to each franchise.

PCB and the Government of Pakistan has to be flexible here because the Pakistani economy is in tatters and these Franchises are not going to stick around with losses, no returns forever.
A letter from one of the managers for a Pakistan player:



It has come to our knowledge that some betting outfits have entered the Pakistani market with slightly amended titles. Such phenomenon is labeled as surrogacy and such firms are called surrogates of the mother enterprises. Some of the surrogates are listed below which are engaged in sponsorship and advertising contracts with a number of media outlets and sports enterprises:

These are originally gambling, betting and casino companies. Such operations are mostly run from some hostile countries with the motive to destroy the moral fabric of Pakistan, to introduce corruption in Pakistan team and to put Pakistan into further economic turmoil through moving untaxed money out of the country in dollars. Many advertisements of such betting surrogate companies are being run on digital, electronic, social and print media in Pakistan.

It is critical to stop all such surrogate betting companies from operating in Pakistan.

Therefore, Pakistan Cricket Board, Pakistan Super League, PSL franchises, club cricket, private leagues, television channels, radio broadcasters, internet platforms, newspapers, magazines and other media/ advertisement platforms are strictly advised to not make any agreements and business relations with such surrogate companies and to not promote them through any kind of advertisement. Moreover, it is advised to immediately terminate all existing agreements with such surrogate companies.

Chairman PCB, Islamabad
Chairman, PEMRA, Islamabad
Managing Director, PTV, Islamabad
Director General, PBC
Governor, SBP, Islamabad
Chairman PTA, Islamabad
Chairman SECP, Islamabad
Principal Information Officer, PID
I do bet on matches but i am strictly against the idea of legalizing betting. I do it because i can afford it and have control over my habits but betting is an addiction and i have seen people loosing millions in cricket betting and going broke. One could argue that its an individual choice but thing about addiction of any form is that the nature of activity makes people dependent upon it. The very idea of making 2X or 5X or 10X of your investment in 3 hours means that people who are in need of money end up taking risks, which ideally they shouldn't. Why do responsible security exchanges all across the world (like in India), end up blocking trading in certain stocks when they feel a large number of retail investors are getting into it because of some news flow. It is an example that government needs to intervene when they feel that citizens are loosing money because they aren't equipped enough to make an intelligent call. Its not about curtailing liberty but a function of preventing people from going astray as its human tendency to get carried away. In our part of the world, we just can't afford to have people who are passionate about one game to start putting money in it. Dream11 revenues last year is going to be close to Rs. 6000 cr, call it $750 mn. This is broadly 25% of overall bets means total bets of $3 bn. In a country like India to have people play around with $3 bn is dangerous, when most of these people aren't sophisticated punters but the ones driven by adrenaline or need to make quick bucks.
Someone answer how will the PSL Franchises make money without these companies?

People here talking about morals need to grow up given the other levels of corruption which prevails in our society. If the Franchises don't make money, it will put the PSL at risk. The Pakistani market is not giving them any ROI.
Someone answer how will the PSL Franchises make money without these companies?

People here talking about morals need to grow up given the other levels of corruption which prevails in our society. If the Franchises don't make money, it will put the PSL at risk. The Pakistani market is not giving them any ROI.
bro let me share you my pov on this.

I am a liberal. And i believe that people should be allowed to do what they want and we shouldnt control them etc. Infact, you must have read my posts around here on such topics where i have said this. Infact, i have had alot of argument on these topics with @MenInG

However, I have friends who drink and even started gambling. They drink because Murree Brewary is a beer company that manufactures beer in pakistan. Under the law they can only sell to non muslims, but non muslims get beer permits and sell beer to muslims. The biggest consumer of Murree Brewary beer is local consumer and it costs Rs.600 per can and Muree Vodka costs about Rs. 2000 - 3000. In comparison to imported Vodka which costs about Rs. 18000 to 20000 (Grey Goose).

So people buy local as its comparatively cheap. I really feel disgusted by the people who consume alcahol. And alot of youngsters are buying it cause its being manufactured in Pakistan and can be easily bought.

Similarly, while betting happens on phone calls, but alot of the people dont know about this. Only people who roam around in the city and know about every knok and corner know about this. However, there are not betting apps that now alot of people know about and have started betting. There is this app called Teenpatti that you get an apk of and place bet. And after winning the money you can get your money out from the account through EasyPaisa.

Thing is, now i get that such companies shouldnt be existing or operating in the country and should not be promoted. Easybet has been sponsoring for quite a while, i wouldnt be surprised if they have transaction operations in Pakistan now.
bro let me share you my pov on this.

I am a liberal. And i believe that people should be allowed to do what they want and we shouldnt control them etc. Infact, you must have read my posts around here on such topics where i have said this. Infact, i have had alot of argument on these topics with @MenInG

However, I have friends who drink and even started gambling. They drink because Murree Brewary is a beer company that manufactures beer in pakistan. Under the law they can only sell to non muslims, but non muslims get beer permits and sell beer to muslims. The biggest consumer of Murree Brewary beer is local consumer and it costs Rs.600 per can and Muree Vodka costs about Rs. 2000 - 3000. In comparison to imported Vodka which costs about Rs. 18000 to 20000 (Grey Goose).

So people buy local as its comparatively cheap. I really feel disgusted by the people who consume alcahol. And alot of youngsters are buying it cause its being manufactured in Pakistan and can be easily bought.

Similarly, while betting happens on phone calls, but alot of the people dont know about this. Only people who roam around in the city and know about every knok and corner know about this. However, there are not betting apps that now alot of people know about and have started betting. There is this app called Teenpatti that you get an apk of and place bet. And after winning the money you can get your money out from the account through EasyPaisa.

Thing is, now i get that such companies shouldnt be existing or operating in the country and should not be promoted. Easybet has been sponsoring for quite a while, i wouldnt be surprised if they have transaction operations in Pakistan now.

Then people should not be complaining if the PSL goes bankrupt then.
Watch the PSL run into losses and for some of the Franchise owners threaten to quit now.
I have no problem with the ruling. Gambling is haram and rightly so because it ruins peoples' lives however is Pakistan doing this because they want to portray a Holy image to the Pakistan fans?
Watch the PSL run into losses and for some of the Franchise owners threaten to quit now.
All of them signed up for self publicity.

After running in losses for 7 years, many franchises finally achieved break-even this year as 95% of the central revenue went to them. This clearly shows they are overpaying the franchise fee.

After 2 years, the franchise fee would be revised and what Multan is paying, I see many owners leaving anyways.

A telecommunication giant was in the running to buy Lahore in 2016 but a person who has a lot of money but not even 1/1000th of what that telecommunication company could spend won the bid.

Clearly shows that corporates ran risk analysis and did not overpay to win rights. But apart from the Islamabad United owners, other owners have cashed in being owners for self projection. Purpose achieved, now will leave after 2 more years.
So Rizwan knew about it before the tournament didn’t he?

How surprising of him to do it a day after being ‘rested’
so you might be right.

A journalist revealed that it was the agency company of Rizwan and Babar that blackmailed PCB into giving them a better money deal.

The players did not care about being sponsored by betting companies, its just that the agency was involved in someway, and got players to threaten PCB and this happened.
Some media reports alleging that the whole Inzi agent thing now being brought to light because of Saya/Inzi etc opposition to surrogate advertising.
An ex-cricketer mentioned that the whole saga between the players started because of their opposition to these surrogate advertising companies. The PCB and the PSL franchises were trying to blackmail the players into relenting on this ie unpaid central contract payments for the last 5 months.
For how long they are going to keep this check on surrogate firms?

is it happening due to some pressure?

I am surprised the franchise owners did not take action against the players involved in this.
You never know whether franchise owners themselves are not invloved in it.
That would make no sense. Because franchise owners are getting sponsorship money.

I think almost all franchises were sponsored by betting companies, not sure about PZ though.
Exactly how will PTV stop these images on live tv?

I have a feeling that PSL franchise owners are going to threaten boycotting and exiting the PSL if they are prohibited from getting these sponsorships. These sponsors were paying big money
Gambling/Betting is such a societal moral ill. Destroys whole families. No amount of money is potentially enough to give this a net advantage.
PTV's zero tolerance for surrogate companies.
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This is madness.

Logos on a foreign trip are not in control of the PCB/PTV

So are we allowing alcohol pictures on player shirts of other teams?
lmao, would be hilarious if pakistan cricket gets banned by pemra now.
The Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) has directed the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to ensure there will be no surrogate advertising during the forthcoming edition of the HBL-Pakistan Super League (PSL).

“The PCB shall ensure against any surrogate advertising as has already been directed by specific and unambiguous provisions in the contract and violations, if any, will be clear responsibility of the PCB,” read the IPC letter, dated Jan 4, addressed to the cricket board.

This year’s PSL Twenty20 tournament featuring six franchise-based teams will be held from Feb 13 to March 18.

According to the IPC Ministry letter a copy of which is available with Dawn, the PCB’s request regarding media rights has been examined, and the competent authority has decided that “the PCB shall go ahead with the bidding process of the following tenders advertised only for PSL-9 and 10 seasons and no other additional events”.

The IPC Ministry allowed the PCB to go for the bidding process of live streaming rights for PSL (Jan 3, 2024), on-screen branding rights (Jan 5), global radio and audio streaming rights (Jan 8), production service (PSL only, Jan 18) and all media rights for all regions outside Pakistan (PSL only, Jan 19).

The PCB, the letter said, shall not proceed further with any tender related to any bilateral series.

“In order to ensure transparency [for abovementioned bids] the PCB shall take financial bids in password protected electronic forms without any manual copies of and allow opening of financial bids by the respective pre-qualified bidders only at the time of opening in presence of everyone,” read the letter.

During a question-hour session in the Senate on Friday, the IPC Ministry, in a written response to a query raised by Senator Dr Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, stated that the Ministry of IPC has again instructed the PCB to ensure against any surrogate advertising while finalising media rights for PSL 9 and 10, adding it is therefore, “clear that the government has a zero-tolerance policy for any such activities.”

The IPC Ministry in its reply recalled that the State Bank of Pakistan in March last year had highlighted some surrogate brands which were engaged in online betting. The SBP, for that reason, had urged the PCB to ensure that these platforms do not offer any services in Pakistan, added the Ministry.

It added that the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting through three letters in recent months also identified some surrogate companies illegally engaged in sponsoring and advertising contracts with a number of media outlets and sports enterprises and had strictly advised not to promote them, and also advised the organisations concerned to immediately terminate all existing agreements with such surrogate companies.

Published in Dawn, January 6th, 2024
IPC is such a joke of a ministry tht couldnt run a single sports body in the country. Now the only sports body that makes you a profit, these idiots are dictating it with stupid rules.
Seems the logos are gone from the field


So is PTV sports now showing the game?
PTV was showing the game than they stopped show. Anyways, Ten sports showed the last test.

Turns out the advertisement was not painted on the ground, it was the broadcasters using a watermark
People in Pakistan are Muslims and they know Gambling is haram and forbidden, therefore even if they see an alcohol or gambling advertisement, they will not really do it, but the sponsorship money is good. Let the players wear the shirts and let the PCB and Franchises get some much needed $7.5 million sponsorship money, no harm is being done and no one is getting hurt.
lol bro, you havent lived in Pakistan have you? People in Pakistan will do haram and forbidden stuff at the first oppurtunity.

Anyways, you cant run away from sports betting, its a big market. Sports betting companies pay top dollar that other companies wont pay. One or two companies is understandable but when you have got 7-9 betting companies sponsoring it just looks bad.

An illegal betting market already exists in Pakistan which is not taxed. Atleast this can be taxed
Mohammad Amir has terminated his contract with a surrogate betting company following a warning from PCB and backlash on social media.

As part of the deal, the betting site was paying Amir Rs1.25 crore for endorsing the company on social media.

Good decision from Mohammad Amir?
Pakistan’s red-ball skipper Shan Masood has refused to promote a gambling company's logo as he is currently leading Yorkshire in the County Championship.

Yorkshire recently signed a two-year deal with Dafabet which included displaying their logo on players’ shirts across all cricket formats but that will not be the case with Masood due to his personal beliefs.

Gambling is legal in countries like England, Australia and others as sponsorship deals between clubs and betting companies are very common but surrogate advertising is not allowed in Pakistan due to the government’s strict regulations.

Dafabet previously sponsored in Pakistan under the name “Dafa News” but was ultimately banned due to the government’s policies.

As per the sources, Shan communicated his decision not to endorse the company’s logo to the Yorkshire management and county authorities and his side respected his stance.

Earlier, Shan spoke to Geo News where he said that representing Yorkshire at the iconic Lord’s Cricket Ground is a privilege and he feels proud to lead the team.

“It’s a privilege enough to play at this historic cricket ground let alone captaining a team at this level. In a player’s cricketing career, there are some checklists like playing and scoring at famous venues. I played my first ever county championship game here too while playing for Derbyshire CCC in 2022 when I scored 91 and 62 runs to save the match,” Shan told Geo News.

“I still remember when the first time I played here for Pakistan was during the famous 2016 test match against England, which became famous of then team captain Misbah-ul-Haq’s press ups celebrations after scoring a century and subsequently the team’s post-victory salute and press-ups in front of the pavilion”.

Although his first outing for Yorkshire this season was a total failure as he got out without scoring after just six deliveries against Leicestershire CCC but made a strong comeback in the next game against Gloucestershire CCC.

In the first innings of the match, Shan scored a magnificent century, match-saving innings of 140 runs of 180 deliveries after players like Joe Root and Harry Brooks failed and got out cheaply and Yorkshire lost half of their team for just 90 runs.