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Hazrat Khalid ibn Walid (R.A)

Hazrat Umar (R.A.) was indeed a great leader and brave warrior.
Khalid Bin Walid was the greatest military commander and Warrior in the history of mankind.

Khalid Bin Walid is an underrated individual in Islam. I reckon there should be a film based on him.
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.
zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

You like to remember hes days of kufr but we like to remember he's great battles against the persians and romans what a great warrior he was.
zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

But in the above video how hazrat khalid (R.A) love Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) S.A.W that in every single war he kept Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) S.A.W hair in his Cap that show his love.
zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

Bringing Islam removes all previous sins.
zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

what a stupid and pathetic post
Ralync said:
Bringing Islam removes all previous sins.

yes i agree with u that Allah swt. forgives, but then what he did to be called General or sword of islam.
In the time of Umar (Ra.), Khalid bin Walid (Ra.) drank poison and got the key to the city of Jeruzalem, right?
zam said:
yes i agree with u that Allah swt. forgives, but then what he did to be called General or sword of islam.

subhan'Allah only a person who has a disease in he's heart would say such thing.
The Messenger of Allah called him Sword of Allah and history is witness that this man was a great general and military genius.
Tell me why do shia not recongise the service done by other sahabah(ra) for Islam to them why is it only Ahle Bait?
By the way we do not say Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed(ra) is better in virtue then Hazrat Ali(ra) we respect him for what he did in the battlefied which was maginificent with the help of Allah.
zam said:
yes i agree with u that Allah swt. forgives, but then what he did to be called General or sword of islam.

Neutralized all the apostates who rebelled after the passing of the Prophet (PBUH), too bad he wasn't around for the Sabais and Koofis transgression...

Defeated the byzantium and persian empires, great powers of their time, and claimed these lands for Islam...

Laid the ground work for ungrateful south asians like you and me to be able to call ourselves muslims...

Won over a hundred battles (most in the service of Islam) without losing one...even Alexandar doesn't boast a similar record...

One of only two generals in the history of warfare, the other being Hanibal the great, to have executed the double pincer (envolepment)maneuver against numerically superior forces...
No more sunni-shia stuff, please.

This is a thread on a historical personality. If somebody has arguments against that personality regarding his career as a general etc, he is most welcome to post them.

But accusations (without evidence) and mudslinging will not be tolerated.
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this tank is dedicated to Hazrat Khalid Ibn Walid (R.A)


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zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

And Mr.zam the mistake By some Sahaba Cause us that defeat in Ghazawa uhhud Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Has Posted Some Sahaba The Teer Andaz to stay until he further But they forget that.

Following the migration (Hijra) of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, many battles were fought between the new Muslim community at Medina and the confederacy of the Quraysh. Khalid didn't participate in the first battle fought between Muslims and Quraysh of Mecca, Battle of Badr, but Khalid's leadership was instrumental in turning the tables and ensuring a Meccan victory during the Battle of Uhud (625). In 627 AD he was a part of Quraysh's campaign against the Muslims which resulted in the Battle of the Trench, and this was Khalid's last battle against Muslims.
[edit] Conversion to Islam

After the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 628, there was a peace agreement for ten years between the Muslims and Quraysh of Mecca. Khalid's brother, Walid bin Walid, who was taken captive at Battle of Badr, had already accepted Islam. Muhammad once said to him:

A man like Khalid, can't keep himself away from Islam for long.

Khalid's brother wrote him a letter and told him about what Muhammad had said about him. Meanwhile Khalid, who was not unduly drawn towards the idols of the Kaaba, now had begun to ponder deeply on religious matters, he decided to accept Islam and shared it with his friend Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl who opposed him, Khalid was threatened by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb with dire consequences, but was restrained by Ikrimah who is reported to have said:

Steady, O Abu Sufyan! Your anger may well lead me also to join Prophet Muhammad.[3] Khalid is free to follow whatever religion he chooses.

That night Khalid took his armour, weapons and horse, and set out for Medina. On the way he met 'Amr ibn al-'As and Uthman ibn Talha who were also going to Medina to accept Islam. They arrived at Medina on May 31, 629 and went to the house of Muhammad. Khalid was received by his elder brother Walid bin Walid and was first among the three men to enter Islam.
zam said:
muslim history remembered him as " sword of God", which killed lots of muslims during the Uhad battle and was one of the cause of Prophet Mohammad's saww teeth.......remembrance day.

Battle of Mu'tah and Sword of Allah (629)
Main article: Battle of Mu'tah

Three months after Khalid's arrival to Medina, Muhammad sent an envoy to the Ghassanids with a letter asking the chieftain to accept Islam. While passing through Mu'tah, this envoy was intercepted and killed by a local Ghassanid chieftain by the name of Shurahbil ibn Amr. Traditionally, diplomatic envoys held immunity from attack, and the news of this act enraged Medina.[citation needed]

An expedition was immediately prepared to take punitive action against the Ghassanids. Muhammad appointed Zayd ibn Harithah as the commander of the force. In the event of Zayd's death, the command was to be taken over by Ja`far ibn Abī Tālib, and if Jafar were to be killed, the command would be in the hands of `Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. In the event that all three were killed, the men of the expedition were to select a commander from amongst themselves.[4]

During the battle, the three named commanders were slain, and Khalid was selected as the commander. He was able to maintain his army of 3,000 soldiers against a massive army of the Byzantine Empire and Ghassanid Arabs in what would be known as the Battle of Mu'tah. The size of the combined forces of Ghassanid and Byzantines is recorded in early sources at an estimated 200,000. Khalid assumed command of the Muslim army at the crucial moment, and turned what would have been a defeat into a strategic retreat. During nightfall, Khalid ordered the men of the right flank to change places with those of the left, and the men of the front lines with those of the rear guard. He also sent a group of men behind the main army and they were commanded to make a large commotion. At first light, when the enemy armies assembled to face the Muslim front lines they saw new and unfamiliar faces, coupled with a cloud of smoke behind the Muslim lines. The obvious conclusion to this was that the Muslims had received reinforcements. As the Muslim army retreated. Khalid was the last one to leave the battle and he broke 9 swords covering the Muslim's backs. Believing a trap was waiting for them, the Byzantine troops did not pursue. After the Battle of Mu'tah, Khalid was given the title Sword of Allah for bringing back his army to fight another day.[5]

In 630 AD, the Muslims advanced from Medina to conquer Mecca. In the Conquest of Mecca Khalid commanded one of the four Muslims armies that entered Mecca from four different routes, and he had a skirmish with the Qurayshi cavalry. Later that year, he participated in the Battle of Hunayn and the Siege of Ta'if. He was also sent to the Banu Jadhimah tribe. He was part of the Tabuk campaign under the command of Muhammad, and from there he was sent to Daumat-ul-Jandal where he fought and captured the Arab Prince of Daumat-ul-Jandal, thus forcing Daumat-ul-Jandal to submit.

In 631 A.D he participated in the farewell hajj of Muhammad. During the Battle of al-Yarmuk, Khalid ibn al-Walid lost a helmet (qalansuwah) he always wore to battle. He asked the people to help him find it and they searched repeatedly until it was found. They saw it was a very old qalansuwah and thought it strange that Khalid ibn al*-Walid was so insistent on finding it. Khalid ibn al*-Walid told them: "The Prophet performed Umrah and then shaved his head. I rushed with the people to get some of his hair. I got some of the hair from the front part of his head which I put in this qalansuwah. Every time I went into battle with this qalanwuwah, Allah gave me victory."
The prophet Mohammed (SAW) personally named Khalid 'SAIF ALLAH' (Sword of Allah) just like he named Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Ali 'ASAD ALLAH' (Lion of Allah).

I cant understand why certain muslims speak badly about companions of the prophet who he specifically mentioned in high regard.

For example;

Abu Bakr named AL-SADDIQ.
Umar bin Khattab named AL-FAROOQ.
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The General who was never defeated. Brilliant military strategist and a General who always fought ahead of his soldiers. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave him the title "Saif Ullah" meaning Sword of Allah after he successfully brought Muslims out of the clutches of death at the battle of Mauta. Leading the fights against the apostasy after the death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) brought back order of Islamic Caliphate back to Arabia.

Attacked and shattered the two super powers at that time Persia & Rome. Hazrat Khalid's fame as a brilliant General preceded his presence to all parts of Persia & Syria. Expanded the boundaries of Islamic Caliphate during the times of Hazrat Abu Bakr & Hazrat Umar (R.A). Fought countless battles in the way of Allah like:

Battle of Yamama
Battle of Walaja
Battle of Ajnadein
Battle of Yarmuk
Conquest of Hira
Conquest of Damascus
Conquest of Emmesa

We should be proud of him that such a military genius was at the helm of military conquests at the time of early spread of Islam. Alas that our new generation are unaware of the feats of such great personalities of Islam.
The greatest military commander after the Prophet(Blessings of Allah be upon him) himself.
The General who was never defeated. Brilliant military strategist and a General who always fought ahead of his soldiers. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave him the title "Saif Ullah" meaning Sword of Allah after he successfully brought Muslims out of the clutches of death at the battle of Mauta. Leading the fights against the apostasy after the death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) brought back order of Islamic Caliphate back to Arabia.

Attacked and shattered the two super powers at that time Persia & Rome. Hazrat Khalid's fame as a brilliant General preceded his presence to all parts of Persia & Syria. Expanded the boundaries of Islamic Caliphate during the times of Hazrat Abu Bakr & Hazrat Umar (R.A). Fought countless battles in the way of Allah like:

Battle of Yamama
Battle of Walaja
Battle of Ajnadein
Battle of Yarmuk
Conquest of Hira
Conquest of Damascus
Conquest of Emmesa

We should be proud of him that such a military genius was at the helm of military conquests at the time of early spread of Islam. Alas that our new generation are unaware of the feats of such great personalities of Islam.

Excellent post njamal bhai! :14:

Indeed, one of the greatest miltary tactician and strategist and one who was never defeated.
was watching the Omar series and really learned about Khalid Bin Waleed. Yes he was a controversial figure, but as a warrior or general the guy was a genius.

Read up on him, and muslims often try to hide or downplay his achievements.

What i found sad is that while the world knows about herculus, people know very little about Khalid bin waleed.
was watching the Omar series and really learned about Khalid Bin Waleed. Yes he was a controversial figure, but as a warrior or general the guy was a genius.

Read up on him, and muslims often try to hide or downplay his achievements.

What i found sad is that while the world knows about herculus, people know very little about Khalid bin waleed.

Yeah that is good Series, I also reccomend you read the book Sword of Allah by a Pakistani General Akram A.I.
One of the greatest generals of all time and was an absolute genius on the battlefield. If he was white he'd be considered in much more glowing terms.