How different are Pakistanis and Indians?


Tape Ball Regular
Jan 19, 2014
How different are pakistani and Indians looks wise?

Yesterday I went to a Pakistani/Indian wedding, most of the people from the Indian side were from Bihar/Bengal/Hyderabad India and from the Pakistan side they were mostly from Lahore/Islamabad or Karachi ( Muhajirs from Delhi region)

I swear I really saw a huge difference in over all looks, especially in the women from two sides. Pakistani women had very sharp features and fairskin overall while Indian women were mostly darkskinned and looked different. I know that Indians from north like Delhi or Indian punjab are similar to Pakistanis, but from these other places, they were pretty different

The difference was almost this big

I find the Indian females to usually have a mental superiority over Pakistani females.
Pakistan females are generally slightly sentimental and hot headed while in many Indian females I have noticed that they have quite a cool head over their shoulders and they are pretty cautious about spending money. You can't easily make a fool out of them. I also find that many Indian females value education more than Pakistani females.

There may be exceptions but I mostly talking about here in the U.S., and obviously this is my own experience so I may be wrong.
How. ifferent are pakistani and Indians looks wise?

Yesterday I went to a Pakistani/Indian wedding, most of the people from the Indian side were from Bihar/Bengal/Hyderabad India and from the Pakistan side they were mostly from Lahore/Islamabad or Karachi ( Muhajirs from Delhi region)

I swear I really saw a huge difference in over all looks, especially in the women from two sides. Pakistani women had very sharp features and fairskin overall while Indian women were mostly darkskinned and looked different. I know that Indians from north like Delhi or Indian punjab are similar to Pakistanis, but from these other places, they were pretty different

The difference was almost this big


Thats Meera Kumar in the picture. She dosnot wear any makeup while the
Pak lady i s clearly wearing several layers of makeup.

Also Meera Kumar is old probably over 60. Pak lady looks like she is in 30's or 40's.
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They are as different as different regions of one nation are from each other.

After all, we are one country.
You'd find that same difference even within when comparing someone from a state like Punjab to someone from a southern state. Don't get the need for a thread.
Meira is half Dalit. She would look different from one who is probably an ex- brahmin.
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Looks like a big age difference in that picture. Although personally, I think we are different in certain ways. I never really had trouble distinguishing a Pakistani from an Indian. But there are people who can't really tell the difference between us.
Looks like a big age difference in that picture. Although personally, I think we are different in certain ways. I never really had trouble distinguishing a Pakistani from an Indian. But there are people who can't really tell the difference between us.

we can easily tell apart a typical indian from a typical pakistani.
From the features, the Indian lady would have been a lot more attractive (in my opinion) at the same age as the Pak woman is.
Thats Meera Kumar in the picture. She dosnot wear any makeup while the
Pak lady i s clearly wearing several layers of makeup.

Also Meera Kumar is old probably over 60. Pak lady looks like she is in 30's or 40's.

She is Kashmala Tariq from Lahore, thats her skin tone. Anyway ofcourse there will be difference on average between pakistani punjabis and non-punjabis Indian.
You can tell a difference between a north indian and an average pakistani. This is a stupid thread. Even among pakistanis we all look so different. And among indians north indians are different from south indians. In italy North italians are very different than southern italians and the list goes on and on:kami
You can tell a difference between a north indian and an average pakistani. This is a stupid thread. Even among pakistanis we all look so different. And among indians north indians are different from south indians. In italy North italians are very different than southern italians and the list goes on and on:kami

But in China all Chinese look the same.
Shakti kapoor said that?

anyways her look is actually pretty common in Pakistan, especially from the wedding I went to yesterday, I could clearly tell that

I like pak girls.

I remember watching an interview with AMarnath, Madanlal and A few other
Players from 80's. They said that it was difficult to field at the
Boindary line as pak female fans are too distracting. Amarnath mentioed ot
More than once.
I completely agree with Amarnath.
I like pak girls.

I remember watching an interview with AMarnath, Madanlal and A few other
Players from 80's. They said that it was difficult to field at the
Boindary line as pak female fans are too distracting. Amarnath mentioed ot
More than once.
I completely agree with Amarnath.

well sir you can't marry them, unless you become muslim. Yesterday's wedding was between a indian muslim guy and pakistani girl. thats why both Pakistanis and Indians were invited, actually I forgot to mention, that the there was huge difference between the Bride and Groom as well. The girl's family is actually half kashmiri/half punjabi, while the groom's family was from Bihar and Hyderabad
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well sir you can't marry them, unless you become muslim. Yesterday's wedding was between a indian muslim guy and pakistani girl. thats why both Pakistanis and Indians were invited, actually I forgot to mention, that the there was huge difference between the Bride and Groom as well. The girl's family is actually half kashmiri/half punjabi, while the groom's family was from Bihar and Hyderabad

A case in my family.

The Pakistani guy from KPK, hazel eyes, blonde hair, tall and glowing fair skin, somehow fell in love with a fellow South Indian doctor girl during their medical residency. I can tell you that they are two opposite ends of the universe when it comes to looks but the girl converted to Islam and they both got married.
well sir you can't marry them, unless you become muslim. Yesterday's wedding was between a indian muslim guy and pakistani girl. thats why both Pakistanis and Indians were invited, actually I forgot to mention, that the there was huge difference between the Bride and Groom as well. The girl's family is actually half kashmiri/half punjabi, while the groom's family was from Bihar and Hyderabad

Dekhne mein kya harj hain!!!
Dekhne mein kya harj hain!!!


I found a funny blog or article on the net once about partition made by some indian guy. He was saying that the most important thing Indians lost after partition was Pakistani girls!
most Pakistanis are similar to north indians but just like south indians look nothing like a typical pakistani, the same way pushtuns/northern pakistanis look nothing like the typical Indian so you have the ones that look the same north indians and pakistani punjabies, muhajirs and than you have the ones that look nothing alike the pushtuns and the south indians.
In India and Pakistan (minus Iranic groups ; Pakhtoons and Baloch) one's physical type has a lot to do with one's caste. Look at Pakistan Punjab's Christian community, who are well known to be from the lowest caste (to the extent that chuhra, sweeper, has become synonymous with "Christian" out there).


^don't really look like Kashmala Tariq, and I've seen thousands of such peoples from my few visits to Pak Punjab.
Now compare with Indian Brahmins, from Bengal


or South India



^just look at all these fine-cut features...

Peoples have a twisted view of India's demographics because they only see the poor low caste peoples.
But if you put the Brahmins of India (60 millions ?) with the other upper caste, I'm sure that makes the same amount as Pak's own population (180 millions), and they look the same as Pakistan's Indic (Punjabi and Sindhi) groups (Iranic ; Pakhtoons and Baloch have their "own" looks, not always fairer in fact, but more sharper facial features, better body built, ...)

Sadly populations of India are now mixing their castes, and the lower castes are, like in all parts of the world, breeding like rabbits.
Bharat's 60-million strong Brahmins, who have contributed the most to human civilization as a single group through their pivotal contributions in arts and sciences, are now being demoted to third-class citizens in the "secular" "republic" of "India".
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Brahmins have also been the most racist driven people in India, how can a small minority of 60 million, rule over a country which has over 1 billion people. Caste system is the biggest injustice in human history. Also many brahmins themselves are also dark skinned people, I have seen many of them, be it from Tamil Nadu, UP or even Kashmir, they dont look much different from the other middle castes, the only people in India who look different are from the lower castes, who are usually very darkskinned most of the time or recent migrants like some muslims, who are usually fair skinned/Iranid looking
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So who were the very first Brahmins and how were the distinguished to be placed in this elite caste?

Brahmins, I heard came from the Pakistan region, they were the ones who made Vedic civilization. Originally like 3000 years, they probably looked very different from Indians, because (Aryans) who brahmins were related to came from outside the sub continent. But that said, today Brahmins are very much mixed with Indians, 3000 years is a very long time. Genetically Brahmins are hardly different from other middle caste Indians, so there is no need for them to act as if they are Europeans or still related to Aryans, they are not

Pakistani punjabi dalits look different then average. But its not like people like them are not found in other castes in punjab, though it will be rare. Usually in punjab same family can have childrens with different complexion etc. The difference is there is hardly any diversity in pakistani dalits so almost all of them have same complexion, facial features etc.

And about Indian brahmins, they are mixed to the point that they don't look like average punjabi. So i doubt 60 million non-brahmins look like average punjabi. They will look different then local population on average where they live but thats it.

South Indian brahmin will look different then north indian brahmin for exemple.

From dalits caste like christians churas and muslim mochi chamars etc are 4-5% of Pakistan punjab population and 30% of Indian punjab population.

And from personal exprience christian dalits stick out more compared to muslim chamars and sikh chamars. There is more diversity in muslim chamar and sikh chamar even though both are dalits, because intermixing. While hardly any other caste converted to christianity apart from dalits.
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Brahmins, I heard came from the Pakistan region, they were the ones who made Vedic civilization. Originally like 3000 years, they probably looked very different from Indians, because (Aryans) who brahmins were related to came from outside the sub continent. But that said, today Brahmins are very much mixed with Indians, 3000 years is a very long time. Genetically Brahmins are hardly different from other middle caste Indians, so there is no need for them to act as if they are Europeans or still related to Aryans, they are not

Actually its little different. Aryans came to Pakistan and Indian punjab around 3500 years ago. They lived there for 1000 years, so that period is called Vedic Period. Its when oldest hindu holy book Rig Veda was composed. Thick forests were natural boundry between indus valley and ganga valey. Some Aryans then in around 500 BCE started to move in to Ganga valley by clearing and burning forrests.

So we can say Brahmins of India mixed for around 500 years with natives, intermixing was stopped around 2000 years ago which is the reason brahmins as far as south india still are genetically different and also look wise from rest of population.

Also i don't know how common is intermixing between north indian brahmin and south indian brahmin, did they marry each other even before strict caste system was implented 2000 years ago? That can also explain why some north indian brahmins have 40% S-Indian.
Some of India's Nobel Prize Winners, the most intelligent people produced by India:

Astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Biologist Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose

Physicist CV Raman

None of these people look like sterotypical Pakistani with their "fine cut features" :afridi I guess dark skinned Indian people can also be intelligent, contrary to Akther's theories.
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Thats not the right way of looking into things. Even in Pakistan, there is a huge difference between races such as Makranis, Sindhis, Punjabis and Pathans.

The differences or similarities depend on the proximity of the area (or in cases ancestory). The Indian punjabs and Pakistani ones seem pretty similar for e.g. However, on average Indians are usually darker because Punjab is a small part of India whereas it forms the majority of Pakistan
Sadly populations of India are now mixing their castes, and the lower castes are, like in all parts of the world, breeding like rabbits.
Bharat's 60-million strong Brahmins, who have contributed the most to human civilization as a single group through their pivotal contributions in arts and sciences, are now being demoted to third-class citizens in the "secular" "republic" of "India".

this is bit confusing bro are you implying that current generation of Brahmins should be considered/are more privileged/intelligent/competent etc since some of their previous generations have contributed the most to the development of civilization in subcontinent, and considering them as equal citizen to all is actually demoting them??
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this is bit confusing bro are you implying that current generation of Brahmins should be considered/are more privileged/intelligent/competent etc since some of their previous generations have contributed the most to the development of civilization in subcontinent, and considering them as equal citizen to all is actually demoting them??

I dont know he is Brahmin, but yeah that is what he means, thank God India is a not following that policy and at least the rest 900 billion + people are getting some chance in life, or else they would be slave of Brahmins, like they were for so long. Like I said Caste system is the cruelest of the punishment invented by humans. If you are born in low caste, you are slave for life
None of these people look like sterotypical Pakistani with their "fine cut features" I guess dark skinned Indian people can also be intelligent, contrary to Akther's theories.

'Surprisingly', all of them are Brahmins. :yk

Some of the brightest people I met in India are all dark skinned.

By the way, I don't think Bose is a Brahmin surname. I think they are Kayastha caste.

Tamil Brahmins are 2 types. Iyers and Iyengars. My Iyer friend told me that Iyers did not mix much with tamils. On the other hand, Iyengars accepted a lot of local tamils into their fold and they are pretty mixed up bunch.
Any Tamil poster with more knowledge can confirm this.
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On the topic, it's pretty stereotypical to actually put two random faces and start judging! But I tend to agree that Pakistani girls are a little fairer compared to Indian women. Indian women are more intelligent though..
On the topic, it's pretty stereotypical to actually put two random faces and start judging! But I tend to agree that Pakistani girls are a little fairer compared to Indian women. Indian women are more intelligent though..

Bro, I have seen a lot of Pak girls at a funciton held in my University. They are hands down much more beautiful than the Indian ones. They have better features and looked better nourished.

Not saying none of the Indian girls can compete with them. I have seen some stunning Indian girls too. But it is a rarity.
Tamil Brahmins are 2 types. Iyers and Iyengars. My Iyer friend told me that Iyers did not mix much with tamils. On the other hand, Iyengars accepted a lot of local tamils into their fold and they are pretty mixed up bunch.
Any Tamil poster with more knowledge can confirm this.

As an Iyengar, I can tell you that this is wrong. Iyengars are the staunchest Brahmins who don't mix with others.. Their Tamil is more different and refined compared to others
As an Iyengar, I can tell you that this is wrong. Iyengars are the staunchest Brahmins who don't mix with others.. Their Tamil is more different and refined compared to others

Do north indian and south indian brahmins mix with each other?
Jayalalitha, Kamal Hasan (and hence Sruthi Hasan :D) are two famous Tamil Iyengars..
Do north indian and south indian brahmins mix with each other?

These days everyone in India is marrying everyone.. I've seen many North-South marriages! Remember that whatever caste, religion, race people may belong to, finally everyone becomes extremely nationalist about the country :)) That is the beauty of India! :)
'Surprisingly', all of them are Brahmins. :yk

My point was that these people have features, eg. dark skin, that would make them "low caste" in North India and Pakistan.

I do agree though that Brahmin culture, especially in the south and Bengal, is very conducive to academic excellence.

In addition, Brahmins were the only group in India who were literate and had access to higher education up until recent times, so it is not surprising that they would be over-represented in academic standings.

I think culture and upbringing plays a much bigger role than genetics alone.
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Do north indian and south indian brahmins mix with each other?

Yes. Thats a rarity though.

The main problem is the language barrier. So arranged marriages are ruled out.

If anything, both the boy and girl have to meet at work place and fall in love. Even then the parents will not agree.

My Telugu Brahmin friend fell in love with a UP Brahmin girl when he was studying Masters at Banaras. The guy had to convince his parents a lot before they agreed. Luckily their Gotra or lineage did not match. Had they matched, it would have been cancelled :))

The idea is that if a boy or girl no matter which part of India they belong to, if they belong to the same lineage (Gotra), they become instant bro and sis.
These days everyone in India is marrying everyone.. I've seen many North-South marriages! Remember that whatever caste, religion, race people may belong to, finally everyone becomes extremely nationalist about the country :))

Not now but before, like 100 before. Now days i heard a lot of punjabis are also marrying in South because of shortage of girls.
My point was that these people have features, eg. dark skin, that would make them "low caste" in North India and Pakistan.

I do agree though that Brahmin culture, especially in the south and Bengal, is very conducive to academic excellence.

I think culture and upbringing plays a much bigger role than genetics alone.

True! South Indians give utmost importance to education! I can vouch for it :))
If you take a random wedding or gathering, you will find 2-3 stunners and 7-8 pretty girls among 20 Pakistanis
Among Indians, the ratio will be ~1 stunner and 4-5 pretty, unless it is an Andhra Pradesh Tech gathering in which case you can bet money there will not be any stunners.

Walking around Delhi in places like Nehru Place, Khan Market (upmarket places), I found very few stunners. TV Serials and shows depict a somewhat misleadingly positive image of what the average Indian looks like. Exceptions are shows like Crime Patrol and CID where the characters are in sync with average Indians.

On the other hand, tv shows in Pakistan have characters not vastly different from what you would see in an average school or market
If you take a random wedding or gathering, you will find 2-3 stunners and 7-8 pretty girls among 20 Pakistanis
Among Indians, the ratio will be ~1 stunner and 4-5 pretty, unless it is an Andhra Pradesh Tech gathering in which case you can bet money there will not be any stunners.

Walking around Delhi in places like Nehru Place, Khan Market (upmarket places), I found very few stunners. TV Serials and shows depict a somewhat misleadingly positive image of what the average Indian looks like. Exceptions are shows like Crime Patrol and CID where the characters are in sync with average Indians.

On the other hand, tv shows in Pakistan have characters not vastly different from what you would see in an average school or market

I found that Andhra girls are usually least pretty in South India. Don't know what is it about them.

Mallu and Kannda girls are pretty though.
I found that Andhra girls are usually least pretty in South India. Don't know what is it about them.

Mallu and Kannda girls are pretty though.

wait, isn't hyderabad in Andhra? I have seen some Hyderabadi girls who are pretty, mostly muslim ones though
What this thread lacks is a female's perspective.

It's not about the way one looks, but the way one presents itself. I'm not going to make any sweeping generalisations, but I will recount an actual encounter, which may (or may not) help you all understand this "difference" better.

I attended a wedding in Lahore, and met some guests who had come all the way from India (not sure where, but I'm guessing perhaps Delhi). The Indian ladies were positively shocked at merely the way we all were dressed up for weddings. Literally, their eyes were wide-set and they looked at every single girl and exclaimed "aap kitni sundar hain!" before remarking how well were dressed, how "grand" we all-looked and how well our hair and make-up were. And in all honesty, they all looked a tad out of place, as they were only wearing plain cotton shalwar/kameez (while we were all dressed in silks and chiffons).

Naturally, these comments were a shocker for me (I remember I was 13 or 14 back then), I had thought Indian weddings were all like what was portrayed in Bollywood movies and Indian soaps. Their saris and jewellery were uncomparable to our daily attires!

But then, those ladies cleared up all that. They proceeded to talk about how the media portrayal was a farce and way too glamourous to be true. They maintained that Indian girls normally dressed very plainly, and did not bother much with styling and make-up. However, in Pakistan they exclaimed that even the women standing at the bus stop with a covered head, would look presentable, fresh and well-dressed. I assume she implied not too plainly dressed.

Therefore, I would suggest that its the "banna-sanwarna" of Pakistani women, partly inspired by the Bollywood beauties of India that sets them apart from an average Indian girl (who supposedly, as per those aunties, do not maintain themselves that much).

My 2 cents. Good day folks.
If you take a random wedding or gathering, you will find 2-3 stunners and 7-8 pretty girls among 20 Pakistanis
Among Indians, the ratio will be ~1 stunner and 4-5 pretty, unless it is an Andhra Pradesh Tech gathering in which case you can bet money there will not be any stunners

Walking around Delhi in places like Nehru Place, Khan Market (upmarket places), I found very few stunners. TV Serials and shows depict a somewhat misleadingly positive image of what the average Indian looks like. Exceptions are shows like Crime Patrol and CID where the characters are in sync with average Indians.

On the other hand, tv shows in Pakistan have characters not vastly different from what you would see in an average school or market

Maybe, but yesterday in the wedding it was more like 5 stunners 10 pretty ones out of 20 on the pakistani side. Indian side only had like 1-2 girls who were pretty
Therefore, I would suggest that its the "banna-sanwarna" of Pakistani women, partly inspired by the Bollywood beauties of India that sets them apart from an average Indian girl (who supposedly, as per those aunties, do not maintain themselves that much).

My 2 cents. Good day folks.

I would suggest that it is more a regional thing. Even in India it is Punjabi/ Sindhi girls who wear most makeup.
What this thread lacks is a female's perspective.

It's not about the way one looks, but the way one presents itself. I'm not going to make any sweeping generalisations, but I will recount an actual encounter, which may (or may not) help you all understand this "difference" better.

I attended a wedding in Lahore, and met some guests who had come all the way from India (not sure where, but I'm guessing perhaps Delhi). The Indian ladies were positively shocked at merely the way we all were dressed up for weddings. Literally, their eyes were wide-set and they looked at every single girl and exclaimed "aap kitni sundar hain!" before remarking how well were dressed, how "grand" we all-looked and how well our hair and make-up were. And in all honesty, they all looked a tad out of place, as they were only wearing plain cotton shalwar/kameez (while we were all dressed in silks and chiffons).

Naturally, these comments were a shocker for me (I remember I was 13 or 14 back then), I had thought Indian weddings were all like what was portrayed in Bollywood movies and Indian soaps. Their saris and jewellery were uncomparable to our daily attires!

But then, those ladies cleared up all that. They proceeded to talk about how the media portrayal was a farce and way too glamourous to be true. They maintained that Indian girls normally dressed very plainly, and did not bother much with styling and make-up. However, in Pakistan they exclaimed that even the women standing at the bus stop with a covered head, would look presentable, fresh and well-dressed. I assume she implied not too plainly dressed.

Therefore, I would suggest that its the "banna-sanwarna" of Pakistani women, partly inspired by the Bollywood beauties of India that sets them apart from an average Indian girl (who supposedly, as per those aunties, do not maintain themselves that much).

My 2 cents. Good day folks.

Yeah that is actually true, now if I think about it. Pakistani girls yesterday were stunningly dressed compared to their indian counter parts, even their jewelry was amazing
Yeah that is actually true, now if I think about it. Pakistani girls yesterday were stunningly dressed compared to their indian counter parts, even their jewelry was amazing

There's been an influx of cheap, artificial but absolutely stunning jewellery in Lahore. Most of them are supposedly imported from India (or so the shopkeepers claim).

These days its a rising trend to wear good but artificial jewellery on weddings, considering the chance of having them robbed.
Bro, I have seen a lot of Pak girls at a funciton held in my University. They are hands down much more beautiful than the Indian ones. They have better features and looked better nourished.

Not saying none of the Indian girls can compete with them. I have seen some stunning Indian girls too. But it is a rarity.

Where do you live? in India?
Bengali women are called Bengalans in Indian Punjab, considered very beautiful here. Slightly on chubbier side but well toned and proportionate. Lots of wealthy Jatts desire them, very few actually marry them but they are cause of jealousy for local Punjabi Jatti's.

I like Tabbu, was shocked when I read she is from Hyderabad.
I dont know he is Brahmin, but yeah that is what he means, thank God India is a not following that policy and at least the rest 900 billion + people are getting some chance in life, or else they would be slave of Brahmins, like they were for so long. Like I said Caste system is the cruelest of the punishment invented by humans. If you are born in low caste, you are slave for life

Exactly, one thing about Punjab is that despite having different "baradaries" their is no concept of human superiority b/w them like no one of , Gujjars, Jatts , Rajput, Arains etc consider themselves superior human being. There might be some bragging from few but it is all light hearted.
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What this thread lacks is a female's perspective.

It's not about the way one looks, but the way one presents itself. I'm not going to make any sweeping generalisations, but I will recount an actual encounter, which may (or may not) help you all understand this "difference" better.

I attended a wedding in Lahore, and met some guests who had come all the way from India (not sure where, but I'm guessing perhaps Delhi). The Indian ladies were positively shocked at merely the way we all were dressed up for weddings. Literally, their eyes were wide-set and they looked at every single girl and exclaimed "aap kitni sundar hain!" before remarking how well were dressed, how "grand" we all-looked and how well our hair and make-up were. And in all honesty, they all looked a tad out of place, as they were only wearing plain cotton shalwar/kameez (while we were all dressed in silks and chiffons).

Naturally, these comments were a shocker for me (I remember I was 13 or 14 back then), I had thought Indian weddings were all like what was portrayed in Bollywood movies and Indian soaps. Their saris and jewellery were uncomparable to our daily attires!

But then, those ladies cleared up all that. They proceeded to talk about how the media portrayal was a farce and way too glamourous to be true. They maintained that Indian girls normally dressed very plainly, and did not bother much with styling and make-up. However, in Pakistan they exclaimed that even the women standing at the bus stop with a covered head, would look presentable, fresh and well-dressed. I assume she implied not too plainly dressed.

Therefore, I would suggest that its the "banna-sanwarna" of Pakistani women, partly inspired by the Bollywood beauties of India that sets them apart from an average Indian girl (who supposedly, as per those aunties, do not maintain themselves that much).

My 2 cents. Good day folks.

Women in North India are very kharcheeli, some of my frens cloth store have turnover above 1 Crore/day in Ludhiana. Longevity of these expensive suits is just 1 function.

In India more educated women indulge less in lavish spendings, Chandigarh is one of India's most rich, very high literacy city, it has highest HDI in India. Chandigrah women wear simple cotton salwar kameez, sometimes with running shoes. Looks so ackward haha. Its people who have acres and acres of agricultural land but very less qualifications go with bling-bling look. Even men wear white kurta pyjama with heavy gold bracelet, chain and numerous rings.
Bengali women are called Bengalans in Indian Punjab, considered very beautiful here. Slightly on chubbier side but well toned and proportionate. Lots of wealthy Jatts desire them, very few actually marry them but they are cause of jealousy for local Punjabi Jatti's.

I like Tabbu, was shocked when I read she is from Hyderabad.

Why were you shocked? U people act as if there cannot be a beautiful woman outside of your state boundary. By now u must have gotten used to be shocked when u see aishwrya, deepika, vidya, shilpa, sameera reddy hema sreedevi jayaprada and so many others!!!
Some of India's Nobel Prize Winners, the most intelligent people produced by India:

Astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Biologist Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose

Physicist CV Raman

None of these people look like sterotypical Pakistani with their "fine cut features" :afridi I guess dark skinned Indian people can also be intelligent, contrary to Akther's theories.

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan looks like former Pakistan cricket captain Asif Iqbal.
I dont know he is Brahmin, but yeah that is what he means, thank God India is a not following that policy and at least the rest 900 billion + people are getting some chance in life, or else they would be slave of Brahmins, like they were for so long. Like I said Caste system is the cruelest of the punishment invented by humans. If you are born in low caste, you are slave for life

Where did you find 893 Billion people? World population is around 7 Billion.
This thread is just :facepalm: This discussion has generalised fair women to be beautifull and women having dark tone or wheatish complexion to be not. If white people were having this discussion this would have been considered racism. South asians get away with this sort of thing me thinks.
You are not supposed to have a discussion on the colour of people's skin.
And FYI caste system in Hinduism isnt based on the skin tone. You will find many lower caste people in India fairer than the Brahmins etc.
There are no difference in pakistanis and indians ,there are difference beetwen difference beetween different ethnies:pakistanis punjabis and indians punjabis looks a lots alike but you have the religions difference,afghani pathans and pakistanis oathans are almost the same,indians tamils and sri lanka tamils are the same,you have in turkeys lot of grecs alike,the persians in iran and turkeys are the same ethnies...

The border of one countries are just strategic delimitations or whatsoever but that's not ethnical delimitations.Why a country then?why a boundaries then?