How different are Pakistanis and Indians?

Pakistanis to me look more like a cross between Indians and Afgans. 90% of Pakistan cricket team for example can easily be mistaken as Indians.
Where Pakistanis are nothing like Indians is when we compare them to Biharis, half of UP, South India or North East/Bengal. Genetic diversity in India is astounding.
My family is mostly Arabianised-both in looks and attire.i attend only close relatives wedding is mostly concerned about wearing good quality clothes,shoes,watches,wallet/handbags etc etc.and i hate heavy makeups and jewellery.well,i think thats only me.

Indians themselves are a lot different even in a same,generalising us based on some random wedding is the height of stupidity.Also,if being fair or looking grand is what you people think beauty is,then i don't have anything to of luck.:)
Indian Punjabi's and Pakistani Punjabi's look quite similar, I was mistaken for a Pakistani when I posted a pic in TP :yk

I never really understood the whole deal with fair skin, my mum is obsessed with it and hated it when I use to spend time out in the sun in the summer..
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sorry you need to clarify your question. Are you talking about looks? well then thats a bit loose. For example a kashmiri looks different to a Tamil and so forth. In the UK to some people we're all P.a.k.i's.

Now if you want to talk about culture, way of life, atitudes, food, clothing, then there are differences. In some cases massive differences. But even the differences are different depending on the comparison. for example comparing a Pakistani punjabi with a Gujrati Muslim. Or a Paksitani Memon with a Indian memon and so forth.

you cant just say "oh look all indians are kaalay and ugly and all Paksitanis are fair and lovely".
Many people in south asia think fair=beautiful. The Ads shown in TV every 1 minute about fairness creams make me sick. There are even fairness lotions for men nowadays :facepalm:
Well, Pakistani girls do look prettier than Indian girls. They are taller, fairer and have better features judging by what I've seen (the men are fairer too). On an academic level, they're pretty much the same to me, but Indian females are far more clever and sharp when it comes to day to day matters, like living with an extended family.
Many people in south asia think fair=beautiful. The Ads shown in TV every 1 minute about fairness creams make me sick. There are even fairness lotions for men nowadays :facepalm:

Just as White people go running to tanning salons. People are never content.
Many people in south asia think fair=beautiful. The Ads shown in TV every 1 minute about fairness creams make me sick. There are even fairness lotions for men nowadays :facepalm:

Yes because theirs colonizers were white ,they were dominated by white peoples so they have complex of inferiority against whites people,more you are fair more you are superior for them,
this lack of self estim in some people always annoy me .
And the history is always here to remind them the past ,they try to erase that by doing the same things but you can't erase the past.
Doing what you endure is quite common in human you can see a exemple of that in the people who get abuse when they are child lot of time they become abuser when they grow.
Some of India's Nobel Prize Winners, the most intelligent people produced by India:

Astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Biologist Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose

Physicist CV Raman

None of these people look like sterotypical Pakistani with their "fine cut features" :afridi I guess dark skinned Indian people can also be intelligent, contrary to Akther's theories.

:facepalm: it's NOT about skin tone but FACIAL FEATURES.
Look at Chandrasekhar's skull structure. Could you find such nose amongst non Brahmins/upper castes of his region ?


And I don't know what's "wrong" with Ramakrishnan/Raman, whereas Bose was just chubby (Boses who, AFAIK, are not Bengali Brahmins but Kayasthas).

this is bit confusing bro are you implying that current generation of Brahmins should be considered/are more privileged/intelligent/competent etc since some of their previous generations have contributed the most to the development of civilization in subcontinent, and considering them as equal citizen to all is actually demoting them??

It isn't PC for sure but pretty much obvious.
Many people in south asia think fair=beautiful. The Ads shown in TV every 1 minute about fairness creams make me sick. There are even fairness lotions for men nowadays :facepalm:

Yes because theirs colonizers were white ,they were dominated by white peoples so they have complex of inferiority against whites people,more you are fair more you are superior for them,
this lack of self estim in some people always annoy me .
And the history is always here to remind them the past ,they try to erase that by doing the same things but you can't erase the past.
Doing what you endure is quite common in human you can see a exemple of that in the people who get abuse when they are child lot of time they become abuser when they grow.
Well, Pakistani girls do look prettier than Indian girls. They are taller, fairer and have better features judging by what I've seen. On an academic level, they're pretty much the same to me, but Indian females are far more clever and sharp when it comes to day to day matters, like living with an extended family.

On an average, I could agree. But on the downside, it's very easy to visualize and stereotype a beautiful Pakistani girl with pretty standard Pakistani features.
However, when you talk about a beautiful Indian girl, it's almost impossible to do that. Punjab, Kashmir, South, North, East..... it's all so distinct. When it comes to certain looks, there is almost nothing that Pakistan has, that Indian lacks. But the contrary may not be so true. :msd
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And FYI caste system in Hinduism isnt based on the skin tone. You will find many lower caste people in India fairer than the Brahmins etc.

First of all dalit who is fairer then some brahmin will not suddenly become brahmin and that dark brahmin will not become dalit. We all know its not based on skin. But brahmins are fair on average compared to low caste Indians. And its nothing to do with being out in sun but genetics etc.
Indian Punjabi's and Pakistani Punjabi's look quite similar, I was mistaken for a Pakistani when I posted a pic in TP :yk

I never really understood the whole deal with fair skin, my mum is obsessed with it and hated it when I use to spend time out in the sun in the summer..

You are Indian origin Punjabi but fan of NZ cricket team? Amazing :yk

Yes Indian punjabis and pakistani punjabis are similar, and as Akher said it depends on caste. For exemple Indian punjabi jatts, khatri will not look similar to Pakistani punjabi dalits and vice versa. Dalits are the only punjabis who standout somewhat in both sides of Punjab.
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:facepalm: it's NOT about skin tone but FACIAL FEATURES.
Look at Chandrasekhar's skull structure. Could you find such nose amongst non Brahmins/upper castes of his region ?

It isn't PC for sure but pretty much obvious.

Chandrasekhar features are pretty common in non brahmin south indians as well. If you look at Brahmin genetics, they are only 5-10% different from middle castes, they still have a huge chunk of ASI/South indian component. Again Brahmins today are not the same as original brahmins, they are pretty much local to their regions
:facepalm: it's NOT about skin tone but FACIAL FEATURES.
Look at Chandrasekhar's skull structure. Could you find such nose amongst non Brahmins/upper castes of his region ?

whatever you want to call it, if these people were from Pakistan, you would have considered them to be lower castes.They look like they belong with these people, the "low caste" Pakistani Christian sweepers, you posted earlier:


At least you said skin colour is not everything. I think we are making progress. :murali
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whatever you want to call it, if these people were from Pakistan, you would have considered them to be lower castes.They look like they belong with these people, the "low caste" Pakistani Christian sweepers, you posted earlier:


At least you said skin colour is not everything. I think we are making progress. :murali

Its not about the caste is about ethnicity.
Caste is a social stratification charecterizef by social status(like warrior,priest...)job(ancestor job) ,wealth...
Ethnicity is a social group of people who have commob ancestor ,culture...
indian punjabi and pakistani punjabi,indian tamil and sri lanka tamil are part of the same ethnic group.
Chandrasekhar features are pretty common in non brahmin south indians as well. If you look at Brahmin genetics, they are only 5-10% different from middle castes, they still have a huge chunk of ASI/South indian component. Again Brahmins today are not the same as original brahmins, they are pretty much local to their regions

But there are brahmins who don't look like average people where they live. Like Marathi Chitpavan Brahmins. If i didnt know their caste i would have guessed punjabi.

"Chitpavan brahmin demonstrates younger maternal component and substantial paternal gene flow from West Asia, thus giving credence to their recent Irano-Scythian ancestry from Mediterranean or Turkey, which correlated well with European-looking features of this caste. This also explains their untraceable ethno-history before 1000 years, brahminization event and later amalgamation by Maratha."



^ yeah but how many brahmins look like that even in their own community? like 2% at the most. also those people are actors, chosen for their looks, doesn't mean all Chitpavan brahmin are like that

look at this low caste Rajhistani girl


This shows that not all middle castes or even low castes are always stereotypically dark skinned. There are range of looks in all castes to be honest, like someone said before ethnicity plays the major role in looks, not caste

majority of Indians are darkskinned regardless of caste
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Yes. Thats a rarity though.

The main problem is the language barrier. So arranged marriages are ruled out.

If anything, both the boy and girl have to meet at work place and fall in love. Even then the parents will not agree.

My Telugu Brahmin friend fell in love with a UP Brahmin girl when he was studying Masters at Banaras. The guy had to convince his parents a lot before they agreed. Luckily their Gotra or lineage did not match. Had they matched, it would have been cancelled :))

The idea is that if a boy or girl no matter which part of India they belong to, if they belong to the same lineage (Gotra), they become instant bro and sis.

Same story of my neighbour
We belong to Mahar/Dalit family.He has job in Airport.He felled in love with Telugu Dalit girl.Parents dont agree from both side they decided to do court marrige they do it.And after one month drama both parties agrees.
^ yeah but how many brahmins look like that even in their own community? like 2% at the most. also those people are actors, chosen for their looks, doesn't mean all Chitpavan brahmin are like that

look at this low caste Rajhistani girl


This shows that not all middle castes or even low castes are always stereotypically dark skinned. There are range of looks in all castes to be honest, like someone said before ethnicity plays the major role in looks, not caste

majority of Indians are darkskinned regardless of caste

Not all chitpawan have light eyes and fair skin. But if you see a Marathi
Person with light eyes, the person is most probably a chitpawan. I can post pics of a
Few chitpawan people whom I know in US. They look nothing like a typical
Marathi person. But I don't want to infringe on their privacy. Who knows some of them might
Even be lurkers on pakpasdion:yk
I can confodetly say that a good chunk of chitpawan have light eyes.

A lot of brahmins in my locality in Andhra pradesh where i grew up have green eyes.

The girl in the pic could be a Gujjar or Meena and it is not uncommon
Amongthem to have light eyes. Though they belong to low caste, their
Origins are outside india..
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^ yeah but how many brahmins look like that even in their own community? like 2% at the most. also those people are actors, chosen for their looks, doesn't mean all Chitpavan brahmin are like that

look at this low caste Rajhistani girl

This shows that not all middle castes or even low castes are always stereotypically dark skinned. There are range of looks in all castes to be honest, like someone said before ethnicity plays the major role in looks, not caste

majority of Indians are darkskinned regardless of caste

Though i agree that people in entartaiment industry are mostly punjabis, pathans, sindhis. And rest of them belong to upper castes, like all of south or bengal actresses in Bollywood. But still marathi Chitpavan brahmins are different then locals. They are believed to be recent arrival from NW subcontinent in last 1000 years.
Not all chitpawan have light eyes and fair skin. But if you see a Marathi
Person with light eyes, the person is most probably a chitpawan. I can post pics of a
Few chitpawan people whom I know in US. They look nothing like a typical
Marathi person. But I don't want to infringe on their privacy. Who knows some of them might
Even be lurkers on pakpasdion:yk
I can confodetly say that a good chunk of chitpawan have light eyes.

A lot of brahmins in my locality in Andhra pradesh where i grew up have green eyes. .

"R1a1" was an active member on "forumbiodiversity" and I'm surprised that he judges phenotypes on light eyes, they don't meant a lot... you should look at these peoples skull structure (facial features ; nose, ...).
My father and uncle respectively have grey-green and blue eyes but even if they didn't it would not influence their phenotype's assessment.

You have to be ignorant of basic principles of anthropology to base judgements on skin tone, eye colour, hair colour, height, ... these are all immaterial.

I've seen a lot of hot Marathi Brahmins.
This topic really interests me. My family is from Delhi and they came to Karachi post partition. I have very fair/pinkish skin and green eyes and my sister is the typical blonde with the hair, blue eyes etc.

Everyone assumes here that I'm either a pathan or foreign. I went to Thailand last year and a Pakistani family were surprised to see us conversing in Urdu and told us that they had thought we were Irani with my mother in hijab.

What I am interested in is my ancestry. Never been able to find a proper answer. Maybe someone from India can tell us about European looking people from Delhi? :afridi
This topic really interests me. My family is from Delhi and they came to Karachi post partition. I have very fair/pinkish skin and green eyes and my sister is the typical blonde with the hair, blue eyes etc.

Everyone assumes here that I'm either a pathan or foreign. I went to Thailand last year and a Pakistani family were surprised to see us conversing in Urdu and told us that they had thought we were Irani with my mother in hijab.

What I am interested in is my ancestry. Never been able to find a proper answer. Maybe someone from India can tell us about European looking people from Delhi? :afridi

Wasn't Dehli the capital during the Moghul era? There might have been a some intermingling with the Arabs during such a time.
"R1a1" was an active member on "forumbiodiversity" and I'm surprised that he judges phenotypes on light eyes, they don't meant a lot... you should look at these peoples skull structure (facial features ; nose, ...).
My father and uncle respectively have grey-green and blue eyes but even if they didn't it would not influence their phenotype's assessment.

You have to be ignorant of basic principles of anthropology to base judgements on skin tone, eye colour, hair colour, height, ... these are all immaterial.

I've seen a lot of hot Marathi Brahmins.

But my point is, how are the skull structure any different? I can post a lot of middle and lower caste people with the same structure
But my point is, how are the skull structure any different? I can post a lot of middle and lower caste people with the same structure

The Rajashtani girl you posted was too young to be judged on her facial features, but if you look at the women from the same group you'll see they don't have the noble traits of Brahmin women.

(by the way, do you get who I was on forumbiodiversity or not ?)
This topic really interests me. My family is from Delhi and they came to Karachi post partition. I have very fair/pinkish skin and green eyes and my sister is the typical blonde with the hair, blue eyes etc.

Everyone assumes here that I'm either a pathan or foreign. I went to Thailand last year and a Pakistani family were surprised to see us conversing in Urdu and told us that they had thought we were Irani with my mother in hijab.

What I am interested in is my ancestry. Never been able to find a proper answer. Maybe someone from India can tell us about European looking people from Delhi? :afridi

My family is from Delhi/West Up as well, and it's same on my mom side, they look completely Afghan with light features and brownish and even reddish hair in some cousins. That region of India was heavily settled by outsiders, so it is not surprising to find such features
The Rajashtani girl you posted was too young to be judged on her facial features, but if you look at the women from the same group you'll see they don't have the noble traits of Brahmin women.

(by the way, do you get who I was on forumbiodiversity or not ?)

lol noble traits?

you are acting as a leader of Brahmins, and I know you were there, but I thought you were pakistani?

also no, I can post older people like that, I will later and I can post Brahmins who have veddoid type features
lol noble traits?

you are acting as a leader of Brahmins, and I know you were there, but I thought you were pakistani?

also no, I can post older people like that, I will later and I can post Brahmins who have veddoid type features

The girl in the pic could be a Gujjar man. Not all low caste people
In India are dark. Many have scythian ancestry like Gujjars.
This topic really interests me. My family is from Delhi and they came to Karachi post partition. I have very fair/pinkish skin and green eyes and my sister is the typical blonde with the hair, blue eyes etc.

Everyone assumes here that I'm either a pathan or foreign. I went to Thailand last year and a Pakistani family were surprised to see us conversing in Urdu and told us that they had thought we were Irani with my mother in hijab.

What I am interested in is my ancestry. Never been able to find a proper answer. Maybe someone from India can tell us about European looking people from Delhi? :afridi

Light eyes are rare. In south asia its usually associated with pashtuns, thats why they mistake you for pashtun. In our family light eyes are found in family of our father's uncle. But not in ours, no idea why.

Also Iranis and pashtuns are different. If one take out 23% S- Indian in pashtuns it will mean that before mixing with South Asian pashtuns were different then Iranis who have just 4-5 %NE Euro while pashtuns still have 11-12% NE Euro or even more.
lol noble traits?

you are acting as a leader of Brahmins, and I know you were there, but I thought you were pakistani?

also no, I can post older people like that, I will later and I can post Brahmins who have veddoid type features

Again some of them have typical local features, but there are also brahmins who look like NW subcontinent people instead of locals.

Here is Marathi Brahmin family, they look average marathis to us. But for maybe locals they seem different to average. There will be diversity in brahmins which one won't find in other castes of India. Its similar to punjabi dalits and other punjabi castes.

My family is from Delhi/West Up as well, and it's same on my mom side, they look completely Afghan with light features and brownish and even reddish hair in some cousins. That region of India was heavily settled by outsiders, so it is not surprising to find such features

Yeah but the question is outsiders from where? My dadi once told me that my family came to india from Turkey but I haven't been able to find out more about it.
Light eyes are rare. In south asia its usually associated with pashtuns, thats why they mistake you for pashtun. In our family light eyes are found in family of our father's uncle. But not in ours, no idea why.

Also Iranis and pashtuns are different. If one take out 23% S- Indian in pashtuns it will mean that before mixing with South Asian pashtuns were different then Iranis who have just 4-5 %NE Euro while pashtuns still have 11-12% NE Euro or even more.

Interesting. Where did you get those figures from?
Again some of them have typical local features, but there are also brahmins who look like NW subcontinent people instead of locals.

Here is Marathi Brahmin family, they look average marathis to us. But for maybe locals they seem different to average. There will be diversity in brahmins which one won't find in other castes of India. Its similar to punjabi dalits and other punjabi castes.


This pic is a good example of how most brahmins look, I am not denying there will be some who look like from the north, but thats not the majority
This pic is a good example of how most brahmins look, I am not denying there will be some who look like from the north, but thats not the majority

Yes not all of them will look like NW people because intermixing. Also it depends how long intermixing has been going on. Chitpavan brahmins are believed to come 1000 years ago from NW Subcontinent. They are recent arrival compared to other brahmins who maybe arrived 2000-2500 years ago.
Punjabi Dalits

Here is a picture of punjabi dalit sikh soldiers. They are from the Sikh Light Infantry, which is an elite regiment composed of Mazabhi (Sikh Chura) and Ramdasia (Sikh Chamar) caste only.


Yeah but the question is outsiders from where? My dadi once told me that my family came to india from Turkey but I haven't been able to find out more about it.

You need to do genetic test to know where they come from :sm
This pic is a good example of how most brahmins look, I am not denying there will be some who look like from the north, but thats not the majority

Black and white pics are not the right way to see. Color photograph would
Have been better.

From my experience about 40% would look like middle caste,
Some5-10% will look low caste and some 50% will look like
NW indians.
But most of the times you can tell them apart from local
Population especially in south india. In north india, it is
Hard to tell them apart from locals. Many castes have some NE eoro
In them for sure.
But but one of most beautiful Indian lady Aishwarya Rai is Dalit
She is from Bunt community who are forward castes in south western coastal Karnataka(Mangalore region) called as Tulu nadu.

not all of south India looks like Tamilnadu or Andhra. Telagus and Tamils are generally the typical south Indian which suits the stereotype. if south implies darker people in that case, Maharashtra may be included in south India.

the communities like Kerala's mappila muslims, syrian christians and the influence of arabs, jews on their genetics will be interesting. syrian christians are not the ones from syria(country), but they followed syriac(suriyani) liturgy till about 50 years back.

does IQ is related to a country's development? some claims Europeans, China-Korea-Japan are with highest IQ rating above 100 in general population while India is at 80-82. also, tribals and dalits are they really less intelligent compared to Caucasoid looking people? not stormfront, not biodiversity forums, generally asking? :)
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Indians are darker. Pakistanis are lighter. Culture is also completely different.
How physically different are Pakistanis from Indians?

Is there any physical difference between Pakistanis and Indians? Like If I ask a non Pakistani/Indian about the difference, they won't tell me any difference. I know people say that South Indians are different physically due to darker skin but there are a lot of darker skin people in Pakistan as well especially in Karachi.
Indians are usually darker than Pakistanis from what I have seen. I also feel Indians also look lot more malnourished than their neighbors.

I have posted this before,

Indians - Adivasi blood mixed with Aryan blood.
Pakistanis - Aryan blood mixed with Adivasi blood.
Is there any physical difference between Pakistanis and Indians? Like If I ask a non Pakistani/Indian about the difference, they won't tell me any difference. I know people say that South Indians are different physically due to darker skin but there are a lot of darker skin people in Pakistan as well especially in Karachi.

I think when you take populations as a whole there are obvious differences , but there are large outliers , to white people all brown people look same.
Pakistanis (to most parts) are a subset of North Indian people. Even in the Urdu speaking Muhajir community of Pakistan, majority are from Northern states like UP and Bihar.

Having said that i ve been to UP and there is quite a diversity in the UPs population itself. Probably because it has always been on cross roads of different empires and hence the admixture in the population. I would say UP alone is probably more diverse than Pakistan.
I think when you take populations as a whole there are obvious differences , but there are large outliers , to white people all brown people look same.

Sindhis and Siraikis (of Pakistan) in general have a dark complexion because the areas they live in are hot and semi-desert in climate. They resemble the adjoining populations of Gujratis and Rajhastanis in India. Pujabis are same as Punjabis across the border and so are Kashmiris.

Pathans and Balochis make up about 17-18 % of Pakistans population and are the only people not related to any indigenous population of India.
More than looks, I think the difference is between “rakh rakhao” or attitude and behavior from what I have noticed. North Indians seem closest to how some Pakistanis behave.. we tend to be more volatile, in my opinion. Indians seem much more laid back and calmer overall, particularly the South Indians.
Pakistanis (to most parts) are a subset of North Indian people. Even in the Urdu speaking Muhajir community of Pakistan, majority are from Northern states like UP and Bihar.

Having said that i ve been to UP and there is quite a diversity in the UPs population itself. Probably because it has always been on cross roads of different empires and hence the admixture in the population. I would say UP alone is probably more diverse than Pakistan.

I have found majority of UP and Biharis no different to South Indians. Even it is hard to tell a Bengali apart from a guy from Andhra/Telengana or Karnataka.
Sindhis and Siraikis (of Pakistan) in general have a dark complexion because the areas they live in are hot and semi-desert in climate. They resemble the adjoining populations of Gujratis and Rajhastanis in India. Pujabis are same as Punjabis across the border and so are Kashmiris.

Pathans and Balochis make up about 17-18 % of Pakistans population and are the only people not related to any indigenous population of India.

sindhis and seriakis have a unique look as whole , have you been to rural punjab and sindh and stayed there for some days ? gujaratis look different from what i have seen of patels in west, only haryana jatt look similar, finding 10 similar looking people isnt enough when you are dealing with poulations that run in millions .Pashtuns Baloch and gilgit baltistan/chitral make rougly 25% of the population(read new census) and they are genetically simililar to most of rest of pakistanis but with less indiginous mixture. Obviously we look humans and brown , but in this range diversity is huge. I have discussed with many people from india and pakistan who have visited both countries . you are talking nonsense sitting abroad.
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Pakistanis (to most parts) are a subset of North Indian people. Even in the Urdu speaking Muhajir community of Pakistan, majority are from Northern states like UP and Bihar.

Having said that i ve been to UP and there is quite a diversity in the UPs population itself. Probably because it has always been on cross roads of different empires and hence the admixture in the population. I would say UP alone is probably more diverse than Pakistan.

can you prove how pakistan is subset of north india ? what is ethnic break down of north india and pakistan
I have found majority of UP and Biharis no different to South Indians. Even it is hard to tell a Bengali apart from a guy from Andhra/Telengana or Karnataka.
Most UPP/bihari look similar to south indians barring UP brahmins and rural jats

this is video from most famous market of multan hussain agahi, in what world these people look UP/Bihari?

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I have found majority of UP and Biharis no different to South Indians. Even it is hard to tell a Bengali apart from a guy from Andhra/Telengana or Karnataka.

Amitabh Bachan, Aamir Khan, Nawaz Uddin Siddiqui and Shabana Azmi are from UP. Do they look like Tamil or Bengalis to you?
Indians emphasize education and discreetness while the Pakistanis emphasize good times and rhetoric.
sindhis and seriakis have a unique look as whole , have you been to rural punjab and sindh and stayed there for some days ? gujaratis look different from what i have seen of patels in west, only haryana jatt look similar, finding 10 similar looking people isnt enough when you are dealing with poulations that run in millions .Pashtuns Baloch and gilgit baltistan/chitral make rougly 25% of the population(read new census) and they are genetically simililar to most of rest of pakistanis but with less indiginous mixture. Obviously we look humans and brown , but in this range diversity is huge. I have discussed with many people from india and pakistan who have visited both countries . you are talking nonsense sitting abroad.

Here you go:

Acc to this Pathans are 15.4% of Pakistani population and Balochs only 3.6%. Gilgitis and Chittalis are different thing altogether because their % is even less and they look more tibetean, Tajik type than anything else (i just came back from Pak Northwrn areas 3-4 months ago).

Now you are talking nonsense because you dont know me and dont know How much time i ve spent in Pakistan. Get off your high horse, you are no authority on anything.
Most UPP/bihari look similar to south indians barring UP brahmins and rural jats

this is video from most famous market of multan hussain agahi, in what world these people look UP/Bihari?

Lol, lagta hai dumm pe per parr gaya. Keep on harping about what you think is the case, doesn’t change reality.
Amitabh Bachan, Aamir Khan, Nawaz Uddin Siddiqui and Shabana Azmi are from UP. Do they look like Tamil or Bengalis to you?

Amitabh Bachhan (to me) could be mistaken for a Bengali.. then again I’d reiterate, to me... I am no expert in looks. I come from a pathan punjabi background and I happen to have Bengali friends as well as Indian punjabi friends and it’s sometimes hard to find any particular distinguishing features between the two.
That could be down to your lack of exposure to different people. Difference is not necessarily in skin complexion but the facial features, height and body type. Bengalis are normally shorter, have a leaner physique and slightly different features. Difficult to explain but once you have spent time with both sets of people, you would know what i mean.

Btw: Amitabh himself is half punjabi and the population of UP is diverse in different parts of the state. In north (where it borders Uttar Akhand, that until recently was part of UP) people have slighty mongoloid features. Also UP has borders with Haryana/Punjab and Nepal. Many of the Muslim nobility and famous poets like Mir Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Sir Syed etc were born in the UP. There are communities of Rohila Pathans (albeit now mixed with others). The Princely State of Awadh was ruled by family of Persian origins. In summary UP is quite diverse but most ppl are still visibly different from South Indians.
That could be down to your lack of exposure to different people. Difference is not necessarily in skin complexion but the facial features, height and body type. Bengalis are normally shorter, have a leaner physique and slightly different features. Difficult to explain but once you have spent time with both sets of people, you would know what i mean.

Btw: Amitabh himself is half punjabi and the population of UP is diverse in different parts of the state. In north (where it borders Uttar Akhand, that until recently was part of UP) people have slighty mongoloid features. Also UP has borders with Haryana/Punjab and Nepal. Many of the Muslim nobility and famous poets like Mir Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Sir Syed etc were born in the UP. There are communities of Rohila Pathans (albeit now mixed with others). The Princely State of Awadh was ruled by family of Persian origins. In summary UP is quite diverse but most ppl are still visibly different from South Indians.
No that’s what I was saying, I don’t claim to be an expert but from the exposure I have had (and I have had many punjabi and Bengali friends) with some it’s hard to distinguish. I spent a long time in Punjab and I’ll tell you that you can find people there who look like Shakib ul Hassan, Moshrafe, Tamim, etc. there are a lot of punjabis of short stature and slight builds.

I know you are going by the average heigh and builds but my point is you can be wrong at times..
Indians are usually darker than Pakistanis from what I have seen. I also feel Indians also look lot more malnourished than their neighbors.

I have posted this before,

Indians - Adivasi blood mixed with Aryan blood.
Pakistanis - Aryan blood mixed with Adivasi blood.
Sounds like Harry Potter with half blood, full blood bulls*:#t going on I was dead laughing with the way you described "adivashi" and "Aryan" blood sounded like a Bollywood low grade horror movie
Amitabh Bachhan (to me) could be mistaken for a Bengali.. then again I’d reiterate, to me... I am no expert in looks. I come from a pathan punjabi background and I happen to have Bengali friends as well as Indian punjabi friends and it’s sometimes hard to find any particular distinguishing features between the two.

Physically there may be nothing to distinguish them, but Indians come across as more sophisticated and confident and stylish.
I gotta say its a bit of an abhorrent way to discuss the south Indians in the way we (incl. myself) are doing in this thread. Darker complexion is just a function of Melanin levels in the skin (which over centuries has resulted in how different ppl look in relation to their environment). In general South Indians are nice and polite people with a good temperament.

My apologies if it caused offence to anyone.
I gotta say its a bit of an abhorrent way to discuss the south Indians in the way we (incl. myself) are doing in this thread. Darker complexion is just a function of Melanin levels in the skin (which over centuries has resulted in how different ppl look in relation to their environment). In general South Indians are nice and polite people with a good temperament.

My apologies if it caused offence to anyone.

No need to be patronizing towards south indians. I find many Tamilians are taller than average indians and have very pleasant features.
Physically there may be nothing to distinguish them, but Indians come across as more sophisticated and confident and stylish.

Are you kidding the Pakistani guys in bradford and all of britain are known for dressing in trainers and driving in rented ferraris

Indians are usually bad at dressing and really cheap too

Also physically there is a difference in britain

Even white racist KKK/EDL members can tell the difference

Pakistanis in britain look like Usman Khan the knife attacker while people from India look like the guy who arrested Usman.

Maybe its because most Pakistanis are Mirpuris and Pathans here, who knows but its really easy to tell the difference
No need to be patronizing towards south indians. I find many Tamilians are taller than average indians and have very pleasant features.

Thats subjective. Most Tamils look like A.R Rahman (the composer) or Murlitharan. I also happen to ve some relatives married into Tamil families (those who migrated to Pakistan) and almost all of them have relatively short height. (Not that there’s anything bad about it).
The tragic part about Pakistanis and Indians who think the fairer they are, the more European they are. You can be whiter than a European, you still won't be considered one or actually even look like one :murali There are those subtle differences in features.

The further up north you go, the more milky white the skin becomes. And the more repulsive it becomes, personally speaking. Talking Kashmiri type girls. I knew some Kashmiri and Iranian girls during school and college who seemed extremely proud of this milky white thing. Always comical to watch. Some Pakistani girls who are touted as being stunners look like crossdressers and since I'm not into that sort of thing - Thanks, but no thanks. The less said about Northie and Pak guys who think they're dashers, the better :shezzy
The tragic part about Pakistanis and Indians who think the fairer they are, the more European they are. You can be whiter than a European, you still won't be considered one or actually even look like one :murali There are those subtle differences in features.

The further up north you go, the more milky white the skin becomes. And the more repulsive it becomes, personally speaking. Talking Kashmiri type girls. I knew some Kashmiri and Iranian girls during school and college who seemed extremely proud of this milky white thing. Always comical to watch. Some Pakistani girls who are touted as being stunners look like crossdressers and since I'm not into that sort of thing - Thanks, but no thanks. The less said about Northie and Pak guys who think they're dashers, the better :shezzy

Don't be upset just because others are proud of their looks. Unless you are jealous.