How different are Pakistanis and Indians?

The tragic part about Pakistanis and Indians who think the fairer they are, the more European they are. You can be whiter than a European, you still won't be considered one or actually even look like one :murali There are those subtle differences in features.

The further up north you go, the more milky white the skin becomes. And the more repulsive it becomes, personally speaking. Talking Kashmiri type girls. I knew some Kashmiri and Iranian girls during school and college who seemed extremely proud of this milky white thing. Always comical to watch. Some Pakistani girls who are touted as being stunners look like crossdressers and since I'm not into that sort of thing - Thanks, but no thanks. The less said about Northie and Pak guys who think they're dashers, the better :shezzy

No Pakistani ever claims to be European

Ive heard all the ancestries in the book

Arabs, Persians, Turks, even Israelite but never European in my life from a Pakistani

They're actually just central asian migrant tribes who mixed with local people

Even the whitest northern Pakistanis are facially different from european people.
No Pakistani ever claims to be European

Ive heard all the ancestries in the book

Arabs, Persians, Turks, even Israelite but never European in my life from a Pakistani

They're actually just central asian migrant tribes who mixed with local people

Even the whitest northern Pakistanis are facially different from european people.

Not true.. some northern tribes do have european ancestry.. From the time when Alexander invaded the subcontinent and left some of his people there..
Not true.. some northern tribes do have european ancestry.. From the time when Alexander invaded the subcontinent and left some of his people there..

That was debunked a long time ago. The Kalash are native to the region.
The tragic part about Pakistanis and Indians who think the fairer they are, the more European they are. You can be whiter than a European, you still won't be considered one or actually even look like one :murali There are those subtle differences in features.

The further up north you go, the more milky white the skin becomes. And the more repulsive it becomes, personally speaking. Talking Kashmiri type girls. I knew some Kashmiri and Iranian girls during school and college who seemed extremely proud of this milky white thing. Always comical to watch. Some Pakistani girls who are touted as being stunners look like crossdressers and since I'm not into that sort of thing - Thanks, but no thanks. The less said about Northie and Pak guys who think they're dashers, the better :shezzy

Well Pakistanis come in various shades and features , we can be very dark as tamils to light , I was arguing because that guy was completely denying diversity of other country.Though i agree light skin is overated on non european features. BTW Pakistani girls are known for feminine beauty dont compare us to middle easterners.
That could be down to your lack of exposure to different people. Difference is not necessarily in skin complexion but the facial features, height and body type. Bengalis are normally shorter, have a leaner physique and slightly different features. Difficult to explain but once you have spent time with both sets of people, you would know what i mean.

Btw: Amitabh himself is half punjabi and the population of UP is diverse in different parts of the state. In north (where it borders Uttar Akhand, that until recently was part of UP) people have slighty mongoloid features. Also UP has borders with Haryana/Punjab and Nepal. Many of the Muslim nobility and famous poets like Mir Taqi Mir, Ghalib, Sir Syed etc were born in the UP. There are communities of Rohila Pathans (albeit now mixed with others). The Princely State of Awadh was ruled by family of Persian origins. In summary UP is quite diverse but most ppl are still visibly different from South Indians.

ok you are acknowleding diversity of UP, but throwing diversity of pakistan under the bus , also indivisuals dont matter post videos from markets/villages in UP or large crowds.
Here you go:

Acc to this Pathans are 15.4% of Pakistani population and Balochs only 3.6%. Gilgitis and Chittalis are different thing altogether because their % is even less and they look more tibetean, Tajik type than anything else (i just came back from Pak Northwrn areas 3-4 months ago).

Now you are talking nonsense because you dont know me and dont know How much time i ve spent in Pakistan. Get off your high horse, you are no authority on anything.

as usual you are acting wrong , I said latest census , also read in your wiki article 2017 data on languages (Pakistani census works on linguisitc lines)

Many Pathans speak seriaki like niazi tribe of imran khan , so do balochs , Bruhui are similar to baloch, others have small groups like shina/gilgit/kohistanis and they are not small by any means , 6% of contry as big as pakistan is not small

anyways give or take population os such groups is 25% , and they are also related to most other pakistanis but with less indiginous admixture

this from 2017

Lol, lagta hai dumm pe per parr gaya. Keep on harping about what you think is the case, doesn’t change reality.

i cant care if we look tamils or nigerians or swedes (they are all beautiful in their own way), but when you spread lies , I have a right to argue
Far better than Pakistanis whose idea of style is a leather jacket bought from sadar bazar and skin fade haircut copied from british mirpuris.

Fades are really popular in America, it's more of a Latino thing but guys from every race get a fade now.
What to do. All those Fair & Lovely creams and treatments extolled by Rajini sir in Sivaji haven't helped change my Dravidian skin tone :murali

There's nothing stopping you being proud of a darker skin tone either. You can be proud, and leave the milky white ones to be proud of theirs too. Surely this is better than self hatred.
i cant care if we look tamils or nigerians or swedes (they are all beautiful in their own way), but when you spread lies , I have a right to argue

Bro, what lies? Pakistan is ‘much’ less diverse than India. I grew up in Pakistan and ve been to India (and have family who migrated from India). So know what I am talking of.
In Karachi, we ve people from all parts of Pakistan, so its easy to observe how different people look like.
From what I have observed at uni:
- Are very miserly when spending money.
- Love to work in groups
- People from South India sub group themselves
- The non veg parties are really bad
- Are quite nosy and ask things directly like income or how much something costs
- Their social interaction will not make others feel they are of a different race or religion.
Bro, what lies? Pakistan is ‘much’ less diverse than India. I grew up in Pakistan and ve been to India (and have family who migrated from India). So know what I am talking of.
In Karachi, we ve people from all parts of Pakistan, so its easy to observe how different people look like.

no doubt india is more diverse specially if you count North East states

but look at your posts

1) most pakistan is subset of north india ?

on what basis ? there is diversity everywhere , you can find lots of type of people so will not talk about it , i can find pakistanis who resemble arabs even turks , will that make them subset of pakistan? NO,since whenever you will travel in a flight from istanbul, ankara, jeddah, riyadh and land anywhere in Pakistan , you will never feel like you will in same country.

so just go by hard facts , ethnicity is biggest idenitiy

93% Pakistanis are Punjabis/pashtuns/sindhis/seraikis/balochs/shina(other such dardic groups) , how much north indians belong to these ethnicities ? do the maths.

you cant be subset of each other if you are pretty distinct ethnically , thats like saying iranians and arabs are same because they "look same"

2)your other point UP is more diverse than Pakistan, can you back this up with hard facts ? what we know is that all well known geography experts consider pakistan as a land bridge between middle east , central asia and south asia , while UP is firmely situated in ganges plains, regions at crossroads always tend to be more diverse.

As for your comment on living in pakistan , you lived in karachi , where you mostly saw migrant communities , did you lived in their homeland?speically in rural areeas of pakistan ? IMO there can be very obvious differences between urban punjabis from say lahore and agricultural tribes of pakistan Punjab, there can also be differences between urban pashtuns from peshawar and those from rural highlands of dir/swat.
I have lived everywhere in Pakistan , also i stayed in hostel of UET lahore and I can lots of time(not always) tell if a person is from Multan or rawalpindi or lahore/gujaranwala/faisalbad , also I am also well familiar with diveristy of fata pashtuns and gilgit baltistanis.
There's nothing stopping you being proud of a darker skin tone either. You can be proud, and leave the milky white ones to be proud of theirs too. Surely this is better than self hatred.

Your outlook and choice of words and their subsequent wording/ arrangement is truly that of an integrated Pakistani-Brit.

Very easy to spot the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani IMHO. Indians generally have glowing skin and a head halo. Pakistanis have a reddish skin tone and 2 large horns on their heads.
Not true.. some northern tribes do have european ancestry.. From the time when Alexander invaded the subcontinent and left some of his people there..

This is not anything personally directed at you. Want to make a broader point.

This is like the story some people in my state like to peddle. One side of my family are Kodavas and some of them proudly claim some Alexander story. It's almost like subcontinental folk will give anything to prove they are not subcontinental people. Even if going back thousands of years.
no doubt india is more diverse specially if you count North East states

but look at your posts

1) most pakistan is subset of north india ?

on what basis ? there is diversity everywhere , you can find lots of type of people so will not talk about it , i can find pakistanis who resemble arabs even turks , will that make them subset of pakistan? NO,since whenever you will travel in a flight from istanbul, ankara, jeddah, riyadh and land anywhere in Pakistan , you will never feel like you will in same country.

so just go by hard facts , ethnicity is biggest idenitiy

93% Pakistanis are Punjabis/pashtuns/sindhis/seraikis/balochs/shina(other such dardic groups) , how much north indians belong to these ethnicities ? do the maths.

you cant be subset of each other if you are pretty distinct ethnically , thats like saying iranians and arabs are same because they "look same"

2)your other point UP is more diverse than Pakistan, can you back this up with hard facts ? what we know is that all well known geography experts consider pakistan as a land bridge between middle east , central asia and south asia , while UP is firmely situated in ganges plains, regions at crossroads always tend to be more diverse.

As for your comment on living in pakistan , you lived in karachi , where you mostly saw migrant communities , did you lived in their homeland?speically in rural areeas of pakistan ? IMO there can be very obvious differences between urban punjabis from say lahore and agricultural tribes of pakistan Punjab, there can also be differences between urban pashtuns from peshawar and those from rural highlands of dir/swat.
I have lived everywhere in Pakistan , also i stayed in hostel of UET lahore and I can lots of time(not always) tell if a person is from Multan or rawalpindi or lahore/gujaranwala/faisalbad , also I am also well familiar with diveristy of fata pashtuns and gilgit baltistanis.

Bro, no offence but you sound a little naive and your analysis superficial. Not sure how old are you but its always good to have an open ear about different perspectives. Good luck
the pakistani accent is different from the indian accent.

in particular, i find that indian girls have a really unique and distinct accent . they really stress on the vowels.
From what I have observed at uni:
- Are very miserly when spending money.
- Love to work in groups
- People from South India sub group themselves
- The non veg parties are really bad
- Are quite nosy and ask things directly like income or how much something costs
- Their social interaction will not make others feel they are of a different race or religion.

also like to gossip alot and talk rubbish about other people. not to mention they love spreading rumors.
also like to gossip alot and talk rubbish about other people. not to mention they love spreading rumors.

Brother, I think alot of societies gossip. Something reminded me of a story when you said spreading rumors.

One of the Indian guys was on a British dating site and found another guy's profile who was in our class.
He gave this bizzare photo of him shirtless with sunglasses on. Says he is looking for old aged women for a "fun time". He sent it out to everyone in our class anonmyously but later told me.
I prefer to eat with hands, I have not met any Pakistani that could rice with hands
Rajma Chawal? I grew up in Chennai I almost eat everything with hands incl biryani.

Only noodles and Pasta I cant

Who eats Noodles and Pasta or even Poha with hands?
Even I don't eat that with hands.
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Rajma Chawal? I grew up in Chennai I almost eat everything with hands incl biryani.

Only noodles and Pasta I cant

lol Jaded - the proud Punjabi son of South India.

I hope you've experienced the bonhomie and friendship guys like you tend to be given in the South.
lol Jaded - the proud Punjabi son of South India.

I hope you've experienced the bonhomie and friendship guys like you tend to be given in the South.

Haha I have , I even had a complete tour of Western Karnataka by my Kannidiga college mates ( after we had a fight over IPL) :p, those days I was a hardcore fan of CSK.
Haha I have , I even had a complete tour of Western Karnataka by my Kannidiga college mates ( after we had a fight over IPL) :p, those days I was a hardcore fan of CSK.

Yeah. CSK fans are intense. Had a run-in once with some CSK fans at the Chinnaswamy. Long back. When Wasim Jaffer was our opener :virat
I prefer to eat with hands, I have not met any Pakistani that could rice with hands

Well eating food with the hands, not only rice, is the Sunna of our beloved Prophet(pbuh) so those who follow the Sunna properly will eat with hands.

I myself can eat with hands but I have been influence so much of the Western culture that I don’t eat rice with my hands and I am not proud at all of this, in fact hugely ashamed.
Overlooking the physical appearence, i definitely found my indian counterparts to be more emotional and cunning as compared to pakistanis.
Well eating food with the hands, not only rice, is the Sunna of our beloved Prophet(pbuh) so those who follow the Sunna properly will eat with hands.

I myself can eat with hands but I have been influence so much of the Western culture that I don’t eat rice with my hands and I am not proud at all of this, in fact hugely ashamed.

Not only I eat with hands but I also sit on the mat during eating time and that's another Sunnah.
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Well eating food with the hands, not only rice, is the Sunna of our beloved Prophet(pbuh) so those who follow the Sunna properly will eat with hands.

I myself can eat with hands but I have been influence so much of the Western culture that I don’t eat rice with my hands and I am not proud at all of this, in fact hugely ashamed.

Hmm didn’t know about the Sunna, also it’s ok .. My mother’s family was from Army background and there was a time she used to eat even a Dosa with fork and Knife ,lol.

I can eat with fork ,knife and spoon but I don’t enjoy it at all.

If you ever go to a South Indian marriage anywhere in the world hope you get food served on the leaf which is my most fav thing ever, eventhough I wouldn’t eat half those items, but rice becomes so tasty when served on a banana leaf.
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I prefer to eat with hands, I have not met any Pakistani that could rice with hands

Pakistanis eat curries with rotis or naans, they don't need utensils for that, hands are just fine. Rice though, we definitely need forks or spoons when it gets that messy.

Personally I love eating barbeque or grill food with my hands, I think it tastes much better when you cut out the utensils. Same goes with samosas and other snacks. I don't get why you see people trying to eat these things with a knife and fork, they are called finger food for a reason.
Keeping aside the physical appearances, I have in general found average Indians fresh off the boat to be more educated, bit savvier, less religious & more outgoing than the average Pakistani, which kinda helps them in work environment.

But i understand that there are lot of differences between regions/communities within India too - i recall from my grad days that there was a particular South Indian community (Thelegu i believe) which had a bad rep of forging/exaggerating CVs for jobs & being stingy among other things which made other Indian students wary of them. I always found that funny!
Keeping aside the physical appearances, I have in general found average Indians fresh off the boat to be more educated, bit savvier, less religious & more outgoing than the average Pakistani, which kinda helps them in work environment.

But i understand that there are lot of differences between regions/communities within India too - i recall from my grad days that there was a particular South Indian community (Thelegu i believe) which had a bad rep of forging/exaggerating CVs for jobs & being stingy among other things which made other Indian students wary of them. I always found that funny!

We do exaggerate. Otherwise, your chances of getting a job greatly diminish.

But one thing for sure is, exaggerating skills is not enough to get the job. Most are good enough to clear interviews. Once they are in the job, they are quick enough to grasp the work.
Keeping aside the physical appearances, I have in general found average Indians fresh off the boat to be more educated, bit savvier, less religious & more outgoing than the average Pakistani, which kinda helps them in work environment.

But i understand that there are lot of differences between regions/communities within India too - i recall from my grad days that there was a particular South Indian community (Thelegu i believe) which had a bad rep of forging/exaggerating CVs for jobs & being stingy among other things which made other Indian students wary of them. I always found that funny!

Yep, the Telgu guys are known for that and the main group behind the H1B fraud. I am in US for a work assignment and right, left and center I can see hoards of them with their tiffan boxes during lunch.
especially the girls

In the plane, I was watching an episode of Coffe with Karan and he had Kajol and Ajay as guests. It was really challenging to listen to Kajols English. Check it out on YouTube and you will see what I mean....
We do exaggerate. Otherwise, your chances of getting a job greatly diminish.

But one thing for sure is, exaggerating skills is not enough to get the job. Most are good enough to clear interviews. Once they are in the job, they are quick enough to grasp the work.

Inn hi gandi harkato ke karan, ab Logo and Telgus per se vishwas uth gaya hai. I am automatically suspicious abt their competency when I have to deal with them.
We do exaggerate. Otherwise, your chances of getting a job greatly diminish.

But one thing for sure is, exaggerating skills is not enough to get the job. Most are good enough to clear interviews. Once they are in the job, they are quick enough to grasp the work.

As a friend once explained to me, the way it works is that in most cases in third-party tech companies the recruiter himself could be Thelegu & he might avoid deep-diving into the CV, so these guys get away with a forged CV (I am not in tech, so dont know if such things can really happen)

The fact is that anybody can learn on the job- you put an arts undergrad in a finance role & he can pretty much learn quickly too if he has half a brain, but such kind of visa abuse is not fair.
As a friend once explained to me, the way it works is that in most cases in third-party tech companies the recruiter himself could be Thelegu & he might avoid deep-diving into the CV, so these guys get away with a forged CV (I am not in tech, so dont know if such things can really happen)

The fact is that anybody can learn on the job- you put an arts undergrad in a finance role & he can pretty much learn quickly too if he has half a brain, but such kind of visa abuse is not fair.

but engineering and compsci jobs would require technical skills that you cannot learn on the job
but engineering and compsci jobs would require technical skills that you cannot learn on the job

Obviously i am talking from a general perspective, but what i meant was anybody local with a modicum of tech skills & competency could survive these jobs, just like these guys with forged CVs do - you dont necessarily need to ‘import’ guys with highly exaggerated CVs to these roles.
Obviously i am talking from a general perspective, but what i meant was anybody local with a modicum of tech skills & competency could survive these jobs, just like these guys with forged CVs do - you dont necessarily need to ‘import’ guys with highly exaggerated CVs to these roles.

lol yeah once I was at the eavesdropping at the gym as this south indian woman was telling this other lady that she was graduating soon and had a web development job lined up in the city with some company (possibly indian) that was gonna sponsor her for an H1B and it made no sense, web developers are a dime a dozen here there's no way you'd get approved an H1 for that position, I already knew for a long time that they had monopolized the industry.
This is not anything personally directed at you. Want to make a broader point.

This is like the story some people in my state like to peddle. One side of my family are Kodavas and some of them proudly claim some Alexander story. It's almost like subcontinental folk will give anything to prove they are not subcontinental people. Even if going back thousands of years.

Here you buddy! Educate Yourself..
lol yeah once I was at the eavesdropping at the gym as this south indian woman was telling this other lady that she was graduating soon and had a web development job lined up in the city with some company (possibly indian) that was gonna sponsor her for an H1B and it made no sense, web developers are a dime a dozen here there's no way you'd get approved an H1 for that position, I already knew for a long time that they had monopolized the industry.

I for one am a huge believer in work visa reforms along with family immigration ones - cant believe the s*** these guys get away with.
This is not anything personally directed at you. Want to make a broader point.

This is like the story some people in my state like to peddle. One side of my family are Kodavas and some of them proudly claim some Alexander story. It's almost like subcontinental folk will give anything to prove they are not subcontinental people. Even if going back thousands of years.

No everyone in the subcontinent, whether they have light skin or dark skin or anything in between will identify as being from the subcontinent.

However because of constant invasion and immigration, many people, rightfully, think that they have mixed with the people who came from outside.

For example India has Anglo-Indians. There are also people in Goa who would have some European blood.
Indians are stronger, taller and people generally respects them and try to copy their English accents.
Keeping aside the physical appearances, I have in general found average Indians fresh off the boat to be more educated, bit savvier, less religious & more outgoing than the average Pakistani, which kinda helps them in work environment.

Obvious. No wonder many Pakistanis falsely calling themselves Indians in overseas nations...
Actually its little different. Aryans came to Pakistan and Indian punjab around 3500 years ago. They lived there for 1000 years, so that period is called Vedic Period. Its when oldest hindu holy book Rig Veda was composed. Thick forests were natural boundry between indus valley and ganga valey. Some Aryans then in around 500 BCE started to move in to Ganga valley by clearing and burning forrests.

So we can say Brahmins of India mixed for around 500 years with natives, intermixing was stopped around 2000 years ago which is the reason brahmins as far as south india still are genetically different and also look wise from rest of population.

Also i don't know how common is intermixing between north indian brahmin and south indian brahmin, did they marry each other even before strict caste system was implented 2000 years ago? That can also explain why some north indian brahmins have 40% S-Indian.

I fully agree.

Nevertheless, during the window of Vedic period, the Aryan DNA did reach to the South India too. That is why it is estimated that even the South Indians today have about 15% of Aryan DNA.
DNA studies are showing that Pashtoons have lot of Aryan DNA.

But the Aryans, who invaded India about 4500-5000 years ago, they didn't brought Aryan FEMALES with them, but all of them were warrior men. And those Aryan men then got control of Local Women (they rarely allowed local men to have their hands to local women).

Thus the Indian Brahmins have about only 30-40% Aryan DNA at max (while their mothers were locals).
Depends on which respevtive parts you are from. Im sure someone from Kerala and Punjab will be much different than someone from Punjab and Pakistan lol.
I know some Pakistanis who look South Indian and some South Indians who look Pakistani. So the actual difference is very small.