How to to fight negativity


Tape Ball Regular
May 29, 2016
Hello guys, this shouldn't be causing me mental anguish, I've become agitated as behind my back people have been telling lies about me behind my back

To keep the power after taking to many people and Therapy people in the past

-Never be there(my house, their house, event, function, phone)
-Keep my distance
-Be away
-Dont care
-Dont think
-Do not engage with them
-Be silent on everything


Only once have I seen the relatives in more than three years and do not communicate with them or community members and missed out many events

I have a chance with a few women for marriage purposes and it's a secret

How do I keep the power from getting controlled, conspired being my back, trying to sabotage, mess me around, mess me around behind my back

My sister's friends who are 32 need to be married off and they are trying their best to plan that I know this

I was just told to say no and they don't wish to ask me intelligent questions, brainwash

How do I keep the power from getting controlled, conspired being my back, trying to sabotage, mess me around, mess me around behind my back

I'm in control

My father is however insecure

And I was told in general just never be there and keep my distance and they can't really do nothing and can't hurt me
Bump please

The uncles will mess around and say crap behind my back
At 14 years old, you shouldn’t worry about all this but keep school education as your top priority. What should keep your mind occupied must be questions like what is the powerhouse of the cell, diagram of a nuclear reactor , what is ozone layer , trigonometry etc. Not this stuff, it’s all meant to distract you.
with all due respect, you sound like you might suffer from paranoia, find yourself hobbies to keep you busy, perhaps consider meditation, become physically active, and accept that you cannot control how other people act.

From what I've just stated, I can't control however they play games, mess around, say this, that

I'm not actually there anyway and I'm keeping my distance so they have no power

How can I have power from all this?
Just to quote Indian actor Shahrukh Khan since this piece of advice is not mine.

Just become selflessly selfish. Do not think about other people at all. Do not think about anything negative about them. Be yourself. Think only about yourself. How you make yourself feel better. How to updrade yourself academically, professionally and mentally. Read books about different things in life. Gain knowledge.

Pray. Exercise. Enjoy good music. Learn a new language. I am learning German.

Life is too short so enjoy it.
Fighting negativity is an important aspect of maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Here are some strategies you can consider to combat negativity:
  1. Practice Self-Awareness: Start by becoming aware of your negative thoughts and emotions. Notice when they arise and how they affect your mood and behavior. This awareness is the first step in addressing negativity.
  2. Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, challenge those thoughts and replace them with more constructive and positive statements.
  3. Gratitude Journaling: Regularly write down things you're grateful for. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help shift your perspective and counteract negativity.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices help you stay present and reduce the impact of negative thoughts. They encourage acceptance and allow you to observe your thoughts without judgment.
  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with people who uplift and support you. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you feel positive emotions.
  6. Limit Negative Inputs: Reduce exposure to negative news, social media, and content that can contribute to pessimism. Consciously choose to engage with media that is inspiring and informative.
  7. Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can have a positive impact on your mood and overall mental state.
  8. Set Realistic Goals: Break larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. This can prevent feelings of overwhelm and disappointment.
  9. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as reading, taking a bath, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies.
  10. Seek Professional Help: If negativity is overwhelming and persistent, consider speaking to a therapist or counselor. They can provide strategies tailored to your specific situation.
  11. Challenge Negative Beliefs: Analyze the negative beliefs you hold about yourself, the world, and the future. Look for evidence that contradicts these beliefs and consider alternative perspectives.
  12. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. A growth mindset encourages you to view setbacks as temporary and solvable.
  13. Practice Random Acts of Kindness: Doing something kind for someone else can create a positive ripple effect and boost your own mood.
  14. Visualization: Imagine yourself succeeding and feeling positive. Visualization can help rewire your brain for more optimistic thinking.
  15. Stay Solution-Focused: Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on finding solutions. This shift in focus can empower you to take action and regain a sense of control.
Remember that combating negativity is an ongoing process. It requires patience and consistent effort. Over time, these strategies can help you build resilience and a more positive outlook on life.
I have relatives who seemed to have backbitten about me.

I used to get angry about it. But, I now know that if someone backbites about you, his/her good deeds can get transferred to you (as per Hadith). So, i now welcome backbiters; they can give me free good deeds.

I think we have to be mentally prepared for negativity. This world is a nasty place. You have to be mentally tough to survive.

Here are some advices from me:

1) Accept the fact you are likely to encounter frequent negativity in your life. Just be mentally strong enough to tackle it.

2) Focus on your life objectives. Your happiness should be tied to those objectives. If your objectives are fulfilled, you shouldn't care what others are saying.

3) Try to avoid negative people as much as you can. Try to surround yourself with positive people, positive media etc.

4) Lastly, always pray to God to protect you from bad people and bad situations.

All the best.
Turn the tables. Give no….s

Nothing helps you sleep better at night knowing that those who are causing you hurt emotionally are at home crying more because of you.
Assuming you are Muslim, listen to the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. There are many, many lessons in there on how we as Muslims should conduct ourselves in day to day life, including unpleasant situations we find ourselves in with others. He, peace be upon him, faced the worst of the worst situations at times, and is the example we aspire to follow.

Even if you aren’t Muslim, still plenty in there on how to carry ourselves and remain untethered by what others think while walking on the path of truth, which includes being grounded, loving, compassionate, but being strong and upfront on what is right.

Would suggest you check out Sheikh Uthman ibn Farooq’s series on YouTube as I can’t speak for other series by other people, as he uses authentic narrations of Hadith.
I can probably say a lot on this thread. My relatives and family are negative as hell. This has all contributed to my low self esteem and general unhappiness in life.

I'll keep to the topic and tell you how I am trying to fight negativity.

1. Accept yourself for who you are and your accomplishments. You are truly not as bad as people think you are and definitely not as hopeless.
2. Be grateful in life about the little blessings our Lord has showered upon us. Having a roof over our head and food three times a day is a dream for 40 percent of the world's population.
3. Don't listen to criticism from people who you wouldn't take advice from.
4. Limit your interaction with relatives, most are useless anyways.
5. Make positive friends who encourage you to do well in life
6. Exercise daily, a healthy makes a healthy mind.
Fighting negativity is a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and consistent effort. By implementing these strategies, you can transform your mindset, cultivate positivity, and embrace a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember, you have the power to shape your thoughts and perceptions—unleash your inner light and conquer negativity.
Turn the tables. Give no….s

Nothing helps you sleep better at night knowing that those who are causing you hurt emotionally are at home crying more because of you.

not sure if serious or not, but this is not great advice, i was told the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference, if you are going out of your way to hurt someone they are still winning because they are controlling what you do.
This perspective highlights the concept that emotional detachment or disinterest could be a stronger counterpoint to love than actively harboring negative emotions like hate. It's worth noting that this is a philosophical perspective and may vary depending on individual interpretations and beliefs about emotions and relationships.
This is normal in pretty much every Asian family, its as if they need to cause drama before they can eat a good meal.

If you are 14, enjoy every minute of your life, school days are the best!

Do your own thing, concentrate on the career you wont. Stay away as much as possible, and when you meet , in one ear and out of the other.

The more attention you give to their nonsense, the more you will face.
not sure if serious or not, but this is not great advice, i was told the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference, if you are going out of your way to hurt someone they are still winning because they are controlling what you do.
100% serious advice.

My experience in life: there are people who will always have it in for you, dislike you, hate you, despise you. They will want to see you fail, fall, hurt, lost, broken. You can try being nice to them and turning them towards you, but they most likely will never change that resentment they have for you.

So, you know what? It is what it is. **** it. If they really are getting to you, causing you emotional distress…go after them. Torment them, mock them, ridicule them, destroy them, crush them (all things psychologically not physically). When they tone down, go harder at them again. Let them know that messing with your life for no reason has a price to pay, go all out.

Believe me, Tupac was right. Revenge is like the best joy next to….

Also, anyone who is kind and polite to you…never ever hurt them, regardless of their class, status or relation.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions

It's not their right and certainly can't come to my house, they can't just ask me questions and put me in one corner with marriage

That's harrasment too

I can just keep my distance and switch off
100% serious advice.

My experience in life: there are people who will always have it in for you, dislike you, hate you, despise you. They will want to see you fail, fall, hurt, lost, broken. You can try being nice to them and turning them towards you, but they most likely will never change that resentment they have for you.

So, you know what? It is what it is. **** it. If they really are getting to you, causing you emotional distress…go after them. Torment them, mock them, ridicule them, destroy them, crush them (all things psychologically not physically). When they tone down, go harder at them again. Let them know that messing with your life for no reason has a price to pay, go all out.

Believe me, Tupac was right. Revenge is like the best joy next to….

Also, anyone who is kind and polite to you…never ever hurt them, regardless of their class, status or relation.

If he goes for revenge and lands up in jail, will you sleep calmly at night knowing you ruined a 14 year old kids life.
If he goes for revenge and lands up in jail, will you sleep calmly at night knowing you ruined a 14 year old kids life.
I’m not advocating violence. I’m simply advocating reverse psychological trauma infliction.

You can either sit at home and cry about people who are making your life difficult through their negativity, or you can make theirs even worse by confronting them with the same tactics. It’s my way of dealing with it, believe me it works
I’m not advocating violence. I’m simply advocating reverse psychological trauma infliction.

You can either sit at home and cry about people who are making your life difficult through their negativity, or you can make theirs even worse by confronting them with the same tactics. It’s my way of dealing with it, believe me it works
I understand your perspective, but I would like to emphasize that intentionally inflicting psychological distress, even as a form of "reverse psychological trauma infliction," can be ethically and morally questionable. While you're expressing that this approach has worked for you personally, it's important to remember that every individual and situation is unique.