

PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
Q 1)-Why are you always in search of dodgy things/stuff/ & websites ?(Cavin)

Ans)- I think this question is asked by Cavin, as no one could’ve been more char so bees (420) . [:p]
The reason for this is perhaps I enjoy being mysterious and also because I like to have a privileged access ( authorized or unauthorized ) to reputed and protected systems.

Q 2)-Fav singer? fav movie ? & Your opinion of Pakpassion ?

Ans)- Favorite Singer- Cradle of Filth, Nirvana, Junoon, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Favorite Movie- Charlie’s Angels 1, SAW 1 &2, Scary Movie 1
Opinion of PakPassion- Answered in detail in Q # 14 and 15

Q 3)-Hussain - I see you as a 'steady accumalator on Pakpassion. i.e. Only posting when you have something to say. Am I correct?

Ans)- Yup you are right Oxy mian . I don’t want to waste my fellow PPer’s time by making them read useless stuff. [;)]

Q 4)-Do you have a pointy 3rd Man nose? If so, Are you related to Nasser Hussain?

Ans)- The only blood relation I can be sure of between myself and Nasser Hussain is that we both share a common ancestry in Adam and Eve [:p] , not sure about anything more.
As for my nose, I would decline to call it a ‘pointy 3rd man nose’ though personally I do feel that it’s a bit more elongated, with sharp edge than normal standards of a healthy adult male.

Q 5)-You know quite a bit about Politics & Economics, how come ?

Ans)- Politics has interested me from the beginning, maybe due to the environment I received in my home with both of my parents serving in the CSS( Civil Superior services) cadre, and have often been posted in positions which keep them quite sensitive to the political change in the country, has acted as a catalyst for my interest levels in politics.
Moreover the compulsory Pak studies course at the O levels is also quite comprehensive starting right from the Indus Valley Civilisation and ending at the 1999 Musharraf coup de tat, also gives you a lot of understanding and insight about your history and the present political situation of the country.

Q 6)-Why do you have that political poster on your messages....why are Pakistanis getting more and more radical when that used to be an Arab trait

Ans)- On Political Poster: Well I was wondering some one would ask me about this ……. I personally don’t agree with many policies of Hezbollah, but still couldn’t help myself feeling proud of the way they stood up against an aggressive and a material wise superior enemy. Being a part of the middle east which has a history of laying in and giving into the Israeli demand without much resistance (verbally or by actions), the response of Hezbollah was not only different but also a role model for the much more stronger muslim nations in the region, adding meaning to the proverb “Where there is will there’s a way”. My putting up of Hezbollah poster is one of the ways I could salute such an act of valor, courage and determination in defending your motherland.

On Pakistanis being more Radical: I think not only Pakistan but the whole World has become more fundamentalist in the last 5 years or so. Some countries like France and others have passed legislations to rule hijab as an offence against law. The hate crimes against Asians in Britain have increased manifolds during this time period. Americans have passed laws which curb individual freedom of speech, giving the authorities access to their personal information like tapping phone calls, sneaking into emails etc and also making it compulsory for immigrants from 26 muslim states to be finger printed upon their entry to US.
Naturally as a result of all this ,there is ought to be some reaction from the muslim states as well. With Pakistanis as a nation being at the receiving end (maybe more than others) due to this change, therefore our reaction to this is probably more prominent than the rest. Although I agree being equally radical or rigid as a reaction will not make things right , but then again we might want to make it even rather than right.

Q 7)-Can or Do religion and politics mix? Is that healthy or a recipe for disaster ?

Ans) - I personally think that it’s a good idea to mix religion and politics in the state system of a country. Especially for a country like Pakistan, which was created behind an ideology of Islam, as a land where the religion of the majority will have an important say in the system of governance devised by its legislators, otherwise I don’t feel there was any need for creating a new land and displacing around 15 million people on both sides of the border, when we still had to have a secular system like our neighbours.
However, I also strongly feel that role of the religion should be strictly defined in the constitution (otherwise it’s only a disaster you will be looking at), which so far in Pakistan has not been the case. That’s why we have two sets of laws dealing with the same problem, two penal codes for the same crime, which has caused a sort of a legal crises in the country, with Federal Shariat Court and Supreme Court often being at loggerheads with each other, instead of co-operating together for the betterment of the system.

Q 8)-Unlike many of us, you still live in Pakistan. What do you think of life there? Are you content?

Ans)- Contrary to the fast and hard working life in the West , life here in Pakistan could be as easy going as you want to make it. One of the benefits of being in Pakistan is that you can earn a livelihood without actually sweating your brow for it, if you are lucky. Though I personally am content and thankful to the Almighty for such a life, with not having to go to bed hungry or being sick without having access to a doctor. However, I do feel Pakistanis have to change their attitude about life and take China as a role model to transform themselves and their state.

Q 9)-Is Islamabad the best city in Pakistan? If so/not why?

Ans) - Islamabad, being the only city of Pakistan developed by design and not by a rampant settlements of the inhabitants leading to evolution of a new culture over many a decades, is still in the process of developing a culture of its own, before it succeeds in doing it you do get the feeling that some thing is missing over here. That’s why Islamabad still is one of the most haunted places during festivals like Eids, with almost all of the inhabitants of the city leaving for a rendezvous with their roots.
I personally side with Lahore, the heart of the country, as the best city of Pakistan. Perhaps because most of my fathers’ side of the family has been settled over there, and person enjoys being with his own.

Q 10)-If given US/UK citizenship would you move? or do you prefer Pakistan?

Ans)- If Pakistan provides me life with which I am content with, gives me a standard of living which is enough for me to fulfill my needs, and a job which is to my liking and satisfaction. Then I would prefer to remain with my relatives in Pakistan, rather than traveling to a new World which is quite alien to the life I am adjusted to here in Pakistan.
On the contrary, if I am not satisfied with my standard of living in Pakistan, then I might act otherwise and leave for US/UK in search of greener pastures.

Q 11)-If you were James Bond who would select as your Bond girl and what special gadget would you take on your secret mission?

Ans)- Bond Girl : Anjuman
Special Gadget: Gandasa (Maula Jatt)

Q 12)-Your opinion on pre-marital relationships?

Ans) –Since you haven’t mentioned clearly whether you are referring to rape or Zina bil Razza so I am assuming it to be Zina bil Razza, as rape is an unjustifiable act in any case. I view pre marital relationships as undesirable socially, medically, religiously and ethically. Almost all the traditional societies of the World encourage ‘marriage’ before sex, most of the World religions advocate the same. Islam, on which we believe to be the perfect religion sent to Earth, has admonished the practice and has prescribed capital punishment for the offenders in surah Al Noor. Perhaps because Islam has given us more freedom to choose our marriage partners and also to have multiple (married) partners simultaneously, so getting into such a relationship becomes more undesirable when you can marry that partner without any clutches (all you need is 4 witnesses and she is yours), some sects of Islam even allow temporary marriages just because you can satisfy you cranial desires in a much better way and without tying a long term knot between the two. All of this is done to prevent the social ill that will result in the society if such a practice is allowed, with the children being born as a result of this being the actual losers with no fault of their own.
Coming on to the medical safety of the participants involved in this leisurely crime. With STDs spreading and becoming more and more common in the society , having pre marital sex is becoming more and more dangerous and costly in terms of health, especially if partner is a professional.

Q 13)-Your opinion of ‘Beasties’ that took PP by storm a short while back?

Ans)- The trends on a message forum are reflective of the opinions of its members. Most of the members over here, although don’t reside in Pakistan, but are Pakistani Cricket fans, and this trend of “Beasties” seem to go well in the whole of the Pakistan team’s fans. Perhaps because Pakistani Team supports quite a few pinch hitters in their side like Afridi, Razzaq etc ,which has made us like the sight of Beasts taking on the opposition bowling attack. This is quite evident from the way our spectators give a rousing welcome to Afridi every time he comes into bat and then all of a sudden go mum when he is dismissed. I remember Bob Woolmer once saying something like “Every other team struggles to find one pinch hitter for their side , whilst in Pakistan we struggle to find one batsman capable of batting for the 50 overs.”
I am one of the PPers who seem to be die hard fans of the Beasts, and I think it’s a good idea to have players who can put the opposition in the psychological pressure regardless of the match situation, before they play even a single delivery.

Q 14)- Is Pakpassion the best cricket forums? If yes, explain why? how did you come across pakpassion ?

Ans)- Yes , PakPassion for me, is the best of the cricket forums , not only because of the educative/informative discussion on cricket taking place over here , or interviewing our superstars or even receiving numerous citations in reputable magazines and being linked to other official cricketing sites (Bob Woolmer for example), but also because of the quality of the moderation done to uphold those standards, which has allowed posters from all over the World to come and to share their insight on the game with us , without being maimed or bullied even if their views are quite contrary to the points of views of many . This has led to diversification of the PP‘s database of contribution across different cultures, which is a strength of any message board distinguishing between an ordinary board and a good one.
Now coming on to how I came across it ; it was way back when this forum was with the Sport network. I regularly visited SN, to check on the latest positions on F1 , since the timings of the races are often quite late at night (or early morning) in Pakistan, so SN was one way by which I could keep my self updated on the situation. One day, I accidentally found PakPassion, at the top of SN’s sites of the month list , excited to find a forum about Pakistan , I came over here , and the rest they call is history.

Q 15)-What has been the most important reason, in your opinion as to why Pakpassion has grown and continues to grow as compared to when you joined?

Ans)-. As I mentioned before, I joined PP around two years back, and have seen growing from being a small part of a larger sports portal programme, into a major independent cricket forum establishing itself as one of the best in business presently. The forum has covered huge distances (along positive axis [;-)]) at a rapid pace. The biggest asset a forum can have is its members and the quality of contribution made by them. PakPassion was quite lucky to have this resource in abundance even before parting ways from SN , and the continuously increasing numbers of such posters has always an accelerated rate of improvement with time. Moderators over here have also been quite efficient in ensuring that the standards of discussion on the forum don’t decline AT ALL. They are also responsible for guiding new comers and enabling them to become quality contributors to the portal. All in all I would cite cordial Poster – MOD relationship as the most important reason for the growth of this site.

Q 16)-Who is your:

-favourite Mod?- Nauman
-Favourite pakpassion member?- char so bees (Cavin)

-worst Mod and Member?- Too much of a diplomat to answer that [;-)]

Q 17)-Hussain, Who do you think Should be running this Country, if Army was not to run out, who would be Ideal (Politician?)

Ans)-Myself , who else do you think * giggles*
Seriously I feel lack of a leader is one of the biggest tragedies our country has to face, and seemingly there is none who has the combination of the desirable qualities like good statesmanship, diplomacy, putting nations’ interest before his own, eloquence and a technical mind to understand possible hitches in his friends and foes. Quaid e Azam was one person who seemed to fulfill all of those criterions, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was another very talented leader we had but he too had short comings of his own as well. Presently, no one seems to possess all of the above mentioned qualities. In such a situation I will rate a determined and honest but incompetent leader above a good statesman but a corrupt politician, because I believe as he spends more and more time in office , he will automatically learn the art , but mending his soul and nature would be much more difficult.
Looking at the cricketing past and his efforts as a social worker (Shaukat Khanum), Imran Khan seems to be a determined person, who looks optimistically at the future. Though he looks like a misfit in politics nowadays, but then going by the way he has made impossible tasks in the past a reality today, I am not too pessimistic about his future in politics and wish that he learns the sophistication required to run the state soon. Ameen.

Q 18)-Who was your childhood idol/hero?

Ans)- As a child , my likes and dislikes often changed rapidly, with likes turning into instant dislikes faster than a heart beat. However, Superman was one hero that I adored more than any one else I can remember. That blue dress and a red cloak used to be a fascination in those days. (but not the red underwear:p).

Q 19)-Posters on your wall as a kid?

Ans)- Superman, Kurt Cobain and the poster of week of the Us magazine (The News).

Q 20)-Can you get Donner Kebab from pakistan? if yes, Do you like it?

Ans)- One of the most noticeable and common traits of Pakistani nation is their liking(rather desire) for good/quality food in abundance. Though the individual likes and dislikes do vary from person to person, but the advantage of having a huge market craving for food is that there is demand for almost every item, which ensures availability of each and every kind of eatable items in the market, including donner kebab.
I personally am a greater fan of traditional food like tikka, kebab, haleem, sirri-payye, halwa –purri etc, pizzas is an exception to this list. So I though won’t consider having a donner kebab as an ideal treat, but nonetheless I still would not be afraid to try it either.

Q 21)-Should Pak players play during time of Namaaz or should they ask for a break ?

Ans)- Islam as a religion understands person’s difficulties and provides him with opportunities to rectify his short comings. Preferably, speaking in the strict religious sense they should ask for a break and pray at the time of the prayer , but it becomes quite complex when we look at the whole picture. Television companies have spent millions on a single match, the spectators (both on ground and at home) have sacrificed their time and money to watch the game; holding them hostage while you can perform your own personal duties is immoral. Moreover, if this practice of asking breaks during Namaaz timings is made a norm, then in future some might use it as a tactical move rather than a religious one to distract the opposition’s batsmen when they are going on well and to dismiss them, which will kill the spirit of such an initiative. Therefore the players should pray their Salahs (missed during matches) as qazza later on instead of asking for breaks during matches to offer Namaaz.

Q 22)-Should Pak players play during Ramadan?

Ans)- Absolutely; they are professional cricketers, which requires them to ful fill their commitments regardless of whether it falls in Ramzan or not . Being employed under the central contract means that the players are paid the salary for the whole twelve months of the year, and are required to do their jobs when and where ever it comes. So if they are not playing in the month of Ramzan, under the pretext that performing fasting and a physically demanding job simultaneously becomes too taxing then drawing the salary for that month also becomes immoral. What if the military also refuses to defend the country , or the social workers like Edhi’s refused to extend aid to Earth Quake hit hard areas in the month of Ramadhan. Both tasks are equally physically demanding (if not more) than playing cricket.
Now coming on, how should players act during the month of Ramzan if they have to play. Younis Khan and some other players fast while playing during Ramadhan,which is the ideal way to deal with such situation. However, some might find it too difficult to do; for them Islam has provided a way out . They are well paid by the board these days and have endorsement deals of their also, so for them paying Kaffarra is not too difficult. So they can play without fasting and then compensate for not fasting by paying the Kaffarra later on.
Zaberdast brother,Great interview.
Last edited by a moderator:
Great answers - I see that you avoided the Worst Mod question very diplomatically !! :))
Saj said:
Q 1)-Why are you always in search of dodgy things/stuff/ & websites ?(Cavin)

Ans)- I think this question is asked by Cavin, as no one could’ve been more char so bees (420) . [:p]
The reason for this is perhaps I enjoy being mysterious and also because I like to have a privileged access ( authorized or unauthorized ) to reputed and protected systems.

Q 2)-Fav singer? fav movie ? & Your opinion of Pakpassion ?

Ans)- Favorite Singer- Cradle of Filth, Nirvana, Junoon, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Favorite Movie- Charlie’s Angels 1, SAW 1 &2, Scary Movie 1
Opinion of PakPassion- Answered in detail in Q # 14 and 15

Q 3)-Hussain - I see you as a 'steady accumalator on Pakpassion. i.e. Only posting when you have something to say. Am I correct?

Ans)- Yup you are right Oxy mian . I don’t want to waste my fellow PPer’s time by making them read useless stuff. [;)]

Q 4)-Do you have a pointy 3rd Man nose? If so, Are you related to Nasser Hussain?

Ans)- The only blood relation I can be sure of between myself and Nasser Hussain is that we both share a common ancestry in Adam and Eve [:p] , not sure about anything more.
As for my nose, I would decline to call it a ‘pointy 3rd man nose’ though personally I do feel that it’s a bit more elongated, with sharp edge than normal standards of a healthy adult male.

Brilliant interview!

Q 5)-You know quite a bit about Politics & Economics, how come ?

Ans)- Politics has interested me from the beginning, maybe due to the environment I received in my home with both of my parents serving in the CSS( Civil Superior services) cadre, and have often been posted in positions which keep them quite sensitive to the political change in the country, has acted as a catalyst for my interest levels in politics.
Moreover the compulsory Pak studies course at the O levels is also quite comprehensive starting right from the Indus Valley Civilisation and ending at the 1999 Musharraf coup de tat, also gives you a lot of understanding and insight about your history and the present political situation of the country.

Q 6)-Why do you have that political poster on your messages....why are Pakistanis getting more and more radical when that used to be an Arab trait

Ans)- On Political Poster: Well I was wondering some one would ask me about this ……. I personally don’t agree with many policies of Hezbollah, but still couldn’t help myself feeling proud of the way they stood up against an aggressive and a material wise superior enemy. Being a part of the middle east which has a history of laying in and giving into the Israeli demand without much resistance (verbally or by actions), the response of Hezbollah was not only different but also a role model for the much more stronger muslim nations in the region, adding meaning to the proverb “Where there is will there’s a way”. My putting up of Hezbollah poster is one of the ways I could salute such an act of valor, courage and determination in defending your motherland.

On Pakistanis being more Radical: I think not only Pakistan but the whole World has become more fundamentalist in the last 5 years or so. Some countries like France and others have passed legislations to rule hijab as an offence against law. The hate crimes against Asians in Britain have increased manifolds during this time period. Americans have passed laws which curb individual freedom of speech, giving the authorities access to their personal information like tapping phone calls, sneaking into emails etc and also making it compulsory for immigrants from 26 muslim states to be finger printed upon their entry to US.
Naturally as a result of all this ,there is ought to be some reaction from the muslim states as well. With Pakistanis as a nation being at the receiving end (maybe more than others) due to this change, therefore our reaction to this is probably more prominent than the rest. Although I agree being equally radical or rigid as a reaction will not make things right , but then again we might want to make it even rather than right.

Q 7)-Can or Do religion and politics mix? Is that healthy or a recipe for disaster ?

Ans) - I personally think that it’s a good idea to mix religion and politics in the state system of a country. Especially for a country like Pakistan, which was created behind an ideology of Islam, as a land where the religion of the majority will have an important say in the system of governance devised by its legislators, otherwise I don’t feel there was any need for creating a new land and displacing around 15 million people on both sides of the border, when we still had to have a secular system like our neighbours.
However, I also strongly feel that role of the religion should be strictly defined in the constitution (otherwise it’s only a disaster you will be looking at), which so far in Pakistan has not been the case. That’s why we have two sets of laws dealing with the same problem, two penal codes for the same crime, which has caused a sort of a legal crises in the country, with Federal Shariat Court and Supreme Court often being at loggerheads with each other, instead of co-operating together for the betterment of the system.

Q 8)-Unlike many of us, you still live in Pakistan. What do you think of life there? Are you content?

Ans)- Contrary to the fast and hard working life in the West , life here in Pakistan could be as easy going as you want to make it. One of the benefits of being in Pakistan is that you can earn a livelihood without actually sweating your brow for it, if you are lucky. Though I personally am content and thankful to the Almighty for such a life, with not having to go to bed hungry or being sick without having access to a doctor. However, I do feel Pakistanis have to change their attitude about life and take China as a role model to transform themselves and their state.

Q 9)-Is Islamabad the best city in Pakistan? If so/not why?

Ans) - Islamabad, being the only city of Pakistan developed by design and not by a rampant settlements of the inhabitants leading to evolution of a new culture over many a decades, is still in the process of developing a culture of its own, before it succeeds in doing it you do get the feeling that some thing is missing over here. That’s why Islamabad still is one of the most haunted places during festivals like Eids, with almost all of the inhabitants of the city leaving for a rendezvous with their roots.
I personally side with Lahore, the heart of the country, as the best city of Pakistan. Perhaps because most of my fathers’ side of the family has been settled over there, and person enjoys being with his own.

Q 10)-If given US/UK citizenship would you move? or do you prefer Pakistan?

Ans)- If Pakistan provides me life with which I am content with, gives me a standard of living which is enough for me to fulfill my needs, and a job which is to my liking and satisfaction. Then I would prefer to remain with my relatives in Pakistan, rather than traveling to a new World which is quite alien to the life I am adjusted to here in Pakistan.
On the contrary, if I am not satisfied with my standard of living in Pakistan, then I might act otherwise and leave for US/UK in search of greener pastures.

Q 11)-If you were James Bond who would select as your Bond girl and what special gadget would you take on your secret mission?

Ans)- Bond Girl : Anjuman
Special Gadget: Gandasa (Maula Jatt)

Q 12)-Your opinion on pre-marital relationships?

Ans) –Since you haven’t mentioned clearly whether you are referring to rape or Zina bil Razza so I am assuming it to be Zina bil Razza, as rape is an unjustifiable act in any case. I view pre marital relationships as undesirable socially, medically, religiously and ethically. Almost all the traditional societies of the World encourage ‘marriage’ before sex, most of the World religions advocate the same. Islam, on which we believe to be the perfect religion sent to Earth, has admonished the practice and has prescribed capital punishment for the offenders in surah Al Noor. Perhaps because Islam has given us more freedom to choose our marriage partners and also to have multiple (married) partners simultaneously, so getting into such a relationship becomes more undesirable when you can marry that partner without any clutches (all you need is 4 witnesses and she is yours), some sects of Islam even allow temporary marriages just because you can satisfy you cranial desires in a much better way and without tying a long term knot between the two. All of this is done to prevent the social ill that will result in the society if such a practice is allowed, with the children being born as a result of this being the actual losers with no fault of their own.
Coming on to the medical safety of the participants involved in this leisurely crime. With STDs spreading and becoming more and more common in the society , having pre marital sex is becoming more and more dangerous and costly in terms of health, especially if partner is a professional.

Q 13)-Your opinion of ‘Beasties’ that took PP by storm a short while back?

Ans)- The trends on a message forum are reflective of the opinions of its members. Most of the members over here, although don’t reside in Pakistan, but are Pakistani Cricket fans, and this trend of “Beasties” seem to go well in the whole of the Pakistan team’s fans. Perhaps because Pakistani Team supports quite a few pinch hitters in their side like Afridi, Razzaq etc ,which has made us like the sight of Beasts taking on the opposition bowling attack. This is quite evident from the way our spectators give a rousing welcome to Afridi every time he comes into bat and then all of a sudden go mum when he is dismissed. I remember Bob Woolmer once saying something like “Every other team struggles to find one pinch hitter for their side , whilst in Pakistan we struggle to find one batsman capable of batting for the 50 overs.”
I am one of the PPers who seem to be die hard fans of the Beasts, and I think it’s a good idea to have players who can put the opposition in the psychological pressure regardless of the match situation, before they play even a single delivery.

Q 14)- Is Pakpassion the best cricket forums? If yes, explain why? how did you come across pakpassion ?

Ans)- Yes , PakPassion for me, is the best of the cricket forums , not only because of the educative/informative discussion on cricket taking place over here , or interviewing our superstars or even receiving numerous citations in reputable magazines and being linked to other official cricketing sites (Bob Woolmer for example), but also because of the quality of the moderation done to uphold those standards, which has allowed posters from all over the World to come and to share their insight on the game with us , without being maimed or bullied even if their views are quite contrary to the points of views of many . This has led to diversification of the PP‘s database of contribution across different cultures, which is a strength of any message board distinguishing between an ordinary board and a good one.
Now coming on to how I came across it ; it was way back when this forum was with the Sport network. I regularly visited SN, to check on the latest positions on F1 , since the timings of the races are often quite late at night (or early morning) in Pakistan, so SN was one way by which I could keep my self updated on the situation. One day, I accidentally found PakPassion, at the top of SN’s sites of the month list , excited to find a forum about Pakistan , I came over here , and the rest they call is history.

Q 15)-What has been the most important reason, in your opinion as to why Pakpassion has grown and continues to grow as compared to when you joined?

Ans)-. As I mentioned before, I joined PP around two years back, and have seen growing from being a small part of a larger sports portal programme, into a major independent cricket forum establishing itself as one of the best in business presently. The forum has covered huge distances (along positive axis [;-)]) at a rapid pace. The biggest asset a forum can have is its members and the quality of contribution made by them. PakPassion was quite lucky to have this resource in abundance even before parting ways from SN , and the continuously increasing numbers of such posters has always an accelerated rate of improvement with time. Moderators over here have also been quite efficient in ensuring that the standards of discussion on the forum don’t decline AT ALL. They are also responsible for guiding new comers and enabling them to become quality contributors to the portal. All in all I would cite cordial Poster – MOD relationship as the most important reason for the growth of this site.

Q 16)-Who is your:

-favourite Mod?- Nauman
-Favourite pakpassion member?- char so bees (Cavin)

-worst Mod and Member?- Too much of a diplomat to answer that [;-)]

Q 17)-Hussain, Who do you think Should be running this Country, if Army was not to run out, who would be Ideal (Politician?)

Ans)-Myself , who else do you think * giggles*
Seriously I feel lack of a leader is one of the biggest tragedies our country has to face, and seemingly there is none who has the combination of the desirable qualities like good statesmanship, diplomacy, putting nations’ interest before his own, eloquence and a technical mind to understand possible hitches in his friends and foes. Quaid e Azam was one person who seemed to fulfill all of those criterions, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was another very talented leader we had but he too had short comings of his own as well. Presently, no one seems to possess all of the above mentioned qualities. In such a situation I will rate a determined and honest but incompetent leader above a good statesman but a corrupt politician, because I believe as he spends more and more time in office , he will automatically learn the art , but mending his soul and nature would be much more difficult.
Looking at the cricketing past and his efforts as a social worker (Shaukat Khanum), Imran Khan seems to be a determined person, who looks optimistically at the future. Though he looks like a misfit in politics nowadays, but then going by the way he has made impossible tasks in the past a reality today, I am not too pessimistic about his future in politics and wish that he learns the sophistication required to run the state soon. Ameen.

Q 18)-Who was your childhood idol/hero?

Ans)- As a child , my likes and dislikes often changed rapidly, with likes turning into instant dislikes faster than a heart beat. However, Superman was one hero that I adored more than any one else I can remember. That blue dress and a red cloak used to be a fascination in those days. (but not the red underwear:p).

Q 19)-Posters on your wall as a kid?

Ans)- Superman, Kurt Cobain and the poster of week of the Us magazine (The News).

Q 20)-Can you get Donner Kebab from pakistan? if yes, Do you like it?

Ans)- One of the most noticeable and common traits of Pakistani nation is their liking(rather desire) for good/quality food in abundance. Though the individual likes and dislikes do vary from person to person, but the advantage of having a huge market craving for food is that there is demand for almost every item, which ensures availability of each and every kind of eatable items in the market, including donner kebab.
I personally am a greater fan of traditional food like tikka, kebab, haleem, sirri-payye, halwa –purri etc, pizzas is an exception to this list. So I though won’t consider having a donner kebab as an ideal treat, but nonetheless I still would not be afraid to try it either.

Q 21)-Should Pak players play during time of Namaaz or should they ask for a break ?

Ans)- Islam as a religion understands person’s difficulties and provides him with opportunities to rectify his short comings. Preferably, speaking in the strict religious sense they should ask for a break and pray at the time of the prayer , but it becomes quite complex when we look at the whole picture. Television companies have spent millions on a single match, the spectators (both on ground and at home) have sacrificed their time and money to watch the game; holding them hostage while you can perform your own personal duties is immoral. Moreover, if this practice of asking breaks during Namaaz timings is made a norm, then in future some might use it as a tactical move rather than a religious one to distract the opposition’s batsmen when they are going on well and to dismiss them, which will kill the spirit of such an initiative. Therefore the players should pray their Salahs (missed during matches) as qazza later on instead of asking for breaks during matches to offer Namaaz.

Q 22)-Should Pak players play during Ramadan?

Ans)- Absolutely; they are professional cricketers, which requires them to ful fill their commitments regardless of whether it falls in Ramzan or not . Being employed under the central contract means that the players are paid the salary for the whole twelve months of the year, and are required to do their jobs when and where ever it comes. So if they are not playing in the month of Ramzan, under the pretext that performing fasting and a physically demanding job simultaneously becomes too taxing then drawing the salary for that month also becomes immoral. What if the military also refuses to defend the country , or the social workers like Edhi’s refused to extend aid to Earth Quake hit hard areas in the month of Ramadhan. Both tasks are equally physically demanding (if not more) than playing cricket.
Now coming on, how should players act during the month of Ramzan if they have to play. Younis Khan and some other players fast while playing during Ramadhan,which is the ideal way to deal with such situation. However, some might find it too difficult to do; for them Islam has provided a way out . They are well paid by the board these days and have endorsement deals of their also, so for them paying Kaffarra is not too difficult. So they can play without fasting and then compensate for not fasting by paying the Kaffarra later on.

Brilliant interview!
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