Imran Khan’s Namal College… Pakistan’s first ‘Knowledge City’


Senior T20I Player
May 7, 2007
A while back, Imran planned the start a journey towards Pakistan's first 'Knowledge City', giving Pakistani's something t really aim towards in Pakistan.

After the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital in Lahore, its yet another gift from Imran Khan for the people of Pakistan. Located alongside of famous Namal Lake, Namal College has the full support from University of Bradford which has also granted it a 'Associate College' status.
Namal College is the first institution in Pakistan after NUST whose degree is widely accepted in all over the world...this is the first step btw, MUCH more will come to Namal InshAllah.


:ik :imran
And there are still people who doubt imran!

They fear Imran because they are afraid that if he comes into power then their tax evasion, suppressing the poor and acting as kings of Pakistan days are numbered.
Namal College is the first institution in Pakistan after NUST whose degree is widely accepted in all over the world
not true. AKU degree is widely accepted even before NUST.
great project from a great man..its a pity he still has his doubters..I wish we get more Imrans..

on anotehr point waht unis in paksitan have degrees that are internationally recognised? and I mean in the US/Uk
great project from a great man..its a pity he still has his doubters..I wish we get more Imrans..

on anotehr point waht unis in paksitan have degrees that are internationally recognised? and I mean in the US/Uk
I know AKU degree for sure. My cousin got a AKU degree and now she is a doctor in US.
great project from a great man..its a pity he still has his doubters..I wish we get more Imrans..

on anotehr point waht unis in paksitan have degrees that are internationally recognised? and I mean in the US/Uk

AKU, NUST, GIK, LUMS...thats it I suppose.
What a feeling it is to see a dream than make it a reality and get the prayers of all these families. Here is a pic of a poor mother his son who graduated from NAMAL with a First



That's a really touching photo.

Hopefully our future leaders can come from such institutions to challenge the status quo.
Inshallah it will become a top top university where the elite think of going
[MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION], would like your input on Taliban Khan here as well.:inti.
Inshallah it will become a top top university where the elite think of going

Not going to happen, but it has the potential to serve the middle-class who cannot afford the top-tier universities.
Imran is a genuinely good guy. You can see the happiness in his eyes. :imran
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My most satisfying experience of the 5th Namal Univ convocation was the result. Of the degrees, 53% got 1st class firsts from Bradford Univ & 91% of those graduating already have job offers. 95% of graduates were funded by Namal Univ as their parents couldn’t afford their fees <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">November 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Its NUML not Namal.

NUML (National University of Modern Languages) is another university in H9 Islamabad. Probably famous for its languages courses and diplomas. Namal is entirely another thing. Although I am yet to see a positive research outcome from Namal. Graduation is just a receipt for being in uni for 4 years. Its the work that matters.
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I have got massive respect for this person. He is someone which another Pakistani anywhere in the world can proudly be associated with. He is a great role model, teacher, motivator, inspirational, etc.

But you know what he will never get the chance to supervise this country. Not because of faults/shortcomings of his own but because the people of Pakistan are too afraid for change to happen in their life.

The generation of Pakistanis in the 60s-80s were doing good and we were actually progressing. But then came 80s-2010s, this generation of Pakistanis is largely a reason Pakistan is behind all other developing countries which were behind Pakistan in terms of economic development in 60s. This generation had their priorities on religion, corruption and an extremely laid back attitude. I just hope that the new generation does not follow in the same footsteps and are willing to change for a better future.
I have got massive respect for this person. He is someone which another Pakistani anywhere in the world can proudly be associated with. He is a great role model, teacher, motivator, inspirational, etc.

But you know what he will never get the chance to supervise this country. Not because of faults/shortcomings of his own but because the people of Pakistan are too afraid for change to happen in their life.

The generation of Pakistanis in the 60s-80s were doing good and we were actually progressing. But then came 80s-2010s, this generation of Pakistanis is largely a reason Pakistan is behind all other developing countries which were behind Pakistan in terms of economic development in 60s. This generation had their priorities on religion, corruption and an extremely laid back attitude. I just hope that the new generation does not follow in the same footsteps and are willing to change for a better future.

Agree. we gave chance to everyone, more than once, let now try this gem of a person to lead the country.
Namal is not just a university but a whole knowledge city.

Imran Khan's sister Aleema Khan was in Australia last week to collect donations for Namal and was excellent in presenting the plan and launched the membership campaign.

They are seeking expertise from all over the world, have planned hospital, residential area, hotels and other amazing facilities for the students, teachers and investors/donors.

Aleema admitted that this project hasn't gone at a pace they expected but now there is a real push coming with membership campaign all around the world and promotion of project.

Anyone can see satisfaction on Imran's face while addressing the batch, there is no better feeling than seeing young and educated achieving their dreams but for some thick people Imran is just a power hungry person.
I have got massive respect for this person. He is someone which another Pakistani anywhere in the world can proudly be associated with. He is a great role model, teacher, motivator, inspirational, etc.

But you know what he will never get the chance to supervise this country. Not because of faults/shortcomings of his own but because the people of Pakistan are too afraid for change to happen in their life.

The generation of Pakistanis in the 60s-80s were doing good and we were actually progressing. But then came 80s-2010s, this generation of Pakistanis is largely a reason Pakistan is behind all other developing countries which were behind Pakistan in terms of economic development in 60s. This generation had their priorities on religion, corruption and an extremely laid back attitude. I just hope that the new generation does not follow in the same footsteps and are willing to change for a better future.

Very well said! This is exactly what Imran Khan says as well, "I grew up in Pakistan that was progressing so well". Extremism and greedy politicians /dictators totally ruined the country but at least Khan gave hope to millions of youngsters that there are people who can take Pakistan to great heights again.
NUML (National University of Modern Languages) is another university in H9 Islamabad. Probably famous for its languages courses and diplomas. Namal is entirely another thing. Although I am yet to see a positive research outcome from Namal. Graduation is just a receipt for being in uni for 4 years. Its the work that matters.

actually the HE sector is now increasingly focussing on "employability". Its not just about the research. Yes research is an integral part but you need those same researchers to be able to teach too. I work in the HE sector and know it very very well. At one point Universities were competing for the top professors and researchers like football clubs do for players. I worked at one university and watched as a high level academic female drove up in a barand new lambhorgini! my jaw dropped.
[MENTION=145403]Extra_Cover[/MENTION] and [MENTION=135]Waseem[/MENTION]. See post #17 above. that should tell you all you need to know about the new generation.
[MENTION=145403]Extra_Cover[/MENTION] and [MENTION=135]Waseem[/MENTION]. See post #17 above. that should tell you all you need to know about the new generation.

you have to be a crook to lead the country....
A genuine human being who I sincerely hope gets to lead the country before his age makes him senile or takes him away.
[MENTION=145403]Extra_Cover[/MENTION] and [MENTION=135]Waseem[/MENTION]. See post #17 above. that should tell you all you need to know about the new generation.

I ignore that now, you could be honest committed, humanitarian, selfless and even known for leadership skills but only people who can lead us are Nawaz, Zardari, Altaf. But hey if you are sick of them, we have great alternatives in Maryam, Bilawal, Hamza, Junaid Safdar etc etc (youth is also ready to serve us you know).
Even in his busy schedule ahead of elections he still find time to collect money for these great projects just like ever year. £900,000 raised in 2 hours. That's the trust of Pakistanis in Imran!



I wonder if during this Ramadan he will have all those Iftar dinners to collect money for SKMCH in this busy season of Elections?
Even in his busy schedule ahead of elections he still find time to collect money for these great projects just like ever year. £900,000 raised in 2 hours. That's the trust of Pakistanis in Imran!



I wonder if during this Ramadan he will have all those Iftar dinners to collect money for SKMCH in this busy season of Elections?

Wasim Akram and Shaneira Akram are doing a good job to support him fro SKMH funding. I attended an event yesterday in Melbourne where both were guests which was quite successful. Representatives from SKMH were very professional and people were highly impressed. Lot of excitement about Karachi project and new tower in Lahore which will double the capacity.
Wasim Akram and Shaneira Akram are doing a good job to support him fro SKMH funding. I attended an event yesterday in Melbourne where both were guests which was quite successful. Representatives from SKMH were very professional and people were highly impressed. Lot of excitement about Karachi project and new tower in Lahore which will double the capacity.

That's great IK involving all these celebrities to give back to the community. I saw some pics I think Waqar younis and family was there too in Australia fundraising.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank Aneel and the Manchester SKMT Committee for raising a record £900k last night (abt Rs 15 crores); Thank you also to all the British Pakistanis for their generosity.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">April 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I want to thank Aneel and the Manchester SKMT Committee for raising a record £900k last night (abt Rs 15 crores); Thank you also to all the British Pakistanis for their generosity.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">April 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Is that an accurate figure, because if it is, that is incredible amount.
I have got massive respect for this person. He is someone which another Pakistani anywhere in the world can proudly be associated with. He is a great role model, teacher, motivator, inspirational, etc.

But you know what he will never get the chance to supervise this country. Not because of faults/shortcomings of his own but because the people of Pakistan are too afraid for change to happen in their life.

The generation of Pakistanis in the 60s-80s were doing good and we were actually progressing. But then came 80s-2010s, this generation of Pakistanis is largely a reason Pakistan is behind all other developing countries which were behind Pakistan in terms of economic development in 60s. This generation had their priorities on religion, corruption and an extremely laid back attitude. I just hope that the new generation does not follow in the same footsteps and are willing to change for a better future.

I still stand by this quote. One consistent factor that has common in Pakistan since 1990 till date is regression. Regression in every facet of life be it economical, be it humanity, be it education, anything you name it and we as a nation have regressed in that aspect since 90s.

Another thing common since 90s have been the Government be it PMLN or PPP. These both parties have ruled the countries for the better part of last 3 decades and have ensured that we continue on our regression slide. The years Musharraf was in power we as a nation threatened to get out of this slide but due to his own shortcomings he left the country and back came the leeches to suck life of whatever is left in a common person.

This initiative by Imran is polar opposite of what PMLN and PPP have proposed or have done in the last 3 decades they have been in power. Both PMLN and PPP well understand the fact that if they can keep their vote bank uneducated then that vote bank will remain theirs. They know for a fact that once the average lower class families start getting educated they will start to lose their vote bank so in their era they made sure that low class families stay away from school and children start working from ages as low as 12 to support their families in an above average inflationary economy.

Imran is the complete opposite. The initiatives he has taken will reap rewards years down the line. He does not think short term survival he thinks of long term solutions. The hospitals and schools development in KP will reap massive rewards and economic boost to the domestic economy in the next decade. I do hope he gets into power but that is a mere hope and the chances of that happening is close to zilch. The country is massively under developed and majority of the country is uneducated, this is ideal playground for someone like Sharif or Zardari and they will never leave this playground.

All Pakistanis should remember one thing, the current state of Pakistan is not because of Sharif and Zardaris it is because of common Pakistani people who elect them into power and I'm sure they will not disappoint in the next election.
Sorry confused it with the top one. Still thats a huge amount he is a friend of IK and iirc IK, SMQ and Anil Kapoor were all there in his sister marriage 2 years ago.

I do remember Modi making an unofficial visit to Nawaz before too. Most politicians/celeberities are bhai bhais as long as it is a personal event but are at loggerheads with one another regarding official matters. That is how politics works though.
PM stresses upon quality higher education for youth

MIANWALI: Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday stressed upon availability of affordable and quality higher education opportunities for the talented youth of Pakistan as good education laid the foundation for a tolerant and progressive society.

The prime minister was addressing a ground breaking ceremony of Namal Knowledge City phase 1 as a chief guest.

It was envisioned earlier by the prime minister as a center of academic excellence for the marginalized population residing in remote areas, PM office media wing in a press release said.

The prime minister was briefed that after completion of first phase, more than 10,000 students from deprived areas would benefit from the Knowledge City.

It was informed that this project would be environment friendly and would have a state of the art green structure.

The prime minister, in his address, paid special tribute and expressed deep gratitude for the commitments made by donors worth millions of dollars.

He also expressed his desire to transform the institute into an internationally renowned center of excellence.
A feel-good story from Namal. I hope this really becomes a true knowledge city one day and we can have countless such stories.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Master Plan of my dream to build Pakistan’s first knowledge city. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">October 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>