[Report] Army Tightens Grip on Pakistan as PM Imran Khan’s Popularity Wanes

Yes, I am aware that there are factions in the Turkish Army. I am also aware that the military ruled Turkey for decades after WWII and during Erdogan's time its ability to overthrow civilian leaders it did not like has decreased.

Same is the case with Pakistan, Army has stepped away and two of the most volatile democratic setups came and army didnt move,
Sorry can’t be bothered to spoon feed ppl like you. Suffice to say Pakistan has declined & regressed in every way under direct/indirect army rule. Go figure out the details yourself.

That's a pretty lame way to address this issue. Expect better from you.
ZAB had his supporters but the majority of public bought into the fake narrative peddled by Gen. Zia.

The one and only time the vast majority of the public supported a civilian over the military was when Gen. Ayub conspired against Fatima Jinnah, and that episode alone sums up the role of the military in Pakistan.

Fatima Jinnah was in a different league. But the fact that even her defeat in a rigged election didnot bring enough push back from the people against the army reveals the fact that, largely people are ok with the army rule.

Unless the people rise up and push back, it will be a game of musical chairs in the PM house.

Btw, wasn't it the popular protest that removed Mussharaff?
Fatima Jinnah was in a different league. But the fact that even her defeat in a rigged election didnot bring enough push back from the people against the army reveals the fact that, largely people are ok with the army rule.

Unless the people rise up and push back, it will be a game of musical chairs in the PM house.

Btw, wasn't it the popular protest that removed Mussharaff?

Musharraf was one (and probably the only) good army leader of the country. Pakistan prospered in his time, economy was doing well. There were technocrats in most key positions, who were actually qualified for the job. He kept jahil chumchageer type like Fawad Chahudhry at an arms length.

Essentially ordinary people dont really care about the type of Government is there, as long its working for their betterment. Look at China as an example.
Same is the case with Pakistan, Army has stepped away and two of the most volatile democratic setups came and army didnt move,

There is no comparison at the current moment between Army-civilian power balance between Pakistan and Turkey. It is heavily in favor of the Army in Pakistan and in the favor of the civilian government in Turkey.

Having said that, the path of conflict Erdogan is following is unstable and may in the future lead to a dictatorship (Army or otherwise) in the future.
Musharraf was one (and probably the only) good army leader of the country. Pakistan prospered in his time, economy was doing well. There were technocrats in most key positions, who were actually qualified for the job. He kept jahil chumchageer type like Fawad Chahudhry at an arms length.

Essentially ordinary people dont really care about the type of Government is there, as long its working for their betterment. Look at China as an example.

Musharrafs downfall began when he started compromising with the politicians and started bringing in politicians from the PML Q. The last nail in the coffin was his confrontation with CJ Chaudhry Iftikhar, blindly trusting that army chief who replaced him but who was actually in cahoots with the PPP and BB assassination. A lot of people from the 2000 to 2006 generation miss Mushs rule very fondly and I remember as an iba student every third year and fourth year students were very excited at entering the job market with the bargaining power to dictate their starting pays and with plenty of opportunities.

But now things have changed so much that students who are starting off at Rs 80-100-110k per month which was considered a big lottery 10-15 years ago, are complaining it is just not enough in today's times
Musharrafs downfall began when he started compromising with the politicians and started bringing in politicians from the PML Q. The last nail in the coffin was his confrontation with CJ Chaudhry Iftikhar, blindly trusting that army chief who replaced him but who was actually in cahoots with the PPP and BB assassination. A lot of people from the 2000 to 2006 generation miss Mushs rule very fondly and I remember as an iba student every third year and fourth year students were very excited at entering the job market with the bargaining power to dictate their starting pays and with plenty of opportunities.

<b>But now things have changed so much that students who are starting off at Rs 80-100-110k per month which was considered a big lottery 10-15 years ago, are complaining it is just not enough in today's times</b>

Probably because Rs 100,000 pm in 2020 is worth only Rs 25,000 pm in 2005 prices and Rs 50,000 pm in 2010 prices.

There is no comparison at the current moment between Army-civilian power balance between Pakistan and Turkey. It is heavily in favor of the Army in Pakistan and in the favor of the civilian government in Turkey.

Having said that, the path of conflict Erdogan is following is unstable and may in the future lead to a dictatorship (Army or otherwise) in the future.

So you dont understand one bit of turkey but still want to use it as an example to push your agenda.
Why is that Everytime its the same, army rigged elections, installed puppet, then remove puppet, then re election then repeat.

Is there any truth to this?

No. Every election whoever loses accuses the winner of being a puppet, says the election was rigged.

Army does not care who is PM, as long as they control defense and interior, and they share and have a veto power on foreign policy with the government. PTI, PPP, and PML N, the 3 largest parties have accepted these restrictions. So to accuse PTI of being any different than the other parties is pure **.
But Pakistan has had very popular leaders like ZAB or Imran. Doesn't the army fear public back lash?

Army can only come into power directly with the support of the opposition. So ZAB was very popular but the Army was able to topple him once the opposition joined with them and launched protests against his goverment. Same thing happened in 90's with Nawaz and Benazir both trying to topple the other with the support of the Army.

To avoid that scenario Imran Khan is working very closely with the Army, and that is why he extended Bajwa and he is trying to make decisions that they wont have a problem with, so there is no need for them to launch a coup. Its the most realistic scenario for Pakistan right now.
Dishonest politicians suits establishment because establishment looks better when compared to those dishonest politicians + establishment can control them. But dishonest politicians sometimes start thinking that they have real power so they are put in place and an example is made out of them to teach them a lesson. Then dishonest politicians toe the line and asks for forgiveness and promised to be obedient next time when they get the power. Establishment would not let those dishonest politicians get real punishment because it goes against their goal.

When a honest politician comes in front then power is not transferred to him even if he has won elections. Thats what happen with Imran Khan in 2013 elections. Instead establishment will try to corrupt him or surround him with corrupt people so that he can be controlled and then power is transferred to him. Then he will be discredited, there will be corruption scandals against his team mostly against the ones who were told to surround him by the establishment, and public will turn against him. Then he will also start toeing the establishment line or else will be replaced by a dishonest politician.

Its a vicious cycle and I dont know how it can be broken. Turkey is probably an example to follow.

They dont care about honest vs dishonest. They want foreign policy shared. Defense and interior under there control. Not to to mention there perks wont be touched.
Read the article posted by OP. The evidence is all infront of you.

I ve nothing against Imran Khan as a person. He may ve good intentions but right now he is just being used as a tool. After 74 years, its about time that we realise that Army is the biggest obstacle for real progress and natural evolution of democracy, where the interests of ordinary people are the priority.

Can there not be a middle ground? We have one side like you blaming them for every ill that Pakistan has ever faced in the last 70 years. And then on the other side there are the boot polishers who keep on saying they saved the country.
1. Which welfare program? Imran tou khud awam se har cheez k liay donations ki bheek maang raha hai.

Ehsaas. i suggest you look it up. It is the beginnings of a proper welfare state. But alas all you want to do is moan. He is asking for bheek because 45% of your budget goes into debt servicing thanks to eight years of democracy of which your beloved MQM were a part of.

2. Going after which corrupt leaders? Despite all his tall claims nothing has been recovered from the corrupt Noon League and PPP. Infact he allowed Nawaz to bugger off to the UK and Zardari is still chilling around in Bilawal House. The rest of smaller corrupt fishes are now part of Imran’s cabinet.

He has tried. yes this has been a failing but unfortunately other priorities like an Indian attack, economy failing, and Covid has put that on the back burner, So its either try and save the country from Covid or go after Nawaz. They have continued to pursue cases but ultimately he cant sack the judiciary because then all of you will say he is a dictator. The sugar report was a good milestone.

3. As for Pandemic what exactly has he done for the poor Awam. He cant even make the cheaper fuel prices available to the public.

12000 rupees a month from the coffers that are running low. Initiated SOP's and kept numbers of deaths low until Sindh and the others started screaming to ease the lock down because the labourers they dont care about were running out of food. I have spoken to three people I employ in pakistan and a doctor who does not like IK. She works in PIMS and they are all saying he is helping and they have been impressed with his efforts. It has helped me immensely when trying to pay wages. But what do you care about the ghareebs your terrorist organisation used to shoot dead all the time.

What exactly has he achieved since he was brought in to power?

Ehsaas, health insurance for certain sectors of the economy, ramping up the non existant bed capacity in the health sector, reduced our reliance on imports, reduced teh deficit in trade, continued CPEC and reorganised phase 2. More welfare support for the poor, diverting punjabs budget outside of lahore, highlighting things like the sugar report, looking to restructure PIA and selling off loss making industries like the steel mills. Helped defeat india's nefarious designs on the 27th of feb which included their use of proxies from various political groups. Highlighting Pakistans tourist industry abroad and heloing to rehabilitate the countrys image abroad. This is just in 18 months.

what did your terrorist org do in thirty years of being in control of karachi. you cant even pick up kachra. You should start with your scumbag leaders. Dacoits and thuggery is your legacy nothing else. name me a list of the MQM's achievements in karachi? the sewage system is dead, schools are dead, kachra dead, the city is a mess. Kya kia hay tum logoan nay? nothing..

Then you talk about the army. im no fan of Mush. i hated him. I hated what he stood for. but one thing he did was pay off a large chunk of our laons to the IMF so that debt servicing was a small part of our budget. tum logoan nay kya kia? borrow borrow borrow then blame Khan.

One thing you need to realise. Your terror org is never coming back. Once Covid is dealt with your next.
what did your terrorist org do in thirty years of being in control of karachi. you cant even pick up kachra. You should start with your scumbag leaders. Dacoits and thuggery is your legacy nothing else. name me a list of the MQM's achievements in karachi? the sewage system is dead, schools are dead, kachra dead, the city is a mess. Kya kia hay tum logoan nay? nothing..

Then you talk about the army. im no fan of Mush. i hated him. I hated what he stood for. but one thing he did was pay off a large chunk of our laons to the IMF so that debt servicing was a small part of our budget. tum logoan nay kya kia? borrow borrow borrow then blame Khan.

One thing you need to realise. Your terror org is never coming back. Once Covid is dealt with your next.

People voted for MQM because Sindhi's were block voting for PPP, and spending all the revenue of Sindh in interior. So Urdu speaking people felt they had no choice but to vote for MQM. Regardless of there achievements. And if it wasn't for PTI we would continue to vote for them. However now that PTI does exist, Urdu speaking people have another option, and i don't see MQM being successful in subsequent elections. In 2018 alot of people who voted for MQM instead of PTI only did so because they were not sure that PTI could win and did not want to waste there vote. PTI still won majority of the seats, and might clean sweep Karachi next time.
Can there not be a middle ground? We have one side like you blaming them for every ill that Pakistan has ever faced in the last 70 years. And then on the other side there are the boot polishers who keep on saying they saved the country.

firstly you have to be realistic and understand your history. The army is the people. Every person from every walk of life joins it. but its actions in the past that have lead to some major problems have always been due to the insecure nature of Pakistan itself. the three wars we had early on and partition too.

It made many many mistakes. there is no doubt about it. And Pakistanis should feel proud to criticise it. However it has many successes too which should also be spoken about.

But the current economic woes are one of the areas that the military can rightly say it has only a small hand in. The economic mismanagement of the last ten years was not lead by the army. They fought a war and won it on a shoestring budget while our leaders stole wealth and sent it abroad, where that same wealth was used to kill Pakistanis.

Ultimately the armys job is to defend the country and its borders. They are doing that job. do they interfere in our politics, of course they do. Why because it harks back to the years of insecurity. We are a fundamentally insecure country hence why the army is overtly concerned when our politicians decide to do things outside of our national interest. If you look at the armys meddling its all about this insecurity.

Coming onto the budget. The army budget is about 9 billion dollars. Compared to India's which is 68 billion dollars. According to research a country like ours should have a military budget of about 20 billion dollars. to pay its soldiers and other functions that it has to carry out.

45% of our overall budget goes into debt servicing. The army has to make do with a very small amount when compared to its direct adversaries and other similar sized countries.

Thats not to absolve it of its mistakes, of course not but lets keep things in perspective.

You can cut the 9 billion to 4.5 billion which means scrapping half of our air force squadrons and getting rid of a large part of our armoured and artilley corp. What do you think Modi will do? Do you think the 26th of feb was a joke?

It is the executives job to manage the economy and they must do a better job..the army will protect and all stakeholders should work together not snipe at each other.

its sad to see that during a national crisis the opposition have decided to play dirty political games hoping IK will fail and they can step in. Its sick.
People voted for MQM because Sindhi's were block voting for PPP, and spending all the revenue of Sindh in interior. So Urdu speaking people felt they had no choice but to vote for MQM. Regardless of there achievements. And if it wasn't for PTI we would continue to vote for them. However now that PTI does exist, Urdu speaking people have another option, and i don't see MQM being successful in subsequent elections. In 2018 alot of people who voted for MQM instead of PTI only did so because they were not sure that PTI could win and did not want to waste there vote. PTI still won majority of the seats, and might clean sweep Karachi next time.

Not blaming the people but the years when I grew up in karachi will always stay with me. the fear I would be shot for being a non muhajir will always remain. The sudden animosity from class mates just because I wasnt urdu speaking. The ethnic craziness this unleashed can never be undone.

The PPP need to be dealt with mercilessly. They have to be gutted and eliminated as a force in Pakistanis politics. Their fiefdom in interior sind needs to go.
firstly you have to be realistic and understand your history. The army is the people. Every person from every walk of life joins it. but its actions in the past that have lead to some major problems have always been due to the insecure nature of Pakistan itself. the three wars we had early on and partition too.

It made many many mistakes. there is no doubt about it. And Pakistanis should feel proud to criticise it. However it has many successes too which should also be spoken about.

But the current economic woes are one of the areas that the military can rightly say it has only a small hand in. The economic mismanagement of the last ten years was not lead by the army. They fought a war and won it on a shoestring budget while our leaders stole wealth and sent it abroad, where that same wealth was used to kill Pakistanis.

Ultimately the armys job is to defend the country and its borders. They are doing that job. do they interfere in our politics, of course they do. Why because it harks back to the years of insecurity. We are a fundamentally insecure country hence why the army is overtly concerned when our politicians decide to do things outside of our national interest. If you look at the armys meddling its all about this insecurity.

Coming onto the budget. The army budget is about 9 billion dollars. Compared to India's which is 68 billion dollars. According to research a country like ours should have a military budget of about 20 billion dollars. to pay its soldiers and other functions that it has to carry out.

45% of our overall budget goes into debt servicing. The army has to make do with a very small amount when compared to its direct adversaries and other similar sized countries.

Thats not to absolve it of its mistakes, of course not but lets keep things in perspective.

You can cut the 9 billion to 4.5 billion which means scrapping half of our air force squadrons and getting rid of a large part of our armoured and artilley corp. What do you think Modi will do? Do you think the 26th of feb was a joke?

It is the executives job to manage the economy and they must do a better job..the army will protect and all stakeholders should work together not snipe at each other.

its sad to see that during a national crisis the opposition have decided to play dirty political games hoping IK will fail and they can step in. Its sick.

Excellent post. I will copy paste on my social media if it is okay with you as currently was engaged with someone
Critics of the Pakistani army who hold the events of 1971 against them also need to realize that the Pakistani army culture and competence is completely different now compared to back then. You cannot rise to the level of Corp Commander, Major General, LT General, General without taking advanced war courses from the top defense institutes in the US, UK, Pakistan e.t.c. You will not have an incompetent womanizer, drunkard like Yahya Khan in charge of the army.

Even Musharraf enjoyed his evening drinks but he has never ever been caught drunk and had always appeared in his sound sense whenever he had to make decisions during his rule from 1999 to 2008. You can't blame the army beyond a certain point for getting involved in national affairs because at the end of the day when all else fails, the people of Pakistan turned to the Fauj as a last resort. The Ayub Khan and Musharraf era were one of the best economic periods in our nations history and nope it was not all on the bangwagon of US aid and support as these opposition political parties keep propagating.
Lets be clear, having a defence budget of $500 million to $1 billion is completely unrealistic especially when you have Modi on the borders. The politicians and civilians simply have to do deliver in the areas and things under their control rather than indulge in Panama, Fake Bank Accounts schemes.
Not blaming the people but the years when I grew up in karachi will always stay with me. the fear I would be shot for being a non muhajir will always remain. The sudden animosity from class mates just because I wasnt urdu speaking. The ethnic craziness this unleashed can never be undone.

The PPP need to be dealt with mercilessly. They have to be gutted and eliminated as a force in Pakistanis politics. Their fiefdom in interior sind needs to go.

I am sorry that you had a tough time in Karachi. Things have gotten better now. And i think Thats the best thing about PTI that it does not belong to one ethnicity.

And the "ethnic craziness" can be undone. Outside of Baluchistan ethnic parties are not going to do that well in the next election. And the overwhelming majority of Pakistani people value there Pakistani identity more than their ethnic one.

And for PPP to go PTI needs the second biggest wadera in every constituency to be given a PTI ticket. However as much as i dislike PPP, and want them out of Sindh govt, i dont want them to be out of Pakistani politics for good. For all their faults PPP is still a pan Pakistani party.
I am sorry that you had a tough time in Karachi. Things have gotten better now. And i think Thats the best thing about PTI that it does not belong to one ethnicity.

And the "ethnic craziness" can be undone. Outside of Baluchistan ethnic parties are not going to do that well in the next election. And the overwhelming majority of Pakistani people value there Pakistani identity more than their ethnic one.

And for PPP to go PTI needs the second biggest wadera in every constituency to be given a PTI ticket. However as much as i dislike PPP, and want them out of Sindh govt, i dont want them to be out of Pakistani politics for good. For all their faults PPP is still a pan Pakistani party.

The PPP needs to get rid of the current lot of traitors, waderas and psuedo intellectuals who look to their masters in the west for support. They do not care about Pakistan. They hate the army for what they believe it did to their god Bhutto and everytime they come to power their aim is to gain revenge. This cult needs to be stopped and the bhuttos/zardaris gone from Pakistani politics for good.

the PTI has shown the way and if any party wants to challenge them in the future they need to be a pan pakistan party with broad support but at the same time a party that doesnt go and sit at the feet of our enemies like Modi.
Critics of the Pakistani army who hold the events of 1971 against them also need to realize that the Pakistani army culture and competence is completely different now compared to back then. You cannot rise to the level of Corp Commander, Major General, LT General, General without taking advanced war courses from the top defense institutes in the US, UK, Pakistan e.t.c. You will not have an incompetent womanizer, drunkard like Yahya Khan in charge of the army.

Even Musharraf enjoyed his evening drinks but he has never ever been caught drunk and had always appeared in his sound sense whenever he had to make decisions during his rule from 1999 to 2008. You can't blame the army beyond a certain point for getting involved in national affairs because at the end of the day when all else fails, the people of Pakistan turned to the Fauj as a last resort. The Ayub Khan and Musharraf era were one of the best economic periods in our nations history and nope it was not all on the bangwagon of US aid and support as these opposition political parties keep propagating.

The army still has some issues but nothing compared to the 70's. The biggest problem these waderas and feudals have is the fact that a colonel from some poor village in potohar can tell them to get lost.

they want to rule like kings but they now know they cant. hence why they get their media slaves to come up with stupid idiotic news stories.

I mean the budget nonsense is blatant nonsense. Like i said above they would love to gut the army, install a pithu and turn it into the punjab police. Never going to happen.

Finally just some basic facts, the NFC award given to the provinces is where health and education resides. Punjab and KP are pretty much self sustaining provinces now and generate revenue. If we didnt have white elephants like the orange line , that has consumed nearly all of punjabs transport budget, they would have even more money to spend.

He is among the many members of the military who have recovered from the tabdeeli virus and have finally regained their senses.

It is difficult to forgive generals like him for the poison that they instilled in the public, but I guess it is never too late.

Translation for those who cannot read Urdu:

“I voted for Imran Khan but now I am very ashamed”
View attachment 101590

He is among the many members of the military who have recovered from the tabdeeli virus and have finally regained their senses.

It is difficult to forgive generals like him for the poison that they instilled in the public, but I guess it is never too late.

Translation for those who cannot read Urdu:

“I voted for Imran Khan but now I am very ashamed”

As usual the army or a specific general becomes halal because he is anti IK. It's getting very predictable and boring now
what did your terrorist org do in thirty years of being in control of karachi. you cant even pick up kachra. You should start with your scumbag leaders. Dacoits and thuggery is your legacy nothing else. name me a list of the MQM's achievements in karachi? the sewage system is dead, schools are dead, kachra dead, the city is a mess. Kya kia hay tum logoan nay? nothing..

Then you talk about the army. im no fan of Mush. i hated him. I hated what he stood for. but one thing he did was pay off a large chunk of our laons to the IMF so that debt servicing was a small part of our budget. tum logoan nay kya kia? borrow borrow borrow then blame Khan.

One thing you need to realise. Your terror org is never coming back. Once Covid is dealt with your next.

Read your wishy washy excuses to highlight imran’s and Army’s achievement, they dont amount to anything. In a time when the country is going through a rough time, the defence budget is being increased. Imran Khan’s govt cabinet is bigger than those of his predecessors. And all you can list are these token gestures.

As for MQM and the problems faced by karachi are down to many reasons like no funds provided by the sindh government, political nepotism and corruption in all forms of government bodies (not controlled by MQM). Steel mill is just an example of this. MQM in terms of militancy is no different than all other parties of Pakistan, the lawlessness of karachi is mainly down to no one really caring about it and owning it. The police is mostly from Punjab, the Mafias like transport and water tankers are run by Pathans and the Government sector is full of Sindhis. All of whom are allowed to enforce their hegemony through violence and extortion. If you ve ever lived in Khi, you would know what I mean. Therefore MQM had to be on the same playing field as them (i am not justifying the violence but just proving that its not just limited to 1 party).

As for what MQM achieved: much less than what they should ve but atleast they brought in some voice for the Muhajir community issues like Quota system and mistreatment by all these other Mafias, the infrastructure development that happened during Musharaf time was done by MQM. The Baldiyati system was brought in by them. I dont approve of all what MQM did in the end but as an Urdu Speaker, they ve my support because they are the only ones who represent my community. You can believe whatever you want to believe but comes the next free and fair election and MQM will again win all of its seats (esp after the stellar performance of PTI in Karachi).
View attachment 101590

He is among the many members of the military who have recovered from the tabdeeli virus and have finally regained their senses.

It is difficult to forgive generals like him for the poison that they instilled in the public, but I guess it is never too late.

Translation for those who cannot read Urdu:

“I voted for Imran Khan but now I am very ashamed”

The thing in here is that people like Amjad Shoaib would never vote for PPP or PMLN due to them being historically corrupt parties.

As long as there is no other alternative to Imran and PTI, the country should do with them and try to improve under them economically. As soon as a reliable opposition is established it would be great for our country.

The biggest scam the country has ever seen.

@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=1269" target="_blank">Bewal Express</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=138254" target="_blank">Syed1</a>

Your leader.
The thing in here is that people like Amjad Shoaib would never vote for PPP or PMLN due to them being historically corrupt parties.

As long as there is no other alternative to Imran and PTI, the country should do with them and try to improve under them economically. As soon as a reliable opposition is established it would be great for our country.

PTI has been downgraded from a party that will bring tabdeeli to a party that is lesser of the three evils.

It has become a disjointed party with a delusional and idealistic leader at the helm and a collection of opportunistic politicians with no credibility.

It is a chaotic mess.
Read your wishy washy excuses to highlight imran’s and Army’s achievement, they dont amount to anything. In a time when the country is going through a rough time, the defence budget is being increased. Imran Khan’s govt cabinet is bigger than those of his predecessors. And all you can list are these token gestures.

As for MQM and the problems faced by karachi are down to many reasons like no funds provided by the sindh government, political nepotism and corruption in all forms of government bodies (not controlled by MQM). Steel mill is just an example of this. MQM in terms of militancy is no different than all other parties of Pakistan, the lawlessness of karachi is mainly down to no one really caring about it and owning it. The police is mostly from Punjab, the Mafias like transport and water tankers are run by Pathans and the Government sector is full of Sindhis. All of whom are allowed to enforce their hegemony through violence and extortion. If you ve ever lived in Khi, you would know what I mean. Therefore MQM had to be on the same playing field as them (i am not justifying the violence but just proving that its not just limited to 1 party).

As for what MQM achieved: much less than what they should ve but atleast they brought in some voice for the Muhajir community issues like Quota system and mistreatment by all these other Mafias, the infrastructure development that happened during Musharaf time was done by MQM. The Baldiyati system was brought in by them. I dont approve of all what MQM did in the end but as an Urdu Speaker, they ve my support because they are the only ones who represent my community. You can believe whatever you want to believe but comes the next free and fair election and MQM will again win all of its seats (esp after the stellar performance of PTI in Karachi).

so in 30 years other than crime and murder they represented you so thats why you'll vote for them. And this is why Pakistan and especially karachi will never progress. I suggest you organise some donkey carts to help your MQM friends pick up the garbage and clean the sewers.

In 33 years of non PTI governance none of teh political parties did anything meaningful. Pakistan has no ehealth service, no health insurance, no welfare. but altaf bhai tujay salaam for ensuring Punjabis and pakthuns got a good beating and jiyay muhajir was on every childs lips...

as for my "wishy washy" asssertions in favour of IK, counter them with facts then. but you cant because the MQM did nothing for karachi and will do nothing the next time they come in. Bulkay we will see more muder on the streets from your terror gangs.

All we hear now how IK is a fraud, he's in power for two years. In two years he has created the beginnings of a true welfare state via ehsaas and health insurance. But who care about that. lets get altaf bhai to give a speech to karachi and sing a song for you. Just remember thats what youll be voting for.

beshuk vote him out the next election but dont expect any improvement in pakistan. Actually expect martial law to be frank, welcomed by the people. Your party is incapable of governing. So is the PPP and PMLN. this is simply a proven fact. Just look at the orange line that is taking up the majority of punjabs transport budget. But you dont care about punjabis because its jiyay muhajir and altaf zindabaad.

But shabaash go ahead. then dont cry when the borian come out again!!
so in 30 years other than crime and murder they represented you so thats why you'll vote for them. And this is why Pakistan and especially karachi will never progress. I suggest you organise some donkey carts to help your MQM friends pick up the garbage and clean the sewers.

In 33 years of non PTI governance none of teh political parties did anything meaningful. Pakistan has no ehealth service, no health insurance, no welfare. but altaf bhai tujay salaam for ensuring Punjabis and pakthuns got a good beating and jiyay muhajir was on every childs lips...

as for my "wishy washy" asssertions in favour of IK, counter them with facts then. but you cant because the MQM did nothing for karachi and will do nothing the next time they come in. Bulkay we will see more muder on the streets from your terror gangs.

All we hear now how IK is a fraud, he's in power for two years. In two years he has created the beginnings of a true welfare state via ehsaas and health insurance. But who care about that. lets get altaf bhai to give a speech to karachi and sing a song for you. Just remember thats what youll be voting for.

beshuk vote him out the next election but dont expect any improvement in pakistan. Actually expect martial law to be frank, welcomed by the people. Your party is incapable of governing. So is the PPP and PMLN. this is simply a proven fact. Just look at the orange line that is taking up the majority of punjabs transport budget. But you dont care about punjabis because its jiyay muhajir and altaf zindabaad.

But shabaash go ahead. then dont cry when the borian come out again!!

I could bullet point answer to all your wishy washy blabbering but thats not worth my time. You already know that they dont really mean anything. Ehsas foundation “W.T.H”. Edhi, Saillani and Cheepa welfare trusts have been doing much more in khi for decades without fishing for publicity.

As for Donkey carts for karachi people to collect rubbish. This exemplifies the typical arrogant mentality. I would say its better to leave Karachi issues to the people who feel some ownership of Karachi (and dont run back to their Pind at every opportunity) perhaps permanently move back to Punjab to enjoy your Orange Metro line.
I could bullet point answer to all your wishy washy blabbering but thats not worth my time. You already know that they dont really mean anything. Ehsas foundation “W.T.H”. Edhi, Saillani and Cheepa welfare trusts have been doing much more in khi for decades without fishing for publicity.

As for Donkey carts for karachi people to collect rubbish. This exemplifies the typical arrogant mentality. I would say its better to leave Karachi issues to the people who feel some ownership of Karachi (and dont run back to their Pind at every opportunity) perhaps permanently move back to Punjab to enjoy your Orange Metro line.

thanks for highlighting your inherent anti punjabi racism. Karachi is a paradise made by the residents of 9zero, i forgot. the streets are paved with gold and the sewage system is so good south korea borrowed altaf bhais plans. The fact you need charities to run your ambulance services tells me all i need to know about the "jiyay muhajir mob". Your party has done nothing for karachi and will do nothing for it. You are destined to live in a crime infested hell hole lead by the ghost of altaf bhai. Mazay kurna.

you cant answer or wont..because you have nothing to say. as your own party hasnt managed to do anything in 30 years. Go ahead and vote for them..you'll get nothing.
PTI has been downgraded from a party that will bring tabdeeli to a party that is lesser of the three evils.

It has become a disjointed party with a delusional and idealistic leader at the helm and a collection of opportunistic politicians with no credibility.

It is a chaotic mess.

As people that regularly read the rubbish that you post,Every single post on here never has any ideas or offers solutions except lets return to the crooks that have brought PK to its Knees. All you do is to repeat what GEO news and Noora media cells tell you. I can tell what you are going to latch onto before you even post it because i see the same crap from Nooras.

You stick to the ghulami of family businesses THAT HAVE STOLEN BILLIONS. You have nothing to offer PK except to worship the crooks that created the mess. You complain about the mafia, but its NS,AZ and MR that are heads of the mafia! Even after incessant attacks on IK from your mafia friends in the media and opposition, the latest by the head of the mafia in the SC- Injustice Isa- that closed the hudbiya case, a man who claimed IK owned 6 properties in London and he was aged 35- LOL. As long as IKs niyaat is clean, i along with milllions will defend and support him.
I could bullet point answer to all your wishy washy blabbering but thats not worth my time. You already know that they dont really mean anything. Ehsas foundation “W.T.H”. Edhi, Saillani and Cheepa welfare trusts have been doing much more in khi for decades without fishing for publicity.

As for Donkey carts for karachi people to collect rubbish. This exemplifies the typical arrogant mentality. I would say its better to leave Karachi issues to the people who feel some ownership of Karachi (and dont run back to their Pind at every opportunity) perhaps permanently move back to Punjab to enjoy your Orange Metro line.

So charities should be the main welfare provider in the country, not the govt? So what exactly is the role of the govt?
So charities should be the main welfare provider in the country, not the govt? So what exactly is the role of the govt?

Not sure about the rest of Pakistan, but in Karachi local govt's job was to hassle university students, collect goat-skins on Eid, collect bhatta from even the thailaywala, prepare 10-12 borian for those who refused to pay, city-wide strikes (because God knows why), beating up the Pathans because they were the sworn enemies, target-killings to spread their terror and so on.

People who grew up in Karachi in the 90s have lived through hell.

As for MQM, it's already a name of the bygone era. PTI will clean sweep Karachi in next election.
Altaf Hussain is a meme now. Hope he rots in the depths of hell.
PTI has been downgraded from a party that will bring tabdeeli to a party that is lesser of the three evils.

It has become a disjointed party with a delusional and idealistic leader at the helm and a collection of opportunistic politicians with no credibility.

It is a chaotic mess.

I wouldn't say its a chaotic mess as such. Yes, I agree to the extent that it so far has not been able to deliver on some of the pre-election promises it made however there are certain areas where it did manage to deliver on its promises such as Ehsaas program, plantation program, etc.

I also agree with you that there are certain position being held by people with less credibility but on flip side we also have got certain right people for the right job like Dr Sania for Ehsaas program, Zulfi Bukhari (for all the hate he gets he is actually doing some good work for Pakistan tourism development), etc.

It is by far the lesser of the 3 evils.

To think objectively, if you are expecting to start showing progressive curve like South Korea did from early 2000s onwards then that does not happen over a short term. Ground work needs to be laid for a steady progression. What PTI is doing right now is securing a second term, if they manage to meet this objective then it is collectively great for Pakistan as then the ground work laid right now can start reaping steadier growth.

Also usually Pakistan's government changes hand due to a massive political controversy. If Imran can stay away from controversy for another couple of years, then he is on track for re-election.

The only challenge I can see Imran having is emergence of a new candidate. PPP were launching Bilawal but this launch has gone quiet for sometime now. PMLN is struggling to move away from Nawaz, there is power politics happening between Maryam and Shahbaz. I do agree if both PMLN and PPP both discontinue their ties with Nawaz and Zardari and launch Bilawal and Shahbaz as top dogs of their respective parties then they might give interesting times to PTI in both Sindh and Punjab.

As we are talking of elections, the next term we might actually also end up seeing PTI win majority in Balochistan which would be a first for any major democratic party.
Not sure about the rest of Pakistan, but in Karachi local govt's job was to hassle university students, collect goat-skins on Eid, collect bhatta from even the thailaywala, prepare 10-12 borian for those who refused to pay, city-wide strikes (because God knows why), beating up the Pathans because they were the sworn enemies, target-killings to spread their terror and so on.

People who grew up in Karachi in the 90s have lived through hell.

As for MQM, it's already a name of the bygone era. PTI will clean sweep Karachi in next election.
Altaf Hussain is a meme now. Hope he rots in the depths of hell.

I am not saying it wasn't and thus the failure. Kaptaan needs help to scrap the 18th Amendment, needs to create powerful local govts with revolving elections and more local accountability but its easier said than done when our political culture is toxic.
I wouldn't say its a chaotic mess as such. Yes, I agree to the extent that it so far has not been able to deliver on some of the pre-election promises it made however there are certain areas where it did manage to deliver on its promises such as Ehsaas program, plantation program, etc.

I also agree with you that there are certain position being held by people with less credibility but on flip side we also have got certain right people for the right job like Dr Sania for Ehsaas program, Zulfi Bukhari (for all the hate he gets he is actually doing some good work for Pakistan tourism development), etc.

It is by far the lesser of the 3 evils.

To think objectively, if you are expecting to start showing progressive curve like South Korea did from early 2000s onwards then that does not happen over a short term. Ground work needs to be laid for a steady progression. What PTI is doing right now is securing a second term, if they manage to meet this objective then it is collectively great for Pakistan as then the ground work laid right now can start reaping steadier growth.

Also usually Pakistan's government changes hand due to a massive political controversy. If Imran can stay away from controversy for another couple of years, then he is on track for re-election.

The only challenge I can see Imran having is emergence of a new candidate. PPP were launching Bilawal but this launch has gone quiet for sometime now. PMLN is struggling to move away from Nawaz, there is power politics happening between Maryam and Shahbaz. I do agree if both PMLN and PPP both discontinue their ties with Nawaz and Zardari and launch Bilawal and Shahbaz as top dogs of their respective parties then they might give interesting times to PTI in both Sindh and Punjab.

As we are talking of elections, the next term we might actually also end up seeing PTI win majority in Balochistan which would be a first for any major democratic party.

Billo has a lunch each week and each week it fails, he just needs to stick to looting the poor in Sindh, and SS has admitted that his children have taken bribes and they need to be asked but he also had laundered money in his accounts. Both parties are family businesses that have nothing to offer except stealing. Its easy to fool idiots but anyone with any education knows what they did and will not support it unless they are beneficiaries.
Billo has a lunch each week and each week it fails, he just needs to stick to looting the poor in Sindh, and SS has admitted that his children have taken bribes and they need to be asked but he also had laundered money in his accounts. Both parties are family businesses that have nothing to offer except stealing. Its easy to fool idiots but anyone with any education knows what they did and will not support it unless they are beneficiaries.

The year is 2050 and PPP is trying to launch Billo for the 900th time :))

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every time when PPP tries to launch bilawal. <a href="https://t.co/CWpNTo71UL">pic.twitter.com/CWpNTo71UL</a></p>— Cynosure (@Eimaann1) <a href="https://twitter.com/Eimaann1/status/1271228144931012608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 11, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
So charities should be the main welfare provider in the country, not the govt? So what exactly is the role of the govt?

I didn’t say that a city should survive on charity but unfortunately incase of Karachi that’s the reality. Nobody really want to own the city or spend any money on it. Look at the Provincial Budget allocation from PPP. 90% of government jobs in karachi and big chunk of government Univ admissions aren’t open for people with a Karachi domicile.

Water Tanker mafia, transport mafia Etc all are on rampage. Without any control the city is just left to its own devices. This is unlike “any other Big city” in Pakistan. In a situation like this the above mentioned charities (from Karachi) are working for the ordinary people.

PTI’s Stallwarts like Faisal Vawda, Arif Alvi and Imran Ismail haven't done a single thing since they were selected.
I didn’t say that a city should survive on charity but unfortunately incase of Karachi that’s the reality. Nobody really want to own the city or spend any money on it. Look at the Provincial Budget allocation from PPP. 90% of government jobs in karachi and big chunk of government Univ admissions aren’t open for people with a Karachi domicile.

Water Tanker mafia, transport mafia Etc all are on rampage. Without any control the city is just left to its own devices. This is unlike “any other Big city” in Pakistan. In a situation like this the above mentioned charities (from Karachi) are working for the ordinary people.

PTI’s Stallwarts like Faisal Vawda, Arif Alvi and Imran Ismail haven't done a single thing since they were selected.

The reason the PTI can't do anything is because of the 18th, and as MQM is always in coalitions with these people in both Sindh and centre, look no further.
I didn’t say that a city should survive on charity but unfortunately incase of Karachi that’s the reality. Nobody really want to own the city or spend any money on it. Look at the Provincial Budget allocation from PPP. 90% of government jobs in karachi and big chunk of government Univ admissions aren’t open for people with a Karachi domicile.

Water Tanker mafia, transport mafia Etc all are on rampage. Without any control the city is just left to its own devices. This is unlike “any other Big city” in Pakistan. In a situation like this the above mentioned charities (from Karachi) are working for the ordinary people.

PTI’s Stallwarts like Faisal Vawda, Arif Alvi and Imran Ismail haven't done a single thing since they were selected.

MQM also has 6 MNAs from Karachi and they are in the federal government. What have they done for Karachi?
MQM also has 6 MNAs from Karachi and they are in the federal government. What have they done for Karachi?

Is that a justification for the short comings of PTI?

Yaar hum kab takk MQM ka rona rotay rahein ge? I actually agree that MQM too disappointed the Muhajirs (for most part) and the rotten eggs like Babur Ghori etc went on the same looting rampage as all others, Altaf bhai found the bottle and the counter violence policy messed up the things a bit further. In the midst of all this the sensible and educated faces of MQM were subdued.......but at the end of the day its the only representative party for Muhajirs. Many Muhajirs are still waiting to see what happens in the case of DSP Rao Anwar, Uzair Baloch, Zulfiqar Mirza and those Ranger personnel who admittedly shot dead secretary of Farooq sattar infront of the crowd.

Army keeps on bringing new faces like Haqiqi, PSP, PTI and forcefully imposing them on the public but is that a real change? Do ordinary people really buy into all this?

Faisal Vawda and Imran Ismail are businessmen. These barsati Maindak are out there to jump on the band wagon. I didn’t see any single initiative by anyone from PTI abt the problems of Karachi. The city doesn’t even exists on Imran Khan’s radar.
Is that a justification for the short comings of PTI?

Yaar hum kab takk MQM ka rona rotay rahein ge? I actually agree that MQM too disappointed the Muhajirs (for most part) and the rotten eggs like Babur Ghori etc went on the same looting rampage as all others, Altaf bhai found the bottle and the counter violence policy messed up the things a bit further. In the midst of all this the sensible and educated faces of MQM were subdued.......but at the end of the day its the only representative party for Muhajirs. Many Muhajirs are still waiting to see what happens in the case of DSP Rao Anwar, Uzair Baloch, Zulfiqar Mirza and those Ranger personnel who admittedly shot dead secretary of Farooq sattar infront of the crowd.

Army keeps on bringing new faces like Haqiqi, PSP, PTI and forcefully imposing them on the public but is that a real change? Do ordinary people really buy into all this?

Faisal Vawda and Imran Ismail are businessmen. These barsati Maindak are out there to jump on the band wagon. I didn’t see any single initiative by anyone from PTI abt the problems of Karachi. The city doesn’t even exists on Imran Khan’s radar.

Only two ways for people in Karachi to get is change either if there is a local goverment which has real power, or if PPP is gone from Sindh. Local goverment seems unlikely so next best option is to get rid of PPP.

If Urdu speaking people vote for MQM and the Sindhis vote for PPP then you are guaranteed PPP every time. So by voting for a pan Pakistani party like PTI, which has a chance to win Sindh, they have a way forward in getting real change for Karachi. When PML Q had goverment in Sindh Karachi had decent development, so if PTI gets in power then there is a chance that can be duplicated.
For all of MQM's flaws, i feel if they had real power they could deliver in Karachi.

Not when their leadership was in bed with RAW. Traitor Altaf's speeches in India are for everyone to see.

There were competent people in the party which were either sidelined or coerced by bori group.
Only two ways for people in Karachi to get is change either if there is a local goverment which has real power, or if PPP is gone from Sindh. Local goverment seems unlikely so next best option is to get rid of PPP.

If Urdu speaking people vote for MQM and the Sindhis vote for PPP then you are guaranteed PPP every time. So by voting for a pan Pakistani party like PTI, which has a chance to win Sindh, they have a way forward in getting real change for Karachi. When PML Q had goverment in Sindh Karachi had decent development, so if PTI gets in power then there is a chance that can be duplicated.
Bhai mere, reality is that pakistani society (and with it the politics) is ethnic based. Every province and ethnicity has its own leader, which is just accepted as a normal thing (only Muhajirs arent allowed to do that).

PTI has no grass roots and its not a real party either. Its just a collection of Lotay recruited by the Army to supplement the Lead Actor: Imran Khan.
Not when their leadership was in bed with RAW. Traitor Altaf's speeches in India are for everyone to see.

There were competent people in the party which were either sidelined or coerced by bori group.

Were you also in the same bed? Otherwise how do you know for sure.

Pak army has also previously planted the conspiracy theories of Jinnahpur, which later turned out to be false.
As people that regularly read the rubbish that you post,Every single post on here never has any ideas or offers solutions except lets return to the crooks that have brought PK to its Knees. All you do is to repeat what GEO news and Noora media cells tell you. I can tell what you are going to latch onto before you even post it because i see the same crap from Nooras.

You stick to the ghulami of family businesses THAT HAVE STOLEN BILLIONS. You have nothing to offer PK except to worship the crooks that created the mess. You complain about the mafia, but its NS,AZ and MR that are heads of the mafia! Even after incessant attacks on IK from your mafia friends in the media and opposition, the latest by the head of the mafia in the SC- Injustice Isa- that closed the hudbiya case, a man who claimed IK owned 6 properties in London and he was aged 35- LOL. As long as IKs niyaat is clean, i along with milllions will defend and support him.

Countries don’t run on clean niyat. If clean niyat is a criteria, we should have installed Edhi as PM.

Imran is an unstable, erratic individual who has no long-term policy or vision and shoots from the hip. He makes things up as he goes along.

If you go back 5 years and listen to what Imran said, you will find that he has back-tracked on everything and has not lived up to any promises that he made.

You can build your election campaign and win popular vote by maligning other parties, but that will not help you perform when you are in the hot-seat.

Imran did not prepare and did not do his homework; all he did was throw mud at other parties. All he did was collect opportunist politicians with no track-record from other parties and gave them important ministries.

Imran has been the PM for 2 years, and he has not lived up to the promise and the hype. He talked a lot about how he will deliver justice to the corrupt, but he has not been able to recover a single penny yet and nor has he delivered justice.

He couldn’t even keep Nawaz behind the bars.

The excuse that the judiciary is corrupt doesn’t fly. The judiciary is corrupt when they don’t do what PTI wants them to do, but they are honest when they give favorable judgments.

As far as Imran’s “clean niyat” is concerned, it is a scam. His election campaign was financed by Jahangir Tareen who is the leader of the sugar mafia and a massive crook with hoards of black money.

Jahangir Tareen’s young son, who just graduated from university, is now the owner of a PSL franchise which he bought with his daddy’s black money. Is this justice and is this Naya Pakistan?

Do you think Imran was unaware of Jahangir Tareen’s actions when he was using him as his ATM?

PTI cult- followers would have you believe that it was Imran’s grand plan all along to get close to him and then catch him.

Furthermore, Imran accuses PPP government of corruption but then proceeded to appoint a former PPP finance minister as his financial advisor.

You say that Hafeez Sheikh has no charges on him, but my question is simple:

When Hafeez Sheikh was PPP finance minister and Zardari and Bhutto clan were looting public money and laundering it abroad, was Hafeez Sheikh aware of what was happening?

If he was aware and didn’t say anything because he wanted to protect himself, that makes him a facilitator and a beneficiary of corruption.

If he was unaware, what sort of a finance minister was he? His president was stealing money from national coffers and laundering it abroad, and he didn’t have a clue?

So what is this person doing as the financial advisor doing to Imran Khan? How is his appointment justified?

Imran solution to solving Pakistan’s economic crisis is to first appoint a joker (Asad Umar) who thought running the finances of a country would be like running a company, and then sack him and replace him with a beneficiary of corruption.

Imran’s niyat is not clean. He is a con-artist who is taking his brainwashed followers for a ride.

There are two pandemics in Pakistan - COVID-19 and COVID-18.

COVID-18 was unleashed on Pakistan when PTI won the election in 2018, and this virus is deadlier than COVID-19 with less chances of survival.
Bhai mere, reality is that pakistani society (and with it the politics) is ethnic based. Every province and ethnicity has its own leader, which is just accepted as a normal thing (only Muhajirs arent allowed to do that).

PTI has no grass roots and its not a real party either. Its just a collection of Lotay recruited by the Army to supplement the Lead Actor: Imran Khan.

Yes exactly, and if you are a Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi this can work, since you can win at the provincial level. However for Urdu speaking people this is a disaster since the local goverment has very little power. So unless there is a Karachi province, which will never happen i dont see how voting for MQM benefits Karachi people vs a pan Pakistani party like PTI.

And yes its very possible that the Army divided MQM into MQM London, MQM Pakistan, Pak Sarzameen Party, to divide the Urdu speaking vote to help PTI, however this in the long term has a chance of benefiting Karachi. If PTI gives the second biggest wadera in every constituency a PTI ticket, and they can sweep Urban Sindh, they might have a chance to take Sindh provincial goverment.

And PML Q was a lotay party, which broke as soon Musharraf lost power, however PTI has a strong vote bank across the country. Whatever you make think of Imran Khan, the thousands who attend his jalsa's are not forced. There are alot of Pakistanis who dont want an ethnic based party.
Not when their leadership was in bed with RAW. Traitor Altaf's speeches in India are for everyone to see.

There were competent people in the party which were either sidelined or coerced by bori group.

Yea Altaf is a thug, but PPP has thugs as well. When Sindhis are voting for thugs, then the Urdu speaking people also needed to vote for thugs. And even if they were thugs, during the PML Q goverment where they finally had power given to them, MQM performed well in Karachi with Mustafa Kamal as mayor.

However now that there is PTI, majority of them no longer support MQM, and its very possible that PTI can sweep Karachi next election.
PTI main ppl like Jahangir Tarin and Shah Mehmood Qureshi are feudals themselves. The rest like Asad Ummar etc are from an army background or Retired Army generals. Why do you expect them to change the status quo, that works in their favour?

In the meanwhile:
The killer of Muhajirs, Zulfiqar Mirza is also present (albeit quietly) in Imran Khan’s government:

DSP Rao Anwar has been released and is now trying to get reinstated in the same police Department.
PPP gangster Uzair Baloch is also on his way out of trouble.
PTI main ppl like Jahangir Tarin and Shah Mehmood Qureshi are feudals themselves. The rest like Asad Ummar etc are from an army background or Retired Army generals. Why do you expect them to change the status quo, that works in their favour?

In the meanwhile:
The killer of Muhajirs, Zulfiqar Mirza is also present (albeit quietly) in Imran Khan’s government:

DSP Rao Anwar has been released and is now trying to get reinstated in the same police Department.
PPP gangster Uzair Baloch is also on his way out of trouble.

Because in rural areas only electables can win. So PTI has no choice but to put them in those seats. Middle class person might win in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, but its not possible for them to win outside of cities.

And right now for Karachi the status quo is being governed by PPP, a hereditary party, who have done an abysmal job for there vote bank in interior, and done nothing for urban sindh. So i have zero expectations for them. I dont know that PTI will be better. But i feel its worth a chance.
Were you also in the same bed? Otherwise how do you know for sure.

Pak army has also previously planted the conspiracy theories of Jinnahpur, which later turned out to be false.



Everyone knows who Altaf ghaddar was working for. He was a useful tool for the Indians who kept the city burning for 20+ years. He betrayed his own people but for Altaf lovers, Pakistan comes after Altaf. His reign has ended and the Karachites have moved on. He will live rest of his miserable life in perpetual agony. All those borees will clear his passage to hell.

I do not intend to waste my time on Altaf(ghaddar) lovers anymore. I am going to update my ignore list.
Yea Altaf is a thug, but PPP has thugs as well. When Sindhis are voting for thugs, then the Urdu speaking people also needed to vote for thugs. And even if they were thugs, during the PML Q goverment where they finally had power given to them, MQM performed well in Karachi with Mustafa Kamal as mayor.

However now that there is PTI, majority of them no longer support MQM, and its very possible that PTI can sweep Karachi next election.

PPP is the real menace in Sindh. Good news is that they will be history in about 10 years time. Just like it happened with MQM. Same will happen with PML-N.


Everyone knows who Altaf ghaddar was working for. He was a useful tool for the Indians who kept the city burning for 20+ years. He betrayed his own people but for Altaf lovers, Pakistan comes after Altaf. His reign has ended and the Karachites have moved on. He will live rest of his miserable life in perpetual agony. All those borees will clear his passage to hell.

I do not intend to waste my time on Altaf(ghaddar) lovers anymore. I am going to update my ignore list.

Most of the Urdu speakers and other Muhjairs hated Altaf's comments about Pakistan, but i would like to provide some more detail on why if it was not for PTI they would probably still have voted for MQM.

The same way how BJP politicians openly insult and spread hatred against Muslims in India, thats what PPP was doing in Sindh against Muhjairs. They openly said vile things about them, and the people of Karachi were terrified of what was going to happen to them. Karachi is mini Pakistan, however everyone who comes to Karachi has another place they can go back to. Sindhi's can go to interior, Punjabi's to Punjab, Pashtuns to KPK, however Karachi was the only place that Muhjairs had in Pakistan.

And so they knew that MQM was doing what bad things, but they were still scared of what was going to happen once they were gone, so they felt like they had no choice but to support them. However after Raheel Sharif did the Karachi operation, and the city became peaceful, and they felt safe they were open to voting for a pan Pakistani party like PTI, since PTI doesnt belong to any ethnic group. And PTI won the majority of seats from Urban Sindh, and hopefully they can sweep next time.
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Everyone knows who Altaf ghaddar was working for. He was a useful tool for the Indians who kept the city burning for 20+ years. He betrayed his own people but for Altaf lovers, Pakistan comes after Altaf. His reign has ended and the Karachites have moved on. He will live rest of his miserable life in perpetual agony. All those borees will clear his passage to hell.

I do not intend to waste my time on Altaf(ghaddar) lovers anymore. I am going to update my ignore list.

The BBC link you posted is 'quoting an statement' from some seniors MQM individuals and not stating a fact.

Same is the case with the 2nd link from Khaleej Times. which is just quoting the statement of a certain "Shaharyar Khan Niazi".

These kind of allegations can be levelled against anyone for a variety of reasons. I would suggest having a "good read" yourself before chucking it out on internet forums. You can turn blue in face for chanting the slogans of "Altaf Ghaddar" but that doesn't prove anything. If the claims of Pak army establishment had any real merit, they would already have taken AH to some international or Uk court of justice.

As for your ignore list, i couldn't care less. You do have the choice of running away from a losing argument.
Most of the Urdu speakers and other Muhjairs hated Altaf's comments about Pakistan, but i would like to provide some more detail on why if it was not for PTI they would probably still have voted for MQM.

The same way how BJP politicians openly insult and spread hatred against Muslims in India, thats what PPP was doing in Sindh against Muhjairs. They openly said vile things about them, and the people of Karachi were terrified of what was going to happen to them. Karachi is mini Pakistan, however everyone who comes to Karachi has another place they can go back to. Sindhi's can go to interior, Punjabi's to Punjab, Pashtuns to KPK, however Karachi was the only place that Muhjairs had in Pakistan.

And so they knew that MQM was doing what bad things, but they were still scared of what was going to happen once they were gone, so they felt like they had no choice but to support them. However after Raheel Sharif did the Karachi operation, and the city became peaceful, and they felt safe they were open to voting for a pan Pakistani party like PTI, since PTI doesnt belong to any ethnic group. And PTI won the majority of seats from Urban Sindh, and hopefully they can sweep next time.

Good post.... such was the desperation of Karachiites to have somebody feasible represent them that the most liberal city in Pakistan even votes for Jamat-e-Islami. :moyo2

Anyone but PPP and don't even get me started on PML-N. Even a dog running on MQM/PTI/PSP/JI ticket would beat a PML-N candidate in Karachi. I see alot of potential in MQM since most of their members are everyday middle class Urdu speaking Pakistanis. Problem is the terrorist past of the party and their continued associated with RAW agent Altaf Hussain.

PTI has disappointed in Karachi so far, however, things are beginning to change. There has been alot of relaying of roads and new sewerage pipelines put in places like Nazimabad, Landhi, Korangi etc. These aren't rich affluent areas but these form the bulk of the population and generally lower to middle class resides here. Keep them happy and nobody can beat PTI in Karachi. Also this budget there atleast three big budget allocations for Karachi such as K4 water project, KCR and Sewage Treatment Plant. If ball gets rolling on these and they are up an running by 2023, PTI might increase their tally of 14 seats in Karachi to about 18-20.
Good post.... such was the desperation of Karachiites to have somebody feasible represent them that the most liberal city in Pakistan even votes for Jamat-e-Islami. :moyo2

Anyone but PPP and don't even get me started on PML-N. Even a dog running on MQM/PTI/PSP/JI ticket would beat a PML-N candidate in Karachi. I see alot of potential in MQM since most of their members are everyday middle class Urdu speaking Pakistanis. Problem is the terrorist past of the party and their continued associated with RAW agent Altaf Hussain.

PTI has disappointed in Karachi so far, however, things are beginning to change. There has been alot of relaying of roads and new sewerage pipelines put in places like Nazimabad, Landhi, Korangi etc. These aren't rich affluent areas but these form the bulk of the population and generally lower to middle class resides here. Keep them happy and nobody can beat PTI in Karachi. Also this budget there atleast three big budget allocations for Karachi such as K4 water project, KCR and Sewage Treatment Plant. If ball gets rolling on these and they are up an running by 2023, PTI might increase their tally of 14 seats in Karachi to about 18-20.

Depending on your Urdu comprehension, i would suggest watching these predictions from over 70 years ago:


That’s the dilemma of us Indian origin Pakistanis. In India we are labelled as Pakistani agents and in Pakistan as “Indian agents”
Countries don’t run on clean niyat. If clean niyat is a criteria, we should have installed Edhi as PM.

Imran is an unstable, erratic individual who has no long-term policy or vision and shoots from the hip. He makes things up as he goes along.

If you go back 5 years and listen to what Imran said, you will find that he has back-tracked on everything and has not lived up to any promises that he made.

You can build your election campaign and win popular vote by maligning other parties, but that will not help you perform when you are in the hot-seat.

Imran did not prepare and did not do his homework; all he did was throw mud at other parties. All he did was collect opportunist politicians with no track-record from other parties and gave them important ministries.

Imran has been the PM for 2 years, and he has not lived up to the promise and the hype. He talked a lot about how he will deliver justice to the corrupt, but he has not been able to recover a single penny yet and nor has he delivered justice.

He couldn’t even keep Nawaz behind the bars.

The excuse that the judiciary is corrupt doesn’t fly. The judiciary is corrupt when they don’t do what PTI wants them to do, but they are honest when they give favorable judgments.

As far as Imran’s “clean niyat” is concerned, it is a scam. His election campaign was financed by Jahangir Tareen who is the leader of the sugar mafia and a massive crook with hoards of black money.

Jahangir Tareen’s young son, who just graduated from university, is now the owner of a PSL franchise which he bought with his daddy’s black money. Is this justice and is this Naya Pakistan?

Do you think Imran was unaware of Jahangir Tareen’s actions when he was using him as his ATM?

PTI cult- followers would have you believe that it was Imran’s grand plan all along to get close to him and then catch him.

Furthermore, Imran accuses PPP government of corruption but then proceeded to appoint a former PPP finance minister as his financial advisor.

You say that Hafeez Sheikh has no charges on him, but my question is simple:

When Hafeez Sheikh was PPP finance minister and Zardari and Bhutto clan were looting public money and laundering it abroad, was Hafeez Sheikh aware of what was happening?

If he was aware and didn’t say anything because he wanted to protect himself, that makes him a facilitator and a beneficiary of corruption.

If he was unaware, what sort of a finance minister was he? His president was stealing money from national coffers and laundering it abroad, and he didn’t have a clue?

So what is this person doing as the financial advisor doing to Imran Khan? How is his appointment justified?

Imran solution to solving Pakistan’s economic crisis is to first appoint a joker (Asad Umar) who thought running the finances of a country would be like running a company, and then sack him and replace him with a beneficiary of corruption.

Imran’s niyat is not clean. He is a con-artist who is taking his brainwashed followers for a ride.

There are two pandemics in Pakistan - COVID-19 and COVID-18.

COVID-18 was unleashed on Pakistan when PTI won the election in 2018, and this virus is deadlier than COVID-19 with less chances of survival.

A clean Niyaat is the most important thing in PK politics. You should stick to Billo and the Sharifs, continue to worship at their feet like you do because that's all you are good for. As they get humiliated for steaing and murder the poor, make sure you own it. I am proud of the Kaptaan, he is a freak of nature which badniyaati people are stopped from appreciating.
A clean Niyaat is the most important thing in PK politics.
Yeah ok :))) :))) :)))
You tabdeeli brigade are hilarious bunch of comedians tbh

Take that niyaat to imf, to army who's already creeping up on the already limited power of PM, take it to the poor who are struggling for a living waiting for tabdeeli, take it to IK's sugar daddy JT and most of his cabinet members who are making a fool out of khans saaf niyat

and make a utopia where IK and his dummies live cause in the real world where most leaders around the world with clean niyat are, were and will continue to make this world a terrible place due to thier messiah complex

and let the people live with corrupt but competent ruthless people so they can make money and not go hungry because some lunatic wants to go on witch trails for years on end
Yeah ok :))) :))) :)))
You tabdeeli brigade are hilarious bunch of comedians tbh

Take that niyaat to imf, to army who's already creeping up on the already limited power of PM, take it to the poor who are struggling for a living waiting for tabdeeli, take it to IK's sugar daddy JT and most of his cabinet members who are making a fool out of khans saaf niyat

and make a utopia where IK and his dummies live cause in the real world where most leaders around the world with clean niyat are, were and will continue to make this world a terrible place due to thier messiah complex

and let the people live with corrupt but competent ruthless people so they can make money and not go hungry because some lunatic wants to go on witch trails for years on end

So let's have crooks back and they off course did a sterling job of bankrupting the country. The reason for the IMF bailouts is because we borrowed $64bn in 10 years and what did these crooks have to show for it, an overvalued currency paid for by borrowed money, exports at records low $23bn, and imports at $55bn, not enough Foreign exchange to pay for a few months Imports. So with that in mind, you need to get literate about what the crooks left behind.
As far as the Sugar mafia is concerned, a report was ordered, it was made public and what action was to be taken. JT is one of 9 major owners groups involved and all have got a stay order from the mafia judge Minullah. This is the 1st time in PK history that the mafia have been confronted head on. I dare you to tell me what happened to the reports of 2008, 2013 and 15. Remember reports were promised in those years. So thanks in advance for the links to those, I await with anticipation.
So let's have crooks back and they off course did a sterling job of bankrupting the country. The reason for the IMF bailouts is because we borrowed $64bn in 10 years and what did these crooks have to show for it, an overvalued currency paid for by borrowed money, exports at records low $23bn, and imports at $55bn, not enough Foreign exchange to pay for a few months Imports. So with that in mind, you need to get literate about what the crooks left behind.
As far as the Sugar mafia is concerned, a report was ordered, it was made public and what action was to be taken. JT is one of 9 major owners groups involved and all have got a stay order from the mafia judge Minullah. This is the 1st time in PK history that the mafia have been confronted head on. I dare you to tell me what happened to the reports of 2008, 2013 and 15. Remember reports were promised in those years. So thanks in advance for the links to those, I await with anticipation.

Teri Saadgi pe hansa jae ya roya jae, yeh samajh nahee aa raha.

Good intentions alone aren’t enough, you also need good ‘ability’ and good intellect. For example Erdogan and to some extent Mahatir Mohammad.
So let's have crooks back and they off course did a sterling job of bankrupting the country. The reason for the IMF bailouts is because we borrowed $64bn in 10 years and what did these crooks have to show for it, an overvalued currency paid for by borrowed money, exports at records low $23bn, and imports at $55bn, not enough Foreign exchange to pay for a few months Imports. So with that in mind, you need to get literate about what the crooks left behind.
As far as the Sugar mafia is concerned, a report was ordered, it was made public and what action was to be taken. JT is one of 9 major owners groups involved and all have got a stay order from the mafia judge Minullah. This is the 1st time in PK history that the mafia have been confronted head on. I dare you to tell me what happened to the reports of 2008, 2013 and 15. Remember reports were promised in those years. So thanks in advance for the links to those, I await with anticipation.
Nothing cause they're corrupt simple as that and there is very little to no problem with corruption in larger picture imo
but JT got the ticket from his saaf niyat son for saaf niyat agenda so it was the hypocrisy

Imports were high due to Cpec lots of loans were taken to keep the country afloat and also for some infrastructure devolpment

Remember this was during terrorism era with massive capital flight so the money that used to be there wasn't there anymore and almost no devolpment because most of it is done by private businesses who weren't investing because of terrorism

So these loans were to pay for expenses that were already there but the taxes weren't

So they ended terrorism, got the loans to start infrastructure projects (helping tons of industries) got the economy running, started CPEC

Than panama happened investors ran like chicken cause no one likes to invest in an unstable country and everything crashed cause gov were counting on these investors to invest to start paying back the loans but that money wasn't there anymore

In an unstable country IMF will continue to play boss
Nothing cause they're corrupt simple as that and there is very little to no problem with corruption in larger picture imo
but JT got the ticket from his saaf niyat son for saaf niyat agenda so it was the hypocrisy

Imports were high due to Cpec lots of loans were taken to keep the country afloat and also for some infrastructure devolpment

Remember this was during terrorism era with massive capital flight so the money that used to be there wasn't there anymore and almost no devolpment because most of it is done by private businesses who weren't investing because of terrorism

So these loans were to pay for expenses that were already there but the taxes weren't

So they ended terrorism, got the loans to start infrastructure projects (helping tons of industries) got the economy running, started CPEC

Than panama happened investors ran like chicken cause no one likes to invest in an unstable country and everything crashed cause gov were counting on these investors to invest to start paying back the loans but that money wasn't there anymore

In an unstable country IMF will continue to play boss

JT has been dealt with like all the others in the mafia( Noora pundits are saying more harshly) if that is not progress in PK, what is? It's IHC that gave the stay order, Why?
As far as the loans concerned, what infrastructure? We are are water scarce country, how many dams were built? Instead billions were borrowed and wasted to point where the Munshi did a runner when his own govt was in power. Imports were subsidised for the rich, yes 30% cheaper than the market determined exchange rate would have had and exports were made more expensive by the same amount. Which idiots did this and did structural damage to industry? Yes your Noora friends.
The PK army has done an excellent job bringing security, let the politicians step up and do their job.
Teri Saadgi pe hansa jae ya roya jae, yeh samajh nahee aa raha.

Good intentions alone aren’t enough, you also need good ‘ability’ and good intellect. For example Erdogan and to some extent Mahatir Mohammad.

And I saw Rome wasn't built in a day. IK needs support and majority govt. He needs a Judiciary that is not the lawyers for the mafia, he needs a media that asks the mafia why they can act with impunity, he needs people that understand that if he loses, they will be at the mercy of Billo, David and Nani Ji's family businesses forever.
And I saw Rome wasn't built in a day. IK needs support and majority govt. He needs a Judiciary that is not the lawyers for the mafia, he needs a media that asks the mafia why they can act with impunity, he needs people that understand that if he loses, they will be at the mercy of Billo, David and Nani Ji's family businesses forever.

I mean what do these people want from IK, it hasn't even been 2 years since he took charge and they want him to fix the issues that have plagued the country for 70+ years and he has a thin majority, a mafia like opposition and a vindictive judiciary. If only they had been this critical of our rulers for the last 30 years we wouldn't have been in this spot.

Slowly and steadily things would change. Just today we had a ceremony of revamping of HMC under CPEC, this was a massive asset of Pakistan that lost its way due to political hirings just like PSM, PR and PIA. In less than 2 years he has brought down CAD from $20b to $3b, this year was the first year in 20 years when we had a primary budget surplus. Three mega dams are being constructed simultaneously perhaps for the first time since the 1960s. Construction on ML-1 is going to start early next year. The interest rate is now down to 8% and inflation which I admit had skyrocketed is showing a steeply declining trend each month. He is also taking on the sugar, wheat, IPP and petroleum mafia head on. When was the last time any government in Pakistan tried to tame them?

They want IK to wave a wand and make Pakistan a developed country all the while battling a global pandemic, worst recession in the world since the 1930s and a rabid dog of a PM in humsaya mulk.

Fun fact, some nifty economist put the numbers together and figured out using the government owns statistics and estimates of losses (Rs 3000b) due to corona that had there been no corona the economy would have grown by 3.5% this year much faster than IMF/WB estimates and honestly those tracking the economy for months could attest to the fact that indeed we were heading that way. Heck LSM had shown double digit growth in a couple of months. Then corona ruined everything. The 3.5% growth was the first step to achieving 6-7% growth by 2023. Now we have -0.4 in FY20 and will limp to a growth of 2% in FY21 and start all over again.
Nothing cause they're corrupt simple as that and there is very little to no problem with corruption in larger picture imo
but JT got the ticket from his saaf niyat son for saaf niyat agenda so it was the hypocrisy

Imports were high due to Cpec lots of loans were taken to keep the country afloat and also for some infrastructure devolpment

Remember this was during terrorism era with massive capital flight so the money that used to be there wasn't there anymore and almost no devolpment because most of it is done by private businesses who weren't investing because of terrorism

So these loans were to pay for expenses that were already there but the taxes weren't

So they ended terrorism, got the loans to start infrastructure projects (helping tons of industries) got the economy running, started CPEC

Than panama happened investors ran like chicken cause no one likes to invest in an unstable country and everything crashed cause gov were counting on these investors to invest to start paying back the loans but that money wasn't there anymore

In an unstable country IMF will continue to play boss

Your understanding of economics is very limited and it is reflecting in your posts.

All I'll say is in the first 10 months of this financial year (FY20) Pakistan received close to $2.5b of FDI which was 127% more than same period last year and highest EVER in this period in the last 11 years yes that includes the entirety of both PPP/PML-N governments. We have to go all the way back to Mush era to find a fiscal year that had more FDI. Obviously everything went south after corona. So much for "investors running away because of panama". Seems as if they came roaring back in just the second year of PTI and even brought their friends, cousins and neighbours with them.

Also "import bill increased because of CPEC machinery" is straight out of PML-N playbook and very far from the truth. I would recommend you do your own independent research rather than listening to heresy or from propaganda social media accounts.
Your understanding of economics is very limited and it is reflecting in your posts.

All I'll say is in the first 10 months of this financial year (FY20) Pakistan received close to $2.5b of FDI which was 127% more than same period last year and highest EVER in this period in the last 11 years yes that includes the entirety of both PPP/PML-N governments. We have to go all the way back to Mush era to find a fiscal year that had more FDI. Obviously everything went south after corona. So much for "investors running away because of panama". Seems as if they came roaring back in just the second year of PTI and even brought their friends, cousins and neighbours with them.

Also "import bill increased because of CPEC machinery" is straight out of PML-N playbook and very far from the truth. I would recommend you do your own independent research rather than listening to heresy or from propaganda social media accounts.

You think we can get to a decent position by 2023? I’d hate to see our awaam reelecting PMLN just because of the coronavirus tanking our economy
You think we can get to a decent position by 2023? I’d hate to see our awaam reelecting PMLN just because of the coronavirus tanking our economy

Our awam makes voting decision based on last 6-8 months of performance so PTI should hopefully get the economy up by then. Or people vote for who they have always voted for. Those lot cannot be changed or reasoned with. We just have to hope enough of the swing voters side with PTI.
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A clean Niyaat is the most important thing in PK politics. You should stick to Billo and the Sharifs, continue to worship at their feet like you do because that's all you are good for. As they get humiliated for steaing and murder the poor, make sure you own it. I am proud of the Kaptaan, he is a freak of nature which badniyaati people are stopped from appreciating.

Well I knew you would ignore the points I raised because you don’t have an answer. As a member of the PTI cult, you can continue to worship Imran and call his niyat clean even though there is more than sufficient evidence that either he is extraordinarily thick or his niyat is not clean at all.

He certainly is a freak of nature. He has managed to brainwash millions of people who have become blind to his blatant hypocrisy and would defend him even if he kills a child.
And I saw Rome wasn't built in a day. IK needs support and majority govt. He needs a Judiciary that is not the lawyers for the mafia, he needs a media that asks the mafia why they can act with impunity, he needs people that understand that if he loses, they will be at the mercy of Billo, David and Nani Ji's family businesses forever.

Rome was not built in a day but it was not built by the kind of charlatans that we have in the government today.
If true, I guess the Pakistani army has moved beyond bloodless coups to the next level - stealth coups.
You think we can get to a decent position by 2023? I’d hate to see our awaam reelecting PMLN just because of the coronavirus tanking our economy

PML-N is over. They will never come back to power. Thousands of Pakistanis celebrate their 18th birthday everyday which means there is a daily increase in PTI voters.

Only hindrance for PTI in next elections will be the waderas and electables in certain constituencies. JKT was used to deal with them previously but now PTI will need to find another solution.
Well I knew you would ignore the points I raised because you don’t have an answer. As a member of the PTI cult, you can continue to worship Imran and call his niyat clean even though there is more than sufficient evidence that either he is extraordinarily thick or his niyat is not clean at all.

He certainly is a freak of nature. He has managed to brainwash millions of people who have become blind to his blatant hypocrisy and would defend him even if he kills a child.

You don't have any points. It's the same old tosh that I have answered a million times. You worship crooked families, remember NS was a great PM then he got jailed, then it was Maryam, until she got jailed, then it was SS until he got caught with his pants down, and then it was Billo and the Omni group came along. You have no ideas, no solutions, you have been brought upto worship crooks. You do that and help them to steal, murder innocent people, and kill journalists that expose them. It's because ofosers like you that PK has a mafia that is so strong.
You don't have any points. It's the same old tosh that I have answered a million times. You worship crooked families, remember NS was a great PM then he got jailed, then it was Maryam, until she got jailed, then it was SS until he got caught with his pants down, and then it was Billo and the Omni group came along. You have no ideas, no solutions, you have been brought upto worship crooks. You do that and help them to steal, murder innocent people, and kill journalists that expose them. It's because ofosers like you that PK has a mafia that is so strong.

You have not answered any of those points. You have only deflected and sidestepped them like you did earlier.
PML-N is over. They will never come back to power. Thousands of Pakistanis celebrate their 18th birthday everyday which means there is a daily increase in PTI voters.

Only hindrance for PTI in next elections will be the waderas and electables in certain constituencies. JKT was used to deal with them previously but now PTI will need to find another solution.

As someone from Lahore, I can confirm that some very educated fellows are brainwashed PMLN supporters like some posters on this forum. That is to say, I don’t think PMLN is entirely over.
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PML-N is over. They will never come back to power. Thousands of Pakistanis celebrate their 18th birthday everyday which means there is a daily increase in PTI voters.

Only hindrance for PTI in next elections will be the waderas and electables in certain constituencies. JKT was used to deal with them previously but now PTI will need to find another solution.

Its not as simple as that. A major chunk of the silent majority who are not on twitter or can express their views openly are not taken in consideration. These are the people IK has targeted with his Sehat Insaaf Card and Ehsaas Cash Emergency. Also I have seen hundreds of posts on social media with people posting their electricity bill of Rs 0 with caption "Thank you Imran Khan" (the SME help during corona).

If IK gets the local government system up and running in Punjab it might land him 2/3 in the next elections. It is only because of police reforms and local government system that KP gave him 2/3 in 2018. I have heard plenty of good things about Punjab police lately but it is a mafia created by the Sharifs and would take several years to clean out, usually the biggest don in an area is the police SHO. If people see police improving and their local issues such as broken roads or spewing gutters are fixed nobody can stop IK then. I just wish he makes inroads in interior Sindh as well and rid us Karachiites of Bhuttos.
As someone from Lahore, I can confirm that some very educated fellows are brainwashed PMLN supporters like some posters on this forum. That is to say, I don’t think PMLN is entirely over.

Thats because PML N delivered somewhat for Lahore and people of Punjab, unlike PPP who did nothing for Sindh. So if your only two option before were Nawaz Sharif Agar Khata Hai To Lagata Bhi To Hai or aaj bhi Bhutto zinda hai, you cant blame the people for going with PML N.

Now that there is a third party in PTI, people in Punjab gave a chance to them, and PTI has until 2023 to deliver more than PML N. And if they dont than Maryam Bibi will be wazir-e-azam.