Imran Khan's visit to Swabi....


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Swabi right now, with still plenty of time left for the Jalsa to start! <a href="">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a> <a href="">#SwabiJalsa</a> <a href=""></a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="">May 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

SWABI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has said that the nation will never accept the government of thieves and slaves and reiterated the demand for fresh elections in the country.

Imran Khan, while addressing the PTI public gathering in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s (KP) Swabi city today, said that they wanted to let the nation elect their rulers for the country. “We will never accept these thieves and slaves at any cost and we only want elections.”

The PTI chairman addressed another public gathering in Swabi today in continuation of his movement against the present government.

In his opening remarks, Imran Khan said that he wants to see Swabi people in Islamabad following his call for a long march to get real independence. He said that nobody gives respect to the slaves.

He said that 80,000 Pakistanis, mostly from tribal areas, lost their lives in the US-led war on terror after 9/11, whereas, 3.5 million people were displaced. Instead of acknowledging Pakistanis’ sacrifices, the United States (US) blamed the country for its defeat in the Afghanistan war.

“An imported government is imposed on Pakistan via a foreign and internal conspiracy. We will never accept these American slaves. We have to go to Islamabad to give a clear message to this imported government.”

“Whoever imposed the imported government here, we have to give them a clear message that we are an independent nation.”

Imran Khan said that Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif had ruled the country for 10 years from 2008 to 2018 while Maulana Fazlur Rehman also backed their governments. During their tenures, 400 drone strikes had been carried out in the tribal areas in which several women and children lost their lives.

He censured that Zardari and Sharif had never raised voices against the US drone strikes in Pakistan. ‘These families have been imposed again on Pakistan as they are slaves whose assets are in the US and London. They are imposed after witnessing that Imran Khan will never give military bases to them.”

“We have to take to the streets for getting the real independence for our country.”

Imran Khan said that a country will see disasters if its institutions are destroyed. He said that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is being destroyed by the current rulers after its officers traced the money laundering case against Shehbaz Sharif.

The former prime minister said that an FIA officer Dr Rizwan passed away after cardiac arrest while another officer is fighting for life due to a heart attack. FIA is facing destruction as a ‘murderer’ was given the responsibility to supervise it. “FIA is facing the same phase which Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had done with Karachi police officers who took part in the operation.”

He said that the current prime minister Shehbaz Sharif and his son are facing Rs40 billion corruption cases while his brother, Nawaz Sharif is absconding and residing in London.

“We will never accept these thieves and slaves as our rulers and we want elections. We want to let nation choose their rulers and we don’t accept this imported government.”

He praised the KP people for backing his political party and showing allegiance to PTI.

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The ousted premier told a charged crowd that he wants everybody present at the Swabi jalsa to come out when he gives a call for the long march.

Ever since his ouster from power, the PTI chairman has been holding a series of jalsas in different cities, including Karachi, Mianwali, Lahore, Peshawar, Sialkot, and Faisalabad, as he rallies his party workers and leaders against the government ahead of the Islamabad march.

“Those of them who cannot join me in Islamabad should come out in Swabi and fight against the imported government,” he said, reiterating that the agenda of all Pakistanis should be Ghulami Na Manzoor (No to slavery).

'Nobody respects slaves'
Recalling the time when Pakistan participated in the US war on terror, Khan said that 80,000 Pakistanis — most of whom were people from tribal areas — sacrificed their lives but nobody acknowledged their sacrifices.

“Nobody respects slaves, hence, we must admit at all costs that this imported government was imposed on the people of Pakistan through a foreign conspiracy,” he maintained.

Inviting everybody to his planned long march to the federal capital, the PTI chairman said: “We need to convey this message to the imported government and the foreign conspirators that we do not accept the regime change.”

'Three stooges worship money'
Regarding the three bigwigs of the coalition government, he highlighted that during the 10-year period when these three stooges — Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, and Fazlur Rehman — were in power, 400 US drone attacks were reported in Pakistan.

He alleged that these “three stooges” did not raise their voices against the drone attacks due to which several innocent people lost their lives.

“These people would never raise their voices for the people of Pakistan because they are the slaves of the West and worship money more than anything else,” he said, alleging them of having offshore accounts.

The former premier said that they [the US] knew that Imran Khan would never let them mistreat the people of Pakistan, therefore, they have imposed this "imported government" here.

Recalling Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s statement regarding “beggars can’t be choosers”, he said that the Bhutto and Sharif families have been ruling Pakistan for the last 30 years.

“It is because of the dynastic politics of Shehbaz that he says beggars can’t be choosers, while PML-N leader Khawaja Asif says that Pakistan is on a ventilator,” Khan said, adding that because of statements like these, they are forced to become slaves of the US.

“We have only one demand — early elections — as all of them have joined hands to defeat Imran Khan,” he said.

He added that in Pakistan, everybody knows who are the “turncoats”; however, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) does not understand.

“The ECP is trying to protect the turncoats,” he said as he accused the commission, recalling that during his last public gathering in Faisalabad, people promised him that not a single turncoat will win the next general elections.

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Monday reiterated his demand for early elections, saying that his party will never accept the "imported government" which he claims came into being after an alleged foreign conspiracy.

"We will never accept these criminals who have been imposed upon us. We only want one thing and that is early elections… we will accept this imported government under no circumstances," he said while addressing a public gathering in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s Swabi district.

He urged the youth to get ready for the struggle against the "foreign-backed" regime. "We also have to protest against those who imposed them upon us," he added.

Khan said Zardaris and Sharifs ruled for 10 years before PTI came into power and the country suffered 400 drone attacks during their tenures but they did not condemn even a single incident.

A 60 feet long and 30 feet wide stage was set up at Swabi Stadium for today's rally. A large number of PTI workers and supporters flocked the venue of the public gathering. Strict security measures were put in place for the event.

PTI had announced protest rallies against the alleged foreign conspiracy of regime change and the ousting of former prime minister Imran Khan throughout the country.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Swabi right now, with still plenty of time left for the Jalsa to start! <a href="">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a> <a href="">#SwabiJalsa</a> <a href=""></a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="">May 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Drone attacks explained

"Do you know what drone attacks are? A computer game is played 4,000 miles away in the US where a button is pressed and women and children die here," Khan said in today's address.

He said that in a drone attack in Waziristan, 60 people were killed and in another one targeting a madressa, 64 children died.

"When people came to rescue those who were injured they drone attacked them as well, killing more people," he added.

The PTI chief said that hundreds of thousand fought on behalf of British from India but no one thanked them because India was their colony and “slaves don't have any respect”.

He said that 80,000 Pakistanis sacrificed their lives for the US war in Afghanistan and 3.5 million became Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

"Our forces gave three times more sacrifices than the US army. Instead of thanking us, they say they could not win the war in Afghanistan because of Pakistan. Now, they have imposed their slaves here so they can do whatever they want but we will never accept the US slaves under any circumstances."

The former ruling party has so far managed to pull massive crowds in many cities throughout the country including Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar.

According to the schedule, the Swabi rally will be followed by one in Kohat on May 17 while the fifth such rally would be held in Mardan on May 20.

The former prime minister is expected to announce his planned long march to Islamabad any day after May 20.

Read more: ‘PTI long march to choke country’s main arteries'

Former prime minister has claimed that three million people — a figure almost double the population of the capital city itself — would overcome all barricades put up by the government and reach the federal capital on his call.

Addressing recent public rallies, the PTI chairman has told his supporters to wait for his call, which could come any day after May 20. He emphasised that his long march was aimed at “achieving real independence and democracy”.

‘Spineless corrupt rulers’

Imran Khan, in today's rally, said that the US chose these two families — Bhuttos and Sharifs — because they know they can never take a stand against them as they have no spine. "They only care about their money parked in London and other foreign countries," he added.

"For the last 30 years, Bhuttos and Sharifs are ruling this country. Today [PM] Shehbaz Sharif says we're beggars that's why we're slaves. Their minister says we have to worship the US because our economy is on ventilator."

The former prime minister said that the US knew that Imran Khan will never give them any (air) bases or do anything against the interests of his people. "That is why this conspiracy was hatched," he explained.

‘Poison that cause heart attacks’

FIA officers who arrested the corrupt are now being targeted, said Khan. "One of them died because of a heart attack and another is in serious condition. I will tell you what is the poison used that causes a heart attack."

He said that FIA was now being ruled by "butcher of Faisalabad" Rana Sanaullah. "Now they will do what MQM did to Sindh police. MQM targeted each and every police officer involved in operation against them and to this day Sindh police could not stand on its feet and Rangers had to be called."

The PTI chairman said that no nation in the world can progress if its moral standing is not high. "If the biggest criminals of the country take top position, no nation can progress," he added.

Lastly, he urged the youth of the city to come with him to protest against the current regime. "When I will give you call, I want to meet the brave youth of Swabi in Islamabad. Those who cannot come to Islamabad should protest here and say they do not want imported government and slavery," he further said.

Express Tribune
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank your Swabi! You have reinforced what I have been witnessing in all my jalsas for the past 2 months: that something unique is happening in Pakistan. Our nation is united in its outrage at US sponsored regime change conspiracy & the cabal of crooks imposed on us. <a href="">#SwabiJalsa</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">May 16, 2022</a></blockquote>
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Am getting fatigued by these Jalsas but the crowds keep coming. Remarkable.