India G20 Summit in 2023


ODI Debutant
Jul 11, 2015
Post of the Week
When residents of a slum cluster in New Delhi's Janta Camp area heard that the G20 summit was to be held in the Indian capital, barely 500 meters from their homes, they expected it would benefit them as well.

Instead, they were rendered homeless.

Dharmender Kumar, Khushboo Devi and their three children were among scores of people across Delhi whose homes were demolished over the past few months — action that both residents and activists say is part of beautification work for the summit on Sept. 9 and 10.

Some of those living in the slum approached the Delhi High court to stop the evictions but the court ruled the settlements illegal. Then city authorities ordered them to vacate by May 31.

Officials of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, responsible for the demolitions, say the houses were built illegally on government land and their removal was "a continuous activity."

Homes in slums like the one in Janta Camp are built over years, like patchwork. Most residents work nearby and have lived for decades within the confines of their small homes.

NEW DELHI: US President Joe Biden landed in New Delhi on Friday evening for the G20 Summit and will soon meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence on Lok Kalyan Marg in the heart of the national capital.

Ahead of President Biden’s arrival in Delhi, American national security advisor Jake Sullivan said the bilateral meeting will see progress on issues discussed during Modi’s state visit to Washington DC in June, including on the GE jet engine deal, India’s decision to procure Predator drones, cooperation on 5G/6G, and civil nuclear domain.

Biden will also discuss the issue of “critical, fundamental values” that the US stands for in his conversation with Modi.

In a briefing on Air Force One, as Biden travelled from DC to Germany where he halted for a refuelling stop on his way to Delhi, Sullivan also said that the US had a “deep stake in stewarding the G20 and making sure that it remains a central mechanism for global coordination on all the major challenges” since it would take over the presidency of the grouping in 2025-2026.

Sullivan said that coordinators had been working “all day and all night” on a statement recently, but there was still “some distance to travel” before a final communique. He added that US was ready to “do its part to deliver a joint statement”, and it thought there was joint statement to be had. “The question is: Will every country step up, be responsible, be constructive? If the answer to that is yes, then we will get a joint statement. But it’s too soon to tell,” Sullivan said, in an obvious reference to what US sees as Russian and Chinese obstructionism.

Amid reports that the sidelines of the summit will see I2U2 (the grouping that includes India, Israel, UAE and US) unveil a major infrastructure announcement, Sullivan said, “We believe that connectivity from India, across the Middle East, to Europe is incredibly important and will bring a significant number of economic benefits, as well as strategic benefits, to all of the countries involved.”

Responding to a query on the nature of the bilateral meeting with Modi, and access to the press, Sullivan pointed out that it will take place at the PM’s residence.

“This is not your typical bilateral visit to India with meetings taking place in the Prime Minister’s office and an entire program. This is the host of the G20 hosting a significant number of leaders, doing so in his home, and he has set out the protocols he’s set out.” But Sullivan promised to provide a “transparent and comprehensive” readout of the meeting.

Lol, feku did the same in Ahmedabad when Trump visited India in 2020. So this is nothing for him.
Lol, feku did the same in Ahmedabad when Trump visited India in 2020. So this is nothing for him.
Every country does that. Do you think Congress Government will show case the great slums and open air toilets to foreign dignitaries? :))

Slums are on illegally occupied lands anyways. Government should not let these people build anything there to begin with.
Every country does that. Do you think Congress Government will show case the great slums and open air toilets to foreign dignitaries? :))

Slums are on illegally occupied lands anyways. Government should not let these people build anything there to begin with.
Who told you I'm fan of Congress? Unlike the blind bhakts, I'm not a bhakt of any political ideology. All of them loot Indians, some far more than others.

That feku couldn't do anything for these slum dwellers despite being in power for close to a decade at center tells you all about his neeyat.
Who told you I'm fan of Congress? Unlike the blind bhakts, I'm not a bhakt of any political ideology. All of them loot Indians, some far more than others.

That feku couldn't do anything for these slum dwellers despite being in power for close to a decade at center tells you all about his neeyat.
On a personal level, do you detest Congress just as much as BJP?
On a personal level, do you detest Congress just as much as BJP?
Congress doesn't matter as they hardly have any presence across country.

This regime could have done so much with such brute majority but I know what they have done instead

As for detesting Congress, they have done many abominable things in the past and they'll do in future too if given a chance.

However, the way this regime has poisoned Indian society with single minded focus was last seen probably at the time of partition or may be even at the time of anti Sikh riots but the latter's impact was visible only across a few states.
I think bigger news is that xi ping is not attending this for the first time ever.

What an insult for the host
Surprised there is a thread on Slums being removed for G20 but not one for the G20 event itself which is ongoing in its full glory now.

Anyway, how magnanimous our beloved PM is looking among all world leaders. It feels my heart with so much pride...what personality, what charisma, what charm. Now imagine Nitish Kumar, Mamata or Rahul Gandhi becomes the next PM and is hosting this G20 event :yk
Why hasn't Modi's Chinese bestie from his Mahaballipuram days attended this gala event?

Hold on... now I know you're a Congress supporter in disguise. There is no way, even a mad bhakt could type out what you just did about Modi's charisma. I will treat your future posts with this in mind, my sickular brother. I am ashamed of myself that I didn't figure this out earlier :)
Congratulations to PM Modi, Govt of Bharat & all those who helped making this a success.

The expansion of G20 into G21 with the rightful inclusion of African Union is a historic and landmark achievement for this G20 summit under Bharat’s presidency.

The photo of PM Modi hugging AU President Azali Assoumani and welcoming him on the Table will live on forever and make us proud.

The new world order is here & we are witnessing the emergence of Bharat as the voice of the people of the world.


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Surprised there is a thread on Slums being removed for G20 but not one for the G20 event itself which is ongoing in its full glory now.

Anyway, how magnanimous our beloved PM is looking among all world leaders. It feels my heart with so much pride...what personality, what charisma, what charm. Now imagine Nitish Kumar, Mamata or Rahul Gandhi becomes the next PM and is hosting this G20 event :yk
That's because in the West hosting a G20 summit is the norm and has zero value, but hosting a G20 summit is a new experience for India.

Precisely why Modi is getting criticised for attempting to conceal the truth of India, New Delhi in particular - poverty and slums, and loads more. Western media using the phrase - polishing a turd.

G20 has been a major success, African union now part of the G20 this is huge imo...
Monumental achievement for India. And MENA/India is now firmly in the race for leading economic advancements of the next decade. This is a good time to grow businesses and invest in these regions for the big players and Pakistan just needs to be smart enough to capitalise on the opportunities it gets their way.
So 55 African nations have joined now as African Union represents all African nations. So it went from G20 to G75 overnight lol? Whose left out now a few more countries and it's pretty much a UN. Just visual drama and some trade deals. These countries should work together to end poverty/hunger and illegal wars/occupation around the world and hiding 14 million slum dwellers to held this event paints the reality of things
So 55 African nations have joined now as African Union represents all African nations. So it went from G20 to G75 overnight lol? Whose left out now a few more countries and it's pretty much a UN. Just visual drama and some trade deals. These countries should work together to end poverty/hunger and illegal wars/occupation around the world and hiding 14 million slum dwellers to held this event paints the reality of things

This is not irrelevant at all.
The Western clout is diminishing in global politics with the emergence of the Global South.

We are truly witnessing the balancing of the global order right before our eyes and India is playing a major role at it. We have been pushing the African voice for years.
G20 summit wraps up in New Delhi; Macron says it confirms isolation of Russia

The G20 summit in New Delhi ended on Sunday as India handed over the bloc presidency to Brazil, while both the US and Russia praised a consensus that did not condemn Moscow for the war in Ukraine but called on members to shun the use of force.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the group’s leaders to hold a virtual meeting in November to review progress on policy suggestions and goals announced at the weekend.

“It is our responsibility to look at the suggestions that have been made to see how progress can be accelerated,” he said in a statement.

On Saturday, the group adopted a Leaders’ Declaration that avoided condemning Russia for the war but highlighted the human suffering the conflict had caused and called on all states not to use force to grab territory.

The consensus came as a surprise. In the weeks leading to the summit, sharply differing views on the war had threatened to derail the meeting, with Western nations demanding members call out Moscow for the invasion and Russia saying it would block any resolution that did not reflect its position.

This is not irrelevant at all.
The Western clout is diminishing in global politics with the emergence of the Global South.

We are truly witnessing the balancing of the global order right before our eyes and India is playing a major role at it. We have been pushing the African voice for years.
Lol okay. Western clouth is part of G20 in case you forgot. If Russia and China couldn't play so called major role then forget about a nobody country like India doing anything, India can barely stand up for itself against it's ever politically struggling arch nemesis (one of examples Abhinandan saga) so it's just another delusional laughable thought process of padosis like you. As long as in third world countries standard of living for majority are cr@p, no world order is shifting anywhere.

And again how it went from G20 to G75 overnight speaks for this "union", it's just another UN minus a few countries now.
Super interesting points! Going from G20 to G75 sounds like a big deal, but honestly, it could be a hot mess or really awesome—time will tell. Western influence isn't disappearing overnight, let's not kid ourselves. As for India, cool that it's stepping up, but still has its own house to clean.
Lol okay. Western clouth is part of G20 in case you forgot. If Russia and China couldn't play so called major role then forget about a nobody country like India doing anything, India can barely stand up for itself against it's ever politically struggling arch nemesis (one of examples Abhinandan saga) so it's just another delusional laughable thought process of padosis like you. As long as in third world countries standard of living for majority are cr@p, no world order is shifting anywhere.

And again how it went from G20 to G75 overnight speaks for this "union", it's just another UN minus a few countries now.

To be honest, even Pakistani brothers are now acknowledging Bharat’s growth and rising political status in the world. YouTube is full of proud Pakistanis being absolutely real about this but of course we will always have a certain group of people who still live in denial and consider Bharat an irrelevant and backward nation which is actually and sadly just an ironic admission of their own situation. It’s like the worst performing friend in the group wanting all his friends to lower their levels to his but that doesn’t always happen and it feels bad. It’s a human reaction that must be tamed.

Pakistan will grow if Bharat grows.
Pakistan grows when it comes out of its negative obsession with Bharat.
Super interesting points! Going from G20 to G75 sounds like a big deal, but honestly, it could be a hot mess or really awesome—time will tell. Western influence isn't disappearing overnight, let's not kid ourselves. As for India, cool that it's stepping up, but still has its own house to clean.

It only shows how less Pakistanis know about the existing world order if they are saying it’s G75 from G20 now when in G20 itself you had the entire European Union comprising of 50 sovereign European countries already counted as the 20th member.
To be honest, even Pakistani brothers are now acknowledging Bharat’s growth and rising political status in the world. YouTube is full of proud Pakistanis being absolutely real about this but of course we will always have a certain group of people who still live in denial and consider Bharat an irrelevant and backward nation which is actually and sadly just an ironic admission of their own situation. It’s like the worst performing friend in the group wanting all his friends to lower their levels to his but that doesn’t always happen and it feels bad. It’s a human reaction that must be tamed.

Pakistan will grow if Bharat grows.
Pakistan grows when it comes out of its negative obsession with Bharat.
The problem is they pray and hope India turns into a disappointment and epic failure like Pakistan.
The problem is they pray and hope India turns into a disappointment and epic failure like Pakistan.

Be careful.
It is not in Hindu dharma to mock the status of another because Karma will catch up to everyone.

As a proud Hindu and Bharatiya, I will always pray for world peace. Pakistan’s prosperity is very high on my wish list.

In my heart, i am 100% confident , things will change for the good and both nations will achieve great things.

Maybe they’re going through a tough phase. This too shall pass. Their country (formerly part of our very own Mahabharata) is full of natural riches. I
India hailed its “strategic” partnership with oil-rich Saudi Arabia on Monday, days after unveiling a major trade and transport route linking Europe, the Middle East and India as part of a broad alliance.

“Together, we made the historic start to establish an economic corridor,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in New Delhi.

On Saturday, the pair took part alongside other G20 leaders in the unveiling of ambitious plans to create a modern-day Spice Route, boosting trade ties with potentially wide-ranging geopolitical implications.

“This corridor will not only connect the two countries, but economic cooperation, digital connectivity between Asia, West Asia and Europe,” Modi added, in talks following the end of the two-day Group of 20 leaders’ summit he hosted.

India and Saudi Arabia, along with the United States, the European Union, the United Arab Emirates and others launched the initiative to link railways, ports, electricity and data networks and hydrogen pipelines.

India and Saudi Arabia are likely to sign an energy cooperation memorandum of understanding after a luncheon meeting of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Monday, a source familiar with the matter said.

The pact will focus on cooperation in energy efficiency, renewable energy, hydrogen and grid interconnection between the countries, the source said.

Business Recorder
There is no doubt that India has achieved a lot from the G20 summit, and its results will begin to emerge after some time. We hope that Pakistan also starts moving towards success and its economy improves.
India is going places where as our Pak is going nowhere. We don't have any control over what India does. The tragedy for us is we don't seem to have any control of what our Pak is doing either! All our people are obsessed with is the awful narcissist come hypocrite that is Imran Khan!
India is going places where as our Pak is going nowhere. We don't have any control over what India does. The tragedy for us is we don't seem to have any control of what our Pak is doing either! All our people are obsessed with is the awful narcissist come hypocrite that is Imran Khan!

I know Imran and people in Pakistan have had a lot of fun in hurling abuses at Modi and his supporters in the last decade. But Modi is an unstoppable Maverick. Like even a broken clock gives correct time twice a day, Modi does a lot more correct than that.

He’s helped Bharatiyans unite under a cause. He’s shown us a dream, a purpose in life, something to chase. No matter how silly Bharatiyans might look to some in chasing those dreams but it’s working for us.

Modi hae to Mumkin hae..
NEW DELHI: Saudi Arabia will consider setting up an office of its Sovereign Wealth Fund in India’s Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) in the west, Investment Minister Khalid Al Falih said in New Delhi on Monday.

“I match your offer and commit today to opening an office,” Falih after India’s trade minister Piyush Goyal invited Saudi to set up an office in GIFT City.

GIFT City is India’s tax-neutral financial services centre and a key project for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with the aim rivalling financial services centres in Dubai and Hong Kong.

Goyal also said he will suggest that his ministry starts an investment promotion office in Riyadh.

Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reviewed trade ties in a meeting on Monday, a day after the G20 summit in New Delhi.

Buisiness Recorder
I know Imran and people in Pakistan have had a lot of fun in hurling abuses at Modi and his supporters in the last decade. But Modi is an unstoppable Maverick. Like even a broken clock gives correct time twice a day, Modi does a lot more correct than that.

He’s helped Bharatiyans unite under a cause. He’s shown us a dream, a purpose in life, something to chase. No matter how silly Bharatiyans might look to some in chasing those dreams but it’s working for us.

Modi hae to Mumkin hae..
I don't know what you are on about when the condition of minorities in India is known to all. Dream? What I am seeing is a nightmare as said by Rahul Gandhi and human rights groups too with the situation in Manipur and all!. It is just that seeing the state of India will not eradicate Pak's problems when we are probably in even bigger mess.

I am not one of those Pakistanis who feels any happiness in India's problems when our own country is in complete disarray. What Modi does in India is not Pak's business. He can continue killing his innocent people and bulldozing houses of his poor if he wants.
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To be honest, even Pakistani brothers are now acknowledging Bharat’s growth and rising political status in the world. YouTube is full of proud Pakistanis being absolutely real about this but of course we will always have a certain group of people who still live in denial and consider Bharat an irrelevant and backward nation which is actually and sadly just an ironic admission of their own situation. It’s like the worst performing friend in the group wanting all his friends to lower their levels to his but that doesn’t always happen and it feels bad. It’s a human reaction that must be tamed.

Pakistan will grow if Bharat grows.
Pakistan grows when it comes out of its negative obsession with Bharat.
Where are you getting the notion of me being jealous? I only described what this G20 is and adding the whole African Union to it rather seems bizarre, I mean what's the end goal when you add an entire continent to a so called union which hasn't really done much in the past? India regardless of G20 would have been making progress, just like any other stable country, that's how world is "progressing". I mean we are talking about 1.5 billion people/consumer market, ofcourse it has to progress but rather seem to be at a much slower pace compared to a similar sizeable country like China which is lightyears ahead of India. Cheap products and cheap labour has enormous benefits for international firms, despite terrible service (based on my own personal experience dealing with Indian based agents of foreign companies).

And I see how Modi fans have already replaced the name India with Bharat, repeating it like a parrot to show the new paaawaar lol. Despite halla gulla of Modi, we know many ground realities of India. India would have actually made a lot more progress if you didn't have an anparh chai wala at the helm who has focused mostly on communal unrest. India is a hot market, Modi or not India economically would have made similar or much better progress.

And ofcourse Pakistan's is far worse because of decades long involvement in proxy wars which country like India didn't obviously have to go through. It is Pakistan's own mistake and the country is paying a hefty price for it, add corrupt leech Politicians ofcourse things are bound to become far worse, and I would also throw in corruption bootlicker many in awam in Pakistan who support such system openly e.g anti-IK brigade, but a completely different discussion as Pakistan is not the topic here.
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India would have actually made a lot more progress if you didn't have an anparh chai wala at the helm who has focused mostly on communal unrest. India is a hot market, Modi or not India economically would have made similar or much better progress.

We now have comparable data points for last 9+ yrs under Modi and the similar time period under a PM with PHd. There is a day and night difference and it is embarrassingly (for the Phd wala ) tilted in the favor of the chai wala in all aspects of governance. These are hard facts.
Where are you getting the notion of me being jealous? I only described what this G20 is and adding the whole African Union to it rather seems bizarre, I mean what's the end goal when you add an entire continent to a so called union which hasn't really done much in the past? India regardless of G20 would have been making progress, just like any other stable country, that's how world is "progressing". I mean we are talking about 1.5 billion people/consumer market, ofcourse it has to progress but rather seem to be at a much slower pace compared to a similar sizeable country like China which is lightyears ahead of India. Cheap products and cheap labour has enormous benefits for international firms, despite terrible service (based on my own personal experience dealing with Indian based agents of foreign companies).

And I see how Modi fans have already replaced the name India with Bharat, repeating it like a parrot to show the new paaawaar lol. Despite halla gulla of Modi, we know many ground realities of India. India would have actually made a lot more progress if you didn't have an anparh chai wala at the helm who has focused mostly on communal unrest. India is a hot market, Modi or not India economically would have made similar or much better progress.

And ofcourse Pakistan's is far worse because of decades long involvement in proxy wars which country like India didn't obviously have to go through. It is Pakistan's own mistake and the country is paying a hefty price for it, add corrupt leech Army Generals and Politicians ofcourse things are bound to become far worse, and I would also throw in corruption bootlicker many in awam in Pakistan who support such system openly e.g anti-IK brigade, but a completely different discussion as Pakistan is not the topic here.

India is growing slower than China?
You must be living 10 years in the past.
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G20 has been a total success, history made, no one touching PM Modi for 2024 elections, very likely he will win with a big majority....
India wants Saudi Arabia's Aramco to participate in its planned 6.5 million metric tons (MMT) strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) programme as the South Asian nation wants to strengthen ties with its key oil supplier, according to a document seen by Reuters.

The two nations have been talking about Aramco's participation in the SPR programme for years. The talks, however, gained traction after Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month.

Under Phase II Strategic Petroleum Reserves Programme construction of two new commercial-cum-strategic petroleum reserves of 6.5 MMT have been approved, the Indian government said in an internal document, adding that Saudi Arabia's Aramco can be invited to participate in the Phase II.

Aramco declined to comment, while the Saudi government did not respond to emails seeking comment.

India's prime ministers office, oil ministry and finance ministry did not respond either.

In 2021, India overhauled its SPR policy allowing commercial sale of the crude to boost private participation in the building of new storage facilities, mirroring a model adopted by countries such as Japan and South Korea.

India, the world's third-biggest oil importer and consumer, imports over 80% of its oil needs and has built strategic storage at three locations in southern India to store over 5 million tons of oil to protect against supply disruption.

Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) has leased 750,000 tons of oil storage in the 1.5 million ton SPR in the southern city of Mangaluru.

India has conducted two road shows for the second phase of its SPR programme that received interest from companies including Trafigura, British Petroleum, Petrochina (601857.SS), Hyundai, Gulf Energy, Glencore and Shell, a government statement said.

Regarding a potential deal between India and Saudi Aramco (2222.SE), KPMG Partner Anish De commented: "Getting the investment there will align the economic and political interest. There is good economic and political reasons for the two countries to do it."

During the visit by the crown prince to India, Saudi Arabia announced plans for an investment facilitation office in India's Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, a tax-neutral financial service centre.

India is also scouting for land to build a 1.2 million metric tonnes per year refinery and petrochemical project in western India with participation of Saudi Aramco and ADNOC.

The two governments will form a task force to remove hurdles like land acquisition, which has delayed the project, which was conceived in 2018. Saudi Arabia has committed $50 billion investment for the project.

Source: Reuters
New Delhi: Member countries have reached a consensus on adoption of the G20 Leaders' Summit Declaration, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a session on Saturday.

“Through the hard work of our teams, and through the cooperation of you all, we have reached agreement on the New Delhi G20 Leaders Summit Declaration. I propose that we adopt this New Delhi Leaders Declaration," Modi said, addressing his counterparts at a session.

Modi thanked ministers, sherpas and officials involved in making consensus possible.

It was initially unclear whether G20 member countries would be able to agree to a joint communique, due to highly publicised differences between different camps on the issue of how the Ukraine war would be referred to in the joint declaration.

In 2022, Russia and China acquiesced to the Bali Declaration, which said that most members criticised Moscow’s war in Ukraine. It also called for countries to uphold international law and respect principles laid down in the UN Charter. However, during India’s presidency, Russia and China refused to endorse similar language on Ukraine.

India has so far been releasing an “Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary" statement in place of a joint declaration at the end of major G20 meetings as a result of this. Had negotiations been unsuccessful, it would have been the first G20 Summit where a joint declaration was not agreed to.

Senior officials of the European Union had indicated the draft text put forward by India did not go far enough in expressing G7 concerns about Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, they also indicated flexibility in modifying language related to the war, which India may be keen to capitalize on. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan had said Friday that discussions were ongoing.

Source: Mint
