Indian couples in US rush for C-section to beat Trump's citizenship deadline

Bhaag Viru Bhaag

Senior Test Player
Aug 20, 2013

Indian couples in US rush for C-section to beat Trump's citizenship deadline​

There is a rush to give birth in the US to beat the birthright ban deadline. Indian couples are dialling up doctors and are lining up at maternity clinics for C-sections before February 20. One Indian-origin gynaecologist said he fielded calls from around 20 such couples.

Why February 20? This is the deadline for termination of birthright citizenship under US President Donald Trump's executive order.

One of the executive orders signed by Trump immediately after he took over as the President was to end birthright citizenship in the US. So, children born in the US till February 19 will be born American citizens.

After February 19, children born to non-citizen couples won't be natural American citizens.

There are tens of thousands of Indians working on temporary H-1B and L1 visas in the US. They are also in queue for Green Cards, that give permanent residency in the US. Children born to parents, where none of them are American citizen or a Green Card holder, won't be a US citizen by birth.

This is why the rush to be delivered of babies by C-section before February 20.

The maternity clinic of Dr S D Rama from New Jersey, is receiving an unusual number of asks for C-sections now by women in their eight and ninth months of pregnancy, according to The Times of India. A few are even some months away from full term.

“A seven months pregnant woman came with her husband to sign up for a preterm delivery. She isn’t due until sometime in March,” Dr Rama told The Times of India.

What adds to the rush is that Indians also bet their citizenship on their children born in the US. After turning 21, these American-Indians can be a ticket to US residency for their parents.

Dr S G Mukkala, an obstetrician and gynecologist from Texas expressed their concern about the risks of preterm births.

He told The Times of India that he had spoken to around 20 couples in the last two days.

“I am trying to tell couples that even if it is possible, a preterm birth poses significant risk to mother and child. Complications include underdeveloped lungs, feeding problems, low birth weight, neurological complications and more,” he said.

While risks remain, many on Reddit also understood why the parents rush for a C-section before the deadline.

"Obviously the doctors will say if it's safe or not, and so on. That's not terrible parenting," wrote a person on Reddit.

Another person shared how the American dream might be shattered.

"American dream is a scam. Right now they are processing 2012 eb2/3 for India. Which means typically for people who entered the US in 2007. ie if a 22 year old fresh out of college entered the US in 2007, they will be getting green card around this time. Another 5 years for citizenship. 45 years old to become a citizen. Know what you are signing up for," wrote the person.

The backlog for green cards is a century long now and birthright citizenship in the US was a respite for many.

"We were counting on our child being born here. We’ve been waiting for our green cards for six years. This was the only way to ensure stability for our family. We are terrified of the uncertainty," Priya, who is expected to give birth in March, told TOI.

A father, 28, a finance professional also shared his fears about the deadline on his family.

We sacrificed so much to come here. Now, it feels like the door is closing on us,” he told TOI as he and his wife prepare for their first child.

For illegal immigrants, the policy change comes with even stronger consequences.

A California-based man, who has lived in the US for eight years since he entered the country illegally and he and his wife who is on the seventh month of her pregnancy were heartbroken when they heard about Trump administration's deadline.

“We thought of seeking asylum, but then my wife got pregnant and our lawyer suggested that we get direct citizenship through our child. Now, we are all at sea,” he said.

Some others on social media platforms like Reddit asked Indians in the US to come back.

"Come back to India or relocate to another country," wrote a person on Reddit.

Indians in the US might be heading for preterm births and will be trying to do all they can to get a citizenship for their children.

The American Dream, which is facing a new test with Trump's ban on birthright citizenship, is pushing many couples to go for C-sections. All with February 20 on their minds.

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It is India's problem. The bane of huge population. No one wants their kids to go through the problems that they themselves went through.

I know many L1 visa workers who come to US on 1 or 2 year work permits, marry and deliver kids in that period. Their kids will get citizenship. They go back to India and the kids will have an option to switch to USA in the future.

Who can blame these people... India is not the place for talented people from upper caste especially. As long as government red tape, babu culture and reservations exist, many want to get the hell out of the country which does not honor merit.
I must say these Indian couples are very selfish.

For the record, premature birth can cause health issues to the baby. So, these couples are risking their babies' lives. Very irresponsible.

Premature babies often have serious health problems, especially when they're born very early. These problems often vary. But the earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of health challenges.

No serious Gynecologic will agree to deliver a child pre-term. It is illegal and punishable by law. You can breathe easy now. (y)

I hope you are right.

But, the fact these couples are okay to put their babies in harm's way like this is shocking. How can a parent endanger his/her child like this?

A US green card is not more important than a baby's life.

So Indians are risking their unborn kids lives , hoping they can stay in Amreeeka instead of shining India, but you blame the American doctors. :sachin
Bro if its true the doctors are more to blame than the desperate parents
I hope you are right.

But, the fact these couples are okay to put their babies in harm's way like this is shocking. How can a parent endanger his/her child like this?

A US green card is not more important than a baby's life.
There is nothing called Hope.

US doctors still follow laws and do not risk their career over some random couple wanting to deliver their unborn child earlier.

It is not about Green Card. It is about citizenship. Under the new law, kids born to parents who are not either Green card holders or citizens themselves will not be given automatic citizenship. They will be given dependent visas. That should have been the case from the beginning.

Anyone who wants to deliver their kid under 36 weeks must be put in jail or at least given stern warning from law enforcement. Unless the date is already set for a c-section by the gynecologist, no one should be allowed to change the date of delivery.

US immigration system is broken. At the moment, the waiting period for people who are on H1B and in the process of green card processing is several decades. No one wants to go through that hassle. I myself waited for over 7 years to get my Green card and eventually my citizenship. I was lucky that the immigration from India was not this bad back in 2003-2010.

Everyone has to wait in the line for their turn. The best they can do is lobby senators who can present their case to the President.
Bro if its true the doctors are more to blame than the desperate parents

Are doctors using call centres to call Indians if they want this service at a discount rupee price?

They should take some blame but more to blame cannot be right bro. The parents always have the main responsibility for their children.
Bro if its true the doctors are more to blame than the desperate parents
Doctors do not deliver preterm babies. It does not happen. Anyone who does that will go to jail and their license revoked.

Medical services providers are only pointing out some Indian parents who are willing to do that. Its not Doctor's fault.
In their head they are thinking they will be giving a better future.

Also the couples asking for the C section could be Illegals and not on visas, the article just made a random correlation and such couples are even worse as they are doing it for their citizensship.
No serious parent would risk the health of their child over a status unless they are desperate to leave their own country.
That’s actually not true, consistently seen when refugees take the worst trip with their kids to cross to Europe.
The parents are serious but desperate.
The so called “new law” is unconstitutional and probably will never become a law.
That’s actually not true, consistently seen when refugees take the worst trip with their kids to cross to Europe.
The parents are serious but desperate.

Already cooked vs still cooking.
In their head they are thinking they will be giving a better future.

Also the couples asking for the C section could be Illegals and not on visas, the article just made a random correlation and such couples are even worse as they are doing it for their citizensship.
Usual suspects do not care the status of the Indians in US.

As you said many could be illegals themselves who want their kids to get citizenships by birth right and eventually want to use their kid as an anchor to get themselves a legal status.

No educated high paid Indian temp visa worker will be stupid enough to have their kids deliver pre-term. But its fun to troll for some.
That’s actually not true, consistently seen when refugees take the worst trip with their kids to cross to Europe.
The parents are serious but desperate.

Not the same imo.

Real refugees flee wars, dictators and death. They feel they are going to die so must leave.

Here the Indian Americans living in USA, must have saved money, have a decent life now. Yet they still risk their childs life for a nationality. Its disgusting really.

So Indians are risking their unborn kids lives , hoping they can stay in Amreeeka instead of shining India, but you blame the American doctors. :sachin
Huh? How about this, if tomorrow you find out having a brain (physical one obviously) is haraam and you go to some shady doctor in Bradford and ask him to remove it and he agrees to it, who is the criminal? You know that even issuing pain killers are monitored now in UsA right? Obviously rhetorical question, you would know if you read.
Not the same imo.

Real refugees flee wars, dictators and death. They feel they are going to die so must leave.

Here the Indian Americans living in USA, must have saved money, have a decent life now. Yet they still risk their childs life for a nationality. Its disgusting really.
My point is on Economic refugees, true on real refugees.

Indian Americans won’t need to do this, these are Indians doing this and they could be illegal, so America has weird way of giving parents citizenship based on their child and yes that is disgusting.
Did you check the names of these "American" doctors?
Does it matter? Doctors are not assigned based on patient ethnicity. They all abide to the same HIPAA law. Now if you say most Indians are doctors that’s a separate debate but kind of agree there.
Huh? How about this, if tomorrow you find out having a brain (physical one obviously) is haraam and you go to some shady doctor in Bradford and ask him to remove it and he agrees to it, who is the criminal? You know that even issuing pain killers are monitored now in UsA right? Obviously rhetorical question, you would know if you read.

lol, what an analogy.

Its simple, even for you.

There is NO risk to the childs life. The Indian parents are RISKING their life by this early procedure, only for a passport.

Your blaming the doctors as if they are cold calling these Indians from a dodgy call centre in Bombay. :ROFLMAO:
My point is on Economic refugees, true on real refugees.

Indian Americans won’t need to do this, these are Indians doing this and they could be illegal, so America has weird way of giving parents citizenship based on their child and yes that is disgusting.

There is no such thing as economic refugees, they are economic migrants. If you were refering to them, I fully agree with you.

Risking your childs life for any monetary, economic, nationality , visa etc is disgusting.
Look I get the joke and meme about Indians being desperate about American visa. I can understand using this article as a parody news to troll based on Trump’s decision but taking it as serious news would mean people lack basic common sense . I am assuming most have never visited a doctor especially abroad. May you live healthy but hope lack of awareness is not because of lack of money or brains to take medical advice.
lol, what an analogy.

Its simple, even for you.

There is NO risk to the childs life. The Indian parents are RISKING their life by this early procedure, only for a passport.

Your blaming the doctors as if they are cold calling these Indians from a dodgy call centre in Bombay. :ROFLMAO:

If there is no risk and they are taking a decision based on their child’s future what exactly is the problem.
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Look I get the joke and meme about Indians being desperate about American visa. I can understand using this article as a parody news to troll based on Trump’s decision but taking it as serious news would mean people lack basic common sense . I am assuming most have never visited a doctor especially abroad. May you live healthy but hope lack of awareness is not because of lack of money or brains to take medical advice.

No! Everyone was criticizing parents until you decided to get your feelings hurt without going through the article.
C sections are a risk to the mother and child, early ones to get a visa can be very risky.

It seems like you done something similar or are planning on doing so? Go back to India and not risk your wife and kids. :sachin


Here are some information for @Local.Dada:

What are the risk factors for preterm labor and birth?​

There are several risk factors for preterm labor and premature birth, including ones that researchers have not yet identified. Some of these risk factors are "modifiable," meaning they can be changed to help reduce the risk. Other factors cannot be changed.

Health care providers consider the following factors to put women at high risk for preterm labor or birth:

  • Women who have delivered preterm before, or who have experienced preterm labor before, are considered to be at high risk for preterm labor and birth.1
  • Being pregnant with twins, triplets, or more (called "multiple gestations") or the use of assisted reproductive technology is associated with a higher risk of preterm labor and birth. One study showed that more than 50% of twin births occurred preterm, compared with only 10% of births of single infants.2
  • Women with certain anomalies of the reproductive organs are at greater risk for preterm labor and birth than are women who do not have these anomalies. For instance, women who have a short cervix (the lower part of the uterus) or whose cervix shortens in the second trimester (fourth through sixth months) of pregnancy instead of the third trimester are at high risk for preterm delivery.
Certain medical conditions, including some that occur only during pregnancy, also place a woman at higher risk for preterm labor and delivery. Some of these conditions include3:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Certain vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis
  • High blood pressure
  • Bleeding from the vagina
  • Certain developmental anomalies in the fetus
  • Pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization
  • Having underweight or obesity before pregnancy
  • Short time period between pregnancies (less than 6 months between a birth and the beginning of the next pregnancy)
  • Placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix
  • Being at risk for rupture of the uterus (when the wall of the uterus rips open). Rupture of the uterus is more likely if you have had a prior cesarean delivery or have had a uterine fibroid removed.
  • Diabetes (high blood sugar) and gestational diabetes (which occurs only during pregnancy)
  • Blood clotting problems
Other factors that may increase risk for preterm labor and premature birth include:

  • Ethnicity. Preterm labor and birth occur more often among certain racial and ethnic groups. For example, infants of African American mothers are more likely to be born preterm than infants of white mothers. American Indian/Alaska Native mothers are also more likely to give birth preterm than are white mothers.4
  • Age of the mother.
    • Women younger than age 18 are more likely to have a preterm delivery.
    • Women older than age 35 are also at risk of having preterm infants because they are more likely to have other conditions (such as high blood pressure and diabetes) that can cause complications requiring preterm delivery.4
  • Certain lifestyle and environmental factors, including:3
    • Late or no health care during pregnancy
    • Smoking
    • Drinking alcohol
    • Using illegal drugs
    • Domestic violence, including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
    • Lack of social support
    • Stress
    • Long working hours with long periods of standing
    • Exposure to certain environmental pollutants


  1. Ekwo, E. E., Gosselink, C. A., & Moawad, A. (1992). Unfavorable outcome in penultimate pregnancy and premature rupture of membranes in successive pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 80, 166–172.
  2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2015). Multiple Pregnancy. Retrieved May 16, 2018, from external link
  3. March of Dimes. (2008, 2010). Preterm labor and birth: A serious pregnancy complication. Retrieved April 23, 2012, from external link
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Births: Final Data for 2016. Retrieved May 16, 2018, from (PDF 1.12 MB)

No! Everyone was criticizing parents until you decided to get your feelings hurt without going through the article.

I don't get this guy. He's making his usual sly digs about Bradford a few posts up then starts squealing about Indian memes when he gets a taste of his own medicine. If you want respect you earn it. Simple enough concept.
Lol yes but the risk is still there traveling such way with kids.

Traveling with kids always carries some risk, even in the safest conditions, like driving on a well maintained road with a properly secured car seat. In fact, more children lose their lives in such scenarios than migrants risking everything for a better future. But, in this case, these are well educated Indian parents with strong qualifications, who likely wouldn’t face major challenges in securing good jobs and ensuring a bright future for their children in India. It’s hard to believe that their situation in India, where they can afford a decent living, quality education for their kids, and a stable home, could be so dire that they’d consider endangering the life of their unborn child.

If they were coming from a war torn, impoverished country, I could understand such a decision more easily.
Traveling with kids always carries some risk, even in the safest conditions, like driving on a well maintained road with a properly secured car seat. In fact, more children lose their lives in such scenarios than migrants risking everything for a better future. But, in this case, these are well educated Indian parents with strong qualifications, who likely wouldn’t face major challenges in securing good jobs and ensuring a bright future for their children in India. It’s hard to believe that their situation in India, where they can afford a decent living, quality education for their kids, and a stable home, could be so dire that they’d consider endangering the life of their unborn child.

If they were coming from a war torn, impoverished country, I could understand such a decision more easily.

These parents are unfit to be parents. Putting babies in danger. Shame on them.

They should lose their papers, be deported, and be banned from entering US for 20 years for endangering babies.
Republican judge has just blockedTrump's Birthright order .. so temporary relief until the Supreme Court rules on it..
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These particular set of Indians are acting like parasites.


Indians in America on H1B are the most jingoistic and absolute nutjobs. They also hate to live in India the most. America is better without them. The world is better off without such Indians or any kind of immigrant who refuses to assimilate.
Republican judge has just blockedTrump's Birthright order .. so temporary relief until the Supreme Court rules on it..
North Americans and Europeans badly need to change their laws since they are importing so many folks. These people would exploit and abuse their high trust societies.
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These parents are unfit to be parents. Putting babies in danger. Shame on them.

They should lose their papers, be deported, and be banned from entering US for 20 years for endangering babies.
Sweep shot bhai, after USA the same messed up folks will try to enter Canada which has horribly weak border control and pathetic criminal laws. Im so afraid for canada. We need some serious actions on our end.
Indians always gloat about indians being rich, ceo, this and that.

But they refuse to go back to their own country and make it better.

Like if you are so good, how come your own country is a hellhole?

I read the news about Google, who happens to be led by an Indian, fired 4000 employees and replaced them all with H1Bs. I completely sympathise with Americans as we canadians are suffering from this at every level.

Tim Hortons, our national food brand, has literally replaced canadian in every single store with temporary foreign workers.

Tens and thousands of subways have been opened by Indians who have no actual business, but was used to sell fake LMIAs for 40/50k CAD. Its insane how absolutely corrupt they are.

Fills me with a lot of anger, i swear to god, if i was prime minister of canada. I would deport all of them in my first week. I will wage a war against them.
It is India's problem. The bane of huge population. No one wants their kids to go through the problems that they themselves went through.

I know many L1 visa workers who come to US on 1 or 2 year work permits, marry and deliver kids in that period. Their kids will get citizenship. They go back to India and the kids will have an option to switch to USA in the future.

Who can blame these people... India is not the place for talented people from upper caste especially. As long as government red tape, babu culture and reservations exist, many want to get the hell out of the country which does not honor merit.
When will India start the one child policy? I think this needs be to looked at seriously. India’s population as i have emphasised multiple times is a ticking time bomb for the world. Its not even a meme or troll.
No serious Gynecologic will agree to deliver a child pre-term. It is illegal and punishable by law. You can breathe easy now. (y)
I wouldnt put it past corrupt indian doctors to take money and do these operations. After experiencing such type of indians first hand in Canada, nothing shocks me anymore.
US judge temporarily blocks Trump's order restricting birthright citizenship

A federal judge blocked Donald Trump's administration on Thursday from implementing the Republican president's executive order curtailing the right to automatic birthright citizenship in the United States, calling it "blatantly unconstitutional."

Seattle-based U.S. District Judge John Coughenour issued a temporary restraining order, opens new tab at the urging of four Democratic-led states - Washington, Arizona, Illinois and Oregon - preventing the administration from enforcing the order. Trump had signed the order on Monday, his first day back in office.

The judge, an appointee of Republican former President Ronald Reagan, dealt the first legal setback to the hardline policies on immigration that are a centerpiece of Trump's second term as president.

"Obviously we'll appeal," Trump said of Coughenour's ruling.

Trump's executive order had directed U.S. agencies to refuse to recognize the citizenship of children born in the United States if neither their mother nor father is a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.

"I am having trouble understanding how a member of the bar could state unequivocally that this order is constitutional," the judge told a U.S. Justice Department lawyer defending Trump's order. "It just boggles my mind."

The states argued that Trump's order violated the right enshrined in the citizenship clause of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment that provides that anyone born in the United States is a citizen.

"I've been on the bench for over four decades. I can't remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one. This is a blatantly unconstitutional order," Coughenour said of Trump's policy.

Coughenour's order, announced following a short hearing in a packed courtroom with other judges watching, prevents Trump's policy from being enforced nationwide for 14 days while the judge considers whether to issue a long-lasting preliminary injunction. He will hear arguments over whether to do so on Feb. 6.

Under Trump's order, any children born in the United States after Feb. 19 whose mother and father are not American citizens or lawful permanent residents would be subject to deportation and would be prevented from obtaining Social Security numbers, various government benefits and the ability as they get older to work lawfully.

"Under this order, babies being born today don't count as U.S. citizens," Washington state Assistant Attorney General Lane Polozola, referring to Trump's policy, told the judge during the hearing.

Justice Department lawyer Brett Shumate argued that Trump's action was constitutional and called any judicial order blocking it "wildly inappropriate." But before Shumate had even finished responding to Polozola's argument, Coughenour said he had signed the temporary restraining order.


The Justice Department plans to file papers next week to urge the judge not to issue a longer injunction, Shumate said. A Justice Department spokesperson said it plans to continue to "vigorously defend" Trump's order.

"We look forward to presenting a full merits argument to the court and to the American people, who are desperate to see our nation's laws enforced," the spokesperson said.

Washington Attorney General Nick Brown, a Democrat, said he sees no reason to expect that the Justice Department would succeed in overturning Coughenour's ruling on appeal, even if the matter goes to the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 6-3 conservative majority includes three justices appointed by Trump.

"You are an American citizen if you were born on American soil - period," Brown said. "Nothing that the president can do will change that."

More than 150,000 newborn children would be denied citizenship annually if Trump's order is allowed to stand, according to the Democratic-led states.

Since Trump signed the order, at least six lawsuits have been filed challenging it, most of them by civil rights groups and Democratic attorneys general from 22 states.

Democratic state attorneys general have said that the understanding of the Constitution's citizenship clause was cemented 127 years ago when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that children born in the United States to non-citizen parents are entitled to American citizenship.

The 14th Amendment, adopted in 1868 following the U.S. Civil War, overturned the Supreme Court's notorious 1857 Dred Scott decision that had declared that the Constitution's protections did not apply to enslaved Black people.

In a brief filed late on Wednesday, the Justice Department called the order an "integral part" of Trump's efforts "to address this nation's broken immigration system and the ongoing crisis at the southern border."

Thirty-six of Trump's Republican allies in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday separately introduced legislation to restrict automatic citizenship to only children born to American citizens or lawful permanent residents.

I think it’s unfair to judge the parents without understanding where they’re coming from. It’s easy to come here and mock people like that and claim you wouldn’t have done the same thing. But for most of these parents, it’s not about taking advantage of a system or “cheating” the rules, it’s about wanting to give their kids a better future. Let’s face it, growing up in Bharat, Pakistan etc is tough in terms of competition. From crazy pressure in schools to fighting for a seat in a good college or a decent job, the stress is unreal. By ensuring their kid is a US citizen, they’re just trying to spare them that rat race. This is the bitter truth. I am proud of the progress my country is making but nobody is going to fool me into believing we’re going to touch the high income nations in per capita income anytime in my life. Our national GDP will get to Top 3/2 or even 1 in the future but per capita wise we’re not making it and from all the readings i have done it’s evident that we’re going to get stuck in a middle income trap and will never make it out of there. An ordinary family in Bharat will never have the same standard of living as an ordinary family in America and other high income nations and no amount of Chakk de Bharat vibes will change that.

Being a US citizen means having access to better opportunities, whether it’s education, healthcare, or even job security. It’s not like these parents don’t love Bharat or want their kids to grow up without knowing their roots. It’s just that they’re thinking about the bigger picture and the long term. Parents always want the best for their kids. Do you think the parents don’t know about the complications with such medical procedures? They make sacrifices all the time, working hard, moving abroad, and leaving family behind to give their kids better lives. This is just another decision driven by that same instinct. There is no going back for them, the stakes are already raised.

So maybe instead of mocking them, we should take a moment to understand their perspective.
I think it’s unfair to judge the parents without understanding where they’re coming from. It’s easy to come here and mock people like that and claim you wouldn’t have done the same thing. But for most of these parents, it’s not about taking advantage of a system or “cheating” the rules, it’s about wanting to give their kids a better future. Let’s face it, growing up in Bharat, Pakistan etc is tough in terms of competition. From crazy pressure in schools to fighting for a seat in a good college or a decent job, the stress is unreal. By ensuring their kid is a US citizen, they’re just trying to spare them that rat race. This is the bitter truth. I am proud of the progress my country is making but nobody is going to fool me into believing we’re going to touch the high income nations in per capita income anytime in my life. Our national GDP will get to Top 3/2 or even 1 in the future but per capita wise we’re not making it and from all the readings i have done it’s evident that we’re going to get stuck in a middle income trap and will never make it out of there. An ordinary family in Bharat will never have the same standard of living as an ordinary family in America and other high income nations and no amount of Chakk de Bharat vibes will change that.

Being a US citizen means having access to better opportunities, whether it’s education, healthcare, or even job security. It’s not like these parents don’t love Bharat or want their kids to grow up without knowing their roots. It’s just that they’re thinking about the bigger picture and the long term. Parents always want the best for their kids. Do you think the parents don’t know about the complications with such medical procedures? They make sacrifices all the time, working hard, moving abroad, and leaving family behind to give their kids better lives. This is just another decision driven by that same instinct. There is no going back for them, the stakes are already raised.

So maybe instead of mocking them, we should take a moment to understand their perspective.
Immigration is a privilege, not a right. American citizenship or canadian citizenship is not for sale. Rat race or whatever, tough luck. The real rat racers in India never make out of their town let alone become a H1B.

These H1Bers are already upper caste in India and are extreme saffron bakths. Beside their hindutva tendencies, they feel like the system owes them anything. The lower caste Hindu doesnt complain when Gulf states doesnt provide citizinship. He earns for how many years he can and then returns to India to open up a small shop or small business. I respect him more than these parasites.

I feel zero sympathy for H1Bers. Im sorry.
South Asians are the only people who look down upon fellows who move abroad for the sake of a better life for their children. Most of the people who leave our countries, are fully aware they will spend the rest of their life struggling to save money they will not spend themselves. Many skip meals, don’t buy new clothes, delay the car they want to buy so that they can send back home some extra money. There are exceptions of rich/upper middle class GenZ kids going abroad and hustling. The rest are all just trying to turn their family fortune in the longer run.

All these Europeans migrated to American, Australian shores to literally loot wealth, kill the indegenous people and steal their land. Today we call them natural residents of these countries. But when it comes to South Asian community, the whole world including our own people mock them for resorting to desperate yet generally harmless means to give their families a better life in the future.

You have no idea about their struggles, what they left behind, how much it hurts. Your country is like your mother, it maybe poor but it will always be your country.
It is India's problem. The bane of huge population. No one wants their kids to go through the problems that they themselves went through.

I know many L1 visa workers who come to US on 1 or 2 year work permits, marry and deliver kids in that period. Their kids will get citizenship. They go back to India and the kids will have an option to switch to USA in the future.

Who can blame these people... India is not the place for talented people from upper caste especially. As long as government red tape, babu culture and reservations exist, many want to get the hell out of the country which does not honor merit.
why just upper caste? What wrong has lower caste talented hardworking Indians done?
I wouldnt put it past corrupt indian doctors to take money and do these operations. After experiencing such type of indians first hand in Canada, nothing shocks me anymore.

Yes. That's quite possible.

Canada got ruined like this.

I think this type of corruption can be fixed with harsh punishments (like deportations or jail sentences). But, North America doesn't have the gut to do those anymore. Some liberal judge may find it "unconstitutional".
These H1Bers are already upper caste in India and are extreme saffron bakths. Beside their hindutva tendencies, they feel like the system owes them anything. The lower caste Hindu doesnt complain when Gulf states doesnt provide citizinship. He earns for how many years he can and then returns to India to open up a small shop or small business. I respect him more than these parasites.

For all we know, your own parents might have initially been one of these parasites that went to Canada and took somebody else's job. Second generation immigrants tend to look down on fresh-of the-boat immigrants while forgetting their own origins.
Sweep shot bhai, after USA the same messed up folks will try to enter Canada which has horribly weak border control and pathetic criminal laws. Im so afraid for canada. We need some serious actions on our end.

Yes. That's what I fear.

We just have to hang in there for 9 more months. Election time.
For all we know, your own parents might have initially been one of these parasites that went to Canada and took somebody else's job. Second generation immigrants tend to look down on fresh-of the-boat immigrants while forgetting their own origins.
You might not understand why those people are being called parasites. The H1B workers are on temporary worker visa and are not immigrants. They or their kids have no right to be citizens of the land unless they get a PR.

A parasite is someone who sucks and drains you and comes over to lay their eggs in the host. So that they can be further propogated.

Nothing to do with people who came through proper channels without fraud.
You might not understand why those people are being called parasites. The H1B workers are on temporary worker visa and are not immigrants. They or their kids have no right to be citizens of the land unless they get a PR.

A parasite is someone who sucks and drains you and comes over to lay their eggs in the host. So that they can be further propogated.

Nothing to do with people who came through proper channels without fraud.

Why do some people come on work visas and act all entitled as if the country owes them PRs and citizenships?

They even do protests about it in Canada. LOL.

Work visa means temporary permission to work. Nothing beyond that.
A parasite is someone who sucks and drains you and comes over to lay their eggs in the host. So that they can be further propogated.

Are you referring to H1B workers having children in the US ? Their children become citizens because that's the law and has been for 200 years.
Indians always gloat about indians being rich, ceo, this and that.

But they refuse to go back to their own country and make it better.

Like if you are so good, how come your own country is a hellhole?

I read the news about Google, who happens to be led by an Indian, fired 4000 employees and replaced them all with H1Bs. I completely sympathise with Americans as we canadians are suffering from this at every level.

Tim Hortons, our national food brand, has literally replaced canadian in every single store with temporary foreign workers.

Tens and thousands of subways have been opened by Indians who have no actual business, but was used to sell fake LMIAs for 40/50k CAD. Its insane how absolutely corrupt they are.

Fills me with a lot of anger, i swear to god, if i was prime minister of canada. I would deport all of them in my first week. I will wage a war against them.

I guess we have to get used to with petty behaviors and corruptions. North America is changing and not in a good way.

BTW, check out some of the comments I recently saw on YouTube: :yk

Screenshot 2025-01-20 022936.png
I guess we have to get used to with petty behaviors and corruptions. North America is changing and not in a good way.

BTW, check out some of the comments I recently saw on YouTube: :yk

Heh, at least they work together and hire each other etc. Something I guess.

Bangladeshis come to India and get up to all kinds of nonsense.
USA should eliminate H1B Completely or reduce it. Focus on hiring locally.

Canada should do the same.
For all we know, your own parents might have initially been one of these parasites that went to Canada and took somebody else's job. Second generation immigrants tend to look down on fresh-of the-boat immigrants while forgetting their own origins.

Don't know about Canucks but from what I've seen in Britain it is natural to look down on immigrants from former colonies. Or at least the ones that look different and speak with a funny accent. If you want to fit in, you have to join in otherwise what's the point of being a Brit?

Heck even Indians do the same when they try to bash British Pakistanis. Although I imagine it would sound kind of ironic if you could hear their thick Indian accents.
why just upper caste? What wrong has lower caste talented hardworking Indians done?
Lower caste and Dalits have some hope. They have reservations in Government jobs and education institutions. If an upper caste has to succeed and get admissions into top colleges in India, they have to be the cream of the crop. Being a good student or average is not enough if a student is from non-reserved category.
I wouldnt put it past corrupt indian doctors to take money and do these operations. After experiencing such type of indians first hand in Canada, nothing shocks me anymore.
Again, this is US. Not India where a pre-term baby is delivered to meet some deadline. Indian People do schedule c-section to match auspicious days due to Astrology nonsense.

The pregnancy should at least be 36 weeks before it is absolutely safe to perform a C-section. Anything below that is illegal unless there is medical condition that the mother is suffering from like gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
When will India start the one child policy? I think this needs be to looked at seriously. India’s population as i have emphasised multiple times is a ticking time bomb for the world. Its not even a meme or troll.
India is doing fine with just over 2 births per couple. 1 child policy will not work as we have seen what is happening in China.
I do believe Indian government should strongly discourage people who want to have 3+ kids.
Immigration is a privilege, not a right. American citizenship or canadian citizenship is not for sale. Rat race or whatever, tough luck. The real rat racers in India never make out of their town let alone become a H1B.

These H1Bers are already upper caste in India and are extreme saffron bakths. Beside their hindutva tendencies, they feel like the system owes them anything. The lower caste Hindu doesnt complain when Gulf states doesnt provide citizinship. He earns for how many years he can and then returns to India to open up a small shop or small business. I respect him more than these parasites.

I feel zero sympathy for H1Bers. Im sorry.
Both the citizenships are literally for sale , yes the price is high but they are called. investor Visa.

I was on H1b once , there are issues with it but lol the complaints are at best minimal compared to average complaints in the world.

H1b is usually used by South Indians and lol they are far from Bhakts, Gujaratis hardly go for H1b. H1b being used by Bhakts or upper caste is extremely ill informed.
The confidence with which uninformed opinions are being passed as facts on this thread lol
These particular set of Indians are acting like parasites.

View attachment 150078

Indians in America on H1B are the most jingoistic and absolute nutjobs. They also hate to live in India the most. America is better without them. The world is better off without such Indians or any kind of immigrant who refuses to assimilate.


I think this picture accurately describes many Indian posters here.

Both the citizenships are literally for sale , yes the price is high but they are called. investor Visa.

I was on H1b once , there are issues with it but lol the complaints are at best minimal compared to average complaints in the world.

H1b is usually used by South Indians and lol they are far from Bhakts, Gujaratis hardly go for H1b. H1b being used by Bhakts or upper caste is extremely ill informed.
Let them expose their ignorance.

Most H1B's are from Telugu states who don't care about BJP or Pakistan. They are all about making money and getting rich faster.
Both the citizenships are literally for sale , yes the price is high but they are called. investor Visa.

I was on H1b once , there are issues with it but lol the complaints are at best minimal compared to average complaints in the world.

H1b is usually used by South Indians and lol they are far from Bhakts, Gujaratis hardly go for H1b. H1b being used by Bhakts or upper caste is extremely ill informed.

any reason why he wasn't aware of this? flunked school I guess.
Don't know about Canucks but from what I've seen in Britain it is natural to look down on immigrants from former colonies. Or at least the ones that look different and speak with a funny accent. If you want to fit in, you have to join in otherwise what's the point of being a Brit?

Totally agree. I've always been for immigrants adopting the sensibilties and customs of the host nation to as much of an extent as possible ... although I do recall you saying that this kinda behavior from indians was bending the knee whereas pak immigrants were more principled. Seems like a contradiction there from u.
Totally agree. I've always been for immigrants adopting the sensibilties and customs of the host nation to as much of an extent as possible ... although I do recall you saying that this kinda behavior from indians was bending the knee whereas pak immigrants were more principled. Seems like a contradiction there from u.

You are getting immigrants mixed up with 2nd generation there. I was talking 2nd generation who will naturally grow up with the same sensibilities of their peers from school age through uni and onto their chosen professions. A born Brit is not going to have the same characteristics or values as an immigrant.
So no one gonna discuss here how its a stupid policy by Trump?
Rather strange that Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are celebrating Trump's restrictions simply because a large number of Indians are going to be affected. They are conveniently forgetting that they have plenty of their own people with H1B visas in the US, who are going to be facing the exact same issues.

Perhaps it is not so strange, but anyway.

Having said this, I am always in support of immigration curbs, even if I have been an immigrant myself. It has simply gotten out of control everywhere. About time Indians and others come out of this caravanning immigration mentality and try to make their futures in India or in their home countries. Fewer Bangladeshis and Pakistanis migrating would be welcome as well.
So no one gonna discuss here how its a stupid policy by Trump?
It’s not completely stupid for the reason Illegal immigrants give birth to children in US and get citizenship through them.

Why is he doing for legal ones I don’t know..there should be a middle ground..