IQ ranking in subcontinent

Stylish Executive

Tape Ball Regular
May 9, 2011
Based on my forum experience on Pakpassion, I noticed a strange trend. Whenever I would post something, some posters would always ridicule me (which includes Pakistanis). An overwhelming majority of the posters who ridicule me are the Indians. In fact, I didn't find any instance where an Indian agreed with me on any issue.

This trend inspired me to do a little research. So, off I went to google, looking for the average IQ estimates and I found this book. Now I know why I found this trend here on PakPassion.

Here is the wiki link to the book:

IQ and Global Inequality is a controversial 2006 book by psychologist Richard Lynn and political scientist Tatu Vanhanen.[1] IQ and Global Inequality is follow-up to their 2002 book IQ and the Wealth of Nations,[2] an expansion of the argument that international differences in current economic development are due in part to differences in average national intelligence as indicated by national IQ estimates, and a response to critics. The book was published by the controversial Washington Summit Publishers.

Lynn and Vanhanen's research on national IQs has attracted academic attention from several fields with both praise and criticism. Various authors have cited the book to reach further conclusions from the book's statements or to criticize or find support for the book's scores, methodology, and conclusions.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Several other data sets of estimated average national cognitive ability exist as explained in nations and intelligence.

Average IQ points for all nation is provided on wiki.

Average IQ Points among the subcontinent (2006 estimate):

Pakistan - 84

Bangladesh - 82

India - 81

As can clearly be seen, India ranks lowest among the subcontinent (excluding the small bhutan and nepal)

A little east, on the south-east side, the average IQ is remarkably higher, with 92 and 89 for Malaysia and Indonesia respectively. Highest IQ is possessed by the Chinese (specifically the Hong Kong people), at 108.

I know my post will infuriate the Indians here (understandably), but I just wanted to share my findings of this research with all PPers. :)
Its a universal fact.
Another thing i will add up SE that majority of indians are suffering from inferiority complex so they will redicule anyone with such statements.
Whatever floats your boat :moyo

But I wonder what is your IQ when you can't even copy /paste stuff from the web properly :D Wiki states average IQ of Indians is 82 which is same as Bangladesh where you're staying currently.

Too little IQ or intellectual dishonesty?? :asif
Watch out SE the Indians are charging towards this thread. Lol
So we've concluded, as indians have lower IQ than yourself and indians disagree with everything you say then you must be correct on every topic you speak.
Kuch bhi bolo yaar.

But now a days, I wait for threads from SE. :))
Based on my forum experience on Pakpassion, I noticed a strange trend. Whenever I would post something, some posters would always ridicule me (which includes Pakistanis). An overwhelming majority of the posters who ridicule me are the Indians. In fact, I didn't find any instance where an Indian agreed with me on any issue.

This trend inspired me to do a little research. So, off I went to google, looking for the average IQ estimates and I found this book. Now I know why I found this trend here on PakPassion.

Here is the wiki link to the book:

Average IQ points for all nation is provided on wiki.

Average IQ Points among the subcontinent (2006 estimate):

Pakistan - 84

Bangladesh - 82

India - 81

As can clearly be seen, India ranks lowest among the subcontinent (excluding the small bhutan and nepal)

A little east, on the south-east side, the average IQ is remarkably higher, with 92 and 89 for Malaysia and Indonesia respectively. Highest IQ is possessed by the Chinese (specifically the Hong Kong people), at 108.

I know my post will infuriate the Indians here (understandably), but I just wanted to share my findings of this research with all PPers. :)

I knew Hong Kongers were smart...:hamster:
Oh.... If wiki says so then it must be the truth ;-)

on the 1st part of the poster, i have a comment.

SE does brings focus on various political issue. But if you are analysing on that level, you have to remove the attitude of biased towards pakistan. About pakistan whatever comments you make, no indian posters will say anything cz it is none of our matters. But.... When you provide your assumptions about india as a fact, i have little bit disagreement on that. You should be more open about handling the criticism and to see if the critic has some valid points or not.... Having said that, i respect your efforts to keep focussing on various topics.
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lol I wonder how Osama stayed in Pakistan for over 3 years near a military base/academy..... and most Pakistanis have Indian blood in them
Exactly...while pakistanis are entering and developing in every field...while many executive positions of company are filled by pakistanis in the world like say pepsi....Indians on the other hand are in the state of being a failed state with terrorist problems day in and day out...and millionaire count in pakistan due to companies like reliance and other it companies on a raise...which probably is around 153,000 millionaires...and most of them through hardworking bussinesses....India on the other hand has probably one or no millionaires...

True infact...

Indians suck in every field...mainly education...pakistan is rocking the world right now...
after seeing this thread i decided to take aan IQ test and I got 135 :) I think everyone nis getting quite sensitive about this IQ thing remember its jsut an average it doesnt mean all INdians are les intelligent or vice versa and you must take into account that India has such a greater population and so many mroe illiterate poeple.
after seeing this thread i decided to take aan IQ test and I got 135 :) I think everyone nis getting quite sensitive about this IQ thing remember its jsut an average it doesnt mean all INdians are les intelligent or vice versa and you must take into account that India has such a greater population and so many mroe illiterate poeple.
Bhai mere, its same for all people including pakistani, BD or srilanka. Everyone in this forum are smart enough to know that.

Its just the mentality and intention of the OP and few posters here which make these threads funny to play around.
Bhai mere, its same for all people including pakistani, BD or srilanka. Everyone in this forum are smart enough to know that.

Its just the mentality and intention of the OP and few posters here which make these threads funny to play around.

a sensible post.
IQ of Pakistan = 84?

That's below average and is an insult to us.
The main reason for these low IQ is the high rate of illiteracy in our country.

But I agree Indian do tend to be close minded or a bit naive from my experience.
Oh the irony, these so called proud, brave and highly intellectual Muslims think they're doing Islam's image a huge favour when they're 24/7 dissing people from other religion/ethnicity/ nationality when Prophet Muhammad pbuh clearly prohibited believers from indulging in futile debates and provoking others, not only because its idiotic and insensitive but lot of dirt actually comes back at you.

Islam becoming just a topic of debates and chatter is actually one of the signs of nearing of day of judgement and Muslims themselves are the top contenders in this mess. Shame of you for grossly politicizing this great religion of humanity, ya'll are fitna and may Allah swt free us from you all.
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The irony of all, these so called proud, brave and highly intellectual Muslims think they're doing Islam's image a huge favour when they're 24/7 dissing people from other religion/ethnicity/ nationality when Prophet Muhammad pbuh clearly prohibited believers from indulging in futile debates and provoking others, not only because its idiotic and insensitive but lot of dirt actually comes back at you.

Islam becoming just a topic of debates and chatter is actually one of the signs of nearing of day of judgement and Muslims themselves are the top contenders in this mess. Shame of you for grossly politicizing this great religion of humanity, ya'll are fitna and may Allah swt free us from you all.
I am not sure if you are a muslim yourself or not.

But you have a very valid point. I have been thinking in the same way for sometime. The way some muslims have been creating an image of muslims vs them, it is actually creating for peaceful muslims only.
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I am not sure if you are a muslim yourself or not.

But you have a very valid point. I have been thinking in the same way for sometime. The way some muslims have been creating an image of muslims vs them, it is actually creating for peaceful muslims only.

Alhamdulillah I'm Muslim.
Did anyone went through the rest of the post....

Points mentioned in the original post:

IQ level : pak -84, india - 81

PPP GNI (purchasing power parity and growth national income): pak- 1730, india - 2650

QHC (quality of human condition): pak - 31.7, india - 36.3

conclusion: india has lower iq level but has higher currency value (=greater economical power) and better quality of human condition. So.... Insipite of lower level iq (according to the article), indian is doing great.
Sorry bro if any of my words were wrong. Just having some fun with few chest thumpers. :p

They the individual so deserve it, but seriously these guys represent very little of true Islam.

Islam is the religion of humanity, justice, equality, compassion, good conducts, its a religion that promotes inner and outer peace. Those who are hell bent on making this religion a militant school of thought that only knows how to fight and conquer, disrespect other nationalities, their faith and their history are indeed that cursed ones. The Muslim Zionists! I'm sick and tired of them.

My religion has no room for this disgusting level of arrogance and superior complex.
Oh the irony, these so called proud, brave and highly intellectual Muslims think they're doing Islam's image a huge favour when they're 24/7 dissing people from other religion/ethnicity/ nationality when Prophet Muhammad pbuh clearly prohibited believers from indulging in futile debates and provoking others, not only because its idiotic and insensitive but lot of dirt actually comes back at you.

Islam becoming just a topic of debates and chatter is actually one of the signs of nearing of day of judgement and Muslims themselves are the top contenders in this mess. Shame of you for grossly politicizing this great religion of humanity, ya'll are fitna and may Allah swt free us from you all.

Yeah Mods can delete this post too.

spot on brother.I completely agree with you. It is shameful to read posts of so many wanna be Islami people here....."Plz GOD, guide us to the right path and forgive our sins" So many nations in the past were destroyed only because of the same arrogant and ignorant behavior some of my fellow country men showing in this thread. Playing the race card in Islam and claiming to be the most perfect muslims is just not on......
They the individual so deserve it, but seriously these guys represent very little of true Islam.

Islam is the religion of humanity, justice, equality, compassion, good conducts, its a religion that promotes inner and outer peace. Those who are hell bent on making this religion a militant school of thought that only knows how to fight and conquer, disrespect other nationalities, their faith and their history are indeed that cursed ones. The Muslim Zionists! I'm sick and tired of them.

My religion has no room for this disgusting level of arrogance and superior complex.

From which post in this thread you come to these conclusions?
They the individual so deserve it, but seriously these guys represent very little of true Islam.

Islam is the religion of humanity, justice, equality, compassion, good conducts, its a religion that promotes inner and outer peace. Those who are hell bent on making this religion a militant school of thought that only knows how to fight and conquer, disrespect other nationalities, their faith and their history are indeed that cursed ones. The Muslim Zionists! I'm sick and tired of them.

My religion has no room for this disgusting level of arrogance and superior complex.
I don't think anyone can accuse the religion for any wrong doing. If anyone does then he is a tool of highest order.

Like you said there are individuals (in every religion) who give bad image to the religion. Ironically, now a days Islam has more of such stupids than other religion and hence more visible. You can see in this forum itself.
@king_khan: by "brotherhood" i meant the unity between hindu and muslims at the start of 19th century when the independance war was slowly starting.

Although it was on different context but still stating "pakistan never got never ruled by non muslem...." technically its right but in broader sense, what nationality will you call for people who lived in pakistan before the divide? Indian or pakistani?

I am always against divide. I am not implying that pakistan shouldn't be created. Its due to some greedy indian politician which destroyed that unity i mentioned. Had it been one nation, the progress of both the land would have been much faster.
@king_khan: by "brotherhood" i meant the unity between hindu and muslims at the start of 19th century when the independance war was slowly starting.

Although it was on different context but still stating "pakistan never got never ruled by non muslem...." technically its right but in broader sense, what nationality will you call for people who lived in pakistan before the divide? Indian or pakistani?

I am always against divide. I am not implying that pakistan shouldn't be created. Its due to some greedy indian politician which destroyed that unity i mentioned. Had it been one nation, the progress of both the land would have been much faster.

I doubt it. With the amount of distrust and bad blood which had already developed by then it was a blessing that two countries were created.

It will be just great if both can concentrate on their development rather than worrrying about the other. Both have enough potential to turn into a developed nation quickly.
The mentality displayed on this thread is an outstanding testament to the fact why South Asia is a first rate Third World. It will continue to be so until this mindset changes. If OP is to believed, not a whole lot of difference between 84 and 81. Still in stupid range. We are all in the same boat languishing at the bottom the intellectual pit.

Jeez! I have seen anyone gloat about being of superior intellectual level while belonging to a place that is also IQ challenged!! Grow up!!

P.S: On a side note, I support Two-Nation theory. South Asians would be extinct by now if we were still "one". Still a possibility if we don't mend our ways.
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@king_khan: by "brotherhood" i meant the unity between hindu and muslims at the start of 19th century when the independance war was slowly starting.

Although it was on different context but still stating "pakistan never got never ruled by non muslem...." technically its right but in broader sense, what nationality will you call for people who lived in pakistan before the divide? Indian or pakistani?

I am always against divide. I am not implying that pakistan shouldn't be created. Its due to some greedy indian politician which destroyed that unity i mentioned. Had it been one nation, the progress of both the land would have been much faster.

I think it's very difficult to say the level of progress and what progress could have been achieved in 'one' nation. Maybe before the late 90's you could be right but since then India's BJP have joined hands with Zionism, this has seen declining freedoms of Muslims in India. One could argue under 'one' nation where Zionism and Hinduvta are in power it could be the first step of a major civil war between Muslims and Hindu's. I think Pakistan gives a good balance to the region and if only India took back India from fascist ideology and gave people their freedoms both nations could form a strong alliance .
@both king_khan and garuda: i can understand about hatered already developed by 1947 but on the other hand, who has started it? A few indian politicians with their greeds to get into the throne provoke the other groups which eventually developed into hatered. India and pakistan spends a lot of their financial funds just to secure their borders (i am even not mentioning the economical depression caused to both countries by multiple wars).... Had those funds spend in other sectors, both the land would have benefited.... (again i am not implying pakistan shouldn't be created.... But hypothetically think as one nation.... What country we should have feared most? China and....? The security cost would have been much lesser then)
@both king_khan and garuda: i can understand about hatered already developed by 1947 but on the other hand, who has started it? A few indian politicians with their greeds to get into the throne provoke the other groups which eventually developed into hatered. India and pakistan spends a lot of their financial funds just to secure their borders (i am even not mentioning the economical depression caused to both countries by multiple wars).... Had those funds spend in other sectors, both the land would have benefited.... (again i am not implying pakistan shouldn't be created.... But hypothetically think as one nation.... What country we should have feared most? China and....? The security cost would have been much lesser then)
See, one country theory was possible but with lot of "Ifs". Obviously if it was one country with no Hindu-Muslim confict then it would have developed more. But which was not the case.

The conflict between the two had started much before 1947 (irrespective of who started it). So looking at the situation it was good idea to have two nation to make the administrative process more easier.

Imagine with that kind of illeteracy, poverty if the government had to manage riots every week ? It would have been nightmare.
I think it's very difficult to say the level of progress and what progress could have been achieved in 'one' nation. Maybe before the late 90's you could be right but since then India's BJP have joined hands with Zionism, this has seen declining freedoms of Muslims in India. One could argue under 'one' nation where Zionism and Hinduvta are in power it could be the first step of a major civil war between Muslims and Hindu's. I think Pakistan gives a good balance to the region and if only India took back India from fascist ideology and gave people their freedoms both nations could form a strong alliance .

One thing you read here often is the "concern" for the Muslims in India. Sure there have been problems and there will be, but where aren't there problems between people. Rather than this "concern" which almost sounds fake at times, how about turning around and having a look at religious minorities in Pakistan. You look at India and the top cricketers and actors are Muslims. How about Pakistan. When was the last time a non-Muslim was in the team. My point is don't worry about us, Muslims or Hindus or Sikhs or Christians, we'll manage. Try thinking about whether or not what you claim about other countries is actually happening or not in your own backyard.

@both king_khan and garuda: i can understand about hatered already developed by 1947 but on the other hand, who has started it? A few indian politicians with their greeds to get into the throne provoke the other groups which eventually developed into hatered. India and pakistan spends a lot of their financial funds just to secure their borders (i am even not mentioning the economical depression caused to both countries by multiple wars).... Had those funds spend in other sectors, both the land would have benefited.... (again i am not implying pakistan shouldn't be created.... But hypothetically think as one nation.... What country we should have feared most? China and....? The security cost would have been much lesser then)

I don't like to beat around bush, I would not like to live under (certain) Hindu rule as a Muslim, not that I would have a problem living with Hindu's as neighbours. I would be disgusted and ashamed to be living under the rule of the BJP. Costs of security are indeed high and both sides could be spending money on their own people since there is poverty in both nations, this cannot be disputed but the price of freedom is always a high price but a price worth paying.
One thing you read here often is the "concern" for the Muslims in India. Sure there have been problems and there will be, but where aren't there problems between people. Rather than this "concern" which almost sounds fake at times, how about turning around and having a look at religious minorities in Pakistan. You look at India and the top cricketers and actors are Muslims. How about Pakistan. When was the last time a non-Muslim was in the team. My point is don't worry about us, Muslims or Hindus or Sikhs or Christians, we'll manage. Try thinking about whether or not what you claim about other countries is actually happening or not in your own backyard.


Since Zionism and Hinduvta have become lovers there is real reason for concern regarding Muslims and the odd cricketer or actor means nothing in the larger context. What you need to look at is judicial rulings and freedoms being taken away. One major ruling was in Gujrat when an Indian court rewarding fascist Hindu's for tearing down a mosque with a share of it. Freedoms such as Muslims not being able to purchase property in a city because it run by Hindu fascists, these are the issues which matter not if Shah Rukh Khan is a Muslim star.

As for Non-Muslims in Pakistan their rights should always be looked after and I condemn any act of persecution in Pakistan against them. Pakistan's laws give them many rights and many live in Pakistan in peace and harmony even though they are a very very small minority.

Here is a recent report

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Since Zionism and Hinduvta have become lovers there is real reason for concern regarding Muslims and the odd cricketer or actor means nothing in the larger context. What you need to look at is judicial rulings and freedoms being taken away. One major ruling was in Gujrat when an Indian court rewarding fascist Hindu's for tearing down a mosque with a share of it. Freedoms such as Muslims not being able to purchase property in a city because it run by Hindu fascists, these are the issues which matter not if Shah Rukh Khan is a Muslim star.

As for Non-Muslims in Pakistan their rights should always be looked after and I condemn any act of persecution in Pakistan against them. Pakistan's laws give them many rights and many live in Pakistan in peace and harmony even though they are a very very small minority.

Here is a recent report

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Am not trying to say the reasons were the same, but just for your information, in my city there have been several Hindu temples that have been taken down because they were encroaching on areas and would have impeded developmental plans by the city council.

I mean this as an honest question and this is not directed at you in particular and would seriously like some inputs on this. Why is it that Yousuf was only the 3rd non-Muslim to represent Pakistan? Is there a social reason behind this like the regions in Pakistan where non-Muslims are concentrated where either the game isn't popular or lacking cricketing infrastructure.

Sorry if there is already a thread on this

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I don't like to beat around bush, I would not like to live under (certain) Hindu rule as a Muslim, not that I would have a problem living with Hindu's as neighbours. I would be disgusted and ashamed to be living under the rule of the BJP. Costs of security are indeed high and both sides could be spending money on their own people since there is poverty in both nations, this cannot be disputed but the price of freedom is always a high price but a price worth paying.

it was your opinion but i disagree it a little bit. What if the president isn't from the same religion? Why this intolerance towards another religion? Hypothetically speaking, if there is an eligible party candidate running elections but not from your religion and another corrupt candidate from the same religion, whom you will vote? you will not vote to the non muslim candidate just cz he is non muslim?

I have no objection if the head of the state, country is a muslim.... Even india had muslim presidents in past.

Why this intolerance towards other religion?
it was your opinion but i disagree it a little bit. What if the president isn't from the same religion? Why this intolerance towards another religion? Hypothetically speaking, if there is an eligible party candidate running elections but not from your religion and another corrupt candidate from the same religion, whom you will vote? you will not vote to the non muslim candidate just cz he is non muslim?

I have no objection if the head of the state, country is a muslim.... Even india had muslim presidents in past.

Why this intolerance towards other religion?
Simple answer is hate and intolerance towards other religion.

MC had mentioned it in his post. Some posters are too intolerant towards other religion.
Am not trying to say the reasons were the same, but just for your information, in my city there have been several Hindu temples that have been taken down because they were encroaching on areas and would have impeded developmental plans by the city council.

I mean this as an honest question and this is not directed at you in particular and would seriously like some inputs on this. Why is it that Yousuf was only the 3rd non-Muslim to represent Pakistan? Is there a social reason behind this like the regions in Pakistan where non-Muslims are concentrated where either the game isn't popular or lacking cricketing infrastructure.

Sorry if there is already a thread on this


Are you suggesting the PCB selectors think about religion when they make their decisions? I don't think so, imo it's just the number of Non-Muslims living in Pakistan is reflected in the team, both very low.

it was your opinion but i disagree it a little bit. What if the president isn't from the same religion? Why this intolerance towards another religion? Hypothetically speaking, if there is an eligible party candidate running elections but not from your religion and another corrupt candidate from the same religion, whom you will vote? you will not vote to the non muslim candidate just cz he is non muslim?

I have no objection if the head of the state, country is a muslim.... Even india had muslim presidents in past.

Why this intolerance towards other religion?

If the party or candidate has a fascist ideology which I believe Hinduvta is then obviously I wouldn't like to live under such rule. It;s not intolerance against religion but intolerance of ideology.
Are you suggesting the PCB selectors think about religion when they make their decisions? I don't think so, imo it's just the number of Non-Muslims living in Pakistan is reflected in the team, both very low.

If the party or candidate has a fascist ideology which I believe Hinduvta is then obviously I wouldn't like to live under such rule. It;s not intolerance against religion but intolerance of ideology.

In your previous post, you gave a blanket statement saying
"You will not live under (certain) hindu rule". That shows your intolerance towards hindus atleast.

If the ruler is bad (irrespective of religion), no one would like to live under him. How does your being muslim makes that decision superior?

Now you are adding attribute to it.
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In your previous post, you gave a blanket statement saying
"You will not live under (certain) hindu rule". That shows your intolerance towards hindus atleast.

Now you are adding attribute to it.

That's why I wrote *certain* in brackets. The only major Hindu party in India which could win power is the BJP, a fascist party. What is your IQ 82? :p

Thanks for the humour though.
That's why I wrote *certain* in brackets. The only major Hindu party in India which could win power is the BJP, a fascist party. What is your IQ 82? :p

Thanks for the humour though.
Well your IQ is much higher to guess that.

That certain is always your opinion. Isn't it ? So why does that need to be hindu only ? Aren't you living under Christian rule which are against Muslims (according to you) ?
IQ points are quite subjective. There can be so many things wrong with how the test is designed and how the examinations are conducted. Not to mention the false implications about "intelligence heritability" that some people derive from IQ scores.

A while ago, a professor in Canada conducted IQ testing on his sample and concluded that Caucasian people are "smarter" than African American people. However, when the actual test he implemented was analyzed, a lot of problems were discovered about the actual content of the IQ test. It is a well cited study about what "not to do" when conducting intelligence tests.

Anyways, I don't know what type of an IQ test was conducted between these people in the subcontinent. But, most studies show that statistically significant differences diminish between various racial groups/gender when the IQ tests are coducted properly and the confounding factors are controlled for (will post the studies soon)

Intelligence does not mean how many arithmetic equations you can solve or how many "big words" you know (as is sometimes tested in WISC tests).
Based on my forum experience on Pakpassion, I noticed a strange trend. Whenever I would post something, some posters would always ridicule me (which includes Pakistanis). An overwhelming majority of the posters who ridicule me are the Indians. In fact, I didn't find any instance where an Indian agreed with me on any issue.

This trend inspired me to do a little research. So, off I went to google, looking for the average IQ estimates and I found this book. Now I know why I found this trend here on PakPassion.

Here is the wiki link to the book:

Average IQ points for all nation is provided on wiki.

Average IQ Points among the subcontinent (2006 estimate):

Pakistan - 84

Bangladesh - 82

India - 81

As can clearly be seen, India ranks lowest among the subcontinent (excluding the small bhutan and nepal)

A little east, on the south-east side, the average IQ is remarkably higher, with 92 and 89 for Malaysia and Indonesia respectively. Highest IQ is possessed by the Chinese (specifically the Hong Kong people), at 108.

I know my post will infuriate the Indians here (understandably), but I just wanted to share my findings of this research with all PPers. :)

So agreeing/disagreeing with you is a sign of high or low IQ? :))
Hi all,

Of late, I have observed the pride in historical invasions/plunders/murder is all around the threads in this forum. Yes, it is true India has been invaded by not only muslim rulers starting from Ghazni but at different points in history by portugals, french, english etc. No one, who has read history will be able to dispute these facts. Which great empire/nation escaped invasions, everyone at one point of time suffered such with brutality. None was spared, even the great roman empire too had this fate. May be, India suffered more for too long in this respect.

It is quite ironic that the same sets of people abhor the current american and the erstwhile imperial british polices but at the same time gloat on how in the history the muslim invaders plundered Indian subcontinent. I'm not sure whether these threads are a way to deflect the current sufferings or provoke the others or have false pride. But, these type of discussions do not help in having any meaningful debate. Just to add, the people on the other side of the border too do not help in calming the situation as well.

I have seen, several threads where people of both sides throw mud against each other and ultimately create provocative discussions. This is the reason I have just stayed away from having any meaningful discussion in such futile threads.

If, people just feel happy in deriding the opposing person's culture, history, practices, religion and nation, then I'm afraid we are too shallow in our thoughts. Please note, this applies to people of both sides and I'm sure those people will be able to identify themselves when they think calmly on their thoughts in seclusion.

Just waited for too long but the hatred in these threads is unbelievable not to comment.

On topic, as per the OP's findings Indians have low IQ, this could be a geniune finding as many Indians live below poverty line and not able to afford education and live in abject poverty. One example of such abject poverty was a little girl sacrificing her life by committing suicide to help our ailing brother have her kidneys. But, hopefully someday in future we will be able to overcome these weakness.

IQ scores of 81 and 84?! Wow. Thats like arguing over who the tallest dwarf is!
I couldn't be bothered to go through all the source material on and through wikipedia, but I'd be willing to bet that 84 and 81/82 is not a statistically significant difference. What's the margin of error?

All those taking this as proof of Pakistani superiority- good for you :D
Well your IQ is much higher to guess that.

That certain is always your opinion. Isn't it ? So why does that need to be hindu only ? Aren't you living under Christian rule which are against Muslims (according to you) ?

Where did I say Christians are against Muslims? Again you fail to grasp a simple clear point, it's about the type of ideology.
population of india is 1 billion
pak is less than 200 million

they are working with a much larger database

unfair to compare the two

why am i the only one here that sees some sense in all of this...

800 million more people as opposed to pak...which means higher unemployment etc...
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What makes the stats in the OP remarkable is the fact that Pakistan has the lowest literacy rate amongst the bigger nations of SA...
population of india is 1 billion
pak is less than 200 million

they are working with a much larger database

unfair to compare the two

why am i the only one here that sees some sense in all of this...

800 million more people as opposed to pak...which means higher unemployment etc...


so much poverty on both sides and the issue of discussion is couple of points of IQ.....

Only a guy like SE can pretend to be making sense of such stats....
Where did I say Christians are against Muslims? Again you fail to grasp a simple clear point, it's about the type of ideology.

So if there is a fascist Christian ruler, you are okay to live under him but not under fascist hindu ?

I am trying to understand why did you mention only hindu in your quote ?
its not only the americans but asians living there which is boosting the percentage. Had only americans were concerned, it would have been a lot lower.

Define 'only American'?

I thought USA is the nation made up of people from every part of the world, so who is American and who isn't?
Define 'only American'?

I thought USA is the nation made up of people from every part of the world, so who is American and who isn't?

by american, i am talking about those native people who are living there for more than hundred years. Not the one with green cards or their offsprings. Technically they are americans too but their history in that country doesn't go beyond 50-60 years (in most cases). In any competition which deals with intelligence, more often, it is the nris, pakistani, bangladeshi who holds more awards.... In educational sector too, though in minority from quantity side, asians living there shows more good results than the other groups.
by american, i am talking about those native people who are living there for more than hundred years. Not the one with green cards or their offsprings. Technically they are americans too but their history in that country doesn't go beyond 50-60 years (in most cases). In any competition which deals with intelligence, more often, it is the nris, pakistani, bangladeshi who holds more awards.... In educational sector too, though in minority from quantity side, asians living there shows more good results than the other groups.

The Red Indians?
So if there is a fascist Christian ruler, you are okay to live under him but not under fascist hindu ?

I am trying to understand why did you mention only hindu in your quote ?

knock, knock, anybody home? :nehra

This is what I wrote

"I would not like to live under (certain) Hindu rule as a Muslim, not that I would have a problem living with Hindu's as neighbours. I would be disgusted and ashamed to be living under the rule of the BJP."

This was in context of Pakistan being created so the Muslims don't have to live under such ideology which the likes of the BJP hold. The BJP are the opposition who have been in power and will likely get back into power in the future. They subscribe to Hindutva fascism.

Are you still with me?

As far as I know there is no chance of a Christian fascist party ever coming to power in India. Agree?

Still with me lad?

If Britain was ever in the position where such an ideology took power then of course I would leave and not live under it, regardless of whether it was Hindu fascism or Christian fascism.

Got it? :sachin
I thought we only had smaller hearts. Now we have smaller IQ as well? :((
Because an average IQ means that one person from that sample will have the same IQ as the average. BTW, I thought any IQ under 90 was considered to be in the retarted stage

Lewis Terman (1916) developed the original notion of IQ and proposed this scale for classifying IQ scores:

Over 140 - Genius or near genius

120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence

110 - 119 - Superior intelligence

90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence

80 - 89 - Dullness

70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency

Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

IQ tests are subjective in nature.

Irrespective of it 100 is supposed to be the average IQ

most IQ tests are designed to yield a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15, however not all follow the bell curve exactly if i remember correctly. for standard bell curve with mean 100 and sd 15, 130-131 should be the mensa cut off range.

For example for Mensa the acceptance score varies from test to test even though they search for only the top 2% of the population.

As long as the sampling was truly random then size of population would not effect the average. the standard error should have been mentioned though.

interesting book though, havent read it yet...
though wast it the Chinese who defined humans having IQ above a certain level and anyone below it as animals.
including red indians + descendants of europeans who established their colony in middle ages....

So arent the descendants of Europeans, who basically wiped off the natives through viscous genocide; immigrants themselves.

Is there a time frame for the immigrants to enter the native club or is it the skin color only?

America is built on the will of the immigrants, whether it be the Irish, latinos, cubans or Asians. To call these people immigrants is a sign of ignorance.
Its quite incredible that from my anecdotal observations of PK kids IQ in school tests, i would have said around 85.