ohh yeah .... if so then Iam Santa Clauss .... as I said before this is a case of unique moral compass that is specialty of Muslims. I mean which British and Portugese or Germans do you find gloating over their past ?
Here this is a just ONE single random example and this episode and this is during Akbar who people paint as a very benovelent ruler.
Now imagine what must have happened under other Muslim rulers who were not so benevolent.
Then it becomes even more pertinent for you to distance yourselves with these "Empires" .... but thats my moral compass ... How does your moral compass evaluate this ?
Go ahead and provide your interpretation of the Wiki Link I posted above ( Sieze of Chittor ) ... I want to see how you interpret that event considering how our moral compass's are much different.
If you want all benefits of Civilized society then the first order of business is to behave like one. Now go ahead and tell me when was the last time you un-conditionally condemned the Godhra massacre.