Is Shisha haram?


Tape Ball Regular
Dec 2, 2007
I was just wondering if it is harram let me no on what you think of shisha........
i just hate it that's it
don't know wether its haram or not?
btw why do u wanna know?
Luton Bad Boy said:
Isn't smoking prohibited full stop...whether it be sheesha, B & H etc....

but it's not totally haram is it? it's just makrooh
lodge_boy said:
but it's not totally haram is it? it's just makrooh

If it's makrooh (disliked) and it is not haram (forbidden) then why even bother even attempting to have a sheesha....all our actions are answerable to the Almighty, so wouldnt it be better to do actions more pleasing than those that are disliked???
Luton Bad Boy said:
If it's makrooh (disliked) and it is not haram (forbidden) then why even bother even attempting to have a sheesha....all our actions are answerable to the Almighty, so wouldnt it be better to do actions more pleasing than those that are disliked???

i never said i was going to i hate it myself,
i was just telling u that its makrooh
Sufyan! said:
I was just wondering if it is harram let me no on what you think of shisha........

oh yeah i just noticed it now, u spelled shisha wrong it supposed to be "sheesha" not "shisha (we are not talking abt mirror)" :p just thought i should let u know about it! you need to work on your spelling mate :D
A question that a simple look of the Quran can answer.

O You who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. Avoid (such abominations) that you may prosper. (5:90)

Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up? (5:91)
Pak_cricketer said:
A question that a simple look of the Quran can answer.

I love your Dr Zakir Naik-esque response for the question at way to clear any doubts and confusions is to present evidence.....
guess I'm doing haram things then, I smoke sheesha pretty regularly these days.
I tried it once and it was rubbish - a few of my mates like it BUT i guess its a social thing really.
Pak_cricketer said:
A question that a simple look of the Quran can answer.
Going by that, it definitely isnt haram as it doesnt intoxicate nor does it prevent me from reading namaz (not that I do it that often anyway)
Toony™® said:
shisha is a addiction and it is worse than smoking to your health,
Depends. I'll have it every other week for a couple of months then not have it at all for another 3 or 4 months. One of the reasons its considered worse than smoking is the lengths involved. But if you take 2 or 3 puffs, then everyone else has it, it will be another few minutes before you get it again. So if done in a truly social environment, you dont actually end up smoking that much
Totally MY own view.. maybe its wrong and someone can guide me, but this is what i think.

tobacco damages ur health therefore is haram imo.

tobacco is part of shisha... therefore shisha haram too.
I have got bigger problems -i.e. future of Pakistan/Muslims in UK- to worry about than is Shisha haram. Muslims need to energise themselves on the bigger and more critical debates rather than wasting time on mundane issues.
Pakistani tigers said:
I have got bigger problems -i.e. future of Pakistan/Muslims in UK- to worry about than is Shisha haram. Muslims need to energise themselves on the bigger and more critical debates rather than wasting time on mundane issues.
O.K then, thanks for letting us no. :21:
Pakistani tigers said:
I have got bigger problems -i.e. future of Pakistan/Muslims in UK- to worry about than is Shisha haram. Muslims need to energise themselves on the bigger and more critical debates rather than wasting time on mundane issues.

y post in this thread then ???
Daoud said:
Depends. I'll have it every other week for a couple of months then not have it at all for another 3 or 4 months. One of the reasons its considered worse than smoking is the lengths involved. But if you take 2 or 3 puffs, then everyone else has it, it will be another few minutes before you get it again. So if done in a truly social environment, you dont actually end up smoking that much
Exactly. Its not like someone is going to go out to a shisha cafe and sit there smoking a shisha all by himself, because I can imagine that WOULD be bad for your health. But when you're with friends and you're all smoking one or two shisha's, its not so bad because you're not the only one smoking it.

With cigarettes thats not the case because you never actually share your smokes, do you?
Awesome Anjum said:
I'm not sure if its haram or not but personally I find it a disgusting habit.

Smoking sheesha/tobacco is the most disgusting habit out there.
You can't just go around and start calling everything haram. Haram carries a very strong meaning and punishment to go with it. We need to have empirical evidence for something to be haram before we can declare it to be haram. It is wrong to make something that is permissable (halal), and make it forbidden (haram). We can agree that it is bad for you and you should refrain from it but unless it is specifically labeled as haram then it is not haram.
You can't just go around and start calling everything haram. Haram carries a very strong meaning and punishment to go with it. We need to have empirical evidence for something to be haram before we can declare it to be haram. It is wrong to make something that is permissable (halal), and make it forbidden (haram). We can agree that it is bad for you and you should refrain from it but unless it is specifically labeled as haram then it is not haram.

absolutely agreed. the word 'haram' is a very strong word and there are only a handful of things which are termed as 'haram' in islam.

smoking is makrooh. It is not recommended and disliked, but its not haram.
done it twice.

it is crap. dont know wy people do it.

i personally think it is haram.
Easa said:
Exactly. Its not like someone is going to go out to a shisha cafe and sit there smoking a shisha all by himself, because I can imagine that WOULD be bad for your health. But when you're with friends and you're all smoking one or two shisha's, its not so bad because you're not the only one smoking it.

With cigarettes thats not the case because you never actually share your smokes, do you?

Tho when you are having Sheesha you can be sat there for hours whereas a cigarette is over in about 5 mins - you definately take more draws in a sheesha session, whether thats worse than smoking, I havnt a clue. I just know its rubbish and im glad I divnt like it

Does anyone know of any authentic source in which would deem Sheesha to be haraam?
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) in surat al-A'raaf (7:157):

"And He makes good things halaal for them and bad things haraam."
If in doubt. Don’t smoke. Simple common sense.
If smoking cigarettes is forbidden then so is Shisha. Anything harmful is forbidden as far as I know.
Everything is haraam. Tomorrow someone will start a thread asking if breathing is haraam. You people never cease to amuse me.
You can't just go around and start calling everything haram. Haram carries a very strong meaning and punishment to go with it. We need to have empirical evidence for something to be haram before we can declare it to be haram. It is wrong to make something that is permissable (halal), and make it forbidden (haram). We can agree that it is bad for you and you should refrain from it but unless it is specifically labeled as haram then it is not haram.

Best post in this thread.
Anything harmful to your body is haram, someone told me that, so can’t verify.

That is a very vague definition because even water, the building block of life, is harmful in large enough quantities.