Is this out or not out?

Jul 27, 2013
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376700609.754504.jpgSorry guys, but me and my bro were playing and my bro got struck on his leg and I thought he was out and my bro thought he wasn't, we had a camera recording the cricket but we still couldn't come to an agreement on whether it was out or not.

Please look at the attached photo and give ur views:

Thnx a lot!
Not enough information to give a decision.

If these sort of problems were going to arise, you should have had a neutral umpire at the venue when you were playing. Posting these photos will not enable anyone to give a correct decision.

Anyway don't worry too much, wrong decisions are part of the game.
Unless he's laying an egg, he's bowled. Otherwise you cannot tell not only because I cannot see the invisible ball but also the angle of the video capture is wrong.
If the camera is straight on and he's moved that much to the offside, he's dead plumb.

If not, he might not be. Plus, is the ball on the way down or up? If its on the way down, he's most likely out regardless of the camera angle. If its on the up, it might be going over.
BTW, this must be some legit cricket going on. To come on PP for a LBW decision. :))
No one's commented on the lack of technique from the young batsman. :yk

No expansive feet movement. Misbah like approach, back in in his crease, and timidly poking at the ball. :misbah

Get this kid in the nets. At least, he kept his eye on the ball though.
what if the ball pitched outside leg stump fellas and spun to hit him in line?

What if it's pitched miles outside off stump and spun back sharply and will miss leg stump?

Too many potential variables to actually be able to give a decision
This is some serious indoor cricket, especially considering you have cameras to record the match. Played indoor cricket with my cousin, but was never this series.

Any prizes at stake or something that you waited 28 minutes and then adjudged him out for LBW? With such a waiting time, one can expect that there is something important at stake here, apart from personal pride and satisfaction. Have never known for a game of cricket to wait for a decision for as long a time as this! :)