Katie Hopkins: You can judge kids by their name


T20I Captain
Aug 18, 2010
Post of the Week
Agent provocateur and insufferable snob Katie Hopkins, and ex-Apprentice participant goes off on one again. Only gets the airtime she does because of the controversy she generates.

This time - you can judge kids, their class and behaviour by their names :14:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/edZjdgU0asM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Over 3 million views already.
One of the most deluded women in Britain. And shows how much of a class divide still exists in the country.
She is an utter cretin, and legitimately not a very nice person either.
would not take anybody called shaniqua or jayquaan seriously to be honest

but this woman :)) :facepalm:
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If you have kids named Charmaine or Chardonnay, you'd probably blame the parents for such an OTT name, but why judge the kids ? Its ludicrous to suggest that somehow they have poor attainment at school, that others shouldn't be friends with them or are of low social status. Hopkins is controversy-mongering again.
I hate geographical names. Your daughter is called India....
As a guy who worked in a School I would concur with Katie Hopkins to some extent. I can remember discussing with other teachers and none of us could remember teaching a decent kid with name of Jordan. It was amazing how closely correlated some names and behaviour were.
she may have a point..


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As a guy who worked in a School I would concur with Katie Hopkins to some extent. I can remember discussing with other teachers and none of us could remember teaching a decent kid with name of Jordan. It was amazing how closely correlated some names and behaviour were.

You and Katie Hopkins need to read Freakonomics.
As a guy who worked in a School I would concur with Katie Hopkins to some extent. I can remember discussing with other teachers and none of us could remember teaching a decent kid with name of Jordan. It was amazing how closely correlated some names and behaviour were.

As a school kid I picked up trends like this at our school . The George's were all ways the flashy show off type and the James were the bit dopey nice guys .IMO its wrong to judge someone based on their name .
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^I'm neither dopey nor nice, so Katie Hopkins and Bewal Express are peddling a flawed theory.
Oh and the other name we looked out for was Chantelle. Never did we come across any Chantelles who weren`t a pain.
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Daily Mail hate preacher Katie Hopkins forced to apologise/pay damages to Mahmood Family

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Mahmood family – an apology <a href="https://t.co/PaLFWgn3Hx">https://t.co/PaLFWgn3Hx</a></p>— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) <a href="https://twitter.com/KTHopkins/status/810667959337320449">19 December 2016</a></blockquote>
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Sweet. We condemn justice system when it fails (majority of time) but we should hail it when it succeeds (even though it costs victims a lot of money and risk to take the case forward so justice is neither 'free' nor 'blind')
Good. This person is a hatemonger and her behaviour is part of the problem.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hands up who feels sorry for <a href="https://twitter.com/KTHopkins">@KTHopkins</a> as legal bills to top £300k after losing battle to Jack Monroe. No-one?! <a href="https://t.co/wEVElir0pO">https://t.co/wEVElir0pO</a></p>— Bryn Lucas (@BrynLucas) <a href="https://twitter.com/BrynLucas/status/840349394255921152">10 March 2017</a></blockquote>
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Katie Hopkins is to leave LBC with immediate effect


Katie Hopkins is to leave LBC with immediate effect, the radio station has confirmed.

The announcement comes shortly after Hopkins said that a "final solution" was needed following the Manchester terror attack that killed 22.

The since-deleted post appeared to call for genocide, her use of "final solution" presumably referring to the Nazi genocide of millions of Jews in the Second World War.

"22 dead - number rising," she wrote on 23 May. "Schofield. Don't you even dare. Do not be a part of the problem. We need a final solution #Machester."

LBC told The Independent it would not be "commenting further [than the tweet below]".

Complaints were made to the Metropolitan Police about Hopkins' tweet, which she later said she stood by, but claimed the use of "final" was a typo, changing it to "true" in a new tweet.

Hopkins has consistently been referring to "Islamic terror" and "Islamic extremists" on Twitter, phrasing with implications to an entire religion that even President Trump has been conscious to try and avoid.

Though he used "Islamic" while campaigning, during his recent trip to the Middle East his speeches were on the threat of "Islamist terror" (though he misspoke in Saudi Arabia on Sunday and accidentally said "Islamic").

A spokesman for the Met said on Tuesday: "We can confirm that a complaint has been received by the Metropolitan Police Service on Tuesday, 23 May in relation to a tweet published on the same day.

LBC staff broke into ‘massive cheers and applause’ when Hopkins fired

"As is routine, the allegation will be reviewed and assessed by specialist officers."

Last year, MailOnline, whom Hopkins still works for, was forced to pay £150,000 to a Muslim family whom she falsely accused of extremist links.

Donald Trump thanked Hopkins in December 2015 for her "powerful writing on the UK's Muslim problems", describing her as a "respected columnist".

Hopkins achieved fame in 2006 on BBC show The Apprentice, but it was her outspoken and often controversial opinions that furthered her career.

In 2015, she hosted a talk show on TLC called If Katie Hopkins Ruled the World which was cancelled after one season due to poor ratings. Her subsequent LBC show aired on Sunday mornings between 10am and 12pm.

Her "final solution" tweet was not the first time she has referenced the Holocaust, previously saying of the House of Lords: "Frankly, I don’t really mind if we seal up the room and gas the lot of them."

Hopkins is not a member of a political party, although, according to the Spectator, she has applied to join Ukip several times but has always been denied.

MailOnline and a representative for Hopkins declined to comment.
final solution a very very poor choice of words on her part. She has shown herself to be an attention seeking clown for years saying anything outrageous to get extra air time likes and retweets.

Pushed it too far this time and got what she deserved.

im sure theres a job at Breitbart waiting for her.
She's out of work now and owes a huge legal bill - rumour has it she wanted to appeal that case not because she disagreed with the outcome but because she has no money - so bankruptcy and exile are surely not far away.
LBC will hire another Hopkins to keep the underclass and bigots tuned in, they hired her for this very reason in the first place, Ferrari and Farrage are no different but they know how to mince their words on air. If anything LBC should be fined by some sort of body for a giving her a stage.
Katie Hopkins leaves Mail Online by 'mutual consent' as column is axed after two years

Controversial columnist Katie Hopkins has left Mail Online.

In a statement to Press Gazette, a Mail Online spokesperson said: “Katie’s contract was not renewed by mutual consent.”

Hopkins has also deleted all of her previous tweets from her account, which has 826,000 followers, leaving only a selection of retweets.

In her last column for Mail Online, published on 5 October, she wrote about her decision to wear a wedding dress to the Conservative Party conference (pictured).

The Apprentice star’s departure from the online publication comes six months after her radio show on LBC was taken off the air following a tweet about the Manchester bombing in which she called for a “final solution”.

She later deleted the reference, which echoed the Nazi term for the holocaust, changing it to “true solution” after public outcry.

Hopkins, who is publicising new book Rude, was forced to cancel a talk at Lewes Speakers festival on Saturday after a group of protestors descended on the venue accusing Hopkins of hate speech.

Earlier this year Hopkins lost a libel case against food writer Jack Munroe, after confusing her for someone else on Twitter, and was ordered to pay £24,000 in damages.

In a tweet today, Munroe said she had known Hopkins would lose her Mail Online job since March “but that it would be staggered far enough away from the court trial so as to save some kind of face on her part”.

She added: “I think it is wrong to celebrate Katie losing her job. For many reasons, not to mention crassness,competing for lowest-common-denominator, race-to-the-bottom commentary does none of us any favours.

“She won’t change her mind, nor her views. She won’t lose fans nor followers. She will just be welcomed somewhere else, somewhere with even fewer checks and less balance in place. Somewhere like Breitbart.”

Hopkins joined Mail Online in September 2015 after previously writing for The Sun. In April 2015 her Sun column caused outrage after she compared African migrants crossing the Mediterranean to “cockroaches“.

In September, Hopkins announced that she was to launch a weekly online TV show, independently of Mail online, filmed at the Wesminster Live studios.

Remaining Mail Online columnists include Piers Morgan, Jim Shelley and Ian Ladyman.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Rebel's Katie Hopkins came to Toronto and said she had a hard time finding "someone that looks like they actually come from Canada" because "everybody here looks like they come from Africa." <a href="https://t.co/SUIAAIQwY2">pic.twitter.com/SUIAAIQwY2</a></p>— ishmael n. daro (@iD4RO) <a href="https://twitter.com/iD4RO/status/988482798494322688?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Most of the people she thinks look like genuine Canadians actually are settlers from Europe. :trump
Katie Hopkins is an attention seeking waste of space. I wonder why the media reports what she has to say in the first place.

She has been Britain's Biggest Joke even since she decided to have an affair while contesting in The Apprentice.
Didn’t know who she was until recently when I read her views on Syria. Hate her with passion ever since and I hope she continues to embarrass herself.
As a guy who worked in a School I would concur with Katie Hopkins to some extent. I can remember discussing with other teachers and none of us could remember teaching a decent kid with name of Jordan. It was amazing how closely correlated some names and behaviour were.

You and Katie Hopkins need to read Freakonomics.

Reading a book about economics whose authors have a very high opinion of themselves is supposed to invalidate his personal experiences?
Katie Hopkins has been permanently removed from using Twitter.

Her Twitter profile - which she used to tweet under the handle @kthopkins - now states she has been suspended - and this time is it for good, a spokesperson from the website has confirmed.

The outspoken personality's micro-blogging account has been taken down after a petition was started by social media user to get her booted off the site.

Over 75,000 people signed their name to the Change.Org petition to get the former Apprentice star's account suspended.

The petition bio read: "Unbelievably, Katie Hopkins has been given a platform to insult, abuse and cause outrage for far too long. Attacking victims of Child Sex Exploitation is possibly the most disgusting act that any human can do.

"Does she have no boundaries? The scary thing is, this could happen to her own children right under her nose - being as self obsessed as she Is, how would she see the signs?

"I think it's about time Twitter took action and removed her from their platform, just as Facebook have done with Britain First.

"Freedom of speech is something I believe in. Freedom of hate speech isn't, I'm sure many people feel the same way."

A Twitter spokesperson told the Huffington Post: “Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.

“In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our hateful conduct policy.”

The former columnist has gained a large amount of backlash and hate over the years for the messages she sends out on the social media platform.

Most recently she caused a stir by mocking the Black Lives Matter protests.

On Wednesday Hopkins tweeted: "Today is #whiteoutwednesday. I will shortly be posting a picture of my ****. Thank you."

It came after she took aim at footballer Marcus Rashford by posting a number of jibes regarding his free school meals campaign.

The Man Utd forward's efforts convinced the Government to back down on their stance not to provide meals to disadvantaged children during the school holidays.

Rashford himself comes from a family of five children and explained how his experiences of his mother struggling to put food on the table was the motivation behind his efforts to help those less fortunate.

But Katie was outraged by the decision, tweeting Rashford over the issue suggesting he should pay to feed the children himself.

Hopkins contacted Rashford on Twitter, writing: "Do you think women should think about how they are going to feed a child before they decide to have it?

"I do not want to pay to feed other people’s kids. You are welcome to."

It is not the first time Katie has been suspended from Twitter.

In January her one million follower strong Twitter account has temporarily suspended.

The suspension comes because the far-right loudmouth -whose Tweets have sometimes been re-tweeted by US president Donald Trump- violated the micro-blogging website's policy, according to DevonLive.

Campaigners - including Countdown's Rachel Riley - have been lobbying the site after Hopkins continued to spread hate on the platform which has seen her inciting racial hatred in messages directed at the rapper Stormzy.

A lot of happy people celebrating this!
She was a troll and a hate monger. Good on her. Should have been much earlier
I am happy that she will not earn from her hate but it worries me that free speech is being curtailed. She is horrible women but if she is banned for her point to Rashford then that would really worry me.
I am happy that she will not earn from her hate but it worries me that free speech is being curtailed. She is horrible women but if she is banned for her point to Rashford then that would really worry me.
She is free to give her views. No just on this platform. She can write a book,, speak in a square. Plus she does incite violence