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Major boost for PTI as IHC acquits Imran, Qureshi in cipher case [Update on Post #342]

Nawaz Sharif, Maryam, Asif Ali, Bilawal etc, these people as leaders of Pakistan are point blank embarrassing…

But as I have previously said majority of the people in Pakistan deserve them, it’s the minority I feel sorry for…

Imran khan’s legacy will live on and be respected worldwide till the end of time…
A humiliating defeat for the power hungry hypocrite, but this was inevitable.

I don’t support a death sentence and no one should, but he definitely needs to be jailed for the damage and chaos that he has caused over the last 10 years.

His supporters are the biggest cowards and kittens I have ever seen. All talk and no show. They ran with their tails tucked between their legs on May 9th and never returned.

Overseas Pakistanis should not complain because when Imran came into power in 2018, you did not return even though you claimed that you would. You showed that you love your foreign passports more than you love Imran Khan.

Your online and social media support did nothing for him.

This is the end of Imran Khan and PTI. They made a lot of noise but ultimately achieved nothing.

Imran had a golden opportunity to promise himself when he became the PM but he failed big time and provided himself to be the most incompetent and unprepared PM this country has ever seen and probably ever will see.

Today is a wonderful day for all Pakistanis and I want to congratulate everyone.
I agree to an extent. However would not say it's a wonderful day for Pakistanis. What has Nawaz and the others done in the past that they will do better this time round?

Jailed for waving a bit of paper and saying secrets, which everyone knew. Lol the meeting was minuted with Donald Lieu
I agree to an extent. However would not say it's a wonderful day for Pakistanis. What has Nawaz and the others done in the past that they will do better this time round?

Jailed for waving a bit of paper and saying secrets, which everyone knew. Lol the meeting was minuted with Donald Lieu

IK proved Pakistan is a client state, a slave nation of the Yanks and is being punished for it. Those rejoicing are the fans of thieves like Zardari and Sharif. They rejoice as their are the same ilk, cut from the same cloth. Such corrupt criminals and theirsupporters will sell their souls for money and power.
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Kangaroo republic. This country has no future and its already on its deathbed breathing its last whatever is left. Thank you establishments for bringing Pakistan to its knees in 75 years.
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IK proved Pakistan is a client state, a slave nation of the Yanks and is being punished for it. Those rejoicing are the fans of thieves like Zardari and Sharif. They rejoice as their are the same ilk, cut from the same cloth. Such corrupt criminals and their fangirls will sell their souls or their mothers for money and power.
Bravo bravo 👏 👏👏
You are sprouting a lot of BS on here under the guise of "this is what the law says". So let me actually pull the law out for you to read and contemplate on what you have said.

Also as a word of advice listen to some of the "legal experts" who are wholeheartedly condemning this decision. Surely you wouldn't say now that you are better than all legal experts in the country or you know law better than them? For Gods sake call out what is wrong, blind hatred cannot help pave a path for you.

Coming onto the Law now. The sentencing has been done under "Pakistan Official Secrets Act of 1923" (link to Act below).

Under section 3 of the Act the sentencing has been done. The s3 of the Act entails the following clauses.

[3. Offence.— (1) A person shall commit an offence under this section If he intentionally for any purpose prejudicial to public order, defence, safety or interests of the State,—
The s3 states that the "intentions" need to be proven if defendant has committed offence to harm defence, safety or interest of State. Have the intention been proven in this case?

(a) approaches, inspects, passes over or is in the vicinity of, or enters, attacks, destroys or otherwise undermines any prohibited place; or
This clause not relevant as there were no "attacks of physical nature"

(b) makes any sketch, plan, model, or note which is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be, directly or indirectly, useful to an enemy;
This clause is not relevant either as that would need the prosecution to prove Imran was acting in interest of another country or State. No proof of that were identified either.

(c) obtains, collects, records or publishes or communicates to any other person any secret official code or password, or any electronic or modern device, sketch, plan, model, article or note or other document or information, in any manner whatsoever, which is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be, directly or indirectly, useful to an enemy of the State;
The above is the point you are pointlessly bringing up again and again. As stated above Imran did not leak any official code or password. He discussed the content of the letter in public but never released the official letter or its code. Hence stating that he leaked to public is grossly incorrect.

(d) gains unauthorized access to document or information from within or outside of Pakistan with or without use of electronic or modern devices;
This clause not relevant as he was PM at the time hence has authorised access to information

(e) causes an unmanned vehicle or device to access, enter, inspect, pass over or under, approach or be in the vicinity of a prohibited place; and(f) disclosure or retention of any activity, information, document, related to invention, research, development, production, maintenance, operation, storage and disposal of weapons, equipment or any capability of these forces, and access to or unauthorized disclosure of which is prejudicial to the safety and interest of Pakistan.]
This clause is not relevant again as this involved attack of physical nature.

Now that the Law is in front of you please read and contemplate on what you have been writing all morning. We need to stop the spread of disinformation and today all you have done is spread disinformation.
@Major would you please respond to this in light of law and constitution?
Was the cypher fake or real. Why is that so difficult for you answer. You have been running all day from this simple question. You can't be calling for hanging but not know what you want him to be hanged for🤔
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Our Generals aren't the state, we know now that they keep the state weak so that they can mint money. I am embarrassed that I believed their sincerity when in reality they are crooks. Bajwa wanted IK out by Feb 2019, Diesel said that Bajwa promised him that Ik would be removed and that's why he called off his long march. Only Corona got in the way.
The question is a simple one- if a threat of a coup is made and carried out, and then your opponents call it fake @Mamoon and @Major told us it was fake, Gen Babar told there was nothing in the paper IK waived around and then why has he been jailed? What was the secret leaked? Do you know? Was it about the coup that happened,well if it happened then don't PK tax payers deserve to now.
I get your justification from a PTI supporter’s pov. I personally am only learning about the significance of the event having heard suddenly Khan was jailed for 10 years, it’s shocking news.

But I ask you, would you think it would be legally/constitutionally acceptable if let’s say NS, AZ or BB for example had done the exact same thing as Khan did and was in trouble with the Pakistan judiciary for it?

I’m not saying 10 years is a fair punishment, but if the law or the trust bestowed upon him for his position as PM has been misused, should he not be reprimanded for it?
I get your justification from a PTI supporter’s pov. I personally am only learning about the significance of the event having heard suddenly Khan was jailed for 10 years, it’s shocking news.

But I ask you, would you think it would be legally/constitutionally acceptable if let’s say NS, AZ or BB for example had done the exact same thing as Khan did and was in trouble with the Pakistan judiciary for it?

I’m not saying 10 years is a fair punishment, but if the law or the trust bestowed upon him for his position as PM has been misused, should he not be reprimanded for it?
They don't need fake cases to convict them, there are 100s of real ones and that's why they need an NRO every few years. So far neither you or anyone else has stated what the secret is? Please tell what the secret was? Was it the cypher that all the people celebrating today told us was fake? Who is the aggrieved party? What are they aggrieved about?
I get your justification from a PTI supporter’s pov. I personally am only learning about the significance of the event having heard suddenly Khan was jailed for 10 years, it’s shocking news.

But I ask you, would you think it would be legally/constitutionally acceptable if let’s say NS, AZ or BB for example had done the exact same thing as Khan did and was in trouble with the Pakistan judiciary for it?

I’m not saying 10 years is a fair punishment, but if the law or the trust bestowed upon him for his position as PM has been misused, should he not be reprimanded for it?

Its common sense, in any sane, civilised nation if the PM exposed a foreign power deciding who is in charge of the nation, the PM of such a nation would become a hero instantly!

But in Pakistan there are too many who are criminals and supporters of criminals who would rather bend over than work hard.
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No because, as you clearly admitted, you have not kept up with the news and hence are ignorant or unaware of what has happened over the past 18 months.
Yeah, I mean some forms of news are not so relevant tbh, unless you get the shock of reading a guy has been jailed for 10 years
I’m not denying he’s a very famous man. All I’m saying is that I don’t follow each and every move of his as if the whole world revolves around him only. Not my world at least.

I spoke to some of my friends who are pretty well connected with Pakistani journalists. At least one od them was of the view that Khan will be released from jail after the elections, it made sense. What didn’t make sense was the sudden news that he has been sentenced for 10 years, and Major saying that the death penalty was a likelihood too, that he has been lucky to get away with just 10 years.

So now, I have to read. I have no choice but to read about it and get a proper understanding of the situation.
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SMQ is not worth the dirt on the shoes of the politicians you mentioned. These people had a political ideology. What do PTI party members have? Nothing.

That’s because PTI itself has no ideology. It is basically a fan club of one individual. There is no difference between PTI and MQM.

People like SMQ and other turncoats, or lotas that they are referred to in Urdu joined PTI only because they saw it as an investment. It was all for personal gain.

What was that ideology?
@Major would you please respond to this in light of law and constitution?
you twisted the whole law, my response is going to be time waste and make no difference as you will continue to twist it and than hope pti fans accepted what you wrote.

Funny enough you selectively pasted what suited you and tried to focus on password and code but not the whole text or even the other points mentioned like point no.5

- It was the information that he revealed.
- He was entrusted with this information, and no as PM he cannot go around revealing secrets just because he likes to. Even if he has access.
- He was not authorized to communicate it to the public
- He retained the document and never gave it back
- He never really conducted himself properly and always endangered the state

Lets read it further

It clearly states that one can be punished with either 14 years or with death.

Hence, he should be thankful that he is being allowed to live and not been given the death sentence which should had been applied by the judiciary.

Reference: https://pakistancode.gov.pk/pdffiles/administrator46c9a3c62acc16428e73999e7d30ba2a.pdf

anyways, having such discussion on this is irrelevant as i am not a lawyer or judge. But if you want to copy paste and interpret selectively, than i have pasted it the law here.

Credit goes to the judiciary for implementing the law.
PTI will be taking this case to the High Court now. Let's see what happens there but it is a pretty pathetic thing to see the state of judiciary in Pakistan. There is no law and order whatsoever. Biasness is at its peak.
Imran says waved paraphrased copy at rally, not actual cypher

The piece of paper waved during the PTI rally was not the actual cypher but a paraphrased copy of it, former prime minister Imran Khan was reported to have said in his statement submitted in the cypher case.

Express News reported on Tuesday, the PTI founding chairman’s statement submitted under Section 342 maintained that he only waved a paper during the rally and merely expressed fear of a conspiracy. “Did not name any country, and also chose my words carefully,” the ex-premier submitted.

“The plan was to give Bajwa – retired army chief – the message that the entire plan will be exposed if the government is conspired against,” Imran maintained. He said the former army chief “repeatedly lied” about wanting the PTI government to not be ousted.

Imran said that the responsibility of protecting the cypher was not his. “One of my ADCs stole the cypher on Bajwa's directives,” he said, adding that he was never in possession of the actual cypher.

In his statement submitted in court, the former prime minister said that the cypher was in the Prime Minister's Office. “The responsibility for the PMO’s security rested with the military secretary, principal secretary and secretary protocol during my three-and-a-half years,” he said.

He added, “This is the only document that has gone missing from the Prime Minister's Office. If the cypher is missing then the military secretary should be asked to conduct an inquiry.”

The former premier said that this was the only time when he even got angry with the military secretary. “One of my ADCs stole the cypher on Gen Bajwa's order,” Imran repeated. Following an inquiry, the military secretary told Imran that there was no clue regarding the missing cypher, the statement maintains.

Imran stated that an elected prime minister was “removed through a conspiracy”, adding that “General Bajwa and US Secretary of State Donald Lu were involved in the conspiracy”. “The conspiracy to overthrow my government took place in October 2021 when General Bajwa replaced ISI chief Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed,” the PTI leader stated.

The PTI founder said that “all this happened with the connivance of Gen Bajwa, [PML-N leaders] Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif, because they promised Gen Bajwa to extend his tenure”.

“[Former ambassador to the US] Hussain Haqqani was hired to lobby in the US on behalf of Gen Bajwa, for which the former was paid $35,000. In April, Hussain Haqqani tweeted that Imran Khan was anti-US while Gen Bajwa was pro-US,” the former premier maintained in his statement.

Imran claimed that the former army chief used the ISI to convince the PTI's political allies to withdraw their support for the government and also forced party members to leave, insisting that their "future lay with the PML-N".

"I asked Gen Bajwa regarding the conspiracy when I met him, but he claimed nothing of the sort was taking place. Despite several meetings with him, the ISI kept working against my government," claimed the PTI founder in his statement.

"During the first week of March, I had an official trip to Russia and the foreign ministry agreed with the visit. Before leaving for Russia, I also talked with Gen Bajwa and he too agreed that I should undertake the visit. A few days after I returned, Shah Mahmood Qureshi informed me that Asad Majeed had sent a cypher message from Washington."

"It was a shocking cypher which was not meant for the prime minister or foreign minister to see. Qureshi then called Asad Majeed for information regarding the cypher and I was left surprised after reading it," said Imran.

Referring to Majeed's meeting with the US officials, Imran said there was no precedent for a diplomat being threatened by the US officials during a meeting. "They threatened that if the prime minister is not removed, there would be consequences."

"Asad Majeed informed Donald Lu that all stakeholders had agreed on the official visit to Russia. Asad Majeed recommended issuing a demarche to the US, while our allies were sending us messages that they were being pressurised by the ISI to leave the alliance."

In his statement, Imran also claimed that the US Embassy in Pakistan was also active. "They were calling people to the embassy and during this time, several meetings were also held with Gen Bajwa. They were told that if the government is ousted the economy would be destroyed, and the economic plan of Shehbaz Sharif will not be able to stabilise the economy."

Imran further claimed that the "cypher sent by Donald Lu was addressed to Gen Bajwa as he had the power to topple the government".

"The rate of MNAs was set at Rs200 million in Sindh House. The attorney general refused to speak on the cypher as he had been approached by the ISI. Sometime later the government was toppled. I went to the people and their response was historical as the PTI won 30 out 37 seats in the by-polls – after its government was toppled," the ex-premier maintained.

Imran, Qureshi sentenced

Earlier today, the special court established under the Official Secrets Act awarded Imran and former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi 10 years imprisonment in the high-profile cypher case.

The court, presided by Judge Abul Hasanat Zulqarnain, announced the verdict during the hearing held within the premises of Rawalpindi's Adiala jail.

Before sentencing Imran, the judge asked the former premier one last time where the cypher was.

“I have mentioned in my statement that the Prime Minister House’s security was not my responsibility. I don’t have the cypher,” he stated.

The judge also provided the two PTI leaders with copies of the statement and the questionnaire under Section 342 and both accused were asked to record their replies in the questionnaire.

After Imran and Qureshi recorded their statements under Section 342, the court announced its verdict.

The cypher case

The case originated from Imran's public display of a paper during a rally in Islamabad on March 27, 2022, claiming it as evidence of an "international conspiracy" before a vote of no-confidence led to his government's ouster.

The FIA initiated its probe into the so-called “cypher-gate” on July 19, 2023, after the previous coalition government, led by the PML-N, announced an official inquiry against Imran and his close associates for violating the OSA.

Imran was arrested on August 5, 2023, following his conviction in the Toshakhana case by a local court of Islamabad. Later, he was also arrested in the cypher case on August 29.

As per the challan papers, both Imran and Qureshi, the former foreign minister, were charged under sections 5 and 9 of the OSA. These provisions entail the possibility of the death penalty or life imprisonment.

Unlike India, BD, Srilanka , Iran and other countries, Pakistan is no longer a country , its just a vast land occupied by an armed gang with the help of heartless, shameless l judges and Kangroo courts. People will never get independence from this gang, not in near future .
There are large number of shameless people who are happy to be slaves of establishment and celebrating 10 year jail time for the only brave leader who has been struggling for independence from the establishment.
Verdict slammed, endorsed by legal eagles along party lines

Advocate Abdul Moiz Jaferii says the trial court demonstrated unnecessary haste while PML-N Senator Azam Nazeer terms lawyers' absence a deliberate move to delay trial.

After the announcement of the verdict against former prime minister Imran Khan and former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi by a special court in the cipher case on Tuesday, legal experts gave mixed opinions about the sentence as some of them damned the decision while others endorsed it.

Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, a former law minister, said the law took its course in the cipher case, which carried charges of leaking a diplomatic cable and not returning it to the foreign office.

Talking to Dawn, the PML-N senator said the trial court had no other option but to announce a guilty decision against Imran as the evidence was undeniable. He said the PTI founder did not care about national security and used a classified document to save his government. He insisted that the leak of a diplomatic document was a very serious matter and the former prime minister made a mockery of the Official Secrets Act.

Asked about haste shown by the trial court in deciding the case, Mr Tarar said repeated opportunities were given to the PTI leaders but their lawyers failed to appear for cross-examining the prosecution witnesses. He believed that the non-appearance of the defence lawyers was a deliberate move to politicise and delay the trial.

However, Hamid Khan, a senior lawyer and PTI leader, termed the conviction a political decision.

“This was not a trial, but a mistrial,” he said while talking to a private news channel. He believed that no high court could sustain the sentence handed down by the special court.

Mr Hamid said courts don’t appoint state counsel without the consent of the accused person.

He said every lawyer had a right to do a lengthy cross-examination.

He said an appeal would be filed before the Islamabad High Court once after getting an attested copy of the detailed verdict of the trial court.

Former attorney general Ashtar Ausaf Ali suggested stricter punishment in cases involving national security and that the 10-year sentence was not enough for the charges involved in the cipher case.

He stated that the appointment of state counsel to represent an accused in the absence of defence counsel was not unusual. He said such a situation arises when a defence lawyer attempts to delay or manipulate the trial proceedings.

Senior PTI lawyer and former Punjab governor Sardar Latif Khosa took to X, formerly Twitter, to express his views on the verdict, stating that the ‘fake case’ would not last long, adding that the nation must not lose hope and everyone must cast a vote on Feb 8.

“Imran Khan will be out soon, the best revenge for cruelty is to vote,” Khosa tweeted.

He added that the nation held the power to free Mr Khan from prison and take him directly to the PM’s House.

Talking to DawnNews, Advocate Abdul Moiz Jaferii said the trial court demonstrated an unnecessary haste to conclude the proceedings.

He said it was acknowledged in the bail hearing that the harsh penalties did not apply to the cipher case because the main charge was not a formal conspiracy to harm the country but rather negligence that led to the loss of the diplomatic document.

He believed that misplacing the secret document carries entirely a separate charge and penalty.

Mr Jaferii said a detailed discussion on the conviction could only happen after the release of the detailed judgment but wondered under what section of the law the special court announced a 10-year sentence.

So let me actually pull the law out for you to read and contemplate on what you have said.

Also as a word of advice listen to some of the "legal experts" who are wholeheartedly condemning this decision. Surely you wouldn't say now that you are better than all legal experts in the country or you know law better than them? For Gods sake call out what is wrong, blind hatred cannot help pave a path for you.

Coming onto the Law now. The sentencing has been done under "Pakistan Official Secrets Act of 1923" (link to Act below).

Under section 3 of the Act the sentencing has been done. The s3 of the Act entails the following clauses.

[3. Offence.— (1) A person shall commit an offence under this section If he intentionally for any purpose prejudicial to public order, defence, safety or interests of the State,—
The s3 states that the "intentions" need to be proven if defendant has committed offence to harm defence, safety or interest of State. Have the intention been proven in this case?

(a) approaches, inspects, passes over or is in the vicinity of, or enters, attacks, destroys or otherwise undermines any prohibited place; or
This clause not relevant as there were no "attacks of physical nature"

(b) makes any sketch, plan, model, or note which is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be, directly or indirectly, useful to an enemy;
This clause is not relevant either as that would need the prosecution to prove Imran was acting in interest of another country or State. No proof of that were identified either.

(c) obtains, collects, records or publishes or communicates to any other person any secret official code or password, or any electronic or modern device, sketch, plan, model, article or note or other document or information, in any manner whatsoever, which is calculated to be or might be or is intended to be, directly or indirectly, useful to an enemy of the State;
The above is the point you are pointlessly bringing up again and again. As stated above Imran did not leak any official code or password. He discussed the content of the letter in public but never released the official letter or its code. Hence stating that he leaked to public is grossly incorrect.

(d) gains unauthorized access to document or information from within or outside of Pakistan with or without use of electronic or modern devices;
This clause not relevant as he was PM at the time hence has authorised access to information

(e) causes an unmanned vehicle or device to access, enter, inspect, pass over or under, approach or be in the vicinity of a prohibited place; and(f) disclosure or retention of any activity, information, document, related to invention, research, development, production, maintenance, operation, storage and disposal of weapons, equipment or any capability of these forces, and access to or unauthorized disclosure of which is prejudicial to the safety and interest of Pakistan.]
This clause is not relevant again as this involved attack of physical nature.

Now that the Law is in front of you please read and contemplate on what you have been writing all morning. We need to stop the spread of disinformation.
@Major would you please respond to this in light of law and constitution
you twisted the whole law, my response is going to be time waste and make no difference as you will continue to twist it and than hope pti fans accepted what you wrote.

Funny enough you selectively pasted what suited you and tried to focus on password and code but not the whole text or even the other points mentioned like point no.5

- It was the information that he revealed.
- He was entrusted with this information, and no as PM he cannot go around revealing secrets just because he likes to. Even if he has access.
- He was not authorized to communicate it to the public
- He retained the document and never gave it back
- He never really conducted himself properly and always endangered the state

Lets read it further

It clearly states that one can be punished with either 14 years or with death.

Hence, he should be thankful that he is being allowed to live and not been given the death sentence which should had been applied by the judiciary.

Reference: https://pakistancode.gov.pk/pdffiles/administrator46c9a3c62acc16428e73999e7d30ba2a.pdf

anyways, having such discussion on this is irrelevant as i am not a lawyer or judge. But if you want to copy paste and interpret selectively, than i have pasted it the law here.

Credit goes to the judiciary for implementing the law.
It is good that you responded to my post. I like to have informative discussions on such subjects.

Now let's talk about clause 5 of the said Act. I'm happy you bought this argument up on s5 of the Act. Did you know that current cipher trial matter was taken up by Supreme Court as well in December 2023? If you don't then let me help expand your knowledge in here.

In Dec-2023, 3 bench court under Mansoor Ali Shah, Tariq Masood and Athar Minallah took up this petition against the trial of cipher case. The reference to the judgement from Supreme court is in the link below (please take some time in reading that).

The following is an extract from section 4 of the above judgement.
"The offences of wrongful communication of the official confidential information, etc., as defined in defined in clause (a) to (d) of Section 5(1)of the Official Secrets Act 1923 (“Act”) are generally punishable, under clause (b) of Section 5(3), with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both, and are bailable under clause (b) of Section 12(1) of the Act."

The Supreme Court of Pakistan when looked into the detail of the case mentioned that clause (b) of section 5(3) of the Official Secrets Act would be applicable where the punishable extent is max 2 years.

I personally believe Supreme Court would be able to interpret the Act and laws better than you so I would take their "written judgement" on the merit of this case than you sprouting disinformation. This is strictly not my opinion its infact the judgement from Supreme Court which is pasted as it is from above.

Before I leave you to contemplate on your posts and the disinformation that is being spread in here I would like to also point out to another glaring disinformation in your post above.

You have extracted the bit from Section 5(3) sub-clause (a) to support your argument of a death penalty or 14 year imprisonment. But you conveniently missed the first part of the clause that talks about acting in the interest of a "foreign power". Same extract as yours but with some important highlights.
"(3) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be punishable,
(a) where the offence committed is a contravention of clause (a) of sub-section(1) and intended or calculated to be, directly or indirectly, in the interest or for the benefit of a foreign power, or is in relation to any work of defence, arsenal, naval, military or air force establishment or station, mine, mine-field, factory, dockyard, camp, ship or aircraft or otherwise in relation to the naval, military or air force affairs of Pakistan or in relation to any secret official code, 2 [with death, or] with imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years"

Can you please elaborate for which interested foreign power was Imran Khan working for. Remember in order to convict someone this has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt so I presume you would have some very strong evidence and collaborative information in place that would help solve this puzzle. So I leave that up to you to come back and explain your rationale in here.
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Incidentally, there is nothing wrong with Nawaz being a puppet of Bharat if it would actually bring some advance to the country. As a neutral Brit I always look at the bigger picture. But having studied hindutva literature of the BJP and their ideologues, I know that the last thing they want is a prosperous Pakistan. It would go against everything they stand for.

So for that scenario Nawaz Sharif and PMNL would be the ideal stooge govt.

Only a fool would think Nawaz is an Indian puppet.

The Pakistani state as a whole has been America's puppet for ages . The IMF and World Bank are essentially tools to reinforce and grow American hegemony.

And Pakistan is completely dependent either directly or indirectly dependent on America.

Clearly , the powers that be were not impressed by Imran's tendencies to pivot away from America and they have brought down the hammer through your military elite - who are clearly on their payroll .

Pakistan's fate, in some sense, was sealed the day it decided to be America's lieutenant in South Asia all those decades ago and your military started de facto running the government .

I feel bad for Imran. At least he was trying to make Pakistan self-reliant but powerful actors both within and outside Pakistan clearly don't want thar

10 years is enough time to destroy Pakistani as a nation on the current trajectory.

I'm afraid theres no hope for the future and it's all downhill for Pakistan
There are large number of shameless people who are happy to be slaves of establishment and celebrating 10 year jail time for the only brave leader who has been struggling for independence from the establishment.
Exactly!!! Many people nowadays prefer corruption over morality.
Those people supports Corrupt individual like Nawaz and Mr. 10% are actually beneficiaries No people of corruption and they like it that day. No people with iota of modesty, honestly or morality can support them. But good thing is majority of people are not munafiq like that.
This is not just about Imran Khan. This is about the overall judicial breakdown in Pakistan. No wonder this Judiciary ranks 130 out of 142 countries, for a reason. People are not blind but they are ignorant. We do not care about this country, all we want is 1 plate of pulao or biryani and they will sell their support to anybody.
Those people supports Corrupt individual like Nawaz and Mr. 10% are actually beneficiaries No people of corruption and they like it that day. No people with iota of modesty, honestly or morality can support them. But good thing is majority of people are not munafiq like that.
How can you assert that Imran Khan is not corrupt? Who is Farah Gogi? Who is Pinky Pirni? Who is Buzdar?
Unfortunately in politics (especially developing country politics) They all are same, It's only a matter of degree. If Imran Khan was the selfless Mandela or Gandhi his supporters make him out to be, he wouldn't have taken home the Toshakhana gifts. After all, Caesar's wife needs to above suspicion. And given the bitterness of politics in Pakistan, this creates enough ambiguity for courts to act and overreact to please the military

All we can do in these situations is select the best of the lot, and in the context of Pakistan, it does seem like Imran Khan fits that description. Not sure what he's done to earn this level of enmity from the Establishment. Still think this is not a true sentence but merely the opening quote in a negotiation.
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Pakistan heading fast towards disintegration unless there is a revolution to get independence from the establishment but chances for that are slim considering we have too many corrupt politicians like Sharif and Zardari and shameless judges. Imran Khan will not the last politician to pay the price for turning up against the corrupt establishment
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Pakistan heading fast towards disintegration unless there is a revolution to get independence from the establishment but chances for that are slim considering we have too many corrupt politicians like Sharif and Zardari and shameless judges. Imran Khan will not the last politician to pay the price for turning up against the corrupt establishment
When the establishment removed Nawaz Sharif in 2017 and supported Imran Khan during the 2018 elections, all PTI supporters did not speak against the establishment, displaying unity as one nation regardless of their political ideology?
Pakistan heading fast towards disintegration unless there is a revolution to get independence from the establishment but chances for that are slim considering we have too many corrupt politicians like Sharif and Zardari and shameless judges. Imran Khan will not the last politician to pay the price for turning up against the corrupt establishment

Pakistan is not heading anywhere near disintegration for the simple reason no one outside of maybe Afghanistan wants it disintegrated. The US needs it as a client state in the region, same could probably be said for China. Most of all India needs it as a buffer zone from Afghanistan, whether that remains as Pakistan or some smaller split up version. I think the ideal for India would be a useless zombie state plodding along on borrowed money, which is pretty much what they have right now.
Pakistan is not heading anywhere near disintegration for the simple reason no one outside of maybe Afghanistan wants it disintegrated. The US needs it as a client state in the region, same could probably be said for China. Most of all India needs it as a buffer zone from Afghanistan, whether that remains as Pakistan or some smaller split up version. I think the ideal for India would be a useless zombie state plodding along on borrowed money, which is pretty much what they have right now.
This is true. A bankrupt Pakistan heavily dependent on IMF bailouts is perfect for India's long term interests

Only thing is Imran's own mismanagement played a massive role in bringing Pakistan's economy to its current status
This is true. A bankrupt Pakistan heavily dependent on IMF bailouts is perfect for India's long term interests

Only thing is Imran's own mismanagement played a massive role in bringing Pakistan's economy to its current status

The economy was already heavily mismanaged before Imran Khan took the reins. If anything it has plummetted further since his arrest. In fact it could be argued no PM can really be held fully responsible for the mismanagement since the army generally poke their noses in before policies can bear fruit.

Imran conspired to destabilise Pakistan: Maryam​

Addressing a rally in Narowal, she said that those who conspired against PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif were sitting at home today and only one leader stood tall amid the conspiracies, and that is Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

“They must be witnessing today at their homes that Allah has once again honoured Nawaz Sharif despite all their conspiracies,” she added.

She mentioned the recent sentencing of Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in the Toshakhana case, saying that those who used to accuse others were now being convicted themselves.

“Those who used to hurl false accusations at others were not facing the consequences of their actions. This is the result of their own deeds,” she added.

Without mentioning Imran Khan’s name, Maryam said that he used to call others thieves but today he, along with his family, has been proven a thief. “I am not happy about her (Bushra Bibi) arrest; I do not celebrate anyone's suffering, but there is a divine justice system in place,” she added.

The PML-N leader said that there was no allegation of theft against her. “I was also a daughter, a sister and a mother of someone, and yet I was sentenced just because I supported my father,” she added.

She questioned those who were now expressing regret over the court’s decision, asking, "If a prime minister steals and if a prime minister's wife steals, should they be exempt from legal consequences just because they hold such positions?"

Reflecting on her multiple arrests, Maryam Nawaz shared, "I have spent five months in a jail’s death cell but I did not even shed a tear. I understood that this was a trial from Allah, but love for the nation and Nawaz Sharif kept me going."

Maryam Nawaz concluded her address by urging the crowd to vote for the tiger, the election symbol of PML-N. Encouraging the youth, she stated, "PML-N is the only party where people from every age and class are present in large numbers. Promise us that you will be placing your trust in the tiger so that no household remains unemployed."

She ended her speech by expressing hope that after February 8, all the troubles, issues, and hardships of the people would gradually fade away under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif.

Source: The Express Tribune
They are waiting for a establishment man that will come and start supporting them.

Pti doesn have issue with the establishment meddling in politics. There issue is why they are not the favourite child
as simple as that right? and thats why because of these kind of parhai likhai jaahil we will always remain an oppressed country
Come on bruv, Death Sentence or even 10 years for what? Because of dirty politics?

Best post on this thread. Like yourself, I'm not a PTI supporter but we all know he's been framed by establishment.

As for Major calling for a death sentence, this is nothing to be surprised about. This guy is just insecure about the fact that IK was more successful captain and cricketer. That's what this is all about. I would bet my life on it if I could.
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Best post on this thread. Like yourself, I'm not a PTI supporter but we all know he's been framed by establishment.

As for Major calling for a death sentence, this is nothing to be surprised about. This guy is just insecure about the fact that IK was more successful captain and cricketer. That's what this is all about. I would bet my life on it if I could.
Your totally right about the view on Imran Khan. As much as we disagree with him politically, and how poor we find the behaviour of his supporters, but no way would we want the death penalty for him because of getting involved in the wrong kind of mess. I doubt the Sharif’s and the Bhuttos would want to see him hanged, and he has caused them immeasurable pain and discomfort. Heck I don’t even think Reham Khan wants him hanged.

Not sure why young man who’s not at the age of being filled with this much spite would want him to be hanged?
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Personally, I hope once the elections are done, saner heads/world leaders get together at some private retreat in the US or wherever they get together..and find a way through which Khan can leave Pakistan and settle down with his sons in the UK.

just let the guy be, he doesnt have to return to politics ever again. He can spend the remaining years of his life in peace with his sons. Being PM made him do things which I’m sure if given the chance now, he would not do again.
Personally, I hope once the elections are done, saner heads/world leaders get together at some private retreat in the US or wherever they get together..and find a way through which Khan can leave Pakistan and settle down with his sons in the UK.

just let the guy be, he doesnt have to return to politics ever again. He can spend the remaining years of his life in peace with his sons. Being PM made him do things which I’m sure if given the chance now, he would not do again.
Kaptaan is not leaving, if he wanted to, they would have laid on a luxury plane for him . My own feeling is that he will die in prison ( i hope for his sake, for the sake of PK people's sanity and PK unity that it doesn't happen) . There is a great line in Shahrukh Khan film where he is holding onto a women, who is holding onto something. She says something like my living isn't important your death is. Kaptaan has mentally accepted that he has to die for his people to be free from these crooks.
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Personally, I hope once the elections are done, saner heads/world leaders get together at some private retreat in the US or wherever they get together..and find a way through which Khan can leave Pakistan and settle down with his sons in the UK.

just let the guy be, he doesnt have to return to politics ever again. He can spend the remaining years of his life in peace with his sons. Being PM made him do things which I’m sure if given the chance now, he would not do again.
why would US even care?

A person who has committed crimes should rot in jail

Imran conspired to destabilise Pakistan: Maryam​

Addressing a rally in Narowal, she said that those who conspired against PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif were sitting at home today and only one leader stood tall amid the conspiracies, and that is Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

“They must be witnessing today at their homes that Allah has once again honoured Nawaz Sharif despite all their conspiracies,” she added.

She mentioned the recent sentencing of Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in the Toshakhana case, saying that those who used to accuse others were now being convicted themselves.

“Those who used to hurl false accusations at others were not facing the consequences of their actions. This is the result of their own deeds,” she added.

Without mentioning Imran Khan’s name, Maryam said that he used to call others thieves but today he, along with his family, has been proven a thief. “I am not happy about her (Bushra Bibi) arrest; I do not celebrate anyone's suffering, but there is a divine justice system in place,” she added.

The PML-N leader said that there was no allegation of theft against her. “I was also a daughter, a sister and a mother of someone, and yet I was sentenced just because I supported my father,” she added.

She questioned those who were now expressing regret over the court’s decision, asking, "If a prime minister steals and if a prime minister's wife steals, should they be exempt from legal consequences just because they hold such positions?"

Reflecting on her multiple arrests, Maryam Nawaz shared, "I have spent five months in a jail’s death cell but I did not even shed a tear. I understood that this was a trial from Allah, but love for the nation and Nawaz Sharif kept me going."

Maryam Nawaz concluded her address by urging the crowd to vote for the tiger, the election symbol of PML-N. Encouraging the youth, she stated, "PML-N is the only party where people from every age and class are present in large numbers. Promise us that you will be placing your trust in the tiger so that no household remains unemployed."

She ended her speech by expressing hope that after February 8, all the troubles, issues, and hardships of the people would gradually fade away under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif.

Source: The Express Tribune
Nani ji, your daddy made the deal aka as the London plan. Your people have told us for 2 years what it was and so far, chapter and verse, it's been true. It involved Bajwa and other Establishment, Isa and all the courts. Nani ji these Establishment and your family will regret doing panga with Kaptaan. We know that whoever does panga with Kaptaan loses.
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why would US even care?

A person who has committed crimes should rot in jail
We know the Americans don't care, nor do local facilitators that have imprisoned one of its greatest heroes, its greatest philanthropists, its most popular leader. Stupid people support criminals, have no morals or any education. Personally if I wanted an innocent man killed, I would do the honourable thing and get some rope and put myself out of my miserable existence.
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why would US even care?

A person who has committed crimes should rot in jail
Because the US know what is a genuine threat to them and what isn’t. Khan is no genuine threat now to anyone. The ideology that is, it’s over. There is a person who’s done with his ambitions for Pakistan now. There is nothing IK can ever do to be trusted again with the establishment, he’s not coming back. So it’s better for the influential people of the world to at least let him get out of Pakistan and live a normal, human beings life for the remainder of his years. There is no harm in this.
According to experts - the next week’s selection will have no legs and it will come crashing down in a year and a half. We might have to go back to polls in two years time to elect a proper govt because Pakistan’s mess cannot be fixed by two families since they will be controlled by establishment at the back and also due to their own involvement in destruction of Pakistan.

People who are writing off Khan or stating he won’t bounce back - shall be surprised in near future. In two years time establishment will come back to their senses after more chaos and tabahi.
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According to experts - the next week’s selection will have no legs and it will come crashing down in a year and a half. We might have to go back to polls in two years time to elect a proper govt because Pakistan’s mess cannot be fixed by two families since they will be controlled by establishment at the back and also due to their own involvement in destruction of Pakistan.

People who are writing off Khan or stating he won’t bounce back - shall be surprised in near future. In two years time establishment will come back to their senses after more chaos and tabahi.
The establishment have backed themselves into a corner and have few options but to back NS and the mafia. The ship is rotten and is also full of rats and those rats want to the ship to keep sailing because otherwise they all die
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Because the US know what is a genuine threat to them and what isn’t. Khan is no genuine threat now to anyone. The ideology that is, it’s over. There is a person who’s done with his ambitions for Pakistan now. There is nothing IK can ever do to be trusted again with the establishment, he’s not coming back. So it’s better for the influential people of the world to at least let him get out of Pakistan and live a normal, human beings life for the remainder of his years. There is no harm in this.
The establishment have played all their cards and its been a disaster. Hitherto they were hidden hands but every man, women and child knows the truth today. All the drama about the anti establishment and establishment was all rubbish. Look at the khooni Liberals, all exposed, look at the self purported defenders of free speech, all fake, look at the Lawyers, most were fake and look at Isa, a crook masquerading as anti establishment but can't utter a word. The facade is over the game is in the open and it was Kaptaan that will be credited with bringing down the establishment.
It's him or the establishment. There is no half way house any more. The turning point was the murder of Arshad Sharif
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The establishment have backed themselves into a corner and have few options but to back NS and the mafia. The ship is rotten and is also full of rats and those rats want to the ship to keep sailing because otherwise they all die
We are living in very interesting times - for sure it will be a hung parliament or PDM 2 next week if there is a low turn out or mega dhaandli. NS didn’t fly back to be a controlled puppet, he wants full control or else this all maar kutai doesn’t makes sense. If its a hung parliament or a govt of 13 parties - NS will fly back. Shahbaz the chamcha boot polisher will take over I guess.

I hope and badly pray that its a huge turn out like 70 or 80% so it becomes nearly impossible to control or commit massive dhaandli. If a huge turn out occurs, independents will sweep KPK, Punjab and parts of Sindh and Balochistan.
Because the US know what is a genuine threat to them and what isn’t. Khan is no genuine threat now to anyone. The ideology that is, it’s over. There is a person who’s done with his ambitions for Pakistan now. There is nothing IK can ever do to be trusted again with the establishment, he’s not coming back. So it’s better for the influential people of the world to at least let him get out of Pakistan and live a normal, human beings life for the remainder of his years. There is no harm in this.
He should pay for his crimes and rot in jail
We are living in very interesting times - for sure it will be a hung parliament or PDM 2 next week if there is a low turn out or mega dhaandli. NS didn’t fly back to be a controlled puppet, he wants full control or else this all maar kutai doesn’t makes sense. If its a hung parliament or a govt of 13 parties - NS will fly back. Shahbaz the chamcha boot polisher will take over I guess.

I hope and badly pray that its a huge turn out like 70 or 80% so it becomes nearly impossible to control or commit massive dhaandli. If a huge turn out occurs, independents will sweep KPK, Punjab and parts of Sindh and Balochistan.
It's all about the turn out. All the beatings, bombings and murders to come in the next few days is about scaring people not to vote. You will see massive rigging and violence on the day of polling. NS is such a coward, can't even face Dr Yasmin, a cancer sufferer.
It's all about the turn out. All the beatings, bombings and murders to come in the next few days is about scaring people not to vote. You will see massive rigging and violence on the day of polling. NS is such a coward, can't even face Dr Yasmin, a cancer sufferer.
I don’t know what they want to achieve by doing this. All maar kutai and chaos to bring in a khichri hung parliament only to see NS run back to London. This dramabazi won’t survive in a long run and then what happens when this all comes crashing down?

One man controls everything in a country of 250 million which itself is a disaster. It only took 75 years for them to put this country on a deathbed.
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This case will soon be thrown out of court as it was a hasty decision without giving any importance to the defendant's views. IK is out of these elections but it won't stay like this.
Only Donald Trump once elected can save IK now
I don’t think Trump will be needed for a favour.

I seriously ponder why the establishment are on a self destruction path. Didn’t they learn from PDM 1 tenure? It was the worst era ever. The establishment have been tainted so bad, more like an own goal. And why is NS so fool to come back if he will be a puppet? Everybody is stating he will be nothing but be a puppet of establishment . establishment will be the real bosses of NS according to experts.

And the cases against IK are bogus cases, politically motivated for revenge. Toshakhana and Cipher cases will be thrown in a garbage bin in two months time. The chaos will benefit PTI and IK in long term because if its a PDM 2 govt next week, we all know it will come crashing down and the establishment will have no option but open the doors of Adiala. Only a huge turn out next week or a suicide by PDM 2 can save IK.
I don't see a huge run out tbh. People are frustrated and in reply, they will choose not to vote.
If thats the case PDM 2 won’t be able to survive because Pakistan is in a deep hole and these crooks have no solution or a road map. This will come crashing down, only to benefit IK and PTI in a long run.
If thats the case PDM 2 won’t be able to survive because Pakistan is in a deep hole and these crooks have no solution or a road map. This will come crashing down, only to benefit IK and PTI in a long run.
IK is already out now. They tried hard to close his chapter but they failed big time. IK might have been kept out of elections but all this sentencing did was to increase the anger of young people and they are frustrated about it. Old-aged guys will only vote for a particular party because their ancestors did so. They do not have their own thinking.

Imran Khan was right here, "These people are not educated."
IK is already out now. They tried hard to close his chapter but they failed big time. IK might have been kept out of elections but all this sentencing did was to increase the anger of young people and they are frustrated about it. Old-aged guys will only vote for a particular party because their ancestors did so. They do not have their own thinking.

Imran Khan was right here, "These people are not educated."
IK might be out for now, only to be saved by a huge turn out or by a suicide of PDM 2.

Historically the danda or zor zabardasti can’t and will never finish a massive figure like IK. You need to kill big figures by forcing them to make blunders politically while in govt. PDM 1 did a favour by taking part in no confidence and then throwing out all lotas and garbage away after 9 May. If IK was still in the game in 2023 who knows what would have happened or if awaam was still with him because he was being controlled by the back guys and he was the punching bag.

The opponents mistakes forced IK to learn and to strategize more carefully next time. He will be a new guy next time after going through huge turmoil.
Jail status of Imran, Qureshi changed after conviction

After the special court set up under the Official Secrets Act sentenced former prime minister Imran Khan and ex-foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to 10 years imprisonment for the breach of state secrets, the status of the two political leaders has been changed from under-trial “accused” to prisoners.

According to a senior official, the two PTI leaders will be treated as “prisoners” after being convicted and sentenced; however, they will be allowed to use civil dresses in the jail.

He said according to rules, the name of every convicted prisoner is entered serially in the admission register. The serial number of this register pertaining to him will be his admission number and will be used along with his name and classification in all future references in official correspondence about him.

After the two PTI leaders were sentenced, the admission number of the two will also be entered serially in the admission register by the assistant superintendent, in-charge of the admission register.

On Wednesday, in another development, the former prime minister and his wife Bushra Bibi were sentenced to 14 years in jail in the Toshakhana case.

The security for the convicted PTI founder was increased inside the jail. According to jail rules, one prisoner (mushakti) is kept with such a prisoner who is already with Mr Khan. However, no other change will take place.

Every prisoner’s name shall be written up in the admission register by the assistant superintendent in-charge of admission and shall also be examined by a medical officer (MO) or their junior within 24 hours of his admission into the prison.

The MO will examine every prisoner and enter in the admission register their age, height, weight and the state of health.

Meanwhile, after a threatening phone call was received by the Adiala Jail authorities on Tuesday, the security around the maximum security prison was further tightened with deployment/patrolling of Elite Force commandos around the premises.

According to sources, Deputy Inspector General Prisons Rawalpindi Region Abdul Rauf Rana has also sent a letter to City Police Officer (CPO) Rawalpindi Syed Khalid Hamdani to beef up security around the jail.

The unknown caller said he was speaking from Afghanistan and Adiala jail would be bombed in three days. No phone number was displayed on the CLI of the jail phone, said the sources.

The same day five terrorists tried to target the Mach jail of Balochistan, which was foiled by the security forces. To avoid any untoward situation, the security should be increased and search and combing operations should be conducted in the area around the jail.

On receiving the information from the jail administration, the police have increased the security level from high alert to red alert and special police checkpoints have been set up at eight different places around the jail.

As part of the tightened security, five sections of the Elite Force have been deployed and they are continuously patrolling around the jail.

It may be remembered that besides the PTI founder and former foreign minister, former interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, ex-information minister Fawad Chaudhry and former Punjab chief minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi are also languishing in the Adiala jail.

A statement issued by a spokesperson for the Rawalpindi police said in view of the recent situation in the country, the external security of Adiala Jail had been increased.

More security personnel have been deployed at the front, rear and sides of the jail and all measures have been taken to make patrolling and security foolproof on the sides.

Law enforcement agencies are also being consulted. Moreover, senior officers are reviewing the security arrangements from time to time, it said.

SOURCE: https://www.dawn.com/news/1810175/jail-status-of-imran-qureshi-changed-after-conviction
Only Donald Trump once elected can save IK now
Trump couldn't care less.

This entire issue boils down to two egos, IK vs Establishment. The establishment will shake hands with anyone.
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Kaptaan is not leaving, if he wanted to, they would have laid on a luxury plane for him . My own feeling is that he will die in prison ( i hope for his sake, for the sake of PK people's sanity and PK unity that it doesn't happen) . There is a great line in Shahrukh Khan film where he is holding onto a women, who is holding onto something. She says something like my living isn't important your death is. Kaptaan has mentally accepted that he has to die for his people to be free from these crooks.
You almost made me cry with this.

But you forgot one key part though. “Kaptaan” has been a freeloader since 1992 and has been leeching shady businessmen who have sponsored him because they saw his as an investment.

In addition, he also used SKMH funds for his political campaign, so his entire politics has been funded by laundered money of shady businessmen and donations of people that were meant for his hospital not for his politics.

I haven’t donated a penny to SKMH since it was exposed as a political tool and a scam organization to violate the trust of the donors.

There are far more credible organizations and hospitals that are not political tools and they are the ones that deserve donations.
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The special court in its detailed cypher case judgment, issued on Thursday, unequivocally established that ex-premier Imran Khan, in collaboration with then foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, “compromised Pakistan's cypher communications system, severely impacting the nation's international standing, diplomats, and diplomatic reporting culture.”

The two key PTI leaders were handed down the sentence two days ago.

Authored by judge Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain, the judgment maintained that the accused's actions resulted in “significant economic and political consequences, weakening Pakistan's economy and adversely affecting national security.”

The court found both Imran and Qureshi guilty under various sections of the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC). Imran is sentenced to 10 years rigorous imprisonment under section 5(3)(a) of OSA, two years under section 5(1)(c) of OSA with a fine of Rs1 million, and another two years under section 5(1)(d) of OSA with an additional fine of Rs1 million. Both accused are also held guilty under section 5(3)(a) of OSA read with section 34 PPC, each receiving a 10-year rigorous imprisonment term. Qureshi is additionally held guilty under section 9 read with section 5(3)(a) of OSA. The benefit of section 382-B CrPC is awarded to both convicts, and all sentences are to run concurrently.

The court's findings are grounded in tangible evidence of “open and shut case”, including the receipt of cypher messages supported by the chain of custody and cypher movement registers. The court emphasised the adverse effects of disclosing cypher information, supported by statements from witnesses and technical experts.

The judgment notes the accused's "deliberate actions", including unauthorised retention of cypher, negligent handling of telegrams, and the benefit to foreign powers. The court further highlights Imran's public disclosure of confidential information instigated by Qureshi.

The judgment underscores the heavy responsibility on the prime minister to handle confidential information responsibly and notes "Sadly, the accused Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, besides committing offences under the Official Secrets Act, 1923 has also violated his oath."

The court “painfully noted” the conduct of both the accused during the proceedings, noting their "attempts to prolong the trial through legal maneuvers". The accused's refusal to engage in cross-examination, failure to sign court documents, and overall evasive behavior are deemed unethical and detrimental to the legal process.

“The above said accused played hide and seek just to prolong the instant proceedings which were very high profile and sensitive in nature.”

The court highlighted that such actions cast a negative impression on the accused's integrity and sovereignty, damaging Pakistan's external relations and national security interests.

"A heavy-duty burden is cast upon the prime minister, who becomes privy to the most confidential information. The constitution requires a person occupying the high office to act in the most responsible manner and absolutely refrain from doing anything which undermines interests of Pakistan."

In conclusion, the court found the former premier and former foreign minister guilty of serious offenses, emphasising the need for responsible handling of confidential information by high-ranking officials and condemning the accused's conduct during the legal proceedings.

Source: Express Tribune

You almost made me cry with this.

But you forgot one key part though. “Kaptaan” has been a freeloader since 1992 and has been leeching shady businessmen who have sponsored him because they saw his as an investment.

In addition, he also used SKMH funds for his political campaign, so his entire politics has been funded by laundered money of shady businessmen and donations of people that were meant for his hospital not for his politics.

I haven’t donated a penny to SKMH since it was exposed as a political tool and a scam organization to violate the trust of the donors.

There are far more credible organizations and hospitals that are not political tools and they are the ones that deserve donations.
Aleem khan denied that it was true, even though he switched side. So that theory has gone to pot and if he wanted money he could easiliy got millions in divorce settlement but never let facts get in the way of rubbish narrative. Its not as if Kaptaan ever lived in luxury paid for by others- many that went by Banigala never even got a cup of tea or a biscuit.
As far as your assertion about the hospital- well a loser like you making an accusation that even Establishment havent made must make you feel small and stupid. If you have evidence send it to Munir and NS and let them prosecute. but alas you are a useless idiot that fell for NS being anti establishment and SS to be a real PM. What happened to the real PM? Any ideas, even NS has disowned him.
I dont want you or your ilk to donate any money, because it would soil my hard earnt cash. We dont need it from the likes of you. There is enough like me.
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United States (US) reacted to the conviction of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former prime minister Imran Khan in the cipher case, ARY News reported.

Addressing a weekly press briefing, the US State Department spokesperson Mathew Miller said “the prosecution of the former prime minister is a legal matter and we would defer to the Pakistani courts with respect to a legal matter, but of course we want to see the democratic process unfold in a way that allows broad participation for all parties and respects democratic principles.”.

However, the US doesn’t take a position about internal Pakistani matters, and refrain from taking a position with respect to candidates for office in Pakistan, he added.

While commenting on general elections 2024 in Pakistan, Mathew Miller said that “we certainly want to see a free and fair election, and we will be monitoring how that proceeds over the next week to 10 days. We want to see a free, fair, and open democratic process, and when it comes to legal matters, those are matters for the Pakistani courts to decide”.

Yesterday, a special court hearing cipher case handed a 10-year jail term, each, to former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

The former prime minister and the former foreign minister were facing trial in cipher case in Adiala Jail from last year for ‘distorting’ the facts of the diplomatic cipher.

Both the PTI leaders were accused of conspiracy to misuse the contents of the cipher to fulfill nefarious purposes.

Source: Ary News
why would US even care?

A person who has committed crimes should rot in jail

He won't rot

Because he will be given special arrangements and looked after

Unlike your average Joe public who rot in jails tortured or face police brutality .

He'll eventually sign some sort of plea bargain and then run off to London the same way they were ridiculing nawaz sharif platelets etc watch how insafian leader does a similar move in the future.

Establishment will be happy to get rid of him and off their hands.
Why not? If a threat of coup was sent and then carried out, does the PK public not have a right to know?
Offcourse they have the right to know, but for every move there is a proper way to do it. It should have been discussed in the parliament first then public because parliament are the representations from public
You almost made me cry with this.

But you forgot one key part though. “Kaptaan” has been a freeloader since 1992 and has been leeching shady businessmen who have sponsored him because they saw his as an investment.

In addition, he also used SKMH funds for his political campaign, so his entire politics has been funded by laundered money of shady businessmen and donations of people that were meant for his hospital not for his politics.

I haven’t donated a penny to SKMH since it was exposed as a political tool and a scam organization to violate the trust of the donors.

There are far more credible organizations and hospitals that are not political tools and they are the ones that deserve donations.
I think for whatever purpose IK used SKMH, but it remains the most critical cancer hospital for Pakistan and personally it is a state of art cancer hospital who is giving almost free treatments to the deserving ones and a last resort for a cancer patient rejected by governmental hospitals.
Atleast he gave something to this nation, and we need such type of institutions in our country who runs under some type of system
Offcourse they have the right to know, but for every move there is a proper way to do it. It should have been discussed in the parliament first then public because parliament are the representations from public
Like taking it up with the national security Council, sending a demarche etc. 🤔🤔🤔
Offcourse they have the right to know, but for every move there is a proper way to do it. It should have been discussed in the parliament first then public because parliament are the representations from public

The government/PM was removed due to instructions from a foreign power. Removing someone from power due to foreign instructions is the right move?
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Like taking it up with the national security Council, sending a demarche etc. 🤔🤔🤔
National security council is a separate committee. Parliament is an ultimate place to discuss all matters related to a country inside or outside. But that time your great leader was more inclined towards establishment, and he wanted to take certificate from establishment thats why he called for a national security council meeting.
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The government/PM was removed due to instructions from a foreign power. Removing someone from power due to foreign instructions is the right move?
The process of removing IK was carried out in parliament under the scrutiny of the media, and the entire process was broadcast live until late that night. IK needed to prove his majority on that day, but he failed miserably.

Vote of no confidence is a constitutional process.

And the cipher came long before his removal from the PM's office; he should have taken this matter into serious consideration before his removal. He only took this matter seriously after he had exhausted all his options and was forced to exit from the PM's office as per the constitutional process.
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IK could have become a greater leader if he had chosen to remain in parliament after the vote of no confidence. However, he feared that he would be immediately jailed, just as he had done to other political leaders during his tenure as a revenge tactic.
The process of removing IK was carried out in parliament under the scrutiny of the media, and the entire process was broadcast live until late that night. IK needed to prove his majority on that day, but he failed miserably.

Vote of no confidence is a constitutional process.

And the cipher came long before his removal from the PM's office; he should have taken this matter into serious consideration before his removal. He only took this matter seriously after he had exhausted all his options and was forced to exit from the PM's office as per the constitutional process.
They wont accept it, because of the tin foils they wear..

It was a constitutional process, everyone knows that. Same happened in UK.

Thing is, they accept it if its in there favor, but do rona dhona when its not.

When establishment was with them, and every case was being out of the opposition, it was ok because it was under the guise of cleaning up. Now same happening against them, the rona dhona has started
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IK could have become a greater leader if he had chosen to remain in parliament after the vote of no confidence. However, he feared that he would be immediately jailed, just as he had done to other political leaders during his tenure as a revenge tactic.
He just couldn't accept it. The problem with every populist leader. When the people have them removed, they cant accept it and go down dangerous lanes where they are ready to sabotage their own country for their chair.

The funny thing is while what him and his wife were doing others illegally, he got removed legally through the constitution.