Member Interview : shaz619


ODI Debutant
Jul 1, 2015
Many thanks to [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] for his insightful responses. : Tell us a bit about yourself? I've heard you mention that you are only half Pakistani in origin. What's the other side and how was it like growing up?

Shaz619 : Am the stylin, profylin, jet flyin, kiss stealing nature bear WOOOOOOO! I have 20inch pythons, carry a snake in my backpack and often take a shovel with me on visits to India and especially Manchester [MENTION=132916]Junaids[/MENTION]. Seriously though, I am a student in the field of aeronautics/aerospace who is contemplating what career to get into once my studies end this summer. I grew up in an inner city region of Birmingham and was initially raised in a council estate. My father was from Jamaica and my mother is from Pakistan. My nana was a poor farmer who worked very hard, saved the little he earned and made some smart investments. Then he fought in WW2 for the British Army but when he returned to Pakistan he was no longer fit to work because he had lost his eye sight in the line of duty so he sold some land he had bought in order to send my mom and a few relatives to England. Shortly after he would pass away.

In England, my mother and father met at school and it was a very complicated relationship mainly because certain relatives were against a Pakistani woman and a Black man being together; however the two were deeply in love and fought tooth and nail to get themselves in a position where they could get married. Tensions declined a little when my dad converted to Islam and our relatives got to know him better. It’s really weird but my mom was a bigger cricket fan while my dad cared little for sports beyond boxing! I was exposed to the world of Pakistan cricket thanks to my mom’s fandom of Imran Khan who was such a big star in those days even amongst the casual fan base.

My mom was very influential in my upbringing and I was rather close to her side of the family rather than my fathers besides my Grandad who was always good to me, part of me feels that the Jamaican folk never felt quiet welcomed given how my relatives were against my mother marrying a black man and they never really got over that but we did get together at times when they were left no choice at my birthday for example and it was a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, the good times were short lived. The relationship between my mother and father became very abusive on a physical and psychological level and they would separate but I’d like to reiterate that it wasn’t anything to do with colour. Once my father passed away due to gang violence in Jamaica, social services would separate our family and I found myself homeless at one point before ending up in various hostels; at this point I’d find myself changing school very often when I had to constantly move and missed out on a great deal of education during my primary years.

The other reason for missing a fair amount of time was because I had to work in order to help my family as my mom was in no state to work due to her health, the pay wasn’t great either given that my age didn’t make me eligible for the minimum wage. In between the struggles, my mom managed to gather funds to send to an army boarding school in Pakistan for a short while because she felt that perhaps I’d find much needed solace there.

But I was only 9 years old and she couldn’t handle being away from me so I returned after a short period. It was a surreal experience in Pakistan, I’d awake at 4am for prayer and then we all had to go for a jog at 4.30am with two teachers running behind us with sticks if we slowed down, then we’d all assemble in the basketball court for the national anthem as the Pakistan flag was raised. Paaak Seeh Zaameeeen Shaaaa baaaah ishwareeh haseeeh shaaahhh baaah ohhh naneh inah wanah shaaa ayeh Pakistan Paaaak Seeh Zameeeh Shaaa bah, great stuff! Gives me goosebumps, much like God Save the Queen but I only know the chorus for that one. Our lessons would then begin at 8am after our scheduled breakfast, I’d get into fights daily because the other kids were a bit hostile towards Brummies; don’t think they like us but then again who does?

Things eased a little when I was fostered by an old English lady, I didn’t want that to happen and couldn’t bare to be away from my mom but had no choice. I’d often run away from my adopted home to be with my mom but she’d tell me that it’s for the best, it was really hard but I could still visit her. It was beyond me the amount of love my foster mom gave me, in fact it’s an insult to call her my foster mom because she treated me like her own son, I was devastated when she passed away when I was still a teen. After that I was practically all on my own, it lead me to a dark place and I have certain regrets but never allowed myself to be consumed by the trials of life. Besides I was the one who my family depended on and I couldn’t be selfish.

Despite missing so many important phases of my education I never gave up, in between I was suffering from various mental health related problems and learning disabilities but didn’t know at the time and soldiered through. Eventually, after my secondary education ended I managed to get into a top 10 university in the country after 6 years of blood, sweat and tears bah gawd I had my Wrestlemania moment! The boyhood dream came true for the bear! it was a much needed breakthrough, bit like winning a WWE championship but yeah I could probably lose it within a couple of seconds of graduating given how competitive the damn market is! But the Heart Break Bear is a DOOR MAT for absolutely NOBODY! I am the SHOWSTOPPA! THE HEADLINEER! THE PAROSI SLAYER!

Many folk make fun of pro-wrestling but man along with my love for reading fiction and comics it helped ease a great deal of pain growing up, never mind all the times we layeth the smackaaadown on India’s caaandyyyyy peach! It’s always a joy to watch Virat Kohli in all his glory on a batting paradise as well these days, very very therapeutic besides Rahat Ali’s bowling. : What makes you tick?

Shaz619 : The Challenge of life itself and just surviving in general, it’s my goal to be a good role model for the people in the second city and make them believe that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and never GIVE UP! HUSTLE! LOYALTY! RESPECT! What I’ve also learned through my experiences is to hate the action and not the individual because it is through love, understanding and support that we can overcome the hurdles we face. : Why is your nickname 'the bear'?

Shaz619 : It originated from my gimmick as a bare knuckled boxer, it was one of my undercover part-time jobs as a teen. My biggest strength was that I could really take a good beating, bit like those Pakistanis you keep wacking with a danda and they keep getting up for more which made me very popular, became a bit of a cult underdog. It was very hard to knock me flat out which had the crowds calling me the bear. It was great! A bigger crowd meant more money for me! I had a decent right cross still.

What I’d do prior to the battle was head-butt the wall to emphasise my ruthless aggression and “crazy” persona but really it was all just mind games to throw my opponent off when really I may have wet me pants on a number of occasions out of fear. Looking back I was a desperate lad and perhaps it’s something I shouldn’t have done, it probably wasn’t worth it thinking about the beatings I took so thank god for free health care!


The Bear nickname would stick being someone who was very lovable and cuddly, whenever someone had any issues at school they would come to me for help and I would be the one to arrange parlay when different groups would decide to have a duel! I was very good at defusing the situation. It was a great school but with plenty of issues when I entered and on the brink of closing down after an ofsted inspection but an Irish Knight would turn things around because he understood our nature. You know, it’s easy to blame an individual when they sin but often we really don’t have an idea with regards to the ground realities and the root causes. : Do you believe in a Higher Power?

Shaz619 : I believe in the Phenom. : What's your most cherished memory as a Pakistan cricket fan?

Shaz619 : I’d say being in attendance at Edgbaston in 2010 during an IT20 game vs Australia, Shoaib Akhtar was making another comeback and the fans in my part of the stands were giving him a bit of stick! And then he’d take a wicket which sent me into an absolute frenzy! I went crazy! Ric Flair Crazy! Honestly, you got to be there to experience it but nothing compares to Shoaib Akhtar running in to bowl as we oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'ed

The electricity Akhtar creates at the ground is absolutely unprecedented, it truly is a sight to behold; it makes you feel like you’re running in with him. Besides that I’d say the 1999 WC and the LIME GREEN! It was EVERYWHERE, unfortunately the players got a bit greedy in the final didn’t they! My uncle told me all about it! Always trusted me Uncle Behwahkootif and his highly regarded PHD, private hired driver; yeah every expat in Birminam is a cabbie hehe.

The Summer of 2009 was special and Mohammad Asif making Ed Joyce look like a village cricketer in an ODI game which the bear attended in 2006. : Do you think that Pakistan's LOI team is capable of winning any trophy soon? (CT 2017, WT20 2018, WC 2019)

Shaz619 : 100% I have faith we can win the tournament in 2019, we have around 2 years until the tournament and if we work hard now to formulate an ideal XI which we work with in order to orchestrate some consistency and stability we will be unstoppable. Am sorry but talent does exist in Pakistan, the problem is that we refuse to nurture, develop and identify it. The PCB and management have some tough decisions to make ahead of them. : What did you make of India’s tour of Pakistan in 2004?

Shaz619 : India exploited the turbulent Pakistan camp, shenanigans behind the scenes and excessive injuries in the squad; it also didn’t help Pakistan that they were missing Younis Khan. However, the series was historic given how long it had been since India last visited the Lions den due to politics and the players did the business on the pitch and maintained the spirit of cricket which was great. : What are your views about the conduct of Pakistani cricket players on social media?

Shaz619 : Absolutely brilliant! It’s the forward thinking the game desperately needs! Gimmicks sell tickets, who’d not want to come watch a grape fruit eating, green lip stick wearing social media icon smash a few out the park!! : Why do you think some Pakistani fans are so disrespectful towards Younis Khan?

Shaz619 : I think that Younis Khan is a very pretty individual inside and out, sometimes when you’re one hell of a specimen; small males tend to envy you. Same reason why no one likes Brummies. Not only that, it doesn’t sit well with them that Khan is highly successful in his field of expertise. Haters will Keep Hating, but Legends keep Legending!

WOOO! :yk2

flair-strut.gif : Why do you think interest in cricket in the UK is declining and what can be done to revive participation?

Shaz619 : In all honesty I think it’s on the upcline! We often are led to believe that there is a decline given how popular football is in the country, I know! I know! It’s beyond me why any human would want to chase a ball like a junglee and call it a sport but it makes grown British men emotional a lot more than Eastenders. If we forget about Football for a second then cricket is not doing so badly in terms of popularity amongst the public.

Among others, we have 25 Premier leagues which are supported by the ECB, they comprise the top echelons of the amateur and recreational game of cricket in England and are a fantastic slingshot for entry into the FC level. When it comes to interest levels the love for the sport is there! But one of the biggest problems has been a lack of funding when it comes to grassroots cricket; there are many clubs who are not affiliated to the ECB and have been experiencing immense financial difficulty, when such clubs are forced to close down the locals in that particular region are unable to further their cricketing ambitions.

On the other hand, a bit more needs to be done as far as school cricket is concerned. My school won the Docker Shield on pure raw talent, there was no real infrastructure in place to support our campaign. our coach did not have a clue, we trained mostly in the park where we’d try to find a spot where the damn grass wasn’t so long, we had no helmet, a cricket bat which some uncle bought one of the kids from Pakistan when his friend over there got tired of using it on one the naughty bache and a pair of gloves and pads which we’d share between two batsman by wearing one glove and one pad each! What drove us was a strong desire to destroy the rich daddy’s boys who went to the Grammar School with superior facilities, better coaching, equipment and a wicket which deserved FC status.

There are School cricket associations in various regions but they’re not doing enough to support students when it comes to their cricket and basic necessities beyond regulating tournament games, it would also be great for the ECB to ensure the coaches have the adequate qualifications. For example, in order to coach young kids and adults of 13+ years a UKCC Level 2 is an ECB coach award which is required as the bare minimum; such qualifications are mostly held by the coaches who work at ECB affiliated cricket clubs but there is no such requirement when it comes to school cricket or clubs which do not participate in ECB affiliated leagues.

Furthermore, weekend club cricket games are just too long! I’d like to give an example of a relative of mine who was incredibly talented but had to give up cricket in order to be available for work on the weekends. In the Birmingham league, games are 55 overs per side and the toss is usually around 12:30pm and depending on where the game is being played you may have to leave home around 10:30am and you get back home around 8pm. New start times and shorter matches will be vital to ensure the development of cricket at the grass root level because the talent and interest is there! Not everyone is in a position to completely focus on cricket unless they’re born with a silver spoon in their mouth like Baby Root and live in those big houses with 20 toilets. Moeen Ali is the exception, not the rule! The Beard was never so mighty and glorious, it took many a sacrifice, pain and £1 chicken and chips with chilly/mayo to transform from this:


to this:

54690556-bf83-4cfa-b4a9-ed2b1abf8ce9.jpg : Who is your favourite player on the Pakistan cricket team? Who is your all-time favourite sportsman or woman and why?

Shaz619 : It would have to be Sharjeel Khan in the ODI team, I usually go to bed after he gets out. In the Test team it’s the Champion, the OMEGA and ALPHA! The one and only Younis KING Khan. Yeah sure many of you dislike him due to him being a “Drama Queen” or because he slapped a fan, but this Drama Queen is an all-time great and our best Test Batsman and we need to massage his ego here and there because he deserves it! Man, if I was in his shoes I’d go all out, I’d hold the PCB hostage over not including me in the T20 team and would demand a position on the selectors committee as well, I’d never retire! No one can replace me.

With regards to the famous slap which Khan allegedly gave a fan, I say MASHALLAH EXCELLENT! It may have been one of those brave kids who managed to get the courage to say “UAE” Khan to Younis’s face who was forced to discipline them and point out how he was involved in 7 of Pakistan's 9 away wins since making his debut and averages 114 across 5 of those wins in countries which include New Zealand, South Africa, West Indies and England.

It is beyond me the level of disrespect Khan receives even more so as he edges towards the end of his career and the 10K runs mark, we all make various mistakes on a personal level but they don’t define us. Often when we fall people always focus on that one negative rather than all the good you did, it’s such a cruel world and I despise the false sense of self-righteousness. Besides mental fortitude on the cricketing pitch I believe it is incredibly important off it, there was a period in Younis Khan’s life where he’d lose two brothers, a sister, his father and Bob Woolmer but he never allowed those tragedies to consume him; I found this inspiring when dealing with my own issues because it wasn’t easy losing loved ones and being all alone. Khan’s mental strength is just exceptional, it is cliché to say this but he is a thoroughbred fighter and a gift for Pakistan cricket. Likewise Misbah is another hero of mine because beyond his cricket achievements he is a great example to all of us to be the best version of ourselves and the person we are expected to be, that shining light and symbol of hope amid all the doom and gloom.

My all-time favourite Pakistan cricketer is none other than the Rawalpindi express, for me he embodies Pakistan cricket at its best and worst; he is the reason why I fell in love with cricket and just like there is only one Mike Tyson, there will never be another quiet like Shoaib Akhtar. The SPEED, the CHARISMA, the CONTROVERSIES, the HAIRCUT and that BOX OFFICE STAR POWER all combined in one just made him the complete package. He was incredibly gifted and it is unfortunate that off field issues derailed his career in addition to his selfish obsession with bowling quick.

However, across all sports I’d say Muhammad Ali, Amir Khan, Naseem Hamed, Moeen Ali and Shawn Michaels are my all-time favourite. Muhammad Ali, not just for his exploits in the ring but beyond it; he stood up for his people and his beliefs with little concern for the backlash at the time and career ramifications. Moeen Ali because he’s a Brummie hero who is a great role model for all of us and inspiration in overcoming the hurdles we face, Mo for me is the embodiment of everything beautiful about modern Britain. Shawn Michaels because he is pro-wrestling’s greatest in-ring performer and another great role model who overcame a dark period in his life to resurrect his soul.

Naseem Hamed for being arguably the most influential featherweight in history given the attention he bought to the lower weight classes and being the greatest fighter we have ever seen in Britain, his charisma and exciting style made for compelling viewing. Amir Khan for his services to sport and charity.

Finally, shout out to Ronda Rousey as well for taking female combat sport to the main stream. : Why are you such a big wrestling fan, how did it all start? Do you remember what match/show got you hooked on wrestling?

Shaz619 : Back in the late 90’s pro-wrestling was very much a part of pop culture, I once asked myself the same question; how did it all start? Then I had flash back memories of myself sitting in front of a telly watching a channel 4 graphic “WWF RAW is WAR” so I must have been around 5 years old then its my earliest memory of wrestling. In those days pro-wrestling was unavoidable it was everywhere! From the stores to the mosque! I use to give stickers of The Rock to the elder lads so they’d not snitch on me for being naughty to the Molvi Saab who put them in charge while he had some fish and chips. He was a bit of a wrestling fan himself and enjoyed performing the powerbomb on us here and there, I once reversed one of his moves into an ankle lock but he wouldn’t tap out and I ended up being punished with a Kendo Stick.

My love for wrestling stemmed from the Monday Night Wars between WCW and RAW, was a huge fan of The Rock, Undertaker, Kane, Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Hollywood Hogan and Sting. We were all so terrified of Kane back then and often wondered what he looked like behind the mask, the internet was just taking off and we’d search for him and it made us laugh when this image would appear:


We never believed that was him :)) : How do you manage to sustain interest in wrestling when everything looks so cheesy and staged? Or is there another side to wrestling that I'm not able to see?

Shaz619 : Growing up it was such a great escape for me, it was like being in a fantasy realm where everything was so beautiful and perfect in the world apart from the time when Undertaker tried to crucify Stephanie MeekMan! Thankfully Stone Cold saved her, alhamdullilah. This love I had for the industry as a youngster remained with me throughout my life and I remained hooked throughout, many switched to MMA when they found out it was staged but for me it didn’t matter because wrestling was like a soap opera, it was about enchanting characters and story telling which combined all the fighting styles and genre’s in the world to create a unique spectacle and experience.

RAW and Smackdown are not different to any other episodic TV show in terms of how I classify them for me. I admit that in terms of storytelling and product ethos things have not been perfect consistently but the positives out weight the negatives, it’s a bit like Game of Thrones you have a couple of great episodes to start off with then filler filler filler and BANG! The finishing stretch of the season tends to be brilliant. Pro-Wrestling is very similar.

However, sports entertainment combines elements of fiction and non-fiction to create compelling TV. For example, you have a popular character on RAW who is a bit of an underdog, is always getting screwed and after years of pain/sacrifice finally wins the world title on the grandest stage of them all at Wrestlemania. But he also has a backstory in reality, it may have taken him 10 years of toiling on the independent circuit before he made it to the WWE, during that period he rarely spent time with his family, got paid peanuts for what he did, was screwed by various promoters, slept in his car or on the street at times to save money and ate out of tuna cans.

Not everyone makes it to the WWE to secure a guaranteed money contract and often spend years doing what they love in high school gyms at times before crowds of 10 people before managing to get themselves a breakthrough. When we see such characters in the WWE finally make it there are so many storyline possibilities and when the wrestler in question manages to win you’re emotionally invested in a way which is not possible on any other platform be it a TV Show or a Movie ! sure I may have cried a couple of times when SRK was dying repeatedly in Kal Hoh Na Ho or when an Indian man was kind enough to give a Pakistani woman a lift to Pakistan what was that movie called again? But not on the level of Chris Benoit and Eddie Gurrero hugging it out at Wrestlemania 20 or Mrs Elizabeth reuniting with her one true love the Macho Man Randy Savage when she saved him from that snake called Sherri Martel who was kicking him while he was on the floor!

And yes it is staged but when the wrestlers take bumps it is very painful due to little ring floor padding which is mostly plywood. The wrestlers also have to endure a gruelling weekly schedule 300+ days a year and they get no off season. It is also frightening that they’re not always in control during a match because anything could go wrong when you’re performing a stunt and the end result could potentially be fatal and they also need to rely on their opponent to ensure their safety. : If you had to choose between cricket and wrestling, what would you choose? Why?

Shaz619 : I refuse to answer this question, I want my lawyer! Where is [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] when you need him! : Do you see any British Pakistani Pro boxers doing well in the future? Amir Khan has been around for nearly 15 years now since he was 17 and hardly any Brit Pakistani has come through on the same level as him at the minimum - What is the reason for this?

Shaz619 : Amir Khan was special but many don’t realise how hard he worked. Boxing is incredibly tough on every level imaginable, it’s almost a metaphor for life itself and requires the utmost dedication in order to be successful. A number of sacrifices need to be made along the way and at times your education can be compromised beyond the secondary stage. Khan was just 8 years old when he entered a boxing gym and ever since has given the sport his entire focus, what had also helped him along the way was a great support system; his father and uncle would drive him around the country for various amateur bouts and never prevented him from progressing further given Khan’s love for boxing and determination.

Thanks to Khan’s triumph at the Olympics the sport generated interest in general which was not just limited to British Pakistani’s, the Olympic boxing team for the 2008 games also benefited from funding which the sport had not received before and ever since GB have won more medals than ever post baby Amir’s triumph aged just 17 in 2004 as the sole representative of team GB. Speaking of British Pakistani’s, there have been many around the country who have taken up the sport since 2004 but very few will make it to the pro level just like any other field unless they have a genuine career aspiration to be a boxer, a good support system and are willing to put in the work.

However, look out for Qais Ashfaq and Muhammad Ali who recently represented Team GB in Boxing at the Olympics in Rio recently; they did not medal but to make it to the Olympic stage in itself is an incredible achievement and is proof of ability. Both cite Amir as their inspiration and have potential to be champions in the future. With regards to those who may be interested in talents from Pakistan, watch out for Muhammad Waseem! He has made a terrific start to his pro career and has all the tools to be Pakistan’s first boxing world champion no thanks to the sports bodies in his country. : Mike Tyson vs Muhammad Ali in their primes. Who wins?

Shaz619 : I don’t think there is a single HW in history that can beat the Muhammad Ali which fought Cleveland Williams, Tyson may have a chance against the Ali who had lost 4 years of his prime given that he had slowed down but even then it would be tough as Foreman found out! Tyson is slightly underrated given his performances in the 90’s but for those who watched him in his prime during the 80’s would agree that he did not fight in the same manner, he had given up the peek-a-boo boxing style, did not move his head, rarely trained adequately or had a proper training camp, lost his influential trainer Kevin Rooney due to politics in the 80’s, was exploited by Don King and lacked guidance after his beloved Cus D'Amato passed away who took him in when he had no one and turned him into an exceptional fighter. : Watching Mike Tyson live at ringside in his prime, on a big night or spectating at a high-profile Pakistan World Cup game in the 90's, possibly a final, which ONE would you choose and why?

Shaz619 : Mike Tyson because watching Pakistan is not good for your health as it is, a final would be too much for me to handle. I'd just pray with my mom and try to figure out which strategy we shall be using for the rest of the game after the first 5 overs, 1) the keep watching because we're taking wickets or scoring runs strategy 2) avoid the telly completely and hide in another room because it helps Pakistan perform better. : Since you are always eating (read stress eating) when watching cricket, what is your favourite cuisine and can you handle spicy Pakistani food?

Shaz619 : I’d say so but it would have to be medium spicy! I love me some Chicken Karahi, Keema Karahi and Lamb Biryani; nothing can beat Pakistani cuisine. I also love Keema and Cheese Samosas and those big Afghani family naan breads, can have one all to myself, I don’t like sharing. :ashwin : Your top 5 films and why?

Shaz619 :

1. Memento

You really want to know why?

Director Christopher Nolan takes the intricacy of a psychological thriller flick to a whole new level depicting it perfectly in modern film noir. Its unique use of a non-linear narrative ensures it will live in the heads of viewers for a long time to come.

The intriguing plot focuses on Leonard’s struggle to find the killer of his wife and avenging her death. It doesn’t stop right there, Leonard suffers from a rare form of amnesia which means his short term memory is severely flawed due to him not being able to recall recent memories, as a result he must take regular photos/notes and even get tattoos on his body reminding him of everything going on around him in his daily life in pursuit of the killer.

Expecting the unexpected is a big understatement in this movie, all logical solutions seem illogical and vice versa, enemies may well be friends and those who seem trustworthy to Leonard could be taking advantage of his condition. Just when you think this gripping tale is about to unfold you will immediately be stunned by the never ending twists which is achieved unconventionally by Nolan, the same scene is shown from different points of view in reverse chronological order muddling with your perceptions.

The plot is presented in two distinct form of sequences, colour sequences are shown in reverse chronological order whilst the black and white scenes are shown chronologically. Both merge in the epic finale achieving a common story which the viewer will solve.

From start to finish Nolan’s breakthrough Memento keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, Guy Pearce’s portrayal of Leonard is fantastic whilst Carrie and Joe also Justify their roles perfectly but don’t expect them to be Oscar worthy. Memento is like a song you love listening to without understanding its lyrical content, once the lyrics makes sense the surprise of its meaning sets the motion picture ablaze again and again.

The overall rating of this classic psychological thriller is unquestionable and I personally believe it is the best in the genre. It has won numerous awards, was a success at the box office and Nolan’s work was most notably acknowledged by the Academy Awards with nominations for Original Screenplay and Film Editing.

GOLD award from the Bear, 10 ksi's / 10.


Wow, can't believe I wrote that review for Memento. The bear doesn't have a life:yk2

2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

It made me feel like being insane was actually very normal.

3. The Seven Samurai

This was absolutely epic! Nothing quite like 7 Aston Villa fans saving the world from Bandit City.

4. The Matrix

It enabled me to get high without kuffir business. Also, Brum is brilliant but you often wonder what it’s like on the other side? After watching the Matrix I didn’t feel the need to explore beyond the wall, my curiosities were fulfilled during the movie when I’d have an out of body experience.

5. Mother India

A beautiful movie which emphasised the importance of our moms and the sacrifices they make. Robert once said that true love is giving everything and not expecting anything back in return and I’d like to think that if there is a concept of love which exists in this world it is that between a mother and her child. : Who would you choose to play yourself in a movie on your life?

Shaz619 : Umar Akmal. : If you were to time travel, which era or time period would you travel to and why?

Shaz619 : The Dawn of time, I think I’d fit in nicely with all the animals. Also, it would be great to ask Adam and Eve a couple of questions. : Favorite posters on PP?

Shaz619 : I have so many, apologise if I miss out anyone! Markhor is such a great fountain of knowledge, KingKhanWC is another excellent poster who is very knowledgeable with regards to current affairs, Adil_94 provides amazing insight when it comes to History, Red Devil has that typical Pindi humour and common sense, Captain Bribery is a legend he is the true parosi slayer not me and very sensible across all discussions, love a bit of banter with street cricketer, love how chilled out JaDed is, Robert is another intelligent poster and it's always great to get his perspective given his experiences. Lahori and Amjid Javed are great to chat to about cricket or boxing.

TalentSpotter is great at picking up on youngster beauties, if only we had year end awards, I'd give Junaids the award for the most thought provoking and innovative ideas.

Others include:

TM Riddle
Blinding Light
96 NotOut
aliasad1998 (movie expert)
Donal Cozzie
Just Crazy
Square Drive
Red Devil
Big Mac

Captain Bribery's India XI :stokes : How did you first come across PP?

Shaz619 : It may have been through a google search or an article which quoted PakPassion, from then onwards I’d be a lurker until an essay competition forced me to sign up. Being someone who loves writing, I thought I’d give it a go! : Your love-affair with PP; What drives it? What makes PP special for you?

Shaz619 : Being able to communicate with distinct characters from various backgrounds on a variety of topics is a luxury we often take for granted, PakPassion is not just a brilliant cricket forum but an amazing learning tool which can broaden your general knowledge beyond sport. We often agree on a couple of things and disagree more often than not but that’s the beauty of discussion and the essence of a family unit which is what I see PakPassion as one big FAMILY!
Great interview.

Btw - loved reading about your background and upbringing. Fair to say you have been through a lot of experiences and have a unique background but that is what makes YOU.

P.S. what will be the Wrestlemania main event this year?
Great interview.

Btw - loved reading about your background and upbringing. Fair to say you have been through a lot of experiences and have a unique background but that is what makes YOU.


What a great read - thanks for being so candid.
Wow wow wow. :raja

One of the ATG interviews. Reading your story, man I had mixed emotions. You've been through a lot and nobody can from the way you post, always shughal and cheerful.

Wish you all the best in life ahead.

And thanks for the mention. :baelish
Brilliant interview.

I agree with Hawkeye , would never of guessed what you have been through by the way you post. You always post in details about subjects you know, which are always interesting to read.

I was also at the 2010 T20 games v Aus at Edgbaston, the atmosphere was electric, very similar to being at a footie match in England. I think there were only a handful of Aussie supporters who didn't make much noise. Umar Gul's reverse swinging Yorker to Hussey is still imprinted on my mind.

Also I agree, nobody likes us Brummies lol.
Love your posting style. Also you have been through quite a fair bit in your life and it is heartening to know that you still are quite jolly and mazakiyaa..
Good interview, buddy. Hope you get to see a lot of happiness in the remainder of your life, InshAllah.

We share three common loves. Ali, Moeen and Michaels. Two of them are the greatest in what they did. The third not quite but he's still a legend.
Man I came into this interview expecting the typical aggressive OTT shaz kinda fair I've come to know and love. Finished reading his first answer and I'm actually completely gobsmacked and dare I say even inspired.

Haven't even read any further and already a legendary interview. Take a bow son.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] You missed me hahahaha :D

Jokes apart, great and honest interview. Quite amazed by what you have gone through but very happy that you have overcome everything and hope that you remain cheerful for the rest of your life. Thanx for sharing your thoughts and life.
Brilliant interview. Very moving life story and you have earned my respect. Thank you for the mention and good luck for the life ahead.
One of the more inspiring interviews that I've read. The answer to the first question makes it worth it and puts many things into perspective.

Also thanks for answering my question. I was a sucker for the Pokemon, the Dragon ball Z, the Jackie Chan adventures and the monday night RAW (hated Smackdown for some reason) when I was growing up. But lost interest in quickly when I knew it all was staged. Nice to hear a different perspective from a hardcore wrestling fan.
Lovely story, one more reason to love PP for me.

Shaz I greatly admire and respect your courage, you had a tough childhood but did not let yourself slip into the dark pathway. You stayed positive which was not easy. Best wishes and prayers for your health and happiness.
The best PP member interview I've read from the best friend I've made on Pakpassion. Love you, bro. Keep slaying. :kohli
Bah gawd, what an interview! Have known Shaz for a long time but even I didn't have any clue about some of the stuff in this interview. Truly inspiring and amazing story!
These kinda story inspires you - no matter how gloomy things look if you have right attitude towards your problems, you will be happy.

Shaz, you are the most emotionally strong lad I've ever came across. :bow:
Great interview!!!always enjoy your posts you are one of my favourite poster
Woah Shazzy bro that was so unexpected,remarkable interview hope universe thrusts happiness upon you ,even if u you don't want it!

Amazing read couldn't have guessed about your Dad.
What an interview!!!!! Respect x 1000

Love you man!!
Woww you have been through a lot bro. Good to see that your still so positive. Inshallah the rest of your life is filled with happiness.

Thanks for the mention.
Fantastic interview from one of my favourite posters.

Got quite emotional reading about your background but great to know you're still so cheerful.

Keep it up bro and thanks for the s/o!
A moving interview and probably the best yet.

**** 3/4, it wasn't conducted in Tokyo Dome.
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I don't think I've ever made any secret of the fact that I love [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] to bits. But I had no idea that he had come through such adversity - my respect really knows no bounds now. I really admire the guy.

I'm a psychiatrist though, and the only mental health issue that I have ever discerned is his delusion that Birmingham is the second city, when clearly Manchester is. :)
Terrific interview, my friend! You're such a lively guy which is so amazing. Now, even more so considering all that you've been through. Kudos to you for never giving up but importantly, I'm so happy you continued your education despite all the nefarious predicaments. I would've never been able to do that.

However, we love you Brummies here in Pakistan, or any other pomms for that matter. :ashwin:shezzy:afridi1
Great interview. One of the funniest posters and also very diverse n knowledgeable

such a detailed answer to my qs too. Amazin life story. Respect!
Great interview. While Bret Hart was my first hero in pro wrestling, I soon started being more of a Shawn Michaels fan. Although Bret too is in my list of favorites. Shawn Michaels is my favorite performer of all time as well.
have to admit, the best interview so far on PP.

that first answer makes me thank god for all the ease in my're a fighter!!!
wah..great brother.....your story of hardships you faces is inspiration for is tough but you have to be firm at the end of the day everthing can be ok....wish i could have that much metal strength ..
Thank you so much guys for the kind words! very overwhelming didn't know what to expect :)) Thought it would be nice to share a personal side with PP having spent a fair amount of time on this great forum
Brilliant interview.

I agree with Hawkeye , would never of guessed what you have been through by the way you post. You always post in details about subjects you know, which are always interesting to read.

I was also at the 2010 T20 games v Aus at Edgbaston, the atmosphere was electric, very similar to being at a footie match in England. I think there were only a handful of Aussie supporters who didn't make much noise. Umar Gul's reverse swinging Yorker to Hussey is still imprinted on my mind.

Also I agree, nobody likes us Brummies lol.

It was an incredible atmosphere! there were a fair amount of England fans in my stand who were supporting Pakistan and they said to me that it was the best atmosphere they had ever experienced at a cricket game. Yeah very few aussies :)) I went to the 2nd game missed out on Umar Akmal's special knock in the first game, I believe the green lipstick made the debut in that game as well :akhtar
Man I came into this interview expecting the typical aggressive OTT shaz kinda fair I've come to know and love. Finished reading his first answer and I'm actually completely gobsmacked and dare I say even inspired.

Haven't even read any further and already a legendary interview. Take a bow son.

I read this post thinking wait until he reads the remaining responses :))) Cheers once again mate
Great interview.

Btw - loved reading about your background and upbringing. Fair to say you have been through a lot of experiences and have a unique background but that is what makes YOU.

P.S. what will be the Wrestlemania main event this year?

Cheers buddy, It's hard to say at this stage but it's very likely at least one senior will be featured in the match :afridi
Brilliant interview. Very moving life story and you have earned my respect. Thank you for the mention and good luck for the life ahead.

Cheers mate! wish you the best as well

The best PP member interview I've read from the best friend I've made on Pakpassion. Love you, bro. Keep slaying. :kohli

I like how Anchorman conveniently doesn't point out that I forgot to include him in me list of favourite posters :))) he's going to give me the cold shoulder for months, cheers for the kind words; I post frequently in the sports section but Anchorman's knowledge doesn't get enough credit his insights into MMA are great
wah..great brother.....your story of hardships you faces is inspiration for is tough but you have to be firm at the end of the day everthing can be ok....wish i could have that much metal strength ..

u forgot to name MHHS ..he is such a good poster..

@MHHS is definitely one of my favourite posters and [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION] forgot to include these guys :))

It's no big deal brother, there are folk who have had it a lot worse; life is too short to focus on the negatives overly and once we've come to terms with them we should focus on the things within our control then in the long run our perseverance will pay off god willing
A moving interview and probably the best yet.

**** 3/4, it wasn't conducted in Tokyo Dome.

:))) :mv AmanMeltzer with his trademark ratings, we're still feuding! don't break kayfabe, typical Japan talunt :yk
I don't think I've ever made any secret of the fact that I love [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] to bits. But I had no idea that he had come through such adversity - my respect really knows no bounds now. I really admire the guy.

I'm a psychiatrist though, and the only mental health issue that I have ever discerned is his delusion that Birmingham is the second city, when clearly Manchester is. :)

I demand your credentials immediately! you'd never get certified beyond Munchester!
Great interview. While Bret Hart was my first hero in pro wrestling, I soon started being more of a Shawn Michaels fan. Although Bret too is in my list of favorites. Shawn Michaels is my favorite performer of all time as well.

I'd say Bret and Shawn fans mainly feuded in the 90's for obvious reasons :)) Am a huge fan of all the high profile HBK rivals and was a huge fan of Bret as well, enjoyed his run once he crossed the pond as well
Good interview, buddy. Hope you get to see a lot of happiness in the remainder of your life, InshAllah.

We share three common loves. Ali, Moeen and Michaels. Two of them are the greatest in what they did. The third not quite but he's still a legend.

Thanks buddy wish you well to god willing. I didn't know you were a big fan of Michaels :)) thought it was Punk? Yeah, Moeen got a lot of hard work to reach that status but as it stands for me he's the most valuable player across all formats at the international level which speaks volumes for how far he has come.
Fantastic interview from one of my favourite posters.

Got quite emotional reading about your background but great to know you're still so cheerful.

Keep it up bro and thanks for the s/o!

Same here, you know the bear has always loved the baby drive! much like most of these posters whom I argue with at times :))
It was an incredible atmosphere! there were a fair amount of England fans in my stand who were supporting Pakistan and they said to me that it was the best atmosphere they had ever experienced at a cricket game. Yeah very few aussies :)) I went to the 2nd game missed out on Umar Akmal's special knock in the first game, I believe the green lipstick made the debut in that game as well :akhtar

I also went to that game. what a atmosphere.

great interview brother.
I also went to that game. what a atmosphere.

great interview brother.

I also attended the semi-final at Nottingham during the 2009 World T20 and the atmosphere at Edgbaston during that game in 2010 was better in terms of how crazy the fans were throughout
Interesting read... and wishing you the best for the rest of your life.
Same here, you know the bear has always loved the baby drive! much like most of these posters whom I argue with at times :))


Feeling's completely mutual, and my respect for Shazzy Bear only increased after this interview. #SpiritSquad :afridi
Wow, didn't expect this when I came into this thread, very inspirational story. Great interview, I've always enjoyed your posts, best of luck for the future man, being a brummie myself, It was great to read.
Great interview. Very inspirational. Thanks for including me as one of your favourite posters. You are one of my favourites too.
Not many would have the courage to share their personal experiences as such publicly. Hats off.

Feeling's completely mutual, and my respect for Shazzy Bear only increased after this interview. #SpiritSquad :afridi

Waisay who else is in the spirit squad?

I seem to remember [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] - anyone else?
Tough upbringing and good to hear there is light at the end of tunnel.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but once you graduate and get a high paying job, will you live with your mother again?

Or is she with you right now?
Tough upbringing and good to hear there is light at the end of tunnel.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but once you graduate and get a high paying job, will you live with your mother again?

Or is she with you right now?

That is the goal god willing
Not many would have the courage to share their personal experiences as such publicly. Hats off.

Initially had written a lot more but cut it down as I was unsure what to expect but overwhelmed by the response
Waisay who else is in the spirit squad?

I seem to remember [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] - anyone else?

[MENTION=136079]ahmedwaqas92[/MENTION] as well.

We kicked out Talha, there's a spot remaining. Trial by combat between [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] and any other poster who wants to challenge the pindi panther :akhtar
Wow, didn't expect this when I came into this thread, very inspirational story. Great interview, I've always enjoyed your posts, best of luck for the future man, being a brummie myself, It was great to read.

Enjoy your posts to apart from the ones where my beloved Villa is humiliated :)))
What a knockout interview .... jaw to the floor after the reading the response to first question. Respect to you for overcoming such adversary and not getting lost in the system that ends up destroying lives.

Hope the universe is kind in future and deals you a better hand.
I always thought shaz was US or canada based, because his english was more like north american.

Damn hes just another ordinary brit.

I couldnt read the whole interview, but your first question answer was really enjoyable to read and thanks for sharing that stuff with us.

I could understand how someone bought up in the foreign lands, is thrown in with the pakistani awaam in the army.

You could be disliked for being a brit, or be assumed rich and be disliked or disliked for being a polite fellow....

If you dont mind me asking, the state made you to be with foster parents or was it your moms decision?

Also, are living with your mom back again now?
Waisay who else is in the spirit squad?

I seem to remember [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] - anyone else?
[MENTION=77713]reddevil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136079]ahmedwaqas92[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - the spirit squad will never die!!

Shaz - you wish you could kick me out. That's like NWO kicking out Hulk Hogan :yk2

I love how I made your list of favourite posters....twice!

I love you too bear #TheBigDawg
[MENTION=137148]Rayyman[/MENTION] - chill out mate. Will let you know when a spots available.
I always thought shaz was US or canada based, because his english was more like north american.

Damn hes just another ordinary brit.

I couldnt read the whole interview, but your first question answer was really enjoyable to read and thanks for sharing that stuff with us.

I could understand how someone bought up in the foreign lands, is thrown in with the pakistani awaam in the army.

You could be disliked for being a brit, or be assumed rich and be disliked or disliked for being a polite fellow....

If you dont mind me asking, the state made you to be with foster parents or was it your moms decision?

Also, are living with your mom back again now?

Not at the moment, hope to after the education is completed god willing
[MENTION=77713]reddevil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136079]ahmedwaqas92[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - the spirit squad will never die!!

Shaz - you wish you could kick me out. That's like NWO kicking out Hulk Hogan :yk2

I love how I made your list of favourite posters....twice!

I love you too bear #TheBigDawg
[MENTION=137148]Rayyman[/MENTION] - chill out mate. Will let you know when a spots available.

I had to include The Tallu twice to make him look strong :afridi

:)) Tallu beats Rayman in a squash match to keep his place in the squad
[MENTION=77713]reddevil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136079]ahmedwaqas92[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - the spirit squad will never die!!

Shaz - you wish you could kick me out. That's like NWO kicking out Hulk Hogan :yk2

I love how I made your list of favourite posters....twice!

I love you too bear #TheBigDawg
[MENTION=137148]Rayyman[/MENTION] - chill out mate. Will let you know when a spots available.

I had to include The Tallu twice to make him look strong :afridi

:)) Tallu beats Rayman in a squash match to keep his place in the squad

OK I guess I will just have to make my way to the (Wrist) Slitting Squad.

Fascinating interview, probably the best I have read on this forum and I found your first answer completely inspiring and very happy to know that you have risen against all the odds and succeeded. Best of luck for the future!

Thanks also for the mention; you are one of my favourite posters to read too, particularly in the SC forum and on films.

Fascinating interview, probably the best I have read on this forum and I found your first answer completely inspiring and very happy to know that you have risen against all the odds and succeeded. Best of luck for the future!

Thanks also for the mention; you are one of my favourite posters to read too, particularly in the SC forum and on films.

Thanks mate still a long way to go we have to keep fighting! have always respected you and what you stand for as a person. God willing you achieve your goals and ambitions to.

Haroon786 is a bit underrated as a poster, top top lad very intelligent
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OK I guess I will just have to make my way to the (Wrist) Slitting Squad.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] - this is who you were thinking of inducting into the Spirit Squad in my place? Someone who - at the drop of a dime - goes banging and clanging to make his own Anti-Spirit Squad :sanga
A great read. Very candid interview left no bears unturned. Hope all is well now all the best champ.
Wow that was a humbling read.

Congrats on being a fantastic human being [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]