is your use of word parameter same as it is in technical fields?
No. Incorrect. The Loose canon is. you are mistaken. find the true path and follow the correct prophet bobby henderson.
sure. whatever you say.
I'm stunned. the noah story which was around in the area for probably 1000 years in mentioned in Quran? Who would have thunk it?
@Stewie help me out here bro. I'm trying to play it straight. is this the logic taught in islam?
god exhorts humans to commit genocide, rape and murder and endorses slavery thro moses. forbids eating shrimp and warig mixed fabric
Jesus doesn't condone those teachings. he endorses them
muhammad doesn't want to touch slavery but says death to apsotates, blaphemers and comdemns polythiests and idolators. lot of respect there for other religions
ergo: there is no morality in monothiestic cults
Just going to address the bolded parts here.
I have a huge problem with your continued insistence and emphasis on points we have previously addressed and debunked. It all seems like water off duck’s back. This would be my last attempt to respond to your ridiculous conclusions. If you continue down this path, I will not be contributing to this thread in response at all.
So here goes:
From a Muslim’s POV we have all repeated numerous times that Allah and Jesus AS never supported any form of genocide or other crimes against humanity. If you are directly quoting scripture of Judaism and Christianity, or deriving your conclusions from them, we cannot help you because none of us here will be experts in their scripture. Our view is that any directions in those faiths and their books that go against the teachings of Quran and Fiqh are invented by man.
Moving on to the second part: slavery continues to be a hot topic because obviously you are unable to find any other holes in Islamic philosophy. The Islamic scripture is very clear on the subject and it’s stated that every human being is born free. Islam also teaches us that we respect the laws of the land where we live. Which is why we see slave dealings in the history of Arab lands. A lot of states and entities they traded which recognized slavery.
After all we are talking about 1400 years ago. Slavery was abolished in the so called enlightened western nations as late as 200 or so years ago.
The last point:
Islam does have laws against blasphemy and apostasy. But they are not any different from laws of other states that need to be respected. I don’t understand why that’s such a difficult concept. If you are not a Muslim don’t disrespect other faiths and hold your views to yourself. If you don’t like these laws you are free to move to a land where these laws are not enforced. It’s quite simple.
Islam teaches us to respect other religions and if they are under the protections of a Muslim state they are accorded all freedoms and protections. So how can you make sense of your allegations about killing isolators and such?
Perhaps a little clarification here is in fact needed. In history, when a group of Muslims or an Islamic state is threatened by idolators and non believers because of their faith in Islam, the commandment is to rise up and fight back and defend yourself. When threatened with a crises of existence by the isolators of Mecca who had waged war and raised all sorts of problems for the Muslims in Medina, Prophet Muhammed waged war against them and once Mecca was conquered the idols within Kaaba were shattered. I am sure once within their protection if some people continued to exercise their faith they were allowed to do so. But those involved in the war efforts were punished. They were given blanket amnesty if they converted.
So what does this mean? If I live in Pakistan, India or US am I obligated as a Muslim to crush idols of other gods?
The answer is no. Am I supposed to kill you because you worship those idols? No.
So your logic does right there. The Islamic commands you are citing need to be seen in the political and historic context.
Hope that makes sense.