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Morality of Religions- Discussion thread

I doubt that there are any Christians here who will respond to that , as far as Muslims are they do not consider Bible authentic , so they will not find it important to touch this.
yet muslims consider god to be omnipotent, omniscient, merciful and consider the old testament a "the god book"

Is the old testament a good book, IYO? Is any of it divinely inspired? What part of it has been changed from god's word by man and how do yo know that?
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yet muslims consider god to be omnipotent, omniscient, merciful and consider the old testament a "the god book"

Is the old testament a good book, IYO? Is any of it divinely inspired? What part of it has been changed from god's word by man and how do yo know that?

The Quran is the parameter , whatever of Bible fits doctrine of Quran is considered as authentic , rest may be true or not.
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yet muslims consider god to be omnipotent, omniscient, merciful blah blah blah and consider the old testament a "the god book"

Is the old testament a good book, IYO? Is any of it divinely inspired? What part of it has been changed from god's word by man and how do yo know that?

The Quran is the parameter , whatever of Bible fits doctrine of Quran is considered as authentic , rest may be true or not.

My morality is not a monolithic set. It evolved as I grew. With increased knowledge, information and experience, I'd like think that it has evolved for the better.

The starting point is the surroundings I grew up in.

So your surrounding determines your morality. Whatever is considered right in a certain society is correct for you ?
The Quran is the parameter , whatever of Bible fits doctrine of Quran is considered as authentic , rest may be true or not.

So your surrounding determines your morality. Whatever is considered right in a certain society is correct for you ?
No. I said, the surroundings I grow up are my starting point and it evolves with my experiences which may not be from my surroundings. the events that influnece my morality could be half the world away

where are you going with this?

you seem out and out lie about islam and "the good book"
The Quran is the parameter , whatever of Bible fits doctrine of Quran is considered as authentic , rest may be true or not.
what does it mean? parameter? does it have mean different n religious world than the technical world?

you still didn't answer my question

Was moses a messenger of god?

WAs Jesus a messenger of god?

Do muslims pray to the same god?
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Are we discussing GOD and messenger here???

Please read the topic of thread and post accordingly. No more irrelevant stuff now.
what does it mean? parameter? does it have mean different n religious world than the technical world?

you still didn't answer my question

Was moses a messenger of god?

WAs Jesus a messenger of god?

Do muslims pray to the same god?

I could not get you asked in first sentence , are you asking what does Parameter mean?
The final message according to Islam is Quran , and that is the only revelation which God protected. Rest were not . Those things mentioned in Bible which contradicts Quran is not acceptable.

For example Bible and Quran both have the story of Noah , in bible the dimensions of the boat is given also it says that the whole world was submerged , I do not think the whole world was ever fully submerged in water . So , Muslims do not accept these details.

Yes , both Moses and Jesus are considered as messengers from same God , it is mentioned in the Quran . So what is your question about this point ?
No. I said, the surroundings I grow up are my starting point and it evolves with my experiences which may not be from my surroundings. the events that influnece my morality could be half the world away

where are you going with this?

you seem out and out lie about islam and "the good book"

Whether it is lie we will see later.

So now you saying that your experiences gave morality to you , so others like you have the right to make there own set of moralities , is that fair enough according to you ?
Are we discussing GOD and messenger here???

Please read the topic of thread and post accordingly. No more irrelevant stuff now.

Jews claim Moses got teachings from god and it endorsed slavery, genocide etc etc: Judaism is immoral and by ogic the neity who gave those teachings is immoral

Xtians claim Jesus is son of god and Jesus said follow moses. Who we already established is immoral. So Jesus either was not son of god or his immoral and new testament does little to disavow old testament nastiness. logic not much morality there.

Islam: Once agin, it took the time to condemn by death apostasy, blashphemy and idolatry among other things.but had respect for the book and wasn't opposed to owning humans as property. IMO not much morality there.
I could not get you asked in first sentence , are you asking what does Parameter mean?
is your use of word parameter same as it is in technical fields?

The final message according to Islam is Quran , and that is the only revelation which God protected. Rest were not .
No. Incorrect. The Loose canon is. you are mistaken. find the true path and follow the correct prophet bobby henderson.
Those things mentioned in Bible which contradicts Quran is not acceptable.
sure. whatever you say.
For example Bible and Quran both have the story of Noah ,
I'm stunned. the noah story which was around in the area for probably 1000 years in mentioned in Quran? Who would have thunk it?

@Stewie help me out here bro. I'm trying to play it straight. is this the logic taught in islam?

in bible the dimensions of the boat is given also it says that the whole world was submerged , I do not think the whole world was ever fully submerged in water . So , Muslims do not accept these details.
Yes , both Moses and Jesus are considered as messengers from same God , it is mentioned in the Quran . So what is your question about this point ?
god exhorts humans to commit genocide, rape and murder and endorses slavery thro moses. forbids eating shrimp and warig mixed fabric

Jesus doesn't condone those teachings. he endorses them

muhammad doesn't want to touch slavery but says death to apsotates, blaphemers and comdemns polythiests and idolators. lot of respect there for other religions

ergo: there is no morality in monothiestic cults
You guys really need to stop these religion comparison chats. No more religion disrespect. Will remove all irrelevant posts.
is your use of word parameter same as it is in technical fields?

No. Incorrect. The Loose canon is. you are mistaken. find the true path and follow the correct prophet bobby henderson.

sure. whatever you say.

I'm stunned. the noah story which was around in the area for probably 1000 years in mentioned in Quran? Who would have thunk it?

@Stewie help me out here bro. I'm trying to play it straight. is this the logic taught in islam?


god exhorts humans to commit genocide, rape and murder and endorses slavery thro moses. forbids eating shrimp and warig mixed fabric

Jesus doesn't condone those teachings. he endorses them

muhammad doesn't want to touch slavery but says death to apsotates, blaphemers and comdemns polythiests and idolators. lot of respect there for other religions

ergo: there is no morality in monothiestic cults
Not understanding your tagged question at all. What is your latest gripe?
This just about sums up the confusion that is religion and xtianity.

On hand you claim

  1. church doctrine is straight from Jesus
  2. Jesus said I came enforce to laws of Moses not change them.
  3. you claim laws of moses doesn't apply becos of some humans decided it to be so after jesus death. the conclusion form this is that Xtians have decided to ignore god and jesus.
No amount of sharpness of arguments will resolve this contradiction.

Jesus said I have come to enforce the laws ? Where and when did he say that ? You are just making up stuff now.
is your use of word parameter same as it is in technical fields?

No. Incorrect. The Loose canon is. you are mistaken. find the true path and follow the correct prophet bobby henderson.

sure. whatever you say.

I'm stunned. the noah story which was around in the area for probably 1000 years in mentioned in Quran? Who would have thunk it?

@Stewie help me out here bro. I'm trying to play it straight. is this the logic taught in islam?


god exhorts humans to commit genocide, rape and murder and endorses slavery thro moses. forbids eating shrimp and warig mixed fabric

Jesus doesn't condone those teachings. he endorses them

muhammad doesn't want to touch slavery but says death to apsotates, blaphemers and comdemns polythiests and idolators. lot of respect there for other religions

ergo: there is no morality in monothiestic cults

Just going to address the bolded parts here.

I have a huge problem with your continued insistence and emphasis on points we have previously addressed and debunked. It all seems like water off duck’s back. This would be my last attempt to respond to your ridiculous conclusions. If you continue down this path, I will not be contributing to this thread in response at all.

So here goes:
From a Muslim’s POV we have all repeated numerous times that Allah and Jesus AS never supported any form of genocide or other crimes against humanity. If you are directly quoting scripture of Judaism and Christianity, or deriving your conclusions from them, we cannot help you because none of us here will be experts in their scripture. Our view is that any directions in those faiths and their books that go against the teachings of Quran and Fiqh are invented by man.

Moving on to the second part: slavery continues to be a hot topic because obviously you are unable to find any other holes in Islamic philosophy. The Islamic scripture is very clear on the subject and it’s stated that every human being is born free. Islam also teaches us that we respect the laws of the land where we live. Which is why we see slave dealings in the history of Arab lands. A lot of states and entities they traded which recognized slavery.
After all we are talking about 1400 years ago. Slavery was abolished in the so called enlightened western nations as late as 200 or so years ago.

The last point:
Islam does have laws against blasphemy and apostasy. But they are not any different from laws of other states that need to be respected. I don’t understand why that’s such a difficult concept. If you are not a Muslim don’t disrespect other faiths and hold your views to yourself. If you don’t like these laws you are free to move to a land where these laws are not enforced. It’s quite simple.

Islam teaches us to respect other religions and if they are under the protections of a Muslim state they are accorded all freedoms and protections. So how can you make sense of your allegations about killing isolators and such?

Perhaps a little clarification here is in fact needed. In history, when a group of Muslims or an Islamic state is threatened by idolators and non believers because of their faith in Islam, the commandment is to rise up and fight back and defend yourself. When threatened with a crises of existence by the isolators of Mecca who had waged war and raised all sorts of problems for the Muslims in Medina, Prophet Muhammed waged war against them and once Mecca was conquered the idols within Kaaba were shattered. I am sure once within their protection if some people continued to exercise their faith they were allowed to do so. But those involved in the war efforts were punished. They were given blanket amnesty if they converted.

So what does this mean? If I live in Pakistan, India or US am I obligated as a Muslim to crush idols of other gods?
The answer is no. Am I supposed to kill you because you worship those idols? No.

So your logic does right there. The Islamic commands you are citing need to be seen in the political and historic context.
Hope that makes sense.
No, you said 'enforce the law'. Where is that word enforce in your link ? I don't see it, it gives a completely different meaning.
Lmao. Think we have reached the end point here.

Pretty sad that followers of the “Savior” have to resort to semantics.
Lmao. Think we have reached the end point here.

Pretty sad that followers of the “Savior” have to resort to semantics.

Has it ever occured to you maybe you are the one resorting to verse semantics here ? I've given you a clear idea of what followers of Jesus who actually lived with him thought about mosaic law and what that verse means; yet you put your own spin on it because your daddy Dawkins tells you otherwise.

Anyway here's a 2 min clip that directly addresses your question. Let me know what you think.

Has it ever occured to you maybe you are the one resorting to verse semantics here ? I've given you a clear idea of what followers of Jesus who actually lived with him thought about mosaic law and what that verse means; yet you put your own spin on it because your daddy Dawkins tells you otherwise.

Anyway here's a 2 min clip that directly addresses your question. Let me know what you think.

Yeah, sure. William lane Craig. The man who argued that anything god commands is moral. Even murder of women and children.

Objective morality: whatever my sky daddy tells me

Yeah, sure. William lane Craig. The man who argued that anything god commands is moral. Even murder of women and children.

Objective morality: whatever my sky daddy tells me


Watch the clip instead of pretending to be offended by murder of women and children.

An athiest has no basis on which to be offended by murder, there is no moral obligations in your world.
Watch the clip instead of pretending to be offended by murder of women and children.

An athiest has no basis on which to be offended by murder, there is no moral obligations in your world.
Watch this. It’s the poor soldiers who carry out the murders are victims

is your use of word parameter same as it is in technical fields?

No. Incorrect. The Loose canon is. you are mistaken. find the true path and follow the correct prophet bobby henderson.

sure. whatever you say.

I'm stunned. the noah story which was around in the area for probably 1000 years in mentioned in Quran? Who would have thunk it?

@Stewie help me out here bro. I'm trying to play it straight. is this the logic taught in islam?


god exhorts humans to commit genocide, rape and murder and endorses slavery thro moses. forbids eating shrimp and warig mixed fabric

Jesus doesn't condone those teachings. he endorses them

muhammad doesn't want to touch slavery but says death to apsotates, blaphemers and comdemns polythiests and idolators. lot of respect there for other religions

ergo: there is no morality in monothiestic cults

Parameters are set by the religion itself. You are asking questions from Islam point of view , so the parameter has to be as set per Islam.

I said final message according to Islam is Quran , now if you want to debate whether there are other books or messages we can talk about that , but that is not the purpose of this thread.

What is illogical in the Noah story mentioned in Quran?

Look now you are mixing Biblical teaching with Quranic teachings. I am not here to talk about bible , as I already said things in Bible are not acceptable , because the book has several versions. If you want to ask about Morality preached by Bible ask Christians.

I will talk about slavery but first I would like to ask you one question. have the atheists not killed people for there ideology ?
I agree with William Lane Craig. What are u offended with ?
There in lies the point. You will commit any atrocity if your god commands you to. That is not morality. that is idiocy.

Thanks for admitting that you will rape, murder and enslave others if gods tells you to and you'd claim it is moral.

No wonder "holy land" is the mess that it is.
There in lies the point. You will commit any atrocity if your sky daddy commands you to. That is not morality. that is idiocy. you are a brainless robot.

Thanks for admitting that you will rape, murder and enslave others if gods tells you to and you'd claim it is moral.

Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.
Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.
Sorry to interrupt your debate guys. But do people still believe in Darwinism here? Like Monkeys evolved into Humans?
Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.
empathy without god is impossible of theists. Not so for athiests.

Morality and values existed long before goat herders got "god's message".

you might want to look confucius and chinese civiization.
Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.
Lets put aside what offends me.

Would you do it? if god commands you to rape your neighbors child? rape your colleagues wife? murder your boss son?

you take your ques from theologians and theology has changed from committing genocide and rape is ok to not ok. what if it goes back?

Lets say the church decides that all of that fair game now, would you paricipate?
empathy without god is impossible of theists. Not so for athiests.

Morality and values existed long before goat herders got "god's message".

you might want to look confucius and chinese civiization.

Empathy is not the same as morality. Learn the difference between the two.
Lets put aside what offends me.

I can't put it aside, an athiest feeling offended about evil is a hilarious contradiction to me.

do athiests have moral obligations ? do you think torturing a baby is evil ? Sure you might have empathy for the baby, but you have no reason to believe what the torturer is doing is evil . Maybe the torturer has no empathy. Can you fault him for that ? Maybe that is what evolution has made him into - a person without empathy.
I can't put it aside, an athiest feeling offended about evil is a hilarious contradiction to me.

do athiests have moral obligations ? do you think torturing a baby is evil ? Sure you might have empathy for the baby, but you have no reason to believe what the torturer is doing is evil . Maybe the torturer has no empathy. Can you fault him for that ? Maybe that is what evolution has made him into - a person without empathy.
atheists can have subjective morality (acknowledging certain behaviours which are detrimental to society) whilst also acknowledging a lack of objective morality (the universe doesnt care if human society crashes and burns)
I can't put it aside, an athiest feeling offended about evil is a hilarious contradiction to me.

do athiests have moral obligations ? do you think torturing a baby is evil ? Sure you might have empathy for the baby, but you have no reason to believe what the torturer is doing is evil . Maybe the torturer has no empathy. Can you fault him for that ? Maybe that is what evolution has made him into - a person without empathy.
nice try with the dodge.

you have claimed rule giver decides what is moral.

if god commands you to rape your neighbors child? rape your colleagues wife? murder your boss son?

you take your ques from theologians and theology has changed from committing genocide and rape is ok to not ok. what if it goes back?

Lets say the church decides that all of that fair game now, would you participate?

If youa re confident in rule givers morality, you'd have not problem answering these questions.

smart money says you'll deflect
atheists can have subjective morality (behaviours which are detrimental to society) whilst acknowledging a lack of objective morality (the universe doesnt care if human society crashes and burns)
Let see if he has the fortitude to see the logical end point of his "what rule giver says is objective morality" line
nice try with the dodge.

you have claimed rule giver decides what is moral.

if god commands you to rape your neighbors child? rape your colleagues wife? murder your boss son?

you take your ques from theologians and theology has changed from committing genocide and rape is ok to not ok. what if it goes back?

Lets say the church decides that all of that fair game now, would you participate?

If youa re confident in rule givers morality, you'd have not problem answering these questions.

smart money says you'll deflect

If God came down and commanded me to do something, I would do it ..why .. because he is God lol. You would too.

Answer my question about baby torturers.
atheists can have subjective morality (acknowledging certain behaviours which are detrimental to society) whilst also acknowledging a lack of objective morality (the universe doesnt care if human society crashes and burns)

Indeed. The Nazis had their own brand of morality which others didn't have like say Switzerland; the former thought elevating the aryan race and gassing the Jews was the best thing for humanity.

Yet everyone now universally believes what the Nazis did were wrong and immoral.
If God came down and commanded me to do something, I would do it ..why .. because he is God lol. You would too.
Good to know.

since you seem so proud, Now will you be willing to post that in your resume? in your social media post? share with your neigbhor

Answer my question about baby torturers.
What about it? empathy is starting point for moralty. torturing and kiiling inoocnets doesn't fit with morality. Same way I came to conclusion early in my life that untouchability is immoral. didn't need sky daddy .
Indeed. The Nazis had their own brand of morality which others didn't have like say Switzerland; the former thought elevating the aryan race and gassing the Jews was the best thing for humanity.

Yet everyone now universally believes what the Nazis did were wrong and immoral.
Nazi's were following god's morality. you know they felt they were chosen people, and kill the group they didn't like
atheists can have subjective morality (acknowledging certain behaviours which are detrimental to society) whilst also acknowledging a lack of objective morality (the universe doesnt care if human society crashes and burns)
Your morality needs to be updated with scientific advancements. Some like don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t rape are universal. But things like don’t eat this, stay away from these people , do your work this way only etc can be updated when there is scientific evidence to back it up.
If God came down and commanded me to do something, I would do it ..why .. because he is God lol. You would too.

Answer my question about baby torturers.
If God commands you to do what he did to Sodom and Ghammorah, would you do it? Be honest.
If God came down and commanded me to do something, I would do it ..why .. because he is God lol. You would too.

If the shoe is on the other foot, would you do still do it?
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you are asking a question that he already answered. Yes he would.

Question is devout enough like abraham?
I don’t think he thought through enough about all scenarios.

I am sure everyone agrees that there is a limit to the obedience of God.
Indeed. The Nazis had their own brand of morality which others didn't have like say Switzerland; the former thought elevating the aryan race and gassing the Jews was the best thing for humanity.

Yet everyone now universally believes what the Nazis did were wrong and immoral.
nazi germany was a majority (95%+) christian nation, even if you posit that somehow nazism was in some way atheistic (it wasn't, hitler loved dogmatic ideologies) it was also a total failure of Christian morality to not only fail to challenge it but tacitly support it.
I don’t think he thought through enough about all scenarios.

I am sure everyone agrees that there is a limit to the obedience of God.
Nah bro. I have been pulling him in patiently. He agrees william lane craig that the victim is the soldier who kills the women and children and has plainly stated that he will commit rape, murder and genocide if god commands it.

not sure why are confused. he says it plain as day. hope its not a WKKism in you.

Question is will he let his family becos of gods command.
If God came down and commanded me to do something, I would do it ..why .. because he is God lol.
So would you stand by and watch getting the same treatment on god's command? After all you are a moral person who obeys gods command. and god's morality is unerring and objective.
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So would you stand by and watch getting the same treatment on god's command? After all you are a moral person who obeys gods command. and god's morality is unerring and objective.
I don’t understand where you are going with this line of questioning.

Look the equation is very simple for someone like you. Morality is derived from God if you believe in God. And If you don’t believe in God you don’t believe morality is divine.

But now you are asking “if God commands you to do it” meaning you are postulating “if” there is a God… and He commands you, would you do it? This is assuming it’s God as the believer believes, meaning God is all that’s good and merciful and benevolent. So why would God ask you to do something wrong, cruel and unjust?

Unless your angle is that God is the creator but not good, benevolent and merciful?

So you see You are sort of killing your own question by posing a scenario that is not possible.

Now If you believe life was created by some other being .. the sky god as you call it and not the God as believers believe him to be, then this whole debate enters a different dimension altogether.
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nazi germany was a majority (95%+) christian nation, even if you posit that somehow nazism was in some way atheistic (it wasn't, hitler loved dogmatic ideologies) it was also a total failure of Christian morality to not only fail to challenge it but tacitly support it.

How do you know there weren't people opposed to Nazism in Germany ? Hitler had to annihilate all his opposition in the Night of Long Knives. The rest of Germany lived in fear, many were of course complicit with the regime, but many were not.
Please do not involve each other's families in this chat and no personal attacks as well. Stay on topic and be gentle.
I don’t understand where you are going with this line of questioning.

I don't think he does either.

On the one hand, he denies the existence of God. But then he gets upset when that very same God he denies exists, issues a command to follow.
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I don’t understand where you are going with this line of questioning.
Its going to its logical end point
But now you are asking “if God commands you to do it” meaning you are postulating “if” there is a God… and He commands you, would you do it? This is assuming it’s God as the believer believes, meaning God is all that’s good and merciful and benevolent. So why would God ask you to do something wrong, cruel and unjust?

Unless your angle is that God is the creator but not good, benevolent and merciful?
God of the bible is hardly a good, benevolent character. jesus is is supposed to be that god or his son or whatever gets made up.

and he is on record saying he will do as his god commands. and scripture says god comanded things that are hardly fitting of benevolent merciful entity.

If you are going go around claiming you get your morality from that god and that is the only way, yes, you are going to get asked some questions.
Guys. Please encourage healthy chat. No personal attacks and no mocking of religions or GOD here.
To be clear, you are saying the people who were created by God know better than the Creator himself.
You are assuming that we are created by God. An entity that has no evidence.

So essentially you will act out in all inhumane ways if your God commands it in your religious texts.
You are assuming that we are created by God. An entity that has no evidence.

So essentially you will act out in all inhumane ways if your God commands it in your religious texts.

Your question about inhumane commands to me presupposes the existence of God, does it not ?
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Its going to its logical end point
God of the bible is hardly a good, benevolent character. jesus is is supposed to be that god or his son or whatever gets made up.

and he is on record saying he will do as his god commands. and scripture says god comanded things that are hardly fitting of benevolent merciful entity.

If you are going go around claiming you get your morality from that god and that is the only way, yes, you are going to get asked some questions.
1. it does not look like it is.
2. The God is always the same in Abrahamic faiths. I thought we went over this already.. NUMEROUS TIMES.

3. You will never be able to prove that God is a malevolent entity here. I think that's what you are going for and failing spectacularly.
If God exists, he is a benevolent creator.

or else God does not exist.

If you are one of those who believe in ancient sumerians working with aliens and genetically engineering humans on this planet, then we don't have anything to discuss.
If God exists, he is a benevolent creator.

or else God does not exist.

If you are one of those who believe in ancient sumerians working with aliens and genetically engineering humans on this planet, then we don't have anything to discuss.
We can talk about Muslims in a minute but Christians and Hindus need to either believe that their religious books are inaccurate or that their God has updated his/her/their morality over time.
Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.

This is the best and most logical conclusion we can make about atheists and morality.
This is the best and most logical conclusion we can make about atheists and morality.
Even in the animal world, creatures seem to present basic morality - they do not murder in their own families or species, care for their young, do not steal from their own unless driven by extreme hunger. Are we to believe they've had their own prophet and are following his/her teachings?
We can talk about Muslims in a minute but Christians and Hindus need to either believe that their religious books are inaccurate or that their God has updated his/her/their morality over time.

FYI- you guys won’t reach any closure here. You have now turned the debate once again towards my God is right your God is wrong or that my book is right your book is wrong debate which has been raging since time immemorial and resulted in most major conflicts in human history.

I think the answer to this question is probably not as important. It’s not even important to ask if God exists or not in the context of this debate.

The question to ask is: if God did not exist would we have the morality we have today?

Let us say we never had any of the holy books. Whether they are man made or sent by God, it does not matter. Would we have evolved organically to believe in the right things today we know them to be right in absence of any such guidance throughout the years?

Apart from humans as species, the natural order of the world is eat or be eaten.. survival of the fittest. Without any morality as it exists today, would we simply be just like others species? The strong take everything and the weak die off? In a way it is like that even today, don’t get me wrong. But without the so called morality of humans derived from religion, would we have come up with the evolved empathy and thinking that we have now?lot at least the facade of it as we have it today?

Where would we have derived it from?
Even in the animal world, creatures seem to present basic morality - they do not murder in their own families or species, care for their young, do not steal from their own unless driven by extreme hunger. Are we to believe they've had their own prophet and are following his/her teachings?
No that’s not correct. You should read up on how a pride of lions lives. The alpha always gets to eat first and to the fullest. If nothing is left for the rest too bad. They also kill their young if they feel a young one is threatening their alpha status or trying to mate with one of the females. I am sure there are instances of such behavior within other species as well.
No that’s not correct. You should read up on how a pride of lions lives. The alpha always gets to eat first and to the fullest. If nothing is left for the rest too bad. They also kill their young if they feel a young one is threatening their alpha status or trying to mate with one of the females. I am sure there are instances of such behavior within other species as well.

Correct. Animals don't have morality, they do possess other attributes shared with humans though, such as love, devotion, anger, fear etc. These are all well designed to ensure the success of their future generations which theists can put down to the grace of God and proof of a divine intelligence. The atheist cannot even answer why the mother of a lion doesn't eat her cubs and be done with the bother of raising them.
FYI- you guys won’t reach any closure here. You have now turned the debate once again towards my God is right your God is wrong or that my book is right your book is wrong debate which has been raging since time immemorial and resulted in most major conflicts in human history.

I think the answer to this question is probably not as important. It’s not even important to ask if God exists or not in the context of this debate.

The question to ask is: if God did not exist would we have the morality we have today?

Let us say we never had any of the holy books. Whether they are man made or sent by God, it does not matter. Would we have evolved organically to believe in the right things today we know them to be right in absence of any such guidance throughout the years?

Apart from humans as species, the natural order of the world is eat or be eaten.. survival of the fittest. Without any morality as it exists today, would we simply be just like others species? The strong take everything and the weak die off? In a way it is like that even today, don’t get me wrong. But without the so called morality of humans derived from religion, would we have come up with the evolved empathy and thinking that we have now?lot at least the facade of it as we have it today?

Where would we have derived it from?
That's a pretty well thought out question. We would survive not descending into chaos, rape, theft and murder the same way most animals do. The 'selfish' gene prioritises survival of the species.

Elephant matriarchs protect not just their young but the young of their entire herd even species. Often lay down their lives to protect the young of another mother.

Vampire bats donate their blood to sick individuals in their brood.

Humans have just codified these instincts of survival of the species into logical common sense rules. Religious prophets/gurus took these common sense rules and presented them with the backing of a god of their creation.
Would we have evolved organically to believe in the right things today we know them to be right in absence of any such guidance throughout the years?

There's only one way to find out.

Book a charter plane to the Amazon and observe how those isolated tribes live. Those are tribes that have never come into modern human contact and I assume know nothing about mainstream religions. Or observe the Sentinelese who live in the Andaman Islands near India.

Not what I said at all. There was no mention of religious texts.
I am not saying bible commands to kill heathens. But if it is there, will you act on Yahweh’s commands or will you protest saying it is inhumane?
Correct. Animals don't have morality, they do possess other attributes shared with humans though, such as love, devotion, anger, fear etc. These are all well designed to ensure the success of their future generations which theists can put down to the grace of God and proof of a divine intelligence. The atheist cannot even answer why the mother of a lion doesn't eat her cubs and be done with the bother of raising them.
That's just not bothering to read more widely about ethics, secular morality and related subjects. We atheists/agnostics have debated this for ages and are about as satisfied with our ethical and moral structures as you religious guys are. That is to say we have our occasional doubts and need clarifications but the broad principles are clear enough.
Yes , both Moses and Jesus are considered as messengers from same God , it is mentioned in the Quran .

if that is the case why are there such dramatic difference in Christianity and Islam ?

Examples: Idol worship, Alcohol, pork, prayer rules just to name the most obvious.
Let me replace God with your religious scriptures.
Now please answer my question.

Which religious scriptures ?

For muslims, it is the Quran. For christians, it would be church doctrine + bible. For hindus, I guess it's the Gita. Do those theologies have divine commands in them ?
I am not saying bible commands to kill heathens. But if it is there, will you act on Yahweh’s commands or will you protest saying it is inhumane?

There aren't such bible/church commands, as u say.

I've no idea why u want to create imaginary yaweh commands out of thin air just to play a gotcha game. Pointless.
Why are you offended by the evil of rape and murder ? There is no such thing as evil in the world of an athiest remember, you are merely a random creature that has come into existence through millions of years of evolution. You have no obligations or duties to anyone, just keep existing.

Now you know one of the reasons why I didn't bother to engage you in the other thread where you wanted evidence for forced conversions.

This is the best and most logical conclusion we can make about atheists and morality.

OMG!!! This is one of those rarest of rare instances where I will have to agree with you !!! I am in a state of utter shock. I need to lie down. What the fudge!!
There aren't such bible/church commands, as u say.

I've no idea why u want to create imaginary yaweh commands out of thin air just to play a gotcha game. Pointless.
To be fair Yahweh does have a track record of ordering some nasty stuff. I suppose most Christians believe life was worth less at that time and such stuff was acceptable in the context of the time. Jesus came around when life was more precious and moderated the message.

I suppose such flexibility is okay for most educated Christians since they don't believe their books are the literal word of god and can be interpreted as per choice but Muslims have it a bit harder.