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Pakistan vs South Africa | Lahore | 2nd ODI | 20/10/07 | Pak Inns

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chill guys....we will score 80 in last 5 overs....just gota make sure to score another 40 in these next 5....:):)
just 4 from that over. Poor batting all round.

We were in an ideal situation to get 300, but its going to be a tough ask now.
Moyo should just explode now .... but he is a bit of Stats man .... watch him take next 5 overs to get his 100
Yousuf's played really well but i hope he doesnt slow down to get his 100. Time to go for the big hits.
4 to MIsbah. Nice timing through square leg.
Comon Misbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!!

just rotate the strike ... let moyo take the fan flak ..
Come on go for it, what the hell are they doing ! Only 6 from the last over.
can we get 100 in the last 9 overs? feel for Afridi he will come with a few overs left
I have trust in Misbah ... i don't think he will hold the team back for his own average ...

But he does need time, and i think he will get flowing fairly quickly now
Another slog sweep.. this time for 4!

206/4 - 8 overs to come
4 to Misbah. Through long on.

206 for 4. 48 balls remain.
CAnt beliveve someone started a 'Negative PAkistan' thread based on a couple of balls.

Pathetic - will leave it there for now
If Afridi doesn't get a bat today, it'll be an enormous waste.
really shameful from Yousuf

we don't need someone holding up and end this is the slog overs

awful tactics from pakistan
Moyo 91 @ 43 over.

Moyo just wasting our time now, get your hundred or get out
Moyo should have stayed with ICL...greedy selfish Indian lover....
even Ian Bishop pointing out Yousuf should not focus on individual hundred

he is shaming us internationally
Misbah Out.....no hard feelings...this was the right thing to do...here comes lala
221 for 5.

37 balls left in the innings.

Tanvir next :) ?
put too much pressure on Malik

put too much pressure on Misbah

will now put too much pressure on Afridi
Misbah's out. He was looking good, i would rather have misbah and afridi playing out the final overs.... time to unleash the beast!! :D
Thank you very much for pressuing Misbah wicket out

what a selfish douche ... on one hand, on the other hand ,.... he will get a 100 ....

Look what happens when people play for personal milestones
MOYO is doing great....Ian B needs to stfu and shove MOYO bat into his ass....if not for MOYO we wold have been done and dusted by now.
Sparhawk said:
Misbah's out. He was looking good, i would rather have misbah and afridi playing out the final overs.... time to unleash the beast!! :D

yeah ok
Moyo 97 @ 44rth oVer

What did I tell you, he will take 5 overs to get form 88 to 100 ... and then get out on 101 and just waste our time
come on guys...we dont need a run out here....MOYO stay there .....you gota stay till the last over.....
Afridi tries to take revenge for Yk by trying to get MY out.

I did not know YK and Afridi friends now
stage is set for Afridi....

haha he is telling MOYO 1 ke liye tayar rehan...like he is going for the single.....
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