Pakistan will be scared once Rafale jets come, says IAF chief

Hermoine Green

First Class Star
Oct 13, 2017

Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Birender Singh Dhanoa on Monday said that Rafale jets will the best combat aircraft in the Indian sub-continent and once these are inducted, Pakistan won’t dare to come near the Line of Control (LoC) or the international border.

In a media talk, Dhanoa said: “When the Rafale comes in, it will ensure that the deterrence of our air defence will increase manifold and they (Pakistan) will not come anywhere near our Line of Control or border. That kind of capability we will possess for which presently they (Pakistan) don’t have an answer.”

On the sidelines of a function organised in Chandigarh for the induction of four US-made Chinook helicopters, he was asked about the situation on February 27 when Pakistani F-16 jets attacked Indian military positions, a day after the purported IAF strikes in Balakot.

The first Rafale aircraft under a 36-plane deal with France is scheduled to be delivered in September to the IAF. The Rafales will be armed with Meteor air-to-air missiles which have the capability of shooting down enemy planes at strikes ranges up to 150 km, reported Hindustan Times.

Air Chief Marshal Dhanoa asserted that at present, it is going to be the best aircraft in terms of the weapons capability in the Indian sub-continent and would be also the best in comparison with what China and Pakistan have.

“We are going to get Rafale in the month of September. Rafale will give a tremendous jump to our capability and it is superior to all the aircraft in the inventory of both our adversaries,” he said.

He also outlined the salient features of the Chinook helicopters and said that these aircraft will be very useful for the IAF in high-altitude regions.

“Ability to transfer heavy loads and acclimatise troops from high altitude into another valley is a game-changing capability. If the enemy surprises us in any such valley, we can move troops immediately to such spots to get into battle. Our ability to do this is now enhanced for day and night with this helicopter,” he said.

Dhanoa, while asserting that inter-valley troop transfer will be helpful for the Indian military along borders with Pakistan and China, outlined that “the high-altitude game is more with China than Pakistan”.

Meanwhile, in response to a question on that Pakistan Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan flew a JF-17 and led from the front on its National Day, Chief Marshal Dhanoa took a dig at him saying he should be asked where was [he] flying the fighter plane, in the rear cockpit?

Addressing the media during his visit to the Air Force Station at Jodhpur last year, he had said, “Rafale is always a need for the Air Force. It (fighter jets) took a long time to come. Others have upgraded their squadrons.”

The Rafale jet deal controversy has been on the boil over the last few months. Congress has alleged irregularities in the deal for 36 aircraft and claimed that the Narendra Modi government is buying them at a price much higher than the one that was being negotiated by the previous government.
What a stupid statement so India needed new toys to make us afraid and they only realised it now?
I feel for the guy. He's got to earn the pay, you know! :yk

At least, I understand what he/IAF are trying to do :D
Meanwhile, in response to a question on that Pakistan Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan flew a JF-17 and led from the front on its National Day, Chief Marshal Dhanoa took a dig at him saying he should be asked where was [he] flying the fighter plane, in the rear cockpit?

What a weird thing to say. I was under the assumption that the military officers of both sides have a healthy amount of respect of each other and always maintain a certain decorum. It seems the IAF chief is a bit too salty after recent events though.

Why would a high ranking officer take a dig at his counterpart like this? And the comment doesn't even make sense. Air Chiefs often fly on ceremonial occasions like the national day so it is not something unheard of.
What a weird thing to say. I was under the assumption that the military officers of both sides have a healthy amount of respect of each other and always maintain a certain decorum. It seems the IAF chief is a bit too salty after recent events though.

Why would a high ranking officer take a dig at his counterpart like this? And the comment doesn't even make sense. Air Chiefs often fly on ceremonial occasions like the national day so it is not something unheard of.

The whole thing has become a big pathetic joke.

Until the Indian elections are over the whole charade will continue.

Expect more digs, fights, lynchings (mostly in India tho) and hate.
Rafale is a dual seater, so now we will have to prepare not one but two cups of chai :yk
The whole thing has become a big pathetic joke.

Until the Indian elections are over the whole charade will continue.

Expect more digs, fights, lynchings (mostly in India tho) and hate.

It would have been expected if a politician said something like this. But the IAF chief mocking his counterpart is a bit much.
It would have been expected if a politician said something like this. But the IAF chief mocking his counterpart is a bit much.

Perhaps the IAF chief is unaware but the Air Chief Marshal doing flypast on 23rd March has become sort of an annual affair and a tradition. This is not the first time it is happening.

Maybe it does not happen in India because their planes are so bad it will be embarrassing if the IAF chief has to eject out of his jet on live television.
I wouldn't worry.

Anil Ambani's Reliance Defence Limited is at the helm of this deal, and knowing his record, he will either file for bankruptcy, or PAF will not need to worry as these planes would fall out the sky, perhaps both.

I can sense fear in your post. Wait till we get the rafale jets and the UNSC permanent seat. Will isolate you globally. Till then count your days.
chalo chai chadha do, tent tay shamianay laga lo - we are getting more isolated per cartoon of PakPassion and that has been a a good omen for Pakistan. Tapal walay sub say zyada Isolation kee dua kurr rahay hain :yess
Lol, this is perfect, need more hot headed Indian Air chiefs and army chiefs to make decisions, bring on the General G D Bakshi's
Sardar should have kept his mouth shut, this is basically admitting that Pakistan smacked IAF's bottoms in the recent exchanges. It's the equivalent of a small child taking a whupping then crying "wait until I tell my dad, he will teach you a lesson!" :87:
From what I understand, a plain is a plain boss and you need to fly it like a plain otherwise you will go down with it if it is shot down. They are talking as if the Rafael is a phantom aircraft which cannot be hit by missiles.

Silly Army chief and Silly Modi who also said the same thing. If you want to buy the Rafael stop using Pakistan's Air force as an excuse to rob your nation off billions of dollars.
I think it’s pretty clear from the recent tensions that India benefits from an instable Pakistan. They have constantly tried to escalate things to divert our attention from fixing our internal issues
Sardar should have kept his mouth shut, this is basically admitting that Pakistan smacked IAF's bottoms in the recent exchanges. It's the equivalent of a small child taking a whupping then crying "wait until I tell my dad, he will teach you a lesson!" :87:
IAF Sardar must have made that statement around 12 o'clock, as the circulating hot air around his brain cavity aound that time sends them haywire.:)))
So, on a serious note, what is Pakistan's answer to Rafale jets?
Maybe it does not happen in India because their planes are so bad it will be embarrassing if the IAF chief has to eject out of his jet on live television.

:))) It's a very realistic scenario.
So, on a serious note, what is Pakistan's answer to Rafale jets?
Pakistan dont have an answer to Rafale jets. And I hope Pakistan does not go out and start looking for an answer to Rafale jets. There are more pressing things to spend money on like fixing the economy, healthcare, etc.
So, on a serious note, what is Pakistan's answer to Rafale jets?

Apparently Pakistan didn't even have an "answer" to the previous most advanced jet of the IAF, the SU-30, Raptor of the East.

We saw how that panned out.

The IAF chief (and Modi previously) wouldn't have been crying for Rafales had their SU30 not been dropped by the "Just for trash" JF-17.

On a serious note, I'm sure the PAF is planning how to counter the Rafales. Beside India is only slated to get 36 Rafales when delivery completes don't know when that happens. The JF-17 Blk 3 is said to be very very capable, and can match the latest blocks for the F-16 in performance. Besides PAF is going to have a huge numerical superiority with the Rafale. We are supposed to have 100+ Blk 3s, so for each Rafale there will be three Thunders. Pretty sure even the most advanced jet in the world will struggle to win against these odds, and Rafale is no stealth fighter it can be taken down SAMs as well.
So, on a serious note, what is Pakistan's answer to Rafale jets?

The Rafale is a fine jet, probably the best 4.5 gen fighter that money can buy.

The JF17 Block 3 can compete in some aspects but in a scenario with equally skilled pilots and conditions, realistically there will only be one winner between a ~$32 million fighter to a ~$85 million fighter.

Given Russia is closer militarily to India than Pakistan and the souring of relations with the USA then their only option is to turn to China. I personally am not a fan of Chinese military equipment given how relatively unproven they are in real world combat compared to USA/NATO/Russian equipment.
So, on a serious note, what is Pakistan's answer to Rafale jets?

In all fairness, Rafale is one hell of a warplane. That being said however, JF-17 Thunder block III can most certainly hold its own against one. Pakistan does not really use its jets to infiltrate Indian territory or airspace therefore, I'm most certain that the JF-17 thunder and the American F16's will be more than enough to deal with Indian Rafales.

The fact that the IAF is inept and its pilots are even worse will add to the PAF's confidence. Pakistani air force pilots are one of the bests in the world and the fact that they've been battle-hardened considering they've been in war for over a decade now only makes them all the more skillful. Even in cricket, match practice matters more than actual talent. David Warner could be the most talented player in the world but an Usman Khwaja who's played cricket all throughout the year and has gone on the ground will always be given preference over a Warner who's been out of cricket for a year.

The IAF will get about 35 jets, I'm sure they will lose a couple in training and just learning how to use them. The ones that will remain, it will take them a few years to get a hang of the machines. Pakistan can use this time to strike a deal with the Chinese to purchase one of their top jets, one can dream of the Mighty Dragon that is J20.

Worse comes to worse, Pakistan Air Force would have the support of Turkish, Qatari and perhaps even Chinese air forces who have very capable jets.
Sardar should have kept his mouth shut, this is basically admitting that Pakistan smacked IAF's bottoms in the recent exchanges. It's the equivalent of a small child taking a whupping then crying "wait until I tell my dad, he will teach you a lesson!" :87:

:yk Own goal after own goal. This year has been a total humiliation for India inside out. :uakmal
You give a PP'er the most expensive bat, and you give Kohli a hockey stick. Kohli will still out bat every single PP'er.

Samajdaar ke liyay ishara hi kafi hai :maqsood
In all fairness, Rafale is one hell of a warplane. That being said however, JF-17 Thunder block III can most certainly hold its own against one. Pakistan does not really use its jets to infiltrate Indian territory or airspace therefore, I'm most certain that the JF-17 thunder and the American F16's will be more than enough to deal with Indian Rafales.

The fact that the IAF is inept and its pilots are even worse will add to the PAF's confidence. Pakistani air force pilots are one of the bests in the world and the fact that they've been battle-hardened considering they've been in war for over a decade now only makes them all the more skillful. Even in cricket, match practice matters more than actual talent. David Warner could be the most talented player in the world but an Usman Khwaja who's played cricket all throughout the year and has gone on the ground will always be given preference over a Warner who's been out of cricket for a year.

The IAF will get about 35 jets, I'm sure they will lose a couple in training and just learning how to use them. The ones that will remain, it will take them a few years to get a hang of the machines. Pakistan can use this time to strike a deal with the Chinese to purchase one of their top jets, one can dream of the Mighty Dragon that is J20.

Worse comes to worse, Pakistan Air Force would have the support of Turkish, Qatari and perhaps even Chinese air forces who have very capable jets.

Is there any news on the pakistani air force buying an new aircraft?The f 16 will become outdated in a couple of years.
This thread is an exhibition of how to influence people (the wrong way) easily.

He didn't even use the word "scared" anywhere. Masala headline and people took the bait hook, line & sinker.

Actual quotes:

"When the Rafale comes in, it will ensure that the deterrence of our air defence will increase manifold and they (Pakistan) will not come anywhere near our Line of Control or border. That kind of capability we will possess for which presently they (Pakistan) don’t have an answer."

“We are going to get Rafale in the month of September. Rafale will give a tremendous jump to our capability and it is superior to all the aircraft in the inventory of both our adversaries,”

“Ability to transfer heavy loads and acclimatise troops from high altitude into another valley is a game-changing capability. If the enemy surprises us in any such valley, we can move troops immediately to such spots to get into battle. Our ability to do this is now enhanced for day and night with this helicopter,”

It's his job to talk about these stuff in comparison with our opponents.

He didn't demean anyone.

I bet if the headline was different, comments here would have been different.
The Rafale is a fine jet, probably the best 4.5 gen fighter that money can buy.

The JF17 Block 3 can compete in some aspects but in a scenario with equally skilled pilots and conditions, realistically there will only be one winner between a ~$32 million fighter to a ~$85 million fighter.

Given Russia is closer militarily to India than Pakistan and the souring of relations with the USA then their only option is to turn to China. I personally am not a fan of Chinese military equipment given how relatively unproven they are in real world combat compared to USA/NATO/Russian equipment.

In what aspects is Rafale better than JF17 blk3 or even F16 that suggests it gets a clear victory? From what I understand modern airwarfare is about BVR technology and both F16s and JF17s are equipped with modern era BVR missiles and our Pilots are clearly better than their's.. So I don't think we need to worry too much about what aircraft they get unless they purchase some 5th gen stealth capable aircraft like f22 or f35.
In all fairness, Rafale is one hell of a warplane. That being said however, JF-17 Thunder block III can most certainly hold its own against one. Pakistan does not really use its jets to infiltrate Indian territory or airspace therefore, I'm most certain that the JF-17 thunder and the American F16's will be more than enough to deal with Indian Rafales.

The fact that the IAF is inept and its pilots are even worse will add to the PAF's confidence. Pakistani air force pilots are one of the bests in the world and the fact that they've been battle-hardened considering they've been in war for over a decade now only makes them all the more skillful. Even in cricket, match practice matters more than actual talent. David Warner could be the most talented player in the world but an Usman Khwaja who's played cricket all throughout the year and has gone on the ground will always be given preference over a Warner who's been out of cricket for a year.

The IAF will get about 35 jets, I'm sure they will lose a couple in training and just learning how to use them. The ones that will remain, it will take them a few years to get a hang of the machines. Pakistan can use this time to strike a deal with the Chinese to purchase one of their top jets, one can dream of the Mighty Dragon that is J20.

Worse comes to worse, Pakistan Air Force would have the support of Turkish, Qatari and perhaps even Chinese air forces who have very capable jets.

I am not worried about it, because they're flown by Indian pilots :))
In what aspects is Rafale better than JF17 blk3 or even F16 that suggests it gets a clear victory? From what I understand modern airwarfare is about BVR technology and both F16s and JF17s are equipped with modern era BVR missiles and our Pilots are clearly better than their's.. So I don't think we need to worry too much about what aircraft they get unless they purchase some 5th gen stealth capable aircraft like f22 or f35.

The most obvious one is the Rafale's RCS is 0.5m2 vs 4m2 of the JF-17 so in a head to head engagement it will most likely be able to detect, lock on and get its missiles away before the other.
The most obvious one is the Rafale's RCS is 0.5m2 vs 4m2 of the JF-17 so in a head to head engagement it will most likely be able to detect, lock on and get its missiles away before the other.

Rafale rcs is not 0.5m2.

Neither is JF-17 4m2.
Depends on the loadout configuration and which sources you believe. Actual RCS numbers are confidential.

So Rafale will be flying unloaded and JF will be flying fully loaded, still Rafale will be able to lock on and launch a missile that it doesnt even have :uakmal:maqsood

This is not video game going on or some Indian fantasy.... in Indian fantasy even Abhinandan managed to score a BVR kill of a F-16 which wasn't even airborne with a missile that is strictly for WVR :kakmal
Depends on the loadout configuration and which sources you believe. Actual RCS numbers are confidential.

Why mention it then?

The su30mki has an estimated rcs of 4m2 and its twice the size of a jf-17, twin
Engines and carries around twice the weapons externally.

No chance JF-17 has the same rcs.

About Rafale. Its a 4.5 gen fighter not 5th gen.

Its rcs is definitely not 0.5m2 considering it has no real stealth features.
Heard this nonsense before over a decade ago when Su-30mki was inducted.

According to Indians it was unbeatable.

No one would dare come into Indian airspace.
We will be as scared as when we kidnapped their pilot and did a daytime raid on them.
This thread is an exhibition of how to influence people (the wrong way) easily.

He didn't even use the word "scared" anywhere. Masala headline and people took the bait hook, line & sinker.

Actual quotes:

It's his job to talk about these stuff in comparison with our opponents.

He didn't demean anyone.

I bet if the headline was different, comments here would have been different.

Yes but him taking a potshot at PAF chief for flying on national day was quite pathetic shows he is still salty after recent humiliation or he is just a classless individual
Yes but him taking a potshot at PAF chief for flying on national day was quite pathetic shows he is still salty after recent humiliation or he is just a classless individual

In response to a question about Pakistan’s Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan leading from the front by flying the lead aircraft, an F-16, during the Pakistan national day parade flypast on March 23, Dhanoa quipped, “Pakistan ke air force chief rear cockpit se fly kar rahe the…Zara dekho kahan se fly kar rahe hain…. (Pakistani air chief was strapped into the rear cockpit…. Look from where he was flying…)”

It was a less than perfect response to a stupid journalist's question.

I don't think he can be termed a classless individual based on this. The journalist succeeded in getting a mildly spicy comment from him. Could have answered better.
Pakistan knows how to defend itself, Rafale or no Rafale: FO

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal on Thursday urged the world community not to push the South Asian region into an arms race.

In his weekly press briefing, Dr Faisal said Pakistan knows how to defend itself against the Rafale or any other fighter jets.

“The whole world was a witness to the February 27 episode,” Dr Faisal said while commenting on the induction of Rafale fighter jets by India.

The spokesperson further said Pakistan will not indulge in any arms race. “The focus of the present government was on human development, health and education,” he said.

Voicing concerns over the indefinite curfew and blatant human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, Dr Faisal said Pakistan demands the lifting of all sorts of restrictions and stoppage of human rights violations in the held valley.

He added Pakistan stands by the oppressed people of Kashmir. “We are trying to raise the plight of Kashmiri people at every avenue,” Dr Faisal said.

Dr Faisal continued, "Despite Indian efforts to cover up its brutalities in the occupied valley, the plight of Kashmiris was being recognised across the world." He pointed out that three US presidential candidates have added their voice in censuring India on the appalling humanitarian situation in the valley.
the answer is PL-15 BVR ...

Pak is not scared of anything at all. When we knock out their Rafale jet/s India will then say if only we had this or that!
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Requesting my friends in Pakistan to please give their reactions as some Rafales have been delivered to India.

How scared are you.
How many totally upgraded and souped up Rafales did India buy off France, 36 ? That is 1 squadron and bit more and all of the planes wont arrive till another 2 years.. I don't think it will be a game changer, could have been if Indians bought 5-6 squadrons of it...
It's not raptors and anyway with two countries with nukes , you said this ... you said that will happen, but no big scale war is likely.
Requesting my friends in Pakistan to please give their reactions as some Rafales have been delivered to India.

How scared are you.

i would have been worried if there were 126 and not 36. Even then I would be concerned but I think we can handle it for now. And once we get he thunder blk3 it should be enough of a deterrence.
Only a matter of time before our superheroes bring the first of them hurtling down to terra firma.

Then Modud will spin it as some surgical strike.

5 Rafale jets have arrived at Ambala air base. Escorted by two Sukhoi 30 MKIs in a symbolic arrow head formation.


How appropriate that manufacturing of parts for the Rafale began earlier this year in Nagpur (city of the RSS headquarters) at a facility of chronically-debt ridden Anil Ambani's Reliance :smith

I feel no pride.
I saw the video of it touching down in Ambala air space, such an awesome looking jet @ TGK....

India needs another 5-6 more squadrons of these and IAF will become a force to be reckoned with..
A force to be reckoned with :))

China has two different 5th gen fighters both will have Rafale for breakfast. India's Rafale purchase is 10 years too late. Any ways it works in Pakistan's interests if India overestimates its capabilities as happened last Feb.
Are there Israeli or French pilots who will fly these or by India’s themselves? If the latter is the case this could be costly.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pakistan & China hear the thunder as roaring Rafales land in Ambala airbase. <br>PM Modi tweets ‘touch sky with glory’, but <a href="">@RahulGandhi</a> asks 3 questions. <br><br>Join Rahul Shivshankar on INDIA UPFRONT at 8:30 PM. | <a href="">#RafalePowersIndia</a> <a href=""></a></p>— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) <a href="">July 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

There was a thunderstorm here a couple of days ago. I just realized that it must have been the Rafales...
A force to be reckoned with :))

China has two different 5th gen fighters both will have Rafale for breakfast. India's Rafale purchase is 10 years too late. Any ways it works in Pakistan's interests if India overestimates its capabilities as happened last Feb.

Oh yeah definitely, I agree, Chinese 5th Generation jet which has never been to a war or been sold to any other countries will have an established top regarded Rafale for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. :angel:.. :narine.. Wait I forgot the Chinese 5th generation is even better than the Raptor :najam lol...

But in all seriousness I agree with your point, that the Rafale purchase has come a little late.
Would be pretty embarrassing if one of these falls down like bison jet does every other month. Maybe then Rafale will be nick named water buffalo.
Now that Rafales are here I feel a newfound confidence in my spine personally speaking. My sleep quality has also improved significantly. Yesterday in my dreams also I had flown one of these Rafales personally to Pangong lake.
Only a matter of time before our superheroes bring the first of them hurtling down to terra firma.

Then Modud will spin it as some surgical strike.

You are right. It does take superhero guts to take to the air in a moth eaten 1960s Soviet-era piece of junk to defend one's country in this day and age.
Maybe our beloved Air Force Chief should look at the conditions of some of the hospitals treating Covid in his country and then think whether scaring Pakistan is more important or looking after your own
You are right. It does take superhero guts to take to the air in a moth eaten 1960s Soviet-era piece of junk to defend one's country in this day and age.

Oh, just like our Air Force itself, our jocks too have graduated to crashing types from around the world - from brand new American C-130Js to upgraded French Mirage 2000s and British Jaguars all in the last few years.

The French Air Force are yet to crash a single Rafale since they were inducted in 2007. I guarantee that we won't have such a record - it's for the Air Force to prove us wrong.
Rafale fighter jets massive upgrade for our defence forces, says Sachin

Rafale fighter jets massive upgrade for our defence forces, says Sachin

I think the buzz around these jets is not really justified.what's this happening?
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A nation of effete and emasculated people trying to compensate their crisis of masculinity by importing 5 jets.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday said it could not ignore the arms build-up by India including its purchase of Rafale fighter jets, which could be modified to deliver nuclear weapons.

“We have seen reports of recent acquisition of Rafale jets by Indian Air Force. According to some former senior Indian officials and several international publications, these Rafale jets have dual-capable systems that can be modified as nuclear weapon delivery platforms,” Foreign Office spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said at her weekly media briefing.

Five Rafale fighter jets reached India from France on Wednesday. These jets were the first from the 36 aircraft ordered by India in 2016 as part of its plans for upgrade of its air force.

Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh hailed the induction of the jets into Indian Air Force as “the beginning of a new era in our military history”.

The arrival of the new fighter jets in India comes almost six weeks after India’s armed clash with China in Ladakh.

Says Delhi’s newly acquired Rafale jets can be modified to deliver nuclear weapons

Ms Farooqui said India was expanding and modernising its nuclear arsenal both in terms of type and number of delivery systems. Additionally, it has nuclearised the Indian Ocean and continues to increase the readiness of its arsenal through measures such as canisterisation of missile systems, she added.

The spokesperson said India, the second largest arms importer in the world, was amassing military capabilities beyond its genuine security requirements.

She said India’s arms build-up was being aided and abetted by the West’s policy of exemptions, waivers and supply of advanced equipment, technology and weapons for its narrow commercial interests.

“Such arms transfers also violate the objectives of various export control regimes on preventing destabilising accumulation of arms in various regions including where there exist outstanding conflicts and disputes,” Ms Farooqui said.

“Transfer of advanced systems, where there is an open intention of conversion into nuclear delivery platforms, calls into question the commitment of international suppliers to non-proliferation commitments,” she added.

The spokesperson reminded that Pakistan had repeatedly warned about the risks of massive Indian arms build-up as well as its offensive security doctrine and force postures.

These developments, she said, were adversely affecting strategic stability in South Asia.

“The world community must dissuade India from its disproportionate arms build-up which could also lead to an arms race in South Asia,” Ms Farooqui emphasised.

Pakistan, she said, remained open to consideration of measures for crisis management, risk reduction and strategic restraint.

“Pakistan cannot remain oblivious to these developments and remains confident of its ability to thwart any ill-considered act of aggression,” she added.

Afghan ceasefire

Pakistan, the spokesperson said, welcomed the announcement of ceasefire in Afghanistan on Eidul Azha. “We see this as a positive development,” she said.

Taliban this week announced a three-day ceasefire on the occasion of Eidul Azha, which starts from Thursday night.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had earlier announced that his government would soon complete the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners as agreed in the Doha Agreement signed between US and Taliban in February.

These developments point to the expected start of long elusive intra-Afghan dialogue.

“Regarding the matter pertaining to the Afghan peace process, we have already said on a number of occasions that the commitments made by both sides must be fulfilled to take the peace process forward,” the spokesperson said.

“Release of prisoners is one such commitment and we hope to see a forward movement in this aspect, so that the next step which is the intra-Afghan dialogue can take place,” she added.