PakPassion Football Manager Competition - Discussion / Q & A Thread

Hey Ibad, I always put Luiz at LCB but he ends up playing RCB, could you please look into this from the next time?
Re: PakPassion Football Manager Competition - Discussion / Q & A Thread

Sorry I have not been posting my team, been mega busy with work/life

Things are going to remain hectic so I'm not sure if I will get a chance to post my teams so apologies in advance
Re: PakPassion Football Manager Competition - Discussion / Q & A Thread


When will this begin?????
Ibad, I have a request. My squad consist of only 20 members and already 5 of them are injured currently. So its quite struggling.

So I have a request that during the next trade window please allow me to release 2 players less or an extra 2 free picks. hope you'll consider it thanks.

Ibad,Can you please look forward to this consideration of mine :)???
Ibad,Can you please look forward to this consideration of mine :)???

you can release any amount of players and pick 3 free players so if you don't release a player then you can get your squad right by picking just free players..

Just on you how you adjust your squad..
The Royal Mafia team ScreenShot is not showing in the team thread.Help Please Ibad Saheb.