Parking Fine - How to appeal successfully?


Tape Ball Captain
Jan 19, 2006
I received a parking fine through the post few days ago. I was parked on an area marked by zig zags for more than 3 minutes. (they provided me with pictures)

I was wondering if there is a successful way to appeal and avoid paying the fine. The fine is £100, which will be reduced to £50 if paid within 21 days.

Any help would greatly be appreciated!
It's hard to defend parking on Zig Zags. Just be thankful it's only a fine you are getting as the max penalty is 3 points.
I have learnt it hard way but the lesson is "man up and pay it". No point in sulking if it was your own fault.
Best to just cough up the £50, them traffic wardens are like leeches.
Very difficult to get yourself out of a zig-zag parking fine. That is a strict no parking zone. Just pay £50 and have a coffea.
Why are you looking for a backdoor if you are guilty of it? Show respect to the law of the land, pay the fine and be careful in future. If you are not guilty, you can contest it as long as you have some reasonable proof .
Jus pay it man- I paid 25 quid lately for a 50 quid fine.

The appeal takes longer then the period of time that you have to pay half the fine so if your appeal is unsuccessful then your screwed!
£50 is a bargain.
Last year, I received a parking ticket of $160.00 in NY, and just paid it off.
Didnt have time and will to go thru the hassle.
I wish if they had such a system here in the U.S. where you'd pay half if paid within 21 days.
I got an £80 parking ticket for staying longer than two hours in a shopping centre car park, do I have to pay it?

Read more:

Long and short of it is NO- cannot be enforced. Was sent a "ticket" for overstaying in Morrisons car park- it is nothing but an invoice and nope they cannot enforce it.

Whatever you do, dont agree appealing to POPLA for that be admission of breach of contract.

PS Only councils can issue tickets- these provate parking sound pretty similar but are not tickets- but an invoice to pay for breach of contract.

Look up on MSE- loads of examples there. I didnt pay mine and never heard anything from these cowboys. Said i was not dricing the car and I am not under obligation to reveal who was.
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As long as you didn't get any points just pay the 50 quid man - it's the least hassle and to be fair if you know you committed the crime and they have photographic evidence I don't think there is much you can do anyway :butt
Lol I had from PCM Parking- another set of cowboys them lot- again in West London
As long as you didn't get any points just pay the 50 quid man - it's the least hassle and to be fair if you know you committed the crime and they have photographic evidence I don't think there is much you can do anyway :butt

OP was posted in 2011 so pretty sure if it isn't paid till now it will be in thousands :))
When I went to UK, my uncle told me this trick, it will only work once though. Basically, once he got ticket for speeding, what he did was, he sent a letter saying it wasn't him who drove the car but one of his nephew that was in England from Sri Lanka for a vacation. He attached nephew's name, and all other where about information about his "nephew" and sent the letter. The UK governments sent his "nephew" a letter warning him that, they won't penalize him because he was a tourist and that he must learn UK driving rules and regulation before driving again in UK. You can try this too, but only once though.
On private property if the ticket issuer is part of BPA (British Parking Association) they can request details from DVLA and take you to civil court if all the signs/notices were clearly visible as you entered the property.

If you get a ticket from a company that is not part of BPA, simply tear it up and go on with your life :)
Whatever you do, dont agree appealing to POPLA for that be admission of breach of contract.

I wish I had read this advice six months ago, I got stiffed for £70 after refusing to pay a ticket and appealing to POPLA who of course agreed with the private parking company. I had bought a legitimate parking ticket as well, but threw it away when I got home. I didn't get the breach of parking notice until two weeks later. Total scam it was.
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