PCB Management Committee agrees to discontinue the Pakistan Junior League after one season


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
The Pakistan Junior League (PJL) project has cost Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) nearly PKR 1 billion.

As per sources, the PCB suffered a loss of PKR 996996400. The amount in dollars is approximately $4431095.

PCB had to face significant difficulties in selling the title sponsor and franchises, so they kept the ownership of the teams. In total, PKR19 crore were received from sponsorship, PKR 28 crore 60 lakhs were spent on production, thus a loss of PKR 9 crore 60 lakhs.

The match fee of players and support staff was 44 crore 28 lakh 60 thousand. They were given PKR2 crore seven lakhs as daily allowance, 19 crores 93 lakh rupees for commercial and cricket operations, two crore rupees for security, 14 crores 89 lakh 20 thousand 400, administrative affairs 2 crore 56 lakh 36 thousand, legal 75 lakh, media 90 lakh 80 thousand, finance 10 lakhs, HR 60 lakhs, chairman contigency of Two crore.

The rights of the league for 20 years were sold when Ramiz Raja left, however, PCB Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi has indicated not to continue PJL, so the implementation of the agreement is not possible.
The Pakistan Junior League (PJL) project has cost Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) nearly PKR 1 billion.

As per sources, the PCB suffered a loss of PKR 996996400. The amount in dollars is approximately $4431095.

PCB had to face significant difficulties in selling the title sponsor and franchises, so they kept the ownership of the teams. In total, PKR19 crore were received from sponsorship, PKR 28 crore 60 lakhs were spent on production, thus a loss of PKR 9 crore 60 lakhs.

The match fee of players and support staff was 44 crore 28 lakh 60 thousand. They were given PKR2 crore seven lakhs as daily allowance, 19 crores 93 lakh rupees for commercial and cricket operations, two crore rupees for security, 14 crores 89 lakh 20 thousand 400, administrative affairs 2 crore 56 lakh 36 thousand, legal 75 lakh, media 90 lakh 80 thousand, finance 10 lakhs, HR 60 lakhs, chairman contigency of Two crore.

The rights of the league for 20 years were sold when Ramiz Raja left, however, PCB Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi has indicated not to continue PJL, so the implementation of the agreement is not possible.

Shock horror. Sethi discontinues one of the more constructive acts of Rameez’s stint, in the name of being different. Even if the PJL was a loss making venture, it could’ve been a good pathway for the future for younger talent. That’s literally the definition of a loss leader.

But I’m sure spending the PJL funds on cricketing journeymen (that don’t actually add quality to the competition) will be constructive for Pakistan’s future. Waiting for Arsal Sheikh to tear it up for Gujranwala Turquoises in the new new 40 team combined regions/departments system.
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Sethi is a master business man and the founder of the PSL. Why doesn't he take it upon himself to find sponsors and make the PJL and Pakistan's women's league just as profitable as the PSL? The PCB can do with additional asset properties.
The Pakistan Junior League (PJL) project has cost Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) nearly PKR 1 billion.

As per sources, the PCB suffered a loss of PKR 996996400. The amount in dollars is approximately $4431095.

PCB had to face significant difficulties in selling the title sponsor and franchises, so they kept the ownership of the teams. In total, PKR19 crore were received from sponsorship, PKR 28 crore 60 lakhs were spent on production, thus a loss of PKR 9 crore 60 lakhs.

The match fee of players and support staff was 44 crore 28 lakh 60 thousand. They were given PKR2 crore seven lakhs as daily allowance, 19 crores 93 lakh rupees for commercial and cricket operations, two crore rupees for security, 14 crores 89 lakh 20 thousand 400, administrative affairs 2 crore 56 lakh 36 thousand, legal 75 lakh, media 90 lakh 80 thousand, finance 10 lakhs, HR 60 lakhs, chairman contigency of Two crore.

The rights of the league for 20 years were sold when Ramiz Raja left, however, PCB Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi has indicated not to continue PJL, so the implementation of the agreement is not possible.

It was a good idea, needed more time.
Najam Sethi brings the same mentality that does not allow PCB to invest in infrastructure. They just cannot conceive the idea of taking a short term loss for the long term game. Imagine if PCB had invested in building a state of the art stadium even at a high cost. It would show up as a loss but it could generate long term revenue for PCB. But because our babus know that by the time such projects are completed, their time is over and someone else is in charge to take credit so they end up not planning for the long term infrastructure. People like Najam Sethi are also going to sabotage the previous admin’s projects because they don’t want anyone else but themselves to leave any sort of legacy behind them. So here we are.
dont need a PJL every year, the frequency with which governance changes it cd be back in 2024, a biannual pjl would make more sense to have a totally new batch of players.
The Pakistan Junior League (PJL) project has cost Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) nearly PKR 1 billion.

As per sources, the PCB suffered a loss of PKR 996996400. The amount in dollars is approximately $4431095.

PCB had to face significant difficulties in selling the title sponsor and franchises, so they kept the ownership of the teams. In total, PKR19 crore were received from sponsorship, PKR 28 crore 60 lakhs were spent on production, thus a loss of PKR 9 crore 60 lakhs.

The match fee of players and support staff was 44 crore 28 lakh 60 thousand. They were given PKR2 crore seven lakhs as daily allowance, 19 crores 93 lakh rupees for commercial and cricket operations, two crore rupees for security, 14 crores 89 lakh 20 thousand 400, administrative affairs 2 crore 56 lakh 36 thousand, legal 75 lakh, media 90 lakh 80 thousand, finance 10 lakhs, HR 60 lakhs, chairman contigency of Two crore.

The rights of the league for 20 years were sold when Ramiz Raja left, however, PCB Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi has indicated not to continue PJL, so the implementation of the agreement is not possible.

Are these numbers even right? The players drafted didn't even get paid that much salary but the numbers listed here are outrageous. How much does a domestic tournament cost because this was a supped up version of it.

Nonetheless, it is extremely disappointing and frustrating this is being dropped because the goal seems to be clearly to do everything opposite of Ramiz whether or not it was beneficial for Pakistan cricket.

Because of PJL, we have already seen players like Basit/Minhas being fast tracked and already being groomed for national selection. It's also helped them get onto domestic teams and they are already getting good & proper development. I don't think Pakistan even need to do PSL based system either, they can hold a National T20 for U19 so they can get good exposure and it can help Pakistan build their U19 teams for the WC moving forward.
So the PJL has been scrapped by the Sethi led administration especially now that it has come to light that the venture resulted in $4.5 million loss to the PCB.

Will Ramiz Raja be held accountable for holding the venture in such a blatant unsustainable manner?

Apparently everyone in the PCB was against the venture especially when the PCB failed to get the bids they wanted but Ramiz stubbornly buldozzed everyone
PCB can't afford such luxuries, they should spend money on U19 and A tours
From PCB:

The PCB Management Committee agreed to discontinue the Pakistan Junior League. However, to ensure there is a pathway for the high-performing teenagers and the country continues to produce talented cricketers across all age gaps, it was agreed to revive junior series on a home and away basis. It was also agreed to hold discussions with the HBL Pakistan Super League franchises to include an Under-19 player under their Emerging Categories in the playing line-ups
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” – Magic Johnson. It is so sad that PJL has fallen to vendetta politics & rolled back even though 7 of the kids made it to PSL 8 emerging category & 3 are part of Pak vs NZ as reserves.</p>— Ramiz Raja (@iramizraja) <a href="https://twitter.com/iramizraja/status/1609244870983716866?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Pakistan is the least talented cricket nation in the world. A PJL type league makes no sense in a country like Pakistan. 99% of the players playing in this league will never make it.

Besides, most of these players playing in PJL would look to that T20 shortcut & will not have any interest in putting the hard yards in FC cricket.

Instead of wasting time in PJL, these young players should be clearly told that they need to perform in U-19 etc. to earn a FC contract & focus on Test cricket.

As long as Test cricket is there, FC cricket has to be the pinnacle of domestic cricket. Players should not be drafted into the national team without proving themselves in FC first.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” – Magic Johnson. It is so sad that PJL has fallen to vendetta politics & rolled back even though 7 of the kids made it to PSL 8 emerging category & 3 are part of Pak vs NZ as reserves.</p>— Ramiz Raja (@iramizraja) <a href="https://twitter.com/iramizraja/status/1609244870983716866?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

PCB lost $4 million, stop being a prima donna. Everyone wants to see the next gen take up the mantle, obviously. But it’s not feasible when you’re losing millions of dollars each edition.
PJL was another one of Ramiz's ill conceived vanity projects. It attracted no commercial interest whatsoever, and why would there be ?

You're asking sponsors to invest in cricketers with no name recognition. More importantly, U19 players naturally cannot be retained long-term so what benefits would the franchises gain ? Why would Bahawalpur develop players only for Karachi Kings to reap the rewards ?
It was a messed up idea to begin with.
U-19 players just need good coaches, sponsorship for
their kits and nothing else. No limelight, no money.
90% of even exceptional U-19 kids just disappear after a year, how do you plan to absorb those hundreds of kids into mainstream.
Huge losses incurred.

No interest in anyone sponsoring it

Overseas youngsters getting experience in Pakistan and being paid for it.

Yes, great idea....not.
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Poor decision.

Unfortunately a sign of the neoliberal and rentier capitalism that has taken over all aspects of life.

It was the perfect example of investing in something that would reap rewards later on - even if not in the form of 'profit' which doesn't have to be the be all and end all - the PCB is not a private company with shareholders etc.
Great decision

Maybe save the money now and pay the domestic cricketers who are owed their salaries
Although it made a loss in the first year, Ramiz managed to get a deal with a commercial company for the PJL. PCB was to get 55.5 million PKR per year. This was a 20 year deal.

If not for this tournament would we have found players like Basit Ali, Aimal Khan and Abidullah??
Although it made a loss in the first year, Ramiz managed to get a deal with a commercial company for the PJL. PCB was to get 55.5 million PKR per year. This was a 20 year deal.

If not for this tournament would we have found players like Basit Ali, Aimal Khan and Abidullah??

55.5 million per year was not enough revenue for the tournament to be sustainable
PCB can't afford such luxuries, they should spend money on U19 and A tours

Lol at PCB cant afford luxuries. Do you think the money saved from not doing PJL will be trafficked to the correct pots? No chance.
55.5 million per year was not enough revenue for the tournament to be sustainable

Pakistan sustains a lot of things it cannot sustain.

A tiny little PJL would not have bankrupt us.

Not everything is about money. A poor decision to cancel the visionary league.
The basic premise was wrong.
Young players need to be channelled through a structure where they play longer format cricket on decent wickets, play competitively, receive good coaching and develop good techniques.
Sticking them in a "slogathon" at an early age will not serve Pakistan cricket well ....unless the intention is to only compete in T20 tournaments and forsake all other formats (even then, not sure it will work)
Although it made a loss in the first year, Ramiz managed to get a deal with a commercial company for the PJL. PCB was to get 55.5 million PKR per year. This was a 20 year deal.

If not for this tournament would we have found players like Basit Ali, Aimal Khan and Abidullah??

Who told you they are good players with a bright future?
Great decision

Maybe save the money now and pay the domestic cricketers who are owed their salaries

Curious to see, how those domestic cricketers, who were journeymen, will help better the Pakistan Cricket team in the future, Vs talented young players who actually could be future internationals.
Who told you they are good players with a bright future?
Who told you they’re not? Youth development, even if a loss maker, ends up being a loss leader, even if 1-2 of the entire batch become successful internationals. Alternatively, they could become t20 franchise players, with the PCB making a percentage of their wages from giving NOCs.
55.5 million per year was not enough revenue for the tournament to be sustainable

You are making the assumption that the money saved will be used wisely. They’re already talking about reviving the old structure, and thus any costs related to that will eat up all the PJL funds.

I agree that we need to have more Shaheens tours and greater emphasis on age group cricket.

We also need to refurbish our existing stadia, with Faisalabad, Bugti in Quetta and Niaz stadium in Hyderabad needing full do/overs.

I just don’t think the current regime has either the ability or the intentions to save this money wisely.
Who told you they’re not? Youth development, even if a loss maker, ends up being a loss leader, even if 1-2 of the entire batch become successful internationals. Alternatively, they could become t20 franchise players, with the PCB making a percentage of their wages from giving NOCs.

99.99% of Pakistan’s players are rubbish. They are only good in the heads of the deluded fans.

I know they are no good because the odds are heavily stacked against them.

Pakistan is the least talented cricket nation in the world. It does not need a PJL especially a platform that loses money.

The 0.1% talented young players should come through FC cricket who should get selected after putting in the hard years in red ball.

We don’t want PJL to produce players like Shadab & Rauf who will chicken out of Test cricket.
Huge losses incurred.

No interest in anyone sponsoring it

Overseas youngsters getting experience in Pakistan and being paid for it.

Yes, great idea....not.

It spotlighted youngsters and put them in a pressure situation in front of a crowd and TV audience. They also had overseas players to play with and hopefully picked up good habits. Let’s not forget the access to older players who could relay very important developmental advice that these young kids local coaches could never impart.

Yes, it was a loss maker, but even if one of the PJL lads picked in the PSL draft do well in the PSL, suddenly you now have greater interest in the PJL going forward, and in time you get sponsors, franchisers etc.

It’s incredibly convenient and simplistic to tear down/point out the deficiencies in an aspiring project rather than offering a constructive alternative.

I’m not a huge Rameez fan, but this was one of his better ideas.
I think the most likely outcome will be far less broadcasting exposure to youth cricket so that handpicked kids with connections can be fast tracked through the system especially with PSL contracts on the line. The new elitist PCB simply cannot have these contracts going to someone from a poor background who couldn't afford to bribe his way through the system.
99.99% of Pakistan’s players are rubbish. They are only good in the heads of the deluded fans.

I know they are no good because the odds are heavily stacked against them.

Pakistan is the least talented cricket nation in the world. It does not need a PJL especially a platform that loses money.

The 0.1% talented young players should come through FC cricket who should get selected after putting in the hard years in red ball.

We don’t want PJL to produce players like Shadab & Rauf who will chicken out of Test cricket.

Ah yes, the captain of the braincell gang speaks. This may stun you, but the PJL was *in addition* to pre-existing age group cricket, rather than replacing it.

We’ve already had Hurraira come through age group cricket to be QEA top scorer for two years running. Similarly Mubasir Khan came through age group cricket to win the QEA player of the tournament for two years running. Both lads are in their very early 20s.

It’s conclusively moronic to make absolute statements about the prospects of any young player, let alone 99.99% of them.
As per a media report:

The players of the Pakistan Junior League (PJL) are awaiting payments from the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) for the inaugural edition of the tournament.

The players, who represented their respective sides, haven't been paid, while only foreign players have been paid seventy percent.

However, local players haven't received any payment from the national cricket government body.
As per a media report:

The players of the Pakistan Junior League (PJL) are awaiting payments from the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) for the inaugural edition of the tournament.

The players, who represented their respective sides, haven't been paid, while only foreign players have been paid seventy percent.

However, local players haven't received any payment from the national cricket government body.
Ramiz Raja is the worst administrator ever.
Ramiz Raja is the worst administrator ever.

I am pretty certain that people in the PCB were not happy with Ramiz. This coup did not occur so swiftly without a reason. They had inside help. It is very telling that the PCB COO has quickly built a camaraderie with the new management ie Sethi, Shakeel Sheikh, Nauman Butt. He is in videos smiling, giving high fives to these people in the PCB. When Ramiz first went public that these people didn't allow him the courtesy to collect his personal belongings from the PCB, Salman Naseer responded promptly on Twitter that he had already gathered Ramizs belongings on the day and he will deliver it to him shortly.
Great decision.

PJL was a disaster from the beginning. T20 cricket shouldn't be someone's entry into cricket. The young players should be honing their skills by playing first class cricket, not T20 cricket. It is because of our obsession with T20 cricket, why our test team is so bad right now.
Lol at PCB cant afford luxuries. Do you think the money saved from not doing PJL will be trafficked to the correct pots? No chance.

Last 4 years how many first class A tours took place? One against SL

We need U19 and A tour instead of useless money being spent
PJL provided name recognition to a lot of these under 19 guys. If under 19 and A team tours can do that then I’m all for it. I don’t know about you guys, but it used to be the case that Indian under 19 team would have all of its World Cup matches televised and we would hardly get to see our own under 19 guys. PJL bridges that gap. Now we are familiar with our under 19 cricketers. It also gives us enough information to decide which boys are actually worthy of national selection and which guys are simply nepotistic choices. PJL would have made sure that no Arsal Sheikh would be able to don the national under 19 team’s cap.
PJL meant no nepotism. Now these guys will get to play their own sons into the national under 19 teams and no one would notice. And rest assure, there is going to be zero questions from our so called journalists with regards to any updates on any of our under 19 international tours. There aren’t going to be any under 19 or A team foreign tours. The only way our A team would get a competitive game or two is through visiting international teams using our A team for practice. You want me to believe that the same guys who are worried about incurring minor losses, would take the same hit by arranging international tours for U19 and A teams?
PCB can look into the PJL again later on when they are in a position to dictate to investors and when they develop a better financial and cricketing model. To make it work, the PJL franchises might need to enter into agreements with PSL franchises where transfer fees might be negotiated for good promising players
I suspect the reason not many investors came forward to invest in the league was because idea was proposed by Ramiz Raja during PDM government when everyone knew it was a matter of time before he will be shown the door.
I suspect the reason not many investors came forward to invest in the league was because idea was proposed by Ramiz Raja during PDM government when everyone knew it was a matter of time before he will be shown the door.

The bankrupt state of the economy didn't help matters either
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Reproducing the signed MOU for PJL. It confirms the value sustainability and profit it could have yielded to the Board… and most importantly young players development. Franchises were to be locked in by 13th Jan… but alas for these new jokers ! <a href="https://t.co/xIpVh4F4nJ">pic.twitter.com/xIpVh4F4nJ</a></p>— Ramiz Raja (@iramizraja) <a href="https://twitter.com/iramizraja/status/1610677188264890368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 4, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Reproducing the signed MOU for PJL. It confirms the value sustainability and profit it could have yielded to the Board… and most importantly young players development. Franchises were to be locked in by 13th Jan… but alas for these new jokers ! <a href="https://t.co/xIpVh4F4nJ">pic.twitter.com/xIpVh4F4nJ</a></p>— Ramiz Raja (@iramizraja) <a href="https://twitter.com/iramizraja/status/1610677188264890368?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 4, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I get the feeling he doesn't grasp what this means.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Great news!<br>Ramiz’s messy financial backlog of Pak Jr League (PJL) is cleared. <br>New PCB admin u/<a href="https://twitter.com/najamsethi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@najamsethi</a> has made payments to all foreign/local players & mentors. <br>As he bought a bullet-proof car 4 himself, Ramiz left behind massive outstanding payments and $ 4.3 mln losses.</p>— Shakil Shaikh (@shakilsh58) <a href="https://twitter.com/shakilsh58/status/1615236253024124928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Great news!<br>Ramiz’s messy financial backlog of Pak Jr League (PJL) is cleared. <br>New PCB admin u/<a href="https://twitter.com/najamsethi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@najamsethi</a> has made payments to all foreign/local players & mentors. <br>As he bought a bullet-proof car 4 himself, Ramiz left behind massive outstanding payments and $ 4.3 mln losses.</p>— Shakil Shaikh (@shakilsh58) <a href="https://twitter.com/shakilsh58/status/1615236253024124928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Suge Shakeel Knight cleaning house

But Ramiz did himself no favours making these enemies

But Ramiz is history - the new Admin should stop behaving like thugs - if they feel they deserve to be running PCB, then act like that.