[PICTURE] Narendra Modi, a dictator? ABC News documentary exposes Modi govt’s crackdown on press, minorities

Do you agree with Modi's portrayal as a dictator?

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two highly credible articles.

One from a free lancer from islamabad <snicker>

The other declared that Indian democracy is dying in July 2023, Now its almost July 2024. Is Indian democracy dead yet?
Lol.. i can quote you a lot of articles from Al Jazeera too but then you would blame it to be biased too
It seems you didn't read the article i quoted.
I did and you are dodging the questions I asked.

the indian consuitution does not have reservation clause based on religion

so muslims are not entitled to reservation based on religion
Lol.. i can quote you a lot of articles from Al Jazeera too but then you would blame it to be biased too
dodging again. Is indian democracy dead yet?

Oh wait you were crowing about the Indian election results recently. I can understand your predicament
The above text is from post 15 OBL thread and on freedom fighter its too simple anyone who fights to liberate their land from invaders, colonizers or imperialist forces
Was OBL trying to liberate SA? did he fight to get rid of house of Saud? Is KSA under american occupation?
Hopefully now you will tender your definitions too instead of dodging tactics
terrorist are those who target civilians with violence to further their political cause
>>>Terrorists are those who enforce their opinions on others, who kill people aimlessly just to further their powers and those who kick people out of their land for their colonization and just to get their dirty hands over their resources.<<<

LMAO. Guess that makes islamist and muslims terrorists with their demand that every respect their prophet and quran?

that makes moghuls terrorists and ottamans terrorists correct?
Was OBL trying to liberate SA? did he fight to get rid of house of Saud? Is KSA under american occupation?

terrorist are those who target civilians with violence to further their political cause
Don't you know America refused to take its forces off the SA post the gulf war, what was the reason? Would you have allowed soviets to be on Indian soil post cold war? So was OBL demand too bad?

On your terrorist definition, well who is killing innocent civilians in Jammu and Kashmir extrajudically? The Indian Army backed by your current government so would you brand them terrorists too according to your definition
“Security forces have long operated with impunity in Kashmir, and past army investigations have been more focused on shielding those responsible for abuse than providing justice,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “There can be no end to the cycle of violence in Kashmir if security forces are not held accountable for their past and current abuses.”

>>>Terrorists are those who enforce their opinions on others, who kill people aimlessly just to further their powers and those who kick people out of their land for their colonization and just to get their dirty hands over their resources.<<<

LMAO. Guess that makes islamist and muslims terrorists with their demand that every respect their prophet and quran?

that makes moghuls terrorists and ottamans terrorists correct?
Lol...The Quran forbades Muslims not to make fun of any religion. Correct your facts first and please study a bit more about Islam.

'And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah , lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge' Al Quran

And on Ottamons and Mughals call them whatever you want but don't fail to ignore my whole definition of terrorist.
Don't you know America refused to take its forces off the SA post the gulf war, what was the reason? Would you have allowed soviets to be on Indian soil post cold war? So was OBL demand too bad?
Wasn't the forces invited by KSA? did KSA rulers make a demand for US forces to be gone? if yes, quote it.

If not OBL's problem was with KSA rulers not the US.

Iranians had the right idea and over threw their rulers. Osama chose to attack civilians and establlsh a barbaric regime in afganistan.

by your defnition Taliban are terrorists and sponsors of taliban aka pakistan are terrorists correct?
On your terrorist definition, well who is killing innocent civilians in Jammu and Kashmir extrajudically? The Indian Army backed by your current government so would you brand them terrorists too according to your definition
“Security forces have long operated with impunity in Kashmir, and past army investigations have been more focused on shielding those responsible for abuse than providing justice,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “There can be no end to the cycle of violence in Kashmir if security forces are not held accountable for their past and current abuses.”

Who started and sponsered the Jihad in Kashmir?

Who sent non state actors into Kashmir and declared india divided or destroyed? hint the great leader

SO accorting to you Jinnah is a terrorist correct?

who espoused terrorism as state craft: hint father of two nation theory

>>In an unlikely scenario when Muslims would need help, “… then our Musalman brothers, the Pathans, would come out as a swarm of locusts from their mountain valleys and make rivers of blood to flow from their frontier in the north to the extreme end of Bengal,” Khan had said in one of the speeches.<<<
Lol...The Quran forbades Muslims not to make fun of any religion. Correct your facts first and please study a bit more about Islam.

'And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah , lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge' Al Quran

And on Ottamons and Mughals call them whatever you want but don't fail to ignore my whole definition of terrorist.
you are dodging

Do non mulims have to respect the propeht and quran? why?

If they have to, then all muslims are terroists by your own definition
maybe becos they are not looking for handouts from the governments and want to educated culture children.

More children = less resources=less education
I think millions of Hindu families living in backward villages have plenty off kids too.
OK for a moment let's ignore NRC and CAA what about reservations, isn't it for socially underwhelmed communities?, In the article below, Modi himself acknowledging it and denying it's benefits for Muslims

Reservation on the basis of religion will be against the values and principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday.
“As long as I am alive, I will not let reservations of Dalits, adivasis, OBCs be given to Muslims on the basis of religion," he said in Maharashtra's Nandurbar while campaigning for elections.
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“The Congress never bothered about the welfare of adivasis," he said about India’s main Opposition party.
What did PM Modi say in Rajasthan's Banswara in April?
The controversy started when during an election rally in Rajasthan's Banswara last month, Modi said that if voted to power, the Congress will distribute the country's wealth among "infiltrators" and families with more children.

Modi cited a speech by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and said his rival’s administration had advocated for the redistribution of property from Hindus to Muslims.

"This ‘urban Naxal’ mindset, mothers and sisters, will not even leave your mangalsutra. They can go to that extent. The Congress manifesto claims it will calculate the gold possessed by mothers and sisters, gather information about it, and then distribute that property. They will distribute it to whom? Manmohan Singh's government had said Muslims have the first right on the country's assets," Modi had said.

"Earlier, when their [Congress] government was in power, they had stated that Muslims have the first right on the country's assets. This implies to whom will this property be distributed? It will be distributed among those who have more children. It will be distributed to the infiltrators. Should your hard-earned money go to the infiltrators? Do you approve of this?"

"Do governments have the right to confiscate your property which you have earned through hard work? The gold with our mothers and sisters is not for showing off; it is tied to their self-respect. The value of their mangalsutra is not in gold or its price, but is related to their dreams in life. And you are talking about snatching it?" the prime minister had said in Rajasthan.
The Congress asked the Election Commission (EC) to take action against Modi for his comments. The Congress said the Prime Minister's speech was "divisive, objectionable and malicious” and he had made “blatantly defamatory”, “false” and “unverified allegations” against the party.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) too asked the EC to take action against PM Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

'Not against Muslims or Islam', says PM Modi
In a recent interview to Times Now TV news channel, Modi said that he is not biased against Muslims.
In an interview clip shared on X (formerly Twitter), Modi said, "Neither we are against Muslim nor Islam. This is not our work. Muslim community understands everything. When I ended the tradition of triple talaq, when I give Ayushman card or when I give Covid-19 vaccine, Muslim sisters feel I am a genuine man who does not discriminate."

Answering to allegations made against him for being against Muslims, he said, “When there was the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, our manifesto mentioned Ram Mandir, Article 370. When you speak about 100 per cent, every community is included. There is a guarantee of social justice, secularism. Modi ensures that everyone gets everything."

'Muslims, leaders should introspect', says PM Modi
He further said that the Muslim community and their leaders should introspect. “The country is moving forward. If your community is lagging, then what is the reason? Did you receive the benefit of government schemes during Congress' rule?" he said.

The Prime Minister accused the Congress party of disrespecting the Constitution. “Shouldn't we create a spirit of Constitution in the country? It is not that the Constitution should be only for judges and lawyers. When I brought a proposal in Parliament to celebrate Constitution Day, Kharge ji [Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge] himself opposed it, saying what was the need when we celebrate January 26."

First of all CAA doesn't affect any Indian Muslim.

Second NRC is limited to Assam and was conducted under the agreement of Assam Accord Signed by Rajiv Gandhi with the Assamese people. It was conducted under the supervision of the Supreme court.

Reservation based on religion is unconstitutional in India. As per Various judgements of Supreme court and High court, reservation cannot be based on religion.
I don't know why you lumped China in with India, there are wargames being conducted over the last few years with China and NATO facing off over several territorial disputes.
I am just following you logic Cap, China became influential because they towed the Western lines, imagine if they were like the Pakistanis, what their fate would have been today, broke, no hope, no future, finished as a country like Pakistan..
Really admire the courage Modi has to not care about the international backlash and doing things that are good for his country.

However my opinion of him really took a hit in these elections. Was really low of him to make snide remarks about Indian Muslims.
No. They often have their own identity that is why Modi says that.
Some of the isolation that Muslims face is that a big chunk of them prefer to send their kids to Madrassas for education and not the regular school system. Consequently, they are not able to benefit from the rising economy as a whole and stuck with low skill manual labor type jobs only.
No one is stopping Muslims from good schooling. Madrassas do not have any oversight and provide little value for upliftment. and when BJP tried actions against Madrassas it was termed Islamophobic. The motivation of BJP is almost always Islamophobic but the for some social isolation scenario, Muslims themselves are complicit too.
Some of the isolation that Muslims face is that a big chunk of them prefer to send their kids to Madrassas for education and not the regular school system. Consequently, they are not able to benefit from the rising economy as a whole and stuck with low skill manual labor type jobs only.
No one is stopping Muslims from good schooling. Madrassas do not have any oversight and provide little value for upliftment. and when BJP tried actions against Madrassas it was termed Islamophobic. The motivation of BJP is almost always Islamophobic but the for some social isolation scenario, Muslims themselves are complicit too.
That does not mean their homes should be bulldozed or they be called insulting names. I don't think madrassa education should be a problem providing the students remain career oriented and focused. Madrassa education is not all about Islam as you seem to think rather other subjects like engineering can be taught as well.

The RSS hold Muslim people responsible for everything where as temple going religious Hindu's seem to be exempt. No one points a finger at them for living lives according to their faith. Indian Muslim's always need to prove their loyalty by acting more patriotic then the Hindu's that there is no doubt off. If some Indian Muslim is an Imran Khan or Wasim Akram fan he will be accused of being a Pak lover. If I say I am an Amitabh Bachchan fan generally no one in Pak will blink an eyelid or question my love for Pak.
Statistics are like miniskirts and all that! I don't want to provide countless video's here but we all know Modi hates Muslim's!
Ok If you are just going to deny straight up facts, there is absolutely no point to your delusions.
No one is denying that Modi is no fan of Muslims, but you really cut and bury your argument when you deny absolute facts.
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I did and you are dodging the questions I asked.

the indian consuitution does not have reservation clause based on religion

so muslims are not entitled to reservation based on religion
Uff... You are always in so haste that you never the arguments correctly.

OK for a moment let's ignore NRC and CAA what about reservations, isn't it for socially underwhelmed communities?, In the article below, Modi himself acknowledging it and denying it's benefits for Muslims
Go have a look at post 71, I made the point that if it's about socio economic condition rather than the religious affiliation then still Muslims deserve reservation being a community whose socio economic condition has deteriorated over the years. And yep I knew indian consuitution didn't allow religious reservation. Look what your PM said about Muslim conditions
Muslims, leaders should introspect', says PM Modi
He further said that the Muslim community and their leaders should introspect. “The country is moving forward. If your community is lagging, then what is the reason? Did you receive the benefit of government schemes during Congress' rule?" he said.
you are dodging

Do non mulims have to respect the propeht and quran? why?

If they have to, then all muslims are terroists by your own definition
I get one thing from your arguments that you don't know much about Islam

Quote me one Quranic verse which says it is incumbent upon everyone specifically non Muslims to MUST respect Islam but what Islam says is to not be disrespectful towards other religions and likewise expect the same from others.

For your understanding take this example, no poster here is bound to respect any other poster but they must not be disrespectful towards other. Got the distinction between the two now?
>>>Terrorists are those who enforce their opinions on others, who kill people aimlessly just to further their powers and those who kick people out of their land for their colonization and just to get their dirty hands over their resources.<<<

LMAO. Guess that makes islamist and muslims terrorists with their demand that every respect their prophet and quran?

that makes moghuls terrorists and ottamans terrorists correct?
Lol.. What a selective pickings. If I take only the highlighted portion as the definition of terrorist then even people' parents and teachers would be classified as terrorists as they sometimes enforce their opinion too. So my advice read the whole definition again as it has other components and ingredients too.
I get one thing from your arguments that you don't know much about Islam

Quote me one Quranic verse which says it is incumbent upon everyone specifically non Muslims to MUST respect Islam but what Islam says is to not be disrespectful towards other religions and likewise expect the same from others.

For your understanding take this example, no poster here is bound to respect any other poster but they must not be disrespectful towards other. Got the distinction between the two now?
Are talking about books or religion? no we are not.

We are talking about some human beings and their terrorist behavior.
Lol.. What a selective pickings. If I take only the highlighted portion as the definition of terrorist then even people' parents and teachers would be classified as terrorists as they sometimes enforce their opinion too. So my advice read the whole definition again as it has other components and ingredients too.
your words bro. instead of complaining, think before you post
Uff... You are always in so haste that you never the arguments correctly.

Go have a look at post 71, I made the point that if it's about socio economic condition rather than the religious affiliation then still Muslims deserve reservation being a community whose socio economic condition has deteriorated over the years. And yep I knew indian consuitution didn't allow religious reservation. Look what your PM said about Muslim conditions
India constitution doens't allow for that either.

As usual you want special treatment for muslims as a group Shocked.
Uff... You are always in so haste that you never the arguments correctly.

Go have a look at post 71, I made the point that if it's about socio economic condition rather than the religious affiliation then still Muslims deserve reservation being a community whose socio economic condition has deteriorated over the years. And yep I knew indian consuitution didn't allow religious reservation. Look what your PM said about Muslim conditions

There is a separate 10 per cent reservation for Economically weaker sections that any poor muslim can avail.

There cannot be a separate reservation for Muslims.

Attack on Congress office strengthens my point about BJP, RSS: Rahul Gandhi​

The “BJP people” who “spread violence and hatred do not understand the basic principles of Hinduism”, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said on July 3 as he hit out at the ruling party for what he described a “violent attack” on his party’s office in Ahmedabad.

Workers of the BJP and the Congress threw stones at one another outside the Gujarat Congress headquarters in Ahmedabad on Tuesday during a protest against the remarks made by Mr. Gandhi in the Lok Sabha.

In a post in Hindi on X, Mr. Gandhi said, “The cowardly and violent attack on the Gujarat Congress office further strengthens my point about the BJP and the Sangh Parivar. The BJP people who spread violence and hatred do not understand the basic principles of Hinduism. The people of Gujarat can clearly see through their lies and will teach the BJP government a decisive lesson. I am saying it again — INDIA is going to win in Gujarat!”

Several workers and leaders of both the parties were detained after the clash, a city police control room official said. While the BJP accused Congress workers of attacking a “peaceful protest”, Opposition leaders blamed the BJP workers for instigating violence. Both parties said their workers were injured in the incident.

“BJP workers attacked the Congress office out of frustration a day after Rahul Gandhi said all religions preach non-violence and there is no place for violence. They staged a protest without any permission from police and attacked us, which is a testimony to the collapse of law and order in Gujarat,” Gujarat Congress working president Himmatsinh Patel said.

Source: The Hindu
The Kartarpur corridor is an example of how Pakistan welcomes its neighbours.

You conveniently left out the Pakistani people in general don't have hostility towards their indian counterparts like the indians do.

You don't seem to understand your country functions on the hate of others which always consumes you as a nation in the end.

Your "security fig tree line" is baseless when other nations have toured successfully.

If anything the safety of Pakistani players is always at risk in india with a large contingency of hinduvta right wing far right ideologists in the country that attack their own citizens and a track record for digging up pitches.

Pakistani people in general do not have hostility towards India? Social media has changed this narrative. There is a lot of hatred for Hindus and India.

Heck even Indian Muslims are abused as being weak or spineless because they don't resort to violence and most of them have been living peacefully.

UN sanctioned terrorists that target India live freely in Pakistan. So don't compare security of other nations to Indians.

Pakistan has a track record of attacking cricketers physically. Srikanth was attacked by fans in Karachi in 1989. On the same tour the Karachi odi was abandoned as pakistan were reduced to 40 for 3 and fans attacked the boundary players. In Karachi in 1997 the odi was stopped 4 times and reduced to 47 overs as fans continuously pelted stones on players.

There are many other incidents. Read books by Allan border Steve Waugh Mike Gattting Graham Gooch etc.

I am not even bringing the 2009 incident.
Pakistani people in general do not have hostility towards India? Social media has changed this narrative. There is a lot of hatred for Hindus and India.

Heck even Indian Muslims are abused as being weak or spineless because they don't resort to violence and most of them have been living peacefully.

UN sanctioned terrorists that target India live freely in Pakistan. So don't compare security of other nations to Indians.

Pakistan has a track record of attacking cricketers physically. Srikanth was attacked by fans in Karachi in 1989. On the same tour the Karachi odi was abandoned as pakistan were reduced to 40 for 3 and fans attacked the boundary players. In Karachi in 1997 the odi was stopped 4 times and reduced to 47 overs as fans continuously pelted stones on players.

There are many other incidents. Read books by Allan border Steve Waugh Mike Gattting Graham Gooch etc.

I am not even bringing the 2009 incident.
People dislike and detest the far right hinduvta and their ideology which stems from Hitler and has been preached by modi as his dream of an all hindu state.

You would be deluded and delusional that all other minorities living in the country would accept that.

Social media has shown how most indians and Pakistani s get on with each other and their is a massive craze amongst indians for Pakistani music which is trending.

There have been many Raw agents caught operating in Pakistan countless times.

There are many things that could be said but with this being a cricket forum its wise to stick to cricket.
Calling someone evil, just plug in some association with Hitler. Point proved. :facepalm:
Almost anyone can be associated with Nazis and Hitler in that sense.
Anti-smoking campaign was actually started by the Nazis, So all the anti-tobacco steps have their roots in Nazism. :hamster:

Baaki sab one sided narratives, with equal evidences, if not more, on this side of the border.
So you are denying that modi wishes for an all Hindu state in india which he has professed on many occasions ???.

The Hitler comparison is valid because modi himself has said he was inspired by Hitler.

You cant defend the indefensible.
So you are denying that modi wishes for an all Hindu state in india which he has professed on many occasions ???.

The Hitler comparison is valid because modi himself has said he was inspired by Hitler.

You cant defend the indefensible.
You don't have any proof and yet you're making all these fake allegations and ranting... lol. I want to know which WhatsApp group you are following. Don't say Zakir Naik Institute of Sciences and Technology.:qdkcheeky
You don't have any proof and yet you're making all these fake allegations and ranting... lol. I want to know which WhatsApp group you are following. Don't say Zakir Naik Institute of Sciences and Technology.:qdkcheeky
Here s the What's App group your after.
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Sunday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in "love" with Adolf Hitler who used to "do a lot of events", and follows the German dictator. Taking a dig, Raut said that currently, if anyone praises Hitler it cannot be treated as sedition.

Speaking at a function of Shiv Sena, the party's chief spokesperson also said that Sena founder Bal Thackeray had also admired Hitler who was a popular leader.

"Hitler used to do a lot of events that's what Modi does. In fact, Modi follows Hitler. Look at social media. The way Hitler used to do events, Modi and his party do it similarly...I am not criticising him (Modi) though," Raut said.

He referred to Germany hosting the Summer Olympics in Berlin in 1936.

"Hitler was a popular leader who may have been defeated later. Balasaheb Thackeray (Shiv Sena founder) admired him. Even PM Modi is in love with him (Hitler). Currently, if anyone praises Hitler, it cannot be treated as sedition," he said.

Notably, the Shiv Sena-led MVA government is facing flak for booking lawmaker couple Navneet Rana (Amravati MP) and her MLA husband Ravi Rana on the charge of sedition amid a row over the recitation of 'Hanuman Chalisa' in Mumbai.

Hitler Modi Institute of Sciences and Technology.

Indian Professor Who Compared Modi to Hitler Is Waiting to Be Jailed

Prof. Anand Teltumbde, a well-known champion of India’s lower castes, has been accused of plotting against the government. “I cannot describe the humiliation,” he said.Credit...Prarthna Singh for The New York Times

Returning from a lecture in southern India a few weeks ago, Prof. Anand Teltumbde was booking a cab outside Mumbai’s airport after midnight when security officers approached him in the dark and took him away.

Mr. Teltumbde, a prominent scholar and writer on Indian social issues, was locked in an iron-grilled cell in the nearby city of Pune. For eight hours, he sat behind bars on a dirty mat until a court intervened, ruling that the arrest was illegal.

But it was not entirely a surprise. Last year, the police in Maharashtra, one of India’s largest states, said they had uncovered a vast conspiracy to topple the Indian government that involved Mr. Teltumbde and other well-known writers, academics and lawyers.

Officers raided more than a dozen of their homes, confiscating hard drives and documents. Citing a broad antiterrorism law, the police have put nine of them in jail, accusing them of helping Maoist insurgents, trying to procure grenade launchers, inciting a riot and plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“I cannot describe the humiliation,” Mr. Teltumbde, 67, who denies the accusations, said in an interview.

Human rights activists say the allegations are part of a crackdown on intellectuals who criticize Mr. Modi’s record, especially his government’s treatment of religious minorities and lower castes.

So you are denying that modi wishes for an all Hindu state in india which he has professed on many occasions ???.

The Hitler comparison is valid because modi himself has said he was inspired by Hitler.

You cant defend the indefensible.
Brother, Go to Time Pass for such discussions. We can have a brand new thread about it.
I have plenty of points, you seem to have lot of assumptions about my views on Modi.
Lets not derail the thread here.
Here s the What's App group your after.

Hitler Modi Institute of Sciences and Technology.
I am asking where Modi himself said this, and you are posting words of someone like you. :ROFLMAO:

You said, "Modi himself said" I am still waiting for that video proof where Modi said it himself... lol
Here s the What's App group your after.

Hitler Modi Institute of Sciences and Technology.

Is this your proof :facepalm .
I can give you better and actual genuine connections between Hindutva and Hitler bhai. It will help you in other arguments in the future.
But again let's not derail the thread.
Here s the What's App group your after.

Hitler Modi Institute of Sciences and Technology.

Here's the original 1985 write up by the great man. It's unlikely that he'd have no idea about these first hand. The stories of collaboration might have been retrofitted to fit reputations.

View attachment 145296

Sir you have no idea about MAK Pataudi and his connection with PCB
Here's the original 1985 write up by the great man. It's unlikely that he'd have no idea about these first hand. The stories of collaboration might have been retrofitted to fit reputations.

View attachment 145296

There was a hell lot of work done to get the WC to India. It involved even the PMO.

Mr Pataudi was not a part of BCCI then.
People dislike and detest the far right hinduvta and their ideology which stems from Hitler and has been preached by modi as his dream of an all hindu state.

You would be deluded and delusional that all other minorities living in the country would accept that.

Social media has shown how most indians and Pakistani s get on with each other and their is a massive craze amongst indians for Pakistani music which is trending.

There have been many Raw agents caught operating in Pakistan countless times.

There are many things that could be said but with this being a cricket forum its wise to stick to cricket.
You are an Islamic state. Why can't India be a hindu state? You have genocided almost all hindus in Pakistan. From 10% in 1947 now hardly 1% hindu population is remaining in Pakistan. Every year over 1000s of minor hindu girls are abducted, raped, forcefully converted to Islam and married to middle aged muslim man. How about that? You muslims are small hearted.
Quote me one Quranic verse which says it is incumbent upon everyone specifically non Muslims to MUST respect Islam.

Any non-muslim who draws a cartoon of islamic prophet will have to live in fear for the rest of his life .. in other words you are forcing non-muslims to respect Islam.
Any non-muslim who draws a cartoon of islamic prophet will have to live in fear for the rest of his life .. in other words you are forcing non-muslims to respect Islam.
Well so you are OK with cartoons against your religious figures too. Have you forgotten the furore over Maa Kali racist and sexist cartoon?

Certainly to be fair to others, one should never suggest anything which they themselves deem offensive.

And you didn't quote any Quranic verse here.
You are an Islamic state. Why can't India be a hindu state? You have genocided almost all hindus in Pakistan. From 10% in 1947 now hardly 1% hindu population is remaining in Pakistan. Every year over 1000s of minor hindu girls are abducted, raped, forcefully converted to Islam and married to middle aged muslim man. How about that? You muslims are small hearted.
Lets address your Idiocies and right wing hinduvta narratives with facts.

Pakistan has over 4 million hindus with make up roughly 2% of the population.

It is also the 5th largest hindu population in the world.

I suggest you educate yourself on the meaning of Genocide before using such a big word you cant comprehend or understand.

There is no forced conversions in Islam. I.e. There is no compulsion in religion.

In india minorities like Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and even lower cast hindu s are beaten, attacked burned alive etc.

Crime and atrocities happen globally.

Your a small hearted indian with right wing hinduvta values and views.
Any non-muslim who draws a cartoon of islamic prophet will have to live in fear for the rest of his life .. in other words you are forcing non-muslims to respect Islam.
Why is drawing a cartoon of a prophet a necessity in the first place???.

Who is forcing you to be offensive and immoral???.

In other words you feel disrespecting Islam and being offensive to Muslims should be acceptable.
Why is drawing a cartoon of a prophet a necessity in the first place???.

Who is forcing you to be offensive and immoral???.

In other words you feel disrespecting Islam and being offensive to Muslims should be acceptable.

People shouldn't be jailed or murdered for drawing cartoons. Can we agree on this simple point ?
Lets address your Idiocies and right wing hinduvta narratives with facts.

Pakistan has over 4 million hindus with make up roughly 2% of the population.

It is also the 5th largest hindu population in the world.

I suggest you educate yourself on the meaning of Genocide before using such a big word you cant comprehend or understand.

There is no forced conversions in Islam. I.e. There is no compulsion in religion.

In india minorities like Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and even lower cast hindu s are beaten, attacked burned alive etc.

Crime and atrocities happen globally.

Your a small hearted indian with right wing hinduvta values and views.
You didn't addressed any point. Why Hindu population reduced in Pakistan from 19% to 1%? Why 1000s of hindu girls are raped and forcefully converted in Pakistan every year?
If India is such a bad place for minorities as you say, why muslim population increased from 7% to 18%?
Chapter 42, verse 11
Chapter 21, verses 52-54
Also many verses on idol worship.
Chapter 42, Verse 11: [He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him,and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

Chapter 21, Verse 52-54: ˹Remember˺ when he questioned his father and his people, “What are these statues to which you are so devoted?”

They replied, “We found our forefathers worshipping them.”

He responded, “Indeed, you and your forefathers have been clearly astray.”
Bro, here are the verses you mentioned above where does they imply necessary respect towards Islam and if you study deep you would realize the chapter 21 verses are related to calling others towards Islam with reasoning
Chapter 42, Verse 11: [He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him,and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

Chapter 21, Verse 52-54: ˹Remember˺ when he questioned his father and his people, “What are these statues to which you are so devoted?”

They replied, “We found our forefathers worshipping them.”

He responded, “Indeed, you and your forefathers have been clearly astray.”
Bro, here are the verses you mentioned above where does they imply necessary respect towards Islam and if you study deep you would realize the chapter 21 verses are related to calling others towards Islam with reasoning

These are verses quoted by a BBC article on the issue of blasphemy. A respectable org like BBC would have asked islamic scholars before printing it.

Chapter 42, verse 11
Chapter 21, verses 52-54
Also many verses on idol worship.
Chapter 42 verse 11 refers to God being All seeing and all Knowing.

Chapter 21 verses 51 - 75 state the story of Abraham (Ibrahim).

Your clutching at Non existent straws.

Without context it is Idiocy to quote verses.
Any non-muslim who draws a cartoon of islamic prophet will have to live in fear for the rest of his life .. in other words you are forcing non-muslims to respect Islam.
That is an incorrect characterization. You don't have to respect Islam if you don't want to. But why would you go on a smear campaign against our Prophet? Most people can have neutral stance on such things so as to no hurt the sentiment or antagonize people's feelings. As human beings, this is a very basic concept of civility.
That is an incorrect characterization. You don't have to respect Islam if you don't want to. But why would you go on a smear campaign against our Prophet? Most people can have neutral stance on such things so as to no hurt the sentiment or antagonize people's feelings. As human beings, this is a very basic concept of civility.

People shouldn't be jailed or murdered for drawing cartoons. Can we agree on this simple point ?
That is an incorrect characterization. You don't have to respect Islam if you don't want to. But why would you go on a smear campaign against our Prophet? Most people can have neutral stance on such things so as to no hurt the sentiment or antagonize people's feelings. As human beings, this is a very basic concept of civility.
I made the same point above but he completely missed it i guess
You didn't addressed any point. Why Hindu population reduced in Pakistan from 19% to 1%? Why 1000s of hindu girls are raped and forcefully converted in Pakistan every year?
If India is such a bad place for minorities as you say, why muslim population increased from 7% to 18%?
There has been an 8% decline of hindus in india but your oblivious to that.

According to you 1000s of hindu girls are raped and forcefully converted each year which would mean either the hindu population is greater than 4 million or mathematically the population would be wiped out.

But the facts state Pakistan has the 5th largest hindu population.

There are many reversions each year globally by people coming to Islam.

Which is why it is the fastest growing religion globally and has been for a long time.
People dislike and detest the far right hinduvta and their ideology which stems from Hitler and has been preached by modi as his dream of an all hindu state.

You would be deluded and delusional that all other minorities living in the country would accept that.

Social media has shown how most indians and Pakistani s get on with each other and their is a massive craze amongst indians for Pakistani music which is trending.

There have been many Raw agents caught operating in Pakistan countless times.

There are many things that could be said but with this being a cricket forum its wise to stick to cricket.

Whether Modi creates a hindu state or a secular state in India its none of Pakistan's concern.

Our minorities we will manage why are pakistanis worrying?

ISI agents are caught in India. Most countries have spies in other countries.
You are an Islamic state. Why can't India be a hindu state? You have genocided almost all hindus in Pakistan. From 10% in 1947 now hardly 1% hindu population is remaining in Pakistan. Every year over 1000s of minor hindu girls are abducted, raped, forcefully converted to Islam and married to middle aged muslim man. How about that? You muslims are small hearted.

Why does India need an Islamic state to be in existence to justify being a hindu state? If you believe in a hindu rashtra then it should be justifiable regardless of Pakistan. That is how the Islamic ideology works, everything else is a side issue.

Anyway on topic, isn't it a well accepted truth that the RSS movement was inspired and shared goals with the Nazi movement?
So you are denying that modi wishes for an all Hindu state in india which he has professed on many occasions ???.

The Hitler comparison is valid because modi himself has said he was inspired by Hitler.

You cant defend the indefensible.
What is wrong in a Hindu state? Muslims majority nations can be Islamic state but there cannot be a Hindu state?

When did Modi say so?
Why does India need an Islamic state to be in existence to justify being a hindu state? If you believe in a hindu rashtra then it should be justifiable regardless of Pakistan. That is how the Islamic ideology works, everything else is a side issue.

Anyway on topic, isn't it a well accepted truth that the RSS movement was inspired and shared goals with the Nazi movement?

Accepted by whom? RSS founder was a member of Congress and was disillusioned with their politics.

RSS was founded in 1925 to as a political party for Hindus.
Every time someone writes an expose on Modi, it becomes a liberal left wing propaganda. lol

good job exposing the evil that is Modi!

Pakistanis keep whining evil modi evil modi no one seems to care.
Thus Golwalkar glorified the Holocaust in the following words:
German Race pride has now become the topic of the day. To keep up the purity of the race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races-the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by.​

Golwalkar, finally, following into the foot-steps of Hitler, arrived at the following solution for the minority "problem" in India; Muslims and Christians who were declared belong to foreign races,
From this stand point, sanctioned by the experience of shrewd old nations, the foreign races in Hindusthan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even citizen's rights. There is, at least should be, no other course for them to adopt. We are an old nation: let us deal, as old nations ought to and do deal, with the foreign races who have chosen to live in our country.​

Savarkar went on to support Hitler's anti-Jewish pogroms and on October 14, 1938, he suggested the same solution for the Muslim problem in India:
A Nation is formed by a majority living therein. What did the Jews do in Germany? They being in minority were driven out from Germany.​

It may be confusing for anyone to find that RSS celebrated the Holocaust by openly supporting Hitler (1940s and early 1950s) but now zealously supports the Jewish State.

Some references to RSS modeling on the Fascist states of Mussolini and Hitler in that article.
What is wrong in a Hindu state? Muslims majority nations can be Islamic state but there cannot be a Hindu state?

When did Modi say so?
There s a couple of reasons why that would be a problem.

Firstly the Muslim population in india is 250 million or thereabouts plus Sikhs, Christians and all other minorities.

Secondly modi saying he wants an all hindu state means either forced conversions to hinduism or forcing people to leave their country.

We have already seen laws altered by the fascist modi and article 370 revoked in Kashmir in 2019.

There is not a single Islamic country in the world that implements Islam.

Whether Modi creates a hindu state or a secular state in India its none of Pakistan's concern.

Our minorities we will manage why are pakistanis worrying?

ISI agents are caught in India. Most countries have spies in other countries.
Firstly it was a response to how politics is intertwined with sports and also how some posters were claiming that because the army run Pakistan therefore india wont engage unless its a civilian government.

The same response : Its not india s concern.

Also if india claim to be a democracy/ secular then an all hindu state would be a paradox.
Firstly it was a response to how politics is intertwined with sports and also how some posters were claiming that because the army run Pakistan therefore india wont engage unless its a civilian government.

The same response : Its not india s concern.

Also if india claim to be a democracy/ secular then an all hindu state would be a paradox.

It's not India's concern but India hasn't made a statement to start any negotiations. India won't. Its a waste of time.

Democracy and Secularism are two different things.
There s a couple of reasons why that would be a problem.

Firstly the Muslim population in india is 250 million or thereabouts plus Sikhs, Christians and all other minorities.

Secondly modi saying he wants an all hindu state means either forced conversions to hinduism or forcing people to leave their country.

We have already seen laws altered by the fascist modi and article 370 revoked in Kashmir in 2019.

There is not a single Islamic country in the world that implements Islam.

All those minorities stayed back in a Hindu majority state and no one was given a guarantee in 1947 that India would be a secular state.

What laws were altered which are non secular?

Article 370 has nothing to do with secularism.
First post? What about it? Australian government has made a statement?
I fail to see your point. What is it exactly that you are trying to contend here?

I just pointed it to your comment that its Pakistanis complaining about your PM.

This thread is actually about a non Pakistani documentary on him. Try to stay updated with the facts.
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