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[PICTURES] Prostrating oneself or doing sajda after getting to milestones

You said a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen to do sajda after scoring a 100? Yes - you are right it is.

You said the trend was started by Inzi? Sure maybe - I'm not sure. But whoever started it, if someone sees them and copies them for what so ever reason that's their choice.

Are their intentions genuine when they do the sajda or - as you said - are they just being theatrical? You are no one to say

You suggested they are being forced to do the sajda? You have no evidence for or against it so you are no one to say

You suggested it Would take someone really brave to be a Pakistani batsmen and not do the sajda? No it wouldn't - it's personal choice and I don't think anyone would judge

You suggested that doing sajda is exclusively a "Pakistani batsmen thing"? On this thread alone we have pictures of batsmen and bowlers from other countries doing the sajda and players from different sports doing the sajda

You've flooded this thread with posts with ever so slight differences but mate I'm sorry this time you are just opposing popular opinion because you just like going against the trend of what people are saying.

Instead of just admitting you are wrong and stepping down you are replying to posts with silly little comments like "I was talking about Pakistani batsmen", "I was talking about trend", "I was talking about X Y and Z" - just let it go man. Just let this one go.

I'm sorry but you are simply clutching at straws here and being overly defensive and insecure for no reason, and simply brushing it aside with a generic, patronizing remark that 'I like to oppose popular opinion' that doesn't work for me, sorry.

Please show me a single post where I have talked about our bowlers doing sajdah after taking five wickets, because it is not a trend; not every bowler of ours does it, but every batsman of ours as simply has to do it after reaching a personal milestone after scoring a hundred.

Does one picture of Ashraful in all these years prove that it is not a trend among Pakistani batsmen only? How does posting pictures of Tahir or Maharoof and players from other sports doing sajdah answer it? It is specifically a Pakistani batsman issue and I don't understand why people are insecure in acknowledging it.

People are simply shifting goalposts by bringing up bowlers etc. and players from other sports which have nothing to do with this custom of our batsmen. If in some other sport, players of particular team decide to perform a certain act only, it will not be wrong to associate it with that team.

Your rant is not supported by facts and is reeking with insecurity.
Kissing the turf is a very old sporting celebration. Some Muslim players have slightly modified it , that's all. Most Non Muslims watching don't know it's related to religion.

Yes I know most non-Muslims think they are kissing the turf, and a lot of Muslims obsessed with making everyone a Muslim think that a non-Muslim kissing the turf is doing sajdah and has converted to Islam. I remember in 2006 when Henry kissed the Highbury turf after scoring a hattrick in the Highbury farewell match, there were reports that he has embraced Islam.

Btw, what do you mean by 'most non-Muslims watching don't know it's related to religion'? Are you worried that they will find out?
Really, I have never seen anyone spray wine on a pitch after a century.

everyone has his/her own religion, no need to make stupid comments on them. You should learn to respet other peoples view.
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I'm sorry but you are simply clutching at straws here and being overly defensive and insecure for no reason, and simply brushing it aside with a generic, patronizing remark that 'I like to oppose popular opinion' that doesn't work for me, sorry.

Please show me a single post where I have talked about our bowlers doing sajdah after taking five wickets, because it is not a trend; not every bowler of ours does it, but every batsman of ours as simply has to do it after reaching a personal milestone after scoring a hundred.

Does one picture of Ashraful in all these years prove that it is not a trend among Pakistani batsmen only? How does posting pictures of Tahir or Maharoof and players from other sports doing sajdah answer it? It is specifically a Pakistani batsman issue and I don't understand why people are insecure in acknowledging it.

People are simply shifting goalposts by bringing up bowlers etc. and players from other sports which have nothing to do with this custom of our batsmen. If in some other sport, players of particular team decide to perform a certain act only, it will not be wrong to associate it with that team.

Your rant is not supported by facts and is reeking with insecurity.

Hahaha - yes - sure - I have great insecurities about this...

Dude I've already said that it is a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen. What people - including myself - are defending against are statements such "it's mechanical and theatrical" or a batsmen will have to "be brave" not to do sajda, or "its in the PCB contract to do sajda". Sorry mate - you are in no position to talk about any of that. You are no one to sit behind your computer screen bashing away at your keyboard and dissecting the way someone practice their religion. Not just you - no one is.

Sure I get that this is an online forum where things get discussed - but there's a limit. Questioning the way someone practices their religion or more so their religious intentions - that's nothing to sit and discuss on an online forum. If you said "it's a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen" - sure, fair enough. But the rest of it - sorry man I don't know who died and made you king but that's no place for you to comment.

Other than that - what is your point exactly? That doing sajda is a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen? I've already said yes to that in the very first point of my last post which you quoted - and personally I'm very proud of this trend. Other countries batsmen a don't do sajda? Sure not all the batsmen do - that's their choice - but the likes of Ashraful have. Bowlers don't do it? Sohail khan, Ajmal and Tahir have done it in the past, but again sure not all bowlers do it - that's their choice.
^ that's it, nothing more to it. It's a trend among Pakistani batsman and there is no point in denying it or bringing bowlers and other sports into because no one does it like the Pakistani batsmen where everyone has to follow the precedence set by Inzamam.

I personally feel it has become quite mechanical and theatrical now and as far as Pakistani batsmen are concerned, it seems as if it has become more of an obligation than their choice, which is my point and there's no need of anyone to get worked up about it (not referring to you), and that is just my opinion.

I didn't say it's right or wrong, doesn't have to be.
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Am like the Shane Warne of Club Cricket :))) they carry me off the pitch after every game; I'd have made it into the Bham Bears team if they held on to their damn catches! honestly they drop like at least 5 per game. The guy that got the 100 bats like team man :yk

:)) by the sounds of it man you should be thankful that at least he's scoring 100's for you guys! If you're "Shane Warne" for the team and they drop 5 catches every match - you guys would be screwed without his centuries! Haha
^ that's it, nothing more to it. It's a trend among Pakistani batsman and there is no point in denying it or bringing bowlers and other sports into because no one does it like the Pakistani

Sure - as I've said a I agree with that.

The rest no so much but that's my opinion and leave it at that
It's their personal choice. I personally find nothing wrong with it, although I personally won't do it.
I find this theatrical display of one's own religious beliefs to be annoying. I understand the concept behind it, one should always give praise to the Almighty because it is he who blesses a person, and allows them to flourish. Very great idea to celebrate by acknowledging the creator, I think it should be done privately. No need to wear your religion on your sleeve, I find it annoying in all sports, and all religions, not just cricket. I really do agree with some of the posters who said that it does feel mechanical now, and an obligation.
[MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] you have played club cricket i suppose. Before every game in clubs, some players do talawat, whats your say on that.
So what if they do it? It's their personal choice. And not every Pakistani does it after scoring a century. Misbah has never done it and I've never YK do it either although I haven't followed his every century so I don't know.
Not that it matter but this sajda thing has been around for a long time. I remember some players did it after we won the 1992 world cup.
It's mostly a Pakistani thing. I think even a simple "Alhamdulillah" would suffice but I have no issues with it whatsoever. Actually, it looks cool and it's great that we have a distinctive celebration.
This thread and Pakistani trend of doing Sajda are quite absurd, no offense to anyone including [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION]

Doing Sajda started in the early 2000 with Saeed Anwar who featured in WC 2003 as beard man, and in fact, PCB couldn't recognized him at one time and someone in PCB department vouched for him. Then, religious era of Inzimam began after WC 2003.

Before 2000, players from all over the world had been doing for a long time. Pakistanis just started practicing Sajda as being thankful to Allah, A CREATOR. There hasn't been any threads on them until so-called "Pakistan's trend began" invited threads in PakPassion upteenth times and done to death. Similar threads were also created after WC 2007 as a dig at Inzimam. Check out the past exclusive interview of Shahriyar Khan in the archive took a dig at Inzimam many ways and wasn't pleased with Mullah environment or that's what he made it seem like in his interview.

Pakistanis are intolerant or slow to accept new thing, hence Religious people being intolerant on non-Religious people and Non-Religious people being intolerant on Religious people. :jf
you have to achieve something to perform a sajda? So a poor person cant do a sajda i supppose:irfan

Yes I believe one has to achieve something before you do this, that's why batsmen do this after scoring a 100 or reaching a milestone... Am yet to see a batsman do this after scoring a zero....

Also i don't know how you got this poor person logic in this...
Yes I believe one has to achieve something before you do this, that's why batsmen do this after scoring a 100 or reaching a milestone... Am yet to see a batsman do this after scoring a zero....

Also i don't know how you got this poor person logic in this...

sajda is perform as a "thank you" to god, as a respect............... Something which anyone could perform not necesarry someone scoring a 100
sajda is perform as a "thank you" to god, as a respect............... Something which anyone could perform not necesarry someone scoring a 100

Yes, you say thank you after you have done something.... It could be anything in life, i agree...
[MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] you have played club cricket i suppose. Before every game in clubs, some players do talawat, whats your say on that.

Yes it happens, and I personally don't agree with it. If they do it on their own it's their personal business, but when they try to engage other people and encourage them, thus interfering with their beliefs, then I think it's uncalled for, and it can also create friction between the players which is why I firmly believe that any form of mutual religious practice or discussion should be kept away from sports.

For example, praying in congregation during practice sessions. It also happens at a lot of clubs and happens in the national team as well. Suppose some player(s) don't pray, this will either force them to pray out of their will (which is wrong) or it will make them feel uncomfortable (which is also wrong) and if they don't pray or refuse the request of their teammates (which is their right), their attitude towards them will change and some might think of them in a negative fashion, which creates internal problems.

Keep religion to yourself and if you want to do tilawat and pray in congregation and engage in da‘wah within a cricket or any sporting club, then you are better off in a madrasa or a mosque.
Pretty simple actually we believe everything happens because of Allah and when we are happy we thank.him and when we are in Sajda that's the closest place to Allah
but atleast stop judging every maulvi with the same glasses of prejudice, you know if islamic extremism is bad so is secular extremism, and how you can judge and think of every maulvi as hypocricte because you yourself saying "practicing religion is very private thing" and only Allah knows what the real intensions are behind having a beard, is he follow sunnah are just want to show off himself as pious, so stop contradicting your ownself, and it one thing if you don't want to grow a beard as do i but other to criticise those who have, this is only my issue with you. Period

Read my post again. I said 'majority', not 'every', which makes your rant irrelevant. Everyone goes by his/her personal experience(s), so any attempts to convince me otherwise are futile, just like I cannot convince you to accept my ideology, which is why they say that never discuss religion and politics, it's a pointless exercise.
Read my post again. I said 'majority', not 'every', which makes your rant irrelevant. Everyone goes by his/her personal experience(s), so any attempts to convince me otherwise are futile, just like I cannot convince you to accept my ideology, which is why they say that never discuss religion and politics, it's a pointless exercise.

and dear how you know for sure that majority are hypocrites? And why you keep you rant about those who follow religion when you think one should not discuss such matters. Again contradiction your ownself, talk about losing argument. You surely have. Now it's better to accept that rather than diviating the topic.
and dear how you know for sure that majority are hypocrites? And why you keep you rant about those who follow religion when you think one should not discuss such matters. Again contradiction your ownself, talk about losing argument. You surely have. Now it's better to accept that rather than diviating the topic.

Once again, please read my post again.

Like I said, everyone goes by his/her experience(s). My experiences with Maulvis over the years has been a poor one, and I've seen most of their hypocrisy first-hand. I grew up interacting with them and I still do, because it's inevitable to a great degree but now I try my best to ignore them. I have had my differences with them and still do.

My 'rant' is against public exhibition of religion, which does not contradict my belief that religion is a private affair and should be kept at a personal level.

And it's not even an argument: an argument is when you try to win over the opposing party with your views, but like I have said right from the beginning, I'm only expressing my views and not disproving/challenging anyone else's, because they too have the right to believe what they want to just like I do, but this discussion has been prolonged because of the intolerance of some people when it comes to difference of opinion which is far too common in religious circles.
Probably started off as a genuine thanksgiving but I don't think it's much more than a casual trend now, it's like there's this unwritten law of celebration. Remember the uproar when Shahzad didn't do sajdah after that Bangladesh game? Bowlers do it too, Sohail Khan did it, and I think I've seen Wahab Riaz prostrate as well.

If it still is a sincere thing for some players though, I don't understand why they don't wait till after the game to, either.
Asad Shafiq hundred. Wonder if he did the Sajda? Waiting for moral police to make their pronouncements.
Update - he did.

Yeah well.......erm.......he's on the verge of growing a beard, right?


Is not the simple case the players are grateful they've scored a century and are thanking the almighty?!

The ridiculous and OTT reaction to this trend, or whatever you want to call it, is rather laughable to say the least.

Some users on here have agendas and they simply point the finger and wag it whenever they get a chance to do so, and this is yet another case.
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This "theatrical sajdabzi" started after the players fell victim to the chicanery of the tablighi jamaat. All the beardo cricketers, conversion of Yohana to Islam, and the length of the beard of Junaid Jamshed are a gift to this nation by the weirdos of the tablighi jamaat. I hardly believe that Allah bothers who is making a century, Mullah Islam or Pastor Isa.


I'm not going down this debate again - there's many posts by myself in this thread in response to Mamoons post in which I am 90% sure I will reply to anything you have to say
Hahaha - yes - sure - I have great insecurities about this...

Dude I've already said that it is a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen. What people - including myself - are defending against are statements such "it's mechanical and theatrical" or a batsmen will have to "be brave" not to do sajda, or "its in the PCB contract to do sajda". Sorry mate - you are in no position to talk about any of that. You are no one to sit behind your computer screen bashing away at your keyboard and dissecting the way someone practice their religion. Not just you - no one is.

Sure I get that this is an online forum where things get discussed - but there's a limit. Questioning the way someone practices their religion or more so their religious intentions - that's nothing to sit and discuss on an online forum. If you said "it's a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen" - sure, fair enough. But the rest of it - sorry man I don't know who died and made you king but that's no place for you to comment.

Other than that - what is your point exactly? That doing sajda is a trend amongst Pakistani batsmen? I've already said yes to that in the very first point of my last post which you quoted - and personally I'm very proud of this trend. Other countries batsmen a don't do sajda? Sure not all the batsmen do - that's their choice - but the likes of Ashraful have. Bowlers don't do it? Sohail khan, Ajmal and Tahir have done it in the past, but again sure not all bowlers do it - that's their choice.

Very well said.
Prostrating oneself or Sajda after scoring a century

Yeah well.......erm.......he's on the verge of growing a beard, right?


Is not the simple case the players are grateful they've scored a century and are thanking the almighty?!

The ridiculous and OTT reaction to this trend, or whatever you want to call it, is rather laughable to say the least.

Some users on here have agendas and they simply point the finger and wag it whenever they get a chance to do so, and this is yet another case.

No that is not the case!

That is far too simple and lacks drama!

They are being forced to do sajda since they are trying to show off to the public and are being forced to do sajda by the immense pressure they are put under! In fact I've heard that at the end of every training session Waqar and Mushtaq take the batsmen aside for the last 20 minutes and force them to practice their sajda in case they were to score a century.

Everyone knows that by sitting here and discussing these cricketers on an online forum we know everything about these guys religious beliefs.....

No that is not the case!

That is far too simple and lacks drama!

They are being forced to do sajda since they are trying to show off to the public and are being forced to do sajda by the immense pressure they are put under! In fact I've heard that at the end of every training session Waqar and Mushtaq take the batsmen aside for the last 20 minutes and force them to practice their sajda in case they were to score a century.

Everyone knows that by sitting here and discussing these cricketers on an online forum we know everything about these guys religious beliefs.....


You didn't have to use the /sarcasm tag as I realised it wasn't a serious comment :))

Btw what do these guys have in common Mo Farrah, Demba Ba and Husain Abdullah, Abou Diaby, Adel Taarabt, Nicolas Anelka, Papiss Cissé (I can name a few more, but you get my drift) have in common?

They have a contractual obligation from the PCB to do the Sajda......Okay I tell a lie they don't......but you get what I'm getting at ;-)
You didn't have to use the /sarcasm tag as I realised it wasn't a serious comment :))

Btw what do these guys have in common Mo Farrah, Demba Ba and Husain Abdullah, Abou Diaby, Adel Taarabt, Nicolas Anelka, Papiss Cissé (I can name a few more, but you get my drift) have in common?

They have a contractual obligation from the PCB to do the Sajda......Okay I tell a lie they don't......but you get what I'm getting at ;-)

Haha yea man I thought you would gather it's sarcasm, but I was worried about some of the replies I may get from some of the other posters :inzi

Haha it's not only the contract man - I hear that as British Athlete the likes of Mo Farah are under immense pressure from the British Public to do sajda after a good performance in a race otherwise there are riots in Bradford! :yk
Haha yea man I thought you would gather it's sarcasm, but I was worried about some of the replies I may get from some of the other posters :inzi

Haha it's not only the contract man - I hear that as British Athlete the likes of Mo Farah are under immense pressure from the British Public to do sajda after a good performance in a race otherwise there are riots in Bradford! :yk

What can you do, ignorance is bliss, but in this case rather pathetic.
Great technique in that Sajda there.

I'm It sure man - he hid behind his helmet so I couldn't fully analyse his sajda technique. Can't say if he adequately pressed his forehead against the turf and if his nose was touching down or not. After all - we all know that he is doing that sajda just to show off to us....


However, after the sajda did you see the tense smile on his face as he raised the bat to the pavilion as he hoped that the likes of Waqar and Mushy were satisfied with his sajda abilities?

What can you do, ignorance is bliss, but in this case rather pathetic.

Yea man - tell me about it.

As you can tell from my above post, I'm just in the process of watching Shafiqs sajda on loop trying to figure out if he met the required criteria - it's a tough one to figure out! :moyo
Yea man - tell me about it.

As you can tell from my above post, I'm just in the process of watching Shafiqs sajda on loop trying to figure out if he met the required criteria - it's a tough one to figure out! :moyo

Oh he met it alright. Perfect balance and technique and prostrated with a straight back.
Oh he met it alright. Perfect balance and technique and prostrated with a straight back.

Ah ok man I'll take your word for it.

I'll send a message to Mushtaq Ahmed, Junaid Jamshed, Saqlain Mushtaq, Inzi & Mohammad Yousuf to let them know that, us Pakistani fans are satisfied with Shafiqs sajda abilities & we feel as a result he should maintain his place in the team for the foreseeable future.
Ah ok man I'll take your word for it.

I'll send a message to Mushtaq Ahmed, Junaid Jamshed, Saqlain Mushtaq, Inzi & Mohammad Yousuf to let them know that, us Pakistani fans are satisfied with Shafiqs sajda abilities & we feel as a result he should maintain his place in the team for the foreseeable future.

Its not guaranteed unless he is fasting too and has a signed declaration stating the only reason he doesn't have a beard is because he has trouble growing facial hair.
Its not guaranteed unless he is fasting too and has a signed declaration stating the only reason he doesn't have a beard is because he has trouble growing facial hair.

Actually that's a good point - I saw him drinking water when they were coming on the pitch after the tea break - shame shame. I guess his place in the team is still under scrutiny!

As for the facial hair - everyone knows that Shafiqs family comes from Nepalese decent so the struggle to grow facial hair is real...
Good to see and read not all posters being as ignorant and self-righteous as others have portrayed themselves to be, regarding this thread.
Good to see and read not all posters being as ignorant and self-righteous as others have portrayed themselves to be,
regarding to this thread.
The problem is that when you bring religion into public then the discussion also becomes public
If religion is really as a private thing as some sickular believe then why do u even care about sajda, whether it's out of true gratefulness to God or just mechanical. Do your work then!
You didn't have to use the /sarcasm tag as I realised it wasn't a serious comment :))

Btw what do these guys have in common Mo Farrah, Demba Ba and Husain Abdullah, Abou Diaby, Adel Taarabt, Nicolas Anelka, Papiss Cissé (I can name a few more, but you get my drift) have in common?

They have a contractual obligation from the PCB to do the Sajda......Okay I tell a lie they don't......but you get what I'm getting at ;-)

Don't want to get into this debate again, but as usual, you are giving examples of players from different teams, not just one.

In cricket, only Pakistani batsmen feel obligated to do sajdah after scoring a hundred, and not other Muslim batsmen (not counting one or two examples in 10 years of Bangladeshi batsman doing it) from other countries, so to say that it is a not a Pakistani thing doesn't make sense.

If one particular Muslim football team starts doing sajdahs on the pitch, then it is not wrong to associate it with that particular team.

Looks like some people don't want to accept that it is a Pakistani tradition.
If religion is really as a private thing as some sickular believe then why do u even care about sajda, whether it's out of true gratefulness to God or just mechanical. Do your work then!

Yes every little thing we discuss on these forums are life and death matters which we deeply care about. Not like people are having small time pass discussions

If you thank someone in private only those 2 people will know and care. If you do in public everyone will have an opinion
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players are free to do whatever they want I personally wouldnt do it , just bat raise and fist pump is enough lol
Even if its a Pakistani issue, so what, Who died and made you King?

Its also a Pakistani tradition to point fingers, Something you're well versed in.

Btw I wasn't getting personal, as those are your views on this forum and which are public knowledge even when they're posted in a Cricketing section. Maybe you shouldn't derail threads with your incessant nonsense that has nothing to do with the subject in hand.

You include religion in almost all aspects if your arguments, then you really shouldn't be moaning when you get pulled up on it.

I included those athletes to show its not just a Cricketing issue. You instead changed it being a sole Pakistani issue and we can't include the last decade of other teams doing it because, it doesn't correspond to your argument.

I'm just waiting for another course turn and another excuse to nullify arguments against those you prefer.
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Even if its a Pakistani issue, so what, Who died and made you King?

Its also a Pakistani tradition to point fingers, Something you're well versed in.

Btw I wasn't getting personal, as those are your views on this forum and which are public knowledge even when they're posted in a Cricketing section. Maybe you shouldn't derail threads with your incessant nonsense that has nothing to do with the subject in hand.

You include religion in almost all aspects if your arguments, then you really shouldn't be moaning when you get pulled up on it.

I included those athletes to show its not just a Cricketing issue. You instead changed it being a sole Pakistani issue and we can't include the last decade of other teams doing it because, it doesn't correspond to your argument.

I'm just waiting for another course turn and another excuse to nullify arguments against those you prefer.

Don't know why the other posts got deleted but you are shooting off the hip now.

No one made me King, I am simply stating that it feels forced and mechanical at times because it sells very well in Pakistan when you exhibit religion publicly, and that it is a Pakistani tradition.

You retorted by giving random examples of random footballers, even though it does not correspond to the argument here. The point is that it is specifically a Pakistani batsmen tradition, because other batsmen around the world do not do it. One or two pictures in over 10 years (since Inzamam started the Islamization) does not show that it is not a Pakistani tradition.

As far as the footballers example is concerned, throwing out names of players from different teams shows nothing, because if a certain religious practice is restricted to one particular team only, then yes you can associate it with that particular team.

A lot of Muslims footballers like to do Sajda on the pitch after scoring, not one team only. If most Muslim batsmen around the world start doing Sajdahs, then it will no longer be associated with the Pakistan team only. It is simple enough, but seems to be lost on you and a few others for some reason.

You made a lame analogy that did not prove that it isn't a Pakistani tradition, and when I countered it, you decided to attack my ego because your other resources were already exhausted.

If you have nothing meaningful to add to a discussion further, then simply move along and don't make this about me vs. you, by bringing my ego to the table even though I never said anything about you here at a personal level.

How did I derail this thread? along with logically challenged analogies, you seem to suffer from serious comprehension issue as well. This is a thread about the Pakistani batsmen prostrating after scoring a hundred, and nothing I said in this thread can be termed as 'derailing'. I am simply presenting my view on this matter.

As far as your general 'derailing threads with incessant nonsense' is concerned, then that's another cop-out blanket statement that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion, but simply part of the natural course that you have undertaken once your rubbish football analogy did not work well, since it has absolutely nothing to do with Pakistan batsman prostrating after scoring hundreds, because is purely a Pakistani batsmen issue, not a Muslim batsmen one, while Muslim footballers from most if not all teams prostrate.

Moral of the Story: don't talk about my ego, when you have nothing further to discuss.

It was definitely a personal attack, just because you said so doesn't mean it wasn't, and probably that's why that frustrated post of yours got trashed.
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Yep, just proved my point. Calling out people for their beards isn't personal?

Calling out people for their faith?

Dont cry foul when you're in the wrong too.

It's easy to point fingers and moan at others and implement your theories on them, but isn't nice when people call you out.

Enough is enough man, surely you see it too or we're all losers here :P
Yep, just proved my point. Calling out people for their beards isn't personal?

Calling out people for their faith?

Dont cry foul when you're in the wrong too.

It's easy to point fingers and moan at others and implement your theories on them, but isn't nice when people call you out.

Enough is enough man, surely you see it too or we're all losers here :P

Yaar, I have an issue with how people react to beards, not with beards in itself.

I don't have a problem with Amla or Moeen, but I certainly do have a problem with people hoping that they score runs against Pakistan so that their averages are not disturbed, just because they are 'bhais'.

I do have a problem with Junaid Jamshed lying through his teeth on live television that Amla scored his triple hundred in England while fasting, even though CSA rubbished that claim.

I have no issues with people doing something religious as long as they don't advertise it and sell it, because that is their personal matter. Amla doesn't sell his religion, he doesn't feel the urge to do sajdah after scoring a hundred and he is always hesitates in his interviews etc. when he is asked about his faith which I respect, but of course that hasn't stopped him from becoming a saint for us, where we have to lie about his fasting and pray that he does well at our expense because he's a Muslim.

I don't like to attack personally, let alone on an internet forum where it is only difference of views and opinions, not any personal issues. If I have done so unknowingly, then I am sorry for it, but I always try not take the initiative in the first place.
I'm starting to become a fan of [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION]'s :O

Agreeing with him too much these days. Not good for my BP. :msd
I'm starting to become a fan of [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION]'s :O

Agreeing with him too much these days. Not good for my BP. :msd
Even I do

I remember the traditional saying in pakistani culture.

"Munda Kheta tu Sahi hay" [emoji3]

Sent from my SM-G900FD using Tapatalk
Wow - he quoted me for the 2nd time in two days! :O

You are now officially my best friend. :baelish (used your fav smiley too :)) )

Don't want to annoy you in Ramzaan :amla, and I have disowned that smiley. Haven't used it for months.
Even I do

I remember the traditional saying in pakistani culture.

"Munda Kheta tu Sahi hay" [emoji3]

Sent from my SM-G900FD using Tapatalk

Lol, thanks. Seems like my Fan Club is growing, sorry [MENTION=47000]Sherlock[/MENTION]. :amla
Even I do

I remember the traditional saying in pakistani culture.

"Munda Kheta tu Sahi hay" [emoji3]

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Don't want to annoy you in Ramzaan :amla, and I have disowned that smiley. Haven't used it for months.


Yeah, true that.

I guess it's also because I'm starting to agree with your posts re Junaid. Has regressed big time, but it's largely due to his injury TBH.
I remember Shehzad scored ton vs Bangladesh and didn't even celebrate. Some people even criticised him then. Can't win as a Pakistani :))
Like I stated before, my post wasn't meant to be personal it was just pointing out posts by yourself.

I for one don't like being told what to do/say, and I'm sure many on here don't like it too.

That's my real issue.

But once again I state,so what if they prostrate, it really shouldn't be an issue if you don't stir the pot. There's nothing there for anyone to complain about. Other sports are not immune but similar acts of celebration so I don't see what's the big deal on our players doing it.

It's a nothing issue that's be perpetrated to be bigger than it actually is.
Did anyone else notice today after Fakhar made his double ton he was walking back to his crease after celebrating and hugging Asif, when someone from the dug out told him to do the Sajdah. Looked very forced and awkward.
<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.305%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/s/rllma/elnjsz" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

Clearly someone has told him to prostrate.
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<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.305%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/s/rllma/elnjsz" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

Clearly someone has told him to prostrate.

He does seem to look at his teammates before doing it. Someone might have reminded him the tradition.
Doing this is still better than saying Thanks to Allah, Praise to Allah before starting off every interview by Pak Captains.
Doing this is still better than saying Thanks to Allah, Praise to Allah before starting off every interview by Pak Captains.

Fakhar did not thank God in the last interview where he won MOTM, but did so today. :13:
I think it was the direction of will qibla. Otherwise he could have done the sujood in the same direction. Can't believe some people actually pick on such things.
Did anyone else notice today after Fakhar made his double ton he was walking back to his crease after celebrating and hugging Asif, when someone from the dug out told him to do the Sajdah. Looked very forced and awkward.

He was looking for the qibla direction. Stop creating drama.
And your problem is?

Feels odd everytime I hear it. Why bring God and personal beliefs into Sport? Its just a game of cricket.

Nobody says Thanks Jesus or Waheguru or Ram/Shiva when giving their interviews.
Feels odd everytime I hear it. Why bring God and personal beliefs into Sport? Its just a game of cricket.

Nobody says Thanks Jesus or Waheguru or Ram/Shiva when giving their interviews.

If you watch football you would know they do it all the time and no one has a problem with it.

Take your intolerance elsewhere.
Feels odd everytime I hear it. Why bring God and personal beliefs into Sport? Its just a game of cricket.

Nobody says Thanks Jesus or Waheguru or Ram/Shiva when giving their interviews.

If they want to they can no one is stopping them.
If you watch football you would know they do it all the time and no one has a problem with it.

Take your intolerance elsewhere.

I don't watch football and I don't care what players do there.

I watch Cricket and Pakistan is the only country that does that. I don't see Bangladeshis do it even though they are Muslims too.

I just mute the first few seconds of Pak Captains interview.