Some of the posters here sharing memes and news clips in pure hysteria after winning an election after ages is so funny to see. That too winning in a state which shifts power every 5 years. Imagine how many such funny clips BJP supporters might have who keeps winning elections after election, including 2 back to back general election.
This reminds me of, and with respect, India vs Pakistan cricket matches of last decade and a half. When Pakistan wins a rare game here and there, the hype and shor sharaba gets unreal but when India wins, its almost like business as usual bcoz of the repeat nature of the occurrence. Just compare the reactions of 2021 WT20 game against the 2022 WT20 and you will know what I am saying. That is exactly the situation of lutyens party supporters of India.
I would strongly advice them, rather than going all hysteric, sharing meaningless memes and before indulging in beef cutlets to pls summarize for us outsiders who don't undeestand Indian state politics well as to why people might have voted for congress. Was it due to lack of state level leadership from BJP or Congress offered some nice deals in the state which voters got allured to? Or was it simply a case of anti-incumbency?
The reason I am asking this and as alluded before I don't see a single reason why a matured sensible person would vote for congress in 2023 after all it had done to India for 74 years. Not a single reason...not 1...nada.
A) Congress as a party don't have any political ideology. They fight with left in Kerala and but allies elsewhere. They mock Savarkar and does partnership with Shiv sena in Maharastra. Rahul Gandhi says people only goes to temple to do eve-teasing and then turns janeyudhari brahmin next day. All political parties in India have ideology based on which they create their manifesto, congress has none.
B) They don't have any capable leader and a party run by a family. Rahul Gandhi has lost 26 elections since 2014 and yet everyone in the party trying to somehow promote him. The good leaders are either dissenting with their own party like Sachin Pilot or sitting queitly as a spectator like Shashi Tharoor.
The only idelogy congress has is to oppose BJP. Surely voters cant be that stupid to not see through it and that is why I am asking the reason(s) why people voted for congress bcoz its beyond belief for me.
Anyway, this election has been good and peaceful unlike Bengal Elections and my fellow Kannadigas can take pride on their conduct. Winning/losing elections in part of a democratic process but conduct is what that matters. And this conduct is only possible bcoz BJP is on the losing side. If it was other way around, we would be hearing about EVM tampering by now. Infact yesterday, EVMs were trending where people were saying after such exit polls if results arr different, questions must be ask on EVMs
A lesson for such people that Indian elections are always fair and square. Its not that when congress wins its all good and Beef Cutlet but when BJP wins democracy khatre me hai, EVMs are tampered, EC is rigged, voters are uneducated. By doing all these, you are only giving more amunition to enemies outside. India is proud of its democratic process and always been. Jai hind.
Now lets get back to the party and enjoy #BeefCutlets