Racism against Indians in Canada and the paranoia of being misidentified as one


T20I Debutant
Apr 18, 2018
Those who live in Canada know well that racism against Indians (Hindus and Sikhs) has reached some new heights post COVID. For those unaware, low quality indian immigrants (people enrolling in diploma mills, barely being able to speak english, bad hygiene, 8 people living in one room, few cases of creepy harassment behavior, general obnoxiousness of some punjabi folks seen at Dundas square), bad economy, rise of conservatism in the west, poor immigration controls, housing crisis etc. are one of many reasons for this. I can write a whole essay on it but this thread is not about that but if people would like to discuss i can provide all reasons.

This is more about how i have in recent months started developing this weird fear of being misidentified as an Indian and getting discriminated/pre-judged/mistreated due to that. Thankfully i have not see any incident of racism happening to me but i fear that one might be around the corner.

I am someone who has never been bullied in school, always have been very sociable, and all my friend circle in Canada are from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, this new found creeping feeling is making me extremely uneasy.

Before any indians here think it is some agenda post, Pakistanis went through similar hatred post 9/11 and so did many other Muslims so i understand and am completely against racism against any nationality.

I would like to ask fellow Canadian Pakistanis if this is a feeling that they have also observed and how do they suggest dealing with it? I would also ask NRIs on their views as well.
I am in Toronto for almost 20 years.

People here are very angry about many different things. Justin Trudeau has destroyed this country with loose immigration, bad economy, increased crimes, worsening healthcare, housing crisis etc.

Racism against Indians/other groups is simply a symptom and not a root cause. Root cause is Trudeau's poor leadership.

This is why next election is very important. Canada cannot afford 4 more years of Trudeau.
I am in Toronto for almost 20 years.

People here are very angry about many different things. Justin Trudeau has destroyed this country with loose immigration, bad economy, increased crimes, worsening healthcare, housing crisis etc.

Racism against Indians/other groups is simply a symptom and not a root cause. Root cause is Trudeau's poor leadership.

This is why next election is very important. Canada cannot afford 4 more years of Trudeau.
Do you think the conservatives have any plan to combat the immigration and economic crisis? I have heard Pierre is funded by pro-hindutva group.

There needs to be quota based immigration similar to USA, we cannot afford to have all our immigrants coming from one country. I left Pakistan to be in a first world country, and here there are filling it with people who are expert at scamming, and cheating the system. Extremely pathetic immigration controls and zero oversight.
Immigration should have been regulated but that is not the case.

Too many bogus International Students coming in , who despite showing proof of fund and looking for work. On top of that they bring their dependants as well. Unfortunately those people who never went from village in Punjab to Delhi , are here in Canada.

My opinion is that Australia was also in similar situation , they came out of that. Canada just needs to replicate the immigration policies of Australia , it would work.
Canada is merely our dumping ground for Khalistanis and the worst of our unemployed low skilled youth. What kind of circumstances forced you to live in Canada however. It’s a terrible place i have heard and no educated Bharatiya today prefers to go there. It’s like the last resort for the desperate folks. Actually the good ones started returning from Canada a while ago.
Do you think the conservatives have any plan to combat the immigration and economic crisis? I have heard Pierre is funded by pro-hindutva group.

There needs to be quota based immigration similar to USA, we cannot afford to have all our immigrants coming from one country. I left Pakistan to be in a first world country, and here there are filling it with people who are expert at scamming, and cheating the system. Extremely pathetic immigration controls and zero oversight.

I don't think Pierre is pro-Hindutva. Pierre is pro-Canada.

As a matter of fact, I believe Trudeau is good for India because he is weak with security and very pro-immigration (many immigrants come from India). Remember that India assassinated a Khalistani a few months ago. I doubt it would've happened under Conservatives.
They deserve it. If you are low quality immigrant, you better stay in the third world you came from and not pollute a developed nation.
I don't think Pierre is pro-Hindutva. Pierre is pro-Canada.

As a matter of fact, I believe Trudeau is good for India because he is weak with security and very pro-immigration (many immigrants come from India). Remember that India assassinated a Khalistani a few months ago. I doubt it would've happened under Conservatives.

Just to add I am neither pro-Trudeau nor pro-Poilievre.

But, I think Trudeau is very bad for Canada. Poilievre would be good for Canada as a whole (economy and law & order particularly).
Immigration should have been regulated but that is not the case.

Too many bogus International Students coming in , who despite showing proof of fund and looking for work. On top of that they bring their dependants as well. Unfortunately those people who never went from village in Punjab to Delhi , are here in Canada.

My opinion is that Australia was also in similar situation , they came out of that. Canada just needs to replicate the immigration policies of Australia , it would work.
Australians are supremely racist so maybe their racism helped them mend their ways. I doubt Canadian politicians, who are compromised by the big corporations who want their low wage cheap labour, have the will to fix immigration crisis. What shocks me is that for every western country, UK was an example case of failed immigration policies but seems like no one read any case study on learnings to be taken from the failed UK immigration system and just let a free for all immigration in their countries.
The lack of pro-activeness is abysmal and makes me wonder if there is some deliberate design behind it.
Canada is merely our dumping ground for Khalistanis and the worst of our unemployed low skilled youth. What kind of circumstances forced you to live in Canada however. It’s a terrible place i have heard and no educated Bharatiya today prefers to go there. It’s like the last resort for the desperate folks. Actually the good ones started returning from Canada a while ago.
Its not merely just the khalistanis, but a lot of Hindu immigrants as well. However, i do agree, that most of them seem to be from very weak backgrounds. The kind of people i would not even have regular interaction in Pakistan with. The only reason we dont have such Pakistanis in Canada is because Pakistanis cannot get diploma visa for Canada. They can come from either the somewhat highly demanding FSW program or through undergrad or masters paying at least 70/80K CAD.

Where are the educated bhartiyas going then?
They deserve it. If you are low quality immigrant, you better stay in the third world you came from and not pollute a developed nation.
They are just aiding in developing negative stereotypes about Indians and by virtue of that South Asians at large, which is extremely harmful.
You know the hygiene stereotype used to be about Black folks, and now somehow Indians have taken the crown for that.
Its not merely just the khalistanis, but a lot of Hindu immigrants as well. However, i do agree, that most of them seem to be from very weak backgrounds. The kind of people i would not even have regular interaction in Pakistan with. The only reason we dont have such Pakistanis in Canada is because Pakistanis cannot get diploma visa for Canada. They can come from either the somewhat highly demanding FSW program or through undergrad or masters paying at least 70/80K CAD.

Where are the educated bhartiyas going then?

They’re going to States, Gulf and Europe. Canada’s market value is quite low now and I feel your pain. You go out of your country, you want to learn, get that western vibe. Last thing you want is after spending all that money and making all the sacrifices, you are surrounded by desi villagers which you don’t even find in the metro cities in subcontinent. No kidding but Canada in recent years has become an example on why one must think twice about moving abroad because if it’s a country like Canada it’s a literal scam.
They’re going to States, Gulf and Europe. Canada’s market value is quite low now and I feel your pain. You go out of your country, you want to learn, get that western vibe. Last thing you want is after spending all that money and making all the sacrifices, you are surrounded by desi villagers which you don’t even find in the metro cities in subcontinent. No kidding but Canada in recent years has become an example on why one must think twice about moving abroad because if it’s a country like Canada it’s a literal scam.

What you are saying is only applicable to Greater Toronto Area and some parts of British Columbia. Rest of Canada is okay.

Prairie provinces are economically prosperous (Alberta particularly).

Canada declined due to Trudeau. It was a fine country before him. But, hopefully things will become better after he leaves.
They’re going to States, Gulf and Europe. Canada’s market value is quite low now and I feel your pain. You go out of your country, you want to learn, get that western vibe. Last thing you want is after spending all that money and making all the sacrifices, you are surrounded by desi villagers which you don’t even find in the metro cities in subcontinent. No kidding but Canada in recent years has become an example on why one must think twice about moving abroad because if it’s a country like Canada it’s a literal scam.
FC bhai, i have to appreciate you for your empathetic spirit. You understand where i am coming from. My family is upper class in Pakistan, DHA houses and all that. I have a pretty decent career in Canada as well. However, i dont want to walk in the street and get hated by some random dude. I cannot even go back to Pakistan because Pakistan even if you are rich, its a terrible third world country, just like any other third world country.

I just want to have peace, and not have to look over my shoulder.

You mention Gulf states, i went to Dubai last year, and its much worse there. I truly felt second class in UAE, the unsaid racist looks because all low end jobs are being handled by South Asians there. Canada is definitely wayyyy better than Gulf countries.

USA i agree is better especially from an economic point of view, and i am hoping to use my canadian citizenship to try to get a job there maybe in future.
What you are saying is only applicable to Greater Toronto Area and some parts of British Columbia. Rest of Canada is okay.

Prairie provinces are economically prosperous (Alberta particularly).

Canada declined due to Trudeau. It was a fine country before him. But, hopefully things will become better after he leaves.
Albertans are already sick of indian immigration even though its not even half of Toronto's level. What do you think Pierre is going to do about immigration? Has he given any roadmap or plan?
They are just aiding in developing negative stereotypes about Indians and by virtue of that South Asians at large, which is extremely harmful.
You know the hygiene stereotype used to be about Black folks, and now somehow Indians have taken the crown for that.
If indians don't like that stereotype, let them step up and improve their hygiene, instead of crying victim.
Albertans are already sick of indian immigration even though its not even half of Toronto's level. What do you think Pierre is going to do about immigration? Has he given any roadmap or plan?

Cons are normally good with immigration. I don't think they are anti-immigrant. They just focus on good quality immigration.

I lived through Harper's reign and immigration system was very rock solid then. I am not a Harper fan, BTW.
Cons are normally good with immigration. I don't think they are anti-immigrant. They just focus on good quality immigration.

I lived through Harper's reign and immigration system was very rock solid then. I am not a Harper fan, BTW.
Canada has been historically pro-immigration. Its COVID and the flood of unplanned immigration that broke the camel's back and started the housing crisis. This in combination with Indian immigrants taking over low wage jobs and being the face of it in every Tim Hortons or security job made it worse, as locals have become insecure about their own jobs. This has led to racism in white collar jobs, where recruiters and hiring managers have become increasingly racists themselves and try to favour their own folks. So many linkages, so much awfulness. And the govt is sleeping.

Indian folks could learn a lot from East Asians. They have Markham, Richmond, and no one talks about those two cities. Brampton has 70% indians, highest crime rate and highest insurance rate in Canada. Highest number of accidents as well. Indian students come and post videos about how to get "free food" from food banks, salvation army. Makes me want to cry. Its insane.
If indians don't like that stereotype, let them step up and improve their hygiene, instead of crying victim.
I dont think you can change the behavior of the largest population of the world. Its not China where govt can dictate behavior.
Indian students come and post videos about how to get "free food" from food banks, salvation army. Makes me want to cry. Its insane.

Yeah. This is an issue. This causes shortages for people who genuinely need helps.

This type of activity should result in penalties (financial penalty, visa restriction etc.).

International students should have funds to cover their expenses.
Yeah. This is an issue. This causes shortages for people who genuinely need helps.

This type of activity should result in fines.
This alone should qualify for deportation. Canada needs to adopt UAE policy of work permits, you stay as long as you have work. You study as long as you have visa. Canada needs to grow some balls.
I dont think you can change the behavior of the largest population of the world. Its not China where govt can dictate behavior.
Indians are worse when they are in India. They try to put up their best face when in other countries, but it may still not be enough.

What was Canada expecting when bringing people from the third world.

A Canadian friend of mine (ginger and speaks French) told me that due to some people, Canada has now banned gender determination for 3 months. I told him don't be politically correct, they must be Indians.
Australians are supremely racist so maybe their racism helped them mend their ways. I doubt Canadian politicians, who are compromised by the big corporations who want their low wage cheap labour, have the will to fix immigration crisis. What shocks me is that for every western country, UK was an example case of failed immigration policies but seems like no one read any case study on learnings to be taken from the failed UK immigration system and just let a free for all immigration in their countries.
The lack of pro-activeness is abysmal and makes me wonder if there is some deliberate design behind it.

I know Canada may not change it , but what I said is simple solution to solve these issues. Look when the situation is tough , you need tougher measures.
Yeah. This is an issue. This causes shortages for people who genuinely need helps.

This type of activity should result in penalties (financial penalty, visa restriction etc.).

International students should have funds to cover their expenses.
That is the point , when you are giving proof of fund and still cannot afford , that means you forged them , and they should be deported .
Suddenly Khalistanis are being clubbed into Indians for the sake of convenience compared to other threads.
A Khalistan is Canada would be nice considering that they are in larger percentage in Canada.
Suddenly Khalistanis are being clubbed into Indians for the sake of convenience compared to other threads.
A Khalistan is Canada would be nice considering that they are in larger percentage in Canada.


Low level Khalistanis are destroying Canada right in front of our eyes but people use and ignore this depending on their agenda.

Like in a thread like this, people would prefer to label them as Bharatiya.
Australians are supremely racist so maybe their racism helped them mend their ways. I doubt Canadian politicians, who are compromised by the big corporations who want their low wage cheap labour, have the will to fix immigration crisis. What shocks me is that for every western country, UK was an example case of failed immigration policies but seems like no one read any case study on learnings to be taken from the failed UK immigration system and just let a free for all immigration in their countries.
The lack of pro-activeness is abysmal and makes me wonder if there is some deliberate design behind it.

It's difficult to assess if Britain has failed immigration policy, what would you compare it to? Before immigration, Britain dominated due to having an empire, prior to that Britain was not particularly successful.
Canada has been historically pro-immigration. Its COVID and the flood of unplanned immigration that broke the camel's back and started the housing crisis. This in combination with Indian immigrants taking over low wage jobs and being the face of it in every Tim Hortons or security job made it worse, as locals have become insecure about their own jobs. This has led to racism in white collar jobs, where recruiters and hiring managers have become increasingly racists themselves and try to favour their own folks. So many linkages, so much awfulness. And the govt is sleeping.

Indian folks could learn a lot from East Asians. They have Markham, Richmond, and no one talks about those two cities. Brampton has 70% indians, highest crime rate and highest insurance rate in Canada. Highest number of accidents as well. Indian students come and post videos about how to get "free food" from food banks, salvation army. Makes me want to cry. Its insane.
Is there some solid data on Canadian migration - legal/illegal, country of origin, destination etc.? There is some definitely something weird going on there. Some utterly incompetent folks I was on the verge of firing in my company have migrated there legally.

In general - the smartest seem to go to the States. The H1B and L1 visas and the long wait to the Green card make it a survival of the fittest.

The next level seem to end up in Europe - lot of migrants to Holland, Germany, France even Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

A level below that is Singapore and Australia. The lowest level of educated migrants seem to end up in Canada and the Middle East ,uneducated migrants of course mainly go to the gulf.

The last time I was in Canada for a business trip, I had to listen to a long lecture from my taxi driver - a Sikh about how Canada was going to the dogs.
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So much riff-raff has gone from the Punjab/Haryana area to Canada over the last few years. Those IELTS exam centres have sprouted up with the express purpose of sending guys from the pind to Toronto.

I'm not surprised.
The issue for many Canadian patriots is not against Indians. But against Khalistanis. They are drug dealers and robbers. They arrive in mass every year and cite fake victim narrative against India to gain immigrant/refugee status.

Unfortunately many Punjabis look very much like the rest of Indians. So everyone will feel the animosity from White Canadians.
The issue for many Canadian patriots is not against Indians. But against Khalistanis. They are drug dealers and robbers. They arrive in mass every year and cite fake victim narrative against India to gain immigrant/refugee status.

Unfortunately many Punjabis look very much like the rest of Indians. So everyone will feel the animosity from White Canadians.

White Canadians are not going to take the time to distinguish between different religious or political denominations of Indians. To them they are just Indians with bad hygiene apparently. If you are worried the rest of the Indian population - who all look and smell like Bollywood heroes no doubt - will suffer by association then suggest some solutions.

Perhaps get them to watch Indian films of desirable and affluent Indians living at home and abroad, and surely the reputation of Indians will soar.
The issue for many Canadian patriots is not against Indians. But against Khalistanis. They are drug dealers and robbers. They arrive in mass every year and cite fake victim narrative against India to gain immigrant/refugee status.

Unfortunately many Punjabis look very much like the rest of Indians. So everyone will feel the animosity from White Canadians.

Are Khalistanis not Indians?

So, if an Indian commits a crime, is he a Khalistani and not an Indian?
Are Khalistanis not Indians?

So, if an Indian commits a crime, is he a Khalistani and not an Indian?
Khalistanis are not. Any separatist who does not want to be with India is not an India.

All these Khalistanis claim they are Indian when they get caught doing illegal stuff. If they don't get caught, they proudly parade as Khalistanis.
Is there some solid data on Canadian migration - legal/illegal, country of origin, destination etc.? There is some definitely something weird going on there. Some utterly incompetent folks I was on the verge of firing in my company have migrated there legally.

In general - the smartest seem to go to the States. The H1B and L1 visas and the long wait to the Green card make it a survival of the fittest.

The next level seem to end up in Europe - lot of migrants to Holland, Germany, France even Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

A level below that is Singapore and Australia. The lowest level of educated migrants seem to end up in Canada and the Middle East ,uneducated migrants of course mainly go to the gulf.

The last time I was in Canada for a business trip, I had to listen to a long lecture from my taxi driver - a Sikh about how Canada was going to the dogs.

Amen to the American immigration system. Thanks to the highly selective nature and the arduous process, it ensures most South Asians here are higher quality immigrants. I doubt if I can imagine having the level of good conversations I have with the Indians in the US with the Indians in Canada. I feel the same about Pakistanis in the UK barring exceptions. The level of interactions with Pakistanis in the US is nuanced, classy, and intellectual. But interact in person with Pakistanis in the UK (some of them distant families and extended relatives mind you), I get a huge WTH moment. These are both fresh immigrants and generational immigrants in the UK. They seem to have dropped straight from a Pind and have not evolved at all.

Combining my own family experience and now hearing this Brampton scenario (70% Indians and most of them fresh from a Pind) the Indian situation in Canada seems 2x-3x worse.
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Canadian immigration is a big joke - all you have to do is claim oppression by Indian govt (never mind that the Sikhs have not been discriminated at all after the riots in the 80s) and they open the doors. No country would give citizenship to someone who has Interpol notices on account of international terrorism (read Nijjar) but Canada didn’t care because he is the right demographic to vote for Labour. They can blow up planes, fuel separatist movements in other countries but Canada wouldn’t care.
I’m hoping Poilievre will win 2 majority terms to eradicate or lessen the mess Trudeau has brought Canada into. Poilievre is a smart, no nonsense guy and a straight shooter. I have very big hopes from him. I’m going to vote Conservative next year. He is doing very well in polls.

As far as Indian immigration is concerned, yes, Trudeau has brought the worst from India and around the world. Hundreds of thousand of refugees are also being let in. Unlimited temporary foreign workers are being given work permits like candies from India. This whole uncontrolled mass immigration has caused a lot of damage like housing crisis, mass unemployment, wage stagnation to name a few. This guy just went nuts and invited the whole India in and that too the worst from India. Marc Miller is making some changes to bring back some sanity but its too late. Need a change in government asap.

Canada’s budget is high in deficit, all time high debt and a lot of other crap. Thanks Trudeau.
I’m hoping Poilievre will win 2 majority terms to eradicate or lessen the mess Trudeau has brought Canada into. Poilievre is a smart, no nonsense guy and a straight shooter. I have very big hopes from him. I’m going to vote Conservative next year. He is doing very well in polls.

As far as Indian immigration is concerned, yes, Trudeau has brought the worst from India and around the world. Hundreds of thousand of refugees are also being let in. Unlimited temporary foreign workers are being given work permits like candies from India. This whole uncontrolled mass immigration has caused a lot of damage like housing crisis, mass unemployment, wage stagnation to name a few. This guy just went nuts and invited the whole India in and that too the worst from India. Marc Miller is making some changes to bring back some sanity but its too late. Need a change in government asap.

Canada’s budget is high in deficit, all time high debt and a lot of other crap. Thanks Trudeau.

As per recent polls, Pierre is likely to win big. Cons are looking good for a majority government.
There is no nice way to say it, their behaviour is disgraceful.

You can ask White Canadians, Pakistani Canadians, Indian Canadians (the ones here for decades), purple Canadians, or any other color of your choosing and it's a consensus across the board.

I have a soft spot for immigrants as my family came 50 years ago and am sure had lots to learn/adapt to. The ones coming from Punjab now are a complete joke. The Punjabi community (from decades ago) has slowly started distancing itself from them too.

Along with a significant number of them being unruly, messy, and frauds, they also strain the system for Canadians. The political decision-making and the underlying system is a joke. The government lost the plot completely here.

As for racism, it's not Canadian culture to be so expressive about these things. However, you will meet wackjobs anywhere and they have been around since before this was an issue and will be here after too.
As per recent polls, Pierre is likely to win big. Cons are looking good for a majority government.
Need 2 majority Poilievre terms. I love the guy. Hopefully, he will deliver because a lot of people have high hopes from him.
These Indian immigrants have played 4D chess.

They have behaved so badly that Indians are distancing themselves from the immigrants at every opportunity. Indians are furiously saying these guys don't represent our country they represent Khalistan. Please please don't judge us these people are khalistanis and nothing to do with us.

And just like that the Indian masses have recognised the existence of Khalistan and now the term is echoing around Canada and British forums.
So much riff-raff has gone from the Punjab/Haryana area to Canada over the last few years. Those IELTS exam centres have sprouted up with the express purpose of sending guys from the pind to Toronto.

I'm not surprised.
What you are saying confirms what I have read...that the problem is the type of people going from Punjab currently would even stand out like a sore thumb in major Indian cities.

Why is their such under investment by GOI in Punjab? It is the jewel of Asia.
They have behaved so badly that Indians are distancing themselves from the immigrants at every opportunity. Indians are furiously saying these guys don't represent our country they represent Khalistan.

Unfortunately that is the disadvantage of coming from a hugely diverse 1 billion plus developing country. A community from one corner of the country engages in misdeeds and a hundred other communities from that country are pulled in and assosciated with it. It is what it is.
Unfortunately that is the disadvantage of coming from a hugely diverse 1 billion plus developing country. A community from one corner of the country engages in misdeeds and a hundred other communities from that country are pulled in and assosciated with it. It is what it is.
I suppose it counteracts the advantage of coming from a a hugely diverse 1 billion plus developing country where a CEO of a tech company emerges from one community and hundreds of other communities pull themselves in and associate with it and consider it their success.

I suppose it evens out.

To paraphrase a famous saying.
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Indians on here are whining that the Sikhs of Canada are giving them a bad name. But if India looked like Switzerland, and had the same infrastructure and hygiene, then Canadians would never think the Sikhs of Canada were representative of India.

If India has a poor reputation, that is down to India. That is after all where these Sikhs came from.
Indians on here are whining that the Sikhs of Canada are giving them a bad name. But if India looked like Switzerland, and had the same infrastructure and hygiene, then Canadians would never think the Sikhs of Canada were representative of India.

If India has a poor reputation, that is down to India. That is after all where these Sikhs came from.
I enjoy schadenfreude when indians are subject to racism. They are racists themselves and within india they consider themselves superior to other ethnicities. May they keep facing racism.
What you are saying confirms what I have read...that the problem is the type of people going from Punjab currently would even stand out like a sore thumb in major Indian cities.

Why is their such under investment by GOI in Punjab? It is the jewel of Asia.

Don't know about Asia, but Indian Punjab's pre-eminence in India's economy is at least 25 years out of date. That state has really lost its way since the green revolution of the 20th century, and it is now languishing down at #19 out of #33 states and union territories in terms of GDP per capita.
Canada is basically diploma mill. Anyone who gets a diploma can go there hence the lower standard for immigrants. As for racism, it always existed before this. The treatement to Indians is still better than what they did to natives
Indians on here are whining that the Sikhs of Canada are giving them a bad name. But if India looked like Switzerland, and had the same infrastructure and hygiene, then Canadians would never think the Sikhs of Canada were representative of India.

If India has a poor reputation, that is down to India. That is after all where these Sikhs came from.
US, UK and Singaporean Indians have much better reputation than them and provide coherent soft power. Regardless of improved India becomes, there will always be bias in western media (just check out their news of China - despite building so many world class cities, its still china - copycat, 2nd hand, ivory towers and rest in slums. They still haven't accepted China as their equal despite the progess)
I enjoy schadenfreude when indians are subject to racism. They are racists themselves and within india they consider themselves superior to other ethnicities. May they keep facing racism.

It is the same across the subcontinent, in this thread alone there have been mentions of pinds, Khalistan, UK Pakistanis etc. Lol, this is why it is funny like these people commenting were born Swiss natives or came from families who traditionally had high tea consisting of cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
I think hostility towards Indians in Canada is due to the rising Khalistani extremism in the country. Society tends to paint an entire community with one brush when it comes to such things. Surely these Sikh's should go and fight for Khalistan in India or they should all be deported from Canada.
US, UK and Singaporean Indians have much better reputation than them and provide coherent soft power. Regardless of improved India becomes, there will always be bias in western media (just check out their news of China - despite building so many world class cities, its still china - copycat, 2nd hand, ivory towers and rest in slums. They still haven't accepted China as their equal despite the progess)
Singaporean indians? As any non indian singaporean about mustafa center and little india. All chaos. Indians rioted there 10 years ago because of drunk indian got killed.
Back on topic the Khalistanis are giving all Indian's a bad name. Go to India and fight for the liberation of their Punjab or shut up and sit down! Fight from where you want to liberate your land not a zillion miles away from another country. This is what Allama Iqbal told the Quaid Jinnah when Pak was being formed.
Back on topic the Khalistanis are giving all Indian's a bad name. Go to India and fight for the liberation of their Punjab or shut up and sit down! Fight from where you want to liberate your land not a zillion miles away from another country. This is what Allama Iqbal told the Quaid Jinnah when Pak was being formed.

I don't think liberating a land is that easy in year 2024. It is because countries now have advanced weapons. It is not like 1950 when these things could've been easily achieved.

I think them being in foreign countries makes more sense (from their point of view). Otherwise, they may get imprisoned and their movement may die down.
I don't think liberating a land is that easy in year 2024. It is because countries now have advanced weapons. It is not like 1950 when these things could've been easily achieved.

I think them being in foreign countries makes more sense (from their point of view). Otherwise, they may get imprisoned and their movement may die down.
Then their master Tara Singh should have listened to our Quaid Jinnah when the British were departing the subcontinent. Now they should behave like good citizens in a foreign country instead of making trouble. Sikh's make up a vibrant community abroad but in the overall scheme they are a minuscule. This Sikh bravado only looks good in Bollywood film's that are produced to pacify them. Reality was the infamous operation Blue Star when they were put in their place. They got the opportunity to embrace independence but chickened out.

Khalistan can only be formed if India ever breaks in to pieces.
Singaporean indians? As any non indian singaporean about mustafa center and little india. All chaos. Indians rioted there 10 years ago because of drunk indian got killed.
10 years ago is a long time. Besides this is in comparison with Canadian Indians - even if SG Indians have not that much great of a reputation, still better than Canadian Indians.
10 years ago is a long time. Besides this is in comparison with Canadian Indians - even if SG Indians have not that much great of a reputation, still better than Canadian Indians.
The stench of Indian is so overpowering, that no matter how much you decorate it with prefixes of Canadian, Singaporean or whatever, it ruins anything it associates with.
The stench of Indian is so overpowering, that no matter how much you decorate it with prefixes of Canadian, Singaporean or whatever, it ruins anything it associates with.
Not really. It has been proven in a report or I believe in a research paper that despite forming a small percentage of population, US Indians have significantly contributed to the economy of the US. Of course, the immigration allows the top 1% from India so it makes sense that whoever is selected will provide benefits to the nation. After US, it is mostly Europe - France and Germany which gets the next share of Indian immigrants - high skilled, ability to somewhat assimilate. They too have contributed (though not as much as US Indians). SG Indians have honestly been there from a very long time . I would give the success of Singapore gies to Lee Kuan Yew who has managed to coexist so many ethnic groups in harmony (relatively) and transformed the nation from a backwater 3rd world country to one which is better than Europe. Canada usually gets the least beneficial Indians - those who if immigrate wont cause much brain drain. The gulf gets cheap subservient labour. In fact a vast majority of gulf population are South Asian Immigrant workers. Without them, their civil construction capabilities would greatly diminish.
Not really. It has been proven in a report or I believe in a research paper that despite forming a small percentage of population, US Indians have significantly contributed to the economy of the US. Of course, the immigration allows the top 1% from India so it makes sense that whoever is selected will provide benefits to the nation. After US, it is mostly Europe - France and Germany which gets the next share of Indian immigrants - high skilled, ability to somewhat assimilate. They too have contributed (though not as much as US Indians). SG Indians have honestly been there from a very long time . I would give the success of Singapore gies to Lee Kuan Yew who has managed to coexist so many ethnic groups in harmony (relatively) and transformed the nation from a backwater 3rd world country to one which is better than Europe. Canada usually gets the least beneficial Indians - those who if immigrate wont cause much brain drain. The gulf gets cheap subservient labour. In fact a vast majority of gulf population are South Asian Immigrant workers. Without them, their civil construction capabilities would greatly diminish.
I am not questioning their contribution.

I am commenting on their racist behavior. Indians, wherever, when they get subjected to racism, it warms the cockles of my heart.
@sweep_shot I saw some stuff on social media of Indians defecating on beaches in Canada.

Is is true?


Wouldn't be surprised if this is true. But, I don't visit beaches much. So, can't confirm.

Anyway, Brampton is quite ghetto (Indian Punjabis mostly). Bad drivers, high crimes, rude people etc. Car insurance is quite high there.

Wouldn't be surprised if this is true. But, I don't visit beaches much. So, can't confirm.

Anyway, Brampton is quite ghetto (Indian Punjabis mostly). Bad drivers, high crimes, rude people etc. Car insurance is quite high there.
It says they dig a hole then build a tent and use it to poop
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I have never faced racism from foreigners, they have been very nice. My entire life I have faced racism from fellow indians.
That's surprising. Usually most of them even those in the "liberal" spectrum exhibit casual and sometimes even bigoted racism towards Indians as well as South Asians as a whole. Their reactions to acts commited by a person and the same act commited by a desi was quite the eye-opener . Though I suppose online interactions rarely matter in real life
That's surprising. Usually most of them even those in the "liberal" spectrum exhibit casual and sometimes even bigoted racism towards Indians as well as South Asians as a whole. Their reactions to acts commited by a person and the same act commited by a desi was quite the eye-opener . Though I suppose online interactions rarely matter in real life
They were real interactions. I was loved by the undergrads for the subject I taught. Still in touch with some students. If I have to stretch, then the only racist remark was from a cyclist in Barcelona, but I was told they hate tourists.

With Indians, I have lasting memories of facing racism from kids (maybe because of my ethnicity, or maybe because I lived in a slum). I went to a school which was beyond me, thanks to a britisher living in India who was my grand fathers superior. I used to board the school bus near the slum, which would supply maids and servants to the bungalows on the other side of the road. When I would board the bus, I was never offered a seat. I used to travel standing in a bus for an hour while everyone was seated. Sometimes they would make fun of my undersized school uniform, or the patchwork on my shirt, or mustard oil on my hair, or that they saw my father bathing at the open tap near the bus stand. I only started finding acceptance from the kids when my work started appearing in the school magazine, and they would say, hey I read your name in the magazine. There was a muslim guy who invited me for his birthday. It was stressful because I had to arrange good clothes to go to the party, and the only good clothes I had were my school uniform (which would be borrowed by a caterer friend because they needed white shirts when serving food). Then I borrowed over sized shirt to go to the party. At the bungalow of Dr Haq, the servant asked me which bungalow number are you from before letting me in. My friend had informed his mother that this guy is very good at studies, so she asked him to invite me. She was very nice to me and would tell Ashar to learn from me. But Dr Haq asked me to sing, saying that he is very silent. I sang a song (some kumar sanu one) looking at the floor, because I was feeling so embarrassed, especially because of girls from Loreto Convent also being there. The next day when I boarded the school bus, everyone was laughing at me, that I sang a song looking at a paper plate on the floor. But I digress. Maybe the taunting I faced was because of rich poor divide, but my ethnicity was always mentioned ( I was a minority ethnicity there). I spent 12 years in that school bus remaining silent, hardly talking to anyone except that muslim guy (he was also minority but rich). Even kids who were 6 years junior would make fun of me. Some years ago, I found that guy on social media and contacted him to thank him for inviting me and introducing me to his parents. It meant so much for me that time.
They were real interactions. I was loved by the undergrads for the subject I taught. Still in touch with some students. If I have to stretch, then the only racist remark was from a cyclist in Barcelona, but I was told they hate tourists.

With Indians, I have lasting memories of facing racism from kids (maybe because of my ethnicity, or maybe because I lived in a slum). I went to a school which was beyond me, thanks to a britisher living in India who was my grand fathers superior. I used to board the school bus near the slum, which would supply maids and servants to the bungalows on the other side of the road. When I would board the bus, I was never offered a seat. I used to travel standing in a bus for an hour while everyone was seated. Sometimes they would make fun of my undersized school uniform, or the patchwork on my shirt, or mustard oil on my hair, or that they saw my father bathing at the open tap near the bus stand. I only started finding acceptance from the kids when my work started appearing in the school magazine, and they would say, hey I read your name in the magazine. There was a muslim guy who invited me for his birthday. It was stressful because I had to arrange good clothes to go to the party, and the only good clothes I had were my school uniform (which would be borrowed by a caterer friend because they needed white shirts when serving food). Then I borrowed over sized shirt to go to the party. At the bungalow of Dr Haq, the servant asked me which bungalow number are you from before letting me in. My friend had informed his mother that this guy is very good at studies, so she asked him to invite me. She was very nice to me and would tell Ashar to learn from me. But Dr Haq asked me to sing, saying that he is very silent. I sang a song (some kumar sanu one) looking at the floor, because I was feeling so embarrassed, especially because of girls from Loreto Convent also being there. The next day when I boarded the school bus, everyone was laughing at me, that I sang a song looking at a paper plate on the floor. But I digress. Maybe the taunting I faced was because of rich poor divide, but my ethnicity was always mentioned ( I was a minority ethnicity there). I spent 12 years in that school bus remaining silent, hardly talking to anyone except that muslim guy (he was also minority but rich). Even kids who were 6 years junior would make fun of me. Some years ago, I found that guy on social media and contacted him to thank him for inviting me and introducing me to his parents. It meant so much for me that time.

You should write a novel loosely based on your biography CC, maybe in a similar theme to A Suitable Boy, can't remember the name of that book but it was a 1000 page epic which must have made that guy a millionaire. I feel your story might be superior if you could introduce a female crush who maybe spurned you during your teenage years.
They were real interactions. I was loved by the undergrads for the subject I taught. Still in touch with some students. If I have to stretch, then the only racist remark was from a cyclist in Barcelona, but I was told they hate tourists.

Oh yea. Barcelona is notoriously anti-tourist.

With Indians, I have lasting memories of facing racism from kids (maybe because of my ethnicity, or maybe because I lived in a slum). I went to a school which was beyond me, thanks to a britisher living in India who was my grand fathers superior. I used to board the school bus near the slum, which would supply maids and servants to the bungalows on the other side of the road. When I would board the bus, I was never offered a seat. I used to travel standing in a bus for an hour while everyone was seated. Sometimes they would make fun of my undersized school uniform, or the patchwork on my shirt, or mustard oil on my hair, or that they saw my father bathing at the open tap near the bus stand. I only started finding acceptance from the kids when my work started appearing in the school magazine, and they would say, hey I read your name in the magazine. There was a muslim guy who invited me for his birthday. It was stressful because I had to arrange good clothes to go to the party, and the only good clothes I had were my school uniform (which would be borrowed by a caterer friend because they needed white shirts when serving food). Then I borrowed over sized shirt to go to the party. At the bungalow of Dr Haq, the servant asked me which bungalow number are you from before letting me in. My friend had informed his mother that this guy is very good at studies, so she asked him to invite me. She was very nice to me and would tell Ashar to learn from me. But Dr Haq asked me to sing, saying that he is very silent. I sang a song (some kumar sanu one) looking at the floor, because I was feeling so embarrassed, especially because of girls from Loreto Convent also being there. The next day when I boarded the school bus, everyone was laughing at me, that I sang a song looking at a paper plate on the floor. But I digress. Maybe the taunting I faced was because of rich poor divide, but my ethnicity was always mentioned ( I was a minority ethnicity there). I spent 12 years in that school bus remaining silent, hardly talking to anyone except that muslim guy (he was also minority but rich). Even kids who were 6 years junior would make fun of me. Some years ago, I found that guy on social media and contacted him to thank him for inviting me and introducing me to his parents. It meant so much for me that time.
What a terrible experience ! Kids are usually the most blunt and cruelest- atleast that's been my experience too somewhat (though definitely not at all like yours).Well you got the last laugh in the end- getting success.
Oh yea. Barcelona is notoriously anti-tourist.

What a terrible experience ! Kids are usually the most blunt and cruelest- atleast that's been my experience too somewhat (though definitely not at all like yours).Well you got the last laugh in the end- getting success.
He isn't laughing though.

Those people who taunted him are still laughing

He is still sad.

He even chose to forget the kindness of Muslims and become a closet sanghi.

There is no happy ending here.
You should write a novel loosely based on your biography CC, maybe in a similar theme to A Suitable Boy, can't remember the name of that book but it was a 1000 page epic which must have made that guy a millionaire. I feel your story might be superior if you could introduce a female crush who maybe spurned you during your teenage years.
The problem with a novel on my life is, that it will raise expectations and might even keep the readers hooked up, but will not have a decent ending, no satisfying closure. A huge disappointment.
And all over the place. Pro poor communist, liberal and then turning into a sanghi. It would be a very depressing read.
He isn't laughing though.

Those people who taunted him are still laughing

He is still sad.

He even chose to forget the kindness of Muslims and become a closet sanghi.

There is no happy ending here.
Just a while ago I reached out to him and left a message thanking him for inviting me to his house, because it meant so much to me at that time. When I was friends with him, people in my slum knew and told me that you are being friends with him, but during a hindu muslim riot he will be the first to slit your throat.

So next day I asked him, if there is a hindu muslim riot, will you side with your parents and will you side with me. He said obviously, my parents. I thought people were right, muslim will only support muslim.
Just a while ago I reached out to him and left a message thanking him for inviting me to his house, because it meant so much to me at that time. When I was friends with him, people in my slum knew and told me that you are being friends with him, but during a hindu muslim riot he will be the first to slit your throat.

So next day I asked him, if there is a hindu muslim riot, will you side with your parents and will you side with me. He said obviously, my parents. I thought people were right, muslim will only support muslim.
Why would he support you over his parents?

That's quite a weird choice to give him. Would you have picked him over your parents?

You should have given the choice between a Slum Muslim kid and you to see how he felt about you. That's a more reasonable test of friendship.
Why would he support you over his parents?

That's quite a weird choice to give him. Would you have picked him over your parents?

You should have given the choice between a Slum Muslim kid and you to see how he felt about you. That's a more reasonable test of friendship.
I was giving my thoughts as an adolescent.
He was into Michael Jackson and Hollywood. Had a walkman which he would share me with in the bus. Now he is a born again Muslim.
Possibly because an overwhelming majority of Indian migrants in Canada are from Punjab.
I don't want to paint an entire state with the same brush but I have disliked most Indian Punjabis I have met. They all walk around with a chip on their shoulder. The turbaned Sikhs are somewhat ok, but the clean shaven ones and the Hindus are terribly annoying. Put a lot of them in any place outside Punjab and they will soon be the most unpopular ones there. Delhi is a prime example. Mumbai has followed suit.
Another bunch of Indians that I don't really like are Bengalis. The same chip on the shoulder. But at least, they don't migrate much.
Well since there was international condemnation of Indians shooting at Canadians, they've decided to switch tactics.
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