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Racism in Israel


Test Captain
Jan 2, 2010
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8n-y24SzbCY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Shocking footage. This is the same mentality of Hitler.
So what do you expect from Israel? Israel is the place of all evils in the World right now.
what the bloody hell are africans doing in israel?
Why would anyone want to go to israel!!!

though have to say they mess every country up
what the bloody hell are africans doing in israel?
Why would anyone want to go to israel!!!

though have to say they mess every country up

They are asylum seekers.

When you are fleeing a civil war or famine, any alternative is better than the status quo.
what the bloody hell are africans doing in israel?
Why would anyone want to go to israel!!!

though have to say they mess every country up

I havent yet seen the video but some Africans argue that they are original decendants of the children of israel and Israel is theirs.

To me it makes more sense as its hard to imagine ancient jews resembling the current European Jews living in Israel.
Africans certainly mess up a place real quick.

You are a muppet mate.

Anyway on the topic of the video. It was quite scary to see what are murderous land grabbing illegal immigrants protesting against what seemed to be peaceful legal immigrants.

The way the man being interviewed spoke was very very similar to the far right in europe. He gave the same generic answers that all racists do "they are runining hosptials/diseases/third world values" but when pressed on any of these points had no clue whatsoever. I was genuinley expecting him to start talking about muslamic infidels. Seriously he seemed that stupid.

Their leaflet read " Expel the 20000 foreginers and infiltrators now, If we remain silent we will become foreigners in our neighbourhood."

Anyone who can't see the hypocracy in this is crazy. One day Inshallah the real foreigners will be expelled from this area!!
Same thing happen all over the world, especially 3rd world countries. So why blame just Israel? Desi people are easly more racist then anyone else in the world as you can see in this thread.
You are a muppet mate.

Anyway on the topic of the video. It was quite scary to see what are murderous land grabbing illegal immigrants protesting against what seemed to be peaceful legal immigrants.

The way the man being interviewed spoke was very very similar to the far right in europe. He gave the same generic answers that all racists do "they are runining hosptials/diseases/third world values" but when pressed on any of these points had no clue whatsoever. I was genuinley expecting him to start talking about muslamic infidels. Seriously he seemed that stupid.

Their leaflet read " Expel the 20000 foreginers and infiltrators now, If we remain silent we will become foreigners in our neighbourhood."

Anyone who can't see the hypocracy in this is crazy. One day Inshallah the real foreigners will be expelled from this area!!

Look , you can be as politically correct as you want, but the fact on the ground is value of property, quality of services and standard of living plummets in areas where Africans move enmasse.
Attitudes might not change but try telling that to a hard working family man who sees his home value fall because of the inherent way Africans live and no one wants to move there.
Africans certainly mess up a place real quick.

There a lot of other racists like yourself who have the same racist attitude towards all Muslims. Do you also agree with their point of view?

I despise racist people like yourself who generalize and look down on people who are different from them. You along with your other racist brothers are pathetic human beings.
I havent yet seen the video but some Africans argue that they are original decendants of the children of israel and Israel is theirs.

To me it makes more sense as its hard to imagine ancient jews resembling the current European Jews living in Israel.


Israel is no-one's.. Its Palestines!!!!

And its definitely not African!
You are a muppet mate.

Anyway on the topic of the video. It was quite scary to see what are murderous land grabbing illegal immigrants protesting against what seemed to be peaceful legal immigrants.

The way the man being interviewed spoke was very very similar to the far right in europe. He gave the same generic answers that all racists do "they are runining hosptials/diseases/third world values" but when pressed on any of these points had no clue whatsoever. I was genuinley expecting him to start talking about muslamic infidels. Seriously he seemed that stupid.

Their leaflet read " Expel the 20000 foreginers and infiltrators now, If we remain silent we will become foreigners in our neighbourhood."

Anyone who can't see the hypocracy in this is crazy. One day Inshallah the real foreigners will be expelled from this area!!

Legal Migrants, these Africans, are certainly not!
mate sstop making baseless claims and accusations. Back them up with sources...

Nobody wants to illegally go to Africa!

It seems like you have never been to Africa

South Africa is full of Pakistanis many illegal immigrants who are involved in crime

Nambia, Mozambique, Swaziland, botswana and just about every african country has illegal Pakistani immigrants

There are thousands of Pakistanis who are also living legally in South Africa and other parts of Africa and contributing to the development of those countries



LOL @ Pakistanis being responsible for crime in South Africa. All 10 of those trouble makers in South Africa must be up to no good. Certainly the crime rate has nothing to do with the large underprivileged black youths or the racist white's. No no, let's blame the Pakistanis.
The Israeli state was founded on Racism.

Yep. The white European Jew wanted to migrate to the Jewish state but forgot the Jewish state will also have black Jews.

Racism is everywhere but the reason this video is shocking it's Jews talking like Hitler's facist Nazism.
Another fact is that 95% of brown people would avoid living in black neighborhood.
Racism is prevalent everywhere...and every nation has racist organisations and discrimination...its a stretch to single out Israel...

And U Saqaf...what is this inherent way that Africans live?...what ignorance you possess...you have generalised over 54 states and over a billion people and havent actually provided a single point of note...

Honestly its ridiculous when ethnics spout racism cos often they are the same jackasses that moan about it happening to them...
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Another fact is that 95% of brown people would avoid living in black neighborhood.

This is unfortunately true. I'm not sure how it is in Pakistan, but back in India, everyone I talk to seems to believe that all black people are thieves and murderers. They constantly warn me to avoid them. It's kind of sad, actually.
Racism is prevalent everywhere...and every nation has racist organisations and discrimination...its a stretch to single out Israel...

And U Saqaf...what is this inherent way that Africans live?...what an ignorance you possess...you have generalised over 54 states and over a billion people and havent actually provided a single point of note...

Honestly its ridiculous when ethnics spout racism cos often they are the same jackasses that moan about it happening to them...

Hmmm...I don't think we're 'stretching' the Zionist problem enough, especially with their history of systemised ethnic cleansing.

The last regime to carry out such atrocities that I can draw similarities with is Nazi Germany.
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I can name countless places in the UK that are no-go areas.

I can't name even one.

We call them council estates. Guess what.....they're white.

Have a walk round central South London, Notting Hill, Brick Lane, Toxteth, Bradford, Huddersfield, Bristol. Guess what.... they are multi-ethnic, and I've never had any bother in them.
Hmmm...I don't think we're 'stretching' the Zionist problem enough, especially with their history of systemised ethnic cleansing.

The last regime to carry out such atrocities that I can draw similarities with is Nazi Germany.

Imperial Japanese.

Kymer Rouge.

Tutsis and Hutus.

I can't name even one.

Have a walk round central South London, Notting Hill, Brick Lane, Toxteth, Bradford, Huddersfield, Bristol. Guess what.... they are multi-ethnic, and I've never had any bother in them.

As is common with you, you mistook my point. I was explaining to a fellow poster that 'social degeneration'(Darwinistic term) is not limited to African communities.

Try going to Liverpool, Bradford's DISTRICTS(not the city centre), Sheffield, Newcastle, to name but a few major cities with large Council Estates. Most of these areas have a significant population of white 'ASBOS' that bring down not just the property prices, but the quality of life too.

The argument was that such occurrences are not limited to one particular race, it is more the failure of a particular society that causes such non-conformance. To elaborate, it is a poor social system that creates this mess, quite analogical to the global socio-political system which has caused the concentration of wealth to be amassed in one particular place, thus manifesting a wave of social degradation in areas deprived of life's essentials.

To me, that is the difference between civility and incivility.
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Imperial Japanese.

Kymer Rouge.

Tutsis and Hutus.


You must be blind to not see the European connection.

I'm not saying the West is responsible for ALL of the world's troubles, but what I am saying is similar to what Mark Butcher said about Stuart Broad "He always seems to be around when there's a fire".
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Well it's been called many things considering the people of three religions want to live there

Though strangely enough it was best off in the 1500 years when the Muslims ruled :21:

Yup, not saying it was a utopia but under Muslim rule the other minorities were always treated much better. Didn't the Christians expel the jews at some point during the Crusade? And didn't the Muslims let them return?

Nice way of thanking us, JEWS!
Lets not get carried away and brush all the citizens of the country with the same brush. We have our very own EDL and BNP in this country who mirror same thoughts and beliefs.
Yup, not saying it was a utopia but under Muslim rule the other minorities were always treated much better. Didn't the Christians expel the jews at some point during the Crusade? And didn't the Muslims let them return?

Nice way of thanking us, JEWS!

You can't blame Jews for Israel, no more than you could Christians for Hitler. Blame Zionism and Nazism for these atrocities; but more importantly blame European 'Enlightenment', which laid the foundation for Euro-America's political culture.
iirc, there were Israelies going into countries like Ethiopia, converting the people to Judaism and then bringing them to Israel.

The thinking behind it was to increase the population of Israel.

Some of the racist comments on here are pretty objectionable - just as some were on the Afghanis celebrating Indian victory thread.

Me? I've yet to meet a Jew/Christian/Hindu/Sikh, etc who I have disliked because of their religion. The sooner we get past colour/religion/nationality barriers, the better it is.

Israel - the reality is that the sooner a fair solution is found - ie a sustainable country for the Palestinians and security for the Israelies, the better. What's happening is an affront to humanity - this cycle of hate and violence - on both sides, aided by the spineless leadership of the Palestinians in their "negotiating" and the propping up the resulting Israeli oppression by its paymasters.
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Racism is prevalent everywhere...and every nation has racist organisations and discrimination...its a stretch to single out Israel...

How may apartheid states are there around the world? The video only shows racism against fellow Jews who are black but the racism against Arabs is even worse.

The Jews were given a homeland by the British because of the racism they suffered in Europe and now these same European Jews are acting like the fascists who butchered them.

It's only fair and warranted to expose Israeli European Jewish fascism in the holy land.
How may apartheid states are there around the world? The video only shows racism against fellow Jews who are black but the racism against Arabs is even worse.

The Jews were given a homeland by the British because of the racism they suffered in Europe and now these same European Jews are acting like the fascists who butchered them.

It's only fair and warranted to expose Israeli European Jewish fascism in the holy land.

Victims often becomes oppressors bro...anyhow racism against blacks is something most of the world partakes in....I have seen a lot of Muslims be racist to blacks who are Muslim...Muslims are hardly a colour blind people and display all sorts of disgraceful divisive behaviour based on race, class, wealth, tribe etc just like most communities...

Being oppressed doesnt make you less likely to be racist...
Victims often becomes oppressors bro...anyhow racism against blacks is something most of the world partakes in....I have seen a lot of Muslims be racist to blacks who are Muslim...Muslims are hardly a colour blind people and display all sorts of disgraceful divisive behaviour based on race, class, wealth, tribe etc just like most communities...

Being oppressed doesnt make you less likely to be racist...

Please at least differentiate between people who practice Islam and those who are Muslims by name.

In case you didn't know, millions of Muslims have prayed behind a black imam(leader) in Masjid-e-Haram and no one there batted an eyelid. One black man enters American politics and the whole world is surprised(pleasantly or otherwise).

Yes, Muslims are not absolutely "colour blind", but our being conscious of it pales in comparison to our Caucasian brothers.
Please at least differentiate between people who practice Islam and those who are Muslims by name.

In case you didn't know, millions of Muslims have prayed behind a black imam(leader) in Masjid-e-Haram and no one there batted an eyelid. One black man enters American politics and the whole world is surprised(pleasantly or otherwise).

Yes, Muslims are not absolutely "colour blind", but our being conscious of it pales in comparison to our Caucasian brothers.

Being racist to an Ethiopian Jew is not from Judaism either...this racism in this video is standard far right behaviour that you get in all communities...many Jews consider Ethiopians legitimate Jews and many are racist...these people arent representative of their faith just like many racist Muslims are not representative of their faith...

Is your argument Judaism is racist because thats all I can think of considering how you tried to disect my point about Muslims...
Being racist to an Ethiopian Jew is not from Judaism either...this racism in this video is standard far right behaviour that you get in all communities...many Jews consider Ethiopians legitimate Jews and many are racist...these people arent representative of their faith just like many racist Muslims are not representative of their faith...

Is your argument Judaism is racist because thats all I can think of considering how you tried to disect my point about Muslims...

We're not talking about Jews, but Zionists. I was responding to your claims of Muslim racists and I pointed out the falsity of such a term. You can't call those people as such if they are rejecting an essential tenet of that faith.
Why are they referring to Uganda in this video, what does Uganda have to do with Jews?
Why are they referring to Uganda in this video, what does Uganda have to do with Jews?

European Jews(Zionists) contemplated Uganda, Argentina and Palestine as their homeland. It so happened, that in a game of eeny meeny miny mo, Palestine was it. Oh, and Britain managed to help cause some trouble, as usual.
I can name countless places in the UK that are no-go areas. We call them council estates. Guess what.....they're white.

Look I am a businessman, I do lots of business in real estate and property deals. Ive been doing this for over 15 years and i am just telling what I've seen.

I have property managers around the country managing my properties and their strategies are based on their experiences with certain types of people. Doesnt make anyone a bigot, but in business you HAVE to see things Black or White there is no gray area. You dont like it, fine but thats the raw truth.
Areas with black populations just depress the market forces. No wonder gentrification specialists make millions.
I'm not saying the West is responsible for ALL of the world's troubles, but what I am saying is similar to what Mark Butcher said about Stuart Broad "He always seems to be around when there's a fire".

All the racism and colonialism in world history is due to Stuart Broad? :O
Look I am a businessman, I do lots of business in real estate and property deals. Ive been doing this for over 15 years and i am just telling what I've seen.

I have property managers around the country managing my properties and their strategies are based on their experiences with certain types of people. Doesnt make anyone a bigot, but in business you HAVE to see things Black or White there is no gray area. You dont like it, fine but thats the raw truth.
Areas with black populations just depress the market forces. No wonder gentrification specialists make millions.

Do you even know what gentrification means? You're talking specifically about black people above and now moving on to gentrification in general? You're actually insinuating all black people are cheap working class?

In all seriousness, if you can get middle-class people to move to the white areas I'm talking of, you better get yourself down here, and quickly. I'll even send over a limo...but if you're unsuccessful then I take half of your properties. Deal?

Come on Levity, tell us how Stuart Broad caused the West African slave trade, (perpetrated by Muslim slavers), which took more slaves over a longer period of time than the Atlantic Passage (perpetrated by Europeans).
The comments about looking at ourselves for racism first are spot on. We all look at others - Indians, Arabs, Whites, Blacks - in some sort of light. It's not as though Pakistan is a beacon of equality and brotherhood, we even create differences when there aren't any!

Not that this makes any of whats in the video less despicable - I've only met perhaps 1 Jew who had non-Jewish friends, they're certainly a 'close knit' community.

And lol @ "Muslim" slavers. My name is not Tyrone dammit :yk
Come on Levity, tell us how Stuart Broad caused the West African slave trade, (perpetrated by Muslim slavers), which took more slaves over a longer period of time than the Atlantic Passage (perpetrated by Europeans).

Being English an' all that, one would suggest your command of the English language to be quite poor.

I don't know if you know it, but I'll tell you anyway. This topic is about racism. What you've done with your childish antics is to have dug yourself further into a pit of ignorance. Go do some proper reading about "Muslim slavers". I hear they have audio books these days.

Another day passes, another nerve struck.:zoni
I don't know if you know it, but I'll tell you anyway. This topic is about racism.

Ah, then my post was inappropriate. I didn't know that the slavers of the Caliphates weren't racist.

Taking 14,000,000 European and West African human beings into slavery must have been an act of multiculturalism, then.
Victims often becomes oppressors bro...anyhow racism against blacks is something most of the world partakes in....I have seen a lot of Muslims be racist to blacks who are Muslim...Muslims are hardly a colour blind people and display all sorts of disgraceful divisive behaviour based on race, class, wealth, tribe etc just like most communities...

Being oppressed doesnt make you less likely to be racist...

This is very true and I also agree there are plenty of Muslims who hold racist views.

For me the problem is the people who are racist here have been influenced by the state to some degree. Jews themselves are recognised as a race in many countries and they believe they are a race too. There is no black state, there is no brown state and there is no white state but we have a Jewish state. The apartheid system in Israel also gives weight to racism to prevail not to mention the religous texts which tell them they are the chosen people. Not all Jews are racist but those that are in Israel are because of these two issues in their lifestyle imo.

This type of fascism in Israel after what's happened should be mainstream news but is hidden for a very good reason.
Ah, then my post was inappropriate. I didn't know that the slavers of the Caliphates weren't racist.

Taking 14,000,000 European and West African human beings into slavery must have been an act of multiculturalism, then.

What can I say Robert, such a well researched post has got me. I concede that...that you are a complete and utter loser!

I'll say once again: This thread is about RACISM. What you speak of is the SLAVE TRADE. What you fail to mention is that Arabs were also enslaved by OTHER ARABS(THAT CAN'T BE RACISM...CAN IT?). Most importantly, quite a significant number of slaves captured were considered 'spoils of war', so quite obviously a large percentage of those slaves would be from foreign lands. Obvious, no?

In summary, slavery in Arabia came to be as a by-product of war, very much unlike the racially charged ideologies of Caucasian supremacists in Europe.

To end this history lesson, let me explain to you in big words, the way you are used to being taught: "MUSLIM SLAVERS" DID NOT DISCRIMINATE ON RACE; ONLY FOR MONEY.

Oh...by the way, I almost forgot to ask. Where did you get such a large figure for the number of slaves? I didn't know Nick Griffin had authored books about Islamic history.
Come on Levity, tell us how Stuart Broad caused the West African slave trade, (perpetrated by Muslim slavers), which took more slaves over a longer period of time than the Atlantic Passage (perpetrated by Europeans).
Well Robert I disagree with Levity but Muslim slavery was very different, in principle and largely in practice, than the American version. Conquered people were liable to become slaves, it had little to do with misled ideas of ethnic superiority. You just have to look at the number of slaves in Islamic history who became generals, kings, started their own dynasties, etc etc. I'm not saying they were ideally treated because they weren't, but it WAS a byproduct of war as Levity is saying and not some misled notion of innate superiority that used to be present in the West. It wasn't a cuppa tea, especially not under the late Ottoman period, but nor were slaves dehumanized and seen as inferior beings as was generally the case in, say, Southern USA.

Having said that I disagree with Levity that Caucasians are somehow more racist than others, if anything the bulk of "white people" in my not inconsiderable experience have been less conscious about race or background than others. There are bigots in every race but I don't think Caucasians are inherently more or less racist than any others.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">And in Israel? The police ministry director tells a government meeting that Jews of Ethiopian origin are culturally insular and don’t integrate into Israeli society, then asks a black woman in the room: “You really think that Ethiopian [kid]s will play in a Jewish kindergarten?” <a href="https://t.co/tqHiPLWm6Y">pic.twitter.com/tqHiPLWm6Y</a></p>— David Sheen (@davidsheen) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1269225253429022722?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In 2018 Edri ordered his officers to shoot black folks – Christian & Muslim African refugees: “very quickly… switch to shock grenades, water cannons, exerting force… They take stones, rocks, rods, sticks and beset you and the only thing left for you to do is to shoot live fire” <a href="https://t.co/QlKRSNXSgx">pic.twitter.com/QlKRSNXSgx</a></p>— David Sheen (@davidsheen) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1269230923905630209?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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