Rate the avatar above you

Its looking too much in this one.

Honestly,9/10.........but diplomatically, 10/10. :p.
^Hahahahaha lol...:))) you can't even figure it out...I guess,I should better change it :p
No,I just saw these paintings & thought this was pretty.:)
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I guess I'll stick with this one...its better.:)

10/10...looks better.:)
Lol Getting possessive.;-)

10/10. (He looks much better :) )
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Lol...Thank God...I edited my post yesterday before you saw it...hahahaha.
What can I say, Malik & Riaz are my fav. Pak players. :D

Lol :)))I know I'll be slaughtered but....
I wrote Malik is much-100 more charming than Afridi.:D
You edited :p

7/10 ....-3 as it looks little angry. :)
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@Fireworks I don't know :p....some girl's painting.
Rate it :D.
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The Dravid avatar was the best one you ever had. so 10/10 for that as i don't think i rated that :D