@Bhaijaan @Rajdeep @deltexas @cricketjoshila @Varun
Dont bring any party or what is happening in other Countries to defend this serious issues.
Why is people give votes in the name of religion ?
Thanks for including me in the chain and wanting my feedback! Am a "legal" US citizen

and not an "Ind citizen" but have an OCI card, so techically will use that as my go to response card!
This needs a detailed reply but will try to summarize. For me , its not about a specific party , its about what the country is getting. Politics is a tough gig, so politicians sometimes revert to language that can get it votes. Thats just the nature of politics. Especially in a country like Ind which has so much diversity , every state is like a country with its own native language. Infact , Ind is more like EU than a country. So , very very difficult for a party to be Pan Indian. As said above, Ind is 80% Hindu and secular. Ind is secular because a vast majority of Hindus want it to be secular. It is enshrined in the Ind constitution. And Ind's strength is its secularism , the moment it tries to be Hindu Rashtra etc etc , it will go down a rabbit hole like Pak with no return.
Every party tries to win based on what their best chances are. Anywhere and everywhere. In the US, the Dems pander to blacks, minorities, LGBT etc and the Reps try to max out their white base, anti immigration base, tax cut friendly base, pro Israel base etc etc. Thats the nature of elections. Having said that in Ind, no party will win repeatedly just on religion. That is a wrong fallacy. Roti, kapda , makaan, roads, education, inflation, high grocery costs, less pollution etc etc - all these are boring to discuss but its still the reality. Also , a uniform application of laws and no selective appeasement. For example, UCC should be universal. Basic human rights should have no exception for any religion. BJP's tilt is because of decades of Congress' misuse of policies and favoring a minority section with selective laws for them. Cant have 2 sets of laws in the same country for 2 religions when it is blatantly wrong. So, if Hindu religion says Sati should still be illegal , gov shhould say get lost and follow the constitution rules. Same thing , if your religion says polygamy is OK, do you say OK ?? No , you say sorry but get lost, follow the rules. Laws have to be implemented period.
FWIW , Modi in an interview during election season agreed that he made those statements purely for political purposes to gain more seats or votes. He was pretty candid about it. He also mentioned that he still is the PM for all Ind folks not just Hindus and Muslims and he will work equally for all. Will just end here with one question for you. If Ind becomes 80% Muslim, do you really think it will remain secular ? It will be Islamic law for sure with maybe Sharia law depending on the extreme nature of the leaders. And for folks here to be constantly denigrating Modi as chaiwala, etc etc means he is causing burn and must be doing something right. Is he perfect ? Absolutely not. But considering the options you there , he is the best available and will try to win elections for his party , thats again just the nature of electoral politics.