BJP in damage control mode after calls grow for boycott of Indian goods in the Arab world

Not the same.. guru Ram Rahik isn’t Hindu preacher he has been used by BJP and Congress when needed.

Jat agitation for reservation, BJP cannot do anything when Jats get violent it’s been multiple times.

So what’s your point? They should let this continue to make it right?

Firstly I am curious have you ever visited these places or areas where the riots are taking place?

What are the odds that these are peaceful non-violent display of dissent.

You are making a political point without any relation to what happens on the ground.

Have some empathy for the cops. Let’s see your views on how you think a rampaging mob can be handled with rusty rifles remnants from the British East india company.
So what’s your point? They should let this continue to make it right?

Firstly I am curious have you ever visited these places or areas where the riots are taking place?

What are the odds that these are peaceful non-violent display of dissent.

You are making a political point without any relation to what happens on the ground.

Have some empathy for the cops. Let’s see your views on how you think a rampaging mob can be handled with rusty rifles remnants from the British East india company.

I have family in Rohtak.. my point is BJP will dare not do such stuff against their votebank- Jats.

It’s about votebank, and yes Congress and all other parties are guilty about this too before you talk about them.

I have no hatred towards Jats, infact many ate my friends.
Indian authorities are in international damage control mode after controversial comments about the Prophet Mohammed by a senior ruling party official sparked a diplomatic spat. But inside the country, the home of a prominent Muslim family was demolished by the state in a display of majoritarian might against India’s largest minority community.

On Sunday afternoon, Mohammad Umam watched in fear and anguish as TV cameras covered the unfolding drama at his family home in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

First, a massive deployment of police officers in camouflage vests and hardhats moved towards the house as news camera teams darted in and out of their ranks, recording and relaying the action live.

Next came the bulldozers. As the police kept journalists within recording distance but safely out of the way, a yellow bulldozer appeared at the gate of the family home, extended a mechanised arm toward the outer wall and tore it down before hacking into the two-story structure, cracking walls and twisting metal rods out of the way.

“It was all shattered within two hours. It was the only home we had. I watched it all live, the media was showing it live, they were helping the administration make the allegations. We are homeless now. Everything my Dad worked for was shattered in two hours. It was so painful, I don’t have words to explain,” said Umam, his voice breaking with the strain during a phone interview with FRANCE 24 a day after the demolition.

Umam, 30, hails from a prominent Muslim family in Prayagraj, a teeming city formerly known as Allahabad. His father, Javed Mohammad, is a businessman, activist and member of the Welfare Party of India, a Muslim opposition party in Uttar Pradesh, a state ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

His sister, Afreen Fatima, made national headlines as a student leader in 2019, when protests against the Modi government’s controversial citizenship amendment law erupted across campuses in the capital, New Delhi. Fatima, now 24, has since graduated and is currently an activist and India-based research assistant at the Polis Project, a New York-based research and journalism organisation.

The latest allegations to hit the family are linked to insulting remarks about the Prophet Mohammed made by two ruling party officials in late May, sparking condemnations by several Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.

In a cruel sequence of events emblematic of the discrimination plaguing India’s religious minorities, Islamophobic comments made by officials of a right-wing Hindu nationalist party led to the arrest of a Muslim politician and social worker, followed by the demolition of his home. The destruction was wrought by a bulldozer, an emerging symbol of the crushing might of a state shattering the rights of Muslims in a Hindu-majority nation.

Arrests in the dead of night

The Mohammad family’s misfortune began on Friday night, hours after police shot dead two protesters during street demonstrations across the country against the Islamophobic comments made by Nupur Sharma, a BJP spokeswoman, on an Indian TV station.

Sharma’s remarks, which insulted the Prophet Mohammed, sparked a diplomatic storm, with the governments of nearly 20 countries calling in their Indian envoys for an explanation. It forced the Indian government into swift damage control mode. Sharma, the familiar official voice of the BJP, was suspended last week along with another party official who tweeted her comments, which have since been deleted.

Protests nevertheless erupted on Friday in several Indian cities as well as in neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh in response to the remarks. In Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state governed by hardline Hindu monk and politician Yogi Adityanath, police arrested more than 200 people after the violent protests.

Shortly before 9pm on Friday, the police arrived at the Mohammad family home. “I was not at home,” recounted Umam, who works in another Indian city. “The police came to talk to my Dad. There were no charges, no warrant, nothing. They said they wanted to talk with my Dad, so he went with the police in his own vehicle.”

His father had not participated in the protests and had stayed home, posting messages calling for calm on social media, according to Umam. The police would later claim Mohammad was a “mastermind” of Friday’s violent protests. But on Friday night, after a day spent mostly indoors, the 57-year-old Muslim politician had no idea about the allegations that would be levelled against him, and so he duly complied with the police request to accompany them to the police station.

Hours later, at around 12:30am on Saturday, the police once again arrived at the family home to arrest Umam’s mother and youngest sister, 19-year-old Somaiya Fatima, in the dead of night.

“They took my mother and younger sister into custody, there was no notice, no allegations. They just intimidated my mother and sister to come with them and they were detained for 30 hours. When the police released my mother and sister, they took them to a relative’s home and told my family not to go home,” said Umam.

His father remains in detention and has been placed on a list of 10 main “conspirators” of Friday’s violence, which include prominent Muslim activists and leftist politicians.

‘It was all illegal, and it was all so fast’

The family’s physical and emotional destruction was unleashed at a dizzying speed over the weekend, when courts are closed and access to legal injunctions and stay orders is difficult.

The morning after Mohammad’s arrest, Prayagraj’s police chief informed reporters that the activist-politician was the “mastermind” of the previous day’s violence. “Police will take action against gangsters,” said the city’s top police officer in Hindi, adding, “bulldozers will also be used on illegal constructions”.

Hours later – while Mohammad, his wife and daughter were still in detention – the police pasted a notice issued by the city’s development authority on the family’s home. The notice stated the construction of the two-story structure was illegal and it would be demolished the next day at 11am local time.

“They put the notice on Saturday night. It was the weekend, the courts were closed, there was no time to go to court. My Dad, mother and sister were detained, the main people were in custody. It was all illegal, and it was all so fast. My family members were all frightened, the police were coming every two or three hours, threatening us,” recounted Umam.

Terrified and in shock, the family had no time to recover their belongings before the bulldozers arrived on Sunday afternoon.

The official harassment of Muslims accused of crimes, followed by the demolition of their homes before the justice process can take its course, is a familiar pattern that has emerged in several Indian states and territories ruled by the BJP.

It is a strategy, many experts say, conceived by a right-wing politician who has embraced the symbolism of the bulldozer for electoral gains in a country gripped by populist Hindu nationalism.

‘Bulldozer Baba’ sets a national trend

The bulldozer made a spectacular entrée on the Indian political stage in the run-up to local elections in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state, considered a political launching pad for future prime ministers.

The stakes were high for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath as he campaigned for reelection early this year on a tough-on-crime platform, promising to “bulldoze thugs and mafias”. By the time the BJP swept the polls in March, Adityanath had earned the moniker “Baba Bulldozer” [Papa Bulldozer] as the construction tool became a ubiquitous feature at rallies, bearing candidates and supporters – some even buying plastic toy bulldozers for the occasion.

But it was not fun and games in Muslim neighbourhoods in BJP-ruled states.

As chief ministers of other BJP-controlled states got in on the Adityanath brand of populism, demolition squads went to work in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. In April, for instance, authorities in Madhya Pradesh razed dozens of homes and shops in a Muslim neighbourhood a day after riots erupted when supporters of Hindutva – or a Hindu nation – held a provocative religious procession through the area.

Condemning the move, Rahul Gandhi, leader of the country’s largest Congress opposition party, tweeted an image of a bulldozer juxtaposed with a screenshot of the Indian constitution, declaring the state’s actions “a demolition of India’s constitutional values”.

Meanwhile in the capital, New Delhi, a series of demolitions ripped several areas, including Shaheen Bagh, the site of a peaceful 2019 sit-in, when mostly women demonstrated against a citizenship amendment law discriminating against Muslims.

'Collective punishment' for speaking out

The demolition drives tend to follow a pattern that Seema Chisti – a leading journalist and co-author of the book “Note by Note: The India Story (1947-2017)” – calls a “bulldozer moment” in Indian history.

Under politicians such as Adityanath, Chisti explains, “all points of contact between Hindus and Muslims – eating, love, burial, religious rights – are turned into moments of conflict requiring the implementation of justice”.

While there are no provisions under Indian law to demolish the home of anyone accused of a crime, a pattern of “extrajudicial” justice has emerged, where “the political power is the judge, prosecutor, executioner and implementor of the law,” according to Chisti.

“These are homes where several lives are lived. In India especially, it’s a space shared with the wife, children, grandparents, cousins…and so this is a form of collective punishment that goes against the standards of international law and Indian law,” she explained.

Gautam Bhatia, a scholar of Indian constitutional law, traced the pattern of a protest turning violent, followed by the police identifying individuals as masterminds. “Immediately after that, the municipality declares that these individuals are residing in unauthorised buildings,” he wrote in a post on the legal website Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy.

Typically, Bhatia noted, “the time period between the police declaring that it has identified the masterminds behind the violence, the municipality declaring that the buildings are illegal, and the actual demolition, is under twenty-four hours.”

That’s precisely what happened to the Mohammad family over the weekend. The process was so swift, Umam explained, the family did not have the time to detail obvious discrepancies in the allegations before a court of law.

The house, Umam noted, was in his mother’s name, since it was part of her dowry from his maternal grandfather. “Our house was registered with the municipal corporation. We lived in the house for 20 years, we paid all the tax bills – property, water, electricity bills, everything. Suddenly they said it was an illegal structure,” he said.

The demolition notice, he explained, was issued in the wrong name, since his father did not own the property. City authorities also claimed the family had been given a notice on May 10, which the family denies.

A lawyer for the family has filed a case with the city high court, a time-consuming process that, in India, is an ex post facto phenomenon for families already rendered homeless and often helpless by the state.

The intent of the state authorities, according to Umam, is clear. “My Dad is a social activist who was helping poor people in impoverished areas. He had no criminal record and everyone knew him for his social activism,” he said. “They just wanted to defame him. They don’t want good leaders who help society. They do not want these people to have a voice, they want to silence them.”

And they should have let them riot. Right?

You always say Pakistanis opinion does not matter on India's internal matter/s, are you sure you want mine?

I just posted what I read as it was not posted before in this relevant thread.

I saw a video where it was visible that one of the victims head was cut open in multiple places, guess that was needed to avoid a riot.
And they should have let them riot. Right?

In any civilised country they would be stopped by non-lethal means. But as an RSS supporter you approve of shooting dead Muslim protestors. You wouldnt be so candid if it were Hindu protesting over Shingliva in Muslim built buildings.

This thought process shows why Hindutva supporters are becoming extreme in their views. Also shows why India is a ticking time bomb for violence between Hindu extremists and the rest.
BJP follows the Israeli model. Stealth power with diplomatic strength because of the size of the markets and their expat influence and lobbying. They achieved most of their agenda with the Ram temple and article 370. They issued domicile certificates in Kashmir. UAE is the face.of infra structure building in Kashmir with backdoor investments from Adani and Ambani. This way, terrorists will think twice before attacking the workers or companies. The master plan was working.

With the increase in numbers and power, you are bound to get absolute jokers and dumbnuts joining the party. In some rare cases those dumbnuts become spokespersons. What a disaster this was for India. Now because of a couple of jokers, all the hard work which led to Gulf countries ignoring 370 and even awarding Modi highest civilian awards has gone to waste. This is a definite setback. Don't cross the redlines. Kick the dumbnuts to the curb.
What a disaster this was for India. Now because of a couple of jokers, all the hard work which led to Gulf countries ignoring 370 and even awarding Modi highest civilian awards has gone to waste. This is a definite setback.

Agreed with the above.

As we have seen the Arab countries have now cut off economic ties with India and Indian economy is now screwed.
So called fact checker messiah Alt news co-founder Zoobair deletes his Facebook account after his posts mocking Hindu deities go viral on various social media platforms.:))):)))

Sick fellow...and liberal clowns are silent.

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This is why you should stop reading Opindia and other garbage. What's wrong with the posts by the real zoo_bear. Looking at the pics you posted, the only one I can consider Hindus finding offensive about Rama is from what appears to be a troll account. It's right there in the pic :)) I didn't even have to google this to check if true. Have you guys become this blind?
Agreed with the above.

As we have seen the Arab countries have now cut off economic ties with India and Indian economy is now screwed.

They wont. But the next time Modi pulls a stunt in Kashmir, they won't be silent either. To claim soft power you need countries on your side or you should have the ability to bull doze them like China does. US does both. India and BJP need to be much much smarter if they hope to be a power they want to be.
The Islamic State has latched on to the controversy surrounding the derogatory remarks by now-suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma against Prophet Mohammed, a religious leader and founder of Islam. Islamic State Khorasan Province, an affiliate of the terror outfit Islamic State, or Daesh, released an over 10-minute video focusing on India and alleged blasphemy issues involving Nupur Sharma.

The video titled 'The polytheists are the brothers of the polytheists' features Sharma, and the demolition drive in Delhi's Jahangirpuri in which a part of a mosque was also razed. In the news bulletin by ISKP's mouthpiece AlAzaim foundation, the terror outfit threatens to target Hindus to avenge the insult of the Prophet.

“The video features@NupurSharmaBJP, the national spokesperson of the @BJP4India and houses of Muslims bulldozed. It then features previous statements of ISKP suicide bombers who were Indian. Threatening to conduct attacks against India wherever possible,” independent news handle Khorasan Diary posted on Twitter.

The Islamic State goes on to criticise the Taliban, particularly defence minister Mullah Yaqoob for his interview with an Indian news television channel and finance minister Amir Muttaqi over his meeting with the Indian charge d’ affairs in Afghanistan for trying to establish diplomatic relations with India.

The video highlights last year's attack on Kabul airport and the attack on Gurudwara in March 2020, threatening to carry out more such attacks. The video says that the Taliban would fail to protect Hindus from them, as they failed to protect Shias.

Earlier this month, Al-Qaeda in the Subcontinent (AQIS) threatened suicide attacks in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai and Delhi to "fight for the dignity of our Prophet". In a threat letter dated June 6, AQIS warned that "saffron terrorists should now await their end in Delhi and Bombay and in UP and Gujarat."
They wont. But the next time Modi pulls a stunt in Kashmir, they won't be silent either. .

This is just a Pakistani wish and nothing more.

India UAE trade ties are worth around a 100 billion, similar with the Saudis and that is above any god or prophet or Pakistan's Kashmir wishes.

There will always be a few diplomatic who ha's and nothing more should India do something that upsets the islamic world. Pakistanis just need to move on with their lives and find a way to build their economy no point hoping for this and that against the Indians as it wont happen, period...
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This whole episode did damage India's image in the Muslim world, but I doubt gulf countries are in any position to meddle in Kashmir, that would be crossing a line and I am sure even they want to stay away from that.
This is an old news now. Nupur Sharma made a mistake, BJP did the right thing by terminating him, Liberals tried to take political mileage of this situation but that has backfired spectacularly when people resorted to violent riots across the country. Net result - more support for BJP. Had this riots not happen, there could have been a political win for opposition but now the tides have totally changed.
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This is why you should stop reading Opindia and other garbage. What's wrong with the posts by the real zoo_bear. Looking at the pics you posted, the only one I can consider Hindus finding offensive about Rama is from what appears to be a troll account. It's right there in the pic :)) I didn't even have to google this to check if true. Have you guys become this blind?

I don't even know what is that.
Mr Zoo delete his account after after exposing the old posts.
Supreme Court refused to stay demolition in Uttar Pradesh.
Advised the state to strictly carry out them in accordance with the Law.

We can't stay demolitions but the process of law must be followed for the demolition of alleged unauthorised structures.
Indian authorities are in international damage control mode after controversial comments about the Prophet Mohammed by a senior ruling party official sparked a diplomatic spat. But inside the country, the home of a prominent Muslim family was demolished by the state in a display of majoritarian might against India’s largest minority community.

On Sunday afternoon, Mohammad Umam watched in fear and anguish as TV cameras covered the unfolding drama at his family home in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

First, a massive deployment of police officers in camouflage vests and hardhats moved towards the house as news camera teams darted in and out of their ranks, recording and relaying the action live.

Next came the bulldozers. As the police kept journalists within recording distance but safely out of the way, a yellow bulldozer appeared at the gate of the family home, extended a mechanised arm toward the outer wall and tore it down before hacking into the two-story structure, cracking walls and twisting metal rods out of the way.

“It was all shattered within two hours. It was the only home we had. I watched it all live, the media was showing it live, they were helping the administration make the allegations. We are homeless now. Everything my Dad worked for was shattered in two hours. It was so painful, I don’t have words to explain,” said Umam, his voice breaking with the strain during a phone interview with FRANCE 24 a day after the demolition.

Umam, 30, hails from a prominent Muslim family in Prayagraj, a teeming city formerly known as Allahabad. His father, Javed Mohammad, is a businessman, activist and member of the Welfare Party of India, a Muslim opposition party in Uttar Pradesh, a state ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

His sister, Afreen Fatima, made national headlines as a student leader in 2019, when protests against the Modi government’s controversial citizenship amendment law erupted across campuses in the capital, New Delhi. Fatima, now 24, has since graduated and is currently an activist and India-based research assistant at the Polis Project, a New York-based research and journalism organisation.

The latest allegations to hit the family are linked to insulting remarks about the Prophet Mohammed made by two ruling party officials in late May, sparking condemnations by several Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.

In a cruel sequence of events emblematic of the discrimination plaguing India’s religious minorities, Islamophobic comments made by officials of a right-wing Hindu nationalist party led to the arrest of a Muslim politician and social worker, followed by the demolition of his home. The destruction was wrought by a bulldozer, an emerging symbol of the crushing might of a state shattering the rights of Muslims in a Hindu-majority nation.

Arrests in the dead of night

The Mohammad family’s misfortune began on Friday night, hours after police shot dead two protesters during street demonstrations across the country against the Islamophobic comments made by Nupur Sharma, a BJP spokeswoman, on an Indian TV station.

Sharma’s remarks, which insulted the Prophet Mohammed, sparked a diplomatic storm, with the governments of nearly 20 countries calling in their Indian envoys for an explanation. It forced the Indian government into swift damage control mode. Sharma, the familiar official voice of the BJP, was suspended last week along with another party official who tweeted her comments, which have since been deleted.

Protests nevertheless erupted on Friday in several Indian cities as well as in neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh in response to the remarks. In Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state governed by hardline Hindu monk and politician Yogi Adityanath, police arrested more than 200 people after the violent protests.

Shortly before 9pm on Friday, the police arrived at the Mohammad family home. “I was not at home,” recounted Umam, who works in another Indian city. “The police came to talk to my Dad. There were no charges, no warrant, nothing. They said they wanted to talk with my Dad, so he went with the police in his own vehicle.”

His father had not participated in the protests and had stayed home, posting messages calling for calm on social media, according to Umam. The police would later claim Mohammad was a “mastermind” of Friday’s violent protests. But on Friday night, after a day spent mostly indoors, the 57-year-old Muslim politician had no idea about the allegations that would be levelled against him, and so he duly complied with the police request to accompany them to the police station.

Hours later, at around 12:30am on Saturday, the police once again arrived at the family home to arrest Umam’s mother and youngest sister, 19-year-old Somaiya Fatima, in the dead of night.

“They took my mother and younger sister into custody, there was no notice, no allegations. They just intimidated my mother and sister to come with them and they were detained for 30 hours. When the police released my mother and sister, they took them to a relative’s home and told my family not to go home,” said Umam.

His father remains in detention and has been placed on a list of 10 main “conspirators” of Friday’s violence, which include prominent Muslim activists and leftist politicians.

‘It was all illegal, and it was all so fast’

The family’s physical and emotional destruction was unleashed at a dizzying speed over the weekend, when courts are closed and access to legal injunctions and stay orders is difficult.

The morning after Mohammad’s arrest, Prayagraj’s police chief informed reporters that the activist-politician was the “mastermind” of the previous day’s violence. “Police will take action against gangsters,” said the city’s top police officer in Hindi, adding, “bulldozers will also be used on illegal constructions”.

Hours later – while Mohammad, his wife and daughter were still in detention – the police pasted a notice issued by the city’s development authority on the family’s home. The notice stated the construction of the two-story structure was illegal and it would be demolished the next day at 11am local time.

“They put the notice on Saturday night. It was the weekend, the courts were closed, there was no time to go to court. My Dad, mother and sister were detained, the main people were in custody. It was all illegal, and it was all so fast. My family members were all frightened, the police were coming every two or three hours, threatening us,” recounted Umam.

Terrified and in shock, the family had no time to recover their belongings before the bulldozers arrived on Sunday afternoon.

The official harassment of Muslims accused of crimes, followed by the demolition of their homes before the justice process can take its course, is a familiar pattern that has emerged in several Indian states and territories ruled by the BJP.

It is a strategy, many experts say, conceived by a right-wing politician who has embraced the symbolism of the bulldozer for electoral gains in a country gripped by populist Hindu nationalism.

‘Bulldozer Baba’ sets a national trend

The bulldozer made a spectacular entrée on the Indian political stage in the run-up to local elections in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state, considered a political launching pad for future prime ministers.

The stakes were high for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath as he campaigned for reelection early this year on a tough-on-crime platform, promising to “bulldoze thugs and mafias”. By the time the BJP swept the polls in March, Adityanath had earned the moniker “Baba Bulldozer” [Papa Bulldozer] as the construction tool became a ubiquitous feature at rallies, bearing candidates and supporters – some even buying plastic toy bulldozers for the occasion.

But it was not fun and games in Muslim neighbourhoods in BJP-ruled states.

As chief ministers of other BJP-controlled states got in on the Adityanath brand of populism, demolition squads went to work in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. In April, for instance, authorities in Madhya Pradesh razed dozens of homes and shops in a Muslim neighbourhood a day after riots erupted when supporters of Hindutva – or a Hindu nation – held a provocative religious procession through the area.

Condemning the move, Rahul Gandhi, leader of the country’s largest Congress opposition party, tweeted an image of a bulldozer juxtaposed with a screenshot of the Indian constitution, declaring the state’s actions “a demolition of India’s constitutional values”.

Meanwhile in the capital, New Delhi, a series of demolitions ripped several areas, including Shaheen Bagh, the site of a peaceful 2019 sit-in, when mostly women demonstrated against a citizenship amendment law discriminating against Muslims.

'Collective punishment' for speaking out

The demolition drives tend to follow a pattern that Seema Chisti – a leading journalist and co-author of the book “Note by Note: The India Story (1947-2017)” – calls a “bulldozer moment” in Indian history.

Under politicians such as Adityanath, Chisti explains, “all points of contact between Hindus and Muslims – eating, love, burial, religious rights – are turned into moments of conflict requiring the implementation of justice”.

While there are no provisions under Indian law to demolish the home of anyone accused of a crime, a pattern of “extrajudicial” justice has emerged, where “the political power is the judge, prosecutor, executioner and implementor of the law,” according to Chisti.

“These are homes where several lives are lived. In India especially, it’s a space shared with the wife, children, grandparents, cousins…and so this is a form of collective punishment that goes against the standards of international law and Indian law,” she explained.

Gautam Bhatia, a scholar of Indian constitutional law, traced the pattern of a protest turning violent, followed by the police identifying individuals as masterminds. “Immediately after that, the municipality declares that these individuals are residing in unauthorised buildings,” he wrote in a post on the legal website Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy.

Typically, Bhatia noted, “the time period between the police declaring that it has identified the masterminds behind the violence, the municipality declaring that the buildings are illegal, and the actual demolition, is under twenty-four hours.”

That’s precisely what happened to the Mohammad family over the weekend. The process was so swift, Umam explained, the family did not have the time to detail obvious discrepancies in the allegations before a court of law.

The house, Umam noted, was in his mother’s name, since it was part of her dowry from his maternal grandfather. “Our house was registered with the municipal corporation. We lived in the house for 20 years, we paid all the tax bills – property, water, electricity bills, everything. Suddenly they said it was an illegal structure,” he said.

The demolition notice, he explained, was issued in the wrong name, since his father did not own the property. City authorities also claimed the family had been given a notice on May 10, which the family denies.

A lawyer for the family has filed a case with the city high court, a time-consuming process that, in India, is an ex post facto phenomenon for families already rendered homeless and often helpless by the state.

The intent of the state authorities, according to Umam, is clear. “My Dad is a social activist who was helping poor people in impoverished areas. He had no criminal record and everyone knew him for his social activism,” he said. “They just wanted to defame him. They don’t want good leaders who help society. They do not want these people to have a voice, they want to silence them.”


Absolutely horrific. And of course all of this is supported by the BJP spokesmen who spew their propaganda on here.
They wont. But the next time Modi pulls a stunt in Kashmir, they won't be silent either. To claim soft power you need countries on your side or you should have the ability to bull doze them like China does. US does both. India and BJP need to be much much smarter if they hope to be a power they want to be.

Arabs wont do jack about anything in Kashmir or otherwise unless, its something to do with Islam and something that goes against Indian laws too.

BJP spokesperson was at fault for insulting Islam and also breaking Indian laws. Hence bjp had to sack her.

Arabs knows how far their influence is and which line not to cross.
Wrong understanding. Most BJP supports want a Indian nationalist state and don’t want another Pakistan situation. The Hindu Rashtra is nationalistic movement and has nothing to do with religion. I am curious as to how many people who say RSS this or VHP that have actually cared to read their manifesto or take time to visit their office. Not hard to find one in every major town.

I love how you guys keep pushing this angle and try to keep a straight face. It's quite the coincidence that your ministers are constantly rabble rousing about Hindu temples, mosques, beef bans and love jihad, bulldozing Muslim houses......hold on let me take a breath.....Hindus in Kashmir, state sponsorship of films about said topic, cow protection, etc.
The end result will be good. I am sure Indian Muslims have learnt their lesson. They have been spoiled by 55 years of Congress rule. These are just the teething pains. Indian Muslims will eventually realize that they can live peacefully in India as long as they learn to behave.

Indian Muslims are well behaved compared to the Hindus if we look at it objectively. All the demolition of places of worship and homes is carried out by the majority Hindus from impartial reports we read abroad. Even your leader was catapulted to power on the back of anti-Muslim riots in his state. Everyone knows this, no amount of hindutva propaganda will mask this.
Around 10,000 people demonstrated in the Bangladeshi capital on Thursday in the second protest in a week over remarks about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by an Indian official that sparked anger across the Islamic world.

Authorities in India have meanwhile ordered heightened security in several regions for coming Friday prayers after two people were shot dead in protests there last week, local media reported.

Last Friday people took to the streets in huge numbers across Asia following the comments by a spokeswoman for India's ruling party on May 26.

The governments of nearly 20 countries summoned Indian envoys for an explanation of Nupur Sharma's remarks about the Prophet.

Shouting slogans such as “Muslims of the world unite”, the Bangladeshi protesters on Thursday rallied in front of Dhaka's biggest mosque and tried to march to the Indian embassy before being blocked by police.

“There were around 10,000 marchers. They were peaceful,” senior police official Enamul Haq told AFP.

Police (foreground) stop activists and supporters as they try to march towards the Indian embassy in Dhaka on Thursday to protest against the remarks on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by an India’s BJP official. — AFP
The protest was organised by Islami Andolan Bangladesh, one of the largest political parties in Bangladesh, which is home to the world's fourth-largest Muslim population.

Around 150,000 people demonstrated last Friday in major Bangladeshi cities including 20,000 in the capital Dhaka and thousands more in towns and universities.

Speakers at the Dhaka rally on Thursday called for a boycott of Indian products and demanded Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina formally lodge a protest with India.

Hasina, who has been in power for 13 years, is a close ally of India and has stopped short of condemning Sharma's remarks.

Derogatory comments about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on social media often trigger violent protests in Bangladesh. They often also spark riots targeting minorities.

Last year, at least six people were killed when widespread anti-Hindu riots swept the southeast of Bangladesh after the alleged desecration of the Holy Quran in a Hindu temple.

Since coming to power in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government and his Bharatiya Janata Party have been accused of championing discriminatory policies towards India's Muslim minority.

Activists and supporters gather outside the Baitul Mukarram National mosque before marching towards the Indian embassy in Dhaka on Thursday to protest against the remarks on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by an India’s ruling party official.
Sharma's comments sent the BJP into damage control, with the party suspending her from its ranks and insisting it respected all religions.

As largely peaceful protests raged in several Indian cities last Friday, police opened fire in eastern Ranchi, killing two people after demonstrators threw stones and bottles.

Since then the homes of several people arrested or identified as protesters have been demolished with bulldozers in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which is governed for the BJP by hardline Hindu monk Yogi Adityanath.

Amnesty International called for an immediate end to what the rights group called a “vicious” crackdown and “excessive use of force, arbitrary detention and punitive house demolitions”.

Authorities in several Indian regions including Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Indian-occupied Kashmir have told security personnel to tighten security around mosques on Friday, local media reported.

The Hindustan Times newspaper said a few districts in these states had banned congregations of more than four people.

Indian Muslims are well behaved compared to the Hindus if we look at it objectively. All the demolition of places of worship and homes is carried out by the majority Hindus from impartial reports we read abroad. Even your leader was catapulted to power on the back of anti-Muslim riots in his state. Everyone knows this, no amount of hindutva propaganda will mask this.

There are protests going on in some parts of India today. I hope they will treat these protestors the same way they are treating muslim protestors. For more, you can read this thread :
There are protests going on in some parts of India today. I hope they will treat these protestors the same way they are treating muslim protestors. For more, you can read this thread :

They won't. The police will stand by and tacitly support the Hindu protestors. Amnesty International is condemning the brutal repression of Muslims in past few days yet we are having to listen to Hindutvas coming on here to spout blatant propaganda in support of it. India is not a civilised nation, it is on it's way back to the dark ages thanks to these publicly elected goons.
Here's another take on the issue...from a Pakistani Maulvi. I agree with him 100%. It's not about Nupur Sharma or what she said.

I agree its not about Nupur Sharma.

You and Engr Maulvi miss the point.

Its about the hateful climate that the BJP has created that allows government officials to pass off hateful comments against Muslims.

You and engr mirza should are both clueless on the route cause and it would be wise to consider this before indulging in conspiracy theories.
US State Department spokesperson Ned Price has condemned the "offensive comments" about Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) by members of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

On June 5, BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and another party leader, Naveen Kumar Jindal, had made disrespectful remarks about the Prophet (PBUH) and after worldwide condemnation, the BJP had to distance itself from their statements, announcing disciplinary action against the duo.

The party had suspended Sharma and expelled Jindal.

Meanwhile, an uproar was witnessed over the remarks across the world and within India, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party faced condemnation in Muslim countries and other nations. Muslims took to the streets across Asia, including India, where protesters faced a crackdown by Indian authorities.

According to a July 13 Dawn report, police in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh had made at least 300 arrests in connection with the unrest after protests erupted there early in the month and razed the houses of several people over their alleged involvement in demonstrations.

Clashes had broken out between Muslims and Hindus and in some cases and between police and protesters in several areas, the report said.

During Price's press briefing on Thursday, a journalist raised the issue of the BJP members' offensive remarks and the subsequent demolition of Muslims' houses.

"Would you like to say something about these hate crimes committed by [the] Indian government against Muslims and other minorities?" he asked the State Department spokesperson.

In reply, Price said, "Well, this is something that we’ve condemned. We condemn the offensive comments made by two BJP officials, and we were glad to see that the party publicly condemned those comments."

He further said the US regularly engaged with the Indian government at senior levels on human rights concerns, including freedom of religion, of belief, and "we encourage India to promote respect for human rights".

The secretary added: "The Indian people and the American people, we believe in the same values: human dignity, human respect, equality of opportunity, and the freedom of religion or belief. These are fundamental tenets, these are fundamental values within any democracy, and we speak up for them around the world."

Read about people that weren’t even at the protest being rounded by the police and thrashed and tortured in the cells.
BJP's Nupur Sharma Untraceable, Mumbai Cops On Lookout In Delhi: Sources

The Mumbai Police team has been staying in Delhi for the last five days, looking for Nupur Sharma.

New Delhi: Suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma is untraceable days after police cases have been filed against her in several states over her comments on Prophet Muhammad on a news channel.
The Mumbai Police had filed a case against Ms Sharma, a Delhi resident, on May 28, after her comment sparked outrage in India and Gulf nations, based on a complaint by Irfan Sheikh, the joint secretary of a Muslim outfit, Raza Academy.

A Mumbai Police team that is in Delhi to question Ms Sharma couldn't find her, sources have said. She has become untraceable, they said.

The Mumbai Police have enough evidence to arrest the former BJP spokesperson, Maharashtra Home Ministry sources have said.

The Mumbai Police team has been staying in the national capital for the last five days, looking for Ms Sharma.

Ms Sharma also faces first information report, or FIR, filed by the Kolkata Police based on a complaint by Trinamool Congress minority cell general secretary Abul Sohail. The Kolkata Police have summoned her to record her statement on June 20.

Another FIR has been filed by the Delhi Police against Ms Sharma over her comment on Prophet Mohammad.

Ms Sharma was suspended by the BJP after her comments on Prophet Muhammad on TV drew furious reactions and official protests from at least 15 nations, including Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Several Gulf nations had summoned Indian envoys and expressed condemnation over what they called "anti-Islamic statements" by BJP spokespersons.

Ms Sharma withdrew her statement "unconditionally" and claimed she was reacting to "continuous insult and disrespect towards our Mahadev (Lord Shiva)".

The government, attempting to defuse the anger, told the Gulf nations that the comments reflected views of "fringe elements", even though Ms Sharma was the BJP's spokesperson.
BJP's Nupur Sharma Untraceable, Mumbai Cops On Lookout In Delhi: Sources

The Mumbai Police team has been staying in Delhi for the last five days, looking for Nupur Sharma.

New Delhi: Suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma is untraceable days after police cases have been filed against her in several states over her comments on Prophet Muhammad on a news channel.
The Mumbai Police had filed a case against Ms Sharma, a Delhi resident, on May 28, after her comment sparked outrage in India and Gulf nations, based on a complaint by Irfan Sheikh, the joint secretary of a Muslim outfit, Raza Academy.

A Mumbai Police team that is in Delhi to question Ms Sharma couldn't find her, sources have said. She has become untraceable, they said.

The Mumbai Police have enough evidence to arrest the former BJP spokesperson, Maharashtra Home Ministry sources have said.

The Mumbai Police team has been staying in the national capital for the last five days, looking for Ms Sharma.

Ms Sharma also faces first information report, or FIR, filed by the Kolkata Police based on a complaint by Trinamool Congress minority cell general secretary Abul Sohail. The Kolkata Police have summoned her to record her statement on June 20.

Another FIR has been filed by the Delhi Police against Ms Sharma over her comment on Prophet Mohammad.

Ms Sharma was suspended by the BJP after her comments on Prophet Muhammad on TV drew furious reactions and official protests from at least 15 nations, including Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Several Gulf nations had summoned Indian envoys and expressed condemnation over what they called "anti-Islamic statements" by BJP spokespersons.

Ms Sharma withdrew her statement "unconditionally" and claimed she was reacting to "continuous insult and disrespect towards our Mahadev (Lord Shiva)".

The government, attempting to defuse the anger, told the Gulf nations that the comments reflected views of "fringe elements", even though Ms Sharma was the BJP's spokesperson.

Initially she didn’t realise the hot water she had landed herself in, as if this is normal in BJP INDIA and it will just blow over.

Now she has gone underground
Akbaruddin Owaisi has openly mocked Hindu Gods and Godesses in the past. The videos are all over youtube for anyone to see. Ultimately he was let off by court.

If it were upto the protestors, they would demand death penalty for Nupur Sharma.
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The company tasked with collecting and facilitating applications from prospective Haj pilgrims living in western countries has at least one investor with close ties to India’s government, Middle East Eye reports.

Saudi Arabia’s authorities had last week announced that Haj pilgrims from Australia, Europe and the United States would need to apply for visas via the government portal Motawif, a move intended to crack down on what it called “fake” travel agencies.

The Saudi authorities have issued few statements about why the decision was being implemented so close to this year’s Haj, but an MEE investigation reveals that an individual involved in helping facilitate millions of dollars’ worth of investments into Traveazy — a Dubai-based company that has been exclusively contracted to process the western applications through Motawif — has ties to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Prashant Prakash, the vice president and partner at venture capital firm Accel India, has served on India’s National Startup Advisory Council since 2020, and in 2021 became a policy and strategy adviser to Basavaraj Bommai, the chief minister of the BJP-run government in Karnataka and a key Modi ally.

According to Accel, it was Prakash who led the venture capital firm into partnering with two other operations when they collectively invested $7 million in Traveazy in 2016, as the Indian-owned company began to build its Holidayme subsidiary, and, later in 2018, Umrahme, a company run by Mohammed bin Mahfouz.

According to Forbes, Umrahme is now “one of only three companies authorised by the Ministry of Haj and Umrah to sell Umrah products to global travel agents”.

Accel is a long-time investor in Israeli start-ups, reportedly investing more than $350m in the country between 2002 and 2016.

Several Indian activists said the revelations were concerning. Nabiya Khan, based in New Delhi, told MEE that Saudi Arabia’s decision to outsource the application process to a company with investor linked to the BJP was “outrageous and dangerous”.

“The personal data of those Muslims who applied through the portal could easily end up in wrong hands,” Khan said.

“It is unfortunate that Muslim nations are entrusting such sensitive information and money to people whose money will ultimately abet persecution of Muslims in India,” added Khan.

Syed Abdahu Kashaf, a social and civil rights activist from Hyderabad, told MEE that the allegations meant Saudi Arabia had effectively “invited people who have no right to be involved in a very sacred space for Muslims”.

Neither Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Haj and Umrah nor the Saudi consulate in New York City replied to requests for comment, according to MEE.

Owaisi says Nupur Sharma will be brought back in 6-7 months and ‘will possibly be made…’

Owaisi said Nupur Sharma who has been suspended from the BJP will soon be back in a bigger role in the party.


AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Saturday said Nupur Sharma who has been suspended from the BJP's primary membership because of her controversial comments on Prophet Muhammad will be made a big leader in the coming six-seven months. "It is also possible that Nupur Sharma will be made the Delhi CM candidate. Because those who abuse Muslims get big posts in the party," Owaisi said at a public meeting in Hyderabad organised by United Action Forum, demanding the immediate arrest of Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal for making blasphemous remarks against the Prophet.

At the public meeting, a resolution was adopted to condemn the BJP's failure to act against Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal and even "distance itself from objectionable statements." "We condemn the violence meted out to protesting youths while those who uttered the statements go scot-free," another resolution said.

Calling Indian Muslims to self-introspect, “Don't understand Islam from Owaisi. Pick up Quran and read and then you will understand Islam and its love for the Prophet.”

"BJP is safeguarding Nupur Sharma and we are requesting the PM and he doesn't speak a word. The first FIR against Nupur Sharma in Hyderabad. I also want to ask the police chief and the chief minister of this state to send police to Delhi and bring Mohatarama (sister Nupur Sharma). You should bring her (Nupur Sharma). What will happen in an FIR? Do something. At least say that you will be going to Delhi to bring her," said Owaisi.

"When someone says anything against PM Modi, Yogi Adityanath, Mamata Banerjee, they are arrested but when someone says anything against Prophet, you won't arrest her?" Owaisi said.

Referring to PM Modi's reference to his childhood friend Abbas in his blog post on his mother's 100th birthday, Owaisi said, "Call Abbas bhai and make him hear Owaisi's speech and then ask him whether what I am saying is right or wrong."

Talking about the ongoing Agnipath protest, Owaisi said the youth have come out on the roads because of PM Modi's wrong decision. "How many bulldozers will you use to destroy their house now," Owaisi asked.

On the UP government's bulldozing action, Owaisi said, "In Allahabad, Prayagraj Afreen Fatima's residence was demolished, why did you demolish? Because her father organised protest. Principles of natural justice are the basic structure of the Constitution. Who will decide? The court will decide if he organised or not. The court will do justice and the court will not punish his wife and children."
I honestly think the average Arab Muslim or Christian doesn't have a clue about Kashmir and the nuance of the Indian political field.

Imran Khan pushed it recently at the recent OIC Conferences.

The Gulf states seem to be focused on all things related to Iran, Yemen and Israel.

I see only Turkey and Indonesia with a presence on Global Islamic affairs.

This should have been an opportunity to really challenge the Hindutva cancer in India. However most Muslim majority nations seem to be dealing with petty politics in their own country.
Days after several nations expressed outrage over controversial remarks on Prophet Mohammad by the BJP's two now-removed functionaries, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday said sensibilities and the sensitivities of people were impacted which the countries articulated but they did appreciate that this was not the position of the government.

He asserted that what was said was not the position of the BJP and the party had made it "very clear in very strong terms", and took action.

"The countries not just in the Gulf, I would say even in southeast Asia some countries, who had concerns do appreciate that this was not the position of the government," Mr Jaishankar said when asked about the controversy at a townhall organised by CNN-News18.

"They (the countries that expressed concern) deal with us they know what we are about... they know that these are not our views," he said.

Once the party clarified its position, our expectation is that the people will understand that, Mr Jaishankar said.

"There will be people who will fish in troubled waters. International relations is a very competitive game which is not played by Queensberry rules. There will be people who will try to get most if it," the external affairs minister said without naming any country.

"We need to engage, we need to put across our point of view and we are doing it. Even in the last few days, you can see people do understand that what is the true picture in India," he asserted.

Asked about why India should be lectured by countries that are not a patch on it in democratic terms, the minister said he does not look at the whole issue in that manner.

"I am also a little sensitive to being lectured. But I would not take this issue as a lecture. I think this was an issue where the sensibilities and the sensitivities of people were impacted. So they were articulating that," Mr Jaishankar said.

He said it has to be made very clear what we stand for and the party had done that.

Several Muslim-majority nations had expressed outrage and condemnation over the controversial remarks on the Prophet.

The BJP had suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled its Delhi media head Naveen Kumar Jindal after their controversial remarks.

I honestly think the average Arab Muslim or Christian doesn't have a clue about Kashmir and the nuance of the Indian political field.

Imran Khan pushed it recently at the recent OIC Conferences.

The Gulf states seem to be focused on all things related to Iran, Yemen and Israel.

I see only Turkey and Indonesia with a presence on Global Islamic affairs.

This should have been an opportunity to really challenge the Hindutva cancer in India. However most Muslim majority nations seem to be dealing with petty politics in their own country.

Do the Gulf states actually represent Arab Muslims or Christians though? Where is Syria? Or Iraq? Or Palestine? Yemen is being bombed by the gulf states, and places like Morocco and Egypt have been reassigned to Africa.
Akbaruddin Owaisi has openly mocked Hindu Gods and Godesses in the past. The videos are all over youtube for anyone to see. Ultimately he was let off by court.

If it were upto the protestors, they would demand death penalty for Nupur Sharma.

Owaisi and his friends’ days are numbered.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am touched by the special gesture of my brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, of coming to welcome me at Abu Dhabi airport. My gratitude to him. <a href="">@MohamedBinZayed</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) <a href="">June 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am touched by the special gesture of my brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, of coming to welcome me at Abu Dhabi airport. My gratitude to him. <a href="">@MohamedBinZayed</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) <a href="">June 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

MBZ, Macron, Netanyahu. Seems Modi has a very good personal equation with them.
You have to give it to PM Modi, ever since he started leading India, India's relationship with the top dawg Arab countries have been great, probably the best ever..
TMC activist Saket Gokhale welcomed and celebrated Shiv Sena goons demolishing Kangana's office. By the way, the ruling Shiv Sena have jailed a Marathi actress Ketaki Chitale for a month (and counting) FOR AN OFFENSIVE TWEET. Obviously, the self proclaimed liberals and defenders of human rights are totally silent on this.

Saket Gokhale types only inflict damage to the left-liberal gang by showcasing their hypocrisy for the world to see.

Yes right wingers are the epitome for fairness and rights.

Used bulldozers against Muslims and kept quiet against Agniveer violence perpetrators. lol.

Good job. Congrats.
Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, whose comments on Prophet Muhammad triggered massive anger among Gulf nations and protests in the country, should apologise to the "whole country", the Supreme Court said today, adding that she is "single-handedly responsible" for what is happening in the country.

"We saw the debate on how she was incited. But the way she said all this and later says she was a lawyer it is shameful. She should apologise to the whole country," said Justice Surya Kant.

The Supreme Court was reacting to a petition by Nupur Sharma to transfer all FIRs filed against her over the comments to Delhi. She was facing threats, her lawyer said.

"She faces threats or she has become security threat? The way she has ignited emotions across the country. This lady is single handedly responsible for what is happening in the country," said Justice Surya Kant.

The court said her remarks showed her "obstinate and arrogant character".

"What if she is the spokesperson of a party. She thinks she has back up of power and can make any statement without respect to the law of the land," said Justice Surya Kant.

Her lawyer replied she had only responded to a question by the anchor during a TV debate.

'Set Country On Fire': Supreme Court Blasts Suspended BJP Leader Nupur Sharma
Supreme Court said Nupur Sharma is "single-handedly responsible" for what is happening in country. (File)

New Delhi: Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, whose comments on Prophet Muhammad triggered massive anger among Gulf nations and protests in the country, should apologise to the "whole country", the Supreme Court said today, adding that she is "single-handedly responsible" for what is happening in the country.
"We saw the debate on how she was incited. But the way she said all this and later says she was a lawyer it is shameful. She should apologise to the whole country," said Justice Surya Kant.

The Supreme Court was reacting to a petition by Nupur Sharma to transfer all FIRs filed against her over the comments to Delhi. She was facing threats, her lawyer said.

"She faces threats or she has become security threat? The way she has ignited emotions across the country. This lady is single handedly responsible for what is happening in the country," said Justice Surya Kant.

The court said her remarks showed her "obstinate and arrogant character".

"What if she is the spokesperson of a party. She thinks she has back up of power and can make any statement without respect to the law of the land," said Justice Surya Kant.

Her lawyer replied she had only responded to a question by the anchor during a TV debate.

"There should have been a case against the host then," said the court.

The lawyer argued that citizens would have no right to speak, in that case.

"In a democracy, everyone has the right to speak. In a democracy, grass has right to grow and the donkey has the right to eat," the judge replied caustically.

Nupur Sharma's argument citing an order about protecting journalistic freedom did not wash.

"She cannot be put on the pedestal of a journalist. When she goes and lambasts on a TV debate and makes irresponsible statements without thinking of the ramifications and consequences that it will have on the fabric of society," said the Supreme Court.

Ex BJP Spokesperson Nupur Sharma Should "Apologise To Country": Supreme Court

"This lady is single-handedly responsible for what is happening in the country," the Supreme Court judges said on suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma.

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BJP and the Indian government openly calls the invaders as invaders.

BJP leaders also called for beheading and rape.

Re-read the question.

When did the BJP or Indian government make such a statement to the Arab leaders or while in their country?
After two nights in police custody, Indian teenager Somaiya Fatima was released in time to watch live footage of an excavator claw smashing into the walls of her childhood home.

The residence is among scores of dwellings and businesses flattened by wrecking crews this year, in a campaign authorities have promoted by turns as a battle against illegal construction and a firm response to criminal activity.

But rights groups have condemned "bulldozer justice" as an unlawful exercise in collective punishment by India's Hindu nationalist government, and many of the campaign's victims have one thing in common.

"We are Muslims and that's why we are being targeted," Fatima told AFP.

The 19-year-old was arrested along with her family after her father was accused of masterminding a large public protest in the northern city of Allahabad last month.

It was one of several rallies across India last month condemning a ruling party spokeswoman whose provocative comments about the Prophet Mohammed during a televised debate sparked anger across the Muslim world.

The day Fatima was released, she was sitting in a relative's living room when she came across footage of her home's destruction on her phone.

She said the demolition was a lesson for Muslims tempted to "speak up" against the government.

"They've instilled fear in an entire community," she said. "Everyone now looks at their home and thinks that if it happened to us, it can happen to them also."

'No empathy'
Fatima's home state of Uttar Pradesh is governed by Yogi Adityanath, a saffron-robed Hindu monk seen as a potential successor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Indian teenager Somaiya Fatima was released in time from jail to watch live footage of an excavator claw smashing into the walls of her childhood home
Indian teenager Somaiya Fatima was released in time from jail to watch live footage of an excavator claw smashing into the walls of her childhood home Sanjay KANOJIA AFP
In office he has championed the bulldozer as a symbol of his commitment to law and order and as a potential tool to use against "trouble-makers".

Adityanath's acolytes celebrated his successful campaign for re-election as chief minister earlier this year by riding on top of excavators, while bulldozer tattoos became a minor craze among supporters of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

Since then "bulldozer politics" have spread elsewhere in the country and demolition campaigns have begun quickly following on the heels of outbreaks of religious unrest.

After a violent confrontation in April between Hindus trailing a religious procession and Muslims holding Ramadan prayers, authorities in Delhi knocked down nearly two dozen Muslim shopfronts and the facade of a mosque, defying a court order to stop.

Officials say the spate of demolitions are lawful as they only target buildings constructed without legal approval.

But victims of the campaign deny that their dwellings are illegal, and say they are not given the legally required notice period to dispute demolition orders.

Fatima's house was demolished "in the presence of hundreds of police and hundreds of cameras, with no empathy," KK Rai, a lawyer for Fatima's father, told AFP.

"There is no comparison for this ruthlessness."

Critics of the government say the campaign is the latest manifestation of the BJP's discriminatory policies towards India's 200 million-strong Muslim minority community.

"They have an ideological commitment that in India they have to make Muslims a second-class citizen, socially humiliate them and destroy their property," Rai said.

Amnesty International said last month that the demolitions were part of a selective and "vicious" crackdown on Indian Muslims who dared to speak up against the discrimination they faced.

'Sleepless nights'

Many Muslims living in Uttar Pradesh now fear their own homes are being earmarked for destruction after their family members participated in last month's protests.

"Now we have sleepless nights and restless days," said Mohd Javed, a resident of Saharanpur, who received an order to vacate his house soon after his brother was arrested for joining a demonstration in that city.

One week after Fatima's arrest, a bulldozer remained parked outside the police station near where her home once stood.

The pile of bricks and concrete in its stead has heightened her own sense of belonging to a pariah community.

She recalled watching her home being torn down on a news channel's YouTube livestream, as her phone screen filled up with a flood of comments from the public praising the demolition.

"I was born there and spent my entire life there," Fatima said. "But it was evident that people were happy seeing someone's house being destroyed."
BJP leaders also called for beheading and rape.

Re-read the question.

When did the BJP or Indian government make such a statement to the Arab leaders or while in their country?

You must have heard that old saying bagal main churi, mun pe ram ram. Nothing is ever direct or face to face with these types.
Ajmer Sharif Dargah Khadim asks for economic boycott of Hindus,offers his house as bounty for Nupur

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ajmer Dargah khadim wants to do economic boycott of Hindus! But if Hindus talk about the same thing, they are called ‘communal’! <a href=""></a></p>— Shefali Vaidya. 🇮🇳 (@ShefVaidya) <a href="">July 9, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

So Ajmer Sharif Khadim has called for economic boycott of hindus. Another one has offered his house as bounty to anyone who kills Nupur Sharma.

Really these guys think that they can economically boycott hindus in a country of 80 per cent hindus? What if hindus start their economic boycott? Then they will cry victim and talk about intolerance and hindutva.

These people have no respect for law or the constitution and have a sense of false superiority. Other communities will need to look at this and think what needs to be done.
BJP leaders also called for beheading and rape.

Re-read the question.

When did the BJP or Indian government make such a statement to the Arab leaders or while in their country?

Now you are on a fishing expedition.

Why will they make those statements in Arab countries?
You must have heard that old saying bagal main churi, mun pe ram ram. Nothing is ever direct or face to face with these types.

Everything is open and on the face. Invaders will be called invaders, Europeans or Central Asians, doesn't matter.
You said it yourself, "Why will they make those statements in Arab countries?"

Because they don't have the nuts to do it. They know what sort of response they would get.
It was the Arabs who first invaded. Surely Modi Ji wants them to learn history.

So? I don't understand why he needs to go and say this in Arab lands? I don't see Arabs saying they conquered and ruled parts of Sindh, when they come to India

OTOH i regularly see the vanquished conquered population who want to take credit of the Arabs, because of the same religion.
You said it yourself, "Why will they make those statements in Arab countries?"

Because they don't have the nuts to do it. They know what sort of response they would get.

Do Arab leaders come and say they conquered parts of Sindh, when they visit India?

Response? You may have mistaken India for some of the bankrupt nations who beg Arab rulers for bailouts and loans.

We openly call invaders as invaders. While some of the vanquished and conquered population tries to take credit of the Arab conquest because they follow the same religion.
Do Arab leaders come and say they conquered parts of Sindh, when they visit India?

Response? You may have mistaken India for some of the bankrupt nations who beg Arab rulers for bailouts and loans.

We openly call invaders as invaders. While some of the vanquished and conquered population tries to take credit of the Arab conquest because they follow the same religion.

But you don't openly call them invaders, you come on Pakistan boards to call them that instead. So why do you say you openly call invaders directly? Instead you sack your own loyal hindutva ministers for voicing your true feelings. The Arabs and other Muslim nations openly demanded action and India bowed by sacking one of their own hardliners. No amount of beating tiny chests on a Pakistan forum can hide this.
So? I don't understand why he needs to go and say this in Arab lands? I don't see Arabs saying they conquered and ruled parts of Sindh, when they come to India

OTOH i regularly see the vanquished conquered population who want to take credit of the Arabs, because of the same religion.

Why does the RSS need to say this to Indians or you need to write this weekly on here? Surely its better to say it to the people in question? Maybe Modi can convert the Arabs?

Muslims achievements are a source of pride for many esp when they feel they have saved people from idolatry to monotheism. I dont see it this way.
Why does the RSS need to say this to Indians or you need to write this weekly on here? Surely its better to say it to the people in question? Maybe Modi can convert the Arabs?

Muslims achievements are a source of pride for many esp when they feel they have saved people from idolatry to monotheism. I dont see it this way.

While this is true, a subcontinent Muslim would feel far more attached to any Muslim achievement in the subcontinent as that is literally their history. Its not like any of those Muslims who came from outside ever left. They intermarried with the locals, and assimilated with them. This heritage belongs to us, not to Arabs, or Persians, Afghans, or Turks.

Same way Anglo Saxon and Norman history belongs to people of England, and not the people of Germany and France. I have never seen people in Germany try to claim Anglo Saxon history and French people try to take credit for the Normans because the royal family originally came from those lands.

Hindu Nationalist (and for some reason this forum is filled with them), mission in life is apparently to make subcontinent Muslims disown 1,400 years of history because they don't like it. You wont see Egyptian Copts tell Egyptian Muslims that the Muslim history of Egypt does not belong to them, but belongs to Arabs. You wont see Greeks tell people of Turkey that the Ottoman history belongs to Central Asians and not them. I have never seen any other community be so arrogant as them.
PM Modi writes to Islamic nations on Eid weeks after Nupur Sharma controversy

Modi mentioned in his letters to the leaders of the Islamic nations that the festival was being celebrated by over 200 million Muslims in India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has written to his counterparts in several nations in South, South-East and West Asia, greeting them on the occasion of the Eid-al-Adha and personally reached out to them weeks after comments made by two BJP leaders on Prophet Mohammed, which triggered international outrage.

Modi mentioned in his letters to the leaders of the Islamic nations that the festival was being celebrated by over 200 million Muslims in India.

The move is also being seen as a move by India to counter the allegations by Pakistan and some western nations as well as human rights organisations about growing religious intolerance in India, particularly against Muslims.

He sent Eid-al-Adha greetings to Qatar’s Amir Sheikh Tamam bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. He also extended festive greetings to President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran and to Kuwait’s Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

The governments of Qatar, Kuwait and Iran had summoned India's envoys to Doha and Tehran early last month to lodge protest against the comments made by Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal – both leaders of the ruling BJP – about Prophet Mohammed.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia and Malaysia and several other nations across South, South-East and West Asia also either summoned India’s envoys in the respective capitals or conveyed displeasure though diplomatic channels over the remarks made by Jindal and Sharma about Prophet Muhammad.

India sought to soothe the ruffled feathers by playing down the remarks as the ones made by fringe elements and conveying to Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and other nations that the comments did not reflect the views of the Government of India.

Sharma was suspended and Jindal was expelled from the BJP.

Modi’s letters to the leaders of the Islamic nations appeared to be an attempt by the Centre to make sure that the row over the comments made by Sharma and Jindal did not have any long-term impact on India’s relations with those countries.

The prime minister wrote to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, conveying Eid greetings on behalf of the people of India. He mentioned in the letter that the Eid-al-Adha spread the universal message of love, piety, sacrifice and forgiveness. He also conveyed his greetings to Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, apart from praying for “progress, prosperity and well-being of the friendly people of Saudi Arabia”.

He also wrote to leaders of Malaysia and Indonesia, conveying festive greetings.

Why is he bowing down in front of Arab countries? Why is he looking desperate to please them? He is in a damage control mode. Very embarrassing situation for his andhbhakhts. :inti
While this is true, a subcontinent Muslim would feel far more attached to any Muslim achievement in the subcontinent as that is literally their history. Its not like any of those Muslims who came from outside ever left. They intermarried with the locals, and assimilated with them. This heritage belongs to us, not to Arabs, or Persians, Afghans, or Turks.

Same way Anglo Saxon and Norman history belongs to people of England, and not the people of Germany and France. I have never seen people in Germany try to claim Anglo Saxon history and French people try to take credit for the Normans because the royal family originally came from those lands.

Hindu Nationalist (and for some reason this forum is filled with them), mission in life is apparently to make subcontinent Muslims disown 1,400 years of history because they don't like it. You wont see Egyptian Copts tell Egyptian Muslims that the Muslim history of Egypt does not belong to them, but belongs to Arabs. You wont see Greeks tell people of Turkey that the Ottoman history belongs to Central Asians and not them. I have never seen any other community be so arrogant as them.

Subcontinent Muslim history is only Mughal and Turkic history in India.

The real Indian Muslim history only starts after 1947 Independence of India. That is when the Indian Muslims tasted real power. They could get elected to Parliament and rule/serve their people.

All of the Muslim victories over idolaters was invader history. The 1400 year old history is all Arab/Persian and Turkic history. An ordinary Indian Abdul on the street was just part of conquered people by the invading barbarian hordes from Central Asia and Persia.
But you don't openly call them invaders, you come on Pakistan boards to call them that instead. So why do you say you openly call invaders directly? Instead you sack your own loyal hindutva ministers for voicing your true feelings. The Arabs and other Muslim nations openly demanded action and India bowed by sacking one of their own hardliners. No amount of beating tiny chests on a Pakistan forum can hide this.

Our government openly calls invaders as invaders and they have done it repeatedly.

That spokesperson broke Indian laws, IPC 295A and some will say even 153. So she was acting illegally as per Indian laws. Else OIC makes statements every other day, India doesn't bother.
Why does the RSS need to say this to Indians or you need to write this weekly on here? Surely its better to say it to the people in question? Maybe Modi can convert the Arabs?

Muslims achievements are a source of pride for many esp when they feel they have saved people from idolatry to monotheism. I dont see it this way.

Why does Modi need to convert Arabs?

They are mainly Arab or Central Asian achievements what's the contribution of someone from Lahore or Dhaka or Lucknow in that?
Muslim achievements in science was mainly by Persians. Subcontinent Muslims have no hand in any of the Muslim inventions or achievements.
This is like Sanju Samson feeling proud of European inventions or Roman achievements.
Muslim achievements in science was mainly by Persians. Subcontinent Muslims have no hand in any of the Muslim inventions or achievements.
This is like Sanju Samson feeling proud of European inventions or Roman achievements.

By your logic, you shouldn't celebrate India's cricket victories because those victories are achieved by national cricketers. You have no role in it.

In Islam, there is a concept called Ummah. Basically, anyone who is a Muslim is part of this Ummah regardless of nationality.
By your logic, you shouldn't celebrate India's cricket victories because those victories are achieved by national cricketers. You have no role in it.

In Islam, there is a concept called Ummah. Basically, anyone who is a Muslim is part of this Ummah regardless of nationality.

So if I convert to Islam tomorrow, I can boast about how I ruled all Hindus for 1000 years? &#55357;&#56834;

Subcontinent Muslims have no role in any of the Arab/Persian and Central Asian conquests or achievements.
So if I convert to Islam tomorrow, I can boast about how I ruled all Hindus for 1000 years? ��

Subcontinent Muslims have no role in any of the Arab/Persian and Central Asian conquests or achievements.

If you convert to Islam tomorrow (which I hope you do), you can definitely feel great about it.

It is like how you can feel great about India's WC 2011 victory despite not playing any game yourself.
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If you convert to Islam tomorrow (which I hope you do), you can definitely feel great about it.

It is like how you can feel great about India's WC 2011 victory despite not playing any game yourself.

I was born in India and lived there for a couple of decades. So I can claim some of that pride.

You are not an Arab or Persian or Turkish. You are a Bengali. All of the afore mentioned groups ruled over you for 1000 years. You are not part of the ruling monarchy. Your ancestors were subjects of the invaders.
I hope you understood the difference.
I was born in India and lived there for a couple of decades. So I can claim some of that pride.

You are not an Arab or Persian or Turkish. You are a Bengali. All of the afore mentioned groups ruled over you for 1000 years. You are not part of the ruling monarchy. Your ancestors were subjects of the invaders.
I hope you understood the difference.

Well, I am glad they "invaded". My ancestors converted to Islam and I think that was beautiful.

I wish they would've invaded earlier.

You are not understanding a concept called Ummah. Ummah is like a nation. An African Muslim is dearer to me than a Bangladeshi atheist, for example.
Well, I am glad they "invaded". My ancestors converted to Islam and I think that was beautiful.

I wish they would've invaded earlier.


Yes you wished it happened earlier, if only you could have personally experienced the the mogul invasion, them raping, slaughtering 1000s of ppl, trying to destroy your culture, way of life, and enforcing jizya on non muslims.

It would have been beautiful for you indeed.

P.S. I am not talking about the Arabs that came peacefully to establish Islam via the south of India.
If you convert to Islam tomorrow (which I hope you do), you can definitely feel great about it.

It is like how you can feel great about India's WC 2011 victory despite not playing any game yourself.


Indian team is representing the whole of India and all Indians, so he has every right to feel great about the WC win.

Indian team is representing the whole of India and all Indians, so he has every right to feel great about the WC win.

He was saying how Muslims from subcontinent shouldn't feel better about Persian Muslims inventing things.

Why shouldn't Muslims feel better about fellow Muslims' accomplishments?
He was saying how Muslims from subcontinent shouldn't feel better about Persian Muslims inventing things.

Why shouldn't Muslims feel better about fellow Muslims' accomplishments?

As a Christian, would it make sense if I start taking credit for inventions made by scientists from western countries?
Yes you wished it happened earlier, if only you could have personally experienced the the mogul invasion, them raping, slaughtering 1000s of ppl, trying to destroy your culture, way of life, and enforcing jizya on non muslims.

It would have been beautiful for you indeed.

P.S. I am not talking about the Arabs that came peacefully to establish Islam via the south of India.

Jizwa is tax. Are you anti-tax?

During those days, invasions were common. Empires worldwide used to invade each other.

I believe Mughal Empire enriched Indian subcontinent.
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Jizwa is tax. Are you anti-tax?

During those days, invasions were common. Empires worldwide used to invade each other.

I believe Mughal Empire enriched Indian subcontinent.

Jizya was on non muslims. Muslims weren't required to pay Jizya. That's the difference.
As a Christian, would it make sense if I start taking credit for inventions made by scientists from western countries?

There's nothing wrong if you (as a Christian) feel better about a fellow Christian's accomplishments.

It is all about representation. Muslims worldwide are one Ummah. Ummah is a nation itself.

Just like cricket fans celebrate their countries' wins (despite not playing themselves), Muslims also feel good about the inventions of fellow Muslims.