

ODI Debutant
Feb 19, 2005
Rob H

About me
Well my name is Rob. I’m 14 and from Sutton Coldfield near Birmingham. Currently starting 2 years of GCSEs at school :(. I joined PP in october 2004 after a tip off from Zahir (ZM) in an e-mail to join.

Do you think Monarchy in UK has a future ?
Definitely. I can’t see the Monarchy going any time soon. We are quite a traditional country and are proud of what we have here. The Monarchy is the thing most British people are proud of and I can’t ever see it going

Which other all rounders can or will challenge Flintoff in the coming few years ?
The only one that comes to mind is Bopara of Essex. He is the only one who I have seen as a Flintoff type of player. He doesn’t have the power or the pace of Freddie though and could never be a long term replacement . Flintoff is a one off who can never be replaced really.

How would you compare Cricket to football, in terms of excitement for the average Englishman ?
Well with the Premiership’s 4-5-1 attitude then I think cricket is more exciting. Seeing big Fred and KP smash sixes and Harmison bashing holes in batsmen left right and centre is far more exciting than the site of another 0-0 draw. If the premiership though goes back to it’s former self with attacking football and plenty of goals week in week out then I think the average Englishman will be more excited by the footie.

How does it feel to have lost in 3 world cup finals?

Doesn’t really bother me to be honest as I wasn’t alive for 2 of them and the third one I wasn’t aware it was happening so it doesn’t bother me about us losing in 3 finals.

who do you think are future cricketing prospects for england?
Ali Cook is the prospect I am most looking forward to. A classy left hander a bit like David Gower who has been scoring runs for fun at county level. He also captained us to an U19 WC semi final last year so he has good leadership skills too. He is a future England captain in my opinion. Liam Plunkett is another prospect who looks promising. He is being groomed at county level for the world stage and could do great things.

Do you think not having a quality spinner will hamper the england team in pak and india?

Well the best spinner in England, Gary Keedy of Lancashire doesn’t get picked so we are putting ourselves at a disadvantage. With Giles in the team I think we can get pass the Pakistan tour without it being an issue, but the dustbowls of India will be hard for us to overcome. We need to bring in a spinner who can bowl long overs and can give the ball a bit of rip. With Giles in the team I think we’ll struggle in India.

What was your reaction to the magnificent 1-0 win for NI over England?
Some how I knew this question would pop up from you Gary. I think it was a good kick up the backside for the England team after losing in Belfast. It showed Sven how if you want to win game you have to play a proper formation and not mess around with positions. Playing Wayne Rooney on the left is like telling Shahid Afridi to go block. Northern Ireland did us a huge favour by howing us how we cannot get by on reputation only. Well played to Northern Ireland for pouncing on our complacency.

Do you follow Warwickshire and if not, which County do you follow ?
Yes, I am a keen Warwickshire supporter. I have followed them since I became obsessed with cricket and have seen them play on a couple of occasions. Our 2005 season was pretty successful. A mid table finish in the Frizzel and promotion in the Totesport. Hopefully next year we get Ina Bell back and push for the title in both forms of the game.

Do you think Doug Ellis has taken Villa as far as he can ?
Deadly Doug has done great things for this club but he should step down. He hasn’t given the club the funding it needs to be in European competition regularly enough over the past decade. This year he has given the club £20 million the spend but come January and next summer I think we’ll have pittance to spend on new players. If he really loves the club he should sell it to the Russians who are interested in purchasing it. They would give us new talent and better facilities to make us the European champions we were like in the 80s.

RH if you could have Villa win the League or England with the Cricket World Cup which would you choose?
Country over club in my opinion. Villa winning the league would be oh so sweet but England winning the World cup would be sweeter.

Which political party do you support?
Conservative. Britain should remain British! The Lib dems and labour are just too pro EU for my liking.The conservatives are the only party who want to keep the UK as it is. They also would get rid of the stupid civil servant jobs that labour have put in, thus lowering taxes.

If you could change one thing in the whole world what would it be?
I would change the super sub and power play rule. Both are pretty useless and annoying rules. The super sub helps the side batting 2nd as they get to have an extra batsman and the power play rule will be used in overs 10-20 9 times out of 10. They aren’t really needed. Cricket was fine as it was.

What does RH stand for ?
It stands for Rob Hall. Not the most interesting name is it?

What do you think the outcome of the series ( Pakistan v England )
I think that the test series will be a 3-0 win to England. The Pakistan selectors will do us a big favour I think and pick proven failures and with our player in the form of our lives we’ll win it easily. ODIs I think will be a closer. If we win the test series then we’ll have confidence going into the ODIs. It is tough to call. I am going to say 3-2 to either side.

What do you prefer, Jammy Dodgers or Custard Creams?
Tough question. I’d have to go for Jammy dodgers. I prefer the jam over the cream.

Do you love or hate Marmite?
Hate it. Nasty stuff marmite, I can’t stand it. Tastes of rotten eggs.

Where do you see the English cricket team in the next 10 years ?

Well I would love to say 10 years of world domination but I think we’ll be up in the top 3 teams in both forms of the game. With players like Flintoff, Pietersen, Trescothick, Harmison etc in the team I can see us being in the top 2 or 3 teams in the world. It all depends though on the fitness of our key players though. If Flintoff gets a long term injury then we could go back to our mid table position.

What scares you...Really.
Snakes are my biggest fear. I saw one when I was 5 and I ran a mile I was so scared. Even watching them on TV makes me uncomfortable,

What is REALLY your favourite sport?
Cricket. It used to be football but when the world cup came in 99 and cricket on Channel 4 I just became hooked. Football will always be a passion though.

Do you have a nick-name...Like one your mom or siblings or school buddies gave ya?

At school I have been called Rodders and Pukey. At home my sisters give me some old classics like brace face and freckle boy.

What is your most valuable possession?

My computer of course. If I didn’t have it I wouldn’t be able to get onto PP and chat to all my mates on msn. If I didn’t have it then I would be lost and living in a world of insanity or should it be sanity?…………… lol.

What one word would you use to describe yourself?


How good a player are you ?
I’m alrite. My batting is my strong point. I played for the school team for a couple of years but was dropped last season. My bowling is nothing to brag about. I bowl slow left amr and Chinaman but with little success. I am fetching the ball more than ripping it.

Do your parents approve of the time you spend on PP ?
Well they see me going on every day but don’t say anything. My sisters though accuse me of being Pakistani though after seeing how many posts I have made.

Do your friends at school know of your "passion" for PP ?

Some of them. They keep asking me where I get all my cricket clips from and I tell them PP. They go on PP from time to time but haven’t joined.
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